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Printable Version - St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church

Printable Version - St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church


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History of <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

Introduction to <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> Chester Springs<br />

On a hill in West Pikeland Township, in northern Chester County, Pennsylvania, stand two<br />

churches. Many visitors ask why there are two edifices on this one high point. They are even<br />

more puzzled when told that once three churches stood on this same hill.<br />

The story of these churches provides a study in small scale<br />

of the history of American <strong>Lutheran</strong>ism for two centuries. The<br />

growth, the divisions, and the reunions of the church have<br />

all been lived and known in this place. These divisions and<br />

reunions are portrayed on <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s family tree. At first there<br />

was one congregation, founded by German <strong>Lutheran</strong>s who<br />

built on land purchased in 1771. Their church was of logs and<br />

was located between the two present buildings. In 1811, the<br />

<strong>Lutheran</strong>s joined with their German Reformed neighbors to<br />

erect a stone building, which was used until destroyed by fire<br />

in 1835. This was replaced by the building used today by <strong>St</strong>.<br />

Peter’s United <strong>Church</strong> of Christ and located on the lower part<br />

of the hill. From 1836 until 1889, the <strong>Lutheran</strong> and Reformed<br />

congregations shared this building, known as Lower Pikeland.<br />

In 1841, the <strong>Lutheran</strong> congregation divided, and a second<br />

<strong>Lutheran</strong> congregation was formed, which built the structure now used by the <strong>Lutheran</strong>s and<br />

located on the top of the hill (Upper Pikeland). In 1889, the original <strong>Lutheran</strong> congregation<br />

separated from the Reformed congregation to build a church across the road, between the two<br />

older edifices.<br />

Therefore, at the turn of the 20th century, three church buildings stood on this hill. Because of<br />

their relative position, they are remembered, respectively, as: Upper Pikeland, built in 1843,<br />

the present <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong>; Middle Pikeland, built in 1889 and destroyed by fire in 1918; and<br />

Lower Pikeland, built in 1836. As a result of the fire in 1918, the two <strong>Lutheran</strong> congregations<br />

merged, so that today there are two churches on Pikeland Hill. During these years, through the<br />

efforts of her pastors and the transfer of some of her members, <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s became the mother<br />

of five other <strong>Lutheran</strong> congregations. These are shown as branches of the tree. To understand<br />

this story we must go back to the early eighteenth century when the first German settlers<br />

carved farms out of the forest which once covered these hills.

Background of <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

Today, <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s is located on the urban fringe<br />

of Philadelphia. But, just over two centuries ago,<br />

when the first <strong>Lutheran</strong>s came here seeking<br />

religious freedom and a peaceful place to raise their<br />

families, “back home” was Germany, a trip to the<br />

thriving city of Philadelphia required a hard day’s<br />

ride on horseback. Because of poor travel and<br />

communication, each settlement was independent<br />

of the others, and groups of <strong>Lutheran</strong>s worshipping<br />

together were pretty much on their own. They had<br />

no regular pastors, but were dependent on the<br />

ministrations of itinerant preachers, who often were<br />

looking for their own profit rather than to serve God.<br />

The period of isolation and lack of proper pastoral<br />

care came to an end when Henry Melchior<br />

Mehlenberg arrived in Philadelphia in 1742. He<br />

was sent by the church in Halle, Germany, to be<br />

a missionary and to provide pastoral care to three<br />

congregations... one in Philadelphia, one at Trappe, and one at New Hanover. He organized<br />

the first <strong>Lutheran</strong> synod in North America as a Ministerium of pastors in 1748, and visited<br />

congregations from Georgia to Upper New York. As a missionary, he wrote and transmitted<br />

careful reports of his activities to the church in Germany. In these reports we find the earliest<br />

history of our congregation.<br />

In May of 1744, Muhlenberg records that he baptized seven children of <strong>Lutheran</strong> families<br />

in this area... families active in <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s more than a century and a quarter later: Heilman<br />

(Hallman), Moses, Dury (Deery), <strong>St</strong>ein, and Fedderling. Tradition says he preached in homes<br />

here in 1751, and he mentioned the home of Michael Koenig, or King, as his headquarters.<br />

Buildings of <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> Chester Springs<br />

Over the past two centuries five buildings have been used for worship by <strong>Lutheran</strong>s on this hill.<br />

The first building was the log structure dedicated by Muhlenberg. In 1811, the deterioration of<br />

this edifice prompted the congregation to cooperate with the German Reformed neighbors in

the construction of a new building. The following account of the cornerstone laying, dedication,<br />

and subsequent installation of an organ, is translated from records in the original German, now<br />

preserved in the library of the <strong>Lutheran</strong> Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.<br />

“It is hereby set forth that those who follow may<br />

know of the great love God has shown us and<br />

how he has blessed us; that we, in our great<br />

joy, on August 13, 1811, laid the cornerstone of<br />

a new <strong>Church</strong> in Pikeland Township, Chester<br />

County. On that day (the organizations of<br />

the <strong>Evangelical</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> and the Reformed<br />

congregations) laid it with song, prayer, and<br />

discourse in the pastorate of the Rev. Frederick<br />

W. Jasinsky, minister at that time.<br />

The House of God, in the following year, with<br />

God’s help and blessing, was completed, and<br />

on October 4, 1812, under the name of <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s <strong>Church</strong>, in a fit and proper manner was<br />

dedicated and consecrated to God. It cost $2,836.45-1/2.<br />

The outstanding accomplishment of the Councils of the <strong>Lutheran</strong> and Reformed <strong>Church</strong> of <strong>St</strong>.<br />

Peter’s, in Pikeland Township, Chester County, was the determination to beautify the <strong>Church</strong><br />

service by means of an organ. One was secured for $800 and on November 7, 1819, it was<br />

consecrated to the Worship of God.”<br />

According to tradition, these first two buildings were located in the<br />

middle of the cemetery which now lies between the two churches.<br />

On January 20, 1835, the second building was consumed by<br />

an incendiary fire. The following news account of the fire is<br />

preserved for us:<br />

“The building for public worship in Pikeland Township, Chester<br />

County, denominated <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s <strong>Church</strong>, was set fire to, as is<br />

supposed, by some incendiary, on the night of the twentieth<br />

inst., and entirely consumed. Circumstances indicate that the fire<br />

was communicated from the cellar; there had been no fire in the<br />

building for several days. The fire was far advanced before it was

discovered, and the whole building cost 4 or 5,000 dollars was consumed; the silver cups, and<br />

other <strong>Church</strong> furniture and an organ estimated at 7 or 800 dollars, were entirely destroyed. The<br />

Trustees of the Society offer a reward of $200. for the detection of the villain, and the adjoining<br />

congregation of <strong>St</strong>. Zion have added $50. more.”<br />

Reconstruction began immediately, and April 15, 1836, the new church was dedicated. This<br />

building of 1835-36 is still standing and is used by <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s United <strong>Church</strong> of Christ.<br />

The story of the remaining two buildings will await other developments in congregational life<br />

which will explain why there were three buildings on this hill at the same time.<br />

Founding of <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> Chester Springs<br />

The first church organization in this vicinity was at Zion’s <strong>Church</strong>, in Pikeland Township, near<br />

the present Spring City. The <strong>Lutheran</strong>s had a loose church organization in 1743. Then, in<br />

1757, they joined with the German Reformed, secured a piece of land, and built a church.<br />

From Zion’s, the pastor reached out into the “regions beyond”, especially across French Creek<br />

and into this vicinity into the homes of our first members.<br />

“Before long, additional pastors came from Halle, ... including a man who occupies a large<br />

and honorable place in our church in this region... the Rev. J. Ludwig Voigt. He became pastor<br />

at Trappe, Swamp (New Hanover), and Zion’s in 1764. The congregations, especially Zion’s,<br />

grew rapidly, and the old log church was soon too small to hold the people. Though all desired<br />

a new church, there was hopeless division of opinion or desire as to its location. Those living<br />

on the south side of French Creek desired the church to be built nearer them, but the majority<br />

favored the old site.” In 1770, the dispute was taken to the synod which had been founded by<br />

Muhlenberg in 1748. Since there were insufficient pastors to supply the congregations already<br />

in this area, the synod adopted the following recommendations, as recorded in the official<br />

minutes of the Ministerium:<br />

1. “The congregation should, if the building of a church were necessary, build on the old<br />

place.”<br />

2. “Those living beyond the France (French) Creek (i.e., <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s), who wished to<br />

undertake another building, should wait with it, and rather out of Christian love contribute<br />

to this church.”

