Wambo Coal AEMR 2011-2012 - Peabody Energy

Wambo Coal AEMR 2011-2012 - Peabody Energy Wambo Coal AEMR 2011-2012 - Peabody Energy

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2011-2012 AEMR open cut mine operators). The video recordings and photographs indicate that the visible NOx fumes remained and dissipated onsite. Although the recordings show that the airborne dust appeared to remain on site, complaints subsequently received from neighbours indicate that unobserved dust may have left site. C11 Dam Seepage 22 May 2012 WCPL received written request by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) dated 23 May 2012, requesting a written report on the mine water seepage from C11 Dam, as reported to the EPA Pollution line on 22 May 2012 by WCPL. The summary of the investigation and response to the EPA is provided below. Seepage water entering United Collieries’ (United) Colliery Holding was reported by United environmental staff to Wambo Coal Mine (Wambo) environmental staff at approximately 4.45pm on the 21 May 2012. Investigation that evening, and the following morning, indicated that the probable source of the seepage was the Wambo C11 Dam, located within Wambo’s Colliery Holding. The C11 Dam is located adjacent to the Colliery Holding boundary between Wambo and United (see Figure 1), and is used as a staging dam for transfer of water between the two mines. The dam is situated in a disused open cut void, and the northern dam wall consists of consolidated rock strata overlain by rehabilitated spoil. Water level in the C11 Dam has risen since November 2011 due to water transfers following heavy summer rain. This increased water level rise has resulted in seepage through the rehabilitated spoil in the north eastern wall of the dam. The seepage has then re-surfaced further downslope, within the United Colliery Holding. A remedial action plan was implement which included recovering water from ponds along the seepage using a vacuum truck, installing a pump at C11 to reduce the water level in the dam, daily inspections of the dam and further water sampling and testing. The water level in C11 is now maintained and monitored at an acceptable level. 3.21 Independent Audit In accordance with Consent Condition 7, Schedule 6 of DA305-7-2003, WCPL completed an independent environmental audit to assess the performance of the operation and whether the operation is complying with its relevant development consents, EPL or mining leases at the end of the last reporting period. In the opinion of the auditors, the documentation, reporting and activities at the WCPL generally demonstrated a high degree of compliance with the conditions attached to the current consent and approvals granted for the project. However there were a number of recommendations provided in relation to management plans and programs to address specific requirements within the consent and/or approval conditions. For a summary of WCPL responses to the audit findings please refer to Appendix 6 of this AEMR. 4.0 Community Relations 4.1 Employment Status There were approximately 871 personnel, including contractors, employed at WCPL at the end of the reporting period. This is an overall increase of approximately 29 personnel from the previous reporting period. Downer EDI, who are contracted by WCPL to undertake the Open Cut mining, employed a total of 469 personnel, an increase of approximately 116 personnel compared with the previous reporting period. The increase of Open Cut contractors was in response to increasing production requirements. The breakdown of employee numbers is presented in