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7.2 Hidden Markov Models<br />

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are used to model the temporal evolution of a complex problem<br />

of which one can have only a partial description. The goal is to use this model to predict the<br />

evolution of the system in the future. One may be provided solely with the current state of the<br />

system or with several of the previous states of the system.<br />

Take for example the problem of predicting traffic jams. This seems to be a very intricate<br />

problem, especially as one can usually only observe part of the problem. One may have video<br />

cameras and other type of sensors monitoring the traffic at every single junction. However, one<br />

cannot know what individual path each car will follow. While one may suddenly measure an<br />

increase in traffic at all points and one may hence infer that there are good chances that a traffic<br />

jam may be created. It is very difficult to determine when and on which particular road the traffic<br />

jam will happen, if any. The underlying process leading to traffic jam is stochastic and highly<br />

complex. HMM-s aim at encapsulating such stochasticity and complexity in a partially observable<br />

problem.<br />

HMM are used widely in speech recognition and gesture recognition. In speech recognition, they<br />

are used to model the temporal evolution of speech pattern and to recognize either complete<br />

words or parts of the words, such as phonemes. In gesture recognition, HMM are used to<br />

recognize patterns of motions (from either video data or from recording joint motion through e.g.<br />

exoskeleton or motion sensors). One usually builds one HMM per gesture and one uses a<br />

measure of the likelihood that a new observed gesture was generated by a particular HMM to<br />

recognize this newspecific gesture (e.g. stop motion, waving motion, pointing motion, etc). These<br />

motions can either be computed from searching for body features in an image or through the use<br />

of an exoskeleton to measure directly displacement of each body segment.<br />

7.2.1 Formalism<br />

HMM extends the principle of first-order Markov Process and assumes that the observed time<br />

series was generated by an underlying hidden process. This hidden process is assumed to<br />

consist of stochastic finite state automata where the states sequence is not observed directly.<br />

Each state has an underlying probabilistic function describing the distribution of observable<br />

outputs. Two concurrent stochastic processes are involved, one modeling the sequential structure<br />

of the data, and one modeling the local properties of the data. A typical graphical representation<br />

of this process is given in Figure 7-1.<br />

T<br />

O o =<br />

= be the set of observations. These correspond to the set of values for all<br />

Let { t} t 1<br />

parameters describing the system which one recorded over a time period T. Each observation is<br />

usually multidimensional, e.g.<br />

q<br />

N<br />

ot<br />

∈ ° . The set S { s i }<br />

i= 1<br />

= of N hidden states is finite.<br />

© A.G.Billard 2004 – Last Update March 2011

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