3. “If after the completion of this church, those across the France Creek also wished to<br />

begin a building for themselves, the Ministerium would promise to assist them on this<br />

side with a preacher of their own as soon as possible.”<br />

4. “And then those living on this side of the France Creek (i.e., Zion’s) should practice the<br />

same Christian love and contribute to the building of the new church. This answer was<br />

given to the delegates in writing.”<br />

The delegates from this side of the French Creek did not follow the recommendation of the<br />

synod. They purchased land on which to build a church... <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s. “The first authentic<br />

record is that Michael King and Henry Hipple, on May 16, 1771, conveyed to Peter Hartman,<br />

George Emerie, Conrad Miller, and Adam Moses, as trustees, the former one acre and eight<br />

perches for twenty shillings, and the latter forty-five perches for five shillings. On this ground<br />

the <strong>Lutheran</strong> congregation erected... a log church.”<br />

The next year it is recorded in the synod minutes: “Seeing, therefore, that they, so to say, have<br />

swarmed away from the first Peikstown beehive, and have attached themselves to the new<br />

hive across the Franzkrick, the question arises whether they can be cared for in the new hive,<br />

or shall be left to roving birds of prey.”<br />

Pastor Voigt was chosen to minister to <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s, along with his numerous other charges. He<br />

and Pastor Muhlenberg dedicated the first building on November 8, 1772. Muhlenberg wrote<br />

a lengthy account of his journey to Pikeland for the dedication, which is preserved for us in his<br />

Journals:<br />

The Journals of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg<br />

“When the deacons of Peikstown begged me to come there and conduct the service of<br />

dedication, I replied that it should by rights be done by my beloved fellow minister, Pastor<br />

Voigt, because he had hitherto been serving the congregation from New Hannover every<br />

fourth Sunday. The men, however, continued to importune so long that I finally promised to<br />

be present. if possible. Pastor Voigt had set it for the Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity and the<br />

men had said that it would please them very much if I could also be present. So, the good<br />

folk went to a great deal of trouble to make the thirty-mile trip down to the city on November 6<br />

with horses and to rent a coach and fetch me there. I invited the Swedish Provost Goransson,<br />

rector of Wicaco, to accompany me and preach the English sermon.”

(Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, The Journals of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, Translated by<br />

Theodore G. Tappert and John W. Doberstein (Philadelphia, the Muhlenberg Press, 1945), Vol.<br />

11, pp. 521-26. Used with the kind permission of Fortress Press.)<br />

November 7th<br />

NOVEMBER 7, Saturday. We started out early in the morning, crossed the Schulkiel River<br />

safely, and by noon had covered fourteen English miles. There we met two elders of the<br />

congregation who had come to meet us with a change of horses. About two o’clock we<br />

continued our journey with sixteen English miles to go, of which seven miles are terrible stony<br />

roads which run over hill and dale. We arrived at the little new church about five o’clock in the<br />

evening and found at least thirty younger and older members busy cleaning and arranging<br />

things in the church. We viewed the new building. It is constructed of wood and well lighted<br />

and so arranged on the inside that about five hundred persons may be seated where all can<br />

see the preacher at the altar and in the pulpit and thus hear and understand the better. The<br />

little church is situated on high ground in a mountainous region about eighteen miles from New<br />

Hannover, twelve miles from Providence (Trappe), thirty miles from Philadelphia, a little over<br />

twenty miles from Barren Hill, and five or six miles from the first church building in Peikstown<br />

which Pastor Voigt has hitherto been serving every fourth Sunday from New Hannover, which<br />

is twelve miles distant. We were taken to the home of the chief deacon, the leader in the<br />

building of the church, for our night’s lodging and we were warmly welcomed and cared for by<br />

the members who lived near by, but we waited in vain for the coming of Pastor Voigt.<br />

November 8th<br />

NOVEMBER 8, Sunday. The gracious and supreme Benefactor vouchsafed us unusually<br />

pleasant weather for this time of the year. He let His sun rise and shine beneficently upon<br />

the good and the evil. At nine o’clock, we betook ourselves to the church where we found a<br />

great many people already assembled, but Pastor Voigt was not there, which gave me some<br />

concern because I had been depending upon him to conduct the service of dedication and<br />

preach the sermon on such a solemn occasion. He finally arrived about ten o’clock. In the<br />

meantime, a great crowd of people had gathered from far and near; even four good members<br />

from Philadelphia were present. Pastor Voigt opened by reading Psalm 100, and then “Allein<br />

Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr,” etc., was sung. Pastor Voigt then dedicated the building to the Triune<br />

God for the use of the <strong>Evangelical</strong> congregation founded on the apostles and the prophets, of<br />

which Jesus Christ is the cornerstone, and according to our unaltered Augsburg Confession,<br />

symbolical books and doctrines, and I joined in with prayer, so far as the grace of God

allowed me in my weakness. After this the hymn, “Sei Lob und Ehr dem hochsten Gut,” etc.<br />

was sung. Pastor Voigt, however, pressed the sermon upon me and, though I immediately<br />

excused myself, because I was not really prepared for such a solemn occasion, I had to give in<br />

nevertheless. I selected the familiar text, Genesis 28:20-22, “And Jacob vowed a vow, saying,<br />

If God will be with me,” etc., and made suitable comments and application. The hearers inside<br />

and outside the church were very still and attentive despite the great crowding, and even shed<br />

tears, though nothing may be concluded for certain from these tears. After the sermon we<br />

sang further stanzas of the hymn, “Sei Lob und Ehr dem hochsten Gut,” etc., and asked the<br />

members of the congregation to give their gifts and mites for a charitable collection which was<br />

to be received at the doors. This does not amount to any great sum in the country regions. It<br />

would be much greater if it consisted of turnips and potatoes with which the Lord blesses the<br />

land when accompanied by toil, labor, diligence, and prayer. It was also announced that the<br />

Swedish pastor would preach an English sermon in the afternoon.<br />

In the intervening time, I took opportunity to speak privately with Pastor Voigt about the<br />

circumstances of the congregation, for he had to hasten back home. It is not enough to<br />

build and dedicate churches, but one must also be concerned chiefly with the means of<br />

achieving the most necessary result in souls. I asked him whether he intended, according to<br />

the recommendation of the Reverend Ministerium, to serve both little churches in Peikstown<br />

every fourth Sunday, seeing that they were now six miles apart. He replied that it seemed<br />

impossible to him, because the first church in Peikstown was situated twelve English miles<br />

from his residence in New Hannover and the new church was six miles farther away, making<br />

a distance of eighteen miles. Hence, when the days are short, it would be impossible to<br />

hold services in Peikstown at one church in the morning and at the other in the afternoon<br />

of the same day. He said that it always took him three days to do this work... Saturday to<br />

ride eighteen miles besides crossing the dangerous Schulkiel River to get there, Sunday to<br />

preach twice, and Monday to ride back home again; and when he was away from Hannover<br />

for three days all sorts of necessary ministerial duties turned up, and, if he was not at hand,<br />

the result was confusion, grumbling, and discontent. The congregation in Providence, he said,<br />

was dissatisfied up to now and was decreasing and scattering because they had service only<br />

every fourth Sunday, and there was also another little village or hamlet, called Pottsgrove or<br />

Pottstown, five miles to the left above New Hannover, where a little group of <strong>Lutheran</strong>s had for<br />

a long time been requested that they might be united with the congregation in New Hannover<br />

and be served from there every other Sunday, as was shown by the petition which had been<br />

delivered to me today by delegates, as well as by other previous petitions.

