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souls of the other believers come to greet it, seeking news about<br />

their acquaintances among the people of the earth.” 234<br />

Deobandi View – 3: Allah’s Messenger hears and<br />

responds to the visitors of his grave<br />

1. Shaikh Ibraheem bin Shaybah said: “When I visited Medina<br />

after performing Hajj, I said as-salaam alaikum at the grave of<br />

Rasoolullah and behold, I heard a voice in reply from the inside of<br />

the room wherein he is buried saying ‘Walaikum as-salaam.’” 235<br />

2. In Medina, there lived a woman from the Hashimi family,<br />

whose servants used to ill-treat her. She went with her complaints<br />

to Rasoolullah, where she poured out her heart. From the grave<br />

was heard his reply: “Do you not prefer to follow my excellent<br />

example. Have patience as I patiently persevered.” She said:<br />

“After hearing that voice all my grief disappeared and all the<br />

servants who used to annoy me passed away.” 236<br />

3. “Sayyed Ahmad Rifa’ee visited Medina and standing in front of<br />

the grave of Rasoolullah recited few couplets asking Allah’s<br />

Messenger to bring forth his hand. Indeed, was the hand of<br />

Rasoolullah stretched from the grave and in the presence of an<br />

estimated 90 thousand visitors did Ahmad kiss it. 237<br />

234 Authenticated by as-Suyootee and confirmed by Shaikh al-<br />

Albanee in Silsilah al-Ahaadeth as-Saheehah, no.2628.<br />

235 Fazaail-e-Aamaal, Virtues of Hajj, (Eng. Trans.), Chapter.9, story<br />

no.5, p.169, [Other similar stories are in Chapter. 9, story no.14 and<br />

15] (New Edition 1982, Published by Dini Book Depot - Delhi).<br />

236 Fazaail-e-Aamaal, Virtues Hajj, (Eng. Trans.), Chapter.9, story no.16,<br />

p.175, (New Edition 1982, Published by Dini Book Depot - Delhi).<br />

237 Fazaail-e-Aamaal, Virtues of Hajj, (Eng. Trans.), Chapter.9, story<br />

no.13 , p.174, (New Edition 1982, Published by Dini Book Depot -<br />

Delhi).<br />


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