Course Index - Lansing Community College

Course Index - Lansing Community College

Course Index - Lansing Community College


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Spring 2009<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Schedule<br />

Register online at www.lcc.edu<br />

Spring registration starts November 18<br />

Classes begin January 10

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

<strong>Course</strong> <strong>Index</strong><br />

Unit<br />

Subject Code Office Phone Page<br />

Accounting ....................................ACCG.....GB 190 ...............483-1522.......8<br />

Administrative ...............................ADMN.....GB 190 ...............483-1522.....10<br />

Aerospace Studies........................AERO .....A&S 110 .............483-1010.....12<br />

Agriculture.....................................AGRI ......WCB M103.........483-1107....... *<br />

Alternative Energy Eng Tech........AEET......WCB M103.........483-5338.....12<br />

Anatomy/Physiology .....................BIOL .......A&S 301 .............483-1092.....25<br />

Anthropology.................................ANTH .....A&S 301 .............483-1126.....12<br />

Apprentice Programs .................... ...............WCB M103.........483-1364....... *<br />

Architecture...................................ARCH .....WCB M103.........483-1627.....13<br />

Art, Design and Multimedia...........ARTS .....GB 131 ...............483-1546.....15<br />

ARTS 114, 145, 146, 190, 204, 205, 206, 221, 222 ............483-1860.....15<br />

Art History .....................................HUMS.....A&S 255 .............483-1018.....76<br />

Art Seminars and Workshops.......ARWS ....LCCEAST...........483-1860.....14<br />

ARWS 131, 132, 133, 201, 203....GB 131 ...............483-1546.....14<br />

Astronomy.....................................ASTR......A&S 301 .............483-1092.....19<br />

Auto Body Collision Repair...........AUTB......WCB M103.........267-6406.....19<br />

Automotive....................................AUTO ....WCB M103.........267-6406.....20<br />

Aviation: ........................................ ...............Airport.................483-1406<br />

Airframe Maintenance ..............AVAF...... ........................... ....................22<br />

Avionics ....................................AVEL ...... ........................... ...................... *<br />

Flight Training...........................AVFT ...... ........................... ....................23<br />

General Maintenance...............AVGM..... ........................... ...................... *<br />

Ground School .........................AVGS ..... ........................... ....................24<br />

Powerplant Maintenance..........AVPP...... ........................... ....................24<br />

Simulator Training ....................AVST...... ........................... ....................24<br />

Biology ..........................................BIOL .......A&S 301 .............483-1092.....25<br />

Building Maintenance ...................HVAC .....WCB M103.........483-1404.....68<br />

Building Trades.............................BLDT ......WCB M103.........483-1361.....30<br />

Business .......................................BUSN .....GB 190 ...............483-1522.....32<br />

Chemistry......................................CHEM.....A&S 301 .............483-1092.....33<br />

Child Development .......................CHDV .....HHS 108.............483-1410.....36<br />

Chinese.........................................CHIN ......A&S 211 .............483-1040.....38<br />

Civil Technology ...........................CIVL .......WCB M103.........483-1335.....38<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Health Services Educ CHSE .....HHS 108.............483-1410.....39<br />

Computer:<br />

Business Software....................CABS .....LCCEAST...........483-1860.....43<br />

Computer Science....................CPSC .....A&S 301 .............483-1087.....50<br />

Information Technology ........... ...............GB 131 ...............483-1546<br />

Applications..........................CITA ....... ........................... ....................44<br />

Database..............................CITD....... ........................... ....................45<br />

Foundations .........................CITF ....... ........................... ....................45<br />

Networking ...........................CITN....... ........................... ....................47<br />

Programming .......................CITP ....... ........................... ....................48<br />

Support ................................CITS ....... ........................... ....................48<br />

Web......................................CITW ...... ........................... ....................49<br />

Computer-Aided Drafting& Design (See Manuf Engineering Techn Design)<br />

Continuing Health Careers ...........CHCE.....HHS 103.............483-9680.....51<br />

Corrections ...................................CJUS......WCB M127.........483-1570.....51<br />

Criminal Justice ............................CJUS......WCB M127.........483-1570.....51<br />

Dance............................................DANC .....A&S 255 .............483-1018.....54<br />

(See also Physical Fitness and Wellness: Dance)<br />

Dental Hygiene .............................DENT .....HHS 107.............483-1457.....55<br />

Unit<br />

Subject Code Office Phone Page<br />

Diagnostic Medical Sonography...IDMS ......HHS 108............. 483-1410.....55<br />

Digital Media, Audio, Cinema .......DMAC ....GB 131............... 483-1546.....55<br />

Economics ....................................ECON.....A&S 301............. 483-1126.....56<br />

Education......................................EDUC.....A&S 301............. 483-1126.....57<br />

Electrical Technology ...................ELTE ......WCB M103......... 483-1360.....58<br />

Emergency Medical<br />

Services Seminars ...................EMSB.....HHS 103............. 483-9680.....60<br />

Emergency Medical Technology ..EMTA .....HHS 324 ............ 483-1958.....60<br />

WCB M127<br />

English..........................................ENGL .....A&S 255............. 483-1018.....61<br />

English for Speakers of<br />

Other Languages .....................ESOL .....A&S 253............. 483-1061.....63<br />

Enrichment....................................ENRI ......A&S 253............. 483-1061....... *<br />

Environmental Science.................ENVR .....A&S 301............. 483-1092.....64<br />

Fashion.........................................FASH .....WCB M103......... 483-9679.....64<br />

Film Production and Direction (See Digital Media, Audio, Cinema)<br />

Fire Science..................................FIRE.......WCB M127......... 483-1570.....66<br />

Foreign Language ........................ ...............A&S 211............. 483-1040<br />

(See Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish)<br />

French...........................................FREN .....A&S 211............. 483-1040.....66<br />

Geographic Information Systems .GRET .....WCB M103......... 483-1335.....66<br />

Geography....................................GEOG ....A&S 301............. 483-1126.....67<br />

Geology ........................................GEOL .....A&S 301............. 483-1092.....70<br />

German.........................................GRMN ....A&S 211............. 483-1040.....70<br />

Gerontology/Aging........................GERO ....HHS 108............. 483-1410.....70<br />

Gerontology Related Seminars ....GERO ....HHS 010............. 483-1529.....70<br />

Government..................................POLS .....A&S 301............. 483-1126...119<br />

Heat, Ventilation<br />

and Air Conditioning.................HVAC .....WCB M103......... 483-1404.....68<br />

Heavy Equipment<br />

Operator Training .....................HEOT .....WCB M103......... 267-6406.....70<br />

Repair Technician.....................HERT .....WCB M103......... 267-6406.....70<br />

History...........................................HIST.......A&S 255............. 483-1018.....70<br />

Histotechnology ............................SCIS.......A&S 301............. 483-1092...125<br />

Honors ..........................................HONR ....A&S 211............. 483-1040.....72<br />

Horticulture ...................................HORT.....WCB M103......... 483-1107.....72<br />

Hospitality Management and Food<br />

Service ....................................HMFS.....GB 190............... 483-1522.....73<br />

Human Services ...........................HUSE .....HHS 108............. 483-1410.....76<br />

Humanities....................................HUMS ....A&S 255 ............ 483-1018.....76<br />

Insurance......................................INSU ......GB 190............... 483-1522.....78<br />

Integrated Science........................ISCI ........A&S 301............. 483-1092.....78<br />

Interior Design ..............................INTR.......WCB M103......... 483-9679.....78<br />

Japanese ......................................JAPN......A&S 211............. 483-1040.....80<br />

Journalism ....................................JRNL ......A&S 211............. 483-1040.....81<br />

Keyboarding .................................ADMN ....GB 190............... 483-1522.....10<br />

Kinesiology (also see Phys Fit) ....PFKN .....GB 351............... 483-1227...115<br />

Labor Relations ............................LABR......GB 190............... 483-1522.....81<br />

Landscape Architecture................LAND .....WCB M103......... 483-1107.....81<br />

Law Enforcement..........................CJUS......WCB M127......... 483-1570.....51<br />

Legal Assistant/Paralegal.............LEGL......GB 190............... 483-1522.....83<br />

Liberal Studies Special Topics .....LBST ......A&S 110............. 483-1010.....85<br />

* not offered this semester<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

Students should be prepared to use computer technology in their coursework, including gaining regular access to the ANGEL course site associated with each class. Every<br />

section at LCC has an ANGEL site associated with it that may be used by the instructor as a mandatory part of the class. ANGEL can be accessed from any computer<br />

with an Internet connection with Web browsing software, including computers in the <strong>College</strong>’s computer lab, TLC 100. For more information regarding training options and<br />

technical support please visit http://www.lcc.edu/helpdesk/angel/student.apsx.<br />

Unit<br />

Subject Code Office Phone Page<br />

Linguistics .....................................LING.......A&S 211 .............483-1040.....85<br />

Literature.......................................ENGL .....A&S 255 .............483-1018.....65<br />

Management.................................MGMT ....GB 190 ...............483-1522.....86<br />

Manufacturing Engineering Technology - ....WCB M103.........483-1343<br />

Design ......................................METD ..... ........................... ....................92<br />

Machining .................................METM..... ........................... ....................93<br />

Systems....................................METS ..... ........................... ....................94<br />

Manufacturing Maint (See Manufacturing Engineering Technology-Systems)<br />

Marketing ......................................MKTG.....GB 190 ...............483-1522.....94<br />

Massage .......................................MASG.....HHS 108.............483-1410.....97<br />

Mathematics .................................MATH<br />

(See also Statistics and Computer Science)<br />

MATH 001-112 ......................... ...............A&S 309 .............483-1073.....97<br />

MATH 114-295 ......................... ...............A&S 301 .............483-1087...101<br />

Media Technology (See Digital Media, Audio, Cinema)<br />

Microbiology..................................BIOL .......A&S 301 .............483-1092.....25<br />

Military Science.............................MILS.......A&S 110 .............483-1010...104<br />

Motion Picture Technology (See Film Production and Direction)<br />

Music.............................................MUSC.....A&S 255 .............483-1018...104<br />

Nanotechnology............................NANO.....A&S 301 .............483-1092...108<br />

Nursing..........................................NURS.....HHS 108.............483-1410...111<br />

Office Administration (See Administrative)<br />

Paramedic.....................................PARA .....HHS 324 ............483-1958...108<br />

...............WCB M127<br />

Performing Arts (See Dance, Music, Stage Technology, and Theater)<br />

Philosophy ....................................PHIL .......A&S 255 .............483-1018...108<br />

Photography Technology..............PHOT .....GB 131 ...............483-1546...109<br />

Physical Fitness and Wellness: .... ...............GB 351 ...............483-1227<br />

Aquatics....................................PFAQ ..... ........................... ..................110<br />

Dance ......................................PFDA...... ........................... ..................112<br />

Fitness/Physical Conditioning ..PFFT ...... ........................... ..................112<br />

Health/Fitness Wellness Educ..PFHW..... ........................... ..................114<br />

Kinesiology ...............................PFKN...... ........................... ..................115<br />

Team and Individual Sports......PFSP ..... ........................... ..................116<br />

Weight Training ........................PFWT ..... ........................... ..................118<br />

Physics..........................................PHYS .....A&S 301 .............483-1092...118<br />

Political Science............................POLS......A&S 301 .............483-1126...119<br />

Precision Machine/Manufacturing Technology<br />

(See Manufacturing Engineering Technology – Machining)<br />

Psychology ...................................PSYC ....A&S 301 .............483-1126...120<br />

Radiologic Technology .................IRXT .......HHS 108.............483-1410...122<br />

Reading.........................................READ .....A&S 253 .............483-1061...122<br />

Real Estate ...................................REAL......GB 190 ...............483-1522...124<br />

Religion.........................................RELG .....A&S 255 .............483-1018...125<br />

Residential Building ......................BLDT ......WCB M103.........483-1361.....30<br />

ROTC (See Aerospace Studies, Military Science)<br />

Science ....................................... ...............A&S 301 .............483-1092<br />

(See Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Technology,<br />

Geology, Integrated Science, Nanotechnology, Physics)<br />

Secretarial.....................................ADMN.....GB 190 ...............483-1522.....10<br />

Sign Language..............................SIGN ......A&S 211 .............483-1040...125<br />

Social Work...................................SOWK ....HHS 108.............483-1410...127<br />

Sociology ......................................SOCL .....A&S 301 .............483-1126...127<br />

* not offered this semester<br />

5<br />

Unit<br />

Subject Code Office Phone Page<br />

Spanish.........................................SPAN .....A&S 211............. 483-1040...128<br />

Speech Communication ...............SPCH .....A&S 211............. 483-1040...129<br />

Spelling.........................................SPEL......A&S 253............. 483-1061 ...... *<br />

Stage Technology.........................STEC .....A&S 255............. 483-1018...130<br />

Statistics .......................................STAT......A&S 301............. 483-1087...131<br />

Student Development ...................SDEV .....A&S 253............. 483-1061 ..131<br />

Surgical Technology .....................SURG.....HHS 108............. 483-1410...133<br />

Theater .........................................THEA .....A&S 255 ............ 483-1018...134<br />

Travel and Tourism.......................TRVL......GB 190............... 483-1522...135<br />

Truck Driver Training ....................TDTP......WCB M103......... …………....136<br />

Fort Custer, Battle Creek ......... ............... ........................... (877) 544-3126<br />

Vocabulary....................................VCBL......A&S 253............. 483-1061....... *<br />

Welding Technology .....................WELD.....WCB M103......... 483-9682...136<br />

Writing...........................................WRIT<br />

WRIT 100-110, 117-118........... ...............A&S 253............. 483-1061...138<br />

WRIT 114, 119-287.................. ...............A&S 211............. 483-1040...139<br />

Business & <strong>Community</strong> Institute...................WCB M105..... 483-1857<br />

Business, Media, and Information Technologies<br />

Division. ..............................................GB 135 ........... 483-5334<br />

Business Department...............................GB 190 ........... 483-1522<br />

Media, Art, and Information<br />

Technologies Department....................GB 131 ........... 483-1546<br />

Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education. .........LCCEAST....... 483-1860<br />

Human, Health & Public Service Careers<br />

Division ...............................................HHS 103......... 483-1410<br />

HHPS Continuing Professional Educ.......HHS 103......... 483-9680<br />

Health & Human Services Department. ...HHS 108......... 483-1410<br />

Nursing Careers Department ...................HHS 108......... 483-1410<br />

Public Service Careers Department.........WCB M127..... 483-1570<br />

Liberal Studies Division. ................................A&S 110 ......... 483-1010<br />

Communication Department ....................A&S 211 ......... 483-1040<br />

Humanities and Performing Arts Dept. ...A&S 255 ......... 483-1018<br />

Language Skills........................................A&S 253 ......... 483-1061<br />

Math and Computer Science Dept...........A&S 301 ......... 483-1087<br />

Mathematical Skills ..................................A&S 309 ......... 483-1073<br />

Physical Fitness and Wellness Dept........GB 351 ........... 483-1227<br />

Science Department.................................A&S 301 ......... 483-1092<br />

Social Science Department......................A&S 301 ......... 483-1126<br />

Student Development...............................A&S 253 ......... 483-1061<br />

Online Learning...............................................TLC 101.......... 483-1880<br />

Technical Careers Division............................WCB M103..... 483-1319<br />

Environmental, Design, & Building<br />

Technologies Department....................WCB M103..... 483-5338<br />

Transportation and Engineering<br />

Technologies Department....................WCB M103..... 267-6406

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

How to Read <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

The following course offering pages contain information you will need to register for all courses held on-campus and offcampus,<br />

as well as Learning Locations located within the LCC service area. Classes are listed alphabetically by subject area<br />

and include offerings that run 16 weeks (full semester) or less. For complete course information regarding Online Learning,<br />

Lecture/Internet, Weekend, and Variable Date options, refer to the Alternative Delivery section. For information regarding<br />

personal interest and enrichment offerings, refer to the <strong>Community</strong> Education section. For information regarding Continuing<br />

Education, both credit and non-credit, refer to the Continuing Education section.<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Number<br />

Prerequisite<br />

Previous courses, skill<br />

levels, training or<br />

experience required for<br />

the course<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

Start and End Dates<br />

CRN start and end dates.<br />

First class meeting is<br />

based on day of the week<br />

scheduled.<br />

Subject Area<br />

Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

This course is<br />

graded on a<br />

pass/fail basis<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Fee<br />

<strong>Course</strong> fee for the<br />

course. Variable<br />

fees by section will<br />

be identified in a<br />

course or CRN note.<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note<br />

Offers further<br />

clarification on<br />

the course<br />

and/or CRN(s)<br />

CRN Note<br />

Offers further<br />

clarification for<br />

the CRN/section<br />

SAMPLE<br />

SAMP 050 Sample <strong>Course</strong> I Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $7.00<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (SAMP101 or SAMP102) or concurrently<br />

Restriction: <strong>College</strong> Major<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>: SAMP102<br />

Recommended: Windows experience<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This class requires Windows Vista and MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Access software for<br />

completing homework assignments.<br />

12494 Online 4.00/5.00 08/21-12/14 Arranged ONLINE Ropp R<br />

11897 Lecture 4.00/5.00 08/21-12/14 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-383B Staff<br />

11897: Requires Windows XP, all other sections require Windows Vista.<br />

11898 Lecture 4.00/5.00 08/21-12/14 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-171 Smith S<br />

12490 Lab/Lecture 4.00/5.00 10/16-12/14 TTh 6:10pm-10:00pm A&S-383B Clark K E<br />

12505 Lab 4.00/5.00 08/21-12/14 S 9:10am-1:00pm LIVCEN Werner J W<br />

CRN<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Reference<br />

Number used to<br />

register for section<br />

Schedule Type<br />

Delivery method for the CRN:<br />

Lab<br />

Lab/Lecture<br />

Lab/Lecture/Worksite<br />

Independent Study<br />

Lecture<br />

Lecture/Workstie<br />

Online<br />

Online/Hybrid<br />

Self-Paced<br />

Worksite<br />

Credit Hours<br />

The number of<br />

credit hours for<br />

the section<br />

Billing Hours<br />

Multiplier for<br />

determining tuition<br />

for the section<br />

Location<br />

See the Key to<br />

Class Locations to<br />

find out if a course<br />

is held on or off<br />

campus.<br />

Days and Times<br />

class or lab is in session<br />

M = Monday<br />

T = Tuesday<br />

W = Wednesday<br />

Th = Thursday<br />

F = Friday<br />

S = Saturday<br />

Su = Sunday<br />

Instructor<br />

Faculty member<br />

assigned at the time<br />

of the publication of<br />

this schedule. If<br />

“Staff” is indicated, a<br />

faculty member has<br />

not been assigned at<br />

the time of publication.<br />

E/W<br />

Evening or<br />

Weekend<br />

Session<br />

identified<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about class offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

Class Locations<br />


A&S Arts and Sciences 419 North Washington Square <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

AIS AIS Construction Equipment 3600 North Grand River Avenue <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 321-8000<br />

AKERS Akers Golf <strong>Course</strong> – MSU Mt Hope & South Harrison East <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 355-1635<br />

AOF Academic and Office Facility 315 North Grand Avenue <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

AVN Aviation Center (Airport) 3428 West Hangar Drive <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

BESSEY Bessey Hall, MSU Michigan State University East <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 355-2168<br />

CACC Capital Area Career Center 611 Hagadorn Road Mason (517) 244-1337<br />

CHARMS Charlotte Middle School 1068 Carlisle Highway Charlotte (517) 541-5700<br />

CRIA Capital Regional Intnl Airport 4100 Capital City Blvd <strong>Lansing</strong> (517)321-8525<br />

CROWN Crown Boxing Center 1010 Ballard <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 482-7696<br />

DAZY Flight Center (Aviation) 3410 West Hangar Drive <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

DEMOHA Demonstration Hall Michigan State University East <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 355-1913<br />

DRT Dart Auditorium 500 North Capitol Avenue <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

EAST <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> East 2827 Eyde Parkway East <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 483-9307<br />

GB Gannon Building 400 North Washington Square <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

GLHS Grand Ledge High School 820 Spring Street Grand Ledge (517) 627-6612<br />

HHS Health & Human Service Careers Building 515 North Washington Square <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

HOLTHS Holt High School 5885 West Holt Road Holt (517) 694-3411<br />

HOSP Various Hospitals <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

HRTWD Heartwood School 625 Hagadorn Mason (517) 676-1051<br />

LIVCEN LCC Livingston Center at Parker Campus 402 Wright Road Howell (517) 545-3522<br />

MASUCF Mason Urgent Care Facility 800 East Columbia Street Mason (517) 676-0447<br />

MHS Mason High School 1001 South Barnes Mason (517) 676-9055<br />

MSUTEN MSU Tennis Facility 3571 East Mount Hope <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 355-2209<br />

OKCE Okemos Chippewa Middle School 4000 Okemos Road Okemos (517) 349-2209<br />

ONLINE Internet <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 483-1880<br />

PLYMCH Plymouth Congregational Church 2001 East Grand River <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 484-9495<br />

PORT Portland Adult and <strong>Community</strong> Education 1090 Ionia Road Portland (517) 647-2987<br />

PROBO Pro Bowl West 2122 N Martin Luther King Blvd <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 882-0226<br />

RADISS Radisson Hotel 111 North Grand Avenue <strong>Lansing</strong> (517)267-3443<br />

ROYSCT Royal Scot Golf <strong>Course</strong> 4722 West Grand River <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 321-6220<br />

SPS Student Personnel Services 430 North Capitol Avenue <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

STJCCC St Johns Clinton County Center 1013 South U.S. 27, Suite C St. Johns (989) 224-2017<br />

SUMMIT The Summit 9410 Davis Highway Dimondale (517) 319-1000<br />

TLC Technology & Learning Center 400 North Capitol Avenue <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

TRIPER Trippers 354 Frandor <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 336-0717<br />

WCB West Campus Building 5708 Cornerstone Drive <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

WKSITE Various Worksites <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ACCG100<br />

Practical Accounting Non-Major<br />

Accounting<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20198 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Sorovigas S<br />

20199 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST Staff E<br />

20200 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-3:30pm GB-176 Lilley R<br />

ACCG101<br />

Accounting Info for Management<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20213 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Chiaravalli T<br />

20214 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:30pm GB-324 Lilley R<br />

ACCG160<br />

Payroll Systems and Taxes<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: ACCG 100 or equivalent work experience<br />

20215 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Haggerty P<br />

ACCG161 Accounting with Quickbooks <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: Math Level 4<br />

Recommended: ACCG 100 or equivalent course coursework or equivalent work experience<br />

20217 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 S 8:10am-12:00pm GB-175 Walczak P W<br />

20218 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm GB-175 Lilley R W<br />

ACCG210<br />

Principles of Accounting I<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: Math Level 5<br />

20220 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Haggerty P<br />

20221 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Naylor G<br />

20223 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Naylor G<br />

20224 Self-Paced 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-115 Sorovigas S<br />

20224: Students in the Arranged Lab section of ACCG 210 must come into the Accounting Lab (GB 115) for a required orientation during the first week of<br />

the semester and to have homework and pretests checked. Tests are taken in the Assessment Center (GB 200). Individual tutoring is available in the lab,<br />

by telephone, or by e-mail. Lab hours are M-Th 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.; Sa 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; Su 12 n - 4 p.m. Call 483-1619 for more information.<br />

20237 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am GB-307 Suckow J<br />

20238 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am GB-327 Trebesh M<br />

20240 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-306 Suckow J<br />

20242 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-172 Sorovigas S<br />

20245 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-307 Lewis J<br />

20247 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-152 Hilton L<br />

20248 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-327 Hilton L<br />

20249 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-327 Trebesh M<br />

20250 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-327 Putnam C E<br />

20251 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-327 Llano G E<br />

20252 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Staff E<br />

20254 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Staff E<br />

20255 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm LIVCEN Staff E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 8

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ACCG211<br />

Principles of Accounting II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ACCG 210<br />

Recommended: Intermediate Algebra or higher<br />

20265 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Walczak P<br />

20266 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Walczak P<br />

20267 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am GB-307 Barnes M<br />

20268 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-153 Staff<br />

20269 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-322 Barnes M<br />

20270 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-327 Walczak P<br />

20271 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-172 Suckow J<br />

20272 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-172 LaCharite M E<br />

20274 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10pm-10:00pm GB-172 LaCharite M E<br />

20277 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Lewis J E<br />

ACCG220<br />

Intermediate Accounting I<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ACCG 211<br />

Recommended: Electronic spreadsheet experience<br />

20281 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10pm-10:00pm GB-304 Chiaravalli T E<br />

ACCG221<br />

Intermediate Accounting II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ACCG 220<br />

Recommended: Electronic spreadsheet experience<br />

20285 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-185 Chiaravalli T<br />

20286 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-314 Chiaravalli T E<br />

ACCG230<br />

Cost/Managerial I<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ACCG 211<br />

Recommended: Electronic spreadsheet experience<br />

20287 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-177 Putnam C E<br />

ACCG231<br />

Cost/Managerial II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ACCG 230<br />

Recommended: Electronic spreadsheet experience<br />

20289 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-330 Putnam C E<br />

ACCG240<br />

Federal Income Tax I<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ACCG 210<br />

20292 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Barnes M<br />

20290 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-330 Trebesh H<br />

ACCG241<br />

Federal Income Tax II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ACCG 240<br />

20293 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-326 Hilton L E<br />

ACCG245<br />

Accounting Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Minimum of 8 upper level ACCG credits<br />

20295 Worksite 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Putman S<br />

ACCG260 Accounting Systems <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ACCG 210<br />

Recommended: Keyboarding experience<br />

20297 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-175 Hilton L<br />

20298 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-175 Walczak P E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 9

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ACCG280<br />

Governmental Accounting<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ACCG 211<br />

20300 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-310 Pratt L E<br />

ACCG290<br />

Auditing<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ACCG 221 or concurrently<br />

20303 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-176 Suckow J E<br />

ACCG292<br />

Fraud Detection and Prevention<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ACCG 211 or concurrently and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20305 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:40pm-6:00pm GB-314 Lindquist E E<br />

Administrative<br />

ADMN102 Editing Business Documents <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: ADMN 103 (previously OADM 103) and WRIT 114 and Keyboarding 25 wpm<br />

20329 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 9:10am-12:00pm GB-132 Casby E<br />

20460 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-132 Hopkins J E<br />

ADMN103 Beginning Keyboarding <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20471 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hall J<br />

20473 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Silsby J<br />

20461 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-175 Hudson C<br />

20469 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:10pm-3:00pm A&S-022 Hudson C<br />

20470 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 MW 5:40pm-7:30pm A&S-022 Fink S E<br />

ADMN105 Employability Skills <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20475 Online 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged ONLINE Lane J<br />

20476 Online 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lane J<br />

ADMN108 Input Technologies/Business <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Keyboarding and MS Office experience or CITA 110<br />

20477 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-03/06 TR 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-117 Casby E<br />

20478 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-117 Hudson C E<br />

ADMN109 Keyboarding Improvement <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Previous keyboarding and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20480 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 MW 5:40pm-7:30pm A&S-022 Fink S E<br />

ADMN119 Busn Document Prod/MS Office <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITA 110 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Typing minimum 35 wpm and ADMN 102 (previously OADM 102)<br />

20483 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-117 Hudson C<br />

20484 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 5:40pm-9:30pm GB-117 Silsby J E<br />

ADMN195 Human Relations in Work Place <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20502 Online/Hybrid 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 5:40pm-7:30pm SPS-224 Silsby J E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

20502: Meets in the classroom the following dates: 1/14, 1/28, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4, 3/18, 4/1, 4/15, 4/29, and 5/6.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 10

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ADMN197 Medical Practice Vocabulary <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20522 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Barker J<br />

20524 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Barker J<br />

ADMN198 Health Information Management <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ADMN 197 (previously OADM 197) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20526 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Barker J<br />

ADMN203 Admin Office Procedures <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: (Keyboarding 40 wpm and MS Office experience) or (CITA 110 and ADMN 102 (previously OADM 102))<br />

20527 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-117 Hudson C<br />

20528 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-117 Hudson C E<br />

ADMN205 Legl Vocab/Citations/Documents <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: (Keyboarding 40 wpm and MS Office experience) or CITA 119<br />

20529 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 5:40pm-9:30pm GB-178 Lane J E<br />

ADMN207 Medical Transcription <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ADMN 197 (previously OADM 197) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: BIOL 145 and Keyboarding 40 wpm and (MS Office experience or CITA 110)<br />

20530 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-117 Barker J E<br />

ADMN215 Information Management I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITA 110 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20531 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-174 Casby E E<br />

ADMN216 Information Management II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITA 110 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20532 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Gearhart D<br />

ADMN220 Admin Mgmt in Organizations <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITA 110 or concurrently and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: ADMN 195 (previously OADM 195) and ADMN 203 (previously OADM 203)<br />

20533 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Staff<br />

ADMN222 Advanced Medical Transcription <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ADMN 207 (previously OADM 207)<br />

20534 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-117 Barker J E<br />

ADMN240 Administrative Internship Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval with keyboarding 50 wpm and (minimum 2.0 in ADMN 105 (previously OADM 105) or concurrently)<br />

20537 Worksite 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Putman S<br />

ADMN275 Diversity in Business <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21207 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hall J<br />

21209 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hall J<br />

21210 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-292 Dolinski R E<br />

ADMN291 Administrative Mgmt Capstone <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ADMN 220 (previously OADM 220) or ADMN 275 (previously OADM 275))<br />

21213 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-132 Lane J E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 11

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Aerospace Studies<br />

The courses listed below are offered at Michigan State University (MSU) as part of an agreement with MSU to offer Air Force ROTC general military<br />

courses to LCC students who desire to earn appointments as commissioned officers in the United States Air Force.<br />

AERO112<br />

Foundation of the USAF II<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Call Aerospace Studies at MSU, 517-355-2168, for specific days and times.<br />

20205 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged BESSEY Staff<br />

AERO212<br />

Evolution of USAF II<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Call Aerospace Studies at MSU, 517-355-2168, for specific days and times.<br />

20206 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged BESSEY Staff<br />

Alternative Energy Eng Tech<br />

AEET102 Prin of Altern/Renew Energies <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

21470 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-N190 Staff E<br />

21481 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-W164 Rosendaul M E<br />

AEET120 Conventional Energy Source/Use <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

21487 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-W164 Rosendaul M E<br />

AEET216 Solar Energy Technologies <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

21488 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-W164 Hanley J E<br />

AEET217 Biomass, Biogas, Microturbine <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

21490 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U237 Hanley J E<br />

AEET219 Wind Energies <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

21493 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-W164 Wilson D E<br />

AEET250 Alternative Energy Analysis I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AEET 102<br />

21494 Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-W167 Recher R E<br />

AEET255 Alternative Energy Analysis II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AEET 250<br />

21499 Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U237 Recher R E<br />

AEET260 Codes, Regulations & Standards <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21500 Online 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Wilson D<br />

ANTH270<br />

Cultural Anthropology<br />

Anthropology<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20727 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Smith S<br />

20728 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Smith S<br />

20729 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hassoun R<br />

20730 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 9:10am-12:00pm GB-328 Adleman S<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 12

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ANTH276<br />

World Archaeology<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: ANTH 270 and/or SOCL 120<br />

20973 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 9:10am-12:00pm GB-296 Cheruvelil J<br />

Architecture<br />

ARCH100 Intro to Architectural Drawing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Math Level 3<br />

Recommended: MATH 050 or concurrently<br />

20479 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am WCB-U239 Harrow E<br />

20560 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U239 Staff E<br />

ARCH110 Visual Communications I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ARCH 100 or concurrently) or Drafting Placement Test 80%<br />

20482 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm WCB-U243 Pohl S E<br />

ARCH111 Arch Design Fundamentals <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: ARCH 110 (previously ARCH 121) or concurrently<br />

20562 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm WCB-U243 Filipiak M<br />

ARCH114 Arch Drawing/Basic CAD <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ((CITF108 or concurrently) or MS Windows Assessment Test) and Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4 and Math Level 4<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in (ARCH112 (previously ARCH128) or concurrently) or (minimum 2.0 in INTR170)<br />

20506 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-11:00am WCB-U240 Filipiak M<br />

ARCH116 Materials of Construction <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4<br />

20561 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U234 Leak R E<br />

ARCH120 Visual Communications II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ARCH 110 (previously ARCH 121)<br />

20500 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 11:10am-1:00pm WCB-U243 MacKenzie J<br />

ARCH126 Architectural Model Building <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ARCH 100 or Drafting Placement Test 80%<br />

Recommended: ARCH 111<br />

20509 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm WCB-U243 Harrow E E<br />

ARCH142 History of Architecture II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4<br />

20558 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-4:00pm WCB-U234 Filipiak M<br />

ARCH146 Preservation/Adaptive Use Arch <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ARCH 110 (previously ARCH 121) or concurrently)<br />

20487 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U241 Campbell R E<br />

ARCH182 Applied Universal Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $6<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: ARCH 100 and ARCH 181<br />

20498 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hanley P<br />

ARCH210 Residential Detailing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ARCH 114 (previously ARCH 231) and (ARCH 116 (previously ARCH 283) or INTR 190 or concurrently))<br />

20592 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 3:10pm-6:00pm WCB-U240 Fox T<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 13

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ARCH216 Residential Drawing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ARCH 210 and ARCH 214 (previously ARCH 271))<br />

20591 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-3:00pm WCB-U240 Gibbs J<br />

ARCH220 Commercial Arch Drawing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ARCH 214 (previously ARCH 271) and ARCH 218 (previously ARCH 201))<br />

20486 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-2:00pm WCB-U240 Campbell R<br />

ARCH232 AutoCAD Architecture <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ARCH 114 (previously ARCH 231)<br />

20492 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-U240 Hussein T E<br />

ARCH276 Alternative Structures <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20490 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-4:00pm WCB-U234 McLaughlin F<br />

Art Seminars and Workshops<br />

ARWS120 Basic Drawing Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of these seminars is $139. If you have any questions, call Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education at (517)483-1860.<br />

21199 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 03/14-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-150 Brogan C E<br />

21842 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 03/14-05/08 T 6:30pm-9:20pm EAST Ferguson J E<br />

ARWS132 Introduction to QuarkXPress Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22750 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 04/04-04/05 SU 9:10am-5:00pm GB-112 Grinwis D W<br />

ARWS137 Intro to Adobe Photoshop Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of these seminars is $129. If you have any questions, call Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education at (517)483-1860.<br />

21852 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 02/20-02/22 F 5:40pm-9:30pm TLC-111 Benallack J W<br />

02/20-02/22 SU 9:10am-4:00pm TLC-111<br />

21854 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 04/24-04/26 F 5:40pm-9:30pm TLC-111 Benallack J W<br />

04/24-04/26 SU 9:10am-4:00pm TLC-111<br />

ARWS141 Watercolor Workshop Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of this seminar is $139. If you have any questions, call Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education at (517)483-1860.<br />

21856 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 03/14-05/08 R 6:40pm-9:30pm EAST Ferguson J E<br />

ARWS145 Landscape Painting & Drawing Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of this seminar is $139. If you have any questions, call Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education at (517)483-1860.<br />

21200 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 01/10-03/06 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-150 Brogan C E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 14

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Art, Design and Multimedia<br />

ARTS102 Design & Communication <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: Computer experience<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Sections with a course fee of $50 will be taught in a Windows-based computer lab, GB 108, using Adobe Photoshop software. Sections with<br />

a course fee of $28 will be taught in traditional studio format, GB 107 and GB 149; students in those sections can expect to spend a minimum of $50 for<br />

supplies and materials not covered by the course fee. Internet students are required to have semester-long access to Adobe Photoshop C53 to complete<br />

their assignments. Students may access this software in the LCC TLC 100 Computer Lab. Access to a Wacom or Graphire Tablet is highly recommended.<br />

20813 Online 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Tascarella P<br />

20815 Online 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Tascarella P<br />

20816 Online 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hardie S<br />

20817 Online 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bishop L<br />

20818 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-108 Bishop B<br />

20840 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-107 Johnson G<br />

20844 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-108 Antcliff S<br />

20850 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-107 Johnson D<br />

20851 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-108 Redding J<br />

20853 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-107 Johnson D<br />

20855 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:10pm-5:00pm GB-149 Spyke L<br />

20858 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-5:00pm GB-108 Koons L<br />

20860 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 3:10pm-5:00pm GB-108 Staff<br />

20861 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-108 Grinwis D E<br />

20863 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-108 Grinwis D E<br />

20864 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-108 Hardie S E<br />

ARTS103 3-Dimensional Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (ARTS 102 or IMAG 112 )<br />

20866 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:10pm-5:00pm GB-149 Tascarella P<br />

ARTS105 Adobe Photoshop for Non-Majors Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Computer experience<br />

20867 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-108 Sanders C E<br />

ARTS106 Color Theory and Practices <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 102<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This course is taught using paints and Adobe Photoshop software on Apple Macintosh computers.<br />

20868 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-12:00pm GB-149 Bonello D<br />

ARTS114 Oriental Watercolor <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you have any questions, call Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education at (517)483-1860.<br />

20707 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-107 Brogan C E<br />

ARTS131 Drawing I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $14<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (ARTS 102 or FASH 110 or INTR110) or concurrently<br />

20870 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am GB-150 Bonello D<br />

20871 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 9:10am-11:00am GB-150 Doke L<br />

20873 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 11:10am-1:00pm GB-150 Doke L<br />

20875 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-150 Clark F<br />

20877 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-150 Rhodes-Johnson N E<br />

20878 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-150 Olsen R E<br />

20879 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-150 Brogan C E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 15

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ARTS132 Figure Drawing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $77<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 131<br />

22751 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/13-04/02 TR 9:10am-12:00pm GB-151 Bishop B<br />

22752 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/13-04/02 TR 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-151 Bergeron J E<br />

ARTS151 Computer Graphics/Illustration <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $115<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (ARTS 102 and ARTS 131)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This course uses Corel Painter software on Macintosh computers.<br />

20881 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-5:00pm GB-114 Wood S<br />

20882 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-114 Wood S<br />

ARTS162 Type Communications <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 102 or concurrently<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Internet students are required to have semester-long access to Adobe Illustrator CS or higher. Students have access to this software in the<br />

LCC TLC 100 Computer Lab.<br />

20885 Online 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Parker N<br />

20883 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-112 Antcliff S<br />

20884 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-112 Lusch P E<br />

ARTS171 Comp Graphics/Digital Imaging <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $115<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (ARTS 102 or FASH 110 or INTR 110 or PHOT 118) or concurrently<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Adobe Photoshop software on Apple Macintosh computers is used. Internet students are required to have semester-long access to Adobe<br />

Photoshop CS3 and a flatbed scanner to complete their assignments. Students have access to these in the LCC TLC Computer Lab.<br />

20886 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Beckmeyer B<br />

20888 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 9:10am-12:00pm GB-110 Conklin C<br />

20889 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-110 Conklin C<br />

20890 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-110 Benallack J E<br />

ARTS173 Computer Graphics/Web Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $115<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 171 or concurrently<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 and Flash CS3 software on Apple Macintosh computers are used in face to face classes. Online students are<br />

required to have semester-long access to Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 to complete their assignments. Students have access to these in the LCC TLC<br />

Computer Lab.<br />

20891 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Shafer C<br />

20892 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 11:10am-12:30pm GB-116 Clark F<br />

20893 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-116 Staff<br />

20894 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-116 Reish M E<br />

ARTS175 Creative Design and Publishing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (ARTS 102 and ARTS 162)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Adobe Illustrator and In Design software on Apple Macintosh computers are used.<br />

20896 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-112 Antcliff S<br />

ARTS190 Matting and Framing Techniques <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $13<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you have any questions, call Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education at (517)483-1860.<br />

21196 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 1.50 03/14-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-107 Block E E<br />

ARTS195 Employ/Busn Issues for Artists <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: You must attend all sessions to obtain course credit.<br />

20901 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 04/04-04/05 SU 9:10am-5:00pm GB-109 Darnell K W<br />

20900 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 W 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-109 Darnell K<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 16

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ARTS200 Painting I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (ARTS 106 and ARTS 131)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students should expect to spend a minimum of $150 on supplies and materials.<br />

20902 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-3:30pm GB-150 Brogan C<br />

ARTS203 Figure Painting <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $66<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (ARTS 102 and ARTS 132)<br />

20903 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:10am-3:00pm GB-150 Shafer C<br />

ARTS204 Watercolor I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (ARTS 102 and ARTS 131)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you have any questions, call Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education at (517)483-1860.<br />

21545 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:10pm-9:30pm EAST Ferguson J E<br />

ARTS205 Watercolor II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 204<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you have any questions, call Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education at (517)483-1860.<br />

21556 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:10pm-9:30pm EAST Ferguson J E<br />

ARTS206 Advanced Watercolor <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 205<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you have any questions, call Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education at (517)483-1860.<br />

21558 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:10pm-9:30pm EAST Ferguson J E<br />

ARTS213 Illustration Fundamentals <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 132<br />

20904 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-5:00pm GB-109 Darnell K<br />

ARTS216 Humorous Illustration I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 132<br />

20905 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-5:00pm GB-109 Preston D<br />

ARTS221 Airbrush Techniques I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $32<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you have any questions, call Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education at (517)483-1860.<br />

21197 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 R 5:10pm-10:00pm GB-109 Veresh E E<br />

ARTS222 Airbrush Techniques II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $32<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 221 or (minimum 2.5 in ARTS 131 or concurrently)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you have any questions, call Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education at (517)483-1860.<br />

21198 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 R 5:10pm-10:00pm GB-109 Veresh E E<br />

ARTS226 Storyboards & Animatics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $115<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 151<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This course uses Adobe Flash CS3 on Apple OS X computers.<br />

22879 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-114 Shafer C<br />

ARTS228 Advanced Digital Imaging <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $125<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 171 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20906 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 3:10pm-6:00pm GB-116 Redding J<br />

ARTS229 Comp Graphics/Adv Web Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $125<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 173 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Adobe Flash CS3 and Dreamweaver CS3 on Apple Macintosh computers are used.<br />

20907 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-116 Reish M E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 17

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ARTS232 Comp Graphics/2-D Animation <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $125<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (ARTS 151 and ARTS 171 and ARTS 216) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This course uses Flash on Mac OS X.<br />

20908 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-116 Clark F<br />

ARTS235 Comp Graphics/3-D Animation II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $135<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 234<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This courses uses Autodesk Maya on OS X computers.<br />

20909 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-114 Wood S E<br />

ARTS236 Comp Graphics and Production <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $135<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (ARTS 229 or ARTS 232 or ARTS 234)<br />

20910 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-114 Clark F E<br />

ARTS240 Art for Elementary Teachers <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: EDUC 201 and EDUC 220<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: EDUC201 and EDUC220 are prerequisites for transfer of this course to Central Michigan University.<br />

21192 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-149 Rand S<br />

21193 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-149 Rand S E<br />

21194 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-149 Staff E<br />

ARTS251 Graphic Design Communications <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 131 and (minimum 2.5 in ARTS 175 or concurrently )<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: It is highly recommended that students complete ARTS 175 prior to enrolling in this course. For more information please see an Art, Design<br />

and Multimedia Advisor.<br />

20911 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-112 Conklin C E<br />

ARTS252 Graphic Design Publications <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ARTS 251<br />

20912 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-112 Antcliff S<br />

ARTS257 Computer Prepress Prod Tech <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $135<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (ARTS 171 and ARTS 252)<br />

20913 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-112 Conklin C<br />

ARTS267 Advanced Drawing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $93<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (ARTS 131 and ARTS 153)<br />

20914 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-151 Staff<br />

ARTS269 The Portfolio Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $140<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Fine Art and transfer students should see an Art, Design and Multimedia Advisor before enrolling in ARTS 269. Please check with the Media,<br />

Art and Information Technologies Office (GB 131) for current department approval forms.<br />

20915 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-112 Conklin C<br />

ARTS281 Art Internship Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

20916 Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-131 Clark F<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 18

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Astronomy<br />

ASTR201 Introductory Astronomy <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and (Math Level 5 or MATH 107 concurrently)<br />

21625 Online 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bredwell H<br />

21626 Online 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bredwell H<br />

21627 Online 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bjarki O<br />

21628 Online 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bjarki O<br />

21629 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 9:10am-11:30am A&S-458 Schlaack R<br />

21630 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 TR 9:10am-11:30am A&S-458 Schulz T<br />

21631 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:40pm-3:00pm A&S-458 Schlaack R<br />

21632 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:40pm-3:00pm A&S-458 Schulz T<br />

21633 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:40pm-6:00pm A&S-458 Hamlin M<br />

21634 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:40pm-9:00pm A&S-458 Staff E<br />

Auto Body Collision Repair<br />

AUTB110 Non-Structural Repair <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $125<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Evidence of mechanical ability<br />

22471 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 9:10am-12:00pm WCB-M124A Franks D<br />

01/10-05/08 W 10:10am-12:00pm WCB-M124A<br />

AUTB112 Advanced Non-Structural Repair <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $200<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTB 110<br />

Recommended: Evidence of mechanical ability<br />

22472 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E139 Franks D<br />

22473 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-M124 Miller D E<br />

AUTB114 Auto Body Welding and Cutting <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $200<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Evidence of mechanical ability<br />

22474 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-M124A Ruehle R<br />

01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-M124A<br />

AUTB116 Auto Body Structural Repair <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $225<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (AUTB 110 and AUTB 114)<br />

22475 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-M124 Miller G E<br />

AUTB118 Introduction to Refinishing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $225<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22476 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E139 Miller D<br />

22477 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E141 Staff E<br />

AUTB120 Advanced Refinishing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $225<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTB 118<br />

22478 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E141 Thelen P E<br />

AUTB122 Collision Repair Estimating <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (AUTB 112 and AUTB 116 and AUTB 120)<br />

22479 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-11:00pm WCB-U227 Thelen T E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 19

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

AUTB124 Automotive Plastic Repair <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $130<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTB 118<br />

22480 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 R 10:10am-12:00pm WCB-M124A Franks D<br />

01/10-05/08 T 9:10am-12:00pm WCB-M124A<br />

AUTB160 Adv Auto Body Repair/Painting <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $210<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Evidence of mechanical ability<br />

22481 Lab 4.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 S 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E140 Higel J W<br />

01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-E140<br />

22482 Lab 4.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 U 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E140 Higel J W<br />

01/10-05/08 U 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-E140<br />

AUTB162<br />

Collision Repair Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Evidence of mechanical ability<br />

22483 Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-M103 Franks D<br />

Automotive<br />

AUTO100 Automotive Service I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $46<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

22425 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-U233 Greenleaf R<br />

22426 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-E139 Staff W<br />

22427 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E141 Staff<br />

22428 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E137.7 Pitts J E<br />

22429 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U235 Staff E<br />

AUTO110 Automotive Electrical Theory <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $48<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 100 or concurrently<br />

22430 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-E138 Argersinger M<br />

22431 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-E138 Argersinger M<br />

22432 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E138 Ripley J<br />

22433 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E138 Vannest N E<br />

AUTO120 Automotive Drive Train <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $45<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 100 or concurrently<br />

22434 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-U238 Woollard G<br />

22435 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U234 Robert P E<br />

AUTO121 Automatic Transmissions I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 110 or concurrently<br />

22436 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E137.8 Morris J E<br />

AUTO122 Automatic Transmissions II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $80<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 121<br />

22437 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E137.8 Morris J E<br />

AUTO130 Automotive Engines I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $160<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 100 or concurrently<br />

22438 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E137.3 Flaherty S<br />

22439 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E137.3 Flaherty S E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 20

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

AUTO131 Automotive Engines II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $112<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 130 and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

22440 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E137.3 Staff E<br />

AUTO133 Small Engine Repair <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $70<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22441 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-E137.3 Reiner L W<br />

22442 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E137.3 Miller D E<br />

AUTO134 Light Duty Diesel Engines <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $51<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 100 or concurrently<br />

22443 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E137.7 Miller D E<br />

AUTO140 Automotive Brakes <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 110 or concurrently<br />

22444 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-U233 Greenleaf R<br />

22445 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E139 Staff E<br />

AUTO150 Auto Steering & Suspension <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $65<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 100 or concurrently<br />

22446 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-E137.7 Strzalkowski R<br />

22447 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E137.7 Peterson G E<br />

AUTO160 Auto Heating/Air Conditioning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $105<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (AUTO110 or HERT101)<br />

22448 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E141 Greenleaf R<br />

22449 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-M124A Strzalkowski R E<br />

AUTO190<br />

Automotive Special Topics<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

Race Engine Design II<br />

22450 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-E137.4 Massuch P<br />

22450: Requires department approval. <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $743.<br />

High Performance Engine Lab<br />

22451 Lab 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E137.2 Massuch P<br />

01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-E137.2<br />

22451: Requires department approval. <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $500.<br />

Race Chassis Fabrication<br />

22452 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-U234 Hernly T E<br />

22452: Requires department approval. <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $480.<br />

Motorcycle Service<br />

22453 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E139 Reiner L E<br />

22453: There is no prerequisite for this section. <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $60.<br />

AUTO210 Adv Auto Electrical/Electronic <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 110 and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

22454 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E138 Deluca P E<br />

AUTO215 Engine Performance & Tune-Up <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 130<br />

22455 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E137.2 Staff E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 21

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

AUTO225 Automotive Computers <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 215<br />

22456 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-U233 Staff<br />

22457 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E139 Staff E<br />

AUTO235 Adv Computer/ABS Brake Systems <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (AUTO 140 and AUTO 225)<br />

22458 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U233 Rothermel D E<br />

AUTO260 Intro to Alternative Fuels <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (AUTO 130 and AUTO 225)<br />

22460 Online 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Pitts J<br />

AUTO270 High Performance Engine Mach I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $480<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 130 and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in METM 110 (previously PMMT 105)<br />

22461 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E137.4 Lane W<br />

AUTO271 High Performance Eng Mach II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $480<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 270 and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in METM 110 (previously PMMT 105)<br />

22462 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E137.4 Lane W E<br />

AUTO277 High Performance Engine Assemb <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $390<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 271 and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

22463 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E137.2 VanPeenen G<br />

AUTO279 Motorsports Dynamometer <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $440<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 277 and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in AUTO 215<br />

22464 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E137.1 VanPeenen G<br />

AUTO280<br />

Automotive Service Laboratory<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22465 Lab 4.00/ 7.00 01/10-05/08 S 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E137.1 Staff W<br />

01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-E137.1<br />

22465: <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $100.<br />

AUTO285<br />

Automotive Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22466 Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-M103 Argersinger M<br />

Aviation Airframe Maintenance<br />

AVAF125 Aircraft Systems I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $110<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22485 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 2.75 01/10-05/08 W 10:45am-1:30pm AVN-116 Kugel R<br />

AVAF126 Aircraft Systems II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $265<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22486 Lab/Lecture 6.00/ 8.25 01/10-05/08 M 8:10am-1:30pm AVN-116 Bartolovich J<br />

01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-10:40am AVN-116<br />

AVAF208 Aircraft Structures I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $285<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22487 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.50 01/10-05/08 T 8:10am-1:30pm AVN-116 Whitehead H<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 22

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

AVAF211 Aircraft Electrical I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $280<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22488 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.75 01/10-05/08 R 8:10am-1:45pm AVN-116 Kugel R<br />

Aviation Flight Training<br />

The Flight Training courses are offered in an open-entry format. Registration for an open-entry section is anytime during a current semester. See the Open<br />

Entry <strong>Course</strong>s/Modules Page in the Alternative Delivery section of the schedule book for policies and procedures relative to these courses. Weekend flight<br />

training is available and scheduled on an arranged basis. Space is limited. Please contact the Aviation Technology Center at (517) 483-1406 for details.<br />

AVFT201A Flight Training I-A <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $2,497<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22498 Self-Paced 2.50/ 2.50 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVFT201B Flight Training I-B <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $2,497<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22499 Self-Paced 2.50/ 2.50 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVFT201C Flight Training I-C <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $2,620<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22500 Self-Paced 2.50/ 2.50 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVFT202A Flight Training II-A <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3,120<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22501 Self-Paced 2.50/ 2.50 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVFT202B Flight Training II-B <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3,120<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22502 Self-Paced 2.50/ 2.50 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVFT203A Flight Training III-A <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3,134<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22503 Self-Paced 3.00/ 3.00 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVFT203B Flight Training III-B <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3,609<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22504 Self-Paced 3.00/ 3.00 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVFT204A Flight Training IV-A <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3,258<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22505 Self-Paced 2.50/ 2.50 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVFT204B Flight Training IV-B <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3,308<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22506 Self-Paced 2.50/ 2.50 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVFT205 CFI Flight Training <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3,412<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22507 Self-Paced 3.50/ 3.50 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVFT206 Instrument Instructor <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $2,100<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22508 Self-Paced 2.50/ 2.50 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVFT207 Multi-Engine Flight Training <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3,287<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22509 Self-Paced 1.50/ 1.50 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 23

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

AVFT208 Multi-Engine Instructor <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3,287<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22510 Self-Paced 1.50/ 1.50 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

Aviation Ground School<br />

AVGS101 Private Pilot Ground School <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $44<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: SDEV 124<br />

22489 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm AVN-112 Liberti J E<br />

AVGS121 Aviation Meteorology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $44<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: SDEV 124<br />

22490 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm AVN-112 Rossi J E<br />

AVGS221 Commercial Pilot Ground School <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $44<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: AVGS 121 and SDEV 124<br />

22491 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10pm-10:00pm AVN-112 Liberti J E<br />

Aviation Powerplant Maint<br />

AVPP251 Reciprocating Engine Systems <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $140<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22492 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 2.50 01/10-05/08 T 10:00am-12:40pm AVN-112 McCarty P<br />

AVPP253 Reciprocating Ignition Systems <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $355<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22493 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 6.75 01/10-05/08 T 8:10am-10:00am AVN-112 McCarty P<br />

01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-1:00pm AVN-112<br />

AVPP255 Reciprocating Induction Sys <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $300<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22494 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.50 01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-1:30pm AVN-112 McCarty P<br />

AVPP257 Aircraft Propeller Systems <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $215<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22495 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.50 01/10-05/08 M 8:10am-1:30pm AVN-112 Whitehead H<br />

AVPP259 Turbine Engine I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $240<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22496 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.50 01/10-05/08 R 8:10am-1:30pm AVN-112 Whitehead H<br />

Aviation Simulator Training<br />

The Simulator Training courses are offered in an open-entry format. Registration for an open-entry section is anytime during a current semester. See the<br />

Open Entry <strong>Course</strong>s/Modules Page in the Alternative Delivery section of the schedule book for policies and procedures relative to these courses.<br />

AVST211 Flight Simulator I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $790<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22511 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVST212 Flight Simulator II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $790<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22512 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 24

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

AVST213 Flight Simulator III <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $790<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22513 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVST214 Flight Simulator IV <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $790<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22514 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

AVST215 Multi-Engine Flight Simulator <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $790<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Department Approval<br />

22515 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 12/20-06/04 Arranged DAZY-101 Staff<br />

Biology<br />

BIOL120 Environmental Science <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21635 Online 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Elias M<br />

21636 Online 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lovato R<br />

21637 Online 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Wasilevich M<br />

21638 Online 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Robinson K<br />

21639 Online 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Elias M<br />

21640 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MF 8:10am-9:30am A&S-383B Klatt B<br />

01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-11:00am A&S-463<br />

21643 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MT 9:40am-11:00am A&S-477A Greene K<br />

01/10-05/08 R 8:10am-11:00am A&S-463<br />

21644 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 11:10am-12:30pm A&S-383A Chamberlain L<br />

01/10-05/08 T 11:10am-2:00pm A&S-463<br />

21646 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MF 11:10am-12:30pm A&S-121 Klatt B<br />

01/10-05/08 W 11:10am-2:00pm A&S-463<br />

21647 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 11:10am-2:00pm A&S-463 Greene K<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 11:10am-12:30pm A&S-477A<br />

21649 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:40pm-2:00pm A&S-121 Chamberlain L<br />

01/10-05/08 R 11:10am-2:00pm A&S-463<br />

21650 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:10pm-4:00pm A&S-463 Staton E<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-2:30pm A&S-006<br />

21653 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 T 2:10pm-5:00pm A&S-463 Lovato R<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21671 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 3:10pm-4:30pm A&S-121 Staton E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 2:10pm-5:00pm A&S-463<br />

21672 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 5:40pm-8:30pm A&S-477B Palmgren G E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21673 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 R 5:40pm-8:30pm A&S-009 Staff E<br />

01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-8:30pm A&S-463<br />

21674 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-4:00pm EAST Robinson K<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21679 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST LaCommare K E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21691 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm HOLTHS Wasilevich M E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21682 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:40am-11:30am LIVCEN Paine A<br />

21683 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-3:00pm LIVCEN Paine A<br />

21684 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-4:00pm STJCCC Clark L<br />

21685 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-9:00pm STJCCC Coleman T E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 25

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

BIOL121 Biol Foundation for Physiology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $26<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

Recommended: CHEM 120 or High School Chemistry<br />

21772 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 8:10am-11:00am A&S-409 Lopez S<br />