(Here follows a discussion of the alternate ways these congregations might be served<br />

more effectively.)<br />

We had to break off our discussion without coming to any decision and hasten into the<br />

church for the afternoon service, for the days are very short. As the English people had now<br />

assembled and the Germans also desired to hear the English sermon, the crowd was even<br />

larger than in the morning. We first sang an edifying German hymn and then Pastor Goransson<br />

preached in English. There were several children to be baptized, but they were unable to get<br />

to the altar, so they had to wait until the congregation was dismissed. Afterward the English<br />

neighbors sent a request that I speak a word of admonition in English for them on the morrow,<br />

in the forenoon, even if it was only for a half-hour, because we were old acquaintances and it<br />

might perhaps be the last time that we would be able to see, hear, and edify one another in this<br />

pilgrimage. The Germans likewise begged for a sermon at the same time, so I could not refuse<br />

either group.<br />

In the evening Pastor Voigt took affectionate leave of us in order to get six miles nearer to<br />

his home. After we had eaten supper, about thirty young and old friends unexpectedly came<br />

to our quarters, desiring edifying spiritual conversation, which was a matter of great wonder<br />

and delight, especially to the Swedish provost. We sang a hymn and then, after the prayer,<br />

each one was required to tell what had been noteworthy, intelligible, and awakening to him in<br />

the Word of God preached today. Here one saw childlike simplicity and dove-like innocence.<br />

How carefully the hungry souls had picked up the fallen crumbs! After this I asked each<br />

one individually to try to recollect and tell how and where he or she had received the first<br />

impressions, affections, and awakenings from God’s Word in his or her heart and conscience.<br />

How wonderful are the leadings of the Saviour of the world and His Spirit’s working upon every<br />

soul! I found in several, who had received instruction and confirmation sixteen, seventeen,<br />

or eighteen years before, a few grains of the imperishable seed of God’s living Word which<br />

had taken root among them and brought forth fruit, which reminded me that His Word shall<br />

never return void. The time passed so quickly with this weighty and pleasant discussion that<br />

we marveled and were constrained to say, “It is a blessed day wherein one thinks of Him;<br />

otherwise, alas, much time in our life is wasted,” etc.<br />

November 9th<br />

NOVEMBER 9, Monday. The most gracious God again vouchsafed us pleasant weather and<br />

a day of salvation for the sake of our Redeemer and Advocate. About nine o’clock we went<br />

to the church, where a small group of Germans and English had assembled. We sang “Auf

Christen Mensch, auf, auf zum <strong>St</strong>reit,” etc. I first preached in German on the beginning of<br />

yesterday’s Epistle, Ephesians 6, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power<br />

of his might,” etc., and then said farewell for this time. Immediately afterwards I delivered an<br />

English sermon on Luke 24:29, “But they constrained him saying, Abide with us: for it is toward<br />

evening, and the day is far spent.” After this we sang Psalm 1 in English.<br />

A God-fearing housewife who loved Jesus dearly and had an industrious husband and nine<br />

living children, and was nearing the time of her delivery of the tenth, had imitated Martha,<br />

despite her difficult circumstances, and prepared a friendly repast for us. When we went to her<br />

house after the service, many friends went along with us, but she was not at all embarrassed<br />

by the number, but rather was more happy. Despite her heavy burden, it was impossible<br />

to persuade her to sit down. She served the dinner and looked upon the day as a day of<br />

salvation, wherein salvation had come to her house. She refreshed about forty-five persons<br />

with the material blessings which the Lord had vouchsafed her amid hard toil, labor, and prayer<br />

on her farm, and she also edified the guests with heart-strengthening expressions from the<br />

Word, which is spirit and life. I can say quite truthfully that I have not in a long time enjoyed<br />

a meal wherein I tasted and saw more vividly how good the Lord is. She wished, among<br />

other things, to have her prayer answered and see the day when an upright, faithful pastor<br />

would come to dwell in this neighborhood... a pastor who would take an interest especially in<br />

the numerous children and nurture them as lambs, out of constraining love for the Lord who<br />

purchased them with his blood. Though money was scarce, she would be all the more ready<br />

to come to the aid of a faithful servant of Christ with generous gifts of white and yellow turnips,<br />

lettuce, peas, beans, cabbage, dried apples, chickens, home-baked bread, butter, cheese, and<br />

the like.<br />

After prayer and a hymn of praise our coach was again hitched up and we had to visit several<br />

leading families on their farms before evening if we were not to be the cause of sadness and<br />

weeping. We took our Martha with us in the coach, and all who could walk followed; the adults<br />

mounted on horseback and did not remain behind. First we viewed the mineral spring, called<br />

the yellow spring, which is tinctured by ironstone, etc., and is visited and used by many people<br />

every year. From there we were able to visit only two more places, where we were welcomed<br />

with joy and spent the time not unprofitably.<br />

In the evening we arrived safely at our lodging where, again, there gathered unexpectedly a<br />

group of about forty people who desired one more farewell devotional session. Among them<br />

was the above-mentioned pregnant mother who was approaching the time of her delivery.<br />

She had walked a mile and a half to get there. I pitied her and feared that it might hurt her,

ut she said that when her soul was refreshed she felt no bodily discomfort and that she did<br />

not want to miss this good opportunity even though it might be ever so toilsome for the flesh.<br />

What is done for love’s sake is not hard. First we sang several powerful stanzas from the<br />

Freylinghausen hymnbook and then took several pointed passages, applied the divine truths<br />

to our hearts, and discussed them together in child likeness and simplicity until ten o’clock,<br />

when we closed with a hymn and prayer and said farewell. The elders and deacons stayed for<br />

a while to ask my advice as to how and in what way this and other small congregations might<br />

be assisted in securing a pastor. I was unable to give them any adequate advice, but promised<br />

that as soon as I got back home I would take the first opportunity to report the circumstances<br />

to The Reverend Directors and Fathers in London and Halle and then await God’s gracious<br />

guidance through their good offices. My traveling companion, Pastor Goransson, who had<br />

been present at all the discussions and devotional sessions and who understands most of<br />

what was said in German, seemed to be greatly pleased with the stirring of souls.<br />

November 10th<br />

NOVEMBER 10, Tuesday. We arose early and prepared for the journey inasmuch as the days<br />

are very short and the distance of thirty English miles requires steady going. The good people<br />

said a fond farewell and urgently begged us to send someone from Philadelphia to pay them<br />

a visit at least once more this year. I promised, God willing, to send my son Heinrich on the<br />

Sunday five weeks hence, though on condition that they should not think that he might become<br />

their minister, because I myself needed him and he was absolutely indispensable in giving me<br />

help and support. Several persons accompanied us a few miles and took leave of us at the<br />

church. Two elders rode with us for sixteen English miles to a point over half the way, but one<br />

deacon, under God’s gracious protection, took us safely all the way back to Philadelphia with<br />

his horses. There we found Pastor Kunze busy and watchful at his extensive and laborious<br />

post, and the rest of our family was well, God be praised. When I learned that Captain Sutton<br />

had not yet set sail with his ship, I wrote this postscript in haste and am sending it on.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Peter’s <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> Chester Springs from 1771-1839<br />

At the time of the building of the log church, there was no provision for regular pastoral care.<br />

Since the break with Zion’s was not made with the encouragement of the sister congregation,<br />

her members were unwilling to share with the new congregation the limited time that Pastor<br />

Voigt could spend in Pikeland. By 1776 another pastor was sent over from Halle and Voigt<br />

resigned from all his charges except Pottstown, Zion’s, and <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s, which he served until<br />

his death in 1800. In 1776, Zion’s and <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s purchased fifty acres near Zion’s and built a

parsonage. There Pastor Voigt lived until his death. In his late years Rev. J. F. Weinland was<br />

his assistant here.<br />

During Pastor Voigt’s time of service, <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s played its part in American history. At the<br />

time of <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s founding, the American colonies were rapidly moving toward a break from<br />

Great Britain. The ensuing Revolution came home to <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s after the Battle of Brandywine.<br />

According to later accounts, both Zion’s and <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s were used as hospitals for the sick of<br />

the army on its way to Valley Forge and during its encampment there in the spring of 1778.<br />

Pastor Voigt continued to think of himself as a subject of Great Britain during the Revolution,<br />

and refused to stop praying for the king. On this account he was subjected to persecution.<br />

Following the death of the venerable pastor, there was a period of some confusion. Rev. H. A.<br />

Geissenheiner was elected in <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s but rejected in Zion’s where Rev. F. Plitt was pastor,<br />

who later also preached here. Rev. Ravenauch also ministered here for a few years “but he<br />

did not live in the parsonage and was discharged on account of his lady.” During these early<br />

years there was no regular pattern by which congregations banded together for the support<br />

of a pastor. For example, about 1805, “the Rev. Henry Anastasius Geissenheiner served <strong>St</strong>.<br />

Peter’s, Nice’s congregation, East Nantmeal, and the church in Amity.”<br />

A better day dawned when Rev. F. W. Jasinsky became pastor in 1808. He met with marked<br />

success and was beloved by the people. A fine new stone parsonage and barn were built.<br />

