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(d) Asking for Rain<br />

During the lifetime of Allah’s Messenger , the people would<br />

approach the Messenger of Allah and ask him to supplicate to<br />

Allah for rain. However, after the death of Allah’s Messenger ,<br />

the Sahabah did not approach the grave of Allah’s Messenger<br />

to ask him for supplication. Narrated Anas Ibn Malik from<br />

Umar Ibn al-Khattab that when the people suffered from<br />

drought he used to ask al-Abbas Ibn al-Mutallib to pray for rain<br />

for them. He (Umar Ibn al-Khattab) would say: “O Allah, We<br />

used to request our Prophet to supplicate to You for rain and<br />

You would bless us with it. Now, we ask the uncle of our Prophet<br />

to supplicate to You, so grant us rain.” 262 If the Messenger of<br />

Allah could be approached, the Sahabah would have never<br />

substitute him for his uncle.<br />

Conclusion …<br />

The Sahabah did not perform any actions that could suggest<br />

that Allah’s Messenger lives is his grave with a life similar to<br />

his 63 year old life on this earth. Nor did they try to benefit from<br />

him after his death. Their actions are proofs that in the Barzakh,<br />

Allah’s Messenger can neither be contacted nor beseeched for<br />

any assistance. These actions were the collective actions of the<br />

Sahabah about which the Messenger of Allah said: “Indeed,<br />

Allah will never unite this Ummah upon misguidance and the<br />

Hand of Allah is upon the Jamaah (the collective body of the<br />

Muslims).” 263<br />

262 Saheeh al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans.) vol.2, p.66, no.123 and vol.5,<br />

p.48, no.59. Also by Ibn Sa’d in at-Tabaqaat (4/28-29).<br />

263 Reported by at-Tirmidhi from the Hadeeth of Ibn Umar (no.2269)<br />

(Book of Fitan).<br />


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