Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome


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<strong>Irritable</strong> <strong>bowel</strong> <strong>syndrome</strong><br />

<strong>Irritable</strong> <strong>bowel</strong> <strong>syndrome</strong> (IBS) is a disorder that affects the large intestine (colon). It is more common in<br />

women than men and often starts around age 20. IBS can be painful but does not permanently harm the<br />

intestines, cause intestinal bleeding, or lead to serious health conditions or diseases.<br />

Symptoms<br />

IBS is usually characterized by abdominal pain and discomfort that is often accompanied by constipation and/<br />

or diarrhea. Other symptoms include:<br />

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cramping pain in the abdomen<br />

swollen or bloated abdomen<br />

mucus in the stool<br />

the feeling that a <strong>bowel</strong> movement is not finished<br />

a sense of urgency to have a <strong>bowel</strong> movement<br />

relief of symptoms after a <strong>bowel</strong> movement<br />

worsening of symptoms during the menstrual period<br />

Causes<br />

IBS has no known single cause. Research indicates that those with IBS have a colon that is more sensitive and<br />

reacts more to a variety of things, including certain foods and stress, though the cause of this sensitivity<br />

remains unclear. The IBS symptoms themselves result from changes in the normal motion of the colon; it may<br />

either be too fast, which leads to diarrhea, or too slow, which leads to constipation. It may also spasm, which<br />

causes strong muscle contractions and cramping.<br />

Diagnosis<br />

IBS is diagnosed based on a complete medical history, including a description of symptoms and a physical<br />

exam. Diagnostic tests may be used to rule out other problems, but testing is not necessary to diagnose IBS.<br />

Treatment<br />

Because there is no cure for IBS, treatment is aimed at alleviating symptoms. Sometimes medication may be<br />

prescribed by a clinician.<br />

General treatment measures<br />

Stress management: Stress can trigger symptoms of IBS. Managing stress can improve the functioning of<br />

the GI tract’s nervous system and is an important part of treatment. Research shows that cognitive behavioral<br />

therapy may be particularly helpful in managing stress. Other options for managing stress include:<br />

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Try to sleep at least 6 to 8 hours a night.<br />

Exercise regularly.<br />

Meditate or practice yoga daily.<br />

Diet changes: Some foods, such as fatty foods, foods high in fructose, or dairy products, may worsen IBS<br />

symptoms. If certain foods cause symptoms, eat less of them or avoid them completely. Keep a list of<br />

troublesome foods in a journal and discuss them with a clinician or dietitian.<br />

Try some of the following dietary changes to help alleviate IBS symptoms:<br />

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Avoid carbonated beverages, which can produce gas and cause discomfort.<br />

Drink six to eight glasses of water a day to treat constipation.<br />

Avoid chewing gum and eating quickly, both of which can lead to swallowing air, which produces gas.<br />

Eat smaller meals more often or smaller portions since large meals can cause cramping and diarrhea.<br />

Include high-fiber foods such as whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables in the diet, which may

educe constipation and prevent spasms. To minimize gas and bloating, increase fiber intake slowly by<br />

two to three grams daily.<br />

Nonprescription medications<br />

Peppermint oil<br />

Peppermint oil contains menthol, a chemical that relaxes smooth muscles in the GI tract. Research studies<br />

show that peppermint oil may be effective in reducing the amount of cramping and pain with IBS.<br />

A common dose is 200 mg twice a day. Enteric-coated capsules are recommended since they dissolve lower in<br />

the GI tract, which means that they are less likely to cause heartburn or other reflux-related discomfort.<br />

Fiber supplements<br />

Fiber supplements have been commonly used to manage IBS symptoms, but recent studies have shown that<br />

they may not be as helpful as they seem. Taking fiber supplements increases the risk of gas and bloating.<br />

Laxatives<br />

Constipation that does not get better with lifestyle changes can be cautiously managed by the use of laxatives.<br />

These include stool softeners (docusate), colonic stimulants (bisacodyl, senna), and osmotic agents<br />

(polyethylene glycol, magnesium-containing compounds, lactulose). Polyethylene glycol and magnesium-based<br />

agents are safe, well-tolerated and can be used long-term.<br />

Stool softeners may be useful when taken along with other treatments, although none of them will help with<br />

the cramps associated with IBS.<br />

Anti-diarrheal drugs and others<br />

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Loperamide hydrochloride (Imodium): take 2 to 4 mg every morning. This can be increased or<br />

repeated if necessary, but do not exceed 8 pills daily.<br />

Beano: an enzyme available in either pill or liquid form that helps reduce gas by breaking down<br />

indigestible carbohydrates such as those found in beans, cauliflower, and broccoli. Follow label<br />

directions.<br />

Lactaid: contains lactase, an enzyme that helps digest the milk sugar lactose (found in most dairy<br />

products except yogurt and hard cheeses). Follow label directions.<br />

Prescription medications<br />

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Tricyclic antidepressants (such as amitriptyline) may help reduce diarrhea and reduce pain when taken<br />

at doses much lower than necessary to treat depression.<br />

Propantheline (Pro-Banthine) and dicyclomine (Bentyl) can help alleviate colon spasms. To prevent<br />

pain attacks, take the medication on an empty stomach or 30 minutes to 1 hour before meals.<br />

Diphenoxylate (Lomotil) is a drug that can help prevent diarrhea when taken regularly throughout the<br />

day or after the first loose stool. Use of diphenoxylate may cause drowsiness or dizziness, so use<br />

caution before driving or operating machinery.<br />

When to contact a clinician<br />

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Contact a clinician if any of these symptoms are present:<br />

bleeding or blood in the stool<br />

fever<br />

weight loss<br />

persistent and/or severe pain<br />

[HU480: Updated 04/09]

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