During his ministry the new church of 1811 was built. He died in 1815 and at his request<br />

was buried in our cemetery. “The next pastor was Rev. F. W. Geissenheiner, D. D. About<br />

the same time his father, of the same name, was chosen pastor of the adjoining charge in<br />

Montgomery County. Then the father and son united their two fields and served them together.”<br />

“It was during the ministry of these two men that English preaching was permitted on Sunday<br />

afternoon in both churches.” Rev. Jacob Wampole, Sr., began his aggressive ministry in<br />

1827. He built a new church in Montgomery County and organized <strong>St</strong>. Matthew’s <strong>Church</strong> in<br />

Chester County, near Chester Springs, in 1833. During his pastorate the fire and subsequent<br />

rebuilding of <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s occurred. According to a different tradition from that mentioned earlier,<br />

Pastor Wampole introduced English in the services of <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s. “Then English became from<br />

necessity more and more frequent, until 1844, when the German was entirely discontinued.<br />

Let us conclude this section with a few facts and figures. The Pennsylvania legislature<br />

granted a charter to <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s in 1789. According to Rev. J. R. Dimm the lowest number<br />

of communicants recorded in the time of Rev. Jasinsky, was sixteen. The highest number,<br />

recorded in Rev. Ruthrauff’s time, was one hundred eighty-three.

Three <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong>es on Pikeland Road<br />

We now come to that part of our story which relates how there came to be three churches on<br />

Pikeland Hill. The divisions represented by Upper, Middle, and Lower Pikeland were not unique<br />

to this place but were part of a nation-wide experience. By the 1830’s there had developed<br />

an “American Christianity,” characterized by the revival meeting and loss of denominational<br />

loyalty which developed on the frontier. Although far from the frontier, many <strong>Lutheran</strong>s desired<br />

to make their churches more “American” by adopting the ways of their neighbors. The older,<br />

eastern <strong>Lutheran</strong>s responded to the changes on the frontier by insisting upon their loyalty to<br />

the worship forms developed in Germany and to the German language.<br />

When the Rev. Frederick Ruthrauff was called as pastor of Zion’s and <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s, he brought<br />

with him these “new measures” which were favored by English <strong>Lutheran</strong>s. The conservative<br />

German congregation of Zion’s did not approve of “new measures,” and asked their new pastor<br />

to leave, which he did about May of 1840. He moved to the vicinity of Lionville where he had<br />

founded <strong>St</strong>. Paul’s <strong>Lutheran</strong> congregation a short time before.<br />

Pastor Ruthrauff remained at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s until 1841 when the matter came to a head. A vote<br />

was taken and the majority favored the “new measures” introduced by the pastor. Thirteen of<br />

the most resolute and influential defenders of the old faith and usages of the <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

considered themselves no longer welcome in their former congregation. What happened next<br />

is recorded in their own words.<br />

“At a meeting held in Pikeland in the Schoolhouse commonly known as W. Emery’s in the<br />

month of December A.D. 1841 to take into consideration the propriety of organizing an<br />

<strong>Evangelical</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> Congregation, it was RESOLVED: by the members of the Ev. <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

<strong>Church</strong>, then and there present, to organize themselves into an <strong>Evangelical</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

Congregation, on the Basis of the Augsburg Confession of faith, to enjoy religious worship<br />

and the ministration of the Holy Sacraments according to the time honored usages of the Ev.<br />

<strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong>, with the name of “The German <strong>Evangelical</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> Congregation of <strong>St</strong>.<br />

Peter’s <strong>Church</strong> in Pikeland Township, Chester County.:”<br />

An election was held at the same time and place with the following members elected as<br />

officers of the church:<br />

As Trustees: George Deery, Sr., John Moses, Sr., and John Clevenstine.

As Elders: Benjamin Emery, Jacob King, George Orner, George Williams, Jacob Emery, and<br />

Joseph Pennypacker.<br />

As Deacons: Christian Friday, Charles Emery and John Moses, Jr.<br />

At a subsequent meeting of the Vestry and congregation for the election of a minister, the Rev.<br />

C. F. Welden was elected and called to be the Pastor in conjunction with the Ev. <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

Congregation of Zion’s <strong>Church</strong>.<br />

The Call was accepted by the Pastor-elect who entered upon his ministerial duties April the<br />

First A.D. 1842.<br />

The Vestry and congregation feeling the necessity of having a <strong>Church</strong> as soon as possible,<br />

resolved in the Spring of 1843, to erect a church as soon as possible, and appointed... a<br />

Committee... who at a subsequent meeting reported that they were offered gratuitously by<br />

Peter King, Esq., a lot of ground (site of present building) for the use of the Congregation. This<br />

offer was gratefully accepted by the Congregation and a Building Committee was appointed...<br />

On the Eighteenth Day of May in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and<br />

Forty Three, the Cornerstone was laid with the usual solemnity by the Pastor aided by the<br />

Rev. I. Miller, D.D., of Reading, Rev. H. S. Miller of the Trappe and Rev. J. Knipe, Pastor of the<br />

Reformed <strong>Church</strong>.<br />

The Services on the occasion were in the German and English languages.”<br />

In the same year as the division on Pikeland Hill there occurred a separation in synodical ranks<br />

between the advocates of the “new measures” and the defenders of the German traditions. “In<br />

1842 ten pastors... left the Ministerium and formed the East Pennsylvania Synod. This covered<br />

the same territory as the Ministerium and for many years there was much friction between the<br />

two.” The first regular convention of this body was held at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s October 15-18, 1843. Fr.<br />

Ruthrauff was elected the first president.<br />

The division of the <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in Pennsylvania into two synods was firmly drawn on<br />

national lines in 1867 when the Ministerium of Pennsylvania and other conservative synods<br />

withdrew from the nationwide General Synod (which had begun in 1820) and formed the<br />

General Council. Thus, in terms of national division, the Americanized Middle Pikeland is the<br />

General Synod <strong>Church</strong>, and the conservative Upper Pikeland, the General Council <strong>Church</strong>.

Opinions of the ministry of Frederick Ruthrauff vary... to his opponents he was a scoundrel; to<br />

his followers, a hero. The following verse was found between the pages of a record book of the<br />

English congregation:<br />

“Good Brother Ruthrauff’s body moulders in the grave, but his spirit speaks to us of (the<br />

present) generation in these words of Sorrow, Faith, and Hope. His good works in the battle<br />

of life have been told us by our Fathers, and may the Holy Spirit that led him guide us that we<br />

may acquit ourselves like men. Aug. 1888.”<br />

In 1843, the two buildings presently standing on Pikeland Hill were being used, and, except<br />

for extensive remodeling, would present the viewer with the situation he would see today. But<br />

how came it that once there stood still a third church on this hill? Our story must skip ahead<br />

to 1889 to recount the building of “Middle Pikeland” <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong>. In this year the union of<br />

the Reformed and <strong>Lutheran</strong> congregations was dissolved, the Reformed congregation retained<br />

the building erected in 1835, and the <strong>Lutheran</strong>s built a new church across the road. This<br />

division was a common one; many Union <strong>Church</strong>es were dissolved as soon as the respective<br />

congregations felt they could afford their own buildings. For example, <strong>St</strong>. Paul’s, Lionville, built<br />

a separate <strong>Lutheran</strong> church in 1852, and <strong>St</strong>. Matthew’s, Chester Springs, erected a new edifice<br />

for the use of the <strong>Lutheran</strong>s in 1878.<br />

The <strong>Lutheran</strong> pastor at the time wrote the following account of the separation: “In 1889,<br />

the <strong>Lutheran</strong>s, feeling the need of a church of their own, under the ministry of Rev. J. A.<br />

Hackenberg, moved for a separation. This was accomplished by a public sale of the old<br />

building; the German Reformed becoming the purchasers. The <strong>Lutheran</strong>s at once set to<br />

work to build a church, and having secured a lot on the opposite side of the road, laid the<br />

corner-stone of the present beautiful church August 27, 1889. The pastor was assisted on<br />

this occasion by Rev. M. S. Cressman, of Lionville. The church was dedicated free of debt on<br />

May 7, 1890; the dedication sermon being preached by Rev. J. H. Menges of Philadelphia.”<br />

Contemporary newspaper accounts described the new building: 40 x 50 feet, with an annex 20<br />

x 30 for the Sunday School, usable as one or two rooms. There was a tower, 11 feet square at<br />

the base, and 65 feet high. The building, of pointed stone work, cost about $8500.<br />

This building was used until 1918, when it was destroyed by fire.