01/10-05/08 WF 8:10am-9:30am A&S-171<br />

21840 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MR 8:10am-9:30am A&S-477B Buysse B<br />

01/10-05/08 T 8:10am-11:00am A&S-409<br />

21843 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 11:40am-2:30pm A&S-409 Lopez S<br />

01/10-05/08 TF 11:40am-1:00pm A&S-477B<br />

21844 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MR 11:40am-1:00pm A&S-477B Buysse B<br />

01/10-05/08 T 11:40am-2:30pm A&S-409<br />

21845 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 12:10pm-3:00pm A&S-024 Wagner R<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21846 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-4:00pm A&S-417 Wagner R<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21847 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 3:10pm-6:00pm A&S-409 Wagner R<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21849 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 R 3:10pm-6:00pm A&S-383A O'Neil K<br />

01/10-05/08 T 3:10pm-6:00pm A&S-409<br />

21850 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:40pm-9:30pm A&S-409 Ndibongo N E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 6:40pm-9:30pm A&S-024<br />

21851 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:40pm-9:30pm A&S-257 O'Neil K E<br />

01/10-05/08 T 6:40pm-9:30pm A&S-409<br />

21848 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 R 9:10am-12:00pm STJCCC Clark L<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

BIOL127 Cell Biology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $26<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

Recommended: CHEM 120 or High School Chemistry<br />

21860 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-11:00am A&S-409 Younger J<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:30am A&S-011<br />

21861 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:30am A&S-006 Wohlwill A<br />

01/10-05/08 R 8:10am-11:00am A&S-409<br />

21862 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:30am A&S-024 Romeih M<br />

01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-11:00am A&S-409<br />

21863 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 11:40am-1:00pm A&S-477A Wilson M<br />

01/10-05/08 R 11:40am-2:30pm A&S-409<br />

21864 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 11:40am-1:00pm A&S-024 Romeih M<br />

01/10-05/08 W 11:40am-2:30pm A&S-409<br />

21865 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 F 12:10pm-3:00pm A&S-409 Younger J<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:30pm A&S-021<br />

21866 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-4:30pm A&S-024 Mayer G<br />

01/10-05/08 R 3:10pm-6:00pm A&S-409<br />

21868 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 3:10pm-4:30pm A&S-024 Halgren R<br />

01/10-05/08 W 3:10pm-6:00pm A&S-409<br />

21870 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:40pm-8:00pm A&S-024 Lechno-Yossef S E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 6:40pm-9:30pm A&S-409<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 26

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

BIOL128 Organismal Biology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $26<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

21872 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 8:10am-11:00am A&S-417 Elias M<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-9:30am A&S-010<br />

21873 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 11:10am-2:00pm A&S-417 McGroarty D<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 11:10am-12:30pm A&S-171<br />

21874 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 3:10pm-6:00pm A&S-417 Davenport K<br />

01/10-05/08 W 3:10pm-6:00pm A&S-477A<br />

21876 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:40pm-9:30pm A&S-417 Staff E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 6:40pm-9:30pm A&S-383A<br />

BIOL145 Intro Anatomy and Physiology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21878 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MT 8:10am-9:30am A&S-477A Noyer J<br />

01/10-05/08 R 8:10am-10:00am A&S-421<br />

21882 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 RF 8:10am-9:30am A&S-477A Steinhour S<br />

01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-10:00am A&S-421<br />

21883 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 S 11:10am-1:00pm A&S-427 Bell J W<br />

01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-11:00am A&S-006<br />

21885 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:40am-12:30pm A&S-421 Jordan B<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21886 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MT 10:40am-12:00pm A&S-010 Noyer J<br />

01/10-05/08 R 10:40am-12:30pm A&S-421<br />

21887 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 RF 10:40am-12:00pm A&S-257 Steinhour S<br />

01/10-05/08 W 10:40am-12:30pm A&S-421<br />

21888 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:10pm-3:00pm A&S-423 Jordan B<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21889 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-3:00pm A&S-421 Jordan B<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21890 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:10pm-3:00pm A&S-421 Jordan B<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21891 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:10pm-3:00pm A&S-421 Brundage M<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-2:30pm A&S-477A<br />

21884 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 T 1:40pm-3:30pm A&S-423 Jordan B<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21892 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:40pm-5:00pm A&S-006 Clayton A<br />

01/10-05/08 R 3:40pm-5:30pm A&S-421<br />

21893 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-257 Klaviter E E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-421<br />

21894 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-421 Jordan B E<br />

01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-006<br />

21895 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:40am-11:00am EAST Nityanand S<br />

21896 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:40pm-6:00pm EAST Brundage M<br />

21898 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 8:40am-11:30am LIVCEN Brantley B<br />

01/10-05/08 W 8:40am-10:30am LIVCEN<br />

21899 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:30pm STJCCC Clark L<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 27

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

BIOL201 Human Anatomy <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in BIOL 121 or BIOL 127 or CHEM 120 or passing score on Health Biology Proficiency Test) and Reading Level 5 and Writing<br />

Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

21902 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:30am A&S-427 Ocello P<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-9:30am A&S-427<br />

21905 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:30am A&S-423 Anderson S<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-9:30am A&S-423<br />

21906 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:40am-12:30pm A&S-423 Klimecky S W<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21907 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:30am A&S-423 Anderson S<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:30am A&S-423<br />

21908 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:30am A&S-427 Ocello P<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:30am A&S-427<br />

21909 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:10am-1:00pm A&S-427 Nityanand S<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:30am A&S-477B<br />

21910 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:30pm A&S-423 Anderson S<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:30pm A&S-423<br />

21911 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:30pm A&S-427 Dery J<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:30pm A&S-427<br />

21933 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:40pm-4:30pm A&S-427 Wagner R<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21912 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-3:30pm A&S-427 Dery J<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-3:30pm A&S-427<br />

21913 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-5:30pm A&S-423 Ortiz J E<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-5:30pm A&S-423<br />

21914 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-427 Schiess L E<br />

21915 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-423 Ortiz J E<br />

21918 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-423 Klimecky S E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21921 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:30am-11:20am EAST Staff<br />

21931 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-5:00pm EAST Ahammad Sahib K<br />

21932 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:10pm-10:00pm EAST Tai M E<br />

21934 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 7:10pm-10:00pm LIVCEN Brantley B E<br />

21935 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-5:00pm STJCCC Clark L<br />

BIOL202 Human Physiology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in BIOL 201 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 5<br />

22026 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 8:10am-10:00am A&S-421 Clayton A<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-9:30am A&S-383B<br />

21936 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 T 8:10am-10:00am A&S-421 Marschall C<br />

01/10-05/08 WF 8:10am-9:30am A&S-477B<br />

21937 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-10:30am A&S-421 Ludtke J W<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21941 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 10:40am-12:30pm A&S-421 Ahammad Sahib K<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 10:40am-12:00pm A&S-167<br />

21943 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 T 10:40am-12:30pm A&S-421 Marschall C<br />

01/10-05/08 WF 10:40am-12:00pm A&S-010<br />

21947 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 S 11:10am-1:30pm A&S-421 Ludtke J W<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

BIOL202 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 28

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

BIOL202 continued<br />

21950 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MR 1:10pm-2:30pm A&S-477B Nityanand S<br />

01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-3:00pm A&S-421<br />

21952 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-3:00pm A&S-421 Marschall C<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-2:30pm A&S-121<br />

22021 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MR 3:40pm-5:00pm A&S-477A Brantley B<br />

01/10-05/08 T 3:40pm-5:30pm A&S-421<br />

22022 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 3:40pm-5:30pm A&S-421 Kujjo L<br />

01/10-05/08 WF 3:40pm-5:00pm A&S-477B<br />

22023 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-421 Kariagina A E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-257<br />

22025 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-477A Jackinchuk J E<br />

01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-421<br />

22024 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-8:00pm LIVCEN Hentz D E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN<br />

BIOL203<br />

Microbiology<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in BIOL 121 or BIOL 127 or CHEM 120 or passing score on Health Biology Proficiency Test) and Reading Level 5 and Writing<br />

Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

22029 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Greene C<br />

22030 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Greene C<br />

22031 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Greene C<br />

22033 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Greene C<br />

22037 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hurlburt C<br />

22035 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:40am-10:00am A&S-010 Simon L<br />

22038 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:40am-10:00am A&S-169 Cotey A<br />

22040 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:40am-12:00pm A&S-006 Hurlburt C<br />

22042 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:30pm A&S-007 Gorton R<br />

22043 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:40pm-3:00pm A&S-477A Cotey A<br />

22044 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-3:30pm A&S-007 Gorton R<br />

22047 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 3:10pm-4:30pm A&S-477B Hurlburt C<br />

22050 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:40pm-7:00pm A&S-477B Fitch B E<br />

22051 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-7:30pm A&S-169 Ivey J E<br />

BIOL204 Microbiology Laboratory <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in BIOL 203 or concurrently<br />

22052 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:40am-10:00am A&S-411 Hurlburt C<br />

22053 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:40am-10:00am A&S-411 Repko J<br />

22054 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:40am-12:00pm A&S-411 Simon L<br />

22055 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:40am-12:00pm A&S-411 Cotey A<br />

22056 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:40pm-2:00pm A&S-411 Klaviter E<br />

22057 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:40pm-2:00pm A&S-411 Hurlburt C<br />

22058 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-4:30pm A&S-411 Klaviter E<br />

22059 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 3:40pm-5:00pm A&S-411 Cotey A<br />

22060 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 7:10pm-8:30pm A&S-411 Buchweitz J E<br />

22061 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:40pm-9:00pm A&S-411 Ivey J E<br />

BIOL210 Natural Resource Conservation <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $26<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

22063 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:40pm-8:30pm A&S-417 Babcock C E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 29

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

BIOL265 Zoology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

Recommended: One semester of college-level biology<br />

22064 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 R 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-417 Davenport K<br />

01/10-05/08 TW 9:10am-10:30am A&S-417<br />

BIOL270<br />

Human Genetics<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

Recommended: One semester of college-level biology<br />

22070 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:40am-12:00pm A&S-006 Wohlwill A<br />

22071 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-5:30pm A&S-169 Wohlwill A E<br />

BIOL276 Molecular Biology II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $36<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in BIOL 275 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

22075 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:10am-1:30pm A&S-411 Wilson M<br />

01/10-05/08 T 10:10am-12:30pm A&S-374<br />

BIOL287 Tropical Aquatic Systems <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

Recommended: <strong>College</strong>-level biology or chemistry<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: A 10-day field study trip to Puerto Rico is a required part of this course. The cost of the trip is approximately $2,000. Tuition and fees are<br />

charged separately from the trip cost. Please contact the Science Department at 483-1092 for more information.<br />

22883 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/06 W 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-417 Heaton S E<br />

05/08-05/17 Arranged PTRICO<br />

Building Trades<br />

BLDT101 Basic Woodworking <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20334 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm AOF-116 Rios A E<br />

20336 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm AOF-116 Rios A E<br />

BLDT103<br />

Structural Blueprint Reading<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20346 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am WCB-W168 Brown R<br />

20355 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm WCB-W168 Luginsland W<br />

20358 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm WCB-W168 Brown R E<br />

BLDT121 Residential Framing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $33<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20368 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-9:00am WCB-W166 Luginsland W<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 9:10am-11:00am WCB-W172<br />

20370 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-3:00pm WCB-W165 Brown R<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 3:10pm-5:00pm WCB-W172<br />

20371 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-7:00pm WCB-W165 Staff E<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 7:10pm-9:00pm WCB-W172<br />

BLDT123 Remodeling <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in BLDT 121 or concurrently<br />

20372 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-3:00pm WCB-W165 Way S<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-5:00pm WCB-W172<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 30

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

BLDT125 Roofing and Siding <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in BLDT 121 or concurrently<br />

20373 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-7:00pm WCB-W165 Way S E<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 7:10pm-9:00pm WCB-W172<br />

BLDT132 General Home Maintenance <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20374 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-7:00pm WCB-W167 Haight K E<br />

01/10-05/08 M 7:10pm-9:00pm WCB-W172<br />

20381 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 10:10am-12:00pm WCB-W172 Haight K<br />

01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-10:00am WCB-W165<br />

BLDT170<br />

Special Topics in Construction<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

Builder's Pre-Licensure Prep<br />

22915 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm WCB-W166 Luginsland W E<br />

22915: This section fulfills the State of Michigan 60-hour requirement to apply for a Residential Builder or Maintenance & Alteration Contractor license. If<br />

you need more information, call (517) 483-5338. There is no prerequisite for this section. <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $15.<br />

BLDT171 Special Topic/Construction P/Z Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

Cabinet Making<br />

20382 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm AOF-116 Rios A E<br />

20382: Requires BLDT 101 or equivalent experience in basic woodworking. <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $25.00.<br />

BLDT277 Construction Cost Estimating <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.0 in (BLDT 103 or ARCH 114 or ARCH 101) or concurrently<br />

20384 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U227 Kloosterman J E<br />

BLDT281<br />

Mich Residential & Bldg Codes<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20385 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-U237 Harkness J E<br />

BLDT285<br />

Residential Bldg Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.0 in BLDT 121 and Department Approval<br />

Restriction: Residential Building Majors<br />

20467 Worksite 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 FS Arranged WCB-W168 Luginsland W<br />

BLDT298 Builder's License Review Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20387 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 04/17-04/18 FS 8:10am-5:00pm WCB-W168 Luginsland W<br />

20387: Cost of this course is $159.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 31

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

BUSN101<br />

Business Special Topics<br />

Business<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

How Feasible/Business Idea<br />

22778 Online/Hybrid 1.00/ 1.00 02/10-03/31 T 9:10am-11:00am GB-190 Swint Y<br />

02/10-03/31 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22778 Meets in the classroom the following dates: 2/10, 2/24, 3/17 and 3/31.<br />

Marketing Your Small Business<br />

21710 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/28-03/04 W 10:10am-12:30pm GB-326 Motz W<br />

The Business of Online Auction<br />

21716 Online/Hybrid 1.00/ 1.00 03/21-04/04 S 10:10am-1:00pm GB-132 Perkins J W<br />

03/21-04/04 Arranged ONLINE<br />

Your Career: Make it Happen<br />

21733 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 03/17-04/14 T 11:10am-2:00pm GB-190 Swint Y<br />

MKT Research/Small Business<br />

21725 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 T 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-177 Swint Y<br />

Day-to-Day Finances/Busn<br />

21736 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 W 12:40pm-2:30pm A&S-477B Swint Y<br />

BUSN118<br />

Introduction to Business<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21267 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Glohr E<br />

21268 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hanford K<br />

21271 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Rooker C<br />

21272 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Turcotte G<br />

21274 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hanford K<br />

21281 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:30am GB-173 Akin G<br />

21284 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 F 9:10am-12:00pm GB-178 Dragonetti V<br />

03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21291 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 9:40am-11:00am GB-173 Akin G<br />

21777 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/14-02/18 W 9:10am-12:00pm GB-178 Swint Y<br />

01/14-02/18 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21312 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 2:10pm-5:00pm GB-178 Lewis R<br />

21315 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 2:10pm-5:00pm GB-178 Lewis R<br />

21318 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 3:10pm-6:00pm GB-178 Staff<br />

21322 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-178 Staff E<br />

21325 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-178 Lane J E<br />

21341 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 12:10pm-3:00pm EAST Akin G<br />

21343 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST Babbitt C E<br />

21348 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN Blecker H E<br />

BUSN160<br />

Starting a Business<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4 and Math Level 4<br />

21354 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged ONLINE Swint Y<br />

21351 Online 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Berry J<br />

21778 Online/Hybrid 2.00/ 2.00 03/19-04/23 R 9:10am-1:00pm A&S-121 Morgan D<br />

03/19-04/23 Arranged GB-190<br />

21778 Meets in the classroom the following dates: 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, and 4/9.<br />

21360 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 R 9:10am-1:00pm GB-164 Swint Y<br />

21360: Meets in the classroom the following dates: 3/19, 3/26, 4/2 and 4/9.<br />

21365 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 R 5:40pm-9:30pm GB-177 Williams D E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 32

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

BUSN161<br />

Writing a Business Plan<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in BUSN 160 or concurrently and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21620 Online/Hybrid 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 9:10am-11:00am A&S-171 Swint Y<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21620 Meets in the classroom the following dates: 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 4/14 and 4/21.<br />

BUSN191<br />

Independent Study in Business<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

21623 Independent Study 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Putman S<br />

21624 Independent Study 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Putman S<br />

21641 Independent Study 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Putman S<br />

BUSN201<br />

International Business<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: BUSN 118<br />

21642 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Perkin T<br />

21648 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 8:10am-11:00am GB-296 Motz W<br />

21651 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-296 Reid C E<br />

BUSN250<br />

Personal Finance<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21655 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-12:00pm GB-304 Childress W<br />

21663 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 03/18-04/22 W 9:10am-12:00pm GB-176 Swint Y<br />

03/18-04/22 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21666 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-185 Childress W E<br />

BUSN251<br />

Stock Market Essentials<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21699 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-177 Glohr E E<br />

BUSN254<br />

Introduction to Investments<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21700 Online/Hybrid 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST Dragonetti V E<br />

03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

BUSN295<br />

Entrepreneurial Capstone<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in BUSN 161<br />

21701 Online/Hybrid 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-177 Schwinn D<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21701 Meets in the classroom the following dates: 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/26, 3/26, 4/16 and 5/7.<br />

Chemistry<br />

CHEM120<br />

Gen Organic & Biological Chem<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4 and Math Level 4<br />

22078 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am SPS-106 Winsauer A<br />

22079 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm SPS-106 Ngassa F W<br />

22080 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-106 Fernandes C<br />

22082 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-106 Qi R<br />

22084 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-106 Fernandes C<br />

22085 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm SPS-106 Winsauer A<br />

22086 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm SPS-106 Fard A<br />

CHEM120 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 33

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CHEM120 continued<br />

22087 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm SPS-106 Seibold S E<br />

22279 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm SPS-106 Perbeck A E<br />

22144 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm SPS-106 Fard A E<br />

22145 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Watkins L E<br />

22146 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 9:10am-11:00am LIVCEN Watkins L<br />

22147 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN Watkins L E<br />

22148 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm STJCCC Hanover K<br />

CHEM125<br />

Basic Chemistry<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4 and (Math Level 5 or MATH 107 concurrently)<br />

22149 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am SPS-106 Nofzinger D<br />

22150 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-106 Qi R<br />

22151 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-377 Nofzinger D<br />

22152 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm SPS-223 Tierney K E<br />

22153 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:10pm-9:00pm A&S-170 Dulebohn J E<br />

22154 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10pm-10:00pm EAST Staff E<br />

CHEM130<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in (CHEM 120 or CHEM 125)<br />

22155 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-009 Vandervoort C E<br />

CHEM135 Chemistry in Society <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $26<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

22156 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-405 Fernandes C<br />

01/10-05/08 W 10:10am-1:00pm A&S-405<br />

22157 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 R 2:10pm-5:00pm A&S-405 Staff<br />

01/10-05/08 T 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-374<br />

22158 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 R 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-356 Zalma C<br />

01/10-05/08 T 2:10pm-5:00pm A&S-405<br />

22159 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-405 Zalma C E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-477B<br />

CHEM145 Intro to Forensic Chemistry <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $26<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4 and (Math Level 5 or MATH 107 concurrently)<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in CHEM 125 or High School Chemistry<br />

22160 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-410 Schehr F E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-369<br />

CHEM151<br />

General Chemistry Lecture I<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and (Math Level 6 or MATH 112 concurrently)<br />

Recommended: (Minimum 2.0 in CHEM 125 or High School Chemistry) and CHEM 161 concurrently<br />

22161 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am SPS-103 Carlson S<br />

22162 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am SPS-103 Carlson S<br />

22163 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-103 Carlson S<br />

22164 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-103 Carlson S<br />

22165 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-103 Campbell M<br />

22166 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-103 Nofzinger D<br />

CHEM151 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 34

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CHEM151 continued<br />

22167 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm SPS-103 Staff<br />

22168 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm SPS-103 Campbell M<br />

22169 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm SPS-103 Winsauer A E<br />

22170 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm SPS-103 Fard A E<br />

22171 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm SPS-103 Lapinski M E<br />

22172 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-458 Smith J E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22173 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm SPS-103 Lapinski M E<br />

CHEM152<br />

General Chemistry Lecture II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CHEM 151 and (Math Level 7 or MATH 121 or MATH 126 concurrently)<br />

22174 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-377 Adatsi F W<br />

22175 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:30pm A&S-377 Farris B<br />

22176 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-6:30pm A&S-377 Farris B E<br />

CHEM161 General Chemistry Lab I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $26<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CHEM 151 or concurrently and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 5<br />

22177 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-410 Hanover K<br />

22178 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-410 Hanover K<br />

22179 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-410 Padmanabhan K<br />

22180 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-410 Staff<br />

22181 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 12:10pm-3:00pm A&S-410 Padmanabhan K<br />

22182 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-4:00pm A&S-410 Thill R<br />

22183 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 2:10pm-5:00pm A&S-410 Carlson S<br />

22184 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-410 Carlson S E<br />

22185 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-410 Schehr F E<br />

22186 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-410 VanKempen G E<br />

CHEM162 General Chemistry Lab II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CHEM 152 or concurrently) and CHEM 161<br />

22187 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-405 Qi R<br />

22188 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 1:10pm-4:00pm A&S-405 Smith J W<br />

22189 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-405 Smith J E<br />

CHEM182<br />

Introductory Organic Chemistry<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in CHEM 151<br />

22190 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:30am A&S-377 Padmanabhan K<br />

CHEM192 Intro Organic Chem Lab <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $26<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CHEM 182 or concurrently and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: CHEM 151<br />

22191 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-405 Padmanabhan K<br />

CHEM211<br />

Chemical Process Technology I<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CHEM 151 and Reading Level 5 and Math Level 6<br />

22192 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 2:10pm-4:30pm A&S-410 Farris B<br />

01/10-05/08 T 3:10pm-4:30pm A&S-410<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 35

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CHEM251<br />

Organic Chemistry Lecture I<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CHEM 151<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in CHEM 152<br />

22193 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-377 Campbell M E<br />

22194 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:40pm-8:30pm A&S-377 Morris J E<br />

CHEM252<br />

Organic Chemistry Lecture II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CHEM 251<br />

22195 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-377 Campbell M<br />

22196 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:40pm-8:30pm A&S-377 Adatsi F E<br />

CHEM272 Organic Chemistry Laboratory <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $56<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CHEM 251<br />

Recommended: CHEM 252 concurrently<br />

22197 Lab 2.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-5:00pm A&S-405 Bryant E<br />

22198 Lab 2.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-405 Bryant E E<br />

Child Development<br />

CHDV100 Foundations Early Childhood Ed <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

20481 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hunt T<br />

20481: Required orientation Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 5:10-6:00pm in HHS 332.<br />

20462 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 9:10am-12:00pm HHS-102 Schafer J<br />

20464 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-102 Hall C E<br />

20488 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN Lucas H E<br />

CHDV101 Child Growth/Develop: 0-10 Yrs <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20503 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm HHS-102 Goth-Owens J<br />

20504 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm HHS-102 Goth-Owens J<br />

20505 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm HHS-102 Spees L E<br />

20507 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Goth-Owens J E<br />

01/20 T 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-113<br />

02/17 T 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-113<br />

03/17 T 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-113<br />

04/21 T 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-113<br />

CHDV111 Child Guidance/Communication <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $226<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CHDV 100 or concurrently and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

By Monday, January 12, 2009, all students must register for 4 hours/week at an approved weekday daytime fieldwork site by calling 517-483-9944. In<br />

addition to regular class time, students are required to complete Bloodborne Pathogens Training online. Information will be distributed via the course Angel<br />

site and/or in class.<br />

20511 Lecture/Worksite 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 8:40am-11:30am HHS-102 Hunt T<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

20512 Lecture/Worksite 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-005 Erickson A E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

CHDV112 Fam Relation/Early Child Prog <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (CHDV 100 and CHDV 111)<br />

20513 Online 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Goth-Owens J<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 36

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CHDV113 Health/Safety:Early Child Prog <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

20515 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged ONLINE Goth-Owens J<br />

20515: Required orientation Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 5:10-6:00pm in HHS 332.<br />

CHDV120 Curr: Phys Dev/Early Childhood Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20517 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/17-01/24 S 8:10am-5:00pm HHS-102 Kaplowitz T W<br />

CHDV123 Curr: Early Child Literacy Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $6<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20564 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 03/28-04/04 S 8:10am-5:00pm HHS-102 Shedd M W<br />

CHDV131 Family Child Care Management <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

21257 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-04/10 Arranged ONLINE Cunningham C<br />

21257: Required orientation Monday, January 12, 2009, 5:10-6:00pm in SPS 109.<br />

CHDV181 Adult Comm/Early Child Prog Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Experience in Early Childhood Program<br />

20575 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-03/21 S 8:40am-5:00pm HHS-102 Staff W<br />

CHDV185 Preventing Child Sexual Abuse Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20576 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 04/11-04/18 S 8:10am-5:00pm HHS-102 Monroe B W<br />

CHDV186 Child Self-Esteem/Positive Dis Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20577 Online 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Fullmer M<br />

CHDV188 Care for Children w/Spec Needs <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

20579 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-8:00pm HHS-006 Gipson-Tansil L E<br />

CHDV197 Child Develop Special Topic Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

Autism:Explr/Undrstnd Spectrum<br />

20595 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 02/21-02/28 S 8:10am-5:00pm HHS-102 Gipson-Tansil L W<br />

20595: Prerequisite: None. <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $6.<br />

Inclusive Infnt/Toddler Caring<br />

20596 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 04/25-05/02 S 8:10am-5:00pm HHS-102 Newby B W<br />

20596: Prerequisite: None. <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $6.<br />

CHDV220 Preschool Curr/Learn Environ <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $236<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (CHDV 101 and CHDV 111)<br />

By Monday, January 12, 2009, all students must register for 4 hours/week at an approved weekday daytime fieldwork site by calling 517-483-9944. In<br />

addition to regular class time, students are required to complete Bloodborne Pathogens Training online. Information will be distributed via the course Angel<br />

site and/or in class.<br />

20599 Lecture/Worksite 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-102 Rysztak M E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

CHDV222<br />

School-Age ChildCare Prog Dev<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CHDV 101<br />

20600 Online 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE DeRosia E<br />

20600: Required orientation Monday, March 16, 2009, 5:10-6:00pm in HHS 332.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 37

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CHDV230<br />

Early Childhood Center Admin<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (CHDV 220 or CHDV 221) and Writing Level 6<br />

20601 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-04/10 R 6:10pm-8:40pm HHS-007 Levine J E<br />

CHDV251 CDA Credential Prep/Fieldwork <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $236<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CHDV 111 and (CHDV 220 or CHDV 221) and Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Employed or volunteer 8+ hrs/week in approved regulated child care program<br />

In addition to regular class time, students are required to complete Bloodborne Pathogens Training online. Information will be distributed via the course<br />

Angel site and/or in class.<br />

21259 Lecture/Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:40pm-8:30pm EAST Bobay J E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

CHDV284 Early Childhood Practicum <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $236<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CHDV 220 and CHDV 221 and (CHDV 112 or concurrently) and Writing Level 6 and Department Approval<br />

In addition to regular class time, students are required to complete Bloodborne Pathogens Training online. Information will be distributed via the course<br />

Angel site and/or in class.<br />

21260 Lecture/Worksite 5.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-007 Kaplowitz T E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

Chinese<br />

CHIN122<br />

Elementary Chinese II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.5 in CHIN 121<br />

20222 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-312 Fu J E<br />

Civil Technology<br />

CIVL101 Civil Drafting <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (METD 100 (previously CADD 100) or LAND 100) or Drafting Placement Test 80%<br />

20163 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 9:10am-11:30am WCB-U239 Lynch J<br />

CIVL124<br />

Route Survey<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CIVL 120<br />

20164 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-6:00pm WCB-W165 Tonkin P<br />

CIVL131<br />

Traffic Technology<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20169 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-W166 Lynch J E<br />

CIVL142<br />

Construction Specifications<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 4<br />

20165 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 7:10pm-10:00pm WCB-W165 Boyer A E<br />

CIVL143<br />

Site Dsgn & Layout/Civil Techn<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CIVL 141 and CIVL 142) and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 4<br />

20166 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 3:10pm-7:00pm WCB-U244 Boyer A<br />

CIVL200<br />

Civil Mathematics<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 3.0 in MATH 114 or Math Level 5<br />

20167 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U225 Staff E<br />

CIVL241<br />

Statics/Strength of Materials<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MATH 114 or Math Level 5<br />

20168 Lecture 5.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:30pm WCB-U225 Cook S E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 38

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Health Services Educ<br />

CHSE100 Intro to Health Professions <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $122<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 (F, Sp, Su)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: In addition to regular class time, students are required to complete Bloodborne Pathogens Training online. Information will be distributed via<br />

the course Angel site and/or in class.<br />

20809 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 8:10am-11:00am HHS-005 Przybyl G<br />

20810 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-022 Pacitto M E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

20810: Meets on the following Mondays only: 1/26, 2/9, 2/23, 3/16, 3/30, 4/13, and 4/27.<br />

20811 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-005 Przybyl G E<br />

20812 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-4:00pm EAST Przybyl G<br />

20814 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 5:40pm-8:30pm LIVCEN Pacitto M E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

20814: Meets on the following Wednesdays only: 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/4, 3/18, 4/1, and 4/15.<br />

20819 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 5:40pm-8:30pm STJCCC Osborn R E<br />

CHSE101 Acute Care Nurse Assis/PCT <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $194<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Provides training for local hospitals. Students are required to: 1. Complete Bloodborne Pathogens online training; information given first class<br />

session; 2. Have a negative 2-step TB (tuberculosis) test within the last year; and 3. Pass a digital finger print criminal background check. Cost to student:<br />

$65. Information provided during mandatory orientation session. For further information: http://www.lcc.edu/nursing/chse/careers/nursing_aide.aspx<br />

21333 Lab/Lecture/Worksite 6.00/ 9.25 01/10-05/08 FS 8:10am-1:00pm HHS-207 Staff W<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged HOSP<br />

21333: Mandatory orientation on Thursday, Jan 8, 5:10-7:00pm in HHS 005 OR Friday, Jan 9, 10:10am-12:00 noon in HHS 005. Arranged hospital hours<br />

will be 7:30am - 1:00pm, Fri-Sat, dates TBA.<br />

21334 Lab/Lecture/Worksite 6.00/ 9.25 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-9:00pm HHS-207 Staff E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged HOSP<br />

04/01-05/05 W 5:10pm-9:00pm HHS-207<br />

21334: Mandatory orientation on Thursday, Jan 8, 5:10-7:00pm in HHS 005 OR Friday, Jan 9, 10:10am-12:00 noon in HHS 005. Arranged hospital hours<br />

will be 5:00-10:00pm, Tue-Wed-Thu, dates TBA.<br />

21347 Lab/Lecture/Worksite 6.00/ 9.25 03/19-05/08 TWRF 8:10am-3:30pm HHS-314 Staff<br />

03/19-05/08 Arranged HOSP<br />

21347: Mandatory Orientation on Friday, 2/27, 10:10am-12:00 noon in HHS 020. Arranged hospital hours will be 7:30am-3:00pm, Wed-Thu-Fri, dates TBA.<br />

CHSE108 Long-Term Care Nurse Aide <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $193<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Provides training for Home Health Aide, CENA testing, & nursing home. Students are required to: 1. Complete Bloodborne Pathogens online<br />

training; information given first class session. 2. Show a negative 2-step TB (tuberculosis) test within the last year; and 3. Pass a digital finger print criminal<br />

background check. Cost to student: $65. Information provided during mandatory orientation session. For further information:<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/nursing/chse/careers/nursing_aide.aspx<br />

21369 Lab/Lecture/Worksite 4.00/ 6.00 01/12-01/26 MTRF 8:10am-3:30pm HHS-206 Staff<br />

01/27-02/05 MTRF 7:30am-2:00pm WKSITE<br />

21369:: Mandatory orientation on Thursday, Jan 8, 5:10-7:00pm in HHS 005 OR Friday, Jan 9, 10:10am-12:00 noon in HHS 005.<br />

21377 Lab/Lecture/Worksite 4.00/ 6.00 02/25-04/14 MW 5:10pm-10:00pm HHS-314 Staff E<br />

04/21-04/29 MTW 5:00pm-9:30pm WKSITE<br />

21377: Mandatory orientation on Monday, 2/9, 5:10-7:00pm in HHS 207.<br />

21405 Lab/Lecture/Worksite 4.00/ 6.00 05/18-06/04 MTRF 8:10am-3:30pm HHS-206 Staff<br />

06/05-06/12 MTRF 7:30am-2:00pm WKSITE<br />

21405: Mandatory orientation on Friday, 5/1, 10:10am-12:00 noon, in HHS 206.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 39

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CHSE110 Nurse Aide: Acute & Long-Term <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $336<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Provides training for hospital, CENA testing, & nursing home. Students are required to: 1. Complete Bloodborne Pathogens online training;<br />

information given first class session; 2. Show a negative 2-step TB (tuberculosis) test within the last year; and 3. Pass a digital finger print criminal<br />

background check. Cost to student: $65. Information provided during mandatory orientation session. For further information:<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/nursing/chse/careers/nursing_aide.aspx<br />

21408 Lab/Lecture/Worksite 8.00/ 12.25 01/10-05/08 MTR 9:10am-1:00pm HHS-207 Staff<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged HOSP<br />

21408: Mandatory orientation on Thursday, Jan 8, 5:10-7:00pm in HHS 005 OR Friday, Jan 9, 10:10am-12:00 noon in HHS 005. Arranged hospital hours<br />

will be 7:30am-12:30pm, Mon-Tue-Thu, dates TBA.<br />

21439 Lab/Lecture/Worksite 8.00/ 12.25 01/10-05/08 MTR 5:10pm-9:00pm HHS-206 Staff E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged HOSP<br />

21439:: Mandatory orientation on Thursday, Jan 8, 5:10-7:00pm in HHS 005 OR Friday, Jan 9, 10:10am-12:00 noon in HHS 005. Arranged hospital hours<br />

will be 5:00-10:00pm, Mon-Tue-Thu, dates TBA.<br />

21445 Lab/Lecture/Worksite 8.00/ 12.25 02/17-04/17 TWRF 9:10am-4:30pm HHS-206 Staff<br />

02/17-04/17 Arranged HOSP<br />

21445: Mandatory orientation on Friday, 2/13, 10:10am-12:00 noon in HHS 206. Arranged hospital hours will be 7:30am-2:00pm Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri, dates<br />

TBA.<br />

CHSE114 Pathology-Allied Health <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $16<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in BIOL 145 or (BIOL 201 and BIOL 202)<br />

20820 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Kuenn C<br />

20821 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Allen J<br />

CHSE115<br />

Pharmacology-Allied Health<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in BIOL 145 or (BIOL 201 and BIOL 202)<br />

20822 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Allen J<br />

CHSE117 Health Law and Ethics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $16<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Health Careers Applicant or Professional<br />

20826 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Allen J<br />

20828 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Allen J<br />

20829 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 8:10am-10:00am HHS-113 Smythe L<br />

20830 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 8:10am-10:00am HHS-020 Gallavan E<br />

20833 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 S 1:10pm-3:00pm HHS-315 Riddick D W<br />

CHSE120 Medical Terminology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $43<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20843 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Allen J<br />

20846 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Pacitto M<br />

20836 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hayward N<br />

20838 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hayward N<br />

20849 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 8:10am-12:00pm HHS-007 Libey T<br />

22005 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 5:40pm-9:30pm HHS-315 Gallavan E E<br />

20854 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm HHS-020 Boulas S E<br />

20865 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:10pm-4:00pm EAST Gallavan E E<br />

20869 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 5:40pm-9:30pm LIVCEN Pacitto M E<br />

20872 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 12:10pm-4:00pm STJCCC Osborn R<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 40

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CHSE120A Medical Terminology Basics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20874 Lecture 0.50/ 0.50 01/10-03/06 T 6:10pm-7:00pm HHS-025 Embry S E<br />

20874: Successful completion of both CHSE 120A and CHSE 120B will satisfy the prerequisite for CHSE 136-EKG Technician. CHSE 120A and CHSE<br />

120B together are NOT equivalent to the full CHSE 120 course. Therefore, CHSE 120A and CHSE 120B will NOT satisfy any other course requiring CHSE<br />

120 as a prerequisite.<br />

CHSE120B Med Term: Heart & Lungs <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CHSE 120A or concurrently<br />

20876 Lecture 0.50/ 0.50 01/10-03/06 T 7:10pm-8:00pm HHS-025 Embry S E<br />

20876: Successful completion of both CHSE 120A and CHSE 120B will satisfy the prerequisite for CHSE 136-EKG Technician. CHSE 120A and CHSE<br />

120B together are NOT equivalent to the full CHSE 120 course. Therefore, CHSE 120A and CHSE 120B will NOT satisfy any other course requiring CHSE<br />

120 as a prerequisite.<br />

CHSE123 Medical Ins Billing/Coding I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $19<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CHSE 120 or concurrently<br />

20880 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-8:30pm HHS-022 Butler S E<br />

CHSE124 Medical Ins Billing/Coding II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $19<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CHSE 123<br />

20887 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 02/09-05/08 M 5:40pm-9:30pm HHS-023 Butler S E<br />

CHSE125 Comp I-Med Ins Billing/Coding Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CHSE 124 or concurrently<br />

Recommended: Keyboarding experience<br />

20895 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/12-02/02 M 5:40pm-9:30pm HHS-332 Butler S E<br />

CHSE127 Medical Ins Billing/Coding III <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CHSE 124 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20897 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 W 5:40pm-9:30pm HHS-023 Butler S E<br />

CHSE128 Medical Ins Billing/Coding IV <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CHSE 127 or concurrently and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20898 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 5:40pm-8:30pm HHS-020 Butler S E<br />

CHSE129 Comp II-Med Ins Billing/Coding Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: Pass grade in CHSE 125 and (minimum 2.5 in CHSE 127 or concurrently) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20899 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 04/15-05/06 W 5:40pm-9:30pm HHS-332 Butler S E<br />

CHSE130 Medical Ins Bill/Code Extern <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (CHSE 127 and CHSE 128) and Pass grade in CHSE 129 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4 and Medical Insurance<br />

Billing & Coding Certificate of Completion and Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Required: 1. Completion of Bloodborne Pathogens & HIPAA Training online. Information given first class session. 2. Negative 2-step TB<br />

(tuberculosis) skin test within the last year. 3. A digital finger print Criminal Background Check may be required. Cost to student: $65. Information given at<br />

orientation.<br />

22908 Lecture/Worksite 4.00/ 4.00 03/14-05/09 Arranged WKSITE Butler S W<br />

03/28 S 8:10am-12:00pm HHS-315<br />

04/11 S 8:10am-12:00pm HHS-315<br />

04/25 S 8:10am-12:00pm HHS-315<br />

05/09 S 8:10am-12:00pm HHS-315<br />

22908: Mandatory Orientation: Saturday, March 14, 2009, 9:10-11:00am in HHS 332.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 41

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CHSE132 Health Unit Coordinator <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $82<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CHSE 120 or concurrently<br />

21235 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 6.00 02/10-05/05 T 4:10pm-8:00pm HHS-311 Strother B E<br />

02/12-03/12 R 4:10pm-8:00pm HHS-311<br />

03/19-05/07 R 4:10pm-8:00pm HOSP<br />

21235: Required: 1. Completion of Bloodborne Pathogens and HIPAA training online. Information given at first class session. 2. Negative 2-step TB<br />

(tuberculosis) skin test within the last year.<br />

CHSE136 EKG Technician <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.5 in (CHSE 120A and CHSE 120B) or CHSE 120) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Health Careers Applicant or Professional<br />

20824 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-8:00pm HHS-021 Applegate N E<br />

20824: Required: Completion of Bloodborne Pathogens and HIPAA training online. Information given at first class session.<br />

CHSE143 Phlebotomy Technician <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $44<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: In addition to regular class time, students are required to complete Bloodborne Pathogens Training online. Information will be distributed via<br />

the course Angel site and/or in class.<br />

21240 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 2:40pm-3:30pm HHS-309 Wagener S<br />

01/10-05/08 R 3:40pm-5:30pm HHS-310<br />

21251 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 4:10pm-5:00pm HHS-310 Staff E<br />

01/10-05/08 T 5:10pm-7:00pm HHS-309<br />

21258 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-7:00pm LIVCEN Wagener S E<br />

01/10-05/08 M 7:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN<br />

CHSE144 Phlebotomy Externship Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 3.0 in CHSE 143 and Phlebotomy Technician Certificate of Completion and Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Required: 1. Completion of Bloodborne Pathogens and HIPAA Training online, information given at first class session. 2. Negative 2-step TB<br />

(tuberculosis) skin test within the last year. 3. Additional arranged hours are required for online discussion board.<br />

21261 Lecture/Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged WKSITE Wagener S<br />

01/14-01/16 WRF 10:10am-1:00pm HHS-312<br />

01/14-01/16 WRF 9:10am-10:00am HHS-314<br />

21261: Mandatory Orientation on Thursday, Jan 8, 2009; 10:10am-12:00 noon in HHS 332.<br />

21270 Lecture/Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged WKSITE Wagener S<br />

03/18-03/20 WRF 10:10am-1:00pm HHS-312<br />

03/18-03/20 WRF 9:10am-10:00am HHS-314<br />

21270: Mandatory Orientation on Thursday, Mar 5, 2009; 10:10am-12:00 noon in HHS 332.<br />

CHSE145 Sterile Processing Tech I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $90<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in CHSE 120 or concurrently and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21279 Lecture/Worksite 5.00/ 7.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-1:00pm HHS-314 Holthof M W<br />

01/20-05/08 T 8:30am-12:00pm HOSP<br />

21279: Required: 1. Completion of Bloodborne Pathogens and HIPAA Training online; information given at first class session. 2. Negative 2-step TB<br />

(tuberculosis) skin test within the last year.<br />

CHSE147 Sterile Processing Tech II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $84<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (CHSE 120 and CHSE 145) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21452 Lecture/Worksite 6.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 W 9:10am-1:00pm HHS-005 Holthof M<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

21452: Required: 1. Completion of Bloodborne Pathogens and HIPAA Training online since July 1, 2008. Information given at first class session. 2.<br />

Negative TB (tuberculosis) skin test within the last year.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 42

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CHSE235 Pharmacy Technician <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $31<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Math Level 4<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.5 in CHSE 115<br />

21304 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-9:30pm HHS-023 Kue S E<br />

Comp Appl Using Busn Software<br />

CABS100 Computer Related Seminars Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost for each .25 credit seminar is $74 and each 1 credit seminar is $129. If you have any questions, call Extension and <strong>Community</strong><br />

Education at (517)483-1860.<br />

Computers for Beginners<br />

22137 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 01/31 S 9:10am-4:00pm EAST Clark K W<br />

Creating Exciting Web Pages<br />

22138 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 02/06-02/08 F 5:40pm-9:30pm TLC-118 Redding J W<br />

02/06-02/08 SU 9:10am-4:00pm TLC-118<br />

Beginning MS Word<br />

22136 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 02/14 S 9:10am-4:00pm EAST Clark K W<br />

Design Your Own Web Pages<br />

22139 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 02/14 S 9:10am-4:00pm TLC-118 Pipper D W<br />

Beginning MS Excel<br />

22135 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 02/28 S 9:10am-4:00pm EAST Greener R W<br />

Intro to Dreamweaver/Flash<br />

22142 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 02/28-03/01 SU 8:10am-5:00pm TLC-118 Pipper D W<br />

Basic Dreamweaver<br />

22140 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 03/20-03/22 F 5:40pm-9:30pm TLC-118 Redding J W<br />

03/20-03/22 SU 9:10am-4:00pm TLC-118<br />

Beginning MS Access<br />

22134 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 03/21 S 9:10am-4:00pm EAST Greener R W<br />

Advanced MS Word<br />

22133 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 03/28 S 9:10am-4:00pm EAST Clark K W<br />

Advanced MS Excel<br />

22132 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 04/04 S 9:10am-4:00pm EAST Greener R W<br />

Basic Flash<br />

22141 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 04/17-04/19 F 5:40pm-9:30pm TLC-118 Redding J W<br />

04/17-04/19 SU 9:10am-4:00pm TLC-118<br />

Maintaining Your Computer<br />

22143 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 04/18 S 9:10am-4:00pm EAST Greener R W<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 43

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Computer Info Tech/Application<br />

For more information about Computer Information Technology Application courses please visit our website at http://www.lcc.edu/mait. Tutoring may be<br />

available for these courses. Please stop by Tutoring Services at A&S 103 or call 517-483-1206. For more information, check out www.lcc.edu/tutorial.<br />

CITA110 Intro to Microsoft Office <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Windows and keyboarding experience and Reading Level 5<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This class requires Microsoft Office 2007 and Microsoft Windows. Please see the CIT software requirements Web page<br />

(http://www.lcc.edu/mait/cit/links/index.htm) for information on which version of Microsoft Windows is required.<br />

20485 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Ropp R<br />

20489 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Ropp R<br />

20493 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Greener R<br />

20495 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Downer J<br />

20497 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 8:10am-11:00am GB-118 Downer J<br />

20499 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 8:10am-11:00am GB-118 Knapp J<br />

20501 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 12:10pm-3:00pm GB-118 Downer J<br />

20508 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 12:10pm-1:30pm GB-118 Ropp R<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

20514 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 3:10pm-4:30pm GB-118 Knapp J<br />

20516 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:40pm-7:00pm GB-118 Gore R E<br />

20518 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 7:10pm-10:00pm GB-118 Wurschmidt L E<br />

20519 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 9:10am-12:00pm EAST Knapp J<br />

20520 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST Vrooman S E<br />

20521 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 3:10pm-6:00pm LIVCEN Greener R<br />

20523 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm STJCCC Cosgrove R E<br />

20525 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm STJCCC Cosgrove R E<br />

CITA115 Microsoft PowerPoint <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Windows and keyboarding experience and Reading Level 5<br />

20535 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Irving-Maier M<br />

20536 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-121 Hartman F E<br />

CITA119 Microsoft Word <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Windows experience and keyboarding 40 wpm and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This class requires Microsoft Word 2007.<br />

20538 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Jones T<br />

20539 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Jones T<br />

20540 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Jones T<br />

20541 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-11:00am GB-316 Staff<br />

20542 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-316 Casby E<br />

20543 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-121 Ropp R E<br />

CITA126 Microsoft Excel <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: Windows and keyboarding experience<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This class requires Microsoft Excel 2007.<br />

20544 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Welsh J<br />

20545 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Welsh J<br />

20546 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Welsh J<br />

20547 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 3:10pm-6:00pm GB-316 Shulman J<br />

20548 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 7:10pm-10:00pm GB-316 Clark K E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 44

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CITA133 Microsoft Access Database <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Windows and keyboarding experience and Reading Level 5<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This class requires Microsoft Access 2007.<br />

20550 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Rafail D<br />

20551 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Rafail D<br />

20552 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-118 Rafail D<br />

CITA140 Microsoft Outlook <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This course requires Outlook 2007.<br />

20553 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Welsh J<br />

CITA145 Microsoft Expression Web <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Reading Level 5 and Microsoft Windows experience<br />

20556 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Staff<br />

CITA219 Advanced Microsoft Word <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITA 119 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This class requires Microsoft Word 2007.<br />

20555 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Jennings M<br />

CITA226 Microsoft Excel-Advanced <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITA 126<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This class requires Microsoft Excel 2007.<br />

20557 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Welsh J<br />

CITA233 Advanced Microsoft Access <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITA 133 and Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: CITF 108 or equivalent<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This class requires Microsoft Access 2007.<br />

20568 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Rafail D<br />

Computer Info Tech/Database<br />

For more information about Computer Information Technology Database courses please visit our website at http://www.lcc.edu/mait. Tutoring may be<br />

available for these courses. Please stop by Tutoring Services at A&S 103 or call 517-483-1206. For more information, check out www.lcc.edu/tutorial.<br />

CITD120 SQL Concepts <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Windows familiarity<br />

20572 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lockhart W<br />

20573 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-316 Shulman J<br />

CITD140 Advanced SQL <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITD 120 and Math Level 4<br />

20603 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lockhart W<br />

Computer Info Tech/Foundations<br />

For more information about Computer Information Technology Foundation courses please visit our website at http://www.lcc.edu/mait. Tutoring may be<br />

available for these courses. Please stop by Tutoring Services at A&S 103 or call 517-483-1206. For more information, check out www.lcc.edu/tutorial.<br />

CITF102 Computer Skills for Non-Majors Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20574 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 7:10pm-9:00pm GB-118 Lockhart W E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 45

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CITF103 Internet Basics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Windows familiarity and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

20578 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-118 Staff<br />

CITF108 Microsoft Windows <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Reading Level 5<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Important! Windows Classes are XP and Vista version specific. Students must have access to the proper version of the software off campus<br />

or use labs on campus to complete assignments. Please be sure to see the CIT software requirements Web page at<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/mait/cit/links/index.htm for information on which version of Microsoft Windows is required for each section.<br />

20580 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Rafail D<br />

20581 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lawson R<br />

20582 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Mitchell K<br />

20583 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 3:10pm-5:00pm GB-121 Rafail D<br />

20584 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 3:10pm-5:00pm LIVCEN Greener R<br />

CITF110 Intro Computer Info Systems <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This class requires MS Word 2007, MS Excel 2007, MS Access 2007, and Microsoft Windows. Students must have access to the proper<br />

version of the software off campus or use labs on campus to complete assignments. Online sections of this class assume the student can do simple e-mail<br />

and browser tasks; knows how to cut and paste; and knows how to create a simple MS Word document.<br />

20585 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Smith S<br />

20586 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Clark K<br />

20587 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Gaynor V<br />

20588 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Vrooman S<br />

20589 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Irving-Maier M<br />

20590 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Moran J<br />

20604 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:30am GB-121 Werner J<br />

20606 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-9:30am GB-121 Werner J<br />

20607 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:40am-12:00pm GB-316 Smith S<br />

20609 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-4:30pm GB-121 Werner J<br />

20612 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 3:10pm-4:30pm GB-121 Smith S<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

20618 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:40pm-7:00pm GB-316 Hogan J E<br />

20619 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:10pm-3:00pm EAST Taylor K<br />

20622 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST Dietrich K E<br />

20623 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN DeKoninck A E<br />

CITF120 Operating Systems Concepts <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: CITF 110 and (CITP 110 or CITP 150)<br />

20731 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE White C<br />

20732 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:40am-12:00pm GB-320 Heisler G<br />

20733 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:40pm-9:00pm GB-118 Palmer T E<br />

CITF125 IT Best Practices Foundations <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20734 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-3:30pm GB-320 Dean C<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 46

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CITF200 Info Sys Tech/Problem Solving <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This course requires 8-12 hours per week outside of class time to complete assignments.<br />

20735 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Taylor K<br />

20736 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-4:30pm GB-316 Smith S<br />

20737 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:40pm-10:00pm GB-316 Taylor K E<br />

CITF240 IT Project Management <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CITF 110 or CITF 200)<br />

20738 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Dean C<br />

20739 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:10pm-1:30pm GB-119 Smith S<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

CITF260 Systems Analysis and Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITF 110 and (CITP 110 or CITP 150) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20740 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Palmer T<br />

Computer Info Tech/Networking<br />

For more information about Computer Information Technology Networking courses please visit our website at http://www.lcc.edu/mait. The following course<br />

includes an industry certification exam: CITN 230. Tutoring may be available for these courses. Please stop by Tutoring Services at A&S 103 or call 517-<br />

483-1206. For more information, check out www.lcc.edu/tutorial.<br />

CITN120 Introduction to Networking <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: CITF 110<br />

20741 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Dean C<br />

20742 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Suniga E<br />

20743 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:10pm-8:30pm GB-316 Vue T E<br />

CITN220 Networking Concepts ICND1 <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $214<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CITS 120 and CITS 130) or (CITS 121 and CITS 131) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students should apply for approval through the Media, Art, and Information Technologies Department in room GB 131. The form for<br />

departmental approval is available in the department office and on the Computer Information Technology Web site (http://www.lcc.edu/mait/cit/index.htm).<br />

20744 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:40am-12:00pm GB-145 Dietrich K<br />

20745 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:40pm-7:00pm GB-145 Dean C E<br />

CITN225 Networking Devices ICND2 <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $65<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITN 220 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20746 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:40pm-9:00pm GB-145 Dean C E<br />

CITN230 Linux/UNIX Operating System <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $272<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in CITF 120 or CITF 120 Placement Test) and minimum 2.0 in CITN 220<br />

20747 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-145 Staff<br />

CITN250 Microsoft Network Server <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $73<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CITF 120 and CITN 220)<br />

20748 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-7:30pm GB-145 Glomski T E<br />

CITN280 IT Security Foundations <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITN 220<br />

Recommended: CITN 230 or CITN 250 or CITN 270<br />

20749 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-3:30pm GB-145 Werner J<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 47

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Computer Info Tech/Programming<br />

For more information about Computer Information Technology Programming courses please visit our website at http://www.lcc.edu/mait. Tutoring may be<br />

available for these courses. Please stop by Tutoring Services at A&S 103 or call 517-483-1206. For more information, check out www.lcc.edu/tutorial.<br />

CITP110 Intro to Computer Programming <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

20750 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Heisler G<br />

20751 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Harris M<br />

20753 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Heisler G<br />

20754 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Harris M<br />

20755 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-121 Grebner D<br />

20757 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-121 Grebner D<br />

20758 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-121 Heisler G<br />

20759 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-121 Harris M<br />

20760 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-121 Ososkie T E<br />

20761 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10pm-10:00pm GB-119 Ososkie T E<br />

CITP150 Intro to VB.Net Programming <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in CITP 110<br />

20762 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Coxon M<br />

20764 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-118 Grebner D<br />

20767 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:40pm-7:30pm GB-118 Coxon M E<br />

CITP180 Intro to C#.NET Programming <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITP 110 and Reading Level 5<br />

20769 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-119 Werner V E<br />

CITP190 Intro to Programming in JAVA <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITP 110<br />

20771 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Jaeger M<br />

CITP250 Advanced VB.NET Programming <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in CITP 150<br />

22528 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10pm-10:00pm GB-121 Coxon M E<br />

CITP290 Adv JAVA Programming for Busn <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $165<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CITP 190 and CITW 150)<br />

20774 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Werner V<br />

CITP295<br />

Programming Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

20777 Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-131 Heisler G<br />

Computer Info Tech/Support<br />

For more information about Computer Information Technology Support courses please visit our website at http://www.lcc.edu/mait. The following courses<br />

include industry certification exams: CITS121 and CITS131. Tutoring may be available for these courses. Please stop by Tutoring Services at A&S 103 or<br />

call 517-483-1206. For more information, check out www.lcc.edu/tutorial.<br />

CITS100 Schematic Drawing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

20780 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 1.50 01/10-03/06 T 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-320 Sheets D<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 48

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CITS121 Computer Support: A+ Essential <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $125<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Math Level 3<br />

20782 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 10:10am-1:00pm GB-119 Galbraith D<br />

20783 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-3:30pm GB-119 Galbraith D<br />

20785 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-3:30pm GB-119 Galbraith D<br />

20786 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-7:30pm GB-119 Dietrich K E<br />

CITS131 Computer Support: A+ Techn <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $125<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITS 121 or concurrently and Reading Level 5 and Math Level 3<br />

20787 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:40am-12:30pm GB-119 Willett D<br />

20788 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-5:30pm GB-119 Galbraith D<br />

20789 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-5:30pm GB-119 Galbraith D<br />

20790 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10pm-9:30pm GB-119 Dietrich K E<br />

CITS160<br />

Logic Problems Analysis<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 4<br />

Recommended: Math Level 5<br />

20791 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Nelson B<br />

CITS161 Soldering and Desoldering <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20792 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 1.50 03/14-05/08 T 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-316 Pulling J<br />

CITS171 PC Hardware Operation <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20793 Lab/Lecture 6.00/ 7.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:40pm-8:00pm GB-320 Sheets D E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 8:10pm-10:00pm GB-320<br />

CITS175 Troubleshooting Comp Systems <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITS 170 or concurrently<br />

20795 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-320 Nelson B E<br />

01/10-05/08 R 8:10pm-10:00pm GB-320<br />

CITS181 Computer Diagnostic Software <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITS 171 or concurrently<br />

20796 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:40pm-3:30pm GB-320 Lasley R<br />

CITS285<br />

IT Professional Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

20797 Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-131 Grebner D<br />

20798 Worksite 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-131 Grebner D<br />

Computer Info Tech/Web<br />

For more information about Computer Information Technology Web courses please visit our website at http://www.lcc.edu/mait. Tutoring may be available<br />

for these courses. Please stop by Tutoring Services at A&S 103 or call 517-483-1206. For more information, check out www.lcc.edu/tutorial.<br />

CITW150 Internet Literacy <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: Windows familiarity<br />

20799 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lawson R<br />

20800 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lawson R<br />

20801 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-7:00pm GB-316 Moran J E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

