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AHYA Multi-Media - QSEP


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Refutation<br />

(1) The Angels Convey the Salaam<br />

The Messenger of Allah said: “Allah has Angels, who travel<br />

about the earth. They convey to me the peace greetings (salaam)<br />

from my Ummah.” 238 This Hadeeth of Allah’s Messenger <br />

proves that he does not hear the greetings directly, because if<br />

he could do so there would have been no need for the Angles to<br />

convey the greetings. The Salaf used to dislike the practice of<br />

frequenting the grave of Allah’s Messenger to greet him with<br />

salaam, because whether someone greets him at his grave or from<br />

far, the Angels convey the salaam to him.<br />

Abdullah Ibn Hussain, the grandson of Alee , saw a man paying<br />

frequent visits to the grave of Allah’s Messenger and said to<br />

him, “O you person, Verily Allah’s Messenger said: “Do not<br />

take my grave as a place of worship and invoke blessings upon<br />

me wherever you are, for your blessings will reach me.” Thus,<br />

you and a person in Spain are equal.” 239<br />

A fabrication is often attributed to the Messenger of Allah that<br />

he said: “Whoever asks blessings for me at my grave, I hear him,<br />

and whoever asks blessings upon me from afar, it is conveyed to<br />

me.” 240 This fabricated narration is mentioned in Fazaail-e-Aamaal,<br />

(Eng. Trans.), Virtues of Hajj, Chapter.8, p.131, Hadeeth no.11<br />

(New Edition 1982, Published by Dini Book Depot - Delhi).<br />

238 Sunan an-Nasa’ee, Sunan ad-Darimi and Musnad Imaam Ahmad.<br />

See Saheeh Sunan an-Nasa’ee vol.1, no.1215. This Hadeeth is Hassan<br />

according to Shaikh al-Albanee.<br />

239 Mentioned by Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah in Kitaab al-<br />

Waseelah (p.136) and al-Iqtidaa p.155-156. Also by al-Albanee in<br />

Ahkam al-Janaaiz, p.280.<br />

240 This tradition was mentioned by al-Uqayli in his book, ad-Dhu’afa<br />

and by al-Khateeb, Ibn Asakir, etc. and they all agree that it is a<br />

fabrication (Mawdoo). Mentioned by Shaikh al-Albanee in Silsilatil-<br />

Ahaadeeth ad-Daee’fah, Hadeeth no.203.<br />


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