The Upper <strong>Church</strong> at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s Chester Springs<br />

From 1842 until 1918, the two <strong>Lutheran</strong> congregations went their separate ways, and so we<br />

must write two histories.<br />

Records of the Upper, or German, <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s, are complete from the founding of the<br />

congregation until the present day. From these we get a picture of congregational life in the<br />

mid-nineteenth century. The congregation met annually on Whitmonday or thereabouts to elect<br />

officers. One trustee, two elders, and one deacon were elected to a term of three years. The<br />

treasurer gave an accounting of the finances of the congregation. Frequently it was that the<br />

balance in the treasury was insufficient to pay the outstanding bills. In that case the council<br />

members were instructed to canvass the members to raise the required cash.<br />

There was a succession of pastors during these years. On December 7, 1850, the Rev. C.<br />

Miller was unanimously elected pastor to preach once every two weeks for the yearly salary of<br />

$150. On February 5, 1855, the Rev. William Weaver commenced his time of preaching in <strong>St</strong>.<br />

Peter’s <strong>Church</strong>. The pastor’s support in those days was not only provided by cash and the use<br />

of the parsonage. On May 17, 1869, the congregation resolved “to furnish Mr. Miller with hay<br />

and corn, raise money for same by subscription.” In May of 1872 the congregation resolved to<br />

adopt the envelope system of collecting salary for the minister and the current expenses.<br />

Throughout the early years the congregation shared a pastor with neighboring churches. The<br />

report of one of these pastors to synod, dated May 22, 1867, records:<br />

“I continue preaching to the Germans in Phoenixville every 2 weeks in the afternoon, in the<br />

Mennonite Meeting House, things are encouraging. . . Besides attending to my 2 country<br />

congregations, I have commenced preaching in the English language in Springville (now<br />

Spring City), a thriving village in the bounds of my congregation which I consider important.”<br />

This pastor was serving <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s and Zion’s, as well as providing care for the yet to-be<br />

organized congregations of <strong>St</strong>. John’s, Phoenixville, and the Spring City <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong>.<br />

For a short time <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s was a self-supporting congregation. On January 30, 1875, the<br />

congregation separated from Phoenixville and called Mr. Benaiah Snyder, a senior student at<br />

the <strong>Lutheran</strong> Theological Seminary in Philadelphia at an annual salary of $600. This was to be<br />

subscribed in monthly installments. Pastor Snyder resigned October 1, 1881, on account of<br />

failing health. For a time following this, the pastor at Phoenixville served as supply.

For the most part, the minute book records transactions of the local business of the<br />

congregation. However, in March 1853, it was recorded that $6.00 was paid toward missionary<br />

purposes. From a copy of the by-laws from these early years we learn that the twelve officers<br />

of the church council together with the minister shall be known as the <strong>Church</strong> Council, Vestry,<br />

or Board. Membership requirements were communing and worshipping regularly, and the<br />

payment to the church of at least $2.00 annually. One aspect of church life no longer with us is<br />

that males 18 and over were granted a vote. “Females may petition and offer opinions.”<br />

During these years a series<br />

of improvements to the<br />

property was climaxed with<br />

a complete rebuilding of<br />

the church in 1882. In the<br />

summer of 1845 churchyards<br />

and shed walls were built.<br />

They contained 189 perches<br />

at 38 ½ cents per perch<br />

amounting to the sum of<br />

$72.76 ½. In May 1866 the<br />

congregation agreed to repair<br />

the church “by plastering the<br />

outside and repairing the<br />

inside by lowering the Pulpit<br />

and repairing the floor and<br />

repair the wall outside.”<br />

A major building program<br />

was undertaken at a<br />

congregational meeting December 28, 1881. The building was to be lengthened by twelve<br />

feet; a new roof, gothic windows, new pews, repainting, and other necessary repairs were<br />

authorized. This work was to leave the building with the appearance, which it bears to this<br />

day. Short but lively accounts of the building progress were reported in the West Chester Daily<br />

Local. “June 23, 1882. Wagons of serpentine from Brinton quarries in Birmingham Township;<br />

passed through West Chester.” “December 9, 1882. New pews passed over the Pickering<br />

Valley R.R. a day or two ago.” The enlarged and renovated building was rededicated with<br />

appropriate observances on January 4, 1883.<br />

With a new building the congregation soon called a pastor--- the Rev. John P. Deck of Toronto,

Canada, whose time of service began June 1, 1883, at a salary of $550. We learn that facilities<br />

for heating the church were not always adequate in those days; on February 21, 1884, it is<br />

recorded that the congregation “met in the sheds, it being too cold and damp in the church.”<br />

Pastor Deck resigned in November, 1884, to be followed by Mr. Klingensmith, to whom a call<br />

was issued January 10, 1885, at a salary of $600 (or $500 and the parsonage).<br />

Finances continued to occupy most of the attention at council meetings for the following<br />

years. In July 1886, the council voted to meet quarterly to keep the financial affairs of the<br />

congregation in good condition. Meetings were held during the following year periodically<br />

(but not quarterly) at which the council figured out how to pay the bills. Meetings were held<br />

in the homes of members. Although this was done because of the lack of heated facilities at<br />

the church, it surely contributed to the good fellowship of the men during the evening. One<br />

interesting financial resolution of 1890 is that “collecting synodical money be left in charge of<br />

minister.”<br />

The time of the vestry was not wholly given over to finances. In October 1890, it is recorded<br />

that the use of violins and horns in the choir was permitted. Some socializing was discussed<br />

in 1893 when there was talk about holding a festival in Fegley’s grove. This is reported in a<br />

publication of <strong>St</strong>. Matthew’s <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong>---Our Banner--- August 5, 1893. “Matthew’s<br />

Choral Reunion took place in Fegley’s grove. Among the musical organizations present was<br />

Upper Pikeland <strong>Lutheran</strong> Choir. The day was very sultry, the dust in many places shoe deep.”<br />

On June 6, 1892, Mr. Klingensmith resigned, to be followed by the Rev. C. Mader, who stayed<br />

only a short time. Then in March 1895, a call was extended to Mr. Edward Henry Trafford, a<br />

seminarian. Pastor Trafford served until 1903, when he was called as a missionary to India.<br />

He returned to <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s in 1915, and remained until 1919 as the first pastor of the (re)united<br />

congregation.<br />

Although 21 years in the future, merger of the two Pikeland <strong>Lutheran</strong> congregations appeared<br />

on the agenda of the council March 24, 1897. As a result of overtures made by Middle<br />

Pikeland, a joint committee met on April 7, but no conclusion as to merger was reached. In the<br />

fall renovation of the church interior and the installation of a furnace was approved. Concern<br />

for travelers was expressed by this resolution from 1902:<br />

“Resolved: That steps be taken towards having a well bored and that contributions be solicited<br />

from the members of the church, friends and public, believing that it will be a public good to all<br />

traveling over the hills.”

Heating the church was quite a concern of the council early in this century. In September 1908,<br />

it was decided to install steam heat in the church.<br />

Pastor Trafford was followed by Pastor Wenner, who resigned effective July 1, 1908. Care of<br />

supply pastors during the vacancy was to be provided by one of the ladies of Kimberton for<br />

fifty cents a meal, and one of the members was to bring the preachers to church for a dollar a<br />

Sunday. The vacancy was a short one--- soon the Rev. Bernard Repass was elected pastor in<br />

August of 1908.<br />

One action of 1916 which might be easily overlooked is a change proposed in the constitution.<br />

On December 24, 1916, the constitution was amended by the removal of the word “male.” The<br />

women had been granted suffrage in the affairs of the congregation.<br />

Amicable relations with the Lower <strong>Church</strong> are reflected in the action of October 1918, in<br />

which the Reformed <strong>Church</strong> transferred the rod of ground in front of the Upper <strong>Church</strong> to this<br />

congregation in return for its putting a fence across the property line.<br />

The Middle <strong>Church</strong> at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s Chester Springs<br />

We now pick up the history of the <strong>Lutheran</strong> congregation which, after the <strong>Lutheran</strong>s divided in<br />

1840, continued to worship in the building erected in 1835. Because this congregation built a<br />

third edifice across the road and between the two structures now standing on Pikeland Hill, it is<br />

remembered as Middle Pikeland, even though it worshipped for most of its history in the lower<br />

building and was known as Lower Pikeland <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong>. The construction of the middle<br />

building (described earlier) and its subsequent loss to a fire are the most outstanding parts of<br />

the history of this congregation, which was associated with the East Pennsylvania Synod and<br />

the General Synod.<br />

The records of the parish, with the exception of a parish register which includes records<br />

made from time to time 1771-1880, are apparently lost. We do have newspaper clippings<br />

and notations in this register, which give us a flavor of life in this nineteenth-century English<br />

<strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong>. In the parish register we read:<br />

“September the 27th, 1849.<br />

P. Raby became Pastor of <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s <strong>Church</strong>.<br />

Special Communion December 16th, 1849.