20802 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:40pm-10:00pm GB-121 Staff E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 49

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CITW160 Developing Pages for the Web <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in CITW 150 or concurrently) or (minimum 2.0 in ARTS 173)<br />

20803 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Pipper D<br />

20805 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-316 Pipper D E<br />

CITW165 Advanced Web Development <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITW 160<br />

Recommended: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

22529 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Pipper D<br />

CITW175 Web Site Management <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITW 160<br />

Recommended: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

22530 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Pipper D<br />

CITW180 ASP.Net Web Development <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CITW 160 and (CITP 150 or CITP 250)<br />

20806 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-320 Pipper D E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

Computer Science<br />

CPSC120 Introduction to Computers <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20191 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Fuehr R<br />

20192 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Fuehr R<br />

20193 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bredwell H<br />

20194 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:40am-10:00am A&S-455A Brower S<br />

20195 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:30pm A&S-455A Brower S<br />

20196 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:40pm-6:00pm A&S-455A Brower S E<br />

20197 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST Fuehr R E<br />

CPSC131 Tech Prob Solving Using MATLAB <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 151 or MATH 161 or concurrently) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20201 Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-172 Paquette L<br />

CPSC227 Algorithm & Computing w/Python <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 151 or MATH 161 within 2 years or concurrently) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20202 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-175 Beckmann B E<br />

01/10-05/08 T 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-173<br />

CPSC230 Algorithms and Computing w/C++ <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 151 or MATH 161 or concurrently) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20203 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-455A Bowman M<br />

01/10-05/08 T 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-121<br />

CPSC231 Computing and Data Structures <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CPSC 230 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20204 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-169 Beckmann B<br />

CPSC260<br />

Computer Science Structures<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CPSC 230 and (MATH 151 or MATH 161) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20207 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-169 Stewart M<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 50

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Continuing Health Careers<br />

Refer to the Continuing Education section of the schedule for additional registration, pricing, and refund information.<br />

CHCE106<br />

Cardiac Dysrhythmia Interpreta<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20857 Lecture 2.50/ 0.00 01/14-04/08 W 6:10pm-9:30pm HHS-005 Kuhn S E<br />

20857: Cost of this course is $282.<br />

CHCE210 PALS Training Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: (Current Basic Life Support or CPR Card) and Department Approval<br />

20763 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 01/31-02/01 SU 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20763: Cost of this seminar is $266.<br />

CHCE211 PALS Renewal Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: (Current Basic Life Support or CPR Card) and Current PALS Provider Card and Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of these seminars is $173.<br />

20776 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 05/16 S 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20778 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 05/17 U 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

CHCE227 Health Related Seminars Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

ECG/Pharmacology<br />

20781 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 03/27 F 9:00am-6:00pm HHS-005 Demartino D<br />

20781: Prerequisite: CPR HCP certification and Health Careers Applicant or Professional and Department Approval. Cost of this seminar is $60.<br />

CHCE230 ACLS Training Seminar Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Current Basic Life Support or CPR Card and Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of these seminars is $266.<br />

20756 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 01/10-01/11 SU 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-213 Demartino D W<br />

20772 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 04/04-04/05 SU 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

CHCE235 ACLS Renewal Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Current Basic Life Support or CPR Card and Current ACLS Provider Card and Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of these seminars is $173.<br />

20765 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 02/21 S 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20766 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 02/22 U 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20768 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 03/21 S 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20770 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 03/22 U 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20773 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 04/25 S 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

Criminal Justice<br />

CJUS101<br />

Intro to Criminal Justice<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20026 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bender J<br />

20027 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bender J E<br />

01/15 R 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-W157<br />

02/19 R 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-W157<br />

04/16 R 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-W157<br />

20028 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 9:10am-12:00pm WCB-W168 Thomas E<br />

20029 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-4:00pm WCB-W166 Durkee D<br />

20030 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 5:10pm-8:00pm WCB-N190 White J E<br />

20031 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-N193 McEntee A E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 51

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CJUS102<br />

Crime Causes and Conditions<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20032 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Thomas E<br />

20033 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-U235 Maatman J E<br />

CJUS103<br />

Criminal Law<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CJUS 101 or concurrently<br />

20036 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Brown D<br />

20040 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 10:10am-1:00pm WCB-W166 Brown D<br />

20041 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-W168 Martin D E<br />

CJUS104<br />

Theory of Patrol<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: CJUS 101<br />

20042 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Thomas E<br />

20043 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-4:00pm WCB-N193 Thomas E<br />

CJUS106<br />

Intro to Juvenile Justice<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20044 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Moravec D<br />

20045 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 9:10am-12:00pm WCB-W166 Moravec D<br />

20046 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-U234 Stevens M E<br />

CJUS126<br />

Juvenile Offenders/Families<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CJUS 106 or concurrently<br />

20047 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-W167 Monroe T E<br />

CJUS130<br />

Local Detention<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20048 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Heck-Smith P<br />

CJUS131<br />

Introduction to Corrections<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20049 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Durkee D<br />

20050 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-4:00pm WCB-U235 Durkee D<br />

20051 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-U235 Siegrist S E<br />

CJUS133<br />

Juvenile Residential Services<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CJUS 106 or concurrently<br />

20052 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-U236 Gentry R E<br />

CJUS134<br />

Probation and Parole<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CJUS 101 or CJUS 131) or concurrently<br />

20053 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Harton C<br />

CJUS135<br />

Legal Issues in Corrections<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CJUS 130 or CJUS 131) or concurrently<br />

20054 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Strudwick J<br />

20055 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-U238 Marutiak M E<br />

CJUS201<br />

Criminal Justice Org/Admin<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CJUS 101<br />

20056 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Maatman J<br />

20057 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-U237 Parviainen W E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 52

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CJUS203<br />

Criminal Procedure<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CJUS 103<br />

20058 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:10pm-4:00pm WCB-N193 Brennan T<br />

CJUS204<br />

Criminal Investigation<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CJUS 101 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in CJUS 103<br />

20059 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Baldwin R<br />

20060 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-3:00pm WCB-U233 Baldwin R<br />

CJUS205<br />

Policing into the 21st Century<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CJUS 101<br />

20061 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Baldwin R<br />

20062 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-U238 Baldwin R E<br />

CJUS242<br />

Unarmed Defense<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20063 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 3:10pm-6:00pm WCB-U225 Southworth D<br />

CJUS245 Report Writing/Crim Justice <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CJUS 101 or CJUS 131) and (CJUS 103 or CJUS 135) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20064 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bender J<br />

20065 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-E139 Mulvaney J E<br />

CJUS250<br />

Correctional Institutions<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CJUS 131 or concurrently<br />

20066 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Durkee D<br />

CJUS251<br />

Correctional Clients<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CJUS 130 or CJUS 131) or concurrently<br />

20069 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Keene D<br />

CJUS255<br />

Human Relations/Crim Justice<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CJUS 101 or CJUS 130 or CJUS 131) or concurrently and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20071 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Durkee D<br />

20073 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-W166 Fairbanks A E<br />

CJUS285<br />

Law Enforcement Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

20097 Worksite 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE Baldwin R<br />

20097: Department approval requires a completed application submitted to the Public Service Careers Department. Worksite placements must be<br />

approved by the instructor.<br />

CJUS286<br />

Juvenile Internship I<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CJUS 106 or concurrently and Department Approval<br />

20099 Lecture/Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE Moravec D<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-M127<br />

20099: Department Approval requires a completed application submitted to the Public Service Careers Department. Worksite placements will be assigned<br />

by the instructor. Mandatory orientation is Wednesday, January 14, 2009 from 12:00-1:00pm in WCB M127.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 53

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

CJUS287<br />

Juvenile Internship II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in CJUS 286 and (CJUS 133 or concurrently) and Department Approval<br />

Recommended: For Juvenile Care Worker students<br />

20105 Lecture/Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-M127 Moravec D<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

20105: Department Approval requires a completed application submitted to the Public Service Careers Department. Students must be interviewed and the<br />

worksite placement approved by the instructor. Mandatory orientation is Wednesday, January 14, 2009 from 12:00-1:00pm in WCB M127.<br />

CJUS288<br />

Corrections Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

20106 Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE Durkee D<br />

20106: Departmental approval requires a completed application submitted to the Public Service Careers Department. Worksite placements will be assigned<br />

by the instructor.<br />

Dance<br />

DANC101<br />

Beginning Ballet<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21195 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:30pm GB-372 Otten-Mason R<br />

21276 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 7:40pm-9:00pm GB-372 Alabuszew-Kutek E<br />

DANC102<br />

Beginning Modern<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21282 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-3:30pm GB-372 Otten-Mason R<br />

DANC103<br />

Beginning Jazz<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21283 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:30pm GB-372 Diebold V<br />

DANC104<br />

Beginning Tap<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21285 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-7:30pm GB-256 Jacot D E<br />

DANC201<br />

Intermediate Ballet<br />

Prerequisite: Dance Audition for Intermediate Ballet<br />

21287 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:40pm-7:30pm GB-372 Alabuszew-Kutek E<br />

DANC202<br />

Intermediate Modern<br />

Prerequisite: Dance Audition for Intermediate Modern<br />

21288 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-372 Bischoff M<br />

DANC203<br />

Intermediate Jazz<br />

Prerequisite: Dance Audition for Intermediate Jazz<br />

21289 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-372 Falsetta E E<br />

DANC204<br />

Intermediate Tap<br />

Prerequisite: Dance Audition for Intermediate Tap<br />

21293 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-256 Jacot D<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 54

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Dental Hygiene<br />

Dental hygienists are licensed preventive oral health care professionals. They provide educational, clinical, and therapeutic services to patients in dental<br />

offices, schools, hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other public health programs. Clinical skills include performing patient assessments; taking health<br />

histories; examining head, neck and oral tissues for disease; checking blood pressures; exposing and processing dental x-ray pictures; applying decaypreventing<br />

agents to the teeth; polishing fillings; scaling and root planing teeth; and polishing teeth.<br />

The Dental Hygiene Program is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation, which is recognized by the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation<br />

and by the United States Department of Education. Graduates from this program are eligible to take the written National Board Examination and Northeast<br />

Regional Board clinical examination. These types of exams are required by all states for licensing to practice as a dental hygienist.<br />

Dental Hygiene is a selective admission program. For information contact the Admissions Office at 517-483-1254 or the Dental Hygiene Program at 517-<br />

483-1457, or visit our website at http://www.lcc.edu/humanhealth/dental/. Students who have been accepted into the program will receive schedule<br />

information directly from the program.<br />

Diagnostic Medical Sonography<br />

The Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program is nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)<br />

and prepares an individual to use ultrasonic equipment. The sonographer produces images to demonstrate body parts and assist the physician in the<br />

diagnosis of medical abnormalities using equipment with a high frequency sound wave (much like sonar). Graduates of the program are eligible to take the<br />

examination given by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers.<br />

Diagnostic Medical Sonography is a selective admission program. For information contact the Admissions Office at 517-483-1254 or the Health and Human<br />

Services Department at 517-483-1410, or visit our website at http://www.lcc.edu/humanhealth/sonography/ . Students who have been accepted into the<br />

program will receive schedule information directly from the program.<br />

Digital Media, Audio, & Cinema<br />

DMAC120 Digital Audio Production I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $103<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20946 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-5:00pm TLC-111 Frahm P<br />

20947 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:10pm-5:00pm TLC-111 Staff<br />

20948 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm TLC-111 Frahm P E<br />

DMAC121 Digital Audio Production II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $105<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in DMAC 120 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20949 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm TLC-015 Simonson S E<br />

DMAC122 Audio Recording I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $104<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in DMAC 120 and (minimum 2.0 in DMAC 121 or concurrently) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20950 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-5:00pm TLC-015 Staff<br />

DMAC130 Digital Video Production <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $115<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20951 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-5:00pm TLC-111 Sumbler B<br />

20952 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-5:00pm TLC-111 Frahm P<br />

20953 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm TLC-111 Wilks R E<br />

20954 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm TLC-111 Edwards R E<br />

20955 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm TLC-111 Fortier K E<br />

DMAC131 Digital Cinematography I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $115<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in DMAC 130 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20956 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 9:10am-1:00pm GB-166 Hamlin J<br />

DMAC132 Video Post-Production I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $115<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in DMAC 130 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: DMAC 140<br />

20957 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 9:10am-1:00pm TLC-111 Hamlin J<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 55

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

DMAC140 Pre-Production Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $60<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20958 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 9:10am-12:00pm GB-116 Whiting Dobson L<br />

20959 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-116 Shanahan E E<br />

DMAC141 Ethics and Impact of the Media <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (DMAC 120 and DMAC 130 and DMAC 140) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20960 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 9:10am-12:00pm TLC-044 Armstrong J<br />

DMAC235 New Media Design/Distribution <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $105<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ARTS 102 or DMAC 130) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20961 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-116 Edwards R E<br />

DMAC246 Workshop: Video <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $79<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

20962 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-131 Stephens F<br />

Economics<br />

ECON120<br />

Power, Authority and Exchange<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

20974 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hess R<br />

20975 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hess R<br />

20976 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-224 Hess R<br />

ECON201<br />

Principles of Economics-Micro<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Math Level 4<br />

20977 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Luke J<br />

20978 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Luke J<br />

20979 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lenchner S<br />

20980 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lenchner S<br />

20981 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Wilson W<br />

20982 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am GB-292 Traub L<br />

20983 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/17-05/08 F 9:00am-1:05pm GB-292 Mazhangara E<br />

20984 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-167 McCrea B<br />

20985 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-178 Luke J<br />

20986 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-202 Traub L<br />

20987 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-310 Nelson R<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

20987: This is a combined face-to-face and internet section.<br />

20988 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-011 Mazhangara E<br />

20989 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-167 McCrea B<br />

20990 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-171 Luke J<br />

20991 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-011 Kijewski K E<br />

20992 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-171 Mazhangara E E<br />

20993 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-374 Buckley E E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 56

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ECON202<br />

Principles of Economics-Macro<br />

Prerequisite: ECON 201 or concurrently and Reading Level 5 and Math Level 4<br />

20994 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Nelson R<br />

20995 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Nelson R<br />

20996 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Nelson R<br />

20997 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Luke J<br />

20998 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am GB-178 McCrea B<br />

20999 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-171 Kijewski K<br />

21000 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-176 Nelson R<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21000: This is a combined face-to-face and internet section.<br />

21001 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-307 McCrea B<br />

21002 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-171 Traub L<br />

21003 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Lenchner S E<br />

ECON260<br />

Comparative Economic Systems<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21004 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Luke J<br />

Education<br />

EDUC201<br />

Teacher Education Practicum<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: A criminal background check is required for field placement in this course. Registered students must contact the Office of Teacher<br />

Preparation at A&S 110, 517-483-1124 to complete required documentation before the semester begins.<br />

21005 Lecture/Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 3:10pm-4:30pm A&S-010 Quick G<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

21006 Lecture/Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 4:10pm-5:30pm A&S-010 Quick G E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

21007 Lecture/Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 4:10pm-5:30pm A&S-010 Davis W E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

21008 Lecture/Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 4:10pm-5:30pm A&S-010 Davis W E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

EDUC204<br />

Educational Psychology<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21009 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Selleck A<br />

21010 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Forbes N<br />

21011 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-9:30am A&S-011 Lee W<br />

21012 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:40am-12:00pm A&S-011 Lee W<br />

21013 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-7:30pm A&S-011 D'Alessandro C E<br />

21014 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN James W E<br />

EDUC220<br />

Introduction to Education<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21015 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Selleck A<br />

21016 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Selleck A<br />

21017 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:40am-12:00pm GB-134 Quick G<br />

21018 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/17-05/08 F 11:55am-3:00pm A&S-011 Quick G<br />

21019 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:30pm SPS-102 Mills A<br />

21020 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-3:30pm A&S-011 Quick G<br />

21021 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm STJCCC Mills A E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 57

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

EDUC226<br />

Reading in Elementary School<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: EDUC 220 and EDUC 204<br />

21022 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm STJCCC O'Brien-Cradit J E<br />

EDUC228<br />

Technology in Education<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: EDUC 220 and (CPSC 120 or CABS 110)<br />

21023 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-5:30pm A&S-379 Shaltry K E<br />

21024 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-379 Shaltry K E<br />

EDUC230<br />

Intro to Special Education<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21025 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Steinkamp R<br />

21026 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-011 Shaltry K E<br />

21027 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN Steinkamp R E<br />

Electrical Technology<br />

ELTE100 Electrical Safety Practices <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $22<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20068 Self-Paced 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-U206 Mattson D<br />

20068: ELTE 100 is offered on a self-paced, open-lab basis. Students enrolling in this course at the beginning of the semester are expected to finish the<br />

course in eight weeks. Orientation for ELTE 100 is scheduled in West Campus Room U206 at 10:00 AM on Saturday, January 10, 2009 and again at 6:00<br />

PM on Tuesday, January 13, 2009. ALL STUDENTS IN ELTE 100 MUST ATTEND ONE OF THESE ORIENTATIONS. If you have any questions, call the<br />

Electrical Lab at (517) 483-1360.<br />

The Electrical Lab is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM, Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Friday from 9:00 AM to 12:00<br />

NOON and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.<br />

ELTE110 Practical Electricity <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $47<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ELTE 100 or concurrently and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

20070 Self-Paced 3.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-U206 Mattson D<br />

20070: ELTE 110 is offered on a self-paced, open-lab basis. Orientation for ELTE 110 is scheduled in West Campus Room U206 at 11:30 AM on Saturday,<br />

January 10, 2009 and again at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, January 13, 2009. ALL STUDENTS IN ELTE 110 MUST ATTEND ONE OF THESE ORIENTATIONS.<br />

If you have any questions, call the Electrical Lab at (517) 483-1360.<br />

The Electrical Lab is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM, Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Friday from 9:00 AM to 12:00<br />

NOON and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.<br />

ELTE111 Intro to Industrial Automation <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $48<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3<br />

20072 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 9:10am-11:00am WCB-U205 McKee R<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-U205<br />

20074 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U205 Miller W E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-U205<br />

20075 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U205 Miller W E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-U205<br />

ELTE112 Basic Wiring Installation <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ELTE 110 or HVAC 110)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students will be required to provide hand tools not included in the course fee. A list of these tools will be provided at the first class meeting.<br />

20076 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/24-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:30pm WCB-U209 Jackson T E<br />

20076: Students enrolling in ELTE 100 and 110 during Spring Semester may also be able to enroll in this late start section of ELTE 112. Contact the<br />

Electrical Technology program at (517) 483-1360 to request a waiver.<br />

20077 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U209 Jackson T E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 58

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ELTE121 Electrical Mathematics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ELTE 100 and (ELTE 110 or ELTE 118) and (minimum 2.0 in MATH 107 or MATH 114 or Math Level 5) and Reading Level 5<br />

20078 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm WCB-U203 Feldpausch M<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-U206<br />

20079 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am WCB-U205 Feldpausch M<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-U206<br />

ELTE122 Industrial Control Electronics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $41<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ELTE 111 (previously ELTE 105) and ELTE 121)<br />

20080 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 7.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-10:30pm WCB-U205 McKee R E<br />

ELTE131 Intro to Machine Control <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $53<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ELTE 110<br />

20081 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 TR 11:10am-1:30pm WCB-U206 Vossler S<br />

20082 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 F 5:40pm-10:30pm WCB-U206 Vossler S E<br />

ELTE141 National Electrical Code I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $11<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ELTE 110 or HVAC 110)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students with a minimum of one year of experience may request a waiver for the prerequisites of this class. Call (517) 483-1360 to request a<br />

waiver.<br />

20083 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am WCB-U203 Mattson D<br />

20084 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U203 Williams D E<br />

ELTE142 National Electrical Code II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $11<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ELTE 141<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students with a minimum of two years of experience may request a waiver for the prerequisites of this class. Call (517) 483-1360 to request a<br />

waiver.<br />

20085 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U203 Foote K E<br />

ELTE143 National Electrical Code III <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $11<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ELTE 142<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students with a minimum of three years of experience may request a waiver for the prerequisites of this class. Call (517) 483-1360 to request<br />

a waiver.<br />

20086 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U203 Foote K E<br />

ELTE145 Electrical Prints for Building <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $33<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ELTE 141<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in ELTE 121 or equivalent<br />

20087 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-U206 Wood C E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-U206<br />

ELTE150 Electric Motor Maintenance <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $13<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ELTE 110 or HVAC 110)<br />

20088 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U209 Bulmer J E<br />

ELTE240 Electrical Estimating <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ELTE 112 and ELTE 145)<br />

20089 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U209 Swain J E<br />

ELTE261 AB Control Logix Advanced <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $120<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ELTE 260<br />

20090 Lab/Lecture 6.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:40am-2:30pm WCB-U205 McKee R<br />

20091 Lab/Lecture 6.00/ 8.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U205 Vossler S E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-U205<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 59

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Emergency Medical Services Sem<br />

Refer to the Continuing Education section of the schedule for additional registration, pricing, and refund information.<br />

EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of these seminars is $82.<br />

20831 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 01/17 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20832 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 01/24 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20852 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 01/29-02/05 R 6:00pm-9:00pm HHS-213 Demartino D E<br />

20835 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 02/07 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-213 Demartino D W<br />

20856 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 02/12-02/19 R 6:00pm-9:00pm HHS-213 Demartino D E<br />

20837 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 02/28 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20839 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 03/01 U 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20842 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 03/28 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20845 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 04/18 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20848 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 05/02 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

EMSB103 CPR Renewal Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Current Basic Life Support or CPR Card<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of these seminars is $66.<br />

20823 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 02/06 F 6:00pm-10:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20825 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 03/27 F 6:00pm-10:00pm HHS-213 Demartino D W<br />

20827 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 05/01 F 6:00pm-10:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

EMSB104 CPR Instructor Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Current Basic Life Support or CPR Card and American Heart Association Core Instructor <strong>Course</strong> Completion Certificate<br />

20779 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 05/29 F 6:00pm-9:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

05/30 S 9:00am-3:00pm HHS-006<br />

20779: Cost of this seminar is $118.<br />

Emergency Medical Technology<br />

EMTA100 Medical First Responder <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $79<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: In addition to regular class time, students are required to complete Bloodborne Pathogens Training online. Information will be distributed via<br />

the course Angel site and/or in class.<br />

20142 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 R 2:10pm-5:00pm HHS-209 Barnum E<br />

01/10-05/08 T 2:10pm-5:00pm HHS-213<br />

20143 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-209 Barnum E E<br />

01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-006<br />

EMTA101 Basic EMT I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Must be 18 years of age and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): EMTA 102<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: The EMT Academy is offered in two distinct sessions that cannot be combined. Students enrolling in the Daytime Academy must enroll for all<br />

five academy courses together during the day to complete the academy in one semester (includes EMTA 101, 102, 103, 104, and 112.) Students enrolling<br />

in the evening sections will complete the Academy in two semesters by enrolling in EMTA 101 and 102 during the fall and in EMTA 103, 104, and 112<br />

during the following spring. See section notes for specific sections that must be taken together.<br />

Students will be required to pass a digital finger print criminal background check. Cost to student: $65. Information will be provided on the first day of class.<br />

There will be additional cost to students for uniforms and supplies.<br />

In addition to regular class time, students are required to complete Bloodborne Pathogens Training online. Information will be distributed via the course<br />

Angel site and/or in class.<br />

20144 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-03/06 MT 8:10am-12:00pm HHS-213 Cooper T<br />

20144: Daytime Academy section. Students must also enroll in EMTA 102-20145, EMTA 103-20146, EMTA 104-20148, and EMTA 112-20150.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 60

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

EMTA102 Basic EMT II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $176<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): EMTA 101<br />

20145 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 4.00 01/10-03/06 WR 8:10am-12:00pm HHS-209 West K<br />

20145: Daytime Academy section. Students must also enroll in EMTA 101-20144, EMTA 103-20146, EMTA 104-20148, and EMTA 112-20150.<br />

EMTA103 Basic EMT III <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 3.0 in (EMTA 101 and EMTA 102)<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): EMTA 104 and EMTA 112<br />

20146 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 03/14-05/08 MT 8:10am-12:00pm HHS-213 Cooper T<br />

20146: Daytime Academy section. Students must also enroll in EMTA 101-20144, EMTA 102-20145, EMTA 104-20148, and EMTA 112-20150.<br />

20147 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm HHS-213 Kreft S E<br />

20147: Evening Academy section. Students must also enroll in EMTA 104-20149 and EMTA 112-20151.<br />

EMTA104 Basic EMT IV <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $171<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 3.0 in (EMTA 101 and EMTA 102)<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): EMTA 103 and EMTA 112<br />

20148 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 4.00 03/14-05/08 WR 8:10am-12:00pm HHS-209 West K<br />

20148: Daytime Academy section. Students must also enroll in EMTA 101-20144, EMTA 102-20145, EMTA 103-20146, and EMTA 112-20150.<br />

20149 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm HHS-209 Clark C E<br />

20149: Evening Academy section. Students must also enroll in EMTA 103-20147 and EMTA 112-20151.<br />

EMTA112 Basic EMT Clinical <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $182<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 3.0 in (EMTA 101 and EMTA 102)<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): EMTA 103 and EMTA 104<br />

20150 Lab/Lecture/Worksite 2.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:10pm-3:00pm HHS-020 Clark C<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

20150: Daytime Academy section. Students must also enroll in EMTA 101-20144, EMTA 102-20145, EMTA 103-20146, and EMTA 104-20148.<br />

20151 Lab/Lecture/Worksite 2.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-8:00pm HHS-315 Clark C E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

20151: Evening Academy section. Students must also enroll in EMTA 103-20147 and EMTA 104-20149.<br />

EMTA115 First Aid and CPR <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $85<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: In addition to regular class time, students are required to complete Bloodborne Pathogens Training online. Information will be distributed via<br />

the course Angel site and/or in class.<br />

20152 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 M 6:10pm-10:00pm HHS-213 Feldpausch W E<br />

20153 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm HHS-213 Feldpausch W E<br />

English<br />

ENGL122<br />

Writ About Literature & Ideas<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in WRIT 121 or WRIT 131 or (Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 8)<br />

21294 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Clauer B<br />

21296 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Warner P<br />

21297 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Zammit P<br />

21298 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Siebert C<br />

21317 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Palmiter K<br />

21299 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am GB-174 Staff<br />

21300 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-024 Warner P<br />

21301 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-024 Bowman M<br />

21303 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-358 Warner P<br />

ENGL122 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 61

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ENGL122 continued<br />

21305 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-358 Galik M<br />

21306 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-356 Hinrichsen D<br />

21307 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-174 Bowman M<br />

21309 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-174 Roth N<br />

21310 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-120 Gray S E<br />

21311 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-118 Capelin C E<br />

21313 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm EAST Holcomb B<br />

21314 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm LIVCEN Zammit P E<br />

21316 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm STJCCC Staff E<br />

ENGL201<br />

Introduction to Poetry<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131) and ENGL 122<br />

22909 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-009 Clauer B<br />

ENGL208<br />

Children's Literature<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131) and ENGL 122<br />

21335 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Batt C<br />

21336 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Siebert C<br />

21337 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Farris L<br />

21338 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-010 Purvis T<br />

21339 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-010 Batt C<br />

21340 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-458 Purvis T E<br />

ENGL212<br />

World Literature II<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131) and ENGL 122<br />

21342 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Gibbons S<br />

21344 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-102 Bowman M<br />

ENGL240<br />

The Film as Art<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131) and ENGL 122<br />

21345 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 2:10pm-4:30pm A&S-170 Bowman M<br />

01/10-05/08 T 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-170<br />

ENGL256<br />

American Lit 1865 to Present<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131) and ENGL 122<br />

21346 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-010 Purvis T<br />

ENGL270<br />

Literature by Women<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131) and ENGL 122<br />

21349 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-010 Purvis T<br />

ENGL290<br />

Shakespeare<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131) and ENGL 122<br />

21350 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-257 Hinrichsen D<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 62

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

English for Spkrs Other Langs<br />

Placement testing is required for all new students, and testing is done in the Assessment Center located in Room 200 of the Gannon Building. For<br />

placement testing times and days call 267-5500. Currently enrolled students do not need to retest. We recommend that you see an academic advisor<br />

before registering for any ESOL courses. Attendance the first week of class is important.<br />

ESOL050 Basic Reading and Speaking Ski <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Placement Test<br />

Recommended: ESOL 055 concurrently<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This course requires 10 hours of work outside of class using materials in the Language Skills Learning Center in the Department of Language<br />

Skills. Your teacher will give more details on this during the first few days of class. If you cannot register in the ESOL 050 course of your choice, please call<br />

the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

20453 Lecture 6.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 8:10am-10:00am SPS-105 Staff<br />

ESOL055 Grammar and Sentence Writ Skil <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Placement Test<br />

Recommended: ESOL 050 concurrently<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the ESOL 055 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

20454 Lecture 6.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-202 Affholter G<br />

ESOL070 Intermediate Reading and Speak <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ESOL 050 (previously ESLP 014) or Placement Test<br />

Recommended: ESOL 075 concurrently<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This course requires 10 hours of work outside of class using materials in the Language Skills Learning Center in the Department of Language<br />

Skills. Your teacher will give more details on this during the first few days of class. If you cannot register in the ESOL 070 course of your choice, please call<br />

the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

20455 Lecture 6.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 8:10am-10:00am SPS-223 Affholter G<br />

20456 Lecture 6.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-102 Downey-Greer J<br />

ESOL075 Grammar and Paragraph Writing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ESOL 055 (previously ESLP 015) or Placement Test<br />

Recommended: ESOL 070 concurrently<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the ESOL 075 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

20457 Lecture 6.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 8:10am-10:00am GB-358 Warner D<br />

20458 Lecture 6.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 10:10am-12:00pm GB-358 Warner D<br />

ESOL090 High Inter. Reading and Speak <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ESOL 070 (previously ESLP 024) or Placement Test<br />

Recommended: ESOL 095 concurrently<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This course requires 10 hours of work outside of class using materials in the Language Skills Learning Center in the Department of Language<br />

Skills. Your teacher will give more details on this during the first few days of class. If you cannot register in the ESOL 090 course of your choice, please call<br />

the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

20459 Lecture 6.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 8:10am-10:00am GB-172 Dietrich S<br />

20463 Lecture 6.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 10:10am-12:00pm GB-174 Dietrich S<br />

ESOL095 Grammar and Essay Writing Skil <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ESOL 075 (previously ESLP 025) or Placement Test<br />

Recommended: ESOL 090 concurrently<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the ESOL 095 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

20465 Lecture 6.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-10:00am A&S-379 Meadows D<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am GB-308<br />

20466 Lecture 6.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-455A Meadows D<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-134<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 63

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

ESOL100 Computer Literacy ESL Students Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: ESOL 075 or ESOL 095 or ESOL 115 concurrently<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the ESOL 100 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

22898 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 T 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-172 Meadows D<br />

ESOL103 Focus on Pronunciation <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ESOL 090 (previously ESLP 034) or Placement Test<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the ESOL 103 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

22903 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/24-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:15pm GB-172 Downey-Greer J E<br />

ESOL105 Applied Grammar for Writing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ESOL 095 (previously ESLP 035) or (minimum 2.5 in ESOL 115 (previously ESLP 115) or concurrently) or Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: ESOL 115 or WRIT 117 or WRIT 121 concurrently and Word processing skills desirable<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the ESOL 105 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

20468 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/24-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:15pm GB-134 Grant J<br />

ESOL110 Bridge to Academic Reading <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ESOL 090 (previously ESLP 034) or Placement Test<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the ESOL 110 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

21201 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am SPS-105 Ow E<br />

21202 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-330 Downey-Greer J<br />

ESOL115 Developing <strong>College</strong> Writ Skills <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in ESOL 095 (previously ESLP 035) or Placement Test<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the ESOL 115 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

21206 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-022 Champion P<br />

22905 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-022 Champion P<br />

ESOL120 Academic Reading Skills <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 3.0 in ESOL 110 (previously ESLP 110) or Reading Level 4<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the ESOL 120 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

21203 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 8:10am-10:00am A&S-022 Carpio A<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21205 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-022 Carpio A<br />

Environmental Science<br />

ENVR121<br />

Environmental Rules and Regs<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

22199 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:40pm-7:00pm A&S-380 Heaton S E<br />

Fashion<br />

FASH100 Fashion Sketching <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2<br />

Recommended: (FASH 120 or concurrently) and INTR 105<br />

21779 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-3:00pm WCB-U241 Parrotta D<br />

FASH110 Computer Aided Design & Color <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $60<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in FASH 100 or concurrently and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: FASH 120 and INTR 105 and (CITF 108 or CITF 110 or METD 105 or concurrently or equivalent)<br />

21810 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 10:10am-1:00pm WCB-U241 Russell T<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 64

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

FASH115 Wedding Planning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4<br />

21818 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/17-05/08 T 5:30pm-7:30pm WCB-U234 Collins J E<br />

01/17-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21820 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Stoddard T<br />

22886 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/17-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm LIVCEN Wojtkowski A E<br />

01/17-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

FASH120 Intro to the Fashion Industry <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

21821 Online 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Ramsey S<br />

21823 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 4.00 01/17-05/08 R 3:10pm-5:00pm WCB-U225 Staff<br />

01/17-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

FASH125 Apparel Construction I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in INTR 185 or concurrently<br />

Recommended: FASH 120<br />

22107 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:30pm-8:30pm WCB-U233 DeKoninck S E<br />

FASH127 Apparel Construction II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in FASH 125<br />

Recommended: FASH 130<br />

22111 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-5:00pm WCB-U236 Spencer C<br />

FASH144 Visual Merchandising & Display <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (FASH 120 or INTR 120 (previously INTR 100))<br />

Recommended: FASH 110 and INTR 105 or concurrently or equivalent<br />

22112 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 4.00 01/17-05/08 T 5:10pm-7:30pm WCB-U233 Shaver D E<br />

01/17-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

FASH150 Apparel and Textile Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $70<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (FASH 110 and FASH 120)<br />

Recommended: INTR 120 (previously INTR 100) and (INTR 185 or concurrently)<br />

22114 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 T 10:10am-1:00pm WCB-U241 Russell T<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

FASH260 Fashion Merch Planning/Control <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in FASH 120<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in (MATH 117 or Math Level 5) and CITA 126<br />

22119 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/17-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Shaver D<br />

FASH270 Fashion Portfolio <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (FASH 100 and FASH 110)<br />

Recommended: FASH 150<br />

22266 Online/Hybrid 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Parrotta D<br />

01/14 W 7:30am-9:45am WCB-U242<br />

02/18 W 7:30am-9:45am WCB-U242<br />

03/25 W 7:30am-9:45am WCB-U242<br />

05/06 W 7:30am-9:45am WCB-U242<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 65

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Fire Science<br />

FIRE SCIENCE ACADEMY, FIRE101 and FIRE102: Public Service Careers Department offers an internationally accredited Fire Science Academy<br />

Program to prepare individuals in basic fire training and fitness. Successful completion leads to certification by the Michigan Fire Fighter Training Council<br />

for Fire Fighter I and II, Hazardous Materials Awareness, and Hazardous Materials Operations. The Spring 2009 Academy begins with a required<br />

orientation on Thursday and Friday, January 8 and 9, 2009. Students who have been admitted to the academy will be notified of the time and location. The<br />

Academy runs from January 10 through May 8, 2009.<br />

The Fire Science Academy is a selective admissions program. In order to be considered as a candidate for this program, students must meet basic<br />

admissions requirements beyond those required for admission to the college. For current information about admission requirements, students must contact<br />

the Public Service Careers Department, West Campus Building M127, (517) 483-1570.<br />

FIRE100<br />

Principles Emergency Services<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

20001 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-N193 Pawluk W<br />

FIRE104 Fire Behavior & Combustion <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (FIRE 100 or concurrently) or (FIRE 101 and FIRE 102)<br />

20019 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-N193 Priese R E<br />

FIRE110<br />

Fire Prevention<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (FIRE 100 or concurrently) or (FIRE 101 and FIRE 102)<br />

20020 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-N193 Brown D E<br />

FIRE112<br />

Occup Health & Safety/Fire Svc<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in FIRE 104 or concurrently<br />

20021 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-N193 Brown D E<br />

French<br />

FREN116<br />

Conversational French II<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: FREN 115 or equivalent<br />

20225 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-477A Staff W<br />

FREN121<br />

Elementary French I<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

20226 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-009 Goudiaby C<br />

20227 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm SPS-105 Goudiaby C E<br />

20228 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-3:00pm EAST Goudiaby C<br />

FREN122<br />

Elementary French II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.5 in FREN 121<br />

20229 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Phillips K<br />

20230 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-322 Phillips K<br />

FREN202<br />

Intermediate French II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.5 in FREN 201<br />

20231 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-356 Phillips K<br />

Geographic Information Systems<br />

GRET203 Beginning MicroStation <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: LAND 282 or Basic CAD experience<br />

20171 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-11:00pm WCB-U244 Lynch J E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 66

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

GRET221 Landforms/Soil Systems in GIS <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20172 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U243 Root E E<br />

GRET223<br />

Environmental Resource Mgmt<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20173 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U236 Dannemiller G E<br />

GRET240 Cartography in GIS <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20182 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U231 Staff E<br />

GRET255 Beginning ARC/GIS <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Computer experience<br />

20181 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-11:00pm WCB-U231 Taylor G E<br />

GRET256 Advanced ARC/GIS <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in GRET 255<br />

20174 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-11:00pm WCB-U231 Schools E E<br />

GRET266 Project Design in GIS <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in GRET 255<br />

20178 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-11:00pm WCB-U231 Rogers R E<br />

GRET275 GIS Proj Mgmt & Implementation <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $95<br />

20180 Independent Study 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged WCB-M103 Staff<br />

Geography<br />

GEOG121<br />

Physical Geography<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: Word software experience<br />

21028 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 11:40am-1:30pm A&S-378 Kniseley M<br />

GEOG200<br />

World Regional Geography<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21029 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Gustin W<br />

21030 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Gustin W<br />

21031 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Gustin W<br />

21032 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Kniseley M<br />

21033 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-378 Gustin W<br />

21034 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/17-05/08 F 12:00pm-4:05pm A&S-378 Gustin W<br />

21035 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-3:00pm A&S-378 Gustin W<br />

21036 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-378 Harlow R E<br />

21037 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Kniseley M E<br />

21038 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 12:10pm-4:00pm LIVCEN Staff<br />

GEOG202<br />

Geography of North America<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21039 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:30am A&S-378 Gustin W<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 67

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Geology<br />

GEOL221 Physical Geology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4 and Math Level 4<br />

22201 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-1:00pm A&S-378 Onofryton J<br />

GEOL222 Historical Geology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $26<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4 and Math Level 4<br />

22200 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 8:10am-10:00am A&S-378 Onofryton J<br />

GEOL230 Environmental Geology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

22202 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:40pm-4:30pm A&S-378 Onofryton J<br />

GRMN115<br />

Conversational German I<br />

German<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20232 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 7:10pm-10:00pm A&S-257 Mickeleit J E<br />

GRMN121<br />

Elementary German I<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

20233 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 7:10pm-9:00pm EAST Richards K E<br />

GRMN122<br />

Elementary German II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.5 in GRMN 121<br />

20234 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-170 Steiner C<br />

20235 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-152 Steiner C E<br />

Gerontology<br />

Refer to the Continuing Education section of the schedule book for additional registration, pricing, and refund information for GERO 191 seminars.<br />

GERO100 Introduction to Human Aging <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21400 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-1:00pm HHS-311 Campanella A W<br />

GERO191<br />

Special Topics in Gerontology<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

Dementia: Concepts/Causes<br />

20859 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 02/27 F 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-007 Hennessey C<br />

20859: Prerequisite: None. <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $90.<br />

Depression/Late Life<br />

20862 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 03/27 F 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-007 Hennessey C<br />

20862: Prerequisite: None. <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $90.<br />

Heat, Ventilation & Air Cond<br />

HVAC100 Fundamentals of HVAC <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $28<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2<br />

20002 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 MW 10:10am-12:00pm WCB-E135 Smith K<br />

20003 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-M124A Smith K E<br />

HVAC101 HVAC/R Piping <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $90<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20004 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E136 Pontius K E<br />

20034 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 R 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-E136 Pontius K<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 68

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

HVAC105 Sheet Metal Fab & Installation <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $81<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and (minimum 2.0 in (MATH 050 or concurrently) or Math Level 4)<br />

20005 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-N186 Fletcher J E<br />

20035 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 R 12:10pm-4:00pm WCB-N186 Stahl M<br />

HVAC110 Applied Electricity I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $46<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

20006 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-N186 Snyder R E<br />

20007 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-N186 Dombroski D E<br />

HVAC111 Applied Electricity II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $46<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (HVAC 100 and HVAC 110)<br />

20037 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-N186 Foote K E<br />

20038 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:10am-2:00pm WCB-N186 Dunham G<br />

HVAC120 Heating I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $70<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (HVAC 100 and HVAC 110)<br />

20008 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm WCB-E135 Smith K<br />

20009 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E135 Mangles S E<br />

HVAC130 Air Conditioning I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (HVAC 100 and HVAC 110)<br />

20010 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E136 Greer D E<br />

20039 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-E135 Staff<br />

HVAC201 Mechanical Code <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (HVAC 120 and HVAC 130)<br />

20011 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U236 Gross J E<br />

HVAC220 Heating II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (HVAC 111 and HVAC 120)<br />

20012 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E135 Allen D E<br />

HVAC221 Introduction to Hydronics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $60<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in HVAC 120<br />

20013 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E135 Jipson M E<br />

HVAC230 Air Conditioning II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (HVAC 111 and HVAC 130)<br />

20014 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E135 Courter M E<br />

HVAC240 Refrigeration I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $80<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in HVAC 230 or concurrently<br />

20015 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E136 Bingham M E<br />

HVAC241 Refrigeration II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in HVAC 240<br />

20016 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-E136 Bingham M E<br />

HVAC280 EPA 608 Certification Review <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $45<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: HVAC 130 or HVAC field experience<br />

20067 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 04/11-05/02 S 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-E135 Vossler S W<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 69

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Heavy Equipment Operator Trng<br />

HEOT courses are offered together in an 8-week training session, Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm. These courses are not offered on an individual basis.<br />

Seating is limited. Please call the Transportation & Engineering Technologies Department office at 517-267-6406 for schedule and registration questions.<br />

HEOT100 Equipment Introduction <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $1,000<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22516 Online/Hybrid 5.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 5:30pm-8:30pm AIS Staff E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

HEOT110 Part 10 MIOSHA <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $168<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22519 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 04/06-06/05 Arranged AIS Staff<br />

HEOT120 Backhoe Operator <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $1,683<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22520 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 04/06-06/05 Arranged AIS Staff<br />

HEOT121 Excavator Operator <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $1,683<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22521 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 04/06-06/05 Arranged AIS Staff<br />

HEOT122 Wheel Loader Operator <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $1,433<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22522 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 04/06-06/05 Arranged AIS Staff<br />

HEOT123 Forklift Operator <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $252<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22523 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 04/06-06/05 Arranged AIS Staff<br />

HEOT130 Skidsteer Operator <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $252<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22524 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 04/06-06/05 Arranged AIS Staff<br />

HEOT131 Bulldozer Operator <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $1,725<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22525 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 04/06-06/05 Arranged AIS Staff<br />

Heavy Equipment Repair Tech<br />

HERT101 Heavy Equipment Electronics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $1,225<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22517 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:30pm-8:35pm AIS Staff E<br />

HERT104 Equipment Powertrain <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $1,357<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22518 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:40pm-9:00pm AIS Staff E<br />

History<br />

HIST150<br />

African-American History<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21352 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-375 Heutsche A E<br />

HIST210<br />

Studies in American History<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

22910 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-375 Warren J E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 70

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

HIST211 U.S. History to 1877<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21355 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Janowick J<br />

21356 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Anderson J<br />

21357 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Anderson J<br />

21358 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Campbell D<br />

21359 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Pruett C<br />

21361 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-375 Boggs K<br />

21362 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-375 Guard D<br />

21363 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-375 Hall J<br />

21364 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm SPS-224 Heutsche A<br />

21366 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-173 Guard D<br />

21367 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-009 Hall J E<br />

21368 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-375 Machin B E<br />

21370 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-3:00pm EAST Brown K<br />

21371 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm LIVCEN Reichbach E<br />

HIST212<br />

U.S. History: 1877 to Present<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21372 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Brown K<br />

21373 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Brown K<br />

21374 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Steele K<br />

21376 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Steele K<br />

21378 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Mousty J<br />

21379 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-009 Jackson E<br />

21380 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-375 Boggs K<br />

21381 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-375 Janowick J<br />

21382 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-009 Boggs K<br />

21383 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-009 Guard D<br />

21385 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-375 Siwik D<br />

21386 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-375 Machin B<br />

21387 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-375 Warren J<br />

21388 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-375 Warren J E<br />

21389 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-009 Janowick J E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21390 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm HHS-024 Graber C E<br />

21391 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm LIVCEN Siwik D E<br />

21392 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm STJCCC Sobczak C<br />

HIST220<br />

Michigan History<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21393 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Siwik D<br />

HIST230<br />

British History<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21394 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-009 Piveronus P<br />

HIST240<br />

Latin American History<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21397 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-009 Janowick J<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 71

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

HIST271<br />

History of US Foreign Policy<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: HIST 211 or HIST 212<br />

21398 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-009 Reichbach E<br />

HONR155<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Service Practicum I<br />

Honors<br />

Prerequisite: Honors Program Approval<br />

20208 Lecture/Worksite 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 W 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-170 Krois D E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

20208: Class meets on the following dates: 1/14, 3/4 and 5/6<br />

HONR156<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Service Practicum II<br />

Prerequisite: Honors Program Approval<br />

20209 Lecture/Worksite 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 W 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-170 Krois D E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

20209: Class meets on the following dates: 1/14, 3/4 and 5/6<br />

Horticulture<br />

HORT102 Intro/Ornamental Horticulture <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21707 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 12:10pm-4:00pm WCB-G103 Petersen D<br />

HORT103 Indoor Plants and Flowers <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21711 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 W 12:10pm-4:00pm WCB-G103 Welch C<br />

HORT107 Beginning Floral Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21712 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-G104 Breitung-Pratt D E<br />

HORT110 Wedding Floral Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Basic floral design experience<br />

21715 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-G104 Jennings M E<br />

HORT176 Special Topic/Horticulture P/Z Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

Spring Floral Design Basics<br />

22890 Lab 0.25/ 0.25 05/06 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-G104 Staff E<br />

22890: There is no prerequisite for this section.<br />

Organic Gardening<br />

22891 Lecture 0.25/ 0.25 04/15 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-G104 Meyers E E<br />

22891: There is no prerequisite for this section.<br />

HORT230 Plant Propagation/Nursery Ops <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.0 in HORT 102<br />

21718 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-G103 Princinsky L E<br />

HORT237 Bedding Plant Production <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.0 in HORT 102<br />

21721 Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-G103 Staff E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 72

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

HORT238 Garden Center/Nursery Sales <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21722 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-G103 Long J E<br />

Hospitality Mgmt/Food Service<br />

A chef lab coat, hat and knife set is a required for HMFS 131, HMFS 132, and HMFS 280. A chef lab coat and hat is a required purchase for HMFS 275. A<br />

chef lab coat is an optional purchase for HMFS 260-275 and HMFS 285. The lab coats and hats can be purchased from the Hole-in-the-Hall Bookstore<br />

located in GB 133.<br />

HMFS101<br />

Intro Hospitality/Tourism<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

21981 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged ONLINE Dodge J<br />

21982 Online 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Gustafson H<br />

21983 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-03/06 TR 10:10am-1:00pm GB-326 Parker P<br />

21985 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 TR 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-310 Parker P<br />

HMFS102<br />

Special Topics in Hospitality<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

Cuisine of Mexico<br />

22105 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/14-02/18 W 2:10pm-5:00pm A&S-207 Staff<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Basic Sushi Rolling<br />

22106 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/15-02/19 R 2:10pm-5:00pm A&S-207 Staff<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Cake Decorating<br />

22584 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 S 10:10am-2:00pm A&S-207 Limban R W<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Cake Decorating<br />

22588 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 S 10:10am-2:00pm A&S-207 Limban R W<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

HMFS110<br />

Sanitation and Safety<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21986 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Banghart M<br />

21988 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 8:10am-11:00am A&S-477B Banghart M<br />

21989 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-322 Banghart M E<br />

HMFS125<br />

Hospitality Service Excellence<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22027 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:10pm-4:00pm GB-132 Gruen C<br />

HMFS131 Food Production Basics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $130<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in HMFS 101 or concurrently<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in HMFS 110<br />

21991 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-03/06 M 3:10pm-5:00pm GB-184 Diem I E<br />

01/10-03/06 MW 5:10pm-6:00pm A&S-207<br />

01/10-03/06 MW 6:10pm-10:00pm A&S-207<br />

HMFS132 Culinary Artistry <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $130<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (HMFS 110 or concurrently) and (minimum 2.0 in HMFS 131)<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in (HMFS 101 and HMFS 135)<br />

22016 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 03/14-05/08 M 3:10pm-5:00pm GB-152 Diem I E<br />

03/14-05/08 MW 5:10pm-6:00pm A&S-207<br />

03/14-05/08 MW 6:10pm-10:00pm A&S-207<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 73

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

HMFS134<br />

Nutrition and Healthy Eating<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22017 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-312 Dersch H<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22017: Meets in the classroom: 1/14, 1/28, 2/18, 3/4, 3/18, 4/1, 4/22 and 5/6.<br />

22028 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 TR 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-310 Shams S E<br />

HMFS190<br />

Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Have completed a minimum of 30 credits<br />

22032 Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Dodge J<br />

HMFS203<br />

Hospitality Law<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in HMFS 101 or concurrently<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in (HMFS 131 and/or HMFS 206)<br />

22034 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 TR 10:10am-1:00pm GB-326 Parker P<br />

HMFS204<br />

Hospitality HR Management<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: HMFS 101 and HMFS 170 and HMFS 203<br />

22036 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-03/06 TR 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-310 Parker P<br />

HMFS205<br />

Hospitality Leadership<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in HMFS 101 or concurrently<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in (HMFS 131 and HMFS 203 and HMFS 204)<br />

22039 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-03/06 TR 3:10pm-6:00pm GB-308 Dodge J E<br />

HMFS206<br />

Rooms Division Management<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in HMFS 101 or concurrently<br />

22041 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 MW 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-312 Miller T E<br />

HMFS229<br />

Convention/Meeting Management<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in HMFS 101 or concurrently<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in (HMFS 131 and/or HMFS 206) and HMFS 170<br />

22045 Online 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Staff<br />

HMFS232<br />

Food and Labor Cost Control<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (HMFS 131 or concurrently) and (minimum 2.0 in ACCG 101 and Math Level 4)<br />

22046 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-296 Hershey S E<br />

HMFS250 Wines of Southern Hemisphere Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $65<br />

Prerequisite: Must be 21 years of age<br />

22048 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 T 7:10pm-9:00pm RADISS Kwiatkowski K E<br />

HMFS251 Wine Appreciation Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $65<br />

Prerequisite: Must be 21 years of age<br />

22049 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 T 7:10pm-9:00pm RADISS Kwiatkowski K E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 74

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

HMFS254 Mixology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22062 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-310 Dale K<br />

01/10-05/08 W 9:10am-1:00pm A&S-190<br />

22065 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-310 Dale K<br />

01/10-05/08 T 9:10am-1:00pm A&S-190<br />

22066 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-328 Gruen C<br />

01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-5:00pm A&S-190<br />

22067 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-328 Gruen C<br />

01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-5:00pm A&S-190<br />

22068 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm A&S-190 Perrine J E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-358<br />

22069 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-358 Bortel R E<br />

01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm A&S-190<br />

HMFS260 Gourmet Basic Cookery <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $80<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: HMFS 110<br />

22072 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 T 2:10pm-6:00pm A&S-207 Costigan M<br />

22073 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 T 2:10pm-6:00pm A&S-207 Costigan M<br />

HMFS261 Gourmet Italian Cookery <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $80<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: HMFS 110<br />

22088 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 M 10:10am-2:00pm A&S-207 Evans M<br />

22074 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 W 10:10am-2:00pm A&S-207 Seif M<br />

22076 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 R 4:10pm-8:00pm LIVCEN Nicklosovich W E<br />

HMFS263 Gourmet American Cookery <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $80<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: HMFS 110<br />

22077 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 T 10:10am-2:00pm A&S-207 Nicklosovich W<br />

HMFS264 Gourmet Barbecue Cookery <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $80<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: HMFS 110<br />

22081 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 W 10:10am-2:00pm A&S-207 Nicklosovich W<br />

22083 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 R 10:10am-2:00pm A&S-207 Nicklosovich W<br />

HMFS266 Gourmet Chinese Cookery <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $80<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: HMFS 110<br />

22089 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 T 6:10pm-10:00pm A&S-207 Chou T E<br />

22090 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm A&S-207 Chou T E<br />

HMFS268 Gourmet Middle Eastern Cookery <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $80<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: HMFS 110<br />

22091 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 M 10:10am-2:00pm A&S-207 Seif M<br />

HMFS273 Gourmet Cajun Cookery <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $80<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: HMFS 110<br />

22093 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 R 10:10am-2:00pm A&S-207 Nicklosovich W<br />

22092 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 T 10:10am-2:00pm A&S-207 Seif M<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 75

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

HMFS275 Bakery Production <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $105<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: HMFS 110<br />

22102 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/15-04/16 R 5:10pm-10:00pm A&S-207 Diem I E<br />

HMFS280 Garde Manger <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $110<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: HMFS 110 and HMFS 132<br />

22103 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/16-03/27 F 2:10pm-7:00pm A&S-207 Diem I<br />

HMFS285 Creative Baking for the Home <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $85<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22098 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 F 10:10am-2:00pm A&S-207 Homeniuk P<br />

22099 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 F 10:10am-2:00pm A&S-207 Homeniuk P<br />

Human Services<br />

HUSE100 Introduction to Human Services <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

21402 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 TR 10:10am-12:00pm HHS-006 Sanchez M<br />

21403 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 T 6:10pm-10:00pm HHS-024 Timm D E<br />

HUSE105 Personal Dynamics/Interviewing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.5 in (HUSE 100 or SOWK 101)<br />

21404 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-04/10 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm HHS-005 Hennessey C<br />

HUSE110 Child Abuse and Neglect <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21406 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-007 Moravec D E<br />

HUSE112 Understanding Substance Abuse <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21407 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-12:00pm HHS-006 Jesse J<br />

HUSE242 The Family: Addiction/Violence <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: HUSE 105 and HUSE 112<br />

21411 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-006 Jesse J E<br />

HUSE284 Human Services Practicum II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $65<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in HUSE 282<br />

21415 Lecture/Worksite 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm HHS-113 Timm D E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

21415: Lecture meets on the following Thursdays only: 1/15, 1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, and 4/16.<br />

Humanities<br />

HUMS120<br />

Masterpieces of Art & Music<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21412 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-170 Schwarz B<br />

21417 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-170 Cryderman-Weber<br />

21413 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-170 Schwarz B<br />

21416 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-170 Cryderman-Weber<br />

21418 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Wiegand D E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 76

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

HUMS125<br />

Japan: Past and Present<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21419 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-007 Sjoquist D<br />

HUMS160<br />

Mythology<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21420 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Van Wormer M<br />

21421 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lito Z<br />

21423 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Van Wormer M<br />

21424 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-380 Wiegand D<br />

21425 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-380 Jurczak P<br />

21426 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-380 Hockett J<br />

21427 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-380 Gibbons S<br />

21430 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-380 Ballard E<br />

21431 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-208 Gibbons S E<br />

HUMS211<br />

Art History to the Renaissance<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21433 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hockett J<br />

21435 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-208 Larson R<br />

21436 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-208 Park S<br />

21438 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-208 Park S<br />

21441 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-208 Park S E<br />

HUMS212<br />

Art Hist from the Renaissance<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21442 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-208 Park S<br />

21443 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-208 Larson R<br />

21444 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-208 Larson R E<br />

HUMS213 World Civilizations to 1600<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21446 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lito Z<br />

21447 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE McLin T<br />

21448 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lito Z<br />

21449 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-369 Piveronus P<br />

21450 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-208 Woodbury R<br />

21451 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-369 Warren J<br />

21453 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-380 Warren J E<br />

21454 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Reichbach E<br />

21455 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm STJCCC Sobczak C<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 77

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

HUMS214 World Civilizations from 1600<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21456 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE McLin T<br />

21458 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE McLin T<br />

21459 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-369 Mavromatis O<br />

21460 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-369 Mavromatis O<br />

21461 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-173 Sjoquist D<br />

HUMS215<br />

American Cultural Experience<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21462 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-296 Hockett J<br />

HUMS225<br />

Grt Lake Native Amer Hist&Trad<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21463 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-007 Gould G<br />

Insurance<br />

INSU265<br />

Principles Risk and Insurance<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20306 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm TLC-044 Williams M E<br />

Integrated Science<br />

ISCI121 Integrated Sci for Education I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: ISCI 121 is designed for elementary education majors.<br />

