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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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Analyzing the Deobandi Claims and Condition of Taqleed 219<br />

Analyzing the statement, ‘All the Four Imams are upon the Truth.’ 219<br />

(1) The Deobandi Bias for the Hanafee Madhhab____________ 219<br />

(2) Taqleed of a single individual from the Muslim Nation ____ 219<br />

(3) What Validates the Prayer of the Shafi’ee’s invalidates the<br />

Prayer of the Hanafees_________________________________ 220<br />

(4) Following the Other Madhhab is a Punishable Offence_____ 220<br />

(5) Comparing the differences of the Madhhabs to the Differences<br />

amongst the Prophets__________________________________ 221<br />

Conclusion____________________________________________ 222<br />

Analyzing the statement, ‘the door to Ijtihad has been closed after the<br />

four Imams.’ __________________________________________ 222<br />

Analyzing the Claimed Benefits of Taqleed _____________ 223<br />

(Claim - 1) Only these four Imams have the best compilation of<br />

all aspects of the Sharee’ah. __________________________ 223<br />

Refutation: ________________________________________ 224<br />

1. The Deobandis do not follow their Imam in all matters of<br />

Aqeedah____________________________________________ 224<br />

2. The Deobandis follow those rulings by the students of Imam Abu<br />

Haneefah in which the students have ruled contrary to their Imams<br />

___________________________________________________ 224<br />

Examples of the Deobandis giving precedence to the rulings of the<br />

students of the Imams _________________________________ 225<br />

3. The Deobandis forced to follow the other Imams __________ 226<br />

(a) The period a wife has to wait for a missing husband _______ 226<br />

(b) Using Zakaat money for religious Madrasas: ____________ 227<br />

Conclusion____________________________________________ 227<br />

(Claim 2) Taqleed of a single Imam prevents anarchy and<br />

confusion in the Religion ____________________________ 227<br />

(1) The Qur’aan and the Sunnah provide the basis for uniting the<br />

Muslim Ummah______________________________________ 228<br />

(2) The Muqallids are themselves split up into numerous sects and<br />

groups _____________________________________________ 228<br />

(3) The Madhhabs themselves are not always united in themselves<br />

on a particular ruling __________________________________ 228<br />

(Claim 3) There is a consensus of the entire Muslim nation on<br />

these Imams _______________________________________ 228<br />

1: Imam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah): ___________________ 229<br />

2: Imam Malik Ibn Anas (rahimahullah): __________________ 229<br />

3: Imam Shafi’ee (rahimahullah): ________________________ 229<br />

4: Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal (rahimahullah): _______________ 230<br />


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