The day being unfavourable, the members were not very generally present. Some who<br />

gave in their names on Saturday were not present on Sabbath. Hence we omit recording the<br />

names.”<br />

One notation which appears from time to time is the report that persons have been expelled<br />

from the congregation for immorality. Their names were publicly read; they were not returned<br />

to the communing fellowship until they had publicly acknowledged their guilt and repented.<br />

On October 10, 1868 there was organized an auxiliary which served <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s for many<br />

years. Originally called the “Mite Society,” the group is remembered in more recent years as<br />

the “Willing Aid.” The group met regularly for fellowship and programs. Funds were raised for<br />

the work of the local congregation and for the mission work of the church. The organization<br />

was dissolved in July of 1961.<br />

In the library of the Chester County Historical Society is found the following news clipping:<br />

“January 27, 1872: Charlestown Items--- Protracted Meeting--- A protracted meeting is<br />

being held at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s <strong>Church</strong>, Pikeland, under the auspices of Rev. Mr. (N. H.) Cornell. The<br />

meeting has been in progress during the past few weeks, and we learn that some converts<br />

have been the result.”<br />

Such lengthy revival meetings, which today we do not associate with the <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong>,<br />

were quite common in the “Americanized” <strong>Lutheran</strong> congregations of a century ago.<br />

Through the efforts of her pastors and by the transfer of her members to the new<br />

organizations, Middle Pikeland became the mother of two congregations around the time<br />

of the Centennial observance of American independence. The Central <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> of<br />

Phoenixville was organized by the Rev. S. S. Palmer on December 5, 1875. The congregation<br />

took over the building and debts of the Mennonite congregation in Phoenixville, which was<br />

about to abandon their work in the town. Pastor Palmer resigned from the Pikeland charge<br />

and devoted his efforts to building up the new Central congregation. The Centennial <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

<strong>Church</strong> of Kimberton was organized in 1876 by the Rev. J. F. Hartman. They purchased<br />

a Quaker meetinghouse and fitted it up for a place of worship, dedicating it in 1877. This<br />

congregation has, until very recent times, been connected with <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s to form the (West)<br />

Pikeland charge. Communion records for 1876 indicate a number of members dismissed to the<br />

new congregations in Kimberton or Phoenixville.

In the beginning of the year 1880 newspapers reported the calling of the Rev. J. R. Dimm to<br />

the pastorate of the Pikeland and Kimberton congregations. Pastor Dimm, who had formerly<br />

been a professor in an academy at Baltimore, was to direct the “Pickering Institute, an<br />

institution for learning of both sexes at Kimberton.” Pastor Dimm, following his predecessors,<br />

conducted revival meetings. He is known to us mainly through a history of the congregation<br />

he wrote and published in 1881 and which has been used in compiling this and previous<br />

histories. During his ministry the Philadelphia Conference of the Ev. <strong>Lutheran</strong> Synod of East<br />

Pennsylvania met at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s on Monday, May 29, 1882. The paper announced: “May 26,<br />

1882. Take cars at Ninth and Green <strong>St</strong>reets at 4:30 for Chester Springs, carriage waiting for<br />

train at 6:15 p.m.”<br />

For nearly fifty years this congregation owned a parsonage at West Pikeland, about two miles<br />

from the church. In 1884 it was sold and a new one built at Kimberton.<br />

During the pastorate of the Rev. J. A. Hackenberg, Pastor Dimm’s successor, the new building<br />

was constructed across the road, and the congregation moved from the lower to the middle<br />

building. From this time Lower Pikeland <strong>Lutheran</strong> was known as Middle Pikeland. Following<br />

the erection of the new church building, our records are limited to a list of the succession of<br />

pastors until 1917. The pulpit was apparently vacant when, on March 29, 1918, the building<br />

was consumed by fire. The members then entered into negotiations with their neighbors in the<br />

<strong>Lutheran</strong> church up the hill to effect a merger.<br />

One survivor of Middle Pikeland is a ladies auxiliary, which continued as an independent<br />

organization. The Wimodasi Society (Wives, MOthers, DAughters, SIsters) was begun in 1911.<br />

The United Congregations at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s Chester Springs<br />

The era of the United <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> on Pikeland Hill began, as did the previous epochs, as<br />

part of a nation-wide movement. In conjunction with the celebration of the 400th anniversary<br />

of the Reformation, three national <strong>Lutheran</strong> organizations--- the General Synod, the General<br />

Council, and the United Synod of the South, joined in forming the United <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> of<br />

America on November 18, 1918.<br />

Less than two weeks later, the General Synod congregation and the General Council<br />

congregation on Pikeland Hill united into one congregation. Faced with the loss of the building<br />

of Middle Pikeland, and realizing that the differences which divided them in the past century

no longer applied to the twentieth century, the two congregations met as one, elected a new<br />

council for the United congregation, and set in order the financial affairs. The Rev. Edward<br />

H. Trafford, who had been pastor of Upper Pikeland, was elected pastor of the United<br />

congregation on December 1, 1918.<br />

Pastor Trafford resigned from the parish in July 1919, on account of health, and was<br />

succeeded by the Rev. G. S. Seaman in November 1919.<br />

Certain improvements to the property were undertaken during the first years of the United<br />

congregation. In August 1919, the council authorized the tearing down of the walls of the<br />

Middle church. This was done and the ground leveled and sown in grass. A portion of the<br />

corner stone of the Middle <strong>Church</strong> can still be seen today lying along the cemetery fence near<br />

the place where the church building once stood. In 1919 a wall was built in front of the church,<br />

a fence placed upon the wall, and the ground leveled to the height of the wall. In 1920 the choir<br />

space at the church was enlarged. Extensive repairs in 1923 included the replastering and<br />

repainting of the outside. In 1925 a curtain was placed around the gallery for Sunday School<br />

classes, and in 1926 book racks were ordered for the church. Improvements to the parsonage<br />

in Kimberton during 1919 and 1920 included the construction of a new stable or “garage” on<br />

the grounds. Lumber was purchased to build an outside toilet at the parsonage and Pastor<br />

Seaman offered to do the work. The parsonage was electrically lighted in 1923. In 1924 the<br />

Sewing Circle purchased an enameled range for the parsonage and an automatic water<br />

system was installed in 1926.<br />

The 150th anniversary of the congregation was celebrated on August 29, 1920. Pastor<br />

Seaman prepared a brief history of the congregation, which was published for the occasions.<br />

At the morning service the Rev. H. A. Weller, D.D., president of the <strong>Evangelical</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

Ministerium of Pennsylvania addressed the congregation. At the afternoon service greetings<br />

were brought by former pastors and those pastors of congregations affiliated with <strong>St</strong>.<br />

Peter’s over the years. The guests present that day signed the book in which the minutes of<br />

congregational meetings are kept to this day. Their names may be found following page 83 in<br />

this minute book.<br />

In April of 1922, a group of ladies of the church met in Kimberton to form the Sewing Circle.<br />

Rev. G. S. Seaman resigned at the end of December 1926. During the following year the<br />

council concerned itself with the endowment fund of the congregation. On November 7, 1927,<br />

and January 16, 1928, money was invested in stocks and bonds of various utility companies.

