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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP

AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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“Had this woman let him to himself, he would have revealed<br />

the reality of his case.” 242<br />

(3) General refutation from the Qur’aan on hearing of the<br />

dead<br />

Numerous stories in the books of the Deobandis claim that the<br />

dead Sufis listen to those who visit their tombs. As, Moulana<br />

Zakariyah says: “Allama Kamal Ibnul Humam, the author of<br />

Fathul Qadeer once recited Soorah Hud at the graveside of Shaikh<br />

Ibn Ata Iskandari. When he reached the ayah: “Among them are<br />

unfortunate and fortunate ones.” The Shaikh’s voice came from<br />

the qabr (grave) saying: “O Kamal, among us are no unfortunate<br />

ones.”<br />

The Qur’aan explains that the deceased cannot hear in the graves,<br />

Allah says: “Verily, you cannot make the dead hear and you<br />

cannot make the deaf hear the call when they turn their backs<br />

and retreat.” 243<br />

In this verse, the disbelievers are referred to as dead and Allah<br />

compares the dead and the disbelievers with regards to the<br />

faculty of hearing. Even though, the living disbelievers can<br />

physically hear, they are considered as deaf as the dead, who do<br />

not hear at all. Thus, proving that the dead do not posses the<br />

sense of hearing in the grave. Another such comparison is found<br />

in Soorah Faatir (35): 22, where Allah says: “The living (believer)<br />

and the dead (disbelievers) are not alike. Allah makes whoever<br />

He wishes hear, but you cannot make those in the graves, hear.”<br />

‘The living’ in this verse are the believers and ‘the dead’ are the<br />

disbelievers. This verse again compares the disbelievers to those<br />

in the graves, who are both similar. The disbelievers hear<br />

physically, but do not listen to the truth. They are just like those<br />

in the graves, who are at a higher level of deafness, and do not<br />

hear at all. 244<br />

242 Saheeh al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans.) vol.4, Hadeeth no. 290.<br />

243 Soorah an-Naml (27): 80.<br />

244 See Tafseer at-Tabaree, vol.21, p.36 and al-Qurtubi’s al-Jamee, vol.13,<br />


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