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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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graves, but now you should visit them, for surely they are<br />

reminders of the next life.” 269<br />

(b) The visitor may benefit the deceased by making Du’aa for<br />

him. The wordings of this Du’aa is, “Peace be upon the Believers<br />

and Muslims among the inhabitants of these dwellings. May<br />

Allah have mercy on those who have gone ahead of us, and<br />

those following us. And we shall, Allah-willing, be joining<br />

you.” 270<br />

The Prohibition of Taking Graves as Places of<br />

Worship<br />

Apart from invoking Allah’s forgiveness for the engraved, all act<br />

of worship are prohibited at the graves like, formal prayers 271 ,<br />

reciting the Qur’aan 272 , sacrifice 273 , etc. because this would<br />

contribute to making the graves as places of worship. The<br />

Messenger of Allah has warned his nation from taking graves<br />

as places of worship: “...Beware that those before you took the<br />

graves of their Prophets as places of worship. Do not take<br />

269 Saheeh Muslim (Eng. Trans.) vol.2, p.463-464, no.2131, Sunan Abu<br />

Dawood (Eng. Trans.) vol.2, p.919, no.3229, Sunan an-Nasa’ee ,<br />

Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hambal and al-Baihaqee.<br />

270 Saheeh Muslim (Eng. Trans.) vol.2, p.461-2, no.2127.<br />

271 The Messenger of Allah said: “All the earth is a Masjid (place<br />

of worship) except graveyards and toilets.” [Sunan Abu Dawood<br />

(Eng. Trans.) vol.1, p.125, no.492. Authenticated by Shaikh al-<br />

Albanee in Saheeh Sunan Abu Dawood vol.1, p.463] and: “Pray in<br />

your houses, and do not make them graveyards.” [Saheeh al-<br />

Bukharee (Eng. trans.) vol.2, p.156, no.280, Saheeh Muslim (Eng.<br />

trans.) vol.1, p.376, no.1704]<br />

272 Allah’s Messenger said: “Do not make your houses graveyards,<br />

for verily Shaytaan flees from the house, in which Soorah al-<br />

Baqarah is read.” [Saheeh Muslim (Eng. Trans.) vol.1, p.377, no.1707]<br />

Thus implying that the Qur’aan is to be recited in homes, for not<br />

doing so would make them like gravesyards (i.e. places where the<br />

Qur’aan is not recited).<br />

273 The Messenger of Allah said: “There is no slaughtering (at<br />

the graves) in Islam” [Sunan Abu Dawood (Eng. Trans.) Hadeeth<br />

no.3216.]<br />


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