On January 8, 1928,<br />

the council resolved: “to<br />

establish a permanent<br />

fund for the upkeep<br />

of the cemetery and<br />

the <strong>Church</strong> Council<br />

was directed to make<br />

provisions for the<br />

same.” Here it might<br />

be appropriate to say<br />

a few things about the<br />

history of the cemetery.<br />

We assume that the<br />

cemetery was begun<br />

the same time as the<br />

congregation. In fact,<br />

there is a tradition that<br />

“previous to the worship<br />

of God on Pikeland Hill<br />

by the Protestants, there existed an Indian burying ground. This is borne out by several stones<br />

being cut with figures of hearts and trees, which may possibly be Indian markings. The oldest<br />

date and stone is 1690.” Originally the cemetery was jointly controlled by the <strong>Lutheran</strong> and<br />

Reformed congregations. When the <strong>Lutheran</strong>s divided in 1840, the desire to worship near the<br />

graves of their ancestors was cited by the German <strong>Lutheran</strong>s as a chief reason for erecting a<br />

second church on this hill. Again in 1889 when the English <strong>Lutheran</strong>s withdrew from the Union<br />

<strong>Church</strong>, nearness to the cemetery was cited as the reason for building across the road.<br />

A deed in the Chester County Historical Society dated 1870 indicates that by that time lots<br />

were sold to individuals and clear title to the use of the land given to the lot owner. Such<br />

was not always the case. Only two years before the council of the Upper <strong>Church</strong> ordered<br />

that strangers were to pay $2.00 for each burial in the old graveyard, while for contributing<br />

members there was to be no charge. This indicates that lots were not sold but that appropriate<br />

arrangements were made for each burial. Lots were sold by the Upper <strong>Church</strong> by 1873, when<br />

$8.00 was set as the price of a lot in the burying ground. Other charges relating to burials<br />

are mentioned over the years. In 1891 a charge of $2.00 was set for the use of the church<br />

for funerals to all persons outside of the congregation. In 1906 and again in 1910 it was first

equested and then ordered that lot holders pay at least one dollar annually for the upkeep of<br />

the cemetery.<br />

The establishment of the trust fund in 1928 put the care of the cemetery on a firmer footing.<br />

In July of that year the congregation executed an agreement with what was then the<br />

Phoenixville Trust Company to set up and manage a fund for the purpose of maintaining the<br />

cemetery. Income from this fund was to be used for the maintenance of the cemetery, with<br />

unused income being added to the principal each year. After the fund reached $10,000 or<br />

more, excess income could be used for other purposes of the church. If the congregation<br />

should cease to exist, the bank will take care of the cemetery, and pay excess income to the<br />

denomination for use in mission purposes.<br />

For a number of years persons were paid to mow the cemetery. Then from the mid-fifties until<br />

the mid-sixties the members of the congregation mowed the cemetery as volunteers, during<br />

which years the fund was built up well past the $10,000 aggregate envisioned by the council<br />

in 1928. Today income is sufficient to pay persons to mow the cemetery as needed during the<br />

summer.<br />

In 1928 there began the longest pastorate in our congregation since that of the first pastor---<br />

the ministry of Lewis S. Trump which lasted twenty years. The installation of a pipe organ was<br />

a highlight of the early part of Pastor Trump’s ministry. The congregation agreed to purchase<br />

this in 1930 after discussions which had been going on at least since 1927. In that year the<br />

council contacted the societies of the church for contributions toward the purchase of a pipe<br />

organ. This was dedicated with appropriate services which included the observance of the<br />

160th anniversary of the congregation in 1931.<br />

For a number of years the endowment of the church was invested in real estate. In recent<br />

years many hours were spent at council meetings discussing the upkeep of these houses.<br />

They were all sold by 1966.<br />

Among improvements made to the church during these years was the painting of the interior<br />

in 1936. Installation of electric service at the church was approved in 1937. This had first been<br />

discussed in 1928. The contract in 1937 called for a minimum charge of $2 per month--- costs<br />

have risen since then.<br />

In 1947 a concrete block building at the lower end of the parking lot was constructed. The<br />

sheds which stood along the wall had been removed in part as early as 1929, and the

emainder were destroyed by fire during the early 1940’s. In March of 1948 the Rev. Lewis<br />

S. Trump presented his resignation. He had served at West Pikeland almost 21 years and 45<br />

years in the ministry.<br />

After the Second World War the American churches experienced a period of boom that lasted<br />

about fifteen years. <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s shared in this period of prosperity for churches. The new<br />

day dawned with the calling of Mr. Robert W. Kiefer, a student at the Philadelphia seminary,<br />

as pastor in April 1948. With the coming of a young pastor, several changes were made in<br />

the worship life. Candles were placed on the altar; Lenten services were held jointly with<br />

Centennial, Kimberton, with the offerings designated for <strong>Lutheran</strong> World Action; the Advent<br />

Wreath was introduced; new hymnals were purchased and the racks enlarged; gowns were<br />

purchased for the choir; Rogation Sunday was observed with the planting of shrubs around<br />

the church; an acolyte and server were selected to assist in The Service; a missal and missal<br />

stand were placed on the altar; a bowl was purchased for the baptismal font; the parish register<br />

was brought up to date by the removal of the names of those who were no longer active in<br />

the congregation. Renovations included the placing of new cushions on the pews at a cost of<br />

$600 and the painting of the inside of the church. Beginning in 1950, the annual congregational<br />

meeting was held in conjunction with a covered-dish supper. Lodge halls, a private home,<br />

and the basements of other churches were used until 1957, when our own basement was<br />

completed and used for the annual meeting. In September of 1952 Pastor Kiefer presented his<br />

resignation in order to enter the Navy as a chaplain.<br />

In January of 1953, Seminarian Paul Howells was elected as pastor of the West Pikeland<br />

Parish. One of the first activities he reported was a cooperative Vacation <strong>Church</strong> School with<br />

Kimberton. Held at Centennial <strong>Church</strong>, the school had 13 teachers and 80 pupils enrolled.<br />

Previous to this time, Vacation <strong>Church</strong> Schools had been held in cooperation with a number<br />

of churches. For several years, all-day outdoor sessions were held at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s with children<br />

from this church, <strong>St</strong>. John’s, and Central of Phoenixville, and Centennial, Kimberton.<br />

At the annual congregational meeting, January 29, 1954, an offering was received to start<br />

a Parish House Fund. With this building program began a series of improvements which<br />

continued for a number of years. Prior to the agreement to build new facilities at the church,<br />

an altar rail was installed in July 1953, and a screen put in front of the organ. During the year<br />

1954, the windows were removed and releaded at a cost of $2100. At the congregational<br />

meeting in 1955, plans were presented by the building committee for excavating the basement.<br />

At the next year’s meeting, it was decided to excavate the basement instead of erecting<br />

a parish house as a separate structure. In 1955, the Sewing Circle sponsored the first

annual Country Fair on the fourth Saturday in August. The money realized from this activity<br />

was applied first to the cost of the basement, and since then has helped to finance many<br />

improvements to the church’s property. Work on the basement was begun April 1956, with a<br />

basic contract for $13,495.<br />

During the time of the construction of the basement, Pastor Howells resigned, and the Rev.<br />

Ralph A. Boyer, III, was called as pastor by Centennial and <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s. A reception for Pastor<br />

and Mrs. Boyer in December 1956 was the first dinner in the new basement for the entire<br />

congregation.<br />

At the congregational meeting in 1957, the Long Range Planning Committee outlined its<br />

functions. Under the guidance of this committee subsequent improvements to the property<br />

were made. In March 1959, the partition wall which had formerly been used for the primary<br />

department was torn out by the men of the congregation to make a spacious narthex. This<br />

was one of many projects carried out by work parties to finish the basement and remodel<br />

the nave. Improvements to the church had a slight setback in December 1959, when a<br />

puff-back of the oil burner soiled the church. The cost of cleaning the walls and ceiling was<br />

covered by insurance. In the beginning of 1960, the church was painted, the timbers were<br />

stained, and new red cloth drapes for the choir and balcony were installed. June of 1960<br />

saw the authorization of cement walks. In December 1961, plans for new flooring, carpeting,<br />

and refinishing of pews were revealed. This was completed, and the new furnishings were<br />

dedicated September 23rd by Pastor Boyer. In October of 1963, the paving of the parking lot<br />

and driveway was approved. In April 1965, a work party installed the communion card racks on<br />

the backs of the pews.<br />

About the time of Easter 1965, the organ, installed in 1931, stopped functioning. After much<br />

investigation by the Worship and Music Committee, the congregation met in June and<br />

accepted the recommendation to purchase a Baldwin electronic organ for the sum of $4395.<br />