22203 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 8:10am-10:00am A&S-475 Brown M<br />

22204 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 10:40am-12:30pm A&S-475 Brown M<br />

22205 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-475 Kavanagh T E<br />

ISCI122 Integrate Sci for Education II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ISCI121 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

22206 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 1:10pm-3:00pm A&S-475 Brown M<br />

22207 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-475 Marshall J E<br />

22208 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN Goebbel B E<br />

ISCI131 Integrated Science - Physical <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

22209 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-475 Hart S<br />

22210 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-4:00pm A&S-475 Hart S<br />

Interior Design<br />

INTR105 Introduction to Design Drawing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4 and Math Level 3<br />

21997 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm WCB-U241 Parrotta D<br />

22289 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 4.00 01/17-05/08 F 10:10am-1:00pm GB-108 Staff<br />

01/17-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 78

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

INTR107<br />

Interior Design Career Develop<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Computer Literacy<br />

22131 Online 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Staff<br />

22131: INTR 107 has a face-to-face orientation on Friday, January 16, 2009. This orientation will take place 10:00 am - Noon on West Campus. Please call<br />

(517) 483-5338 for the room number.<br />

INTR110 Applied Design/Color Theory <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (INTR 105 or concurrently) or Interior Design Placement Test 80% and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: INTR 120 concurrently<br />

21999 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm WCB-U240 Staff<br />

INTR120 Interior Design Fundamentals <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: INTR 105 and Math Level 3<br />

22000 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/17-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm WCB-U240 Johnson C<br />

22001 Online 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Stoddard T<br />

INTR141 Kitchen/Bath Presentation Stds <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (INTR 105 or Interior Design Placement Test 80%) and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Math Level 3<br />

22002 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm WCB-U240 Paripovic R<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

INTR151 Beginning Kitchen/Bath Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $110<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (INTR 141 or ARCH 100 or Drafting Placement Test 80%)<br />

Recommended: INTR 105 and (CITF 108 or CITF 110 or METD 105)<br />

22003 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 3:10pm-5:00pm WCB-U241 Robinson C<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

INTR170 Interior Design Principles <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in ARCH 100 or Drafting Placement Test 80%) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: INTR 105 and INTR 110 and INTR 120 (previously INTR 100)<br />

Intr Princ of Space Planning<br />

22020 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:30pm WCB-U242 Hines A<br />

INTR185 Introduction to Textiles <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

22004 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 4.00 01/17-05/08 R 5:10pm-6:00pm WCB-U241 Shaver D E<br />

01/17-05/08 R 6:10pm-7:00pm WCB-U243<br />

01/17-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22274 Online 3.00/ 4.00 01/17-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Shaver D<br />

INTR190 Interior/Materials/Equipment <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $65<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: (INTR 105 or ARCH 100 or equivalent) and Math Level 3<br />

22008 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 7:30am-9:45am WCB-U244 Conner C<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

INTR201 Cultural Diversity in Housing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or equivalent<br />

22010 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/17-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lay A<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 79

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

INTR232 Twentieth Century Interiors <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or equivalent<br />

22276 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/17-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Staff<br />

INTR241 Kitchen/Bath CAD <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (INTR 141 and INTR 151) and Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Math Level 4<br />

22277 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 5:30pm-8:30pm WCB-U222 Staff<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

INTR251 Advanced Kitchen/Bath Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $110<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (INTR 141 and INTR 151)<br />

Recommended: (INTR 241 or concurrently) or ARCH 114 or equivalent AutoCAD experience<br />

22012 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:30pm-3:00pm WCB-U242 Hines A<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

INTR265 Residential Interior Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $130<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (INTR 170 and INTR 190 and INTR 241) and (INTR 251 or concurrently)<br />

Recommended: INTR 209 concurrently<br />

22018 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-5:30pm WCB-U227 Hines A<br />

INTR270 Interior Design Portfolio <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $60<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in INTR 256 and Department Approval<br />

Recommended: ARCH 110 or INTR 241 and 20 credits completed in INTR or equivalent<br />

22278 Online/Hybrid 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Parrotta D<br />

01/14 W 7:30am-9:45am WCB-U242<br />

02/18 W 7:30am-9:45am WCB-U242<br />

03/25 W 7:30am-9:45am WCB-U242<br />

05/06 W 7:30am-9:45am WCB-U242<br />

INTR275 Commercial Interior Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $130<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in INTR 265<br />

Recommended: INTR 209 and INTR 280 concurrently<br />

22019 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-5:30pm WCB-U227 Hines A<br />

INTR280<br />

Interior Design Building Codes<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: INTR 265 or INTR 275 concurrently<br />

22015 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/17-05/08 MW 1:30pm-2:30pm WCB-U227 Staff<br />

01/17-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

Japanese<br />

JAPN115<br />

Conversational Japanese I<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20236 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:30pm GB-314 Staff<br />

JAPN116<br />

Conversational Japanese II<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: JAPN 115 or equivalent<br />

20239 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-477B Cousins K W<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 80

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

JAPN121<br />

Elementary Japanese I<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

20241 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-310 Cousins K<br />

20243 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Staff E<br />

JAPN122<br />

Elementary Japanese II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.5 in JAPN 121<br />

20244 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Cousins K E<br />

JRNL151<br />

Newswriting and Reporting<br />

Journalism<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131)<br />

Recommended: Computer and/or keyboarding experience<br />

20246 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:30am A&S-022 Kohon M<br />

JRNL254<br />

Editorial Writing<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (JRNL 151 or WRIT 121 or WRIT 131)<br />

Recommended: Computer and/or keyboarding experience<br />

22795 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-455A Humphries D E<br />

Labor Relations<br />

LABR200<br />

Intro to Labor Relations<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4<br />

22245 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hagen K<br />

22246 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 11:10am-12:30pm GB-174 Taliaferro T<br />

LABR204<br />

Employment Law for Managers<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

22247 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-132 Pascaris T E<br />

Landscape<br />

LAND100 Intro to Landscape Drafting <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21676 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 T 12:10pm-4:00pm WCB-U239 Motz P<br />

21677 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 M 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U242 Petersen P E<br />

LAND130 Interior Landscaping <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22459 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-04/10 W 12:10pm-5:35pm WCB-G104 Staff<br />

LAND132 Residential Landscaping <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21678 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U239 Staff E<br />

03/14-05/08 Arranged M103<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 81

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

LAND141<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Flowering Trees, Shrubs, Vines<br />

22926 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 03/03 T 8:10am-1:05pm WCB-W167 Welch R<br />

03/03-05/19 Arranged WCB-M103<br />

22926: LAND 141 is a plant identification class. The first class session will be held at <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> - West Campus and all following class<br />

sessions will be held on the Michigan State University campus. If the first class session is missed by the student, the department and/or instructor must be<br />

contacted for the class location by calling (517) 483-5338.<br />

22928 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 03/05 R 5:10pm-10:05pm WCB-U236 Hanson K E<br />

03/05-05/21 Arranged WCB-M103<br />

22928: LAND 141 is a plant identification class. The first class session will be held at <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> - West Campus and all following class<br />

sessions will be held on the Michigan State University campus. If the first class session is missed by the student, the department and/or instructor must be<br />

contacted for the class location by calling (517) 483-5338.<br />

LAND150 Principles of Landscape Arch <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21688 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U242 Stasiuk R E<br />

LAND153 Landscape Graphics Comm-Adv <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $25<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.0 in LAND 152<br />

22256 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-04/10 T 6:10pm-11:05pm WCB-U241 Zoelling M E<br />

LAND161 Planting Design II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.0 in LAND 160<br />

22253 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-04/10 M 6:10pm-10:35pm WCB-U244 Radabaugh J E<br />

LAND164 Site Design <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in LAND 150<br />

21690 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-04/10 T 6:10pm-11:05pm WCB-U239 O'Meara D E<br />

LAND171 Site Grading II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in LAND 170<br />

21694 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-04/10 W 6:10pm-10:35pm WCB-U240 White J E<br />

LAND172 Site Layout <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in LAND 171 or concurrently<br />

21695 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 M 1:10pm-5:00pm WCB-U242 Welch R<br />

LAND176 Special Topics/Landscape P/Z Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

Perennial Gardening Design<br />

22892 Lecture 0.25/ 0.25 04/01 W 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-G104 Staff E<br />

22892: There is no prerequisite for this section.<br />

LAND180 Landscape Ecology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22254 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 W 8:10am-12:00pm WCB-U233 Staff<br />

LAND232 Prof Residential Landscape Dsn <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (LAND 100 or ARCH 101 or ARCH 210)<br />

21696 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-04/10 W 12:10pm-4:35pm WCB-U241 Banfield T<br />

LAND233 Grounds Management <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21697 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-04/10 T 6:10pm-10:35pm WCB-U225 Meyers E E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 82

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

LAND252 Landscape Construction Details <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in LAND 250<br />

22914 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm WCB-U239 O'Meara D E<br />

LAND283 Beginning LANDCADD <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in LAND 282 within 1 year<br />

21698 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 R 8:10am-1:00pm WCB-U227 Welch C<br />

Legal Assistant/Paralegal<br />

LEGL115<br />

Paralegal Career/Ethics<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: LEGL 115 is the first course in the Paralegal Program. Students who enroll in the course are encouraged to attend one of the following<br />

ORIENTATION sessions: (1) Wednesday, November 19 at noon, in GB 185 (2) Thursday, December 4 at 10 a.m. in GB 185 or (3) Friday, January 16 at 11<br />

a.m in GB 152. Call 517/483-1528 or 517/483-1503 to sign up or make alternate arrangements if you cannot attend.<br />

21216 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 8:40am-10:30am A&S-006 Whaley L<br />

21217 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-292 Keene D E<br />

LEGL120<br />

Legal Research I<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in LEGL 115<br />

Recommended: LEGL 215<br />

21218 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-12:00pm GB-174 Dulan S W<br />

21219 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-132 Rokely S<br />

LEGL121<br />

Legal Writing I<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (WRIT 122 and LEGL 115) and (minimum 1.0 in LEGL 120 or concurrently)<br />

Recommended: LEGL 215<br />

21220 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:30am GB-356 Metros B<br />

21221 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-174 Dulan S E<br />

LEGL150<br />

Legal Issues: Start Small Busn<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21222 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Fischre C<br />

21223 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm EAST Dulan S E<br />

LEGL160<br />

Critical Thinking in Law<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21224 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-12:00pm GB-327 Brown D<br />

21225 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-152 Maatman J E<br />

LEGL210<br />

Litigation Procedures<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in LEGL 115<br />

Recommended: LEGL 215<br />

21226 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:40pm-7:30pm GB-326 Gani G E<br />

LEGL211<br />

Tort Law<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in LEGL 115<br />

Recommended: LEGL 215<br />

21227 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Keene D<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 83

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

LEGL215<br />

Busn Law I, Basic Principles<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21228 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Shulman B<br />

21229 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Shulman B<br />

21230 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 9:10am-12:00pm GB-178 Rokely S<br />

21231 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 11:40am-1:00pm GB-153 Rokely S<br />

21232 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-312 Brown D<br />

21233 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-5:30pm GB-327 Richards B E<br />

21236 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-153 Ujlaky J E<br />

21237 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-292 Ghassemi B E<br />

21238 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 12:40pm-3:30pm EAST Hicks-Prygoski M<br />

21239 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm STJCCC Cooley M E<br />

LEGL216<br />

Busn Law II, Commercial Law<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.0 in LEGL 215<br />

21241 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Shulman B<br />

LEGL217<br />

Busn Law III, Busn Organiza<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.0 in LEGL 215<br />

21242 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Shulman B<br />

LEGL219<br />

Adv Busn Law for Acct Majors<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.0 in LEGL 215<br />

Recommended: Accounting background<br />

21243 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Shulman B<br />

LEGL222<br />

Probate Law and Procedure<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (LEGL 115 and LEGL 215)<br />

21244 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-356 Cooley M E<br />

LEGL223<br />

Domestic Relations<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (LEGL 115 and LEGL 215)<br />

21245 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 11:40am-1:00pm GB-356 Richards B<br />

LEGL225 Legal Research and Writing II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (LEGL 120 and LEGL 121)<br />

21246 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:30am GB-175 Rokely S<br />

21247 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-175 Edwards P E<br />

LEGL226<br />

Legal Interview and Investig<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (LEGL 115 and LEGL 215)<br />

21248 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:30am GB-356 Nobis E<br />

LEGL228 Computer Appl for the Law Ofc <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CITA 119 or CITA 219) and LEGL 120<br />

Recommended: Windows and keyboarding experience<br />

21249 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-175 Cooley M<br />

LEGL230<br />

Paralegal Career Portfolio<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in LEGL 225 or concurrently<br />

21250 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 T 4:10pm-5:00pm GB-132 Nobis E E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 84

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

LEGL251<br />

Paralegal Independent Study<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

21252 Independent Study 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Nobis E<br />

21253 Independent Study 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Nobis E<br />

21255 Independent Study 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Nobis E<br />

LEGL280<br />

Paralegal Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

21256 Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Nobis E<br />

LBST290<br />

Seminar Special Topics<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

Liberal Studies Special Topics<br />

Human Anatomy Laboratory<br />

22884 Online 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged ONLINE Brantley B<br />

22884: Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in BIOL 121 or BIOL 127 or CHEM 120 or passing score on Health Biology Proficiency Test) and Reading Level 5 and<br />

Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4; Department approval required. The course fee for this section is $10.<br />

22884: This course may serve as a co-requisite for BIOL 202 if transfer credit for a non-laboratory based anatomy class otherwise equivalent to BIOL 201<br />

has been completed. Contact the Science Department for details at 483-1092.<br />

Advanced Technology Workplace<br />

22212 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-8:30pm A&S-463 Worden K E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-8:30pm A&S-463<br />

22212: Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and (Math Level 5 or MATH 107 concurrently). The course fee for this section is $40.<br />

Spanish for Health Care I<br />

20212 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-372 Staff E<br />

20212: Previous study of Spanish language is highly recommended.<br />

Race, Rhetoric and Discourse<br />

22798 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm A&S-023 Hernandez M E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22798: Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Linguistics<br />

LING230<br />

Introduction to Linguistics<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20253 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:30am GB-296 Philips M<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 85

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MGMT101<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Management Special Topics<br />

Management<br />

Become a Better Board Member<br />

22328 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/10 S 8:10am-12:00pm GB-132 Staff W<br />

02/14 S 8:10am-12:00pm GB-132<br />

03/14 S 8:10am-12:00pm GB-132<br />

04/11 S 8:10am-12:00pm GB-132<br />

Becoming a Professional<br />

22766 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 02/11-03/18 W 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-132 Putman T<br />

02/11-03/18 Arranged GB-190<br />

Lead with Your Strengths<br />

22329 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 04/01-04/29 W 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-132 Putman T<br />

04/01-04/29 Arranged GB-190<br />

Becoming a Professional<br />

22330 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 02/12-03/19 R 2:10pm-5:00pm LIVCEN Putman T<br />

02/12-03/19 Arranged GB-190<br />

Lead with Your Strengths<br />

22332 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 04/02-04/30 R 2:10pm-5:00pm LIVCEN Putman T<br />

04/02-04/30 Arranged GB-190<br />

MGMT150<br />

Managing Customer Relations<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22248 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Brown B<br />

22249 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 10:10am-1:00pm GB-132 Schutz J<br />

22250 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-358 Schutz J E<br />

MGMT200<br />

Creative Thinking for Business<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4<br />

Recommended: Have taken at least two or more BUSN, MGMT or business experience<br />

22251 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Waugh-Fleischman<br />

22252 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-132 Stewart S E<br />

MGMT223<br />

Developing Supervisory Skills<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4<br />

22255 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lavender-Edwards<br />

22257 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-304 Leiby P E<br />

MGMT224<br />

Human Resource Management<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4<br />

22259 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:10pm-3:00pm GB-185 Pascaris T<br />

22260 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-330 Taliaferro T E<br />

MGMT225<br />

Principles of Management<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

22261 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hagen K<br />

22262 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Michaelson M<br />

22265 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Schwinn D<br />

22263 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 12:10pm-3:00pm GB-184 Ellis S<br />

22264 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-304 Hagen K E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 86

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MGMT227<br />

Training/Development for Busn<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22300 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm SPS-102 Michaelson M E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22300: Meets in the classroom the following dates: 1/13, 1/27, 2/10, 2/24, 3/17, 3/31, 4/14, 4/28.<br />

MGMT228<br />

Organizational Behavior<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: MGMT 223 or MGMT 224 or MGMT 225<br />

22267 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 12:10pm-3:00pm GB-328 Schwinn D<br />

MGMT231<br />

Team Development<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4<br />

22268 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-324 Pascaris T E<br />

MGMT234<br />

Diversity in the Workplace<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

22269 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Nemecek J<br />

22270 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Flowers M<br />

22271 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Keene D<br />

22272 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Pogoncheff E<br />

22273 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 9:10am-12:00pm GB-328 Pogoncheff E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22273: Meets in the classroom the following dates: 1/14, 1/28, 2/11, 2/25, 3/18, 4/1, 4/15, 4/29.<br />

22301 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:10pm-3:00pm GB-328 Pogoncheff E<br />

22275 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 3:10pm-6:00pm GB-328 Stark J<br />

22302 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 3:10pm-6:00pm GB-328 Stark J<br />

22303 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-328 Flowers M E<br />

22304 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-328 Turcotte G E<br />

22305 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-328 Zweiback D E<br />

22306 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-328 Appiah-Padi S E<br />

22307 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 5:10pm-8:00pm EAST Frye F E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22307: Meets in the classroom the following dates: 1/14, 1/28, 2/11, 2/25, 3/18, 4/1, 4/15, and 4/29.<br />

22308 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN Doederlein J E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22308: Meets in the classroom the following dates: 1/13, 1/27, 2/10, 2/24, 3/17, 3/31, 4/14 and 4/28.<br />

22309 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm STJCCC Turcotte G E<br />

MGMT235<br />

Independent Study/Management<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22310 Independent Study 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Putman S<br />

22311 Independent Study 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Putman S<br />

22312 Independent Study 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Putman S<br />

MGMT237<br />

Managing/Continual Improvement<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4<br />

22313 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-184 Villarreal M E<br />

MGMT239<br />

Time and Stress Management<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4<br />

22314 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-292 Flowers M E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 87

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MGMT280<br />

Management Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Have completed a minimum of 30 Credits<br />

22315 Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Putman S<br />

MGMT290<br />

TIME Series Topics<br />

Prerequisite: Writing Level 4<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: The TIME Program offers independent, self-paced courses in management, marketing, and business skills for professional and personal<br />

development. TIME Series courses are not open entry, but they can be entered at two different times during the semester. TIME Series courses are offered<br />

the first 8 weeks and the second 8 weeks. Please pick up a TIME Series Information and Instruction Guide in the Gannon Building, Room 190. After you<br />

have registered, you may also access the Guide at the MGMT 290 Angel Merged <strong>Course</strong> Site. If after reading the Guide you still have questions, contact<br />

Time Series Coordinator Brenda Brown at 483-1460, 190.12 Gannon Building, or brownb@lcc.edu. Due date for completed coursework for first 8 weeks is<br />

no later than Thursday, 2/26/09. Due date for completed coursework for second 8 weeks is no later than Tuesday, 4/28/09. Extensions and incompletes are<br />

not an option for the TIME Series courses.<br />

Basic Financial Planning<br />

22338 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged ONLINE Brown B<br />

Basic Financial Planning<br />

22339 Online 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Brown B<br />

Creative Fund Raising<br />

22340 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged ONLINE Brown B<br />

Creative Fund Raising<br />

22341 Online 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Brown B<br />

Dealing with Difficult People<br />

22342 Online 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged ONLINE Brown B<br />

Dealing with Difficult People<br />

22343 Online 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Brown B<br />

Time Management<br />

22344 Online 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged ONLINE Brown B<br />

Time Management<br />

22345 Online 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Brown B<br />

The Administrative Assistant<br />

22346 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

The Administrative Assistant<br />

22347 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

A Mngrs Guide/Work with People<br />

22348 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

A Mngrs Guide/Work with People<br />

22349 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Analyze the Competition<br />

22350 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

APA Writing Style for Business<br />

22351 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

APA Writing Style for Business<br />

22352 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Basic Business Etiquette<br />

22353 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Basic Business Etiquette<br />

22354 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Basic Financial Planning<br />

22355 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

MGMT290 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 88

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MGMT290 continued<br />

Basic Financial Planning<br />

22356 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Build Business Memory Skills<br />

22357 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Build Business Memory Skills<br />

22358 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Bus Interaction Skill/Attitude<br />

22359 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Bus Interaction Skill/Attitude<br />

22360 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Communication Skills for Mngrs<br />

22361 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Communication Skills for Mngrs<br />

22362 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Creative Fund Raising<br />

22363 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Creative Fund Raising<br />

22364 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Dealing with Difficult People<br />

22365 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Dealing with Difficult People<br />

22366 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Delegate Effectively<br />

22367 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Delegate Effectively<br />

22368 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Deliver a Winning Presentation<br />

22369 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Deliver a Winning Presentation<br />

22370 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Emotional Intelligence at Work<br />

22371 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Emotional Intelligence at Work<br />

22372 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Finance/Accg/Non-Financial Mgr<br />

22375 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Finance/Accg/Non-Financial Mgr<br />

22376 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

How Women Manage<br />

22377 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

How Women Manage<br />

22378 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Improve Writing Skills<br />

22379 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Improve Writing Skills<br />

22380 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Interviewing Skills for Mngrs<br />

22381 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

MGMT290 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 89

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MGMT290 continued<br />

Interviewing Skills for Mngrs<br />

22382 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Keep Satisfied Customers<br />

22383 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Keep Satisfied Customers<br />

22384 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Manage and Facilitate Change<br />

22385 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Manage and Facilitate Change<br />

22386 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Managing/Resolving Conflict<br />

22387 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Managing/Resolving Conflict<br />

22388 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Managing Negative People<br />

22389 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Managing Negative People<br />

22390 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Networking for Success<br />

22391 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Networking for Success<br />

22392 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

OSHA for Managers<br />

22393 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

OSHA for Managers<br />

22394 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Organize Your Workspace<br />

22395 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Organize Your Workspace<br />

22396 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Project Management<br />

22397 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Project Management<br />

22398 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Psychology of Selling/Winning<br />

22399 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Psychology of Selling/Winning<br />

22400 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Recruit Volunteers/Non-Profits<br />

22401 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Recruit Volunteers/Non-Profits<br />

22402 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Speed Reading for Business<br />

22403 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Speed Reading for Business<br />

22404 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Strategic Plan/Entrepreneurs<br />

22405 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

MGMT290 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 90

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MGMT290 continued<br />

Strategic Plan/Entrepreneurs<br />

22406 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Strategic Resumes<br />

22407 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Strategic Resumes<br />

22408 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Success Through Assertiveness<br />

22409 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Success Through Assertiveness<br />

22410 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Successful Marketing Serv Org<br />

22411 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Successful Marketing Serv Org<br />

22412 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Succession Planning<br />

22413 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Succession Planning<br />

22414 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Supervisory Management<br />

22415 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Supervisory Management<br />

22416 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Team Building<br />

22417 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Team Building<br />

22418 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Time Management<br />

22419 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Time Management<br />

22420 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Understanding Office Politics<br />

22421 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Understanding Office Politics<br />

22422 Self-Paced 1.00/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Write a Marketing Plan<br />

22423 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

Write a Marketing Plan<br />

22424 Self-Paced 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Brown B<br />

MGMT304<br />

Organizational Development<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Have taken previous MGMT courses, and/or are enrolled in the Northwood 3+1 Program, or have management work experience<br />

22316 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-185 Pogoncheff E E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

Meets in the classroom the following dates: 1/20, 2/3, 2/17, 3/3, 3/24, 4/7, 4/21, 5/5.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 91

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MGMT329<br />

Adv Mgmt Communication Skills<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (WRIT 121 or WRIT 127)<br />

Recommended: Have taken at least three or more BUSN or MGMT course, or are enrolled in the Northwood 3+1 Program, or have several years business<br />

experience<br />

22317 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 3:10pm-6:00pm SPS-224 Schwinn D<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

Meets in the classroom the following dates: 1/15, 1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/19, 4/2, 4/16 and 4/30.<br />

MGMT332<br />

Ethics: Assumpt for the Future<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Have taken previous MGMT courses, and/or are enrolled in the Northwood 3+1 Program, or have management work experience<br />

22318 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-185 Schwinn D E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

Meets in the classroom the following dates: 1/13, 1/27, 2/10, 2/24, 3/17, 3/31, 4/14, 4/28.<br />

MGMT335<br />

Managerial Statistics<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (MATH 112 or MATH 115 or MATH 117)<br />

Recommended: Have taken previous MGMT courses, and/or are enrolled in the Northwood 3+1 Program, or have management work experience<br />

22320 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-184 Gilluly K E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

Meets in the classroom the following dates: 1/15, 1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/19, 4/2, 4/16, 4/30.<br />

MGMT337<br />

Human Resource Mgmt Skills<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Have taken previous MGMT courses, and/or are enrolled in the Northwood 3+1 Program, or have management work experience<br />

22321 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-184 Pogoncheff E E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

Meets in the classrom the following dates: 1/22, 2/5, 2/19, 3/5, 3/26, 4/9, 4/23, 5/7.<br />

MGMT345<br />

Context and Transformation<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Have taken at least three or more BUSN or MGMT courses, or are enrolled in the Northwood 3+1 Program, or have several years business<br />

experience<br />

22322 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 5:40pm-8:30pm GB-185 Schwinn D E<br />

MGMT346<br />

Managerial Finance<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Have taken previous MGMT courses, and/or are enrolled in the Northwood 3+1 Program, or have management work experience<br />

22323 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-296 Beard R E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190<br />

22323: Meets in the class 1/14, 1/21, 3/4, 4/29.<br />

Manuf Engr Tech - Design<br />

Open entry modules are available at the West Campus for METD. See the Open Entry Modules page in the Alternative Delivery section of the schedule<br />

book for more information.<br />

METD100 Basic Mechanical Drafting <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

20119 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 3:10pm-5:00pm WCB-U220 Belt G<br />

20120 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:10pm-7:00pm WCB-U223 Stanley R E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 92

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

METD105 PC Applications for Technology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22526 Online 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Staff<br />

20107 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 9:10am-11:00am WCB-U221 Turcotte P<br />

20108 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-7:00pm WCB-U221 Kocsis D E<br />

METD110 Mechanical CAD Drafting I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $175<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in METD 100 (previously CADD 100) or Drafting Placement Test 80%) and Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4 and Math Level<br />

4<br />

20098 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-4:00pm WCB-U223 Staff<br />

20100 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-8:00pm WCB-U223 Mayes J E<br />

METD150 Industrial Blueprint Reading <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in METD 100 (previously CADD 100) or Drafting Placement Test 80%<br />

22913 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 5:10pm-8:00pm WCB-U222 Staff E<br />

METD220 Unigraphics Basic <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $175<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in METD 110 (previously CADD 101)<br />

20102 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:10pm-8:00pm WCB-U221 Turcotte P E<br />

Manuf Engr Tech - Machining<br />

METM100 Manufacturing Processes <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: MATH 050 or Math Level 4<br />

20101 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-04/10 MW 1:10pm-4:00pm WCB-U225 Belt G<br />

METM110 Intro to Precision Machining <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $200<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in METD 100 (previously CADD 100) or Drafting Placement Test 80%) and (minimum 2.0 in METD 105 (previously CADD 105)<br />

or concurrently or PC Applications for Technology Placement Test 80%) and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4 and M<br />

20109 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-04/10 TR 5:10pm-6:00pm WCB-N175 Jones C E<br />

01/10-04/10 TR 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-W161<br />

20110 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-04/10 MW 8:10am-9:00am WCB-N175 Reemsnyder G<br />

01/10-04/10 MW 9:10am-12:00pm WCB-W161<br />

METM120 Effective Use/Machine Handbook <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Math Level 4<br />

20115 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Ouderkirk D<br />

METM150 Advanced Precision Machining <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $200<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in METM 110 (previously PMMT 105) and Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4 and Math Level 4<br />

20093 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-04/10 TR 10:10am-12:00pm WCB-W161 Jones C<br />

01/10-04/10 TR 8:10am-10:00am WCB-N175<br />

METM190 Metallurgy and Heat Treatment <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $200<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

Recommended: High School Chemistry or CHEM 125<br />

20096 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-7:00pm WCB-U222 Masterson-Street E<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 7:10pm-8:00pm WCB-N177<br />

METM220 Basic Mastercam <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $200<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in METM 110 (previously PMMT 105)<br />

20112 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-8:00pm WCB-U220 Kroell M E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 93

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Manuf Engr Tech - Systems<br />

Open entry modules are available at the West Campus for METS. See the Open Entry Modules page in the Alternative Delivery section of the schedule<br />

book for more information.<br />

METS100 Maintenance Safety Practices <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 4<br />

20118 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Ouderkirk D<br />

METS110 Mechanical Power Transmissions <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $150<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in ((METS 100 (previously MFGM 100) or concurrently) and METM 110 (previously PMMT 105))<br />

20092 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-8:00pm WCB-N125A Mosley S E<br />

METS130 Industrial Hydraulics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $150<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (METS 100 (previously MFGM 100) or ELTE 100 or concurrently) and Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4 and Math Level 4<br />

20094 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-8:00pm WCB-N125 Muenchen J E<br />

METS210 Lubrication and Bearings <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $150<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in METS 100 (previously MFGM 100) or concurrently<br />

20095 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:10pm-9:00pm WCB-N125 Mosley S E<br />

Marketing<br />

MKTG100<br />

Current Issues in Business<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21782 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:10pm-3:00pm GB-308 Frost S<br />

MKTG101<br />

Marketing Special Topics<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Seach Engine Optimization<br />

22768 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/29-03/05 T 4:40pm-6:00pm GB-316 Pipper D<br />

01/29-03/05 Arranged GB-190<br />

MKTG119<br />

Mktg/Manage Your Profess Image<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21787 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Blattner V<br />

21785 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-12:00pm GB-184 Frost S<br />

MKTG120<br />

Sales<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21946 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Ahlbrand J<br />

21790 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 9:10am-12:00pm GB-184 Kline P<br />

21945 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-184 Kline P E<br />

MKTG130<br />

Retailing<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21948 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-324 Deneau K E<br />

MKTG131<br />

Merchandising<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21949 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-176 Klein D E<br />

MKTG140<br />

Introduction to Advertising<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21951 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-11:00am GB-312 Verhougstraete D<br />

21953 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm SPS-224 Tykocki K E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 94

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MKTG200<br />

Principles of Marketing<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: BUSN 118<br />

21954 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Motz W<br />

21955 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Motz W<br />

21956 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Ahlbrand J<br />

21957 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 9:10am-12:00pm GB-184 Perkin T<br />

21958 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 S 9:10am-4:00pm GB-184 Staff W<br />

03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21958 Meets in the classroom the following dates: 3/14, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25 and 5/9.<br />

21959 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 12:10pm-3:00pm GB-184 Akin G<br />

21960 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 R 12:10pm-3:00pm GB-184 Perkin T<br />

03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21961 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 2:10pm-5:00pm GB-184 Perkin T<br />

21962 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-184 Green K E<br />

21963 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-190 Miller T E<br />

21965 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN Staff E<br />

MKTG202<br />

Managerial Marketing<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.0 in MKTG 200<br />

Recommended: MKTG 204 and Second Year Student<br />

21966 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-185 Motz W E<br />

MKTG210<br />

Marketing on the Internet<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: MKTG 200 and basic understanding of computers and their use on the Internet<br />

21967 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Motz W<br />

MKTG229<br />

Public Relations<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21968 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Klein D<br />

21969 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 T 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-176 Klein D E<br />

MKTG231<br />

Independent Study in Marketing<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

21970 Independent Study 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Motz W<br />

21971 Independent Study 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Motz W<br />

21972 Independent Study 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Motz W<br />

MKTG235<br />

Marketing Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Have completed a minimum of 30 Credits<br />

21973 Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Putman S<br />

Massage<br />

ALL NEW THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE STUDENTS: In addition to regular class time, students are required to complete Bloodborne Pathogens Training<br />

online. Information will be distributed via the course Angel site and/or in class.<br />

MASG110 Massage for Non-Majors Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Must be 18 years of age<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students are required to bring two sheets and massage lotion (NO oils) to the first class session.<br />

20159 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-01/31 S 11:10am-3:00pm HHS-011 Cook S W<br />

20160 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 04/16-05/07 R 12:40pm-4:30pm HHS-011 Daher C<br />

20183 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 02/11-03/04 W 5:40pm-9:30pm HHS-011 Maystrenko U E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 95

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MASG131 Therapeutic Massage I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $76<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in BIOL 145 or concurrently and Evidence of HS Graduation or GED and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Department<br />

Approval<br />

20161 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.50 01/10-05/08 T 5:40pm-10:00pm HHS-011 Flint J E<br />

20161: To receive Department Approval for MASG 131 students must: 1) submit a Program Approval Form to the Health and Human Services Department<br />

no later than December 15, 2008; and 2) pass a Criminal Background Check - Cost to student: $65. Forms are part of the program Advising Guide and may<br />

be obtained on the Therapeutic Massage website (http://www.lcc.edu/health/massage/curriculum/), on campus at HHS 108, or by calling (517) 483-1410 for<br />

mailing.<br />

MASG136<br />

Medical Elements of Massage<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 131 or concurrently<br />

20162 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Sarkey C<br />

MASG138 Fundamentals/Clinical Massage <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $28<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 131 or concurrently and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20170 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 02/12-03/05 R 12:40pm-4:30pm HHS-011 Flint J<br />

MASG141 Massage Clinic I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $160<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (MASG 136 and BIOL 145) and (MASG 138 or concurrently) and Passing grade in EMSB 102<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.5 in (MASG 151 or MASG 151D)<br />

20565 Worksite 1.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 W 12:40pm-4:30pm HHS-011 Menadier-Thomas<br />

20569 Worksite 1.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 R 5:40pm-9:30pm HHS-011 Menadier-Thomas E<br />

MASG151A Chair Massage <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $23<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 131<br />

20175 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 1.25 01/14-02/04 W 11:40am-4:30pm HHS-011 Daher C<br />

MASG151B Sports Massage <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $23<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 131<br />

20176 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 1.25 03/19-04/09 R 12:10pm-5:00pm HHS-011 Flint J<br />

MASG151C Maternal/Infant Massage <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $23<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 131<br />

20177 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 1.25 02/11-03/04 W 11:40am-4:30pm HHS-011 Daher C<br />

MASG151D Special Populations <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $23<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 136<br />

20179 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 1.25 02/13-03/06 F 12:10pm-5:00pm HHS-011 Maynard B<br />

MASG231 Therapeutic Massage II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $76<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 131<br />

20184 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.50 01/10-05/08 T 12:10pm-4:30pm HHS-011 Menadier-Thomas<br />

MASG232 Therapeutic Massage III <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $76<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 231<br />

20185 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.50 01/10-05/08 M 5:40pm-10:00pm HHS-011 Menadier-Thomas E<br />

MASG241 Massage Clinic II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $160<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 141 and (minimum 2.5 in MASG 231 or concurrently)<br />

20566 Worksite 1.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 W 12:40pm-4:30pm HHS-011 Menadier-Thomas<br />

20570 Worksite 1.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 R 5:40pm-9:30pm HHS-011 Menadier-Thomas E<br />

MASG242 Massage Clinic III <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $160<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 241 and (minimum 2.5 in MASG 232 or concurrently)<br />

20567 Worksite 1.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 W 12:40pm-4:30pm HHS-011 Menadier-Thomas<br />

20571 Worksite 1.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 R 5:40pm-9:30pm HHS-011 Menadier-Thomas E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 96

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MASG251A Polarity Therapy <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $23<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 131 or concurrently<br />

20186 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 1.25 02/12-03/05 R 5:10pm-10:00pm HHS-011 Cook S E<br />

MASG251B Reflexology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $23<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 131<br />

20187 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 1.25 03/18-04/08 W 5:10pm-10:00pm HHS-011 Maystrenko U E<br />

MASG251C Asian Body Therapy <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $23<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 131<br />

20188 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 1.25 01/14-02/04 W 5:10pm-10:00pm HHS-011 Grossman G E<br />

MASG251D Positional Release <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $23<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 232 or concurrently<br />

20189 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 1.25 04/15-05/06 W 5:10pm-10:00pm HHS-011 Flint J E<br />

MASG254 Busn App Therapeutic Massage <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 231 or concurrently<br />

20190 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 10:10am-12:00pm HHS-024 Douds K<br />

MASG256 Clinical Assess Therap Massage <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $23<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 232 or concurrently<br />

20559 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/15-02/05 R 5:40pm-9:30pm HHS-011 Flint J E<br />

MASG261 Massage Practicum <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $85<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in MASG 232 or concurrently<br />

20563 Worksite 0.50/ 1.50 01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE Douds K<br />

20563: Students are required to: 1) attend an orientation on Thursday, January 15, 2009 from 6:00-8:00 pm in HHS 011; and 2) show proof of a negative 2-<br />

step TB (tuberculosis) test or negative chest x-ray within the last year.<br />

Mathematics<br />

MATH001 Math Minus Anxiety Workshop Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $7<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22568 Lecture 0.50/ 0.50 01/23 F 8:30am-4:00pm A&S-373 Vandeusen V<br />

22569 Lecture 0.50/ 0.50 04/18 S 8:30am-4:00pm A&S-120 Vandeusen V W<br />

MATH050 Pre Algebra <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $7<br />

Prerequisite: Math Level 3 and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: MATH 050 is offered in 6 different delivery methods; Online, On-Campus Math Lab, Lab/Lecture, Online/Hybrid, Lecture and Off-Campus<br />

Math Lab. For an explanation of these delivery methods, refer to http://www.lcc.edu/mathskills/methods/ or call (517) 483-1073 and press 4. For the On-<br />

Campus Math Lab, ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND ORIENTATION during the first week of the semester. For orientation information, log on to<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/mathskills/methods/mathlab.aspx#MathLabOrientation or call (517) 483-1073 and press 5. The TI-30XIIS is required for course work.<br />

22623 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Randall L<br />

22624 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Randall L<br />

22626 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Randall L<br />

22603 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-309 Staff<br />

22603: For REQUIRED Orientation information go to http://www.lcc.edu/mathskills/methods/mathlab.aspx#MathLabOrientation or call (517) 483-1073 and<br />

press 5.<br />

22586 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-309 Cooper S<br />

22587 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-309 Cooper S<br />

22589 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-309 Cooper S<br />

22590 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-383B Hoagland A E<br />

MATH050 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 97

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MATH050 continued<br />

22644 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-383A Clifford E W<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22532 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-177 Ramakrishnan J<br />

22535 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-223 Jensen H<br />

22536 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm SPS-223 Jensen H<br />

22538 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm SPS-223 Hodges R E<br />

22539 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm SPS-223 Saucedo R E<br />

22666 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm EAST Christiansen S<br />

22669 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm EAST Adorjan C<br />

22672 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Adorjan C E<br />

22675 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Spencley D E<br />

22678 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Adorjan C E<br />

22681 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Spencley D E<br />

22688 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Usher M<br />

22691 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm LIVCEN Goodemote C<br />

22694 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm LIVCEN Usher M<br />

22697 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm LIVCEN Goodemote C<br />

22700 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm LIVCEN Elzerman M<br />

22703 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm LIVCEN Rose M E<br />

22706 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm LIVCEN Elzerman M E<br />

22709 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm LIVCEN Szymanski C E<br />

22714 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm MHS Christiansen S E<br />

22717 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm MHS Christiansen S E<br />

22721 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm STJCCC Dolega K<br />

22725 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm STJCCC Barks B<br />

22728 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm STJCCC Dolega K<br />

22731 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm STJCCC Barks B<br />

22734 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm STJCCC Ballinger T E<br />

22737 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm STJCCC Ballinger T E<br />

22742 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm WCB Mohnke L<br />

MATH107 Introductory Algebra <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $7<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 050 or Math Level 4) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 2<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: MATH 107 is offered in 6 different delivery methods; Online, On-Campus Math Lab, Lab/Lecture, Online/Hybrid, Lecture and Off-Campus<br />

Math Lab. For an explanation of these delivery methods, refer to http://www.lcc.edu/mathskills/methods/ or call (517) 483-1073 and press 4. For the On-<br />

Campus Math Lab, ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND ORIENTATION during the first week of the semester. For orientation information, log on to<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/mathskills/methods/mathlab.aspx#MathLabOrientation or call (517) 483-1073 and press 5. The TI-84 or TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or TI-<br />

83 Plus or TI-83 graphing calculator is required for course work.<br />

22627 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Dersch M<br />

22629 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Wallace E<br />

22630 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Dersch M<br />

22631 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Wallace E<br />

22632 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Dersch M<br />

22633 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lloyd N<br />

22634 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hoagland A<br />

22604 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-309 Staff<br />

22604: For REQUIRED Orientation information go to http://www.lcc.edu/mathskills/methods/mathlab.aspx#MathLabOrientation or call (517) 483-1073 and<br />

press 5.<br />

MATH107 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 98

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MATH107 continued<br />

22591 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-309 Barks B<br />

22592 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-383B Dersch M<br />

22593 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-309 Barks B<br />

22594 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-309 Barks B<br />

22595 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-309 Nimtz J E<br />

22596 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-309 Mumby D E<br />

22646 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-373 Hoagland A W<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22541 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-373 Margules J<br />

22542 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-373 Griffin C<br />

22547 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-373 Rotman J<br />

22548 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-373 Griffin C<br />

22549 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-373 Vandeusen V<br />

22550 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-373 Opland W<br />

22551 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-373 Marriott J<br />

22552 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-373 Hackbarth K E<br />

22553 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-383B Opland W E<br />

22554 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-373 Staff E<br />

22555 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-373 Vandermeer J E<br />

22556 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-373 Anderson E E<br />

22557 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10pm-10:00pm A&S-373 Vandermeer J E<br />

22667 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm EAST Christiansen S<br />

22670 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm EAST Adorjan C<br />

22673 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Adorjan C E<br />

22676 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Spencley D E<br />

22679 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Adorjan C E<br />

22682 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Spencley D E<br />

22684 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm EAST Morton H<br />

22686 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm EAST Adorjan C<br />

22689 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Usher M<br />

22692 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm LIVCEN Goodemote C<br />

22695 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm LIVCEN Usher M<br />

22698 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm LIVCEN Goodemote C<br />

22701 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm LIVCEN Elzerman M<br />

22704 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm LIVCEN Rose M E<br />

22707 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm LIVCEN Elzerman M E<br />

22710 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm LIVCEN Szymanski C E<br />

22712 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Goodemote C<br />

22715 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm MHS Christiansen S E<br />

22718 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm MHS Christiansen S E<br />

22722 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm STJCCC Dolega K<br />

22726 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm STJCCC Barks B<br />

22729 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm STJCCC Dolega K<br />

22732 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm STJCCC Barks B<br />

22735 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm STJCCC Ballinger T E<br />

22738 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm STJCCC Ballinger T E<br />

22740 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm STJCCC Halsted R<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 99

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MATH112 Intermediate Algebra <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $7<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 107 within 2 years or Math Level 5 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: MATH 112 is offered in 6 different delivery methods; Online, On-Campus Math Lab, Lab/Lecture, Online/Hybrid, Lecture and Off-Campus<br />

Math Lab. For an explanation of these delivery methods, refer to http://www.lcc.edu/mathskills/methods/ or call (517) 483-1073 and press 4. For the On-<br />

Campus Math Lab, ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND ORIENTATION during the first week of the semester. For orientation information, log on to<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/mathskills/methods/mathlab.aspx#MathLabOrientation or call (517) 483-1073 and press 5. The TI-84 or TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or TI-<br />

83 Plus or TI-83 graphing calculator is required for course work.<br />

22635 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Carter J<br />

22637 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bentley D<br />

22638 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Carter J<br />

22639 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bentley D<br />

22640 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Carter J<br />

22641 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Usher M<br />

22642 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Rose M<br />

22605 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-309 Staff<br />

22605: For REQUIRED Orientation information go to http://www.lcc.edu/mathskills/methods/mathlab.aspx#MathLabOrientation or call (517) 483-1073 and<br />

press 5.<br />

22597 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-309 Carter J<br />

22598 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-309 Carter J<br />

22599 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-383B Marriott J<br />

22600 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-309 Anderson E E<br />

22601 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-383B Hackbarth K E<br />

22602 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-309 McKenna P E<br />

22648 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-383B Christiansen S<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22649 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-383B Clifford E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22650 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-383B Christiansen S W<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22558 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-373 Smydra K<br />

22559 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-383B Ramakrishnan J<br />

22560 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-223 Margules J<br />

22561 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-223 Bennett E<br />

22562 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-304 Smydra K<br />

22563 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-224 Griffin C<br />

22564 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-383B Griffin C<br />

22565 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-383B Griffin C E<br />

22566 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-308 Staff E<br />

22567 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10pm-10:00pm A&S-383B Lorek W E<br />

22668 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm EAST Christiansen S<br />

22671 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm EAST Adorjan C<br />

22674 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Adorjan C E<br />

22677 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Spencley D E<br />

22680 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Adorjan C E<br />

22683 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Spencley D E<br />

22685 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Wood K E<br />

22687 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm EAST Adorjan C<br />

22690 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Usher M<br />

22693 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm LIVCEN Goodemote C<br />

22696 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm LIVCEN Usher M<br />

MATH112 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 100

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MATH112 continued<br />

22699 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm LIVCEN Goodemote C<br />

22702 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm LIVCEN Elzerman M<br />

22705 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm LIVCEN Rose M E<br />

22708 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm LIVCEN Elzerman M E<br />

22711 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm LIVCEN Szymanski C E<br />

22713 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm LIVCEN Elzerman M E<br />

22716 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm MHS Christiansen S E<br />

22719 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm MHS Christiansen S E<br />

22720 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm PORT Maksymetz M E<br />

22723 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm STJCCC Dolega K<br />

22727 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm STJCCC Barks B<br />

22730 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm STJCCC Dolega K<br />

22733 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm STJCCC Barks B<br />

22736 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm STJCCC Ballinger T E<br />

22739 Lab 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm STJCCC Ballinger T E<br />

22741 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am STJCCC Halsted R<br />

MATH114<br />

Technical Math I<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 050 within 2 years or Math Level 4 within 2 years) and Reading Level 4<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Some programs allow students with Math Level 5 and Reading Level 5 to enroll directly in MATH 115. If you have these levels, please check<br />

with your program advisor to determine if you are required to take MATH 114.<br />

21472 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 7:10am-11:00am WCB-U225 Jackson N<br />

21475 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm WCB-U234 Kanistanaux D E<br />

21477 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm WCB-N190 Simons J E<br />

MATH115<br />

Technical Math II<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 114 within 2 years or Math Level 5 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5<br />

21479 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 7:10am-11:00am WCB-U225 Jackson N<br />

21483 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm WCB-N190 Simons J E<br />

MATH117<br />

Math for Business<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 107 within 2 years or Math Level 5 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21484 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Krause K<br />

21492 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Cally J<br />

21495 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-304 Krause K<br />

21498 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Cally J E<br />

MATH118 The Art of Geometry <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 107 within 2 years or Math Level 5 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21501 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-105 Wang S<br />

01/10-05/08 W 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-109<br />

21503 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 4:10pm-6:00pm SPS-105 Nichols H E<br />

01/10-05/08 W 4:10pm-6:00pm SPS-109<br />

MATH119<br />

Investigations with Math<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 107 within 2 years or Math Level 5 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21505 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:10pm-8:30pm GB-307 Kanistanaux D E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 101

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MATH120<br />

<strong>College</strong> Algebra<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 112 within 2 years or Math Level 6 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you need MATH 122 or MATH 151, take MATH 121.<br />

21506 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hoffman S<br />

21507 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hoffman S<br />

21508 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-307 Simons J<br />

21510 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-167 Harned D E<br />

21512 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-167 Alpay N E<br />

21513 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 3:10pm-5:00pm EAST Mangan J<br />

21515 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Lott R E<br />

MATH121<br />

Precalculus I<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 112 within 2 years or Math Level 6 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21757 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Ghaussi H<br />

21758 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Ghaussi H<br />

21759 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MWRF 9:10am-10:00am A&S-167 Petry W<br />

21760 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-1:00pm A&S-167 Alpay N W<br />

21761 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-152 Wang J<br />

21762 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-03/06 MWRF 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-178 Harned D<br />

21762: First 8 weeks of the semester.<br />

21763 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-292 Wang J<br />

21764 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10pm-10:00pm A&S-011 Balthazar P E<br />

21765 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm EAST Lott R<br />

21766 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Lott R E<br />

21767 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm LIVCEN Mangan J E<br />

21518 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm STJCCC Bolin B E<br />

MATH122<br />

Precalculus II<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 121 within 2 years or Math Level 7 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21768 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Shears L<br />

21769 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-1:00pm A&S-171 Morton H W<br />

21770 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 03/14-05/08 MWRF 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-167 Harned D<br />

21770: Second 8 weeks of the semester.<br />

21771 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-152 Paquette L<br />

21773 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-152 Barks K<br />

21774 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-171 Speaker P E<br />

21775 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-171 Frank D E<br />

21776 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 WF 10:10am-12:00pm EAST Shears L<br />

MATH130<br />

Finite Math w/<strong>College</strong> Algebra<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 112 within 2 years or Math Level 6 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21702 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-176 Wang A<br />

21703 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm EAST Krause K<br />

MATH141<br />

Calculus with Applications<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 120 or MATH 121 or MATH 126 or MATH 130 within 2 years or Math Level 7 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and<br />

Writing Level 4<br />

21705 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:30pm GB-308 Lovell R<br />

21708 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-7:30pm GB-304 Wang A E<br />

21717 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-7:30pm EAST Stiegemeyer R E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 102

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MATH151<br />

Calculus I<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 122 or MATH 126 within 2 years or Math Level 9 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21719 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Wang J<br />

21720 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-327 Wang J<br />

21724 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-307 Harned D E<br />

21726 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-167 Ballard R E<br />

MATH152<br />

Calculus II<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 151 or MATH 161 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21727 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-307 Jackson N<br />

21729 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-171 Jackson N E<br />

MATH112 continued on next page<br />

MATH161<br />

Honors Calculus I<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 3.0 in MATH 122 or MATH 126 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Qualified dual-enrolled high schools students may also take this course.<br />

21730 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-176 Ghaussi H E<br />

MATH162<br />

Honors Calculus II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MATH 161 within 2 years or minimum 3.0 in MATH 151 within 2 years<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Qualified dual-enrolled high schools students may take this course.<br />

21731 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-324 Ghaussi H E<br />

MATH201<br />

Math for Elementary Teachers I<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 112 within 2 years or Math Level 6 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21732 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-011 Bolin B<br />

21734 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-011 Hoffman S E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

MATH202<br />

Math for Elementary Teacher II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MATH 201 within 2 years and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21737 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-011 Wang S<br />

21738 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-011 Nichols H<br />

21739 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-011 Hoffman S E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

MATH253<br />

Calculus III<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 152 or MATH 162 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21742 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-327 Barks K<br />

21743 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-327 Ballard R E<br />

MATH254<br />

Intro to Differential Equation<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MATH 253 within 2 years and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21745 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-5:30pm SPS-102 Paquette L E<br />

MATH260<br />

Linear Algebra<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MATH 253 within 2 years and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21746 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:40am-10:00am GB-176 Barks K<br />

MATH281<br />

Honors Math Seminar I<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 151 or MATH 161 within 2 years) and Department Approval<br />

21747 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/17-05/08 Arranged A&S-301 Barks K<br />

21747: Last 15 weeks. Students interested in taking this course should call the department office at 517-483-1087.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 103

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MATH282<br />

Honors Math Seminar II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MATH281 within 2 years and Department Approval<br />

21748 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/17-05/08 Arranged A&S-301 Barks K<br />

21748: Last 15 weeks. Students interested in taking this course should call the department office at 517-483-1087.<br />

Military Science<br />

The courses listed below are offered at Michigan State University (MSU) as part of an agreement with MSU to offer ROTC military science courses to LCC<br />

students.<br />

MILS120<br />

Army Leadership & Prob Solving<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Call MSU Department of Military Science at 517-355-1931, ext. 232, for specific days and times.<br />

20210 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged DEMOHA Staff<br />

MILS220<br />

Challenges in Army Leadership<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Call MSU Department of Military Science at 517-355-1931, ext. 232, for specific days and times.<br />

20211 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged DEMOHA Staff<br />

Music<br />

MUSC101<br />

Lanswingers Vocal Jazz Ensem<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Music reading skills<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: See the <strong>Community</strong> Education Offerings section for a noncredit option for this ensemble.<br />

21474 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-6:30pm GB-161 Bastian W E<br />

MUSC106 Private Music Lesson <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $500<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

21480 Lab 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-255 Staff<br />

MUSC108<br />

Concert Choir<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Music reading skills<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: See the <strong>Community</strong> Education Offerings section for a noncredit option for this ensemble.<br />

21489 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-3:30pm GB-161 Bowen M<br />

MUSC119<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> Concert Band<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: See the <strong>Community</strong> Education Offerings section for a noncredit option for this ensemble.<br />

21491 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 7:00pm-9:50pm OKCE Endahl J E<br />

MUSC121<br />

Percussion Ensemble<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Music reading skills<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: See the <strong>Community</strong> Education Offerings section for a noncredit option for this ensemble.<br />

21496 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 5:10pm-8:00pm GB-161 Lewis E E<br />

MUSC122<br />

Guitar Ensemble<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Music reading skills<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: See the <strong>Community</strong> Education Offerings section for a noncredit option for this ensemble.<br />

21497 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:10am-12:00pm GB-161 Rollins C<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 104

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MUSC123<br />

Jazz Ensemble<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Music reading skills<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: See the <strong>Community</strong> Education Offerings section for a noncredit option for this ensemble.<br />

21502 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 7:10pm-10:00pm GB-161 Gewirtz J E<br />

MUSC138<br />

Keyboard Harmony I<br />

Prerequisite: Music Major Audition and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21504 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:40pm-2:00pm GB-254 Kim Y<br />

MUSC144 Beginning Piano I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21520 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 S 10:10am-12:00pm GB-254 Faiver R W<br />

21521 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 11:10am-12:00pm GB-254 Kim Y<br />

21522 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:00pm GB-254 Bondar L<br />

21523 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-254 Kim Y E<br />

21524 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-254 Faiver R E<br />

MUSC145 Beginning Piano II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MUSC 144<br />

21525 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 S 10:10am-12:00pm GB-254 Faiver R W<br />

21526 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 11:10am-12:00pm GB-254 Kim Y<br />

21527 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:00pm GB-254 Bondar L<br />

21528 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-254 Kim Y E<br />

21529 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-254 Faiver R E<br />

MUSC155 Class Voice Commercial I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $45<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21530 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:40am-12:00pm GB-161 Smith J<br />

MUSC156 Class Voice Commercial II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $45<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MUSC 155<br />

21531 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:40am-12:00pm GB-161 Smith J<br />

MUSC157 Applied Lesson I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $400<br />

Prerequisite: Music Major Audition<br />

21532 Lab 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-255 Staff<br />

MUSC158 Applied Lesson II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $400<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MUSC 157 or Music Major Audition<br />

21533 Lab 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-255 Staff<br />

MUSC163<br />

Aural Skills I<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): MUSC 193<br />

21534 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 11:10am-12:00pm DRT-174 Alhaddad F<br />

MUSC164<br />

Aural Skills II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MUSC 163<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): MUSC 194<br />

21535 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 9:10am-10:00am DRT-174 Bondar L<br />

MUSC168<br />

Rudiments of Music<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21536 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:00pm DRT-174 Alhaddad F<br />

21537 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/17-05/08 R 6:10pm-8:00pm LIVCEN Kim Y E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 105

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MUSC182 Class Voice I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21538 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:00pm GB-161 Erickson L<br />

21539 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 5:10pm-7:00pm DRT-172 Pierce M E<br />

MUSC183 Class Voice II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MUSC 182<br />

21540 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:00pm GB-161 Erickson L<br />

21541 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 5:10pm-7:00pm DRT-172 Pierce M E<br />

MUSC188<br />

Class Guitar<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21542 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:00pm GB-161 Rollins C<br />

21543 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-161 Rollins C<br />

21544 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 7:10pm-9:00pm DRT-172 Starr J E<br />

MUSC193<br />

Music Theory I<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (MUSC 168 or Music Theory Placement Test) and Reading Level 5<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): MUSC 163<br />

21546 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 9:10am-11:00am DRT-174 Cryderman-Weber<br />

MUSC194<br />

Music Theory II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (MUSC 193 or Music Theory Placement Test) and Reading Level 5<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): MUSC 164<br />

21547 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm DRT-174 Potes C<br />

MUSC197 Intro to Music Technologies <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Familiarity with computers; music reading skills<br />

21548 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-3:30pm DRT-178 Price J<br />

21549 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-5:30pm DRT-178 Therrian D E<br />

21550 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm DRT-178 Therrian D E<br />