In June of 1966, a work party installed folding partitions in the basement to make individual<br />

classrooms for the Sunday <strong>Church</strong> School.<br />

About this time the West Pikeland Parish was divided, and <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s became an independent<br />

congregation. The details of the division will be discussed at a later point. As far as building<br />

programs are concerned, the division made plans for a parsonage necessary. In May of<br />

1966, the parsonage on Hare’s Hill Road, Kimberton, owned by <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s for many years,<br />

was sold and the money set aside for construction of a new parsonage. As early as 1964,<br />

members of the congregation had been negotiating with neighboring landowners with regard

to purchasing a plot of land near the church. During the summer of 1967, a small plot adjoining<br />

the church was purchased from the Lower <strong>Church</strong>. On this was erected a parsonage. A<br />

contract for $27,500 was given in October of 1967, and excavation begun on October 31,<br />

1967. Construction proceeded over the winter, and Pastor and Mrs. Conz moved in May 10,<br />

1968. The parsonage and organ were dedicated at The Service on September 29, 1968. One<br />

more change to the church property should be mentioned before the close of this section. In<br />

May of 1967, the four trees that stood in front of the church for many years, were cut down and<br />

replaced with four young trees. It will be a number of years before shade is again enjoyed in<br />

front of the church.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Peter’s <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> Chester Springs Parsonage (Built 1967-1968)<br />

During these years of building additions and renovations, changes were also made in the<br />

activities and organization of the congregation’ In February of 1955 an evangelism committee<br />

was formed with six couples. These were trained and sent out to visit in the community to<br />

encourage those without a church to come to <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s. From February 1-14, 1957, the<br />

congregation participated in a <strong>Lutheran</strong> Evangelism Mission. This was a denomination-wide<br />

program, consisting of services conducted by a guest pastor, visits, and an organized effort<br />

by the congregation to bring members and neighbors alike into the church. The Rev. Roy W.<br />

Meck was the missioner. In October of 1955 several innovations were presented in the worship<br />

of the congregation. A children’s choir and altar guild were formed. Gowns for the children’s<br />

choir were acquired in 1960. Ushers were scheduled for one month at a time. February 1956<br />

saw the approval of a paper drive. In March of 1957 the constitution was amended to allow<br />

teenagers to vote on the acceptance of a pastor and councilmen. Lenten services were held<br />

in 1957 with the first several services at Centennial, the last three at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s, each to be<br />

followed by a coffee hour. From July 9-11, 1957, a team of Luther League Caravaners visited<br />

the parish. The four young people were from the states of Oregon, California, Iowa, and North<br />

Carolina. Choir gowns were purchased in 1958. They were black and of academic style. 1959<br />

marked a first in the history of <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s with the election of a woman to the church council.<br />

Pastor Boyer resigned, effective June 1, 1960, to become Director of Home Missions for the<br />

Ministerium of Pennsylvania. He was succeeded by the Rev. Edwin P. Bastian on November 1,<br />

1960.<br />

Throughout this history we have tried to tie local events to national developments in the<br />

churches. About 1960 a leveling-off occurred in church life, after many years of growth. Pastor<br />

Bastian wrote with regard to this in his report to the congregation in January of 1961:

“In understanding past gains and losses and in planning for the future, we must understand<br />

the gradual transition from strictly farm life to gentleman farming, our proximity to other<br />

<strong>Lutheran</strong> and non-<strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong>es, the cultural and ethnic background of the old and newer<br />

residents, the terrain of the land insofar as it may affect future building development, zoning<br />

laws, and the unbelievably widely scattered parishioners of the <strong>Church</strong>.<br />

“<strong>St</strong>anding still or losing ground in membership rolls isn’t necessarily bad. If the potential is<br />

missing for the time being, no one (and we have had wonderful pastors at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s) under<br />

the most advantageous conditions (and the aftermath of the wars and prosperity were indeed<br />

conductive to <strong>Church</strong> growth) can produce a large increase out of thin air. Becoming bitter and<br />

resentful is, however, bad and can lead to many other sins which can destroy the soul.”<br />

Midweek Lenten Services for 1962 consisted of guest preachers according to a schedule<br />

whereby the pastors of the local ministerial group rotated among the congregations. In October<br />

1962, the congregation enrolled in the “Every Home Plan” for subscription to The <strong>Lutheran</strong>.<br />

A nursery for the care, of small children in the basement during the Service was established<br />

in December of 1963. In August of 1964 the three-year program of catechetical instruction<br />

as recommended by the <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in America was adopted. In June of 1965 money<br />

realized from the sale of real estate which the congregation had held as an investment was<br />

placed in “The Common Investing Fund of the LCA.” Since 1918 two congregations had been<br />

worshipping as one at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s. That commonly known as Middle Pikeland was incorporated<br />

on September 29, 1789; Upper Pikeland was incorporated on February 20, 1846. On January<br />

7, 1965, articles of consolidation were recorded at the County Court House, and the two<br />

congregations legally became one. Pastor Bastian resigned from the West Pikeland Parish<br />

effective November 16, 1965.<br />

With the vacancy following this resignation, the two congregations of the West Pikeland Parish<br />

pressed for resolution of a matter which had been considered for some time - the division<br />

of the parish. Over the years <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s has shared pastors with almost every <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

congregation in northern Chester County and southern Montgomery County. For short periods<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Peter’s supported a pastor of its own, but a shared-support arrangement was soon<br />

restored. Throughout the modern history of <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s, that is since the merger of 1918, <strong>St</strong>.<br />

Peter’s, West Pikeland, and Centennial, Kimberton, had constituted the West Pikeland Parish.<br />

Beginning in 1963, discussions looking forward to separation from Centennial were held from<br />

time to time. The decision in 1963 -, was that the time was not ripe for decision. A restudy was<br />

called for in 1965. In 1965 the question was one of merger - between <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s, Centennial,

and maybe Zion’s, the mother of our congregation. Merger was voted out, and on March<br />

6, 1966, by a vote of 46 to 28, the congregation accepted a resolution that <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s be<br />

constituted a single congregation parish effective March 15, 1966.<br />

One of the results of the division - the building of a new parsonage – has already been<br />

discussed. Changes in program came about as a result of the division. Previous to this<br />

time many activities were held on a parish basis. In June of 1966, <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s held its first<br />

Vacation <strong>Church</strong> School without the assistance of any other congregation. In January of 1967<br />

a new constitution, patterned after that recommended by the <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in America,<br />

was adopted. And on April 2, 1967, the Rev. John G. Conz was called to serve <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s<br />

as a single-congregation parish. A number of innovations have been introduced in worship<br />

in the last few years. Good Friday has been observed with a Prayer Vigil from noon to 8<br />

p.m., followed by a service of Tenebrae, or Shadows; council members have been invited<br />

to read The Lesson and The Epistle during the Service; children have been included in the<br />

Communion Service by an invitation to come to the altar rail for a blessing. The most dramatic<br />

change for many members has been the introduction of the Service Book and Hymnal,<br />

published by the American <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> and the <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in America in 1958, and<br />

first used at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s December 1, 1968. A questionnaire sent to members in 1968 indicated<br />

that a more aggressive youth program was desired; this resulted in a visit by a Youth Ministry<br />

Team for one week in August, 1969, The Vacation <strong>Church</strong> School, which continued for a<br />

second year as an independent program, has since been held in cooperation with neighboring<br />

churches. In 1968, <strong>St</strong>. Matthew’s <strong>Lutheran</strong>; 1969, <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s United <strong>Church</strong> of Christ; and<br />

1970, the U.C.C. and the Charlestown Methodist <strong>Church</strong>. In 1969 and 1970 one-week schools<br />

were held with outings in the afternoon. In 1969 a third event joined the Country Fair and<br />

Christmas candlelight service as a big day at <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s. This was the hosting of the Pickering<br />

Hunt Thanksgiving Service. About 200 carloads of people were in attendance to participate<br />

in the service and to witness the hounds and mounted horsemen of the hunt. Pastor Conz<br />

resigned effective November 1, 1970.<br />

Conclusion<br />

As we look back over two centuries of being the church on Pikeland Hill we have seen how<br />

the drama of Christianity in America has been lived in miniature in this place. We have been<br />

inspired by the witness of those who have gone before us; unfortunately, we cannot record<br />

their names, because many have not been preserved in the records, and those who we know<br />

have been too numerous to include in so short a history.

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