MUSC199<br />

Music Appreciation<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 4<br />

21551 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Gewirtz J<br />

21552 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm DRT-174 Hiranpradist B<br />

MUSC200<br />

Music Fund for Elemen Teachers<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: Music reading skills<br />

21553 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 02/11-05/06 W 6:10pm-10:00pm DRT-174 Hiranpradist B E<br />

MUSC233<br />

Music Seminar<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Musical Scenes<br />

21554 Lab 1.00/ 3.00 01/17-05/08 M 7:10pm-10:00pm PLYMCH Smith J E<br />

New Music Ensemble<br />

22835 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/17-05/08 T 7:10pm-9:00pm GB-161 Price J E<br />

MUSC240<br />

World Music History I<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21555 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-304 Cryderman-Weber<br />

21557 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm EAST Bowen M<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 106

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

MUSC241<br />

World Music History II<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21559 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-153 Potes C<br />

MUSC247<br />

History and Culture of Rock<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21560 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 4:10pm-6:00pm DRT-174 Gewirtz J E<br />

MUSC253<br />

Business of Music<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4<br />

21561 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Clark R<br />

MUSC254<br />

Band Management<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4<br />

21562 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-330 Daniels M E<br />

MUSC257 Applied Lesson III <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $400<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MUSC 158 or Music Major Audition<br />

21563 Lab 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-255 Staff<br />

MUSC258 Applied Lesson IV <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $400<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MUSC 257 or Music Major Audition<br />

21564 Lab 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-255 Staff<br />

MUSC263<br />

Aural Skills III<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MUSC 164<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): MUSC 293<br />

21565 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:00am DRT-172 Bondar L<br />

MUSC270<br />

Rock Guitar<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21566 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-161 Starr J E<br />

MUSC280 Private Composition <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $280<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

21567 Lab 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-255 Staff<br />

MUSC293<br />

Music Theory III<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MUSC 194 and Reading Level 5<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): MUSC 263<br />

21568 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm DRT-172 Alhaddad F<br />

MUSC298 Electronic and Computer Music <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $35<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in MUSC 197<br />

Recommended: Computer experience; Music reading skills<br />

21569 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:40pm-2:00pm DRT-178 Potes C<br />

Nanotechnology<br />

NANO130<br />

Introduction to Nanotechnology<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and (Math Level 6 or MATH 112 concurrently)<br />

Recommended: CHEM 151<br />

22211 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-358 Qi R<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 107

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Nursing<br />

The Nursing Program is approved by the Michigan Board of Nursing and is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. The<br />

program implements the ladder concept. There are specific prerequisites required for entry into the program. Building on these prerequisites, a student<br />

completing the first year is eligible to take the National Council Licensing Examination-Practical Nurse (PN). A student continuing through the second year<br />

is eligible to take the National Council Licensing Examination-Registered Nurse (RN.) The education and scope of practice of the nurse is determined by<br />

state law.<br />

The Nursing Program is offered in a full-time or part-time sequence as well as an accelerated option for students with a bachelor's degree. A current LPN,<br />

licensed paramedic, or respiratory therapist may gain entry into the second year of the associate degree RN program as an advanced standing student<br />

through the Fast Track RN Completion Program. Nurses work in hospitals, clinics, offices, nursing homes, and home health care settings, in addition to<br />

schools, research facilities, and community agencies.<br />

Nursing is a selective admission program. For information contact the Admissions Office at 517-483-1254 or the Nursing Careers Department at 517-483-<br />

1410, or visit our website at http://www.lcc.edu/nursing/ . Students who have been accepted into the program will receive schedule information directly from<br />

the program.<br />

NURS200 Pharmacology-Nursing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $39<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in BIOL 202 or concurrently<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: All Online Sections - Testing (at an approved, proctored site) is scheduled on Tuesdays only between 1:00-7:00 p.m. The mandatory,<br />

proctored testing dates are: 1/27, 2/17, 3/24, 4/14, and 5/5. Further information will be posted on the course Angel site on the first day of class.<br />

20388 Online 3.00/ 3.50 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Anderson J<br />

20389 Online 3.00/ 3.50 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Anderson J<br />

20390 Online 3.00/ 3.50 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Anderson J<br />

20391 Online 3.00/ 3.50 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Anderson J<br />

20392 Online 3.00/ 3.50 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Anderson J<br />

20614 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 3.50 01/10-05/08 T 11:10am-2:00pm HHS-020 Alberta T<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged HHS-108<br />

20615 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 3.50 01/10-05/08 T 11:10am-2:00pm HHS-021 Alberta T<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged HHS-108<br />

20620 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 3.50 01/10-05/08 T 5:10pm-8:00pm HHS-020 Kingsbury M E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged HHS-108<br />

20621 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 3.50 01/10-05/08 T 5:10pm-8:00pm HHS-021 Kingsbury M E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged HHS-108<br />

20624 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 3.50 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-4:00pm EAST Kingsbury M<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged HHS-108<br />

Paramedic<br />

The Paramedic program is a one-year certificate program that prepares the Basic EMT in advanced techniques of administering care in life-threatening<br />

conditions. Graduates are required to take the licensing examination offered by the National Registry of EMTs to practice as paramedic. State licensure is<br />

also required. Paramedics are employed by advanced life support ambulances and in emergency departments and critical care units of hospitals.<br />

The Paramedic program is a selective admission program. For information, contact the Admissions Office at 517-483-1254 or the Emergency Medical<br />

Service Program at 517-483-1958, or visit the website at http://www.lcc.edu/publicservice/paramedic/. Students who have been accepted into the program<br />

will receive schedule information directly from the program.<br />

Philosophy<br />

PHIL151<br />

Intro to Logic & Critcal Think<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21570 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Henig B<br />

21571 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Henig B<br />

21572 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Butler E<br />

21573 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-322 Jurczak P<br />

21574 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-377 Kurak M<br />

21575 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-377 Kurak M<br />

21576 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-369 Jurczak P<br />

21577 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-208 Ballard E E<br />

21578 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm LIVCEN Staff<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 108

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PHIL152<br />

Introduction to Ethics<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21579 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-377 Kurak M<br />

21580 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-307 Kurak M E<br />

PHIL211<br />

Philosophy: Ancient & Medieval<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21581 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Butler E<br />

21582 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Butler E<br />

21583 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-292 Lambert J<br />

PHIL212<br />

Philosophy: Modern & Contempry<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21584 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lambert J<br />

21585 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-292 Henig B<br />

Photography Technology<br />

PHOT101 Basic Photo for Non-Majors <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students may use a 35mm Film camera or a Digital camera. If students use a Film camera they should expect to spend a minimum of $120<br />

for photographic supplies and materials not covered by the course fee.<br />

20917 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-132 Kurtz B<br />

20918 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-132 Smith H<br />

20919 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-356 Espinosa L<br />

20920 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-310 Staff<br />

20921 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 7:10pm-9:00pm GB-153 Olsen R E<br />

20922 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 7:10pm-9:00pm EAST Espinosa L E<br />

PHOT111 Photographic Technology I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This course is the first course in the Photography Degree sequence and also may be taken for personal interest. A manually-adjustable<br />

Digital SLR is required. See official syllabus. To finish an Associate's Degree or Certificate in Photography in the shortest possible time, you must enroll in<br />

PHOT 111, PHOT 112, PHOT 113, and ARTS 102 in your first semester. When you take ARTS 102, the Photo Program recommends that you enroll in a<br />

section that allows you to use a computer and Adobe Photoshop. Either the online sections or the sections with the $50 course fee that meet in a Windowsbased<br />

computer lab are recommended.<br />

20923 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-12:00pm GB-110 Frith R<br />

20924 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-5:00pm GB-110 Kurtz B<br />

20925 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:10pm-5:00pm GB-110 Rocco J<br />

20926 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-110 Hanson A E<br />

20927 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-110 Hanson A E<br />

PHOT112 Digital Imag for Photographers <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $120<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in PHOT 111 or concurrently and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: A manually-adjustable Digital SLR camera is required. See official syllabus.<br />

20928 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 1:10pm-5:00pm GB-163 Lea D<br />

20929 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:10pm-5:00pm GB-163 Lea D<br />

20930 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-163 Lea D E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 109

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PHOT113 Lighting Concepts and Applic <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in PHOT 111 or concurrently<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: A manually-adjustable Digital SLR camera is required. See official syllabus.<br />

20931 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 9:10am-12:00pm GB-162 Schneiter C<br />

20932 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 2:10pm-5:00pm GB-162 Schneiter C<br />

20933 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-162 Schneiter C E<br />

PHOT114 Advanced Photographic Imaging <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ARTS 102 and PHOT 111 and PHOT 112 and PHOT 113) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: A manually-adjustable Digital SLR camera is required. See official syllabus.<br />

20934 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-163 Lea D<br />

20935 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-163 Lea D E<br />

PHOT117 Photographic Technology II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $125<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (PHOT 111 and PHOT 112)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: A manually-adjustable Digital SLR camera is required. See official syllabus.<br />

20936 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-5:00pm GB-163 Rocco J<br />

20937 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-110 Rocco J E<br />

PHOT118 Visual Literacy <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (ARTS 102 and PHOT 111 and PHOT 112 and PHOT 113) and Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2 and Math Level 3<br />

20938 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-174 Frith R E<br />

PHOT119 Intermediate Lighting <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $100<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (PHOT 111 and PHOT 113)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: A manually-adjustable Digital SLR camera is required. See official syllabus.<br />

20939 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 1:10pm-5:00pm GB-164 Beck S<br />

20940 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm GB-164 Beck S E<br />

PHOT215 Color Printing and Management <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $125<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (PHOT 114 and PHOT 117 and PHOT 119)<br />

20941 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-163 Beck S E<br />

PHOT232<br />

Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in PHOT 117 and Approved Proposal<br />

20942 Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-131 Staff<br />

PHOT270 Busn Issues for Photography <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (PHOT 212 and PHOT 213 and PHOT 214 and PHOT 215)<br />

20943 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-356 Smith H E<br />

PHOT280 Advanced Projects <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $125<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (PHOT 212 and PHOT 213 and PHOT 214 and PHOT 215) and (minimum 2.0 in PHOT 290 concurrently)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: A manually-adjustable Digital SLR camera is required. See official syllabus.<br />

20944 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-163 Beck S E<br />

PHOT290 Porfolio Assembly Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (PHOT 212 and PHOT 213 and PHOT 214 and PHOT 215) and (minimum 2.0 in PHOT 270 and PHOT 280 or concurrently)<br />

20945 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-134 Rocco J E<br />

Phys Fitn: Aquatics<br />

PFAQ100 Swimming: Primary Skills <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21323 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:00am GB-POOL Mull R<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 110

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PFAQ101 Swimming: Stroke Development <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: PFAQ 100<br />

21330 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:00am GB-POOL Mull R<br />

PFAQ104 Swimming/Training <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Student should be able to swim 500 yards in 10 minutes.<br />

21375 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:30am-7:20am GB-POOL Mull R<br />

21384 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:30am-7:20am GB-POOL Creaser K<br />

21395 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:30pm-6:20pm GB-POOL Creaser K E<br />

21396 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:30pm-6:20pm GB-POOL Staff E<br />

PFAQ106 Water Walking/Toning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21399 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 11:10am-12:00pm GB-POOL Kamai M<br />

PFAQ107 Water Exercise I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21401 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-5:00pm GB-POOL Nylund T E<br />

PFAQ110 Hydro-Fit Exercise I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $11<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Deep water confidence preferred.<br />

21409 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:00am GB-POOL Lee N<br />

21414 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:30pm-7:20pm GB-POOL Kamai M E<br />

PFAQ111 Hydro-Fit Exercise II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $11<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: PFAQ 110<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Deep water confidence preferred.<br />

21410 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 8:10am-9:00am GB-POOL Lee N<br />

PFAQ112 Scuba <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $9<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students must supply their own equipment.<br />

21422 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 R 7:20pm-10:10pm GB-POOL Zeeb R E<br />

03/14-05/08 T 7:10pm-10:00pm GB-356<br />

PFAQ114 Parent/Infant Water Adjustment <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $6<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: For children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years.<br />

21432 Lab 0.50/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 S 11:10am-12:00pm GB-POOL Janing K W<br />

PFAQ115 Parent/Toddler Water Adjustmnt <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $6<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: PFAQ 114<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Toddlers should be 2-5 years old, depending upon skill development and/or instructor approval.<br />

21434 Lab 0.50/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 S 10:10am-11:00am GB-POOL Janing K W<br />

PFAQ118 Arthritis Found Aquatics Prog Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Arthritis Foundation Association approved program.<br />

21437 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:15pm-5:05pm HRTWD Janing K E<br />

21440 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:05pm-5:55pm HRTWD Janing K E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 111

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PFAQ120 Basic Lifeguarding <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21457 Lab/Lecture 1.00/ 2.00 04/16-04/19 RFSU 8:10am-5:00pm A&S-374 St Clair L W<br />

Phys Fitn: Dance<br />

PFDA142<br />

Ballroom Swing I<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Enrollment with a partner<br />

21464 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 7:10pm-9:00pm GB-368 Dimmer S E<br />

PFDA147<br />

Latin Ballroom I<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Enrollment with a partner<br />

21465 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 U 5:10pm-7:00pm GB-368 Dimmer S W<br />

PFDA152<br />

Latin Ballroom II<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: PFDA 147, and enrollment with a partner<br />

21466 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 U 7:10pm-9:00pm GB-368 Dimmer S W<br />

Phys Fitn: Fitness<br />

PFFT 100, 101, 102 and 103 are open workout classes. <strong>Course</strong> Manual MUST be purchased at Hole in the Hall in the Gannon Building, Room 133 prior to<br />

orientation. ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND A 50 MINUTE ORIENTATION during the first week of the semester. Log on to<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/pfw/facilities/fitness/index.htm for detailed Orientation schedule. May attend these four courses at downtown campus or west campus.<br />

These four courses cannot be taken concurrently.<br />

PFFT100 Total Fitness A <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: May attend downtown or west campus facility. Cannot be taken concurrently with PFFT101, PFFT102 or PFFT103.<br />

21467 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-270 Frank A<br />

PFFT101 Total Fitness B <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: May attend downtown or west campus facility. Cannot be taken concurrently with PFFT100, PFFT102 or PFFT103.<br />

21468 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-270 Frank A<br />

PFFT102 Total Fitness C <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: May attend downtown or west campus facility. Cannot be taken concurrently with PFFT100, PFFT101 or PFFT103.<br />

21469 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-270 Frank A<br />

PFFT103 Total Fitness D <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: May attend downtown or west campus facility. Cannot be taken concurrently with PFFT100, PFFT101 or PFFT102.<br />

21471 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-270 Frank A<br />

PFFT104 Therapeutic Massage Fitnes Lab <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Restriction: Therapeutic Massage Student<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): PFHW 163<br />

21473 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-270 Hardy M<br />

21473: Students must contact the instructor by January 16th via phone or email to arrange a meeting.<br />

PFFT107 Jogging: Beginning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21476 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:00pm GB-270 Block C<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 112

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PFFT109 Introduction to Fitness <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: PFFT 109 is an open workout class. <strong>Course</strong> Manual MUST be purchased at Hole in the Hall in the Gannon Building, Room 133 prior to<br />

orientation. ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND A 50 MINUTE ORIENTATION during the first week of the semester. Log on to<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/pfw/facilities/fitness/index.htm for detailed Orientation schedule. May attend this course at downtown campus or west campus.<br />

21478 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-270 Frank A<br />

22887 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:00am WCB-M126.6 Hardy M<br />

22887: Silver Stars Exercise: NEW class for adults (ages 50+ recommended) who want to get active and stay active. Emphasis on coordination, balance,<br />

agility, strength, and flexibility. Instructor-led in the fitness center. (Ages 62+ qualify for senior tuition discount.)<br />

PFFT111 Aerobic Boxing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21482 Lab 0.50/ 1.00 01/10-03/06 MW 7:10pm-8:00pm CROWN Easley A E<br />

21486 Lab 0.50/ 1.00 03/14-05/08 MW 7:10pm-8:00pm CROWN Easley A E<br />

PFFT113 Core Strength & Flexiblty Trng <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21509 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:00pm GB-368 Tagger I<br />

21511 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-5:00pm GB-368 Pierce M E<br />

21514 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:10pm-6:00pm GB-368 Allen-Turner L E<br />

21942 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:00pm WCB-M126.6 Gray J<br />

21942: This section will run as a “boot camp” class.<br />

PFFT120 Aerobic Exercise <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $9<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21517 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:30am GB-368 Allen-Turner L<br />

21517: Incorporates cardio kick boxing as the primary emphasis.<br />

21621 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-3:30pm GB-368 Tagger I<br />

21622 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 7:10pm-8:30pm GB-256 Baptista N E<br />

PFFT122 Step Aerobics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21645 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-2:30pm GB-368 Nylund T<br />

PFFT134 Mind/Body Fitness-Nia Techniq <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $6<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21652 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:00pm GB-256 Gibson K<br />

21654 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-6:00pm GB-368 Zeeb W E<br />

PFFT136 Dance Exercise <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $6<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22882 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:00pm GB-256 Staff<br />

22882: This class is an Urban Ballroom Dance class.<br />

PFFT151 Cardiac Rehab Exercise Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Continuous enrollment allowed.<br />

21987 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-06/05 Arranged GB-GYM Koning L<br />

PFFT169 Fit for Life Exercise Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21656 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:00am MASUCF Staff<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 113

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PFFT170 Yoga: Beginning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21657 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:00pm GB-252 Hunter A<br />

21658 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:00pm GB-252 Lapo A<br />

21659 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 S 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-252 Lockert C W<br />

21660 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 U 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-252 Lockert C W<br />

21661 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:40pm-5:30pm GB-372 Eschbach R E<br />

21662 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 5:30pm-7:20pm GB-252 Summit A E<br />

21662: Taught in Raja style with emphasis in meditation featured with movement and breathing.<br />

21664 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:40pm-8:30pm GB-368 Summit A E<br />

21664: Taught in Raja style with emphasis in meditation featured with movement and breathing.<br />

21665 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:00pm-7:50pm HOLTHS Lockert C E<br />

21667 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-9:00am EAST Lapo A<br />

22836 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-5:00pm EAST Lapo A E<br />

21668 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:10pm-6:00pm EAST Lapo A E<br />

21669 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-8:00pm STJCCC Lockert C E<br />

PFFT261 Adult Fitness Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Continuous enrollment allowed.<br />

21993 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-06/05 Arranged GB-GYM Koning L<br />

Phys Fitn: Health/Fitn Wlns<br />

PFHW105<br />

Medical Altern for Hlth & Wlns<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21675 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:30pm-8:20pm GB-174 Dougherty S E<br />

PFHW123 Human Nutrition <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: Biology<br />

21680 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Whitney L<br />

21686 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Whitney L<br />

21689 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Dersch H<br />

21692 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Staff<br />

21781 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-12:00pm GB-185 Fritz K<br />

22880 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-173 Apostolos B E<br />

21784 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 9:10am-12:00pm EAST Staff<br />

PFHW163 Healthy Lifestyles <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21786 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Whitney L<br />

21788 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Wieber R<br />

21789 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Barch J<br />

21791 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Barch J<br />

21792 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Whitney L<br />

22885 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Barch J<br />

21793 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 8:10am-10:00am GB-176 Gruesbeck N<br />

21795 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 S 9:10am-1:00pm GB-176 Burt M W<br />

21796 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-10:00am GB-177 Manning K<br />

21797 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 9:10am-11:00am GB-177 Williams S<br />

PFHW163 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 114

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PFHW163 continued<br />

21804 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 10:10am-12:00pm GB-176 Whitney L<br />

21805 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:10am-12:00pm GB-177 Hart B<br />

21807 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 11:10am-1:00pm GB-177 Williams S<br />

21806 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-176 Prinz M<br />

21808 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-177 Pierce M<br />

21809 Online/Hybrid 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-308 Hart B<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21809: On-campus meeting dates: 1/14, 1/28, 2/18, 3/11, 3/25, 4/15, 4/29, and 5/6.<br />

21811 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 R 5:10pm-9:00pm GB-177 Schneider R E<br />

21812 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-176 Hart B E<br />

21813 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-324 Staff E<br />

21814 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 11:10am-1:00pm EAST Gruesbeck N<br />

21994 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 02/24-05/05 T 1:00pm-4:00pm LIVCEN Simmons E<br />

PFHW164 Fire Science Healthy Lifestyle <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Restriction: Fire Science Students<br />

22881 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm WCB-U235 Burt M E<br />

PFHW181<br />

Stress Management<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21815 Online 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Vanoosterhout R<br />

21816 Online 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Vanoosterhout R<br />

21817 Online 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Vanoosterhout R<br />

21819 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 03/21 S 10:10am-5:00pm GB-176 Vanoosterhout R W<br />

04/04 S 10:10am-5:00pm GB-176<br />

04/11 Arranged GB-351<br />

PFHW190 Sem: Wilderness Survival Tech <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: There will be an optional three-day field trip exercise at the end of the semester.<br />

21822 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 8:10pm-10:00pm GB-308 Carrington P E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-351<br />

Phys Fitn: Kinesiology<br />

PFKN106 Aerobic Instructor Training <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21824 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 11:10am-1:00pm GB-368 Tagger I<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

PFKN170<br />

Foundations of Kinesiology<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21825 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Tagger I<br />

21826 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 10:10am-12:00pm GB-176 Manning K<br />

PFKN210 Athletic Training Principles <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: Biology<br />

21827 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-308 Buckingham J E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 115

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PFKN250 Measurements in Kinesiology <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 3<br />

Recommended: PFKN 170<br />

21831 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 12:10pm-4:00pm GB-185 Tagger I<br />

PFKN260 Growth and Motor Behavior <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21832 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 9:10am-12:00pm GB-177 Williams S<br />

Phys Fitn: Team & Indiv Sports<br />

PFSP100 Aikido <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21833 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 11:10am-12:00pm GB-252 Helton J<br />

PFSP102 Basketball: Beginning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21834 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 10:10am-12:00pm GB-GYM Ingram M<br />

21835 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 U 8:00pm-9:50pm GB-GYM Ingram M W<br />

PFSP103 Basketball: Advanced <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: PFSP 102<br />

21836 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 10:10am-12:00pm GB-GYM Ingram M<br />

21837 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 U 6:00pm-7:50pm GB-GYM Ingram M W<br />

PFSP104 Bicycling Camping/Touring <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Base camp will be set up and day trips will be taken each day from base camp. Required equipment: bike, helmet, and camping equipment.<br />

21838 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 05/01-05/03 Arranged GB-351 Zeeb R<br />

PFSP105<br />

Bowling: Beginning<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Fees: $1.75 per game (shoes are free)<br />

21841 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 4:00pm-5:50pm PROBO Braun M E<br />

PFSP106<br />

Bowling: Advanced<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: PFSP 105<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students must have at least an average score of 150. Fees: $1.75 per game (shoes are free).<br />

21853 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 4:00pm-5:50pm ROYSCT Braun M E<br />

PFSP107 Fencing: Beginning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21855 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 7:10pm-9:00pm GB-GYM Rahl D E<br />

PFSP108 Fencing: Intermediate <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in PFSP 107<br />

21857 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 9:05pm-10:55pm GB-GYM Rahl D E<br />

PFSP109 Golf: Beginning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21858 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 F 9:30am-1:20pm AKERS Applegate R<br />

21859 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 U 4:00pm-7:50pm AKERS Applegate R W<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 116

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PFSP110 Golf: Intermediate <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: PFSP 109<br />

21867 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 S 2:00pm-5:50pm AKERS Applegate R W<br />

PFSP111 Indoor Soccer <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21869 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:10am-12:00pm GB-GYM Gonzalez J<br />

21871 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 F 6:10pm-8:00pm SUMMIT Gonzalez J W<br />

21875 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 8:10pm-10:00pm SUMMIT Gonzalez J E<br />

21877 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 8:10pm-10:00pm SUMMIT Gonzalez J E<br />

PFSP112 Judo: Beginning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21879 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:30pm-8:20pm GB-252 Flagg D E<br />

PFSP113 Judo: Intermediate <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: PFSP 112<br />

21880 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 8:30pm-10:20pm GB-252 Flagg D E<br />

PFSP114 Karate: Beginning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21881 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:30pm-8:20pm GB-252 Tate F E<br />

PFSP115 Karate: Intermediate <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: PFSP 114<br />

21897 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 8:30pm-10:20pm GB-252 Tate F E<br />

PFSP117 Pool: Beginning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $28<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This facility is not smoke-free, but the class is held in a non-smoking area.<br />

21900 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 5:30pm-7:20pm TRIPER Cardwell J E<br />

PFSP118 Pool: Intermediate <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $28<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: This facility is not smoke-free, but the class is held in a non-smoking area.<br />

21901 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 5:30pm-7:20pm TRIPER Cardwell J E<br />

PFSP122 Tai Chi I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $6<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21903 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-11:00am GB-368 Yoakam K<br />

21904 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-7:00pm GB-368 Bolton C E<br />

PFSP124 Tennis: Beginning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $67<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Tennis shoes required (no black-soled shoes).<br />

21916 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 F 12:10pm-2:00pm MSUTEN Carter D<br />

PFSP125 Tennis: Intermediate <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $67<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: PFSP 124<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Tennis shoes required (no black-soled shoes).<br />

21917 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 U 7:00pm-8:50pm MSUTEN Carter D W<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 117

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PFSP126 Volleyball: Beginning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21919 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:30pm-8:20pm GB-GYM Thompson C E<br />

PFSP127 Competitive Volleyball <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $8<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: PFSP 126<br />

21920 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-GYM Thompson C E<br />

Phys Fitn: Weight Training<br />

PFWT112 Intro to Weight Training <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21922 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:00am GB-192 Chopp D<br />

21923 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:00pm-2:50pm GB-192 Easley A<br />

21924 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:00pm-2:50pm GB-192 Easley A<br />

21925 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 F 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-192 Witherill A W<br />

PFWT123 Weight Training I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21926 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 9:20am-10:40am GB-192 Hamilton B<br />

21927 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:40am-12:00pm GB-192 Chopp D<br />

21928 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:00pm-4:20pm GB-192 Buchin J<br />

21929 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 3:00pm-4:20pm GB-192 Buchin J<br />

21930 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:20pm-5:40pm GB-192 Buchin J E<br />

21938 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:30pm-8:50pm GB-192 Chopp D E<br />

PFWT124 Weight Training II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: PFWT 112 or PFWT 123<br />

21939 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:00am-9:20am GB-192 Hamilton B<br />

21940 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:25pm-5:45pm GB-192 Buchin J E<br />

Physics<br />

PHYS120 The Art of Physics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

22213 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:30am A&S-471 Blackwood D<br />

22214 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-10:30am A&S-471 Witkowski K W<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22215 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 10:10am-11:40am A&S-471 Staff<br />

22216 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 12:10pm-1:40pm A&S-471 Hughey P<br />

22217 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 2:10pm-3:40pm A&S-471 Hughey P<br />

22218 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:30pm A&S-471 Blackwood D<br />

22219 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-8:30pm A&S-471 Farone M E<br />

01/10-05/08 S 2:10pm-4:30pm A&S-471<br />

PHYS200 Intro Physics With Application <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and Math Level 4<br />

22220 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 5.00 01/10-05/08 TR 11:10am-1:30pm A&S-471 Repko J<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 118

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PHYS221 Introductory Physics I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6 and (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 141 or Math Level 9)<br />

22221 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 9:10am-11:00am A&S-465 Radford A<br />

22222 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-1:00pm A&S-465 Radford A<br />

22223 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-465 Romel C E<br />

PHYS222 Introductory Physics II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Math Level 9 and Minimum 2.0 in PHYS 221 or (PHYS 201 and PHYS 225)<br />

22224 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MWF 8:10am-10:00am A&S-471 Hughey P<br />

PHYS251 Physics I: Mechanics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 152 or MATH 162 or concurrently) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

22225 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 7.00 01/10-05/08 MF 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-465 Azima A<br />

01/10-05/08 W 2:10pm-5:00pm A&S-465<br />

22226 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 7.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-9:30pm A&S-465 Soni R E<br />

PHYS252 Physics II:Electrom/Wave/Optic <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in PHYS 251 or (PHYS 215 and PHYS 225) and (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 152 or MATH 162)<br />

22227 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 7.00 01/10-05/08 F 11:10am-2:00pm A&S-465 Azima A<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-465<br />

22228 Lab/Lecture 5.00/ 7.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-9:30pm A&S-471 Speaker P E<br />

POLS120<br />

American Political System<br />

Political Science<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21040 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Krois D<br />

21041 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Murphy M<br />

21042 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Guerrieri M<br />

21043 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Murphy M<br />

21044 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-374 Scullion M<br />

21045 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-306 Drago A<br />

21046 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-306 Guerrieri M<br />

21047 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-306 Guerrieri M<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21047: This is a combined face-to-face and internet section.<br />

21048 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-306 Roe J<br />

21049 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-306 Krois D<br />

21050 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 03/14-05/08 TR 8:10am-12:00pm EAST Roe J<br />

POLS121<br />

State and Local Government<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21051 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Krois D<br />

21052 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-312 Utrup R E<br />

POLS201<br />

Intro to Political Science<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21053 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-5:30pm GB-296 Guerrieri M E<br />

POLS205<br />

Government Internship<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21054 Lecture/Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/24-05/08 R 4:30pm-5:20pm A&S-006 Guerrieri M E<br />

01/24-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 119

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

POLS206<br />

Advanced Government Internship<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21055 Lecture/Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/24-05/08 R 4:30pm-5:20pm A&S-006 Guerrieri M E<br />

01/24-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

POLS240<br />

Introduction to Public Policy<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21056 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Thomas M<br />

POLS260<br />

Comparative Political Systems<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21057 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 12:10pm-1:30pm GB-292 Krois D<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21057: This is a combined face-to-face and internet section.<br />

POLS270<br />

International Relations<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21058 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-296 Andrus E E<br />

Psychology<br />

PSYC175<br />

Psyc of Death: Prep for Living<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21059 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-369 Thornes R E<br />

PSYC200<br />

Introduction to Psychology<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21060 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Elmore J<br />

21061 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bonnelle K<br />

21062 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Kelley P<br />

21063 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Loree M<br />

21064 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Thornes R<br />

21065 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Forbes N<br />

21066 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Conzelmann K<br />

21067 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Elmore J<br />

21068 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Loree M<br />

21069 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/17-05/08 F 8:00am-12:05pm GB-307 Sorrell L<br />

21070 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-374 Thornes R<br />

21071 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am GB-292 Stelma M<br />

21072 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-04/10 MW 10:10am-12:40pm GB-172 Bonnelle K<br />

21073 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-152 Hughes S<br />

21076 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 11:10am-1:00pm GB-312 Elmore J<br />

21078 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-153 Vaughn S<br />

21079 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-327 Hughes S<br />

22930 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 02/07-05/09 TR 12:10pm-2:40pm HHS-006 Bonnelle K<br />

21080 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 12:10pm-4:00pm A&S-380 Schlenkermann R<br />

21081 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-03/06 TR 12:10pm-4:00pm A&S-167 Sorrell L<br />

21077 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/17-05/08 S 12:10pm-4:15pm A&S-380 Staff W<br />

21082 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-307 Elmore J<br />

21083 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-153 Forbes N<br />

PSYC200 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 120

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PSYC200 continued<br />

21084 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-374 Callender B E<br />

21085 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-167 Vaughn S E<br />

21086 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-374 Kelley P E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21086: This is a combined face-to-face and internet section.<br />

21087 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-374 Staff E<br />

21088 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-307 Stelma M E<br />

21089 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm CHARMS Brenton K E<br />

21090 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am EAST Rochon B<br />

21091 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm EAST Taylor J E<br />

21092 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm EAST Habtemariam B E<br />

21093 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 8:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Bachmann R<br />

21094 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Bachmann R<br />

21095 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 12:10pm-4:00pm LIVCEN Miller K<br />

21096 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-10:00pm LIVCEN Hall L E<br />

21097 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 12:10pm-4:00pm STJCCC Conzelmann K<br />

21098 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm STJCCC Stone J E<br />

PSYC202<br />

Psychology of Personality<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in PSYC 200 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21099 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Kelland D<br />

21100 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-173 Coelho R E<br />

21101 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 2:10pm-5:00pm EAST Rochon B<br />

PSYC203<br />

Social Psychology<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (PSYC 200 or SOCL 120) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21102 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hughes S<br />

21103 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Coelho R<br />

21104 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-5:30pm A&S-007 Rollins C E<br />

PSYC205<br />

Human Growth and Development<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in PSYC 200 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21105 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bonnelle K<br />

21106 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lower R<br />

21107 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lower R<br />

21108 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bonnelle K<br />

21109 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Pepper T<br />

21110 Online 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Elmore J<br />

21111 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:30am A&S-377 Sweet M<br />

21112 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/17-05/08 F 9:00am-12:05pm A&S-006 Rochon B<br />

21113 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:30am GB-153 Sweet M<br />

21114 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:30pm GB-322 Sweet M<br />

21115 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-3:30pm A&S-007 Sweet M<br />

21116 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-7:30pm SPS-202 Staff E<br />

21118 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST Waiess E E<br />

21117 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm GLHS Pepper T E<br />

21119 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 9:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Bachmann R<br />

21120 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm STJCCC Stone J E<br />

PSYC210<br />

Brain and Behavior<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (PSYC 200 or BIOL 121 or BIOL 127) and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21121 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-5:30pm A&S-369 Stelma M E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 121

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

PSYC221<br />

Child Psychology<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in PSYC 200 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21122 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Coelho R<br />

21123 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-178 Conzelmann K E<br />

PSYC222<br />

Adolescent Psychology<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in PSYC 200 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21124 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/17-05/08 F 9:00am-12:05pm A&S-377 Staff<br />

PSYC240<br />

Psychology of Human Sexuality<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21125 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 12:10pm-3:00pm A&S-006 Waiess E<br />

PSYC250<br />

Abnormal Psychology<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in PSYC 200 and Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21126 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bonnelle K<br />

21127 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:30am A&S-007 Kronenberg L<br />

21128 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:30pm A&S-363 Kronenberg L<br />

21129 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-006 Thrasher D E<br />

21130 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN Miller K E<br />

Radiologic Technology<br />

The Radiologic Technology program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology. Radiologic technologists, also<br />

called radiographers, operate X-ray equipment under the direction of a physician, taking radiographs of internal parts of the body. Most often radiologic<br />

technologists are employed in hospitals, clinics and physician offices. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the examination given by the American<br />

Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).<br />

Radiologic Technology is a selective admission program. For information contact the Admissions Office at 517-483-1254 or the Health and Human<br />

Services Department at 517-483-1410, or visit our website at http://www.lcc.edu/humanhealth/radiologic_tech/ . Students who have been accepted into the<br />

program will receive schedule information directly from the program.<br />

Reading<br />

READ100 Reading Laboratory <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 1 and Writing Level 1<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Due to the limited class size of READ 100, the Department of Language Skills may administratively withdraw any student with a reading level<br />

higher than 2. Please contact the Language Skills Learning Center Coordinator at 517-483-1061 if you have questions about placement into READ 100.<br />

This class is also offered as part of a Learning <strong>Community</strong> (First Steps to Success), which brings two or more subjects and perspectives together around a<br />

single theme. See the Learning <strong>Community</strong> information in the Alternative Delivery section of the schedule book.<br />

22818 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-253 Staff<br />

22818: This section is part of the Learning <strong>Community</strong>, First Steps to Success. You must also enroll in WRIT 100, 22811. Department approval required<br />

(A&S 253, or call 483-1061).<br />

22820 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-253 Staff<br />

22821 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22822 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-253 Staff W<br />

22823 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22824 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22819 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22819: This section is part of the Learning <strong>Community</strong>, First Steps to Success. You must also enroll in WRIT 100, 22812. Department approval required<br />

(A&S 253, or call 483-1061).<br />

22825 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22826 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-253 Staff E<br />

22827 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-253 Staff E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 122

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

READ108 Individualized Reading <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: READ 108 does not raise reading levels. If you cannot register in the READ 108 course of your choice, please call the Department of<br />

Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

22828 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-253 Staff<br />

22829 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22830 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-253 Staff W<br />

22831 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22832 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22833 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22834 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-253 Staff E<br />

READ111 Reading: Essential Strategies <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 2 and Writing Level 2<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the READ 111 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

21212 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-383A Maar A<br />

21214 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-383A Maar A<br />

21215 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-383A Gunther S<br />

21263 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-363 Henderson S<br />

21264 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-171 Maar A<br />

21266 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-383A Maar A<br />

21269 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-383A Fear K<br />

21275 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-363 McAlpin G E<br />

21277 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-383A McAlpin G E<br />

21280 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/24-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:15pm SPS-202 Champion P<br />

READ114 Reading Skills <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3 and Writing Level 2<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the READ 114 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

21286 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-007 Pulsifer R<br />

21290 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-363 Therrian A<br />

21709 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am GB-314 Cavolo Kardell M<br />

21704 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-177 Pierce S<br />

21714 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-312 Cavolo Kardell M<br />

21755 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/24-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:15pm SPS-105 Pierce S<br />

21723 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm SPS-223 Hackett L<br />

21728 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm SPS-105 Therrian A<br />

21735 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-378 Staff E<br />

21741 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm SPS-223 MacFadden J E<br />

21744 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-378 Fuller J E<br />

21756 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/24-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:15pm GB-306 Grattan K E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 123

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

READ116 Reading Comprehension <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the READ 116 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

21976 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-257 Lucken M<br />

21980 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-257 Grof J<br />

21984 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-257 Grattan K W<br />

22286 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/24-05/08 F 8:10am-12:15pm A&S-373 Fear K<br />

21990 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-257 Lacy L<br />

22285 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-383A Lacy L<br />

21992 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-257 Therrian A<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

21995 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-109 Nienkark L<br />

01/10-05/08 T 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-109<br />

22280 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-257 Olinger A<br />

22281 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-257 Lacy L<br />

22282 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-257 Lacy L<br />

22283 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-257 Fear K E<br />

22287 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/24-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:15pm A&S-257 Staff E<br />

22284 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-314 Wilkerson-Johnso E<br />

22290 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/24-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:15pm EAST Grof J<br />

22288 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm LIVCEN Baughan L E<br />

22291 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm STJCCC Gunther S<br />

READ118 Introduction to Phonics <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $6<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 1 and Writing Level 1<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the READ 118 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

22293 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/24-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:15pm A&S-383A Hackett L E<br />

Real Estate<br />

REAL271<br />

Introduction to Real Estate<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21974 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/13-03/31 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-177 Randall R E<br />

REAL273<br />

Real Estate Investment<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: REAL 271 or REAL 274<br />

22013 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-177 Dragonetti V E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

22013: Meets in the classroom the following dates: 1/14, 1/28, 2/11, 2/25, 3/11, 3/25, 4/8, 4/22.<br />

REAL274<br />

Real Estate License Exam<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21975 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/13-04/17 Arranged ONLINE Reid R<br />

REAL275<br />

Real Estate Financing<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21977 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-176 Przystas R E<br />

REAL277<br />

Property Management<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21978 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST Reid R E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 124

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

REAL280<br />

Real Estate Law<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: REAL 271 or REAL 274<br />

21979 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST Dulan S E<br />

RELG211<br />

Religions of the Eastern World<br />

Religion<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21588 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-173 Sjoquist D<br />

RELG212<br />

Religions of the Western World<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21586 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-173 Staff<br />

21587 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-173 Mader C E<br />

RELG242<br />

New Testament Literature<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: WRIT 121 or WRIT 131<br />

21589 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE McDowell J<br />

21590 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-173 Mader C<br />

RELG250<br />

Religions of China Korea Japan<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21591 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm SPS-102 Sjoquist D E<br />

Science Seminars<br />

SCIS296 Dir Histotechnological Studies <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4 and Math Level 4<br />

Restriction: Histologic Technician Certificate of Completion<br />

Recommended: High School Chemistry and Biology<br />

22230 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 7.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged CACC Toy-Krummrey E<br />

SCIS297<br />

Independent Study in Science<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

22231 Independent Study 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-301 Toy-Krummrey E<br />

Science Technology Internship<br />

SCIN287<br />

Science Technology Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (CHEM 151 and CHEM 161) and Department Approval<br />

22229 Worksite 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE Deits T<br />

Sign Language<br />

SIGN160<br />

Intro to the Deaf <strong>Community</strong><br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Non-degree students may waive SIGN 160.<br />

20256 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 12:40pm-3:30pm A&S-374 Staff<br />

20257 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 12:40pm-3:30pm A&S-374 Staff<br />

20258 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 7:10pm-10:00pm A&S-007 Staff E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 125

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

SIGN161<br />

American Sign Language I<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in SIGN 160 or concurrently<br />

20259 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:40am-12:00pm A&S-169 Staff<br />

20260 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:40am-12:00pm A&S-169 Staff<br />

20261 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:40pm-7:00pm A&S-121 Staff E<br />

SIGN162<br />

American Sign Language II<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in SIGN 161<br />

20262 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 9:40am-11:00am A&S-121 Staff<br />

20263 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:40pm-7:00pm A&S-010 Staff E<br />

SIGN163<br />

American Sign Language III<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in (SIGN 162 and SIGN 166)<br />

20264 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:40pm-7:00pm A&S-007 Staff E<br />

20273 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 7:10pm-8:30pm A&S-121 Staff E<br />

SIGN164<br />

American Sign Language IV<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in SIGN 163<br />

20275 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-009 Staff E<br />

SIGN166<br />

Fingerspelling<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in SIGN 161<br />

Recommended: SIGN 162 or concurrently<br />

20276 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:30am A&S-121 Staff<br />

20278 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 7:10pm-8:30pm A&S-477B Staff E<br />

SIGN167<br />

Beginning Sign to Voice<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in SIGN 162<br />

20279 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:40pm-7:00pm SPS-105 Staff E<br />

20280 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 7:10pm-8:30pm A&S-010 Staff E<br />

SIGN176<br />

Advanced Fingerspelling<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in SIGN 166<br />

20282 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:10pm-6:00pm A&S-169 Staff E<br />

SIGN250<br />

Deaf Culture and History<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in SIGN 163<br />

20283 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-3:30pm GB-134 Staff W<br />

20283: This section meets on the following dates: 1/10, 1/24, 2/7, 2/21, 3/14, 3/28, 4/4 and 4/25.<br />

SIGN263<br />

Intermediate Sign to Voice<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (SIGN 240 and SIGN 261)<br />

20284 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-121 Cartwright B<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-211<br />

20288 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 5:10pm-7:00pm A&S-121 Cartwright B E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-211<br />

SIGN264<br />

Advanced Sign to Voice<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in SIGN 263<br />

20291 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-3:30pm A&S-170 Staff W<br />

20291: This section meets on the following dates: 1/17, 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/21, 3/28, 4/11 and 4/18.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 126

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

SIGN267<br />

Sign Internship I<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in (SIGN 240 and SIGN 261)<br />

20294 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-121 Cartwright B<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

20296 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 5:10pm-7:00pm A&S-121 Cartwright B E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE<br />

SIGN294<br />

Sign Lang Interpreting Seminar<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 in SIGN 266<br />

20299 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-3:30pm A&S-121 Staff W<br />

20299: This section meets on the following dates: 1/10, 1/24, 2/7, 2/21, 3/14, 3/28, 4/4 and 4/25.<br />

SIGN295<br />

Ind Study in Sign Language<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in SIGN 261<br />

20301 Independent Study 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-211 Cartwright B<br />

20302 Independent Study 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-211 Cartwright B<br />

20304 Independent Study 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-211 Cartwright B<br />

Social Work<br />

SOWK101 Introduction to Social Work <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $30<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

21428 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 M 8:10am-12:00pm HHS-005 Clark P<br />

SOWK205 Social Welfare <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in SOWK 101 or minimum 2.5 in HUSE 100<br />

21429 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 M 6:10pm-10:00pm HHS-020 Sanchez N E<br />

Sociology<br />

SOCL120<br />

Introduction to Sociology<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21131 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bishop D<br />

21132 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bishop D<br />

21133 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Addai I<br />

21134 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lynch-Brandon J<br />

21135 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE DeRosia M<br />

21136 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE DeRosia M<br />

21137 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Galvan D<br />

21138 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Addai I<br />

21139 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Galvan D<br />

21150 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-380 Addai I<br />

21151 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-208 Simpson K<br />

21152 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-380 Lynch-Brandon J<br />

21153 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-208 Hanifi M<br />

21154 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-380 Taylor C<br />

21155 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/17-05/08 S 8:30am-12:35pm A&S-369 Hilliker L W<br />

21156 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-292 Lynch-Brandon J<br />

21157 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-312 Hanifi M<br />

21158 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 11:10am-1:00pm A&S-363 Simpson K<br />

21159 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/17-05/08 F 12:00pm-4:05pm A&S-375 Walker K<br />

21160 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-296 Staff<br />

SOCL120 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 127

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

SOCL120 continued<br />

Intro to Sociology-Honors<br />

21161 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-369 Bishop D<br />

21161: Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and minimum GPA 3.2. Department approval is required for this Honors section for non-Honors Program students.<br />

Contact the Social Science Department in Room 301 of the Arts and Sciences Building, (517) 483-1126.<br />

21162 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-292 Simpson K<br />

21163 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-380 Hanifi M<br />

21164 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-292 Hernandez P E<br />

21165 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-363 Addai I E<br />

21167 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-380 Mercaeant A E<br />

21168 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-369 Mercaeant A E<br />

21171 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm CHARMS Tramel K E<br />

21172 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm EAST Pommerenke P<br />

21173 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm EAST Pommerenke P E<br />

21174 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Staff<br />

21175 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm LIVCEN Staff E<br />

21176 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 12:10pm-4:00pm STJCCC Walker K<br />

21177 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm STJCCC Walker K E<br />

SOCL185<br />

Intro African-American Studies<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: (Minimum 2.0 in WRIT 121 or WRIT 131) or Writing Level 6<br />

21179 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Davis W<br />

SOCL254<br />

Marriage and Family<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in SOCL 120 or PSYC 200) and Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131) or Writing Level 6<br />

21180 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Williamson D<br />

21181 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Williamson D<br />

SOCL255<br />

Contemporary Social Problems<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in SOCL 120 and Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: (Minimum 2.0 in WRIT 121 or WRIT 131) or Writing Level 6<br />

21183 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Addai I<br />

21184 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/17-05/08 TR 2:10pm-3:35pm GB-312 Hernandez P<br />

SOCL260<br />

Race and Ethnicity<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in SOCL 120 and Reading Level 5<br />

Recommended: (Minimum 2.0 in WRIT 121 or WRIT 131) or Writing Level 6<br />

21185 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lynch-Brandon J<br />

21189 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-5:30pm A&S-369 Bishop D E<br />

Spanish<br />

SPAN115<br />

Conversational Spanish I<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20307 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-169 Staff<br />

20308 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-03/06 TR 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST Blossom-De-Ponce E<br />

SPAN116<br />

Conversational Spanish II<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: SPAN 115 or equivalent<br />

20309 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-010 Wawro R W<br />

20310 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-5:30pm GB-185 Blossom-De-Ponce E<br />

20311 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 TR 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST Keck E E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 128

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

SPAN121<br />

Elementary Spanish I<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

20312 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lesmez M<br />

20313 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Staff<br />

20314 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-369 Casola L<br />

20315 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-324 Casola L<br />

20316 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-102 Holloway L<br />

20318 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-185 Holloway L<br />

20319 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-326 Staff E<br />

20320 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-153 Staff E<br />

20321 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-322 Lesmez M E<br />

20322 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm EAST Staff<br />

20323 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm LIVCEN Casola L E<br />

SPAN122<br />

Elementary Spanish II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.5 in SPAN 121<br />

20324 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lesmez M<br />

20325 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-304 Rahilly M<br />

20326 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm GB-152 Rahilly M E<br />

20327 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-173 Staff E<br />

SPAN202<br />

Intermediate Spanish II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 1.5 in SPAN 201<br />

20328 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-172 Rahilly M<br />

20330 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-306 Holloway L E<br />

Speech Communication<br />

SPCH110<br />

Oral Comm in the Workplace<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20331 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-9:30am SPS-108 Gallup M<br />

20332 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:30am SPS-108 Staff<br />

20333 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-12:00pm SPS-108 Klein D W<br />

20335 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 10:40am-12:00pm GB-308 Lebbon J<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

20337 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 12:10pm-3:00pm SPS-108 Lebbon J<br />

20338 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 12:10pm-3:00pm SPS-108 McCully W<br />

20339 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:30pm SPS-108 Day W<br />

20340 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-5:30pm SPS-108 Thomas C E<br />

20341 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 MW 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-007 McCully W E<br />

20342 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm SPS-108 Klein D E<br />

20343 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm EAST Schulte M E<br />

20344 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 9:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Kluesner E<br />

20345 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 1:10pm-4:00pm STJCCC Giles J<br />

20347 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-7:30pm WCB-U238 Sanders K E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 129

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

SPCH120<br />

Dynamics of Communication<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20348 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Lebbon J<br />

20349 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Kluesner E<br />

20350 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Nausieda E<br />

20351 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Pobocik-Lozen S<br />

20352 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Armstead E<br />

20353 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Staff<br />

20354 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-9:30am A&S-007 Davidson J<br />

20357 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-009 Giles J<br />

20359 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:30am GB-185 Smith B<br />

20360 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:30am GB-308 Smith B<br />

20361 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:30pm GB-185 Smith B<br />

20362 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:30pm GB-176 Smith B<br />

20356 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 WF 1:10pm-4:00pm GB-172 Staff<br />

20363 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-3:30pm GB-177 Smith B<br />

20364 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-7:30pm A&S-010 Thomas C E<br />

20365 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-324 Schulte M E<br />

20367 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-3:30pm EAST Davidson J<br />

20366 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm LIVCEN Day W E<br />

SPCH130<br />

Fund of Public Speaking<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20369 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:30am SPS-108 Fleck C<br />

20375 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:30am SPS-108 Fleck C<br />

20376 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 12:10pm-3:00pm SPS-108 Lebbon J<br />

20377 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-3:30pm SPS-108 Mac Fadden P<br />

20378 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-5:30pm SPS-108 Mac Fadden P E<br />

20379 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm SPS-108 Hibbert D E<br />

20380 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm SPS-108 Staff E<br />

SPCH140<br />

Interpersonal Communication<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20393 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 9:10am-12:00pm GB-304 Gallup M<br />

20394 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:30am GB-310 Gallup M<br />

20395 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-006 Staff E<br />

SPCH270<br />

Mass Communication<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20396 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-2:30pm GB-326 Fleck C<br />

SPCH280<br />

Intercultural Communication<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

20397 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Philips M<br />

20398 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:30pm GB-314 Gallup M<br />

Stage Technology<br />

STEC110 Stage Tech Field Experience Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

21592 Worksite 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged WKSITE Wright M<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 130

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

STEC122<br />

Advanced Stagecraft<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in THEA 114<br />

21593 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 9:10am-1:00pm GB-169 Wright M<br />

STEC150 Stage and Arena Rigging <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $40<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Basic Algebra<br />

21596 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm DRT-174 Little J E<br />

STEC290 Guided Independent Study <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $12<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: 75% completion of the Stage Technology Program<br />

21598 Independent Study 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged A&S-255 Wright M<br />

Statistics<br />

STAT170<br />

Introduction to Statistics<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 120 or MATH 121 or MATH 126 or MATH 130 within 2 years or Math Level 7 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and<br />

Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Knowledge of Windows software<br />

21749 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Sakkinen K<br />

21750 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-12:00pm A&S-011 Khoury G W<br />

21751 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:40am-10:00am A&S-363 Stiegemeyer R<br />

21752 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-7:30pm A&S-170 Khoury G E<br />

21753 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 2:10pm-3:30pm EAST Stiegemeyer R<br />

01/10-05/08 T 2:10pm-3:30pm EAST<br />

STAT215<br />

Intro to Probability and Stats<br />

Prerequisite: (Minimum 2.0 in MATH 121 or MATH 122 or MATH 126 or MATH 141 within 2 years or Math Level 7 within 2 years) and Reading Level 5 and<br />

Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Knowledge of Windows software and MATH 141<br />

21754 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-324 Morton H<br />

Student Development<br />

Students registering for any section which meets fewer than four (4) weeks MUST attend all sessions of that section. Failure to do so may result in<br />

administrative withdrawal. If you cannot register in the SDEV course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

SDEV103 Preventing Parent Burnout <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22904 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 02/21-02/28 S 8:00am-5:00pm A&S-363 Williamson D W<br />

SDEV118<br />

Stretching Your Dollars<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22748 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged ONLINE Williamson D<br />

22749 Online 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Williamson D<br />

22927 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 04/03 F 5:30pm-9:30pm SPS-105 Field E W<br />

04/04 S 8:00am-5:30pm SPS-105<br />

04/05 U 8:00am-5:30pm SPS-105<br />

04/11 S 8:00am-5:30pm SPS-105<br />

SDEV121 Exploring Your Potential <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $15<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22771 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/27 F 5:30pm-9:30pm SPS-202 Bagrosky L W<br />

03/28 S 8:00am-5:30pm SPS-202<br />

03/29 U 8:00am-5:30pm SPS-202<br />

04/04 S 8:00am-5:30pm SPS-202<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 131

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

SDEV124 Techniques of Study <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3<br />

22754 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Udombon H<br />

22755 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Collins D<br />

22779 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/17 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-105 Bellamy P W<br />

01/18 U 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-105<br />

01/31 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-105<br />

02/01 U 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-105<br />

22756 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-202 Staff<br />

22760 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 10:10am-12:00pm GB-176 Shipley T<br />

22761 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-106 Shipley T<br />

22757 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-224 MacFadden J<br />

22758 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 2:10pm-4:00pm SPS-102 Shipley T<br />

22759 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Staff<br />

SDEV125 Career Planning <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $20<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22764 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Madigan M<br />

22765 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Madigan M<br />

22784 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/24 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-202 Brown E W<br />

01/31 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-202<br />

02/21 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-202<br />

02/22 U 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-202<br />

22785 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 R 10:10am-12:00pm GB-132 Staff<br />

22770 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 M 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-224 Shipley T<br />

22783 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 T 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-202 Shipley T<br />

22838 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/24-05/08 W 6:10pm-8:15pm GB-176 Staff E<br />

22906 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 W 4:10pm-6:00pm EAST Staff E<br />

SDEV126 Self-Defeating Behavior <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22929 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/30-04/24 Arranged ONLINE Madigan M<br />

22839 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/30-04/24 Arranged ONLINE Madigan M<br />

22841 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 03/21 S 9:00am-5:00pm A&S-169 Brown E W<br />

03/28 S 9:00am-5:00pm A&S-169<br />

04/04 S 9:00am-5:00pm A&S-169<br />

04/11 S 9:00am-5:00pm A&S-169<br />

22840 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 02/12-05/08 R 10:10am-12:35pm SPS-202 Brown E<br />

22842 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 02/11-05/08 W 6:10pm-8:35pm HHS-026 Brown E E<br />

SDEV130 Job Search Skills <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22802 Online 1.00/ 1.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Staff<br />

22805 Online/Hybrid 1.00/ 1.00 03/21-04/18 S 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-109 Staff W<br />

SDEV135 Tools for <strong>College</strong> Success <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 3<br />

22803 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Kennedy M<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 132

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

SDEV142 Assertiveness I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22806 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 04/04 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-224 Staff W<br />

04/11 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-224<br />

04/18 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-224<br />

04/25 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-224<br />

SDEV169 Women as Winners Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22807 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 04/11 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-102 Nevels M W<br />

04/18 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-102<br />

SDEV195 Build Healthy Relationships I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22808 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 04/04 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-223 Bellamy P W<br />

04/05 U 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-223<br />

04/25 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-223<br />

04/26 U 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-223<br />

22809 Lecture 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-108 Bellamy P<br />

SDEV204 Self-Defense and Women I Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22899 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 02/07 S 11:00am-5:00pm GB-252 Verdell R W<br />

02/07 S 9:00am-11:00am GB-292<br />

02/08 U 9:00am-5:00pm GB-252<br />

22900 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 03/21 S 11:00am-5:00pm GB-252 Verdell R W<br />

03/21 S 9:00am-11:00am GB-292<br />

03/22 U 9:00am-5:00pm GB-252<br />

SDEV237 Black Women's Awareness <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22810 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 02/14 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-102 Staff W<br />

02/21 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-102<br />

SDEV245 Stress Prevention <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $3<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22901 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 02/28 S 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-105 Miller J W<br />

03/01 U 9:00am-5:00pm SPS-105<br />

Surgical Technology<br />

The Surgical Technology program is nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). A surgical<br />

technologist assists the surgeon in the operating room by preparing the operating room for the surgical procedure; preparing all sterile areas and<br />

instruments for use; assisting with sterile draping, gowning and gloving; and handing appropriate sterile instruments to the surgical assistant or surgeon. In<br />

addition to a hospital operating room, the surgical technologist may work in a surgeon's private office, a surgical outpatient clinic, and possibly in an<br />

emergency room and obstetrical delivery room. The surgical technologist may become certified through a national exam offered by the Association of<br />

Surgical Technologists.<br />

Surgical Technology is a selective admission program. For information contact the Admissions Office at 517-483-1254 or the Health and Human Services<br />

Department at 517-483-1410, or visit our website at http://www.lcc.edu/humanhealth/surgical_tech/.Students who have been accepted into the program will<br />

receive schedule information directly from the program.<br />

SURG103 Surgical Asepsis <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20627 Online 2.00/ 2.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Dunlap J<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 133

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

THEA110<br />

Introduction to Theatre<br />

Theatre<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5<br />

21599 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 9:10am-12:00pm GB-169 Dunckel L<br />

21600 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-4:30pm GB-169 Dunckel L<br />

21601 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 7:10pm-10:00pm GB-169 Matzke M E<br />

21602 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:10pm-4:00pm EAST Wright M<br />

THEA120 Introduction to Acting <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $5<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21603 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-169 Callis A<br />

21604 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-168 Callis A<br />

21605 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-04/10 MW 3:10pm-5:00pm GB-168 Staff<br />

THEA131 Studio Theatre Performance I <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $6<br />

Prerequisite: Theatre Studio Interview<br />

Restriction: Theatre Majors<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): THEA 110 and THEA 141 and THEA 171<br />

21606 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 03/30-05/01 MW 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-169 Oesterle C E<br />

05/01 F 7:10pm-9:00pm GB-168<br />

THEA132 Studio Theatre Performance II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $6<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in THEA 131<br />

Restriction: Theatre Majors<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): THEA 143 and THEA 173 and THEA 181<br />

21607 Lab 1.00/ 2.00 04/07-05/07 TR 9:10am-12:00pm GB-168 Keller D<br />

05/08 F 7:10pm-9:00pm GB-168<br />

THEA141<br />

Acting I - Contemporary<br />

Prerequisite: Theatre Studio Interview<br />

Restriction: Theatre Majors<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): THEA 110 and THEA 131 and THEA 171<br />

21608 Lab/Lecture 2.50/ 4.00 01/12-03/25 MW 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-168 Oesterle C E<br />

05/01 F 9:10pm-10:00pm GB-168<br />

THEA143<br />

Stage Voice for the Actor<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in THEA 141<br />

Restriction: Theatre Majors<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): THEA 132 and THEA 173 and THEA 181<br />

21609 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/13-03/31 TR 9:10am-12:00pm GB-168 Keller D<br />

05/08 F 9:10pm-10:00pm GB-168<br />

THEA171<br />

Dramatic Form and Function I<br />

Prerequisite: Theatre Studio Interview<br />

Restriction: Theatre Majors<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): THEA 110 and THEA 131 and THEA 141<br />

21610 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm GB-169 Oesterle C E<br />

THEA173<br />

Movement for the Actor<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in THEA 141<br />

Restriction: Theatre Majors<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): THEA 132 and THEA 143 and THEA 181<br />

21611 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 9:10am-12:00pm GB-168 Keller D<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 134

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

THEA181<br />

Improvisation<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in THEA 141<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): THEA 132 and THEA 143 and THEA 173<br />

21612 Lab/Lecture 2.50/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-3:00pm GB-169 Keller D<br />

THEA210<br />

Theatre History<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: THEA 110<br />

21613 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-5:00pm GB-356 Lennox J<br />

THEA220<br />

Play Directing<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (THEA 110 or FILM 118)<br />

Recommended: THEA 120 or THEA 210<br />

21614 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 1:10pm-5:00pm GB-168 Job M W<br />

THEA224<br />

Special Subjects in Theater<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Stage Combat II<br />

21615 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 9:10am-1:00pm GB-168 Lennox J W<br />

21615: Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

THEA235 Studio Theatre Performance IV <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $6<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in THEA 233<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): THEA 241 and THEA 271<br />

21616 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.00 01/10-03/06 R 5:10pm-9:00pm GB-168 Lepard J E<br />

03/16-03/24 MTWRFS 6:10pm-10:00pm DRT-160<br />

THEA241<br />

Acting III - Advanced Realism<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in THEA 240<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): THEA 235 and THEA 271<br />

21617 Lab/Lecture 2.50/ 4.00 01/10-03/06 TF 5:10pm-9:00pm GB-168 Callis A E<br />

THEA271<br />

Dramatic Form and Function III<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in THEA 260<br />

Co-requisite <strong>Course</strong>(s): THEA 235 and THEA 241<br />

21618 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-03/06 MW 5:10pm-8:00pm GB-169 Callis A E<br />

THEA285 Stage Makeup <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $63<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

21619 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 1:10pm-4:00pm DRT-251 Smith C<br />

Travel and Tourism<br />

TRVL100<br />

Travel Industry Operations<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22232 Online 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Gustafson H<br />

22233 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-03/06 TR 4:10pm-7:00pm GB-310 Clark R E<br />

TRVL102<br />

Special Topics in Travel<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

France Destination Specialist<br />

22234 Online 2.00/ 2.00 03/14-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Doederlein J<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in TRVL 100<br />

TRVL130<br />

Destinations II<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

22235 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 TR 12:10pm-3:00pm GB-296 Cardy A<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 135

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

TRVL145<br />

Intro Cruise Sales/Ground Tran<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in TRVL 100<br />

22236 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged ONLINE Doederlein J<br />

TRVL190<br />

Internship<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

Recommended: Have completed a minimum of 30 credits<br />

22237 Worksite 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged GB-190 Doederlein J<br />

TRVL200<br />

Sales/Mktg for Travel/Tourism<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: TRVL 100<br />

22238 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-03/06 Arranged ONLINE Gustafson H<br />

TRVL210<br />

Group Travel/Escorting Ops<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: TRVL 100<br />

22239 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 TR 3:10pm-6:00pm GB-308 Cardy A<br />

TRVL250 Airline Comptr Reservation II <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $75<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in TRVL 140<br />

22324 Online/Hybrid 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-172 Furgason K E<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

TRVL265 Fund of Business Travel <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $50<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in TRVL 250<br />

Recommended: Minimum 2.0 in (HMFS 101 and TRVL 145 and TRVL 210 and TRVL 230)<br />

22241 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 03/14-05/08 MW 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-172 Furgason K E<br />

Truck Driver Training Program<br />

The Truck Driver Training Program is a five-week program consisting of three consecutive courses. There is limited enrollment, so there may be a short<br />

waiting period before starting the program. There are four sessions scheduled for Spring 2009. The first session begins January 5 and ends February 6.<br />

The second session begins February 9 and ends March 13. The third session begins March 23 and ends April 24. The fourth session begins April 27 and<br />

ends May 29. For information about our Truck Driver Training Program, contact the Truck Driver Training facility at (877) 544-3126.<br />

Welding Technology<br />

Open entry modules are available at the West Campus for WELD. See the Open Entry Modules page in the Alternative Delivery section of the schedule<br />

book for more information.<br />

WELD100 Combination Welding <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $175<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students need to bring their own safety glasses, pliers, leather welding gloves and leather work boots to start welding on the first day of class.<br />

20121 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-9:00am WCB-W166 Eggleston W<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 9:10am-11:00am WCB-W169<br />

20122 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 3:10pm-4:00pm WCB-W166 Lindquist C<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm WCB-W169<br />

20123 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-6:00pm WCB-W165 Ellis N E<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm WCB-W169<br />

20124 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:10pm-8:00pm WCB-W165 Haynes J E<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 8:10pm-10:00pm WCB-W169<br />

20125 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 S 10:10am-2:00pm WCB-W169 Haynes J<br />

01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-10:00am WCB-W166<br />

20126 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:40pm-9:30pm CACC Grossman J E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 136

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

WELD101 Advanced ARC Welding <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $175<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in WELD 100<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students need to bring their own safety glasses, pliers, leather welding gloves and leather work boots to start welding on the first day of class.<br />

20127 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm WCB-W169 Seelye J E<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-7:00pm WCB-M124A<br />

WELD110 Gas Metal ARC Welding <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $175<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students need to bring their own safety glasses, pliers, leather welding gloves and leather work boots to start welding on the first day of class.<br />

20128 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm WCB-W169 Eggleston W<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 9:10am-10:00am WCB-W166<br />

20129 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 7:10pm-8:00pm WCB-W167 Staff E<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 8:10pm-10:00pm WCB-W169<br />

20130 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:40pm-9:30pm CACC Grossman J E<br />

WELD111 Gas Tungsten ARC Welding <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $175<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (WELD 100 or AUTO 100 or AUTB 114)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students need to bring their own safety glasses, pliers, leather welding gloves and leather work boots to start welding on the first day of class.<br />

20131 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-6:00pm WCB-W166 Bailiff R E<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm WCB-W169<br />

20136 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-1:00pm WCB-W166 Eggleston W<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-3:00pm WCB-W169<br />

20137 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:40pm-9:30pm CACC Grossman J E<br />

WELD120 Structural Fab & Inspection <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $145<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in WELD 101<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students need to bring their own safety glasses, pliers, leather welding gloves and leather work boots to start welding on the first day of class.<br />

20138 Lab/Lecture 4.00/ 6.00 01/10-05/08 MW 5:10pm-6:00pm WCB-W166 Mesler V E<br />

01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm WCB-W169<br />

WELD140 Creative Welding <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $175<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Recommended: <strong>Course</strong> work or experience in art/design<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students need to bring their own safety glasses, pliers, leather welding gloves and leather work boots to start welding on the first day of class.<br />

20139 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 S 1:10pm-2:00pm WCB-W165 Edick C<br />

01/10-05/08 S 2:10pm-4:00pm WCB-W169<br />

WELD201 Tool and Die Welding <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $175<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (WELD 101 and WELD 111)<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students need to bring their own safety glasses, pliers, leather welding gloves and leather work boots to start welding on the first day of class.<br />

20140 Lab/Lecture 3.00/ 4.50 01/10-05/08 TR 3:10pm-4:00pm WCB-W165 Eggleston W<br />

01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm WCB-W169<br />

WELD210 Aircraft Welding <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $175<br />

Prerequisite: Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Students need to bring their own safety glasses, pliers, leather welding gloves and leather work boots to start welding on the first day of class.<br />

20141 Lab/Lecture 2.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:10am-12:00pm WCB-W169 Eggleston W<br />

01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-10:00am WCB-W166<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 137

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

Writing<br />

WRIT100 Writing Laboratory <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 1 and Writing Level 1<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Due to the limited class size of WRIT 100, the Department of Language Skills may administratively withdraw any student with a writing level<br />

higher than 2. Please contact the Language Skills Learning Center Coordinator at 517-483-1061 if you have questions about placement into WRIT 100.<br />

This class is also offered as part of a Learning <strong>Community</strong> (First Steps to Success), which brings two or more subjects and perspectives together around a<br />

single theme. See the Learning <strong>Community</strong> information in the Alternative Delivery section of the schedule book.<br />

22813 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-253 Staff<br />

22811 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22811: This section is part of the Learning <strong>Community</strong>, First Steps to Success. You must also enroll in READ 100, 22818. Department approval required<br />

(A&S 253, or call 483-1061).<br />

22814 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22815 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22816 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22812 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-253 Staff<br />

22812: This section is part of the Learning <strong>Community</strong>, First Steps to Success. You must also enroll in READ 100, 22819. Department approval required<br />

(A&S 253, or call 483-1061).<br />

22817 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-253 Staff E<br />

WRIT110 Confidence in Writing <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 2 and Writing Level 2<br />

Recommended: Minimal typing skills desirable<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the WRIT 110 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

22294 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Plantz J<br />

22295 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Plantz J<br />

22743 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Stevens G<br />

22296 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am TLC-015 Hopkins H<br />

22297 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am TLC-015 Hopkins H<br />

22540 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-118 Jones M W<br />

22298 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm TLC-015 Hopkins H<br />

22299 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm TLC-015 Hopkins H<br />

22325 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm SPS-105 Nienkark L<br />

22326 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-174 Borough S<br />

22327 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm SPS-105 Brown J<br />

22531 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-383B Murphy M<br />

22896 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-330 Brown J<br />

22533 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm SPS-109 Plantz J<br />

22724 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-118 Stevens R E<br />

22897 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-119 Eiland J E<br />

22537 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-118 Dalton R E<br />

WRIT117 Writing Preparation <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 4 and Writing Level 4<br />

Recommended: Minimal typing skills desirable<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the WRIT 117 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

22571 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Manning C<br />

22572 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Manning C<br />

22573 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Stevens G<br />

22574 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Stevens R<br />

22575 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-369 Mikulski M<br />

22576 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-170 Mikulski J<br />

22577 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am GB-304 Staff<br />

WRIT117 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 138

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

WRIT117 continued<br />

22581 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am GB-358 Staff<br />

22610 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am SPS-223 Miank T<br />

22611 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-118 Perez M<br />

22615 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-024 Jaquays J W<br />

22620 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm TLC-044 Murphy M<br />

22621 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-314 Brown J<br />

22622 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-023 Pierce S<br />

22625 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm GB-314 Miank T<br />

22628 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-330 Henderson S<br />

22636 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm GB-134 Staff<br />

22643 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm HHS-025 Pierce S<br />

22647 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-308 Benington K<br />

01/10-05/08 W 2:10pm-4:00pm TLC-118<br />

22651 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm SPS-202 Henderson S<br />

22657 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-363 Borough S<br />

22652 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-363 Murphy M<br />

22653 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-022 Benington K E<br />

01/10-05/08 T 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-118<br />

22654 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm SPS-202 Radja M E<br />

22655 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm SPS-102 Staff E<br />

22656 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-363 Staff E<br />

22746 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm EAST Lantzer H<br />

22658 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm EAST Lantzer H E<br />

22659 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm LIVCEN Staff E<br />

22660 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm LIVCEN Jaquays J E<br />

22744 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm STJCCC Staff<br />

22661 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm STJCCC Mullen K E<br />

WRIT118 Personal Writing Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $10<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: If you cannot register in the WRIT 118 course of your choice, please call the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

22663 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Herder D<br />

22664 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Herder D<br />

22665 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Murphy M<br />

WRIT119 Writing Skills Review Pass/Fail (P/Z) <strong>Course</strong> Fee: $4<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20399 Online 1.00/ 1.00 02/14-04/10 Arranged ONLINE Acevedo D<br />

20400 Lecture 1.00/ 1.00 02/14-04/10 F 10:05am-12:00pm A&S-119 Murphy M<br />

WRIT121<br />

Composition I<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

20401 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Irwin Booms S<br />

20402 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Steadman J<br />

20403 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Steadman J<br />

20404 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Larrier W<br />

20405 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Rife M<br />

20406 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Rife M<br />

20407 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hernandez M<br />

20408 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hernandez M<br />

20409 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Hernandez M<br />

WRIT121 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 139

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

WRIT121 continued<br />

20413 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-020 Larrier W<br />

20414 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-021 Goff D<br />

20415 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am A&S-169 Brandl M<br />

20416 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am TLC-042 Michaels N<br />

20417 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-170 Vance J<br />

20418 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am GB-132 Allen J<br />

20419 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am GB-174 Guilford J<br />

20420 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 WF 8:10am-10:00am TLC-042 Vance J<br />

20421 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-020 Heeder M<br />

20422 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-020 Draper H W<br />

20423 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 8:10am-12:00pm A&S-021 Staff W<br />

20424 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm TLC-042 Tucker T<br />

20425 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-324 Larrier W<br />

20426 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-020 Robb L<br />

20427 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-023 Bauman M<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

20428 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-020 Michaels N<br />

20429 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm TLC-042 Vance J<br />

20430 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-172 Guilford J<br />

20431 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm TLC-118 Heeder M<br />

20432 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-169 Brandl M<br />

20433 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-020 Larrier W<br />

20434 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm TLC-042 Robb L<br />

20435 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 M 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-455A Bauman M<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

20436 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-020 Rife M<br />

20437 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm TLC-042 Staff<br />

20438 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm TLC-044 Staff<br />

20439 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm HHS-007 Steadman J<br />

20441 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 12:10pm-4:00pm A&S-021 Staff<br />

20442 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 S 12:10pm-4:00pm A&S-020 Fisher P W<br />

20443 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm TLC-042 Serafin-Jess S<br />

20444 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm TLC-044 Galik M<br />

20445 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-169 Brandl M<br />

20447 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-358 Robb L<br />

20446 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-322 Kendy C<br />

20448 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm TLC-042 Michaels N<br />

20449 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-020 Staff<br />

20450 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm TLC-044 Galik M<br />

20451 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-358 Serafin-Jess S<br />

20452 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm TLC-042 Winkelstern D E<br />

20645 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-020 Kelly T E<br />

20650 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-119 Tucker T E<br />

20646 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-020 Lewin P E<br />

20647 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-021 Kendy C E<br />

20648 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-020 Kelly T E<br />

20649 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-120 Winkelstern D E<br />

20651 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-169 Eiland J E<br />

20652 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-020 Lewin P E<br />

WRIT121 continued on next page<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 140

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

WRIT121 continued<br />

20653 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-120 Kendy C E<br />

20655 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10pm-10:00pm A&S-169 Eiland J E<br />

20656 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm HOLTHS Trevino M E<br />

20657 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-1:00pm EAST Trevino M<br />

20658 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-3:00pm EAST Staff<br />

20659 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 3:10pm-5:00pm EAST Staff<br />

20660 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10pm-10:00pm EAST Eiland J E<br />

20661 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 8:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Staff<br />

20662 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 8:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Ratliff M<br />

20663 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm LIVCEN Ratliff M<br />

20664 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm LIVCEN Roth N E<br />

20665 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm LIVCEN Fisher P E<br />

20666 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm MHS Trevino M E<br />

20667 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm STJCCC Mullen K<br />

20668 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm STJCCC Mullen K<br />

20669 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm STJCCC Blank D E<br />

20670 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-10:00pm STJCCC Staff E<br />

WRIT122<br />

Composition II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131) or (Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 8)<br />

20671 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Holt D<br />

20672 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Petrouske R<br />

20673 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Manning C<br />

20674 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Fowler L<br />

20675 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Wetzel M<br />

20682 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 8:10am-10:00am TLC-044 Allen J<br />

20685 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-021 Pennington J<br />

20677 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am A&S-020 Bayliss L<br />

20678 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:10am-10:00am GB-356 Goff D<br />

20679 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-021 Miank T<br />

20680 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-12:00pm GB-330 Allen J<br />

20681 Online/Hybrid 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-455A Farris L<br />

01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE<br />

20683 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-021 Pennington J<br />

20684 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-12:00pm A&S-379 Bayliss L<br />

20686 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-023 Saccarelli T<br />

20687 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-2:00pm A&S-021 Humphries D<br />

22907 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 12:10pm-4:00pm A&S-020 Staff<br />

20688 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-021 Tucker T<br />

20689 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-314 Wetzel M<br />

20690 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm GB-324 Humphries D<br />

20691 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-021 Bayliss L<br />

20692 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 4:10pm-6:00pm A&S-021 Saccarelli T E<br />

20693 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-021 Fox M E<br />

20694 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm A&S-021 Fowler L E<br />

20695 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm GLHS Fox M E<br />

20696 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 F 12:10pm-4:00pm EAST Saccarelli T<br />

20697 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 1:10pm-3:00pm EAST Petrouske R<br />

20698 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 8:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Ratliff M<br />

20699 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-10:00pm LIVCEN Roth N E<br />

20700 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-10:00pm STJCCC Staff E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 141

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009 <strong>Course</strong> Offerings<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor E/W*<br />

WRIT124<br />

Technical Writing<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: Computer and/or keyboarding experience<br />

20701 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Rife M<br />

20702 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Turner F<br />

20703 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Turner F<br />

20704 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 F 9:10am-12:00pm TLC-118 Klomp J<br />

20705 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 12:10pm-1:30pm A&S-379 Petrouske R<br />

20706 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 12:10pm-3:00pm A&S-455A Staff<br />

20708 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-455A Staff E<br />

WRIT127<br />

Business Writing<br />

Prerequisite: Reading Level 5 and Writing Level 6<br />

Recommended: Computer and/or keyboarding experience<br />

20709 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Degesie-LaRose E<br />

20710 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Degesie-LaRose E<br />

20711 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Morgenstern P<br />

22797 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Bauman M<br />

20713 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 8:40am-10:00am A&S-455A Benington K<br />

20712 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 MW 10:10am-11:30am TLC-118 Murphy M<br />

20714 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 1:10pm-2:30pm TLC-118 Murphy M<br />

20715 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-022 Staff E<br />

20716 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 TR 10:10am-11:30am EAST Murphy M<br />

20717 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 9:10am-12:00pm LIVCEN Staff<br />

20718 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm STJCCC Staff E<br />

WRIT131<br />

Honors Composition I<br />

Prerequisite: Writing Level 7<br />

20719 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-4:00pm A&S-020 Goff D<br />

WRIT132<br />

Honors Composition II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 3.5 in (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131)<br />

20721 Online 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Holt D<br />

20720 Lecture 4.00/ 4.00 01/10-05/08 MW 12:10pm-2:00pm TLC-044 Farris L<br />

WRIT260<br />

Creative Writing I<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131)<br />

20722 Online 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 Arranged ONLINE Holt D<br />

20723 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 W 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-477A Newton D E<br />

WRIT270<br />

Creative Writing II<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in WRIT 260<br />

20725 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 T 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-477A Hinrichsen D E<br />

WRIT276<br />

Lyric Writing<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131 or WRIT 127)<br />

20726 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 R 6:10pm-9:00pm TLC-042 Hinrichsen D E<br />

WRIT279<br />

Prose Style<br />

Prerequisite: Minimum 2.0 in (WRIT 121 or WRIT 131)<br />

22796 Lecture 3.00/ 3.00 01/10-05/08 M 6:10pm-9:00pm A&S-477A Newton D E<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />

* E = Evening, W = Weekend 142

S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Taking an Alternative Delivery class saves students time spent in a<br />

classroom setting or reduces drive time by selecting a class<br />

location closer to their home. This flexibility helps busy people<br />

balance work, family and school and still reach their career and<br />

academic goals.<br />

Try one or all of the Alternative Delivery options to find out what<br />

best works for your type of lifestyle.<br />

Electronically-supported Education Options<br />

Online (100%) *- If you are self-motivated, an independent<br />

learner, and have the ability to work without face-to-face<br />

contact with an instructor or classmates, taking a course over<br />

the Internet will most likely work for you. Students enrolling in<br />

a 100% Online course should have existing computer skills or<br />

the ability to acquire such skills. Online instructors will follow a<br />

syllabus and set deadlines. It's up to the student to meet<br />

course requirements.<br />

Lecture/Internet *- A Lecture/Internet or Hybrid course is<br />

one in which regularly scheduled classroom time is replaced a<br />

portion of the time with online course work and activities. This<br />

is a good option for students new to online learning or<br />

students who prefer a more structured learning environment<br />

but enjoy the flexibility that an online course provides as this<br />

type of course limits the number of times a student needs to<br />

be on-campus for class. Students spend part of their time<br />

face-to-face in the traditional classroom, lab, or worksite with<br />

an instructor and the other part participating on the Internet<br />

using LCC's ANGEL course management system<br />

* All students are encouraged to complete ANGEL training<br />

prior to beginning an Online or Lecture/Internet course. For<br />

more information regarding training options, technical support,<br />

and instructions for Online and Lecture/Internet courses,<br />

please visit the following web page:<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/online/angel_training/register.aspx<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Other Alternatives<br />

Variable Starting Date - Variable date courses enable a<br />

student to finish a course in less time than the normal 16-<br />

week semester. <strong>Course</strong>s can take 1-3 days to complete or<br />

extend to 2-15 weeks. This allows students to minimize their<br />

class time and maximize their efforts. Students can register<br />

for variable date courses throughout the semester up to the<br />

date the class begins.<br />

Open Entry - Open entry means a student can register and<br />

begin a selected course or module most any time during the<br />

semester. These sections are available in several formats<br />

including self-directed, online, lecture, lab, or a combination<br />

thereof. Self-motivation and discipline are advantageous to<br />

achieving your course credit and goals with open-entry<br />

instruction.<br />

Weekend - People who work full time find weekend courses<br />

easier to fit into their busy schedules. <strong>Course</strong> lengths vary<br />

from one to three days or many extend the entire semester.<br />

Off-campus Learning Locations - An off-campus<br />

learning location provides LCC students the opportunity to<br />

select the class closest to their home or work. These sites--<br />

often located in area schools, community education buildings,<br />

or in their own buildings--have ample, free parking and are<br />

within a 40-mile radius of <strong>Lansing</strong>. For more information<br />

contact LCC's Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education<br />

Department at (517) 483-1860. Along with convenient<br />

classes, Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education Department<br />

offers student services at our three centers. Visit us on the<br />

web at www.lcc.edu/ece for more information.<br />

LCC East, East <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 483-1860<br />

LCC Livingston Center at Parker (517) 545-3522<br />

St. Johns Clinton County Center (989) 224-2017<br />

Learning Communities - Students enrolling in learning<br />

community classes have the advantage of learning about two<br />

or more subjects focused around a common theme and<br />

studying with the same group of students. In a learning<br />

community, students sign up for two or more courses. This<br />

type of learning environment promotes a group learning<br />

experience.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Online Learning – Internet <strong>Course</strong>s<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>’s online courses apply to degree or<br />

transfer programs in the same way as traditional courses. Entire<br />

degree and certificate programs can be completed online. For a<br />

complete listing of available online Associate Degrees, Certificates,<br />

and transfer programs, visit<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/online/degrees/index.aspx.<br />

Would Online Learning suit me?<br />

Online Learning will suit students who are motivated, independent<br />

learners, those who can work without face-to-face contact with the<br />

instructor or classmates and who have reasonable skills in using<br />

computers or have the ability to acquire such skills. An online<br />

learning orientation is located at<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/online/orientation/index.aspx, which will help<br />

you determine if online learning is right for you. LCC uses the<br />

ANGEL course management system, which can be accessed<br />

through Star Port at www.lcc.edu.<br />

Online Learning Advantages<br />

Online Learning students can adapt study and participation<br />

requirements to personal, family, or work schedules. Regular trips<br />

to campus are not required.<br />

However, adaptability of the course has limits, as most courses are<br />

not self-paced. Students must participate in online discussion<br />

when required for a course. Students must submit assignments<br />

when due. Work and time commitments are at least the same as<br />

for traditional courses. Some exams are taken at the LCC campus<br />

or by an approved proctor. If you take a test off-campus, additional<br />

proctoring fees may apply.<br />

Technical Requirements:<br />

A word processing program is required for all courses. Hardware<br />

and software needs vary from course to course. Go to:<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/helpdesk/scan.aspx to see if your computer<br />

meets the minimum requirements for online courses.<br />

How do I register for an Online Learning course?<br />

Please complete these three steps to register.<br />

1.Register for a Star Port Account- Star Port is your access<br />

point for all systems on campus. Request an account if you<br />

don’t already have one.<br />

a. Click on the link for Request NEW STUDENTS/NEW TO<br />

STAR Port www.lcc.edu.<br />

b. Complete all of the information.<br />

c. A technology user ID (TUID) will be provided to you on the<br />

screen.<br />

d. You will be directed to log-in to Star Port.<br />

2.New Students - Complete the Admissions Process<br />

a. Log onto your newly created Star Port Account.<br />

b. Click on the New Students tab.<br />

c. Click on the link in the Apply and Register section.<br />

d. Select the Admissions tab and click CREATE.<br />

3.You must have access to the Internet.<br />

a. You must have access to a computer with an<br />

Internet connection to take an online course.<br />

Beginning with the Spring 2008 semester, all<br />

LCC students will be assigned an LCC email<br />

account; this is the email address that will be<br />

used for all college and course<br />

communications. Your LCC email address<br />

will be TUID@mail.lcc.edu.<br />

b. You may use computer labs at LCC’s main<br />

campus, West Campus, or Howell's Livingston<br />

County Center on a limited basis.<br />

4.To web register, go to www.lcc.edu and log onto Star Port.<br />

Click on the link in your eToolBox for the student system.<br />

5.Orientation: At the beginning of the semester, orientation<br />

sessions are held for online students. You can take these<br />

sessions either online or on-campus. Go to:<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/online/angel_training/register.aspx, or call<br />

(517) 483-1880 for orientation information.<br />

Visit http://www.lcc.edu/online/services.aspx for step-by-step<br />

instructions to follow in taking online courses.<br />

Internet Service:<br />

An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is the lifeline for Online Learning<br />

students. A good ISP will be able to provide excellent and<br />

affordable technical support when needed, and enough<br />

connections to enable access to the Internet without delay.<br />

Consult an online advisor at (517) 483-1880, for suggestions or<br />

email: online_info@lcc.edu<br />

More information<br />

LCC's Online Learning web site has extensive and regularly<br />

updated information. Before registering, review the course<br />

prerequisites and basic skills requirements, and general course<br />

information at http://www.lcc.edu/online/. If you still have<br />

questions, call an online advisor at (517) 483-1880, or email:<br />

online_info@lcc.edu.<br />

Questions<br />

Call an online advisor if you have questions about<br />

specific course(s) at (517) 483-1880. Online advisors are<br />

available Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday 8<br />

a.m. to 4 p.m. Extended hours are available during registration<br />

dates. Advisors will also respond to email questions sent to<br />

online_info@lcc.edu.<br />

Other Alternative Delivery Opportunities<br />

If you are looking for online courses that are not currently offered<br />

this semester, you may find what you need at the Michigan<br />

<strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> Virtual Learning Collaborative (MCCVLC) web<br />

site at http://www.mccvlc.org. <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> is a<br />

member of this collaborative and can help you access a variety of<br />

courses from Michigan community colleges.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Online <strong>Course</strong>s –<br />

A $10.00 online course fee will be charged to all Online Learning courses<br />

ACCG100 Practical Accounting Non-Major<br />

ACCG101 Accounting Info for Management<br />

ACCG160 Payroll Systems and Taxes<br />

ACCG210 Principles of Accounting I<br />

ACCG211 Principles of Accounting II<br />

ACCG240 Federal Income Tax I<br />

ADMN103 Beginning Keyboarding<br />

ADMN105 Employability Skills<br />

ADMN197 Medical Practice Vocabulary<br />

ADMN198 Health Information Management<br />

ADMN216 Information Management II<br />

ADMN220 Admin Mgmt in Organizations<br />

ADMN275 Diversity in Business<br />

AEET260 Codes, Regulations & Standards<br />

ANTH270 Cultural Anthropology<br />

ARCH182 Applied Universal Design<br />

ARTS102 Design & Communication<br />

ARTS162 Type Communications<br />

ARTS171 Comp Graphics/Digital Imaging<br />

ARTS173 Computer Graphics/Web Design<br />

ASTR201 Introductory Astronomy<br />

AUTO260 Intro to Alternative Fuels<br />

BIOL120 Environmental Science<br />

BIOL203 Microbiology<br />

BUSN118 Introduction to Business<br />

BUSN160 Starting a Business<br />

BUSN201 International Business<br />

CHDV100 Foundations Early Childhood Ed<br />

CHDV112 Fam Relation/Early Child Prog<br />

CHDV113 Health/Safety:Early Child Prog<br />

CHDV131 Family Child Care Management<br />

CHDV186 Child Self-Esteem/Positive Dis<br />

CHDV222 School-Age ChildCare Prog Dev<br />

CHSE114 Pathology-Allied Health<br />

CHSE115 Pharmacology-Allied Health<br />

CHSE117 Health Law and Ethics<br />

CHSE120 Medical Terminology<br />

CITA110 Intro to Microsoft Office<br />

CITA115 Microsoft PowerPoint<br />

CITA119 Microsoft Word<br />

CITA126 Microsoft Excel<br />

CITA133 Microsoft Access Database<br />

CITA140 Microsoft Outlook<br />

CITA145 Microsoft Expression Web<br />

CITA219 Advanced Microsoft Word<br />

CITA226 Microsoft Excel-Advanced<br />

CITA233 Advanced Microsoft Access<br />

CITD120 SQL Concepts<br />

CITD140 Advanced SQL<br />

CITF108 Microsoft Windows<br />

CITF110 Intro Computer Info Systems<br />

CITF120 Operating Systems Concepts<br />

CITF200 Info Sys Tech/Problem Solving<br />

CITF240 IT Project Management<br />

CITF260 Systems Analysis and Design<br />

CITN120 Introduction to Networking<br />

CITP110 Intro to Computer Programming<br />

CITP150 Intro to VB.Net Programming<br />

CITP190 Intro to Programming in JAVA<br />

CITP290 Adv JAVA Programming for Busn<br />

CITW150 Internet Literacy<br />

CITW160 Developing Pages for the Web<br />

CITW165 Advanced Web Development<br />

CITW175 Web Site Management<br />

CJUS101 Intro to Criminal Justice<br />

CJUS102 Crime Causes and Conditions<br />

CJUS103 Criminal Law<br />

CJUS104 Theory of Patrol<br />

CJUS106 Intro to Juvenile Justice<br />

CJUS130 Local Detention<br />

CJUS131 Introduction to Corrections<br />

CJUS134 Probation and Parole<br />

CJUS135 Legal Issues in Corrections<br />

CJUS201 Criminal Justice Org/Admin<br />

CJUS204 Criminal Investigation<br />

CJUS205 Policing into the 21st Century<br />

CJUS245 Report Writing/Crim Justice<br />

CJUS250 Correctional Institutions<br />

CJUS251 Correctional Clients<br />

CJUS255 Human Relations/Crim Justice<br />

CPSC120 Introduction to Computers<br />

ECON120 Power, Authority and Exchange<br />

ECON201 Principles of Economics-Micro<br />

ECON202 Principles of Economics-Macro<br />

ECON260 Comparative Economic Systems<br />

EDUC204 Educational Psychology<br />

EDUC220 Introduction to Education<br />

EDUC230 Intro to Special Education<br />

ENGL122 Writ About Literature & Ideas<br />

ENGL208 Children's Literature<br />

ENGL212 World Literature II<br />

FASH115 Wedding Planning<br />

FASH120 Intro to the Fashion Industry<br />

FASH260 Fashion Merch Planning/Control<br />

FREN122 Elementary French II<br />

GEOG200 World Regional Geography<br />

HIST211 U.S. History to 1877<br />

HIST212 U.S. History: 1877 to Present<br />

HIST220 Michigan History<br />

HMFS101 Intro Hospitality/Tourism<br />

HMFS110 Sanitation and Safety<br />

HMFS229 Convention/Meeting Management<br />

HUMS160 Mythology<br />

HUMS211 Art History to the Renaissance<br />

HUMS213 World Civilizations to 1600<br />

HUMS214 World Civilizations from 1600<br />

INTR107 Interior Design Career Develop<br />

INTR120 Interior Design Fundamentals<br />

INTR185 Introduction to Textiles<br />

INTR201 Cultural Diversity in Housing<br />

INTR232 Twentieth Century Interiors<br />

LABR200 Intro to Labor Relations<br />

LBST290 Human Anatomy Laboratory<br />

LEGL150 Legal Issues: Start Small Busn<br />

LEGL211 Tort Law<br />

LEGL215 Busn Law I, Basic Principles<br />

LEGL216 Busn Law II, Commercial Law<br />

LEGL217 Busn Law III, Busn Organiza<br />

LEGL219 Adv Busn Law for Acct Majors<br />

MASG136 Medical Elements of Massage<br />

MATH050 Pre Algebra<br />

MATH107 Introductory Algebra<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

MATH112 Intermediate Algebra<br />

MATH117 Math for Business<br />

MATH120 <strong>College</strong> Algebra<br />

MATH121 Precalculus I<br />

MATH122 Precalculus II<br />

MATH151 Calculus I<br />

METD105 PC Applications for Technology<br />

METM120 Effective Use/Machine Handbook<br />

METS100 Maintenance Safety Practices<br />

MGMT150 Managing Customer Relations<br />

MGMT200 Creative Thinking for Business<br />

MGMT223 Developing Supervisory Skills<br />

MGMT225 Principles of Management<br />

MGMT234 Diversity in the Workplace<br />

MGMT290 Basic Financial Planning<br />

MGMT290 Creative Fund Raising<br />

MGMT290 Dealing with Difficult People<br />

MGMT290 Time Management<br />

MKTG119 Mktg/Manage Your Profess Image<br />

MKTG120 Sales<br />

MKTG200 Principles of Marketing<br />

MKTG210 Marketing on the Internet<br />

MKTG229 Public Relations<br />

MUSC199 Music Appreciation<br />

MUSC253 Business of Music<br />

NURS200 Pharmacology-Nursing<br />

PFHW123 Human Nutrition<br />

PFHW163 Healthy Lifestyles<br />

PFHW181 Stress Management<br />

PFKN170 Foundations of Kinesiology<br />

PHIL151 Intro to Logic & Critcal Think<br />

PHIL211 Philosophy: Ancient & Medieval<br />

PHIL212 Philosophy: Modern & Contempry<br />

POLS120 American Political System<br />

POLS121 State and Local Government<br />

POLS240 Introduction to Public Policy<br />

PSYC200 Introduction to Psychology<br />

PSYC202 Psychology of Personality<br />

PSYC203 Social Psychology<br />

PSYC205 Human Growth and Development<br />

PSYC221 Child Psychology<br />

PSYC250 Abnormal Psychology<br />

REAL274 Real Estate License Exam<br />

RELG242<br />

SDEV118<br />

SDEV124<br />

SDEV125<br />

SDEV126<br />

SDEV130<br />

SDEV135<br />

SOCL120<br />

SOCL185<br />

SOCL254<br />

SOCL255<br />

SOCL260<br />

SPAN121<br />

SPAN122<br />

New Testament Literature<br />

Stretching Your Dollars<br />

Techniques of Study<br />

Career Planning<br />

Self-Defeating Behavior<br />

Job Search Skills<br />

Tools for <strong>College</strong> Success<br />

Introduction to Sociology<br />

Intro African-American Studies<br />

Marriage and Family<br />

Contemporary Social Problems<br />

Race and Ethnicity<br />

Elementary Spanish I<br />

Elementary Spanish II<br />

SPCH120 Dynamics of Communication<br />

SPCH280 Intercultural Communication<br />

STAT170<br />

Introduction to Statistics<br />

SURG103 Surgical Asepsis<br />

TRVL100<br />

TRVL102<br />

TRVL145<br />

TRVL200<br />

WRIT110<br />

WRIT117<br />

WRIT118<br />

WRIT119<br />

WRIT121<br />

WRIT122<br />

WRIT124<br />

WRIT127<br />

WRIT132<br />

WRIT260<br />

Travel Industry Operations<br />

France Destination Specialist<br />

Intro Cruise Sales/Ground Tran<br />

Sales/Mktg for Travel/Tourism<br />

Confidence in Writing<br />

Writing Preparation<br />

Personal Writing<br />

Writing Skills Review<br />

Composition I<br />

Composition II<br />

Technical Writing<br />

Business Writing<br />

Honors Composition II<br />

Creative Writing I<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Lecture/Internet<br />

<strong>Course</strong>s<br />

ADMN195 Human Relations in Work Place<br />

BIOL120 Environmental Science<br />

BIOL121 Biol Foundation for Physiology<br />

BIOL145 Intro Anatomy and Physiology<br />

BIOL201 Human Anatomy<br />

BIOL202 Human Physiology<br />

BUSN101 How Feasible/Business Idea<br />

BUSN101 The Business of Online Auction<br />

BUSN118 Introduction to Business<br />

BUSN160 Starting a Business<br />

BUSN161 Writing a Business Plan<br />

BUSN250 Personal Finance<br />

BUSN254 Introduction to Investments<br />

BUSN295 Entrepreneurial Capstone<br />

CHDV101 Child Growth/Develop: 0-10 Yrs<br />

CHEM151 General Chemistry Lecture I<br />

CHSE100 Intro to Health Professions<br />

CITA110 Intro to Microsoft Office<br />

CITF110 Intro Computer Info Systems<br />

CITF240 IT Project Management<br />

CITW150 Internet Literacy<br />

CITW180 ASP.Net Web Development<br />

CJUS101 Intro to Criminal Justice<br />

ECON201 Principles of Economics-Micro<br />

ECON202 Principles of Economics-Macro<br />

ESOL120 Academic Reading Skills<br />

FASH110 Computer Aided Design & Color<br />

FASH115 Wedding Planning<br />

FASH120 Intro to the Fashion Industry<br />

FASH144 Visual Merchandising & Display<br />

FASH150 Apparel and Textile Design<br />

FASH270 Fashion Portfolio<br />

HEOT100 Equipment Introduction<br />

HIST212 U.S. History: 1877 to Present<br />

HMFS134 Nutrition and Healthy Eating<br />

INTR105 Introduction to Design Drawing<br />

INTR141 Kitchen/Bath Presentation Stds<br />

INTR151 Beginning Kitchen/Bath Design<br />

INTR185 Introduction to Textiles<br />

INTR190 Interior/Materials/Equipment<br />

INTR241 Kitchen/Bath CAD<br />

INTR251 Advanced Kitchen/Bath Design<br />

INTR270 Interior Design Portfolio<br />

INTR280 Interior Design Building Codes<br />

LBST290 Race, Rhetoric and Discourse<br />

MATH050 Pre Algebra<br />

MATH107 Introductory Algebra<br />

MATH112 Intermediate Algebra<br />

MATH201 Math for Elementary Teachers I<br />

MATH202 Math for Elementary Teacher II<br />

MGMT227 Training/Development for Busn<br />

MGMT234 Diversity in the Workplace<br />

MGMT304 Organizational Development<br />

MGMT329 Adv Mgmt Communication Skills<br />

MGMT332 Ethics: Assumpt for the Future<br />

MGMT335 Managerial Statistics<br />

MGMT337 Human Resource Mgmt Skills<br />

MGMT346 Managerial Finance<br />

MKTG200 Principles of Marketing<br />

PFHW163 Healthy Lifestyles<br />

PFKN106 Aerobic Instructor Training<br />

PHYS120 The Art of Physics<br />

POLS120 American Political System<br />

POLS260 Comparative Political Systems<br />

PSYC200 Introduction to Psychology<br />

READ116 Reading Comprehension<br />

REAL273 Real Estate Investment<br />

SDEV130 Job Search Skills<br />

SPCH110 Oral Comm in the Workplace<br />

TRVL250 Airline Comptr Reservation II<br />

WRIT110 Confidence in Writing<br />

WRIT117 Writing Preparation<br />

WRIT121 Composition I<br />

WRIT122 Composition II<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Off-Campus Learning Locations<br />

For Spring 2009, courses are offered at locations in Charlotte,<br />

Dimondale, East <strong>Lansing</strong>, Grand Ledge, Holt, Howell, <strong>Lansing</strong>,<br />

Mason, Okemos, Portland, and St. Johns. Most of the course<br />

offerings at learning locations fulfill requirements for associate<br />

degree and transfer programs. (Refer to the <strong>Course</strong> Offerings for<br />

complete information before you register.)<br />

The following locations have a wide variety of courses and<br />

services including labs, computers, and ample free parking.<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> East, East <strong>Lansing</strong> (517) 483-9307<br />

LCC Livingston Center at Parker Campus, Howell (517) 545-3522<br />

St. John’s Clinton Counter Center, St. Johns (989) 224-2017<br />

LCC East is also home to the college’s community education<br />

program ‘Learning for Life’, offering many credit and non-credit<br />

courses, the A+ Summer <strong>College</strong>, and the Gifted and Talented<br />

Education program (G.A.T.E).<br />

For off-campus learning location questions, call (517)483-1860 or<br />

visit our web site at: http://www.lcc.edu/ece. Driving directions to<br />

each off-campus location are posted on the ECE web pages and<br />

classroom locations are posted in the buildings on the first night of<br />

classes.<br />

For complete prerequisites, class locations, dates and times,<br />

see the <strong>Course</strong> Offerings.<br />



1068 Carlisle HIghway<br />

PSYC200 Introduction to Psychology<br />

SOCL120 Introduction to Sociology<br />



9410 Davis Highway<br />

PFSP111 Indoor Soccer<br />



Mt Hope & South Harrison<br />

PFSP109<br />

PFSP110<br />

Golf: Beginning<br />

Golf: Intermediate<br />


Michigan State University<br />

AERO112<br />

AERO212<br />

Foundation of the USAF II<br />

Evolution of USAF II<br />


Michigan State University<br />

MILS120<br />

MILS220<br />

Army Leadership & Prob Solving<br />

Challenges in Army Leadership<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />



2827 Eyde Parkway<br />

ACCG100 Practical Accounting Non-Major<br />

ACCG210 Principles of Accounting I<br />

ACCG211 Principles of Accounting II<br />

ARTS204 Watercolor I<br />

ARTS205 Watercolor II<br />

ARTS206 Advanced Watercolor<br />

ARWS120 Basic Drawing<br />

ARWS141 Watercolor Workshop<br />

BIOL120 Environmental Science<br />

BIOL145 Intro Anatomy and Physiology<br />

BIOL201 Human Anatomy<br />

BUSN118 Introduction to Business<br />

BUSN254 Introduction to Investments<br />

CABS100 Advanced MS Word<br />

CABS100 Beginning MS Access<br />

CABS100 Advanced MS Excel<br />

CABS100 Maintaining Your Computer<br />

CABS100 Beginning MS Word<br />

CABS100 Beginning MS Excel<br />

CABS100 Computers for Beginners<br />

CHDV251 CDA Credential Prep/Fieldwork<br />

CHEM120 Gen Organic & Biological Chem<br />

CHEM125 Basic Chemistry<br />

CHSE100 Intro to Health Professions<br />

CHSE120 Medical Terminology<br />

CITA110 Intro to Microsoft Office<br />

CITF110 Intro Computer Info Systems<br />

CPSC120 Introduction to Computers<br />

ECON202 Principles of Economics-Macro<br />

ENGL122 Writ About Literature & Ideas<br />

FREN121 Elementary French I<br />

GEOG200 World Regional Geography<br />

GRMN121 Elementary German I<br />

HIST211 U.S. History to 1877<br />

HUMS120 Masterpieces of Art & Music<br />

JAPN121 Elementary Japanese I<br />

JAPN122 Elementary Japanese II<br />

LEGL150 Legal Issues: Start Small Busn<br />

LEGL215 Busn Law I, Basic Principles<br />

MATH050<br />

MATH107<br />

MATH112<br />

MATH117<br />

MATH120<br />

MATH121<br />

MATH122<br />

MATH130<br />

MATH141<br />

MGMT234<br />

MUSC240<br />

NURS200<br />

PFFT170<br />

PFHW123<br />

PFHW163<br />

PHOT101<br />

POLS120<br />

PSYC200<br />

PSYC202<br />

PSYC205<br />

READ116<br />

REAL277<br />

REAL280<br />

SDEV124<br />

SDEV125<br />

SOCL120<br />

SPAN115<br />

SPAN116<br />

SPAN121<br />

SPCH110<br />

SPCH120<br />

STAT170<br />

THEA110<br />

WRIT117<br />

WRIT121<br />

WRIT122<br />

WRIT127<br />

Pre Algebra<br />

Introductory Algebra<br />

Intermediate Algebra<br />

Math for Business<br />

<strong>College</strong> Algebra<br />

Precalculus I<br />

Precalculus II<br />

Finite Math w/<strong>College</strong> Algebra<br />

Calculus with Applications<br />

Diversity in the Workplace<br />

World Music History I<br />

Pharmacology-Nursing<br />

Yoga: Beginning<br />

Human Nutrition<br />

Healthy Lifestyles<br />

Basic Photo for Non-Majors<br />

American Political System<br />

Introduction to Psychology<br />

Psychology of Personality<br />

Human Growth and Development<br />

Reading Comprehension<br />

Property Management<br />

Real Estate Law<br />

Techniques of Study<br />

Career Planning<br />

Introduction to Sociology<br />

Conversational Spanish I<br />

Conversational Spanish II<br />

Elementary Spanish I<br />

Oral Comm in the Workplace<br />

Dynamics of Communication<br />

Introduction to Statistics<br />

Introduction to Theatre<br />

Writing Preparation<br />

Composition I<br />

Composition II<br />

Business Writing<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />



820 Spring Street<br />

PSYC205 Human Growth and Development<br />

WRIT122 Composition II<br />

HOLT<br />


5885 West Holt Road<br />

BIOL120 Environmental Science<br />

PFFT170 Yoga: Beginning<br />

WRIT121 Composition I<br />

HOWELL<br />


402 Wright Road<br />

ACCG210 Principles of Accounting I<br />

BIOL120 Environmental Science<br />

BIOL145 Intro Anatomy and Physiology<br />

BIOL201 Human Anatomy<br />

BIOL202 Human Physiology<br />

BUSN118 Introduction to Business<br />

CHDV100 Foundations Early Childhood Ed<br />

CHEM120 Gen Organic & Biological Chem<br />

CHSE100 Intro to Health Professions<br />

CHSE120 Medical Terminology<br />

CHSE143 Phlebotomy Technician<br />

CITA110 Intro to Microsoft Office<br />

CITF108 Microsoft Windows<br />

CITF110 Intro Computer Info Systems<br />

EDUC204 Educational Psychology<br />

EDUC230 Intro to Special Education<br />

ENGL122 Writ About Literature & Ideas<br />

FASH115 Wedding Planning<br />

GEOG200 World Regional Geography<br />

HIST211 U.S. History to 1877<br />

HIST212 U.S. History: 1877 to Present<br />

HMFS261 Gourmet Italian Cookery<br />

HUMS213 World Civilizations to 1600<br />

ISCI122 Integrate Sci for Education II<br />

MATH050 Pre Algebra<br />

MATH107 Introductory Algebra<br />

MATH112 Intermediate Algebra<br />

MATH121 Precalculus I<br />

MGMT101 Becoming a Professional<br />

MGMT101 Lead with Your Strengths<br />

MGMT234 Diversity in the Workplace<br />

MKTG200 Principles of Marketing<br />

MUSC168 Rudiments of Music<br />

PFHW163 Healthy Lifestyles<br />

PHIL151 Intro to Logic & Critcal Think<br />

PSYC200 Introduction to Psychology<br />

PSYC205 Human Growth and Development<br />

PSYC250 Abnormal Psychology<br />

READ116 Reading Comprehension<br />

SOCL120 Introduction to Sociology<br />

SPAN121 Elementary Spanish I<br />

SPCH110 Oral Comm in the Workplace<br />

SPCH120 Dynamics of Communication<br />

WRIT117 Writing Preparation<br />

WRIT121 Composition I<br />

WRIT122 Composition II<br />

WRIT127 Business Writing<br />



3600 North Grand River Avenue<br />

HEOT100 Equipment Introduction<br />

HEOT110 Part 10 MIOSHA<br />

HEOT120 Backhoe Operator<br />

HEOT121 Excavator Operator<br />

HEOT122 Wheel Loader Operator<br />

HEOT123 Forklift Operator<br />

HEOT130 Skidsteer Operator<br />

HEOT131 Bulldozer Operator<br />

HERT101 Heavy Equipment Electronics<br />

HERT104 Equipment Powertrain<br />


1010 Ballard<br />

PFFT111 Aerobic Boxing<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />


MASON<br />


3571 East Mount Hope<br />

PFSP124 Tennis: Beginning<br />

PFSP125 Tennis: Intermediate<br />


2001 East Grand River<br />

MUSC233 Musical Scenes<br />


2122 N Martin Luther King Blvd<br />

PFSP105 Bowling: Beginning<br />


611 Hagadorn Road<br />

SCIS296<br />

Dir Histotechnological Studies<br />

WELD100 Combination Welding<br />

WELD110 Gas Metal ARC Welding<br />

WELD111 Gas Tungsten ARC Welding<br />


625 Hagadorn<br />

PFAQ118 Arthritis Found Aquatics Prog<br />


1001 South Barnes<br />


111 North Grand Avenue<br />

HMFS250 Wines of Southern Hemisphere<br />

HMFS251 Wine Appreciation<br />

MATH050<br />

MATH107<br />

MATH112<br />

WRIT121<br />

Pre Algebra<br />

Introductory Algebra<br />

Intermediate Algebra<br />

Composition I<br />


4722 West Grand River<br />

PFSP106 Bowling: Advanced<br />


354 Frandor<br />

PFSP117 Pool: Beginning<br />

PFSP118 Pool: Intermediate<br />


800 East Columbia Street<br />

PFFT169<br />

Fit for Life Exercise<br />

OKEMOS<br />


4000 Okemos Road<br />

MUSC119 <strong>Lansing</strong> Concert Band<br />



1090 Ionia Road<br />

MATH112<br />

Intermediate Algebra<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

ST. JOHNS<br />


1013 South U.S. 27, Suite C<br />

BIOL120 Environmental Science<br />

BIOL121 Biol Foundation for Physiology<br />

BIOL145 Intro Anatomy and Physiology<br />

BIOL201 Human Anatomy<br />

CHEM120 Gen Organic & Biological Chem<br />

CHSE100 Intro to Health Professions<br />

CHSE120 Medical Terminology<br />

CITA110 Intro to Microsoft Office<br />

EDUC220 Introduction to Education<br />

EDUC226 Reading in Elementary School<br />

ENGL122 Writ About Literature & Ideas<br />

HIST212 U.S. History: 1877 to Present<br />

HUMS213 World Civilizations to 1600<br />

LEGL215 Busn Law I, Basic Principles<br />

MATH050 Pre Algebra<br />

MATH107 Introductory Algebra<br />

MATH112 Intermediate Algebra<br />

MATH121 Precalculus I<br />

MGMT234 Diversity in the Workplace<br />

PFFT170 Yoga: Beginning<br />

PSYC200 Introduction to Psychology<br />

PSYC205 Human Growth and Development<br />

READ116 Reading Comprehension<br />

SOCL120 Introduction to Sociology<br />

SPCH110 Oral Comm in the Workplace<br />

WRIT117 Writing Preparation<br />

WRIT121 Composition I<br />

WRIT122 Composition II<br />

WRIT127 Business Writing<br />

Weekend <strong>Course</strong>s<br />

Listed below are the Weekend <strong>Course</strong>s that run from Friday at<br />

5:00 p.m. through Sunday. <strong>Course</strong> lengths vary from one to three<br />

days or extend the entire semester. People who work full time may<br />

find weekend courses easier to fit into their schedule. Weekend<br />

courses are offered for both credit and non-credit.<br />

For complete course prerequisites, class locations, dates and<br />

times, see the <strong>Course</strong> Offerings.<br />

F= Friday, S=Saturday, U=Sunday<br />

Days <strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

S ACCG161 Accounting with Quickbooks<br />

SU ARTS195 Employ/Busn Issues for Artists<br />

SU ARWS132 Introduction to QuarkXPress<br />

FSU ARWS137 Intro to Adobe Photoshop<br />

S AUTB160 Adv Auto Body Repair/Painting<br />

U AUTB160 Adv Auto Body Repair/Painting<br />

S AUTO100 Automotive Service I<br />

S AUTO133 Small Engine Repair<br />

S AUTO280 Automotive Service Laboratory<br />

S BIOL145 Intro Anatomy and Physiology<br />

S BIOL201 Human Anatomy<br />

S BIOL202 Human Physiology<br />

S BIOL202 Human Physiology<br />

S BUSN101 The Business of Online Auction<br />

S CABS100 Advanced MS Excel<br />

S CABS100 Advanced MS Word<br />

S CABS100 Beginning MS Access<br />

S CABS100 Beginning MS Excel<br />

S CABS100 Beginning MS Word<br />

S CABS100 Computers for Beginners<br />

FSU CABS100 Creating Exciting Web Pages<br />

S CABS100 Design Your Own Web Pages<br />

FSU CABS100 Basic Dreamweaver<br />

FSU CABS100 Basic Flash<br />

SU CABS100 Intro to Dreamweaver/Flash<br />

S CABS100 Maintaining Your Computer<br />

SU CHCE210 PALS Training<br />

S CHCE211 PALS Renewal<br />

U CHCE211 PALS Renewal<br />

SU CHCE230 ACLS Training Seminar<br />

S CHCE235 ACLS Renewal<br />

U CHCE235 ACLS Renewal<br />

S CHCE235 ACLS Renewal<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Days <strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

U CHCE235 ACLS Renewal<br />

S CHCE235 ACLS Renewal<br />

S CHDV120 Curr: Phys Dev/Early Childhood<br />

S CHDV123 Curr: Early Child Literacy<br />

S CHDV181 Adult Comm/Early Child Prog<br />

S CHDV185 Preventing Child Sexual Abuse<br />

S CHDV197 Autism:Explr/Undrstnd Spectrum<br />

S CHDV197 Inclusive Infnt/Toddler Caring<br />

S CHEM120 Gen Organic & Biological Chem<br />

S CHEM152 General Chemistry Lecture II<br />

S CHEM162 General Chemistry Lab II<br />

FS CHSE101 Acute Care Nurse Assis/PCT<br />

S CHSE117 Health Law and Ethics<br />

S CHSE130 Medical Ins Bill/Code Extern<br />

S CHSE145 Sterile Processing Tech I<br />

S EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

U EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

S EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

F EMSB103 CPR Renewal<br />

FS EMSB104 CPR Instructor<br />

S FREN116 Conversational French II<br />

S GERO100 Introduction to Human Aging<br />

S HMFS102 Cake Decorating<br />

S HVAC280 EPA 608 Certification Review<br />

S JAPN116 Conversational Japanese II<br />

S LEGL120 Legal Research I<br />

S MASG110 Massage for Non-Majors<br />

S MATH001 Math Minus Anxiety Workshop<br />

S MATH050 Pre Algebra<br />

S MATH107 Introductory Algebra<br />

S MATH112 Intermediate Algebra<br />

S MATH121 Precalculus I<br />

S MATH122 Precalculus II<br />

S MGMT101 Become a Better Board Member<br />

S MKTG200 Principles of Marketing<br />

S MUSC144 Beginning Piano I<br />

S MUSC145 Beginning Piano II<br />

S PFAQ114 Parent/Infant Water Adjustment<br />

S PFAQ115 Parent/Toddler Water Adjustmnt<br />

FSU PFAQ120 Basic Lifeguarding<br />

U PFDA147 Latin Ballroom I<br />

U PFDA152 Latin Ballroom II<br />

Days <strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

S PFFT170 Yoga: Beginning<br />

U PFFT170 Yoga: Beginning<br />

S PFHW163 Healthy Lifestyles<br />

S PFHW181 Stress Management<br />

U PFSP102 Basketball: Beginning<br />

U PFSP103 Basketball: Advanced<br />

U PFSP109 Golf: Beginning<br />

S PFSP110 Golf: Intermediate<br />

F PFSP111 Indoor Soccer<br />

U PFSP125 Tennis: Intermediate<br />

F PFWT112 Intro to Weight Training<br />

S PHYS120 The Art of Physics<br />

S PSYC200 Introduction to Psychology<br />

S READ100 Reading Laboratory<br />

S READ108 Individualized Reading<br />

S READ116 Reading Comprehension<br />

S SDEV103 Preventing Parent Burnout<br />

FSSU SDEV118 Stretching Your Dollars<br />

FSSU SDEV121 Exploring Your Potential<br />

USSU SDEV124 Techniques of Study<br />

USS SDEV125 Career Planning<br />

S SDEV126 Self-Defeating Behavior<br />

S SDEV130 Job Search Skills<br />

S SDEV142 Assertiveness I<br />

S SDEV169 Women as Winners<br />

USUS SDEV195 Build Healthy Relationships I<br />

SU SDEV204 Self-Defense and Women I<br />

S SDEV237 Black Women's Awareness<br />

US SDEV245 Stress Prevention<br />

S SIGN250 Deaf Culture and History<br />

S SIGN264 Advanced Sign to Voice<br />

S SIGN294 Sign Lang Interpreting Seminar<br />

S SOCL120 Introduction to Sociology<br />

S SPAN116 Conversational Spanish II<br />

S SPCH110 Oral Comm in the Workplace<br />

S STAT170 Introduction to Statistics<br />

S THEA220 Play Directing<br />

S THEA224 Stage Combat II<br />

S WRIT110 Confidence in Writing<br />

S WRIT117 Writing Preparation<br />

S WRIT121 Composition I<br />

S WRIT121 Composition I<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Variable Date <strong>Course</strong>s<br />

Variable date sections enable you to finish a course in less than<br />

the 16-week semester. <strong>Course</strong>s may take 1 to 3 days to complete<br />

or extend between a 2 and 15 week time frame. Variable date<br />

classes start each month and if you missed registration, you can<br />

still register for these courses (pending availability) until the first<br />

class meeting.<br />

Refer to <strong>Course</strong> Offerings for exact course start and end date in<br />

addition to complete course information needed to register.<br />

Days<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

January<br />

01/10-03/06 ACCG161 Accounting with Quickbooks<br />

01/10-03/06 ADMN103 Beginning Keyboarding<br />

01/10-03/06 ADMN105 Employability Skills<br />

01/10-03/06 ADMN108 Input Technologies/Business<br />

01/10-03/06 ARTS195 Employ/Busn Issues for Artists<br />

01/10-03/06 ARWS145 Landscape Painting & Drawing<br />

01/10-05/17 BIOL287 Tropical Aquatic Systems<br />

01/10-03/06 BUSN101 Day-to-Day Finances/Busn<br />

01/10-03/06 BUSN101 MKT Research/Small Business<br />

01/10-03/06 BUSN160 Starting a Business<br />

01/10-01/11 CHCE230 ACLS Training Seminar<br />

01/10-03/06 CHDV113 Health/Safety:Early Child Prog<br />

01/10-04/10 CHDV131 Family Child Care Management<br />

01/10-04/10 CHDV230 Early Childhood Center Admin<br />

01/10-03/06 CHSE120A Medical Terminology Basics<br />

01/10-03/06 CHSE120B Med Term: Heart & Lungs<br />

01/10-04/10 CHSE127 Medical Ins Billing/Coding III<br />

01/10-03/06 CHSE144 Phlebotomy Externship<br />

01/10-04/10 CITN230 Linux/UNIX Operating System<br />

01/10-03/06 CITS100 Schematic Drawing<br />

01/10-04/10 ELTE112 Basic Wiring Installation<br />

01/10-03/06 EMTA101 Basic EMT I<br />

01/10-03/06 EMTA102 Basic EMT II<br />

01/10-03/06 EMTA115 First Aid and CPR<br />

01/10-03/06 ESOL100 Computer Literacy ESL Students<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS101 Intro Hospitality/Tourism<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS102 Cake Decorating<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS131 Food Production Basics<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS204 Hospitality HR Management<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS205 Hospitality Leadership<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS251 Wine Appreciation<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS260 Gourmet Basic Cookery<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Days <strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS261 Gourmet Italian Cookery<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS263 Gourmet American Cookery<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS264 Gourmet Barbecue Cookery<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS266 Gourmet Chinese Cookery<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS273 Gourmet Cajun Cookery<br />

01/10-03/06 HMFS285 Creative Baking for the Home<br />

01/10-04/10 HORT103 Indoor Plants and Flowers<br />

01/10-04/10 HORT107 Beginning Floral Design<br />

01/10-04/10 HORT110 Wedding Floral Design<br />

01/10-04/10 HUSE100 Introduction to Human Services<br />

01/10-04/10 HUSE105 Personal Dynamics/Interviewing<br />

01/10-04/10 HVAC100 Fundamentals of HVAC<br />

01/10-04/10 HVAC101 HVAC/R Piping<br />

01/10-04/10 HVAC105 Sheet Metal Fab & Installation<br />

01/10-04/10 LAND100 Intro to Landscape Drafting<br />

01/10-04/10 LAND130 Interior Landscaping<br />

01/10-04/10 LAND150 Principles of Landscape Arch<br />

01/10-04/10 LAND153 Landscape Graphics Comm-Adv<br />

01/10-04/10 LAND161 Planting Design II<br />

01/10-04/10 LAND164 Site Design<br />

01/10-04/10 LAND171 Site Grading II<br />

01/10-04/10 LAND172 Site Layout<br />

01/10-04/10 LAND180 Landscape Ecology<br />

01/10-04/10 LAND232 Prof Residential Landscape Dsn<br />

01/10-04/10 LAND233 Grounds Management<br />

01/10-03/06 LBST290 Human Anatomy Laboratory<br />

01/10-01/31 MASG110 Massage for Non-Majors<br />

01/10-03/06 MATH121 Precalculus I<br />

01/10-04/10 METM100 Manufacturing Processes<br />

01/10-04/10 METM110 Intro to Precision Machining<br />

01/10-04/10 METM150 Advanced Precision Machining<br />

01/10-04/11 MGMT101 Become a Better Board Member<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Build Business Memory Skills<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Bus Interaction Skill/Attitude<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 How Women Manage<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Interviewing Skills for Mngrs<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Networking for Success<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Successful Marketing Serv Org<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Finance/Accg/Non-Financial Mgr<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Improve Writing Skills<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Keep Satisfied Customers<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Manage and Facilitate Change<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Days<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

Days<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Project Management<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Strategic Resumes<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Communication Skills for Mngrs<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Creative Fund Raising<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 The Administrative Assistant<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Managing Negative People<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Speed Reading for Business<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Success Through Assertiveness<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Succession Planning<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Write a Marketing Plan<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 A Mngrs Guide/Work with People<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 APA Writing Style for Business<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 OSHA for Managers<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Psychology of Selling/Winning<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Strategic Plan/Entrepreneurs<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Organize Your Workspace<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Emotional Intelligence at Work<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Deliver a Winning Presentation<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Managing/Resolving Conflict<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Dealing with Difficult People<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Basic Business Etiquette<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Delegate Effectively<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Recruit Volunteers/Non-Profits<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Supervisory Management<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Team Building<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Understanding Office Politics<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Basic Financial Planning<br />

01/10-03/06 MGMT290 Time Management<br />

01/10-03/06 MKTG229 Public Relations<br />

01/10-03/06 PFFT111 Aerobic Boxing<br />

01/10-06/05 PFFT151 Cardiac Rehab Exercise<br />

01/10-06/05 PFFT261 Adult Fitness<br />

01/10-03/06 PFHW163 Healthy Lifestyles<br />

01/10-03/06 PSYC200 Introduction to Psychology<br />

01/10-04/10 PSYC200 Introduction to Psychology<br />

01/10-03/06 SDEV118 Stretching Your Dollars<br />

01/10-04/10 SOWK101 Introduction to Social Work<br />

01/10-04/10 SOWK205 Social Welfare<br />

01/10-03/06 SPAN115 Conversational Spanish I<br />

01/10-04/10 THEA120 Introduction to Acting<br />

01/10-03/24 THEA235 Studio Theatre Performance IV<br />

01/10-03/06 THEA241 Acting III - Advanced Realism<br />

01/10-03/06 THEA271 Dramatic Form and Function III<br />

01/10-03/06 TRVL100 Travel Industry Operations<br />

01/10-03/06 TRVL145 Intro Cruise Sales/Ground Tran<br />

01/10-03/06 TRVL200 Sales/Mktg for Travel/Tourism<br />

01/12-02/05 CHSE108 Long-Term Care Nurse Aide<br />

01/12-02/02 CHSE125 Comp I-Med Ins Billing/Coding<br />

01/12-05/01 THEA141 Acting I - Contemporary<br />

01/13-04/02 ARTS132 Figure Drawing<br />

01/13-03/31 REAL271 Introduction to Real Estate<br />

01/13-04/17 REAL274 Real Estate License Exam<br />

01/13-05/08 THEA143 Stage Voice for the Actor<br />

01/14-02/18 BUSN118 Introduction to Business<br />

01/14-04/08 CHCE106 Cardiac Dysrhythmia Interpreta<br />

01/14-02/18 HMFS102 Cuisine of Mexico<br />

01/14-02/04 MASG151A Chair Massage<br />

01/14-02/04 MASG251C Asian Body Therapy<br />

01/15-02/19 HMFS102 Basic Sushi Rolling<br />

01/15-04/16 HMFS275 Bakery Production<br />

01/15-02/05 MASG256 Clinical Assess Therap Massage<br />

01/16-03/27 HMFS280 Garde Manger<br />

01/17-01/24 CHDV120 Curr: Phys Dev/Early Childhood<br />

01/17-05/08 ECON201 Principles of Economics-Micro<br />

01/17-05/08 EDUC220 Introduction to Education<br />

01/17 EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

01/17-05/08 FASH115 Wedding Planning<br />

01/17-05/08 FASH120 Intro to the Fashion Industry<br />

01/17-05/08 FASH144 Visual Merchandising & Display<br />

01/17-05/08 FASH260 Fashion Merch Planning/Control<br />

01/17-05/08 GEOG200 World Regional Geography<br />

01/17-05/08 INTR105 Introduction to Design Drawing<br />

01/17-05/08 INTR120 Interior Design Fundamentals<br />

01/17-05/08 INTR185 Introduction to Textiles<br />

01/17-05/08 INTR201 Cultural Diversity in Housing<br />

01/17-05/08 INTR232 Twentieth Century Interiors<br />

01/17-05/08 INTR280 Interior Design Building Codes<br />

01/17-05/08 MATH281 Honors Math Seminar I<br />

01/17-05/08 MATH282 Honors Math Seminar II<br />

01/17-05/08 MUSC168 Rudiments of Music<br />

01/17-05/08 MUSC233 Musical Scenes<br />

01/17-05/08 MUSC233 New Music Ensemble<br />

01/17-05/08 PSYC200 Introduction to Psychology<br />

01/17-05/08 PSYC205 Human Growth and Development<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Days<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

Days<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

01/17-05/08 PSYC222 Adolescent Psychology<br />

01/17-02/01 SDEV124 Techniques of Study<br />

01/17-05/08 SOCL120 Introduction to Sociology<br />

01/17-05/08 SOCL255 Contemporary Social Problems<br />

01/20-05/30 HSHF090 E.I.S.D. Intro Hosp T/T Ind<br />

01/23 MATH001 Math Minus Anxiety Workshop<br />

01/24-05/08 ELTE112 Basic Wiring Installation<br />

01/24 EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

01/24-05/08 ESOL103 Focus on Pronunciation<br />

01/24-05/08 ESOL105 Applied Grammar for Writing<br />

01/24-05/08 POLS205 Government Internship<br />

01/24-05/08 POLS206 Advanced Government Internship<br />

01/24-05/08 READ111 Reading: Essential Strategies<br />

01/24-05/08 READ114 Reading Skills<br />

01/24-05/08 READ116 Reading Comprehension<br />

01/24-05/08 READ118 Introduction to Phonics<br />

01/24-02/22 SDEV125 Career Planning<br />

01/24-05/08 SDEV125 Career Planning<br />

01/28-03/04 BUSN101 Marketing Your Small Business<br />

01/29-02/05 EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

01/29-03/05 MKTG101 Seach Engine Optimization<br />

01/30-04/24 SDEV126 Self-Defeating Behavior<br />

01/31 CABS100 Computers for Beginners<br />

01/31-02/01 CHCE210 PALS Training<br />

February<br />

02/06-02/08 CABS100 Creating Exciting Web Pages<br />

02/06 EMSB103 CPR Renewal<br />

02/07 EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

02/07-05/09 PSYC200 Introduction to Psychology<br />

02/07-02/08 SDEV204 Self-Defense and Women I<br />

02/09-05/08 CHSE124 Medical Ins Billing/Coding II<br />

02/10-03/31 BUSN101 How Feasible/Business Idea<br />

02/10-05/07 CHSE132 Health Unit Coordinator<br />

02/11-03/04 MASG110 Massage for Non-Majors<br />

02/11-03/04 MASG151C Maternal/Infant Massage<br />

02/11-03/18 MGMT101 Becoming a Professional<br />

02/11-05/06 MUSC200 Music Fund for Elemen Teachers<br />

02/11-05/08 SDEV126 Self-Defeating Behavior<br />

02/12-02/19 EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

02/12-03/05 MASG138 Fundamentals/Clinical Massage<br />

02/12-03/05 MASG251A Polarity Therapy<br />

02/12-03/19 MGMT101 Becoming a Professional<br />

02/12-05/08 SDEV126 Self-Defeating Behavior<br />

02/13-03/06 MASG151D Special Populations<br />

02/14 CABS100 Beginning MS Word<br />

02/14 CABS100 Design Your Own Web Pages<br />

02/14-02/21 SDEV237 Black Women's Awareness<br />

02/14-04/10 WRIT119 Writing Skills Review<br />

02/17-04/17 CHSE110 Nurse Aide: Acute & Long-Term<br />

02/20-02/22 ARWS137 Intro to Adobe Photoshop<br />

02/21 CHCE235 ACLS Renewal<br />

02/21-02/28 CHDV197 Autism:Explr/Undrstnd Spectrum<br />

02/21-02/28 SDEV103 Preventing Parent Burnout<br />

02/22 CHCE235 ACLS Renewal<br />

02/24-05/05 PFHW163 Healthy Lifestyles<br />

02/25-04/29 CHSE108 Long-Term Care Nurse Aide<br />

02/27 GERO191 Dementia: Concepts/Causes<br />

02/28-03/01 CABS100 Intro to Dreamweaver/Flash<br />

02/28 CABS100 Beginning MS Excel<br />

02/28 EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

02/28-03/01 SDEV245 Stress Prevention<br />

March<br />

03/01 EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

03/03-05/19 LAND141 Flowering Trees, Shrubs, Vines<br />

03/05-05/21 LAND141 Flowering Trees, Shrubs, Vines<br />

03/14-05/08 ACCG161 Accounting with Quickbooks<br />

03/14-05/08 ADMN105 Employability Skills<br />

03/14-05/08 ADMN109 Keyboarding Improvement<br />

03/14-05/08 ARTS190 Matting and Framing Techniques<br />

03/14-05/08 ARWS120 Basic Drawing<br />

03/14-05/08 ARWS141 Watercolor Workshop<br />

03/14-05/08 BUSN118 Introduction to Business<br />

03/14-05/08 BUSN160 Starting a Business<br />

03/14-05/08 BUSN254 Introduction to Investments<br />

03/14-05/08 CHDV112 Fam Relation/Early Child Prog<br />

03/14-03/21 CHDV181 Adult Comm/Early Child Prog<br />

03/14-05/08 CHDV186 Child Self-Esteem/Positive Dis<br />

03/14-05/08 CHDV222 School-Age ChildCare Prog Dev<br />

03/14-05/09 CHSE130 Medical Ins Bill/Code Extern<br />

03/14-05/08 CHSE144 Phlebotomy Externship<br />

03/14-05/08 CITS161 Soldering and Desoldering<br />

03/14-05/08 EMTA103 Basic EMT III<br />

03/14-05/08 EMTA104 Basic EMT IV<br />

03/14-05/08 EMTA115 First Aid and CPR<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Days<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

Days<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS101 Intro Hospitality/Tourism<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS102 Cake Decorating<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS132 Culinary Artistry<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS134 Nutrition and Healthy Eating<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS203 Hospitality Law<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS206 Rooms Division Management<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS229 Convention/Meeting Management<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS250 Wines of Southern Hemisphere<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS260 Gourmet Basic Cookery<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS261 Gourmet Italian Cookery<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS264 Gourmet Barbecue Cookery<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS266 Gourmet Chinese Cookery<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS268 Gourmet Middle Eastern Cookery<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS273 Gourmet Cajun Cookery<br />

03/14-05/08 HMFS285 Creative Baking for the Home<br />

03/14-05/08 LAND132 Residential Landscaping<br />

03/14-05/08 LEGL150 Legal Issues: Start Small Busn<br />

03/14-05/08 MASG141 Massage Clinic I<br />

03/14-05/08 MASG241 Massage Clinic II<br />

03/14-05/08 MASG242 Massage Clinic III<br />

03/14-05/08 MATH122 Precalculus II<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Build Business Memory Skills<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Succession Planning<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 A Mngrs Guide/Work with People<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 APA Writing Style for Business<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Emotional Intelligence at Work<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Finance/Accg/Non-Financial Mgr<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 How Women Manage<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Keep Satisfied Customers<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Managing Negative People<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Project Management<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Strategic Resumes<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Write a Marketing Plan<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Basic Financial Planning<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Time Management<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 The Administrative Assistant<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Managing/Resolving Conflict<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Delegate Effectively<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 OSHA for Managers<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Psychology of Selling/Winning<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Team Building<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Creative Fund Raising<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Dealing with Difficult People<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Communication Skills for Mngrs<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Manage and Facilitate Change<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Strategic Plan/Entrepreneurs<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Deliver a Winning Presentation<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Organize Your Workspace<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Recruit Volunteers/Non-Profits<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Success Through Assertiveness<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Analyze the Competition<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Bus Interaction Skill/Attitude<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Improve Writing Skills<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Interviewing Skills for Mngrs<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Networking for Success<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Basic Business Etiquette<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Speed Reading for Business<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Successful Marketing Serv Org<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Supervisory Management<br />

03/14-05/08 MGMT290 Understanding Office Politics<br />

03/14-05/08 MKTG131 Merchandising<br />

03/14-05/08 MKTG200 Principles of Marketing<br />

03/14-05/08 MUSC199 Music Appreciation<br />

03/14-05/08 PFAQ112 Scuba<br />

03/14-05/08 PFFT111 Aerobic Boxing<br />

03/14-05/08 PFHW163 Healthy Lifestyles<br />

03/14-05/08 PFSP109 Golf: Beginning<br />

03/14-05/08 PFSP110 Golf: Intermediate<br />

03/14-05/08 POLS120 American Political System<br />

03/14-05/08 PSYC205 Human Growth and Development<br />

03/14-05/08 SDEV118 Stretching Your Dollars<br />

03/14-05/08 SPAN116 Conversational Spanish II<br />

03/14-05/08 SPCH110 Oral Comm in the Workplace<br />

03/14-05/08 SPCH120 Dynamics of Communication<br />

03/14-05/08 TRVL100 Travel Industry Operations<br />

03/14-05/08 TRVL102 France Destination Specialist<br />

03/14-05/08 TRVL130 Destinations II<br />

03/14-05/08 TRVL210 Group Travel/Escorting Ops<br />

03/14-05/08 TRVL265 Fund of Business Travel<br />

03/17-04/14 BUSN101 Your Career: Make it Happen<br />

03/18-04/22 BUSN250 Personal Finance<br />

03/18-04/08 MASG251B Reflexology<br />

03/19-04/23 BUSN160 Starting a Business<br />

03/19-05/08 CHSE101 Acute Care Nurse Assis/PCT<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Days<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

Days<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Code <strong>Course</strong> Title<br />

03/19-04/09 MASG151B Sports Massage<br />

03/20-03/22 CABS100 Basic Dreamweaver<br />

03/21-04/04 BUSN101 The Business of Online Auction<br />

03/21 CABS100 Beginning MS Access<br />

03/21 CHCE235 ACLS Renewal<br />

03/21-04/11 PFHW181 Stress Management<br />

03/21-04/11 SDEV126 Self-Defeating Behavior<br />

03/21-04/18 SDEV130 Job Search Skills<br />

03/21-03/22 SDEV204 Self-Defense and Women I<br />

03/22 CHCE235 ACLS Renewal<br />

03/27 CHCE227 ECG/Pharmacology<br />

03/27 EMSB103 CPR Renewal<br />

03/27 GERO191 Depression/Late Life<br />

03/27-04/04 SDEV121 Exploring Your Potential<br />

03/28 CABS100 Advanced MS Word<br />

03/28-04/04 CHDV123 Curr: Early Child Literacy<br />

03/28 EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

03/30-05/01 THEA131 Studio Theatre Performance I<br />

April<br />

04/01 LAND176 Perennial Gardening Design<br />

04/01-04/29 MGMT101 Lead with Your Strengths<br />

04/02-04/30 MGMT101 Lead with Your Strengths<br />

04/03-04/11 SDEV118 Stretching Your Dollars<br />

04/04-04/05 ARTS195 Employ/Busn Issues for Artists<br />

04/04-04/05 ARWS132 Introduction to QuarkXPress<br />

04/04 CABS100 Advanced MS Excel<br />

04/04-04/05 CHCE230 ACLS Training Seminar<br />

04/04-04/25 SDEV142 Assertiveness I<br />

04/04-04/26 SDEV195 Build Healthy Relationships I<br />

04/06-06/05 HEOT110 Part 10 MIOSHA<br />

04/06-06/05 HEOT120 Backhoe Operator<br />

04/06-06/05 HEOT121 Excavator Operator<br />

04/06-06/05 HEOT122 Wheel Loader Operator<br />

04/06-06/05 HEOT123 Forklift Operator<br />

04/06-06/05 HEOT130 Skidsteer Operator<br />

04/06-06/05 HEOT131 Bulldozer Operator<br />

04/07-05/08 THEA132 Studio Theatre Performance II<br />

04/11-04/18 CHDV185 Preventing Child Sexual Abuse<br />

04/11-05/02 HVAC280 EPA 608 Certification Review<br />

04/11-04/18 SDEV169 Women as Winners<br />

04/15-05/06 CHSE129 Comp II-Med Ins Billing/Coding<br />

04/15 HORT176 Organic Gardening<br />

04/15-05/06 MASG251D Positional Release<br />

04/16-05/07 MASG110 Massage for Non-Majors<br />

04/16-04/19 PFAQ120 Basic Lifeguarding<br />

04/17-04/19 CABS100 Basic Flash<br />

04/17-04/18 BLDT298 Builder’s License Review<br />

04/18 CABS100 Maintaining Your Computer<br />

04/18 EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

04/18 MATH001 Math Minus Anxiety Workshop<br />

04/24-04/26 ARWS137 Intro to Adobe Photoshop<br />

04/25 CHCE235 ACLS Renewal<br />

04/25-05/02 CHDV197 Inclusive Infnt/Toddler Caring<br />

May<br />

05/01 EMSB103 CPR Renewal<br />

05/01-05/03 PFSP104 Bicycling Camping/Touring<br />

05/02 EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof<br />

05/06 HORT176 Spring Floral Design Basics<br />

05/16 CHCE211 PALS Renewal<br />

05/17 CHCE211 PALS Renewal<br />

05/18-06/12 CHSE108 Long-Term Care Nurse Aide<br />

05/29-05/30 EMSB104 CPR Instructor<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Open-Entry <strong>Course</strong>s/Modules<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> has offered a limited number of<br />

courses in an open-entry format to provide options for students<br />

with unique schedules. In support of the Michigan Technical<br />

Education Center (M-TEC SM ) initiative at the West Campus, LCC<br />

expanded its open-entry offerings to include self-directed learning<br />

modules. A module—a component of an approved college<br />

course—is designated using a course number followed by a letter<br />

of the alphabet, e.g., ELTE100A.<br />

All open-entry sections have flexible start and end dates which are<br />

defined by a Learning Contract. Open-entry courses and modules<br />

are delivered in a variety of formats, including self-directed, online,<br />

lecture, lab, or a combination thereof. For students and employers,<br />

open entry means expanded access to training options in aviation,<br />

computer-aided drafting and design, electrical technology,<br />

employability skills, CPR refresher training, manufacturing,<br />

personal enhancement, welding, and more.<br />

Student Learning Contract<br />

A Learning Contract is an agreement negotiated by the student<br />

and the instructor/department which must be completed and<br />

approved prior to enrollment in an open-entry section. This contract<br />

clarifies the expectations for open-entry study and establishes start<br />

and end dates for course/module completion. The Program<br />

Department reserves the right to invalidate a contract if a student<br />

does not enroll in an open-entry course/module within two (2)<br />

business days of signing a Learning Contract.<br />

Prerequisites<br />

Questions about course/module prerequisites should be directed to<br />

the department delivering the open-entry section. Prerequisites are<br />

listed in the syllabus for each course/module at<br />

http://toucana.lansing.cc.mi.us/ocsweb1.nsf.<br />

Costs<br />

Open-entry sections are priced differently depending on the subject<br />

matter, delivery method, and materials and equipment used.<br />

Where billing hours and course fee are listed, the standard $25<br />

registration fee will be applied to each semester students are<br />

enrolled. All other open-entry sections use a Special Section Rate,<br />

which includes all fees and is the same regardless of residency<br />

status.<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Registration<br />

Students may register for open-entry sections at any time during<br />

the semester provided:<br />

• the course is open for enrollment,<br />

• space is available,<br />

• all required prerequisite assessments and/or coursework have<br />

been successfully completed,<br />

• orientation and/or submission of records, if required, have<br />

been successfully completed, and<br />

• a Learning Contract has been completed and approved.<br />

To register for an open-entry section, contact the department<br />

at the telephone number and/or web site in the course listing<br />

below.<br />

Payment<br />

Students are responsible for payment of classes/modules in which<br />

they are enrolled. A student may be administratively dropped if<br />

provision for payment is not made within 24 hours. The student<br />

must provide verification of provision for payment to the<br />

department before beginning study.<br />

Students should not assume they will be automatically dropped<br />

from a class or classes for non-payment, as there are many factors<br />

which will determine whether and when a student is dropped for<br />

non-payment.<br />

Drops/Refunds<br />

Students are responsible for dropping all courses/modules they do<br />

not intend to start or complete. Students have up through the day<br />

before the start date recorded in the Learning Contract to drop an<br />

open-entry course/module and receive a 100% refund. The student<br />

will not receive a grade, and a record of attempting the class will<br />

not appear on the academic record.<br />

Students dropping an open-entry course on or after the Learning<br />

Contract start date will receive a 0% refund, regardless of when<br />

they enrolled in the course.<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Title Online 1 Credit<br />

Bill<br />

Hrs 2<br />

<strong>Course</strong><br />

Fee<br />

Res<br />

+Crs Fee<br />

Non Res<br />

+Crs Fee<br />

OS/Intl<br />

+Crs Fee<br />

Manufacturing Engineering Technology (517) 483-1339<br />

http://www.lcc.edu/manufacturing/<br />

METD150 Industrial Blueprint Reading<br />

METD150A Introduction to Print Reading .25 $0 $84.00 $84.00 $84.00<br />

METD150B Industrial Drawing Types 1.25 $0 $284.00 $284.00 $284.00<br />

METD150C Title Blocks and Notes .75 $0 $183.00 $183.00 $183.00<br />

METD150D Dimensioning .75 $0 $183.00 $183.00 $183.00<br />

METS100 Maintenance Safety Practices<br />

METS100A Intro Safety & Health in the Workplace .40 $0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00<br />

METS100B Chemical, Tool, & Mtrl Handling Safety .40 $0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00<br />

METS100C Working Safely w/Machinery & Electricity .50 $0 $130.00 $130.00 $130.00<br />

METS100D Fire Safety .30 $0 $91.00 $91.00 $91.00<br />

METS100E Creating a Safe Work Environment .40 $0 $104.00 $104.00 $104.00<br />

1 Visit the department web site for technology requirements.<br />

2 Where billing hours are listed, a $25 registration fee will be applied to each semester students are enrolled.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Title Online 1 Credit<br />

Bill<br />

Hrs 2<br />

<strong>Course</strong><br />

Fee<br />

Res<br />

+Crs Fee<br />

Non Res<br />

+Crs Fee<br />

OS/Intl<br />

+Crs Fee<br />

METS110 Mechanical Power Transmissions<br />

METS110A Intro to Power Transmissions .75 $0 $294.00 $294.00 $294.00<br />

METS110B Power Transmission Belt Drives 1.0 $0 $370.00 $370.00 $370.00<br />

METS110C Power Transmission Chain Drives .75 $0 $281.00 $281.00 $281.00<br />

METS110D Power Transmission Couplings .50 $0 $266.00 $266.00 $266.00<br />

METS110E Power Transmission Gear Drives 1.0 $0 $273.00 $273.00 $273.00<br />

METS120 Industrial Pneumatics<br />

METS120A Pneumatic System Components .80 $0 $257.00 $257.00 $257.00<br />

METS120B Interpretation of Symbols and Charts .50 $0 $170.00 $170.00 $170.00<br />

METS120C Pneumatic Fittings & Connectors .20 $0 $84.00 $84.00 $84.00<br />

METS120D Air Powered Systems .80 $0 $257.00 $257.00 $257.00<br />

METS120E Compressors .70 $0 $221.00 $221.00 $221.00<br />

METS130 Industrial Hydraulics<br />

METS130A Introduction to Hydraulics .50 $0 $178.00 $178.00 $178.00<br />

METS130B Hydrl Connections, Fittings, and Seals .50 $0 $203.00 $203.00 $203.00<br />

METS130C Hydrl Reservoirs & Contamination Control .50 $0 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00<br />

METS130D Hydraulic Actuators and Pumps .50 $0 $185.00 $185.00 $185.00<br />

METS130E Hydraulic Control Valves .70 $0 $237.00 $237.00 $237.00<br />

METS130F Hydraulic Accessories .50 $0 $185.00 $185.00 $185.00<br />

METS130G Hydraulic Systems .80 $0 $267.00 $267.00 $267.00<br />

METS140 Rigging<br />

METS140A PPE, Power Line Safety, & Risk Mgmt .40 $0 $271.00 $271.00 $271.00<br />

METS140B Basic Rigging, Cribbing, and Jacking .30 $0 $215.00 $215.00 $215.00<br />

METS140C The Rigging Triangle .40 $0 $273.00 $273.00 $273.00<br />

METS140D Load Control and Multipliers .60 $0 $402.00 $402.00 $402.00<br />

METS140E Blocks, Terminations, Hoists, and Cargo .70 $0 $456.00 $456.00 $456.00<br />

METS140F Personnel Lifting and Types of Cranes .60 $0 $402.00 $402.00 $402.00<br />

WELD100 Combination Welding<br />

WELD100A Welding Safety & Fundamentals .40 $0 $132.00 $132.00 $132.00<br />

WELD100B Gas Welding .80 $0 $302.00 $302.00 $302.00<br />

WELD100C Brazing and Soldering .40 $0 $161.00 $161.00 $161.00<br />

WELD100D Oxyacetylene Cutting (OAC) .30 $0 $130.00 $130.00 $130.00<br />

WELD100E SMAW Fundamentals .30 $0 $118.00 $118.00 $118.00<br />

WELD100F SMAW E6010 .80 $0 $322.00 $322.00 $322.00<br />

WELD100G SMAW E7018 .80 $0 $322.00 $322.00 $322.00<br />

WELD100H Plasma Arc & Air Carbon Arc Cutting .20 $0 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00<br />

WELD101 Advanced Arc Welding<br />

WELD101A Introduction to Advanced Arc Welding .50 $0 $178.00 $178.00 $178.00<br />

WELD101B Open Root Groove Welds 1.00 $0 $356.00 $356.00 $356.00<br />

WELD101C SMAW with Backer Plates and Testing 1.30 $0 $471.00 $471.00 $471.00<br />

WELD101D AWS D1.1 Qualification Review SMAW 1G .30 $0 $133.00 $133.00 $133.00<br />

WELD101E AWS D1.1 Qualification Review SMAW 2G .30 $0 $133.00 $133.00 $133.00<br />

WELD101F AWS D1.1 Qualification Review SMAW 3G .30 $0 $133.00 $133.00 $133.00<br />

WELD101G AWS D1.1 Qualification Review SMAW 4G .30 $0 $133.00 $133.00 $133.00<br />

WELD110 Gas Metal Arc Welding<br />

WELD110A GMAW Basics .25 $0 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00<br />

WELD110B GMAW on Steel .50 $0 $219.00 $219.00 $219.00<br />

WELD110C Pulsed Arc Metal & Axial Spray Transfer .25 $0 $135.00 $135.00 $135.00<br />

WELD110D GMAW on Aluminum .25 $0 $145.00 $145.00 $145.00<br />

WELD110E GMAW on Stainless Steel .25 $0 $134.00 $134.00 $134.00<br />

WELD110F FCAW Fillet Welds .50 $0 $229.00 $229.00 $229.00<br />

WELD110G FCAW Groove Welds with Backer 1.00 $0 $408.00 $408.00 $408.00<br />

WELD110H AWS D1.1 Qualification Review FCAW 1G .25 $0 $124.00 $124.00 $124.00<br />

WELD110I AWS D1.1 Qualification Review FCAW 2G .25 $0 $124.00 $124.00 $124.00<br />

WELD110J AWS D1.1 Qualification Review FCAW 3G .25 $0 $124.00 $124.00 $124.00<br />

WELD110K AWS D1.1 Qualification Review FCAW 4G .25 $0 $124.00 $124.00 $124.00<br />

1 Visit the department web site for technology requirements.<br />

2 Where billing hours are listed, a $25 registration fee will be applied to each semester students are enrolled.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Alternative Delivery<br />

Learning Communities<br />

A Learning <strong>Community</strong> presents an active learning option for students<br />

willing to engage in the adventure of learning about two or more<br />

subjects focused around a common theme. In a learning community,<br />

students sign up for two or more courses. The student has the<br />

opportunity to interact and study with the same group of students in<br />

the courses while enjoying the added benefit of having two instructors<br />

at the same time to guide successful learning. <strong>Course</strong>s listed below<br />

are available for the Spring semester.<br />


Do you believe there’s some magic to “getting” what an author<br />

means? Do you believe only some people can write? The answer is<br />

“no” on both counts. This learning community takes the mystery out<br />

of reading and writing. Small group work and individualized<br />

instruction in a lab setting help set the stage for you to build vital skills<br />

that will help you on your journey to success. Students who meet the<br />

exit competencies for these courses will receive reading and writing<br />

levels required to move on to more advanced reading and writing<br />

courses. Department approval is required to enroll in these sections.<br />

For approval, or more information about these learning communities,<br />

contact the Department of Language Skills at 483-1061.<br />

READ 100, Reading Laboratory<br />

8:10-10:00 am MW (CRN 22818)<br />

&<br />

WRIT 100, Writing Laboratory<br />

10:10-12:00 N MW (CRN 22811)<br />

OR<br />

READ 100, Reading Laboratory<br />

12:10-2:00 pm TTh (CRN 22819)<br />

&<br />

WRIT 100, Writing Laboratory<br />

2:10-4:00 pm TTh (CRN 22812)<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Education<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Education Offerings<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Education offers courses that are designed primarily for personal interest and enrichment. The courses listed below are non-credit.<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Education courses for credit are listed in the main <strong>Course</strong> Offerings. These courses may be found within the following course codes:<br />

ARTS, ARWS, CABS. For further information on any course, please call the Office of Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education at (517) 483-1860.<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor W/E*<br />

Noncredit <strong>Community</strong> Education<br />

NCCE100 Comp/Multimedia/Tech Seminars Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Photo-Styling:Digital Fine Art<br />

21141 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 03/24-04/30 TR 6:10pm-8:00pm GB-112 Cowles L E<br />

Turn your pictures into art! Use your creativity to manipulate basic photos using Adobe Photoshop. Go beyond the boundaries of the original image and into<br />

the realm of fine art. Merge multiple layers of photos to design a digital masterpiece! Cost of this seminar is $179.<br />

Camera to Computer<br />

21142 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 02/11-03/04 W 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Lapo A E<br />

You’ve taken some great pictures with your digital camera. Now what? Learn how to email, print, make slides, and scrapbook online. Bring your camera, the<br />

USB connector, and your enthusiasm for this hands-on class designed for the computer novice. Some experience with Windows and mouse-use<br />

recommended. Cost of this seminar is $74.<br />

NCCE200 Creative Arts Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Contemporary Sculpture<br />

22895 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 01/29-03/05 R 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Spyke L E<br />

If you think something is junk, think again. This course will provide methods and techniques for creating three-dimensional sculptures with non-traditional<br />

materials. Explore art history and reference materials related to contemporary sculpture. Learn the basic elements of three-dimensional design including line,<br />

shape, texture, color, time and space to create your own contemporary gargoyle. No prerequisites. Cost of this seminar is $105.<br />

Nature Photo:Spring Awakenings<br />

22893 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 04/06-05/04 M 7:00pm-9:00pm EAST Pope W<br />

Get back to nature with your camera! This course consists of five Monday night lectures and two Saturday morning field trips to locations within 70 miles of<br />

LCCEAST. Dates of Saturday trips will be 4/11 and 4/18. Times to be arranged. Instruction covers landscape and wildlife photo techniques and a brief<br />

critique of student images. Students are responsible for their own transportation and are encouraged to bring their cameras and owners manuals to each<br />

meeting. Some field trip transportation may be provided by an LCC van or bus. Cost of this seminar $89.<br />

Photo Safari: P.J. Hoffmaster<br />

22894 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 04/24-04/26 FSU Arranged EAST Pope W<br />

This three-day weekend field trip to P. J. Hoffmaster State Park near Muskegon, Michigan will focus on landscapes, migrating song birds, wildflowers and<br />

butterflies. Instruction will include photo lectures, field trips and a brief photo critique of student images. Students are responsible for their own travel, lodging,<br />

and meals. Visit the P. J. Hoffmaster website at www.michigandnr.com/parksandtrails for additional Park information. To learn more about area attractions,<br />

lodging, and dining, visit the Muskegon website at www.muskegonchamber.com. Cost of this seminar is $165.<br />

Concert Choir<br />

21143 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 01/10-05/08 MW 2:10pm-3:30pm GB-161 Bowen M<br />

A large, mixed-voice (male/female) ensemble featuring art music of all stylistic periods. Audition required. For audition information, please contact the<br />

Humanities and Performing Arts Department at (517)483-1018. Cost of this seminar is $79.<br />

Guitar Ensemble<br />

21144 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 01/10-05/08 F 10:10am-12:00pm GB-161 Rollins C<br />

Performs solo and combo works in classical, jazz, and contemporary music styles. Audition required; music reading skills recommended. For audition<br />

information, please contact the Humanities and Performing Arts Department at (517)483-1018. Cost of this seminar is $79.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Education<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor W/E*<br />

NCCE200 Creative Arts Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Jazz Ensemble<br />

21145 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 01/10-05/08 W 7:10pm-10:00pm GB-161 Gewirtz J E<br />

A big band sound that performs a broad spectrum of jazz styles from Swing to Bebop and beyond. Audition required; music reading skills recommended. For<br />

audition information, please contact the Humanities and Performing Arts Department at (517)483-1018. Cost of this seminar is $79.<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> Concert Band<br />

21146 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 01/10-05/08 M 7:00pm-9:50pm OKCE Endahl J E<br />

A community band serving as the official band of the City of <strong>Lansing</strong>. The group performs throughout the year and plays all types of music with an emphasis<br />

on traditional concert band literature. Participants will play in public performances of the band. Prerequisite: Instrumental audition. Participants will be<br />

required to successfully audition for the <strong>Lansing</strong> Concert Band. Cost of this seminar is $0.<br />

Lanswingers Ensemble<br />

21147 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 01/10-05/08 TR 5:10pm-6:30pm GB-161 Bastian W E<br />

A mixed-voice (male/female) vocal jazz ensemble. Some instrumentals may be needed. Audition required; music reading skills recommended. For audition<br />

information, please contact the Humanities and Performing Arts Department at (517)483-1018. Cost of this seminar is $79.<br />

NCCE300 Language/Communication Seminar Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Your Life! Your Stories!<br />

21149 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 04/01-05/06 W 10:00am-11:30am EAST Makimaa H<br />

Create your own bound set of life stories for yourself or to pass on to others. Learn the common myths that stop people from writing about themselves. Using<br />

a guided template overcome writer’s block and capture what has been meaningful to you. For writers and non-writers alike. Cost of this seminar is $74.<br />

NCCE400 Business and Finance Seminars Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Five Best Retirement Decisions<br />

22902 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 03/16-03/31 M 6:30pm-8:45pm EAST Reusser N E<br />

Learn the five decisions that are crucial to achieving your goal of a financially successful retirement. Participants will appreciate this strictly educational<br />

approach to learning about unbiased strategies for saving and investing, tax and insurance issues, and protecting their family's assets. All participants will<br />

receive a course workbook. Additionally, each individual will have the option of completing an individualized retirement plan, with the expert guidance of the<br />

course instructors Nathan Reusser and James Mason. Personal information and worksheets will remain with the student. Individual plans will include general<br />

recommendations without mention of specific lending institutions, brokers, investment advisors, etc. Securities and investment advisory services offered<br />

through Linsco/Private Ledger, Member NASD/SIPC. Cost of this seminar is $69.<br />

NCCE500 Science/Technical/Trade Sem Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Michigan Field Birding<br />

21178 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 01/21 W 7:30pm-9:30pm EAST McGrath J E<br />

02/25 W 7:30pm-9:30pm EAST<br />

03/25 W 7:30pm-9:30pm EAST<br />

04/29 W 7:30pm-9:30pm EAST<br />

Everyone has the potential to become an expert Birder! This course can help! Through a combination of classroom instruction and off-site fieldtrips, students<br />

will gain a broad view of Michigan birds. Learn to identify and classify birds by sight and song and become more knowledgeable of bird habitats, seasonality<br />

and behavior. This class consists of four Wednesday night sessions and four Saturday field trips. Dates of Saturday trips will be 1/24, 2/28, 3/28, and 5/2.<br />

Times to be arranged. Most field trips will be within an hour’s drive of LCCEAST. One will be an all day outing to Muskegon. Students are responsible for<br />

their own transportation. Some field trip transportation may be provided by an LCC van or bus. Cost of this seminar is $119.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about class offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Education<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor W/E*<br />

NCCE700 Health and Wellness Seminars Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Yoga for Golfers<br />

21182 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 03/18-04/01 W 6:10pm-8:00pm EAST Lapo A E<br />

There is more to golf than owning the best equipment! Discover and explore yoga techniques to use on and off the course to enhance your game, both<br />

mentally and physically. Build flexibility and strength as you improve your balance and mental focus. Cost of this seminar is $59.<br />

Fit for Golf!<br />

22888 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 01/26-03/02 M 6:30pm-8:30pm EAST Carrol M E<br />

Get in shape to play sports! Most people play sports to get in shape. Learn the proper strengthening and stretching techniques to decrease injuries and help<br />

maximize your performance. This class will give you the tools to improve your ability to play golf and achieve your full potential. Practice strategies to<br />

increase distance and accuracy and decrease your score. Each student will receive a personal swing analysis using the K-Vest which visually and<br />

graphically captures the motion of your ideal swing and all necessary fitness supplies. Cost of this seminar is $149.<br />

NCCE800 Personal Interest Seminars Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

Concealed Weapon License<br />

21186 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 03/28 S 08:00am-6:00pm CRIA Staff W<br />

This program complies with requirements of: PA 372 of 1927 Sec 5J2(b) as amended by PA 381 of 2000 and PA 1217 of 2002, Sec. 5J. It covers firearm<br />

safety, defensive shooting, firearms and the law, use of deadly force strategies for home safety, and responding to a violent confrontation. The class will be<br />

held at the Capital Regional International Airport Range at 4100 Capital City Blvd in <strong>Lansing</strong>. Cost of this seminar is $130.<br />

Concealed Weapon Renewal<br />

21188 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 03/28 S 08:00am-11:00am CRIA Staff W<br />

This program is taught in conjunction with the Concealed Weapon/Concealed pistol License Certification class. Students will fill the requirements to renew<br />

their existing license. The class will be held at the Capital Regional International Airport Range at 4100 Capital City Blvd in <strong>Lansing</strong>. Cost of this seminar is<br />

$42.<br />

Concealed Weapon License<br />

21187 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 04/25 S 08:00am-6:00pm CRIA Staff W<br />

This program complies with requirements of: PA 372 of 1927 Sec 5J2(b) as amended by PA 381 of 2000 and PA 1217 of 2002, Sec. 5J. It covers firearm<br />

safety, defensive shooting, firearms and the law, use of deadly force strategies for home safety, and responding to a violent confrontation. The class will be<br />

held at the Capital Regional International Airport Range at 4100 Capital City Blvd in <strong>Lansing</strong>. Cost of this seminar is $130.<br />

Concealed Weapon Renewal<br />

21190 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 04/25 S 08:00am-11:00am CRIA Staff W<br />

This program is taught in conjunction with the Concealed Weapon/Concealed pistol License Certification class. Students will fill the requirements to renew<br />

their existing license. The class will be held at the Capital Regional International Airport Range at 4100 Capital City Blvd in <strong>Lansing</strong>. Cost of this seminar is<br />

$42.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about class offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Continuing Education Offerings<br />

Continuing Education offers courses that are designed primarily for<br />

those of you who want to update your knowledge in a professional<br />

field. Many of the courses allow you to meet continuing education<br />

contact hour requirements for your profession, especially if you are<br />

a health or human services professional. Our classes are led by<br />

experienced professionals and give you hands-on practical<br />

applications. One day or one-weekend options as well as longer<br />

timeframes are available.<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Pricing<br />

Continuing education courses are one price, which includes all<br />

fees and is the same regardless of residency status.<br />

Registration<br />

Registration is available for a variety of continuing education<br />

courses listed for Spring 2009 through self-service web registration<br />

at www.lcc.edu. Our registration staff is also here to help with your<br />

enrollment or to answer any questions you may have. Just contact<br />

the department at the telephone number in the course listing below<br />

anytime between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.<br />

We make "go" decisions five (5) to seven (7) working days (or<br />

more) before classes begin, so register as early as possible. You<br />

may be that "just one more" needed for a section to run. Working<br />

days are defined as Monday through Friday, excluding college<br />

observed holidays.<br />

Payment<br />

Payment is due based on the date that you register. Refer to the<br />

Spring 2009 Registration Calendar/Important Dates found in<br />

Registration Information. Various payment options are available<br />

and can be found in the Payments section.<br />

Refunds<br />

Continuing Education<br />

We will notify you by phone or mail when a course is canceled by<br />

LCC. A full refund will be sent to you. No further action on your<br />

part is required to receive a refund for classes canceled by LCC.<br />

When You Drop a <strong>Course</strong><br />

The 100% refund period for courses offered is seven (7) working<br />

days (or more) before the first day of class. When you drop a<br />

course for any reason within this time frame, you will receive a<br />

100% refund.<br />

If you must drop a class two (2) to six (6) working days before the<br />

class begins, you will receive a 70% refund. If you must drop a<br />

class one (1) working day before the first day of class or later,<br />

there is no refund. In some cases, you may send a substitute to the<br />

class in your place. Contact us for more information.<br />

Period relative to the first day of<br />

class<br />

7 working days (or more) before 100%<br />

2 to 6 working days before 70%<br />

1 working day before, or later 0%<br />

Amount of Refund<br />

Working days: Monday – Friday, excluding <strong>College</strong> observed<br />

holidays<br />

Remember to drop at least seven working days before the class<br />

begins to receive a full refund.<br />

CRN# Type Cr/Bill Hrs Start/End Dates Days Times Location Instructor W/E*<br />

CHCE106<br />

Continuing Health Careers<br />

For additional information or to register call, (517)483-9680<br />

Cardiac Dysrhythmia Interpreta<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

20857 Lecture 2.50/ 0.00 01/14-04/08 W 6:10pm-9:30pm HHS-005 Kuhn S E<br />

20857: Cost of this course is $282.<br />

CHCE210 PALS Training Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: (Current Basic Life Support or CPR Card) and Department Approval<br />

20763 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 01/31-02/01 SU 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20763: Cost of this seminar is $266.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Continuing Education<br />

CHCE211 PALS Renewal Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: (Current Basic Life Support or CPR Card) and Current PALS Provider Card and Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of these seminars is $173.<br />

20776 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 05/16 S 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20778 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 05/17 U 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

CHCE227 Health Related Seminars Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

ECG/Pharmacology<br />

20781 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 03/27 F 9:00am-6:00pm HHS-005 Demartino D<br />

20781: Prerequisite: CPR HCP certification and Health Careers Applicant or Professional and Department Approval. Cost of this seminar is $60.<br />

CHCE230 ACLS Training Seminar Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Current Basic Life Support or CPR Card and Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of these seminars is $266.<br />

20756 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 01/10-01/11 SU 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-213 Demartino D W<br />

20772 Lecture 1.00/ 0.00 04/04-04/05 SU 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

CHCE235 ACLS Renewal Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Current Basic Life Support or CPR Card and Current ACLS Provider Card and Department Approval<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of these seminars is $173.<br />

20765 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 02/21 S 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20766 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 02/22 U 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20768 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 03/21 S 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20770 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 03/22 U 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20773 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 04/25 S 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

Emergency Medical Services Sem<br />

EMSB102 CPR for Health Care Prof Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of these seminars is $82.<br />

20831 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 01/17 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20832 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 01/24 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20852 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 01/29-02/05 R 6:00pm-9:00pm HHS-213 Demartino D E<br />

20835 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 02/07 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-213 Demartino D W<br />

20856 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 02/12-02/19 R 6:00pm-9:00pm HHS-213 Demartino D E<br />

20837 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 02/28 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20839 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 03/01 U 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20842 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 03/28 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20845 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 04/18 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20848 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 05/02 S 8:00am-2:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about class offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


S P R I N G S E M E S T E R 2009<br />

Continuing Education<br />

EMSB103 CPR Renewal Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Current Basic Life Support or CPR Card<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Cost of these seminars is $66.<br />

20823 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 02/06 F 6:00pm-10:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

20825 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 03/27 F 6:00pm-10:00pm HHS-213 Demartino D W<br />

20827 Lecture 0.25/ 0.00 05/01 F 6:00pm-10:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

EMSB104 CPR Instructor Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: Current Basic Life Support or CPR Card and American Heart Association Core Instructor <strong>Course</strong> Completion Certificate<br />

20779 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 05/29 F 6:00pm-9:00pm HHS-006 Demartino D W<br />

05/30 S 9:00am-3:00pm HHS-006<br />

20779: Cost of this seminar is $118.<br />

Gerontology<br />

GERO191<br />

Special Topics in Gerontology<br />

Prerequisite: Determined by Section<br />

Dementia: Concepts/Causes<br />

20859 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 02/27 F 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-007 Hennessey C<br />

20859: Prerequisite: None. <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $90.<br />

Depression/Late Life<br />

20862 Lecture 0.50/ 0.00 03/27 F 8:00am-5:00pm HHS-007 Hennessey C<br />

20862: Prerequisite: None. <strong>Course</strong> fee for this CRN is $90.<br />


For additional information or to register call, (517)483-9853<br />

NCSB100 Small Business Related Seminar Pass/Fail (P/Z)<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Note: Call (517)483-9853 to register. Inquire about a price discount when sending two or more people from the same organization.<br />

Financials with QuickBooks: Intro Level<br />

092SB1001157 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 05/7 R 8:30am-5:00pm TLC-116 Staff<br />

This one-day seminar increases a participant's working knowledge of the accounting process and the maintenance of accounting records. You will learn<br />

about balance sheets, income statements, cash flows and financial ratios. This seminar offers practical applications in financial management for businesses.<br />

Lunch and Books are included. Cost of this seminar is $125.<br />

Financials with QuickBooks: Adv Level<br />

092SB1001158 Lecture 0.00/ 0.00 05/21 R 8:30am-5:00pm TLC-116 Staff<br />

This one-day seminar offers advanced training in QuickBooks financial accounting software. Topics to be covered include customizing forms, account types,<br />

creating/modifying reports, creating graphs, tracking/paying sales tax, doing payroll in QuickBooks, estimating, time tracking/job costing, and sharing<br />

database information with Microsoft Outlook or ACT! It is highly recommended that the participant take the introductory Financials with QuickBooks seminar<br />

prior to this intermediate level seminar. Lunch and Books are included. Cost of this seminar is $125.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about class offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



Registration Information<br />


Registration Calendar and Other Important Dates<br />

Spring semester Web registration begins at 12:01 a.m. Assigned registration times—see<br />

18 below. For the most current registration information and instructions on how to register for<br />

courses, visit www.lcc.edu/registration.<br />


8-12 Spring semester telephone registration available<br />

13 Selective drop for nonpayment<br />

14 Last day of Fall Semester 2008<br />

24-31 <strong>College</strong> closed<br />


1-4 <strong>College</strong> closed<br />

10<br />

Spring Semester 2009 begins<br />

Financial aid credit balance checks – mailing begins<br />

16 End 100% refund tuition and fees FULL SEMESTER ONLY<br />

19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday – college closed – no classes<br />

23 End 50% refund tuition and facility fee only FULL SEMESTER ONLY<br />


6 Last day to change residency<br />

MARCH<br />

7-13 Spring Break – no classes<br />

APRIL<br />

13 Summer Semester 2009 registration begins<br />

MAY<br />

1 Commencement, Jack Breslin Student Events Center, 7 p.m.<br />

8<br />

Deadline to submit associate degree/certificate applications for Spring Semester 2009<br />

Last day of Spring Semester 2009<br />


Number of<br />


earned as of<br />

summer 2008:<br />

Register any<br />

time after:<br />

60 or more 12:01 a.m.<br />

30 or more Noon<br />

12 or more 12:01 a.m.<br />

Open to all<br />

Noon<br />

Date<br />

Tuesday,<br />

November 18<br />

Wednesday,<br />

November 19<br />

Enrollment Services<br />

Hours of Operation<br />

December 15 - 19 Monday - Thursday<br />

Friday<br />

December 22-23<br />

9 a.m. - 6 p.m.<br />

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.<br />

Monday - Tuesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.<br />

January 5 - 9 Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.<br />

Friday<br />

8 a.m. - 4 p.m.<br />

January 12 - 16 Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.<br />

Friday<br />

8 a.m. - 4 p.m.<br />

January 20 - 23<br />

Tuesday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.<br />

Friday<br />

8 a.m. - 4 p.m.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


SPRING SEMESTER 2009 Registration Information<br />

Adjusting Your Schedule<br />

Students should make adjustments to their schedules, via the Web, drops allowed through 50% refund, and add classes until the Teaching Period for the class begins. For important deadline<br />

details see the chart below. Register early for best class selection! For additional information, call LCC at (517) 483-1957 or toll-free at 1-800-644-4522. Refer to variable-date options list for<br />

classes beginning throughout the semester.<br />

Selective Drop for Nonpayment<br />

Students are responsible for dropping all courses they are not planning to attend, and are responsible for payment of classes in which they are enrolled. Students should not assume<br />

they will be dropped from a class or classes for nonpayment, as there are many factors which will determine whether and when a student is dropped for nonpayment. It is the student’s<br />

responsibility to verify his or her enrollment status. To verify enrollment status, students can view their schedule on the LCC Web site at www.lcc.edu.<br />

DEADLINES for Drops, Adds, Refunds, and Audits - Spring Semester 2009<br />

Teaching<br />

Period<br />

Standard Teaching Periods<br />

Start Date End Date<br />

100% Refund<br />

TUITION and<br />

FEES<br />

50% Refund<br />

TUITION and<br />



Drop With<br />

No Grade<br />

Record Cutoff<br />

(to Add Online)<br />

Variation Cutoff<br />

(to Drop<br />

Online)<br />

Change<br />

to Audit/Credit<br />

Drop<br />

With W Grade<br />

NO Instructor<br />

Signature Required<br />

Last Date to Drop <strong>Course</strong><br />

With W Grade with<br />

Instructor<br />

Signature if Passing <strong>Course</strong><br />

Full Semester 01/10/09 05/08/09 01/16/09 01/23/09 01ss/23/09 01/09/09 01/23/09 01/23/09 3/6/09 4/24/09<br />

First 8 week 01/10/09 03/06/09 01/16/09 01/23/09 01/23/09 01/09/09 01/23/09 01/23/09 2/4/09 2/27/09<br />

Last 8 week 03/14/09 05/08/09 03/20/09 03/27/09 03/27/09 03/13/09 03/27/09 03/27/09 4/10/09 5/1/09<br />

First 12 week 01/10/09 04/10/09 01/16/09 01/23/09 01/23/09 01/09/09 01/23/09 01/23/09 2/20/09 4/1/09<br />

Last 14 week 01/24/09 05/08/09 01/30/09 02/06/09 02/06/09 01/23/09 02/06/09 02/06/09 3/20/09 4/28/09<br />

Last 15 week 01/17/09 05/08/09 01/23/09 01/30/09 01/30/09 01/16/09 01/30/09 01/30/09 3/18/09 4/27/09<br />

Variable Start <strong>Course</strong>s<br />

Continuing<br />

Education<br />

(Credit and Non<br />

Credit <strong>Course</strong>s)<br />

Open Entry <strong>Course</strong>s<br />

or Modules<br />

Non Credit<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Ed<br />

(NCCE <strong>Course</strong>s)<br />

Less than 8 weeks<br />

8 weeks or more<br />

Section<br />

Specific<br />

Based on<br />

learning<br />

contract<br />

Section<br />

Specific<br />

Section<br />

Specific<br />

Section<br />

Specific<br />

Section<br />

Specific<br />

Based on<br />

learning<br />

contract<br />

Section<br />

Specific<br />

Section<br />

Specific<br />

Section<br />

Specific<br />

100% refund<br />

7 workdays<br />

(M-F) prior to<br />

start<br />

of class<br />

Day prior to<br />

learning<br />

contract start<br />

date<br />

70% refund<br />

2-6 workdays<br />

(M-F) prior to<br />

start<br />

of class<br />

NONE<br />

Day prior to<br />

start of class<br />

Day prior to<br />

learning<br />

contract start<br />

date<br />

Day prior to<br />

start of class<br />

Please refer to the rows below for these course offerings<br />

Day prior to<br />

start of class<br />

7 days<br />

into class<br />

NONE<br />

14 days<br />

into class<br />

Day prior to<br />

start of class<br />

14 days into<br />

class<br />

Day prior to<br />

start of class<br />

Variable Not Applicable<br />

Day Prior to<br />

start of class<br />

Day Prior to<br />

start of class<br />

Day prior to<br />

start of class<br />

14 days<br />

into class<br />

Midpoint<br />

of class<br />

Day prior to<br />

learning<br />

contract start<br />

date<br />

Midpoint<br />

of class<br />

14 days<br />

into class<br />

Apply less than 8 weeks or 8 weeks or more<br />

Variable-start date rules as appropriate<br />

Per Learning Contract<br />

End of class, no<br />

instructor signature<br />

required<br />

Midpoint of class<br />

Not Applicable<br />

Day prior to last week of<br />

class<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



Late-Registration / Late-Add Policy<br />

Registration Information<br />

Research has shown that students who plan for and enroll in their courses with the assistance of a counselor or advisor well before courses begin are<br />

much more likely to be successful. Students attempting to late register or late add into a course must follow these procedures:<br />

1. If the START DATE of the section has not occurred, you may Web register at www.lcc.edu. START DATES for<br />

Standard Teaching Periods are defined below:<br />

Standard Teaching Period START DATE<br />

Full semester January 10, 2009<br />

First 8 weeks January 10, 2009<br />

Last 8 weeks March 4, 2009<br />

First 12 weeks January 10, 2009<br />

Last 14 weeks January 24, 2009<br />

Last 15 weeks January 17, 2009<br />

Note: Sections that do not fit into the Standard Teaching Period above are Variable Start and the START DATE is section<br />

specific (usually the first day the course meets).<br />

2. If the START DATE has occurred, the steps below should be followed:<br />

If the course section has NOT met:<br />

1. Verify that a seat is available in the section by:<br />

• visiting a Student Service Area, or<br />

• calling (517) 483-1200 (select "Registrar" from the menu), or<br />

• calling the appropriate department.<br />

2. Determine that all of the required course prerequisites have been met.<br />

• Prerequisite overrides and section seat additions are managed<br />

within each division/department.<br />

3. Go to a Student Service Area to register.<br />

Student Service Areas are:<br />

1. Downtown Campus: Gannon Building, 400 N. Washington Square,<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong>, 2 nd floor lobby: (517) 483-1200.<br />

2. West Campus, 5708 Cornerstone Drive, <strong>Lansing</strong>, 1 st floor Student<br />

Services: (517) 267-5510<br />

3. Clinton County Center, 1013 South U.S. 27, Suite C (South Pointe<br />

Mall), St. Johns: (989) 224-2017<br />

4. Livingston County Center at Parker Campus, 402 Wright Road,<br />

Howell: (517) 545-3522<br />

5. LCC East, 2827 Eyde Parkway, East <strong>Lansing</strong>: (517) 483-9307<br />

If the course section HAS met:<br />

1. Verify that a seat is available in the section by:<br />

• visiting a Student Service Area, or<br />

• calling (517) 483-1200 (select "Registrar" from the menu), or<br />

• calling the appropriate department<br />

2. Determine that all of the required course prerequisites have been met.<br />

• Prerequisite overrides and section seat additions are managed<br />

within each division/department.<br />

3. Obtain the Registration Form<br />

• In person – Visit a Student Service Area<br />

a. Acquire the instructor’s or designee’s signature and<br />

department stamp from the academic office.<br />

b. Return the completed form to a student service area to finalize<br />

enrollment.<br />

---OR---<br />

• Via e-mail (may take two business days for processing)<br />

a. E-mail the department and request written permission to enroll.<br />

b. If granted, student must forward the department’s e-mail, along<br />

with student’s enrollment information listed below, to<br />

onlineappr@lcc.edu for processing. Failure to provide all<br />

information below will delay registration.<br />

Enrollment information needed:<br />

• Student Name<br />

• Student Number<br />

• Semester<br />

• <strong>Course</strong> reference number (CRN)<br />

• Unit Code<br />

• Is this the first time enrolled in the course THIS semester?<br />

For division and department contact information go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/spring_09/department_contact_list.htm<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



Registration Information<br />

Telephone Registration<br />

Call (517) 483-1205<br />

December 8-12, 2008<br />

• Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.<br />

• Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.<br />

Before You Call . . .<br />

Step 1<br />

Step 2<br />

Step 3<br />

Step 4<br />

Step 5<br />

If you have never applied for admission to LCC you must<br />

submit an application for admission.<br />

Read the Registration Information Section in this<br />

schedule book.<br />

Academic Advising/Skills Assessment/Department<br />

Approval may be required for some of your course<br />

selections before you register.<br />

Have your student number available when you call.<br />

Complete the registration worksheet in the Registration<br />

Information section. Refer to it when you call. (Have<br />

alternate courses and sections ready in case your first<br />

selections are filled.)<br />

When You Call . . .<br />

Step 1<br />

Step 2<br />

Step 3<br />

Step 4<br />

When calling in your registration, you will be placed in a<br />

holding queue and your call will be forwarded to the first<br />

available operator. If you receive a busy signal, hang up<br />

and re-dial the number after waiting a few minutes.<br />

Give the operator your student number. Be ready to<br />

verify other personal information such as address, date<br />

of birth, social security number.<br />

You will be asked for the course reference numbers<br />

(CRN) of the classes in which you are registering.<br />

Operators will verify your schedule before you end the<br />

call.<br />

See detailed information on payment due dates in the<br />

Registration Information section. Payments must be<br />

received in the Student Finance, Gannon Building room<br />

214, by the payment due date indicated for each<br />

semester, regardless of whether a bill has been received.<br />

A 24-hour payment drop box is also available on the<br />

southwest side of Dart Auditorium, 500 N. Capitol<br />

Avenue.<br />

*Tuition and fees are subject to change by action<br />

of the LCC Board of Trustees.<br />

Please see the current rates at:<br />

www.lcc.edu/schedule/generalinformation/tuition_fee.htm<br />

Tuition and Fees*<br />

Call (517) 483-1272 for information<br />

Calculating Tuition and Fees<br />

To calculate your tuition and fees, you must consider the following items<br />

which apply to your student schedule:<br />

Tuition—per billing hour<br />

The cost for attending a course is determined by the course’s billing<br />

hours, instead of credit hours. A billing hour represents an amount of<br />

time that a student spends in direct contact with an instructor or with<br />

laboratory equipment. See Web for detailed information.<br />

<strong>College</strong> District Resident Students...........$73.00 *<br />

Resident students have lived for six months or more within one of<br />

the 15 school districts listed below and pay property taxes to<br />

support LCC's budget. School districts include:<br />

Bath Haslett Okemos<br />

Dansville Holt/Dimondale Stockbridge<br />

Dewitt <strong>Lansing</strong> Waverly<br />

East <strong>Lansing</strong> Leslie Webberville<br />

Grand Ledge Mason Williamston<br />

Out-of-District Students .........................$134.00 *<br />

If you reside in Michigan, but not in one of the above<br />

15 school districts, you are an out-of-district student.<br />

Out-of-State Students ............................$201.00 *<br />

If you live outside of Michigan, you are an out-of-state student.<br />

International Students............................$201.00 *<br />

If you have been admitted to the United States on a temporary,<br />

non-resident status, you are classified as an international student.<br />

Senior Citizens *<br />

If you’re age 62 or older on the first day of the semester and a<br />

resident of Michigan six months prior to the beginning of the<br />

semester in which you register, you now qualify for a 50 percent<br />

tuition rates on classes at LCC. This rate applies to LCC classes<br />

taken for audit or credit. Classes with zero billable hours are not<br />

covered by the tuition rate reduction. Senior citizens will continue<br />

to pay registration, course and facility fees. For details, e-mail the<br />

LCC Welcome Center at welcome@lcc.edu or call (517) 483-1957.<br />

Students are responsible for knowing their residency status<br />

and understanding tuition rates at which payment is made to<br />

the college. Students who believe there is a discrepancy in<br />

their residency status and wish to petition for a change should<br />

contact Enrollment Services, Gannon Building, room 203 or<br />

call (517) 483-1200. For more information on residency, please<br />

see the General Information section of the schedule book.<br />

Fees<br />

Registration Fee ......................................$25.00 *<br />

The registration fee is applied to each semester you are enrolled<br />

and pays for some of the cost of registration.<br />

Facility Fee..................................................... $5.00 *<br />

Students are charged a $5 per billable hour facility fee on all credit<br />

classes.<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Fee* <strong>Course</strong> fees vary and apply to courses<br />

requiring special supplies, equipment or travel. See class<br />

offerings to find out if a course fee applies to your selection.<br />

Online Learning <strong>Course</strong> Fee.....................$10.00 *<br />

This online fee will be applied to all online courses.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



Payments (General Information)<br />

Outstanding debts and materials at LCC must be returned or paid<br />

prior to registering for classes in order to avoid delays caused by<br />

"holds."<br />

Checks or money orders must be payable to <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong><br />

<strong>College</strong> for the exact amount of tuition and fees.<br />

Write the following information on the front of your check:<br />

1. Student number<br />

2. The semester or semesters to be paid for<br />

3. Amount of any non-credit payment included<br />

4. Driver’s license number<br />

The charge for the college processing a dishonored check, which<br />

includes checks you stop payment on, or credit card is $25.00. Fee<br />

subject to change.<br />

The college will not accept two-party checks.<br />

Students are encouraged to use Online Tuition Credit Card<br />

Payment, payment drop boxes, mail in payments, and to pay in<br />

advance of payment deadlines to avoid standing in long lines at<br />

Student Finance on final payment dates.<br />

Payment can be made at our Student Finance (Cashier) office, by<br />

mail or at www.lcc.edu. Payment plans are only available at our<br />

Web Site. Please refer to the Payment Due Dates section for<br />

payment deadlines. You will receive a tuition bill mailed to your<br />

current active address and LCC student e-mail address. Students<br />

are responsible for maintaining current mail and e-mail addresses.<br />

Failure to maintain current address will result in the student not<br />

receiving billings. You can also view and print your tuition bill by<br />

going to www.lcc.edu. If payment is not received by the due date,<br />

you may be dropped from your courses. Students should not<br />

assume they will be dropped from a class or classes for<br />

nonpayment as there are many factors which will determine<br />

whether and when a student is dropped for nonpayment.<br />

Additionally, students are not automatically dropped for non<br />

attendance.<br />

It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a<br />

course.<br />

If you are dropped from your courses, you may reregister with no<br />

guarantee of obtaining the same course schedule.<br />

Payment Due Dates<br />

Web and Telephone Registration: Payment due dates are based<br />

on the day you register. Student bills will be sent in the mail and by<br />

e-mail on a bi-monthly basis. Payments are due within 10 days of<br />

the date that the student bill is generated. For student bill<br />

generation dates, visit lcc.edu.<br />

Student Finance Hours<br />

Gannon Building Room 214<br />

Monday -Thursday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.<br />

Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.<br />

Methods of Payment<br />

Registration Information<br />

• Nelnet (FACTS) Payment Plan<br />

To help you meet your educational expenses, <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

<strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> is proud to offer Nelnet (FACTS) as a<br />

convenient budget plan. This is not a loan program. You have<br />

no debt, there are no interest or finance charges assessed, and<br />

there is not a credit check. The cost to budget your interestfree<br />

monthly payment plan is a $25 per semester<br />

nonrefundable Nelnet (FACTS) Enrollment Fee. You may<br />

budget your tuition and fees by either Automatic Bank Payment<br />

or monthly credit card deduction using:<br />

Master Card, Discover or American Express.<br />

Number of<br />

Payments<br />

Months of<br />

Payments<br />

Required<br />

Down<br />

Last day to<br />

Submit online<br />

4 December– March 0% December 13<br />

3 January – March 25% December 18<br />

2 February–March 50% January 8<br />

• Online Web Credit Card Payment: Students must clear all<br />

registration holds before accessing this payment option.<br />

LCC accepts MasterCard or Visa<br />

For the most current registration and payment information and<br />

instructions on how to register and pay for courses, visit<br />

www.lcc.edu/registration<br />

• By Mail: All payments, company authorizations, sponsorships<br />

must be received in Student Finance by the scheduled payment<br />

due date. Allow 3-5 days for mailing. Make check or money<br />

order payable to LCC and mail to:<br />

Tuition Payments<br />

7210 - Student Finance<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong><br />

PO Box 40010<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong>, MI 48901-7210<br />

• In Person: To avoid standing in long lines, pay in advance of<br />

your payment due date. Cash, check, money order,<br />

MasterCard or VISA are accepted at Student Finance located<br />

on the second floor of the Gannon Building, Grand Avenue.<br />

• By Drop Box (Inside): Located in the Student Finance area in<br />

the Gannon Building (available during building open hours - see<br />

Student Finance Hours.) Payment envelopes are available at<br />

the drop box site. Complete all information requested and drop<br />

in the drop box with your payment. Complete a payment<br />

envelope for each student that payment is being made for.<br />

Payments will generally be posted to your student account the<br />

following business day after the drop box deposit. Please do<br />

not call to see if your payment has been posted. This<br />

causes delays in processing payments for all students.<br />

Receipts will be furnished upon individual request. DO NOT<br />

PUT CASH into the DROP BOX. <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong><br />

cannot be responsible for cash payments put in the drop box.<br />

• By Telephone (517) 483-1005 or by Fax (517) 483-9858<br />

using MasterCard or VISA: Call or fax and provide your credit<br />

card information prior to your payment deadline.<br />

Methods of Payment continued….<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



Registration Information<br />

Methods of Payment (continued)<br />

• By Sponsor (employer, state agency, etc.) Please plan<br />

ahead:<br />

Third party sponsorship is not Financial Aid, nor a<br />

Scholarship. Vouchers submitted for payment are subject to<br />

sponsor contract. If a sponsor is authorizing a partial<br />

payment, the student will be responsible for the balance due<br />

by the posted payment due date. The student is responsible<br />

for dropping classes he/she does not intend to take.<br />

Authorizations from a sponsor can take 6-8 weeks for<br />

processing.<br />

1. Enrollment prior to the “selective drop for nonpayment”<br />

date. (See Registration Calendar/Important<br />

Dates)<br />

‣ Authorization must be received by the Student<br />

Finance Office prior to the “selective drop for<br />

non-payment” date.<br />

2. Enrollment after the “selective drop for nonpayment”<br />

date. (See Registration Calendar/Important<br />

Dates)<br />

‣ Authorization must be received by the final date<br />

of 50% drops and adds (See the Deadlines for<br />

Drops, Adds, Refunds, and Audits)<br />

3. The following information must appear in the sponsor's<br />

authorization: student name, student number or Social<br />

Security number and clear billing instructions.<br />

4. Sponsor authorizations may be faxed to (517) 483-<br />

9858.<br />

For further information, sponsors and students can call<br />

Student Finance at (517) 483-1278.<br />

• By Financial Aid (grants, scholarships, loans). Please plan<br />

ahead. Financial aid may be available to those who qualify. For<br />

more information, visit www.lcc.edu/fa<br />

Refund Process<br />

Call (517) 483-1272<br />

• Refunds will begin to be issued 4-5 weeks after classes<br />

begin.<br />

If you are a financial aid recipient, you may or may not be<br />

eligible for all or a portion of any refunds (See General<br />

Information, Financial Aid Checks).<br />

If you pay by a personal check, refunds will be held for 21<br />

days from the date the payment is posted to your account to<br />

allow for check processing. Holds and/or an incomplete<br />

address will always stop all refunds from being processed.<br />

• Financial Aid Recipients and Third Party Sponsor<br />

Payments Refund Rules<br />

If courses are paid through financial aid or by a sponsor, or<br />

the college employee exemption, students must contact<br />

Enrollment Services to officially drop their courses. Failure to<br />

officially withdraw could cause the course to remain on the<br />

student's academic record making them financially<br />

responsible for payment.<br />

• Refund criteria are outlined on the DEADLINES for<br />

Drops, Adds, Refunds, and Audits chart.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



LCC Student Number<br />

X<br />

Class Schedule Worksheet<br />

Please complete this worksheet before you register.<br />

Web Site: www.lcc.edu<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Selections<br />

Registration Information<br />

<strong>Course</strong><br />

Reference<br />

Number--CRN<br />

(12345)<br />

<strong>Course</strong><br />

Number<br />

(SAMP 123)<br />

Credits<br />

Billable<br />

hours<br />

Time<br />

Days<br />

Building<br />

/<br />

Room<br />

Facility Fee<br />

($5 multiply<br />

by billable<br />

hours)<br />

Tuition<br />

(multiply<br />

by billable<br />

hours)<br />

Registration,<br />

online, and<br />

course fees<br />

Helpful Advising Tips:<br />

• Make sure you have the correct curriculum code listed when you register.<br />

• Check to make sure you have the necessary placement levels and prerequisites.<br />

• Apply for placement level or course prerequisite waivers before you register. (See www.lcc.edu/advising/waivers.htm for more details.)<br />

• Have back-up courses in mind when you register in case your first choice is not available.<br />

• Discuss your career and educational plans with advisors, counselors and program advisors throughout your college career.<br />

• Meet with a career counselor if you are undecided about your career goals.<br />

Take advantage of these advising options:<br />


400 N. Washington Square, Gannon Building<br />

• In Person: Counseling and Advising Center, Gannon Building, Room 204<br />

• By Phone: (517) 483-1904 or toll-free 1 (800) 644-4522<br />

• E-mail: eadvising@lcc.edu<br />

• Advising Seminars: www.lcc.edu/advising/seminars<br />

• New Students: Orientation provides advising as part of the program. Call (517) 483-1904 or visit www.lcc.edu/orientation to register for<br />

an orientation session.<br />

Need Help Getting Started?<br />

In addition to the Downtown Campus, assistance with admissions, placement testing, advising and registration is available at the following<br />

locations: (please call ahead for availability at off-campus sites)<br />

• Clinton County Center, 1013 South U.S. 27, Suite C (South Pointe Mall), St. Johns: (989) 224-2017<br />

• LCC East, 2827 Eyde Parkway, East <strong>Lansing</strong>: (517) 483-9307<br />

• Livingston County Center at Parker Campus, 402 Wright Road, Howell: (517) 545-3522<br />

• West Campus, 5708 Cornerstone Drive, <strong>Lansing</strong>: (517) 267-5510<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



Admission Information<br />

Call (517) 483-1200, option 1<br />

Prospective students must complete an admission application before<br />

registering for classes. Those who have never applied for admission<br />

to LCC must submit an application for admission. Visit the admissions<br />

website at www.lcc.edu/admissions/ for more information on the<br />

types of admission available to you or to download specific<br />

applications.<br />

Two ways to complete an admission application:<br />

1. Online - The recommended way to submit an admission<br />

application.<br />

Visit www.lcc.edu and click on the APPLY NOW link.<br />

Follow the steps to complete an application and create a<br />

Technology User Identification (TUID).<br />

International students visit<br />

www.lcc.edu/admissions/interstu/ to print the<br />

international application form.<br />

2. In this book:<br />

An admission application may be found at the end of this<br />

publication.<br />

Fill out the application, then FAX the printed copy, mail it,<br />

or personally bring it to Enrollment Services/Admissions<br />

Office.<br />

Fax: (517) 483-1170<br />


1121 – Enrollment Services, Room 203 Gannon Building<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong><br />

PO Box 40010<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong>, MI 48901-7210<br />

See the current college catalog (<strong>Course</strong> Descriptions and General<br />

Information publication) or visit www.lcc.edu/catalog/<br />

for additional details regarding:<br />

• High school admission programs.<br />

• International applicants.<br />

• Non-public home-school admission program.<br />

• Residency.<br />

• Selective admission programs.<br />

• Transcript and transfer credit.<br />

All applicants will receive a letter regarding their admission to LCC<br />

(not to a specific program). Applicants who do not receive a letter<br />

within two weeks should call the Admission office or e-mail us at<br />

admissions@lcc.edu. Individuals who need to have an application<br />

mailed to a specific location may also call.<br />

Campus Tours<br />

Call (517) 483-1957<br />

Counseling and Advising Center<br />

General Information<br />

Call (517) 483-1904 (voice/TTY) (517) 483-1207<br />

Advisors and counselors assist students with course selection,<br />

assessment results, academic programs, transfer to four-year<br />

colleges and universities, general college information, or any other<br />

academic concerns. Academic advising is available at Counseling<br />

and Advising Center, Room 204 Gannon Building, and in academic<br />

department offices. Counseling and Advising provides services on an<br />

appointment basis as well as limited drop-ins. Licensed counselors<br />

are available to help students with career planning or personal issues.<br />

To make an appointment with a counselor or advisor, please call<br />

(517) 483-1904.<br />

Counseling and Advising Center hours may change during<br />

registration and semester breaks. Call for up-to-date information.<br />

Room 204, Gannon Building<br />

Extended hours during registration<br />

Regular hours:<br />

• Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.<br />

• Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.<br />

Online Advising<br />

Students can have general advising questions answered by an<br />

academic advisor within 24 hours by sending questions to<br />

eadvising@lcc.edu.<br />

Orientation<br />

Call (517) 483-1904 or visit: www.lcc.edu/orientation<br />

New students are expected to attend orientation prior to the start of<br />

classes. Orientation is designed to provide key information and help<br />

you feel comfortable as you begin your academic experience at LCC.<br />

During your session you will:<br />

• Learn tips for being a successful LCC student.<br />

• Get academic advising.<br />

• Learn about financial aid options and other ways to pay for<br />

classes.<br />

• Register for classes.<br />

• Tour the campus.<br />

Orientation is free, and pre-registration is required. Adult guests<br />

are welcome to attend with students. For an updated schedule of<br />

orientation dates and session sign-up information, visit<br />

www.lcc.edu/orientation or call (517) 483-1904 and press 1.<br />

Students should complete their application for admission to LCC<br />

and their basic skills assessment testing (reading, writing, and<br />

math) prior to attending orientation.<br />

Tours of the downtown campus are available without appointment on<br />

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 a.m., 12 p.m. and 3 p.m.<br />

from The Welcome Center, Room 221, Gannon Building. Tours are<br />

also included with LCC orientation programs.<br />

Tours of West Campus are available by appointment only on<br />

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.<br />

Please call (517) 267-5452 to schedule.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about class offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



Skills Assessment<br />

For information, call (517) 267-5500<br />

Student success is our highest priority!<br />

Before students can register for any course with a reading, writing<br />

or math skill level as a prerequisite, they must:<br />

1. Refer to the <strong>Course</strong> Offerings Section to see which courses<br />

require reading, writing and/or math skill levels.<br />

2. Establish skill level by test, waiver, or proficiency.<br />

3. Talk with an advisor to plan a class schedule.<br />

Studies have shown that many students fail critical courses due to<br />

a lack of reading, writing and/or math skills. By setting skills<br />

prerequisites for key courses, the college expects that all students<br />

who enroll in these courses can read, write and compute at a level<br />

adequate for success. If, after testing, students find that their skill<br />

levels need improvement, LCC advisors and counselors will<br />

suggest a variety of learning opportunities that will build skills.<br />

How to Establish Skill Levels<br />

Students must have a picture ID and an LCC student number<br />

to test. A student number is assigned after applying to LCC.<br />

• Complete Placement Testing. It takes approximately<br />

two hours to complete all three placement tests. Students<br />

may need more time if advanced math placement tests<br />

are taken. These tests are not timed. Students are<br />

advised to take a short break between tests.<br />

Reading and Writing Placement levels do not expire.<br />

Math placement levels of 3 and 4 do not expire.<br />

Math levels of 5 and above are valid for two years. After two years,<br />

if students wish to take a math course, they are required to retake<br />

the math placement test to update their level.<br />

Students wishing to take other LCC courses requiring a math level<br />

or prerequisite may also be required to retake the math placement<br />

test to update their level.<br />

Testing is available until one hour before posted closing time.<br />

Testing hours vary between semesters. Call to verify hours of<br />

operation or visit www.lcc.edu/assessment/. In addition to the<br />

downtown campus, placement testing is available at the following<br />

off-campus locations:<br />

• Clinton County Center, St. Johns: (989) 224-2017<br />

• LCC East: (517) 483-9307<br />

• Livingston County Center at<br />

Parker Campus: (517) 545-3522<br />

• West Campus: (517) 267-5510<br />

Waiver Eligibility Verification<br />

Placement tests can be waived under certain circumstances.<br />

Students seeking to determine if they have other test scores,<br />

completed courses, or degrees that may qualify for a waiver<br />

should check the Waiver FAQ’s, located on the Waiver Team<br />

website: http://www.lcc.edu/advising/waivers.htm. Or visit Room<br />

204 in the Gannon Building. Waiver requests require one to<br />

three business days to process.<br />

Registration Information<br />

Call (517) 483-1200, option 1<br />

General Information<br />

New, Current, and Returning Students<br />

All registration for new, current or returning students should be<br />

done via the World Wide Web. To Web register,<br />

go to www.lcc.edu/registration and follow the instructions.<br />

Before registering, see the Counseling and Advising Section for<br />

important information.<br />

Students needing assistance in registering for a TUID (User ID)<br />

or accessing their account on the Web should contact the LCC<br />

Help Desk at (517) 483-5221 or at lcc1@lcc.edu.<br />

Proof of Residency<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> verifies the residence of each<br />

student each semester by mailings sent to the current address<br />

the student has on file with the college. Residency status may be<br />

adjusted for those students whose mail is returned to the college<br />

from their current address on file. Students are responsible for<br />

knowing and understanding their residency status and must<br />

provide proof of residency if petitioning for a change of residency.<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> reserves the right to make the final<br />

decision on residency eligibility.<br />

Residency is based on where a student has resided for the six<br />

months immediately prior to the first day of the semester of<br />

enrollment. One or more of the following documents may be<br />

required as proof of residency:<br />

A. Current Michigan driver’s license or State identification<br />

card issued not less than six months prior to the first<br />

day of the semester in which residency is being sought<br />

B. Paid current year property tax receipt indicating LCC<br />

assessment. The receipt must include the name of the<br />

student (or parent if the student is a dependent as<br />

defined by IRS code) as the property owner.<br />

C. Current rental or lease agreement indicating six months<br />

residency immediately prior to the first day of the<br />

semester in which residency is sought. The lease or<br />

rental agreement must include: the date the lease or<br />

rental agreement was executed, the beginning and<br />

ending dates of the current lease or rental agreement,<br />

the landlord or property manager’s name, address and<br />

phone number; and the student’s (or parent of<br />

dependent student) name and signature.<br />

D. Utility bills with the student’s (or parent of dependent<br />

student) name and address for each of the six months<br />

prior to the first day of the semester<br />

If a change of residency status is approved by the published<br />

deadline date each semester and the student is eligible for a<br />

refund, the difference between the previous residency status and<br />

the new residency status shall be refunded. No Petition for<br />

Change of Residency Forms will be considered after the<br />

published deadline date.<br />

It is a violation of college policy to present false documentation.<br />

Registrar staff may verify the validity of the documents presented<br />

as proof of residency. <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> reserves the<br />

right to make the final decision on residency eligibility.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about class offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



<strong>Course</strong>s Needing Pre-approval<br />

Students enrolling in classes requiring course approval must<br />

obtain permission from the instructor and/or department prior to<br />

registration. <strong>Course</strong>s requiring approval are noted in the course<br />

listings.<br />

Prerequisites<br />

<strong>Course</strong> prerequisites could include any one or more of the<br />

following: completion of other courses with a minimum grade;<br />

reading, writing, and/or math levels; other placement tests and/or<br />

requirements; curriculum restrictions; co-requisite courses (which<br />

must be taken with the course); and/or department approvals. Be<br />

sure to check the requirements for the course before registration.<br />

Students can find out if they meet required skill levels by taking<br />

placement tests. Students who do not meet the indicated<br />

course prerequisites will be unable to complete the<br />

registration process. Students who have met the requirements<br />

for the course through other methods such as transfer courses<br />

and/or experience should contact the department offering the<br />

course or submit a waiver request form. For a copy of this form or<br />

more information about waiver guidelines, visit<br />

www.lcc.edu/advising/waivers.htm. Waiver requests require one<br />

to three business days to process. See the <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Index</strong> for<br />

department office locations and phone numbers.<br />

Registration Holds<br />

Registration holds will prevent students from registering. Holds<br />

may be placed on student enrollment for reasons such as<br />

outstanding financial obligations or overdue library items.<br />

Students should satisfy their holds prior to registration in order to<br />

save time during the busy enrollment periods.<br />

Student Identification Cards (StarCard)<br />

New students enrolling at LCC should have their identification<br />

pictures taken for their StarCard at the time of registration. The<br />

StarCard serves as a student photo ID card, parking card, LCC<br />

Library card, and computer lab access card.<br />

How do students get a StarCard?<br />

Students must be currently registered for classes before<br />

receiving a StarCard. Please bring a picture ID (driver’s<br />

license, passport) for identification verification, a copy of<br />

your class schedule, along with your student number and<br />

Technology User Identification (TUID) to assist in speedy<br />

issuing of your StarCard.<br />

The fee to replace a lost, stolen, or damaged StarCard is<br />

$15. StarCards used for paid parking, which have insufficient<br />

funds, will be confiscated. There is a re-issue fee for<br />

confiscated StarCards.<br />

Parking (StarCard)<br />

Parking and ID Services provides assistance with parking<br />

options.<br />

Simply stop by Parking and ID Services in the Gannon Building,<br />

Room 215.<br />

For more information, call (517) 483-1798 Monday through<br />

Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.<br />

General Information<br />

Auditing Classes<br />

A class taken as an audit results in no grade or credit for the<br />

student and is usually taken for purposes of self improvement or<br />

general interest. Students wishing to audit must meet all<br />

prerequisites required for the course and indicate their intention<br />

to audit at the time they register for the course. Audited courses<br />

cannot be applied toward a degree or certificate and cannot be<br />

used to meet prerequisites.<br />

The college allows students to change from credit to audit or from<br />

audit to credit by the end of the second week of classes (and<br />

other equivalent dates as specified for variable length courses).<br />

Students electing to change from audit to credit are responsible<br />

for having course work up-to-date at the time the change is<br />

made. Changes from credit to audit through the end of the<br />

second week for 16-week courses (and other equivalent dates as<br />

specified for variable length courses) do not require instructor<br />

approval. Students should be aware that exercising this<br />

option may have an impact on their financial assistance or<br />

on student employment at the college. Any student balance<br />

due created by a change in credit or audit status must be<br />

paid by the student. Changes in audit or credit status must be<br />

requested by the student through Enrollment Services/Office of<br />

the Registrar.<br />

Registrar/Student Records<br />

To get information on transcripts, registration, graduation or<br />

residency call Enrollment Services, (517) 483-1200, option 1,<br />

stop by room 203, Gannon Building, or on line at:<br />

lcc.edu/enrollment.<br />

State and Federal Laws<br />

Protect the Privacy of Your Records<br />

Providing a Social Security number to the college is voluntary.<br />

An individual’s Social Security Number will be used for keeping<br />

records, doing research, and reporting purposes. If students<br />

choose not to use their Social Security number, they will not be<br />

denied admission to the college. However, they may be denied<br />

certain services such as access to some financial assistance<br />

and tax reporting. The number may be used for the following:<br />

• Identify and maintain student records at LCC<br />

• Determine or verify eligibility for services, certify<br />

attendance, and report student status<br />

• Maintain LCC databases and/or other financial aid<br />

programs<br />

• Tax reporting purposes<br />

Students will be assigned an ID number which they will need to<br />

access LCC records about themselves or to obtain services.<br />

Please read the statement in the General Information section in<br />

the LCC <strong>Course</strong> Schedule Book under student identification<br />

cards, which describes how student ID cards are to be used.<br />

LCC complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy<br />

Act of 1974 which regulates the release of Social Security<br />

numbers and other personally identifiable information from<br />

educational records.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about class offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



Financial Aid<br />

Call (517) 483-1200, option 2<br />

Financial Assistance<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> assists students in meeting college<br />

costs that cannot be met by the financial resources of the student<br />

or the student's family.<br />

• Online Information<br />

The LCC Financial Aid office maintains a Web site<br />

complete with hours of operation, application instructions,<br />

downloadable forms, and in-depth information on various<br />

types of aid, e-mail advisors, at www.lcc.edu/fa<br />

• When to Apply<br />

Students must apply each year by completing and<br />

submitting a “Free Application for Federal Student Aid<br />

(FAFSA)” to the federal government. Students are<br />

encouraged to submit their FAFSA as soon as income<br />

taxes are filed. If you are not required to file taxes you may<br />

submit your FAFSA as early as January 1.<br />

Late applications are accepted but may not result in a<br />

financial aid award prior to registration for the student’s first<br />

semester. If financial aid has not been awarded prior to the<br />

student’s payment due date, the student must pay any<br />

outstanding balance. If financial aid is awarded to a student<br />

after the semester begins, the student will be reimbursed<br />

for tuition and fees up to the amount of the award. Students<br />

not awarded financial aid as a result of FAFSA processing<br />

will remain responsible for payment of all outstanding<br />

balances. Students may apply online at<br />

http://www.fafsa.ed.gov and are able to use computers in<br />

the LCC Star Lab located in Room 203, Gannon Building.<br />

For more information, call (517) 483-1200 or stop by<br />

Enrollment Services in Room 203 Gannon Building.<br />

• Processing Time<br />

Processing times vary based on the type of financial aid for<br />

which you qualify. Please refer to processing time table at:<br />

www.lcc.edu/fa<br />

• Enrollment Status<br />

The number of credits you enrolled in may affect the types<br />

and amounts of aid for which you are eligible. For detailed<br />

information, refer to eligibility policies at: www.lcc.edu/fa<br />

• Eligibility Information<br />

To receive student financial aid, a student must be in an<br />

eligible program leading to a degree or certificate. Audited<br />

courses CANNOT be used in determining financial aid or<br />

veterans benefit eligibility.<br />

• Standards of Academic Progress<br />

To receive financial assistance, students must maintain<br />

satisfactory academic progress as defined below:<br />

1. Cumulative GPA of a 2.0 or better in all courses<br />

attempted at <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>.<br />

2. Cumulative completion ratio of 70% or better of all<br />

courses attempted at <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>.<br />

3. Completion of the declared program of study within<br />

150% of the credit hours required for the educational<br />

program.<br />

General Information<br />

• Variable-Date <strong>Course</strong>s<br />

Financial aid will pay for courses that are less than a full<br />

semester in length. However, a student MUST receive a<br />

grade and credit for the course. Any student who enrolled in<br />

a variable date course, who receives aid for the course, but<br />

does not receive a grade/credit will be required to REPAY<br />

any financial aid attributed to that course. Please note:<br />

financial aid will NOT PAY for non-credit courses and<br />

seminars.<br />

Financial Aid Checks<br />



CURRENT.<br />

If the total amount of the student’s financial aid award for the<br />

semester exceeds the student’s tuition and fees owed to LCC, a<br />

refund for any remaining credit balance will be mailed. Credit<br />

balance checks are mailed at the beginning of the first week of<br />

the semester, and on a weekly basis as student financial aid<br />

applications become completed, awarded, and/or accepted.<br />

Please note that receipt of a credit balance check does not<br />

guarantee that the student’s account is at a zero balance. Credit<br />

Balance checks are based on the number of credits in which the<br />

student is enrolled at the time disbursement is made to the<br />

student’s account. If the student drops or adds credits, the<br />

student’s aid may be subject to adjustment. If the student drops<br />

credits, the student may also owe the college money, and will be<br />

billed accordingly.<br />

Notice: Congress passed new provisions governing federal<br />

financial assistance if a student completely withdraws from all<br />

classes before 60% of the semester has passed. These<br />

provisions state that a student is not entitled to 100% of awarded<br />

federal grants until the student has completed 60% of the<br />

semester, which is approximately 9.5 weeks. In addition, these<br />

provisions state that if a student fails to receive a passing grade<br />

in at least one course, LCC must assume that the student<br />

unofficially withdrew at the midpoint of the semester and will be<br />

responsible for paying a portion of the aid they received. If a<br />

student completely withdraws before the 60% point in the<br />

semester or if the student does not receive a passing grade in at<br />

least one course, the student must REPAY THE GRANT<br />


amount must be repaid in full or the student will lose further<br />

eligibility to register for classes and receive federal student<br />

financial aid at <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>.<br />

Veteran Services<br />

Call (517) 483-1200, option 3<br />

The <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> Veteran Service staff is<br />

available to assist veterans and their dependents with application<br />

and receipt of any educational benefit entitlement allowed<br />

through the Department of Veteran Affairs. For more information<br />

and application assistance visit the Veteran Services Web Site at<br />

www.lcc.edu/veteran.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about class offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



LCC Notification of Student Rights Under<br />

FERPA<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> shall not distribute student lists to<br />

non-college agencies except as required by law. In compliance with the Family<br />

Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> provides<br />

the following information:<br />

1. Students and/or a parent of a student, if the student is a<br />

dependent, have the right to access, inspect, and review all<br />

educational records directly related to the student. Upon<br />

presentation of pictured identification and a written request<br />

from the student to the Enrollment Services/Registrar's Office<br />

in Room 203 of the Gannon Building, access to all<br />

educational records shall be provided within a reasonable<br />

period of time (not to exceed 45 days from the date the<br />

request is submitted).<br />

2. Educational records include all information maintained by the<br />

<strong>College</strong> which is directly related to the student with the<br />

exception of:<br />

a. Financial records of the student's parents.<br />

b. Confidential letters of recommendation prior to January<br />

1, 1975.<br />

c. Confidential letters and recommendations associated<br />

with admissions, application for employment, or receipt<br />

of an honor or honorary recognition to which students<br />

have waived rights of inspection and review.<br />

d. Educational records containing information about more<br />

than one student. However, the <strong>College</strong> must permit<br />

access to that part of the record which pertains only to<br />

the inquiring student.<br />

e. Reports made by physicians, psychiatrists, or<br />

psychologists in connection with their treatment.<br />

f. Records of instructional, supervisory, administrative,<br />

and certain educational personnel which are in the sole<br />

possession of the originator.<br />

g. Records of the law enforcement unit of the <strong>College</strong> if<br />

compiled for law enforcement purposes.<br />

h. Records which relate exclusively to individuals in their<br />

capacity as <strong>College</strong> employees.<br />

3. Directory information may be released at the discretion of<br />

<strong>College</strong> officials for any student who has not submitted a<br />

completed Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory<br />

Information form to the Enrollment Services/Registrar's Office.<br />

The disclosure prevention form remains in effect until the<br />

student provides a written release to the Office of the<br />

Registrar. Directory information includes but is not limited to:<br />

a. Name of student<br />

b. Dates of attendance<br />

c. Enrollment status<br />

d. Awards, degrees, or certificates received<br />

e. Participation in officially recognized activities<br />

f. Sport, weight, and height of members of athletic teams<br />

g. Previous educational agency or institution attended<br />

h. E-mail address<br />

Copies of the Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory<br />

Information form and the Family Educational Rights and<br />

Privacy Act are available upon request in the Enrollment<br />

Services/Registrar's Office and the Office of the Dean of<br />

Student and Academic Support/Strategic Enrollment<br />

Management. <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> prohibits the<br />

release of personally identifiable information other than<br />

directory information from educational records without the<br />

General Information<br />

student's written consent. Exceptions to this statement<br />

are listed below:<br />

a. Academic and administrative officials, staff, and persons<br />

who have entered into a partnership or contract with <strong>Lansing</strong><br />

<strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> and whom the college has determined to<br />

have legitimate educational interest. Officials are defined as<br />

faculty, administration, support and professional employees,<br />

sworn officers of the police and public safety department as<br />

part of an investigation and other persons who manage<br />

student record information. An official has a legitimate<br />

educational interest if the official needs to review an<br />

educational record in order to fulfill his or her professional<br />

responsibility.<br />

b. Other educational institutions in which the student is<br />

enrolled or intends to enroll.<br />

c. Individuals and organizations who provide financial aid or<br />

scholarships to the student.<br />

d. Authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of<br />

the United States, the Secretary of the Department of<br />

Health and Human Services, the Department of Veterans<br />

Administration, the Department of Education, and<br />

administrative heads of state and federal educational<br />

agencies authorized by law.<br />

e. Accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting<br />

functions.<br />

f. Appropriate authorities in compliance with judicial orders<br />

and pursuant to lawfully issued subpoenas. The student<br />

shall be notified of any such orders or subpoenas unless<br />

the subpoena or order prohibits notification by the<br />

<strong>College</strong>. The <strong>College</strong> shall comply with the subpoena ten<br />

(10) days after an attempt to notify the student of the<br />

request.<br />

g. Appropriate parties in an emergency if knowledge of the<br />

information is necessary to protect the health or safety of<br />

the student or other individuals.<br />

h. Parents who have established the student's status as a<br />

dependent according to Internal Revenue Code of 1954,<br />

Section 152.<br />

i. An alleged victim of any crime of violence of the results of<br />

any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the <strong>College</strong><br />

against the alleged perpetrator of the crime.<br />

j. Military recruiters for the purpose of federal military<br />

recruiting as stated in Public Law 104-206, Section<br />

509(2).<br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> will maintain a record of each<br />

disclosure of identifiable information from the external individuals<br />

or agencies listed above. The record will be maintained in the<br />

Enrollment Services/Registrar's Office and will include the date,<br />

the name and address of the requesting party, the information<br />

requested, and the reason for requesting the information. The<br />

<strong>College</strong> reserves the right to correct any error made on an<br />

academic record or evaluation and will notify the student in writing<br />

of any record or evaluation correction. Staff of the college are<br />

subject to the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and<br />

Privacy Act of 1974, as amended.<br />

Students have the right to request correction or amendment of<br />

information on educational records that are inaccurate,<br />

misleading or which violate privacy rights. Due process<br />

procedures for requesting correction or amendment to<br />

educational records are stated in the <strong>College</strong> Catalog under<br />

Student Appeals. Students who feel their rights under the Family<br />

Educational Rights and Privacy Act have been abridged may file<br />

complaints with the Family Policy and Regulations Office, U.S.<br />

Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about class offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



General Information<br />

Web Registration Instructions Spring 2009<br />

Banner Student System<br />

1. Begin at www.lcc.edu and click on starport<br />

“login”<br />

2. Click the “Spring 2009 registration” tab and<br />

then click “Register Here!”<br />

3. Enter your TUID (all uppercase) and your<br />

banner pin. The first time logging in, your<br />

banner pin will be your date of birth in<br />

MMDDYY format. You will then set a<br />

permanent 6 digit pin and create a security<br />

question and corresponding answer.<br />

A note on navigation: do not use your browser’s<br />

“back” button from this point forward; instead use<br />

links on the page such as “Return to previous<br />

menu” or others to navigate through the system.<br />

4. Click “student”<br />

5. Click “registration”<br />

a. Click “1) verify address” and either<br />

“update” your address or, if your<br />

address is correct, return “Return to<br />

Registration Steps” to continue.<br />

b. Click “2) select term” and submit Spring<br />

2009<br />

c. Click “3) add or drop classes”; then<br />

i. either enter the CRN number<br />

for the section you wish to<br />

register for and click “submit<br />

changes” to register for that<br />

class.<br />

ii. or click the “class search”<br />

button to look for the CRN.<br />

Register for the desired CRN<br />

by checking the select box on<br />

the left, then scroll down and<br />

click “register” button.<br />

6. Repeat step 5 c until satisfied with your<br />

schedule.<br />

7. To view or print your class schedule from here<br />

a. click the “student” tab at the top<br />

b. click “registration”<br />

c. click “4) student detail schedule”<br />

d. view or print, as desired and click<br />

“Return to Registration Steps”<br />

8. Click “5) registration fee assessment” to view<br />

your fees<br />

9. Click “exit” to end your session and secure your<br />

account; do not use the x button on your<br />

browser’s window.<br />

Note: If you wish to audit a course (e.g. not get a<br />

grade or credit for the course), complete the<br />

following steps after you are registered:<br />

• Repeat step 7 a, b, and c above to view<br />

your schedule. Under “Grade Mode” click<br />

the blue text “numeric standard”. For the<br />

desired course(s), change grade mode to<br />

“audit” and click “submit changes”. Your<br />

new schedule will be displayed with the<br />

grade mode changes.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about class offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


Student Resources<br />

and Services Directory<br />

Various student resource, program and service areas at <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong><br />

<strong>College</strong> are listed below. For long distance calls dial (800) 644-4522. Use<br />

area code (517) unless otherwise noted. In addition to calling for assistance,<br />

details are available online at www.lcc.edu. To view more information, go to<br />

the keyword search on the LCC home page and enter the name of the area<br />

you’re interested in or to view the entire directory enter “Service Director”<br />

in the keyword search.<br />

Location<br />

Phone<br />

Admissions.......................................................... GB 203........................... 483-1200<br />

Assessment Center............................................. GB 200............................267-5500<br />

Athletics Department.......................................... GB 460........................... 483-1624<br />

Bookstores........................................................... VARIOUS........................483-1957<br />

Business & <strong>Community</strong> Institute....................... WCB M105..................... 483-1857<br />

Business, Media and<br />

Information Technologies Division.................. GB 135........................... 483-5334<br />

Center for Employment Services....................... GB 218............................483-1172<br />

Childcare.............................................................. GB 204............................ 483-1199<br />

Clinton County Center......................................... St. Johns.............. (989) 224-2017<br />

Computer Lab (Downtown Campus)................. TLC 100...........................483-1038<br />

Computer Lab (West Campus)........................... WCB M123/124............. 483-1638<br />

Continuing Education Registration<br />

Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education............ LCC East........................ 483-9751<br />

Health and Human Services............................ HHS 103......................... 483-9680<br />

Business & <strong>Community</strong> Institute.................... WCB M105..................... 483-9853<br />

Counseling and Advising.................................... GB 204............................483-1904<br />

Disability Support Services................................ GB 204............................483-1904<br />

(Voice/TTY)................................................................................................ 483-1207<br />

Disadvantaged/Tuition Incentive ....................... GB 204............................483-1904<br />

Early Learning Children’s <strong>Community</strong>............... CALL.............................. 483-1521<br />

Evening <strong>College</strong> Offices...................................... WCB M103..................... 483-1324<br />

GB 135........................... 483-5334<br />

A&S 110.......................... 483-1010<br />

Extension and <strong>Community</strong> Education............... LCC East........................ 483-1860<br />

Financial Aid Office............................................. GB 203........................... 483-1200<br />

Honors Program.................................................. A&S 211..........................483-1040<br />

Human, Health and Public Service<br />

Careers Division............................................... HHS 103..........................483-1410<br />

International Programs Office............................ GB 212........................... 483-1006<br />

Language Skills Learning Center....................... A&S 253.........................483-1060<br />

LCC Cable TV........................................................ CALL...............................483-1710<br />

LCC East............................................................... East <strong>Lansing</strong>.................. 483-9307<br />

Liberal Studies Academic Resource Center...... A&S 455........................ 483-1555<br />

Liberal Studies Division...................................... A&S 110.......................... 483-1010<br />

Library Information Services.............................. TLC 201.......................... 483-1657<br />

Limited English Proficiency................................ GB 204............................ 483-1196<br />

Livingston County Center at Parker................... Howell.................. (517) 545-3522<br />

Mathematical Skills Department........................ A&S 309.........................483-1073<br />

Media Services.................................................... TLC 123.......................... 483-1670<br />

Minority Outreach and Recruitment.................. GB 262........................... 483-9803<br />

Native American Leadership Program.............. GB 204............................483-1904<br />

Non-Credit Registration...................................... WCB M105..................... 483-9853<br />

Online Learning................................................... TLC 101.......................... 483-1880<br />

Orientation........................................................... GB 204............................483-1904<br />

StarCard and Parking Services........................... GB 215........................... 483-1798<br />

Registrar’s Office................................................. GB 203........................... 483-1200<br />

Returning Adult Program.................................... GB 204............................ 483-1199<br />

Student Academic Support/Strategic<br />

Enrollment Management Division.................. SPS 230..........................483-1162<br />

Student Finance................................................... GB 214........................... 483-1272<br />

Student Life.......................................................... GB 230........................... 483-1285<br />

Student Services West........................................ WCB M106......................267-5510<br />

Teacher Preparation Office................................. A&S 111..........................483-1015<br />

Technical Careers Division.................................. WCB M103......................483-1319<br />

Telelearning......................................................... TLC 123...........................483-1674<br />

TRIO...................................................................... GB 204............................483-1161<br />

Tutorial Services.................................................. A&S 103......................... 483-1206<br />

University Center at LCC.................................... UC.................................. 483-9700<br />

Veterans Services................................................ GB 203........................... 483-1200<br />

Voluntary Student Insurance Program.............. SPS 230..........................483-1162<br />

Welcome Center (Downtown Campus)............. GB 221............................483-1957<br />

Welcome Center (West Campus)....................... WCB M107......................267-5452<br />

WLNZ 89.7 FM..................................................... TLC 001...........................483-1710<br />

Women’s Resource Center.................................. GB 204............................ 483-1199<br />

Writing Center..................................................... A&S 251.........................483-1907<br />

LCC Police<br />

and Public<br />

Safety<br />

We’re available 24<br />

hours a day, seven<br />

days a week.<br />

From any campus phone:<br />

n Non-emergency dial 1800<br />

n Emergency dial 911<br />

From off-campus phones:<br />

n (517) 483-1800<br />

Officers can also be called to<br />

escort you to your car or from<br />

building to building.<br />

This document is for informational purposes only<br />

and is not to be construed as a binding offer or<br />

contract between the college and the student. This<br />

document is subject to change without prior notice.<br />

The listing of the instructors’ names in the semester<br />

class schedule is for informational purposes only<br />

and does not constitute a contract of employment<br />

or offer to employ any named instructor. Instructional<br />

assignments are subject to change in accordance<br />

with college policies as needs of the college may<br />

require. The college reserves the right to cancel<br />

classes which do not have sufficient enrollment.<br />

Students enrolled in classes which are cancelled will<br />

have the opportunity to add another class. Classes<br />

may be held in a different room at an off-campus location<br />

if there is insufficient space on campus. This<br />

document is intended to be used with the Catalog,<br />

which provides complete information on courses as<br />

well as college regulations and more details on the<br />

academic calendar and procedures.<br />

Board of Trustees:<br />

Robin M. Smith, Chairperson<br />

Deborah Canja, Vice Chairperson<br />

Edward Woods III, Secretary<br />

Thomas Rasmusson, Treasurer<br />

Jerry L. Hollister, Trustee<br />

Chris A. Laverty, Trustee<br />

Robert E. Proctor, Trustee<br />

Brent Knight, Ed.D.,<br />

President, <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong><br />

<strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> is accredited by the<br />

Higher Learning Commission - a Commission of the<br />

North Central Association of <strong>College</strong>s and Schools.<br />

The commission can be contacted through the Web<br />

at www.ncahlc.org or by phone at (312) 263-0456.<br />

The Commission’s address is located at 30 North<br />

LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, Illinois 60602-<br />

0456. <strong>Lansing</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> (Downtown<br />

Campus) is located in downtown <strong>Lansing</strong>. Student<br />

service areas are located at 422 North Washington<br />

Square in <strong>Lansing</strong> and can be reached through the<br />

Web at www.lcc.edu and by phone at (517) 483-1957.<br />

Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />



General <strong>Index</strong><br />

Special Section<br />

The $900,000 Question ..........................................................1<br />

Why Choose LCC ...................................................................2<br />

Getting Started........................................................................3<br />

Adjusting Your Schedule ........................................................169<br />

Admission Application.............................................................183-184<br />

Admission Information ............................................................176<br />

Alternative Delivery .................................................................143-161<br />

Auditing Classes .....................................................................178<br />

Billing Hours............................................................................171<br />

Campus Map.........................................................Inside Back Cover<br />

Campus Tours ........................................................................176<br />

Class Locations.......................................................................7<br />

Class Schedule Worksheet.....................................................174<br />

<strong>College</strong> Goal Sunday ..............................................................181<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Education ............................................................162-164<br />

Continuing Education .............................................................165-167<br />

Counseling and Advising Center.............................................176<br />

<strong>Course</strong> <strong>Index</strong>...........................................................................4-5<br />

<strong>Course</strong> Offerings.....................................................................8-142<br />

<strong>Course</strong>s Needing Pre-Approval ..............................................178<br />

Deadlines for Drops, Adds, Refunds, and Audits ...................169<br />

Enrollment Fair........................................................................175<br />

FAFSA Fridays........................................................................187<br />

Financial Aid ...........................................................................179<br />

Free Workshops......................................................................185<br />

How to Read <strong>Course</strong> Offerings ...............................................6<br />

Key to <strong>Course</strong> Locations.........................................................7<br />

Late-Registration/Late-Add Policy ..........................................170<br />

Learning Communities ............................................................161<br />

Lecture/Internet <strong>Course</strong>s ........................................................147<br />

Notification of Student Rights Under FERPA ..........................180<br />

Off-Campus Learning Locations/<strong>Course</strong>s ...............................148-152<br />

Online Advising.......................................................................176<br />

Online <strong>Course</strong>s .......................................................................145-146<br />

Open-Entry <strong>Course</strong>s/Modules.................................................159-160<br />

Orientation ..............................................................................176<br />

Parking....................................................................................178<br />

Payment Plan..........................................................................172<br />

Payments................................................................................172-173<br />

Prerequisites ...........................................................................178<br />

Proof of Residency..................................................................177<br />

Refunds ..................................................................................173<br />

Registrar/Student Records......................................................178<br />

Registration Calendar and Other Important Dates ..................168<br />

Registration Holds...................................................................178<br />

Registration Information..........................................................177<br />

Skills Assessment ..................................................................177<br />

State and Federal Laws/Privacy of Your Records...................178<br />

Student Identification Cards (StarCard) ..................................178<br />

Student Resources and Services Directory ............................186<br />

Telephone Registration...........................................................171<br />

Tuition and Fees .....................................................................171<br />

Variable-Date <strong>Course</strong>s............................................................154-158<br />

Veteran Services.....................................................................179<br />

Waivers...................................................................................177<br />

Web Registration ....................................................................182<br />

Weekend <strong>Course</strong>s ..................................................................152-153<br />

Notes<br />

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Register early! For the most current online information about course offerings go to: www.lcc.edu/schedule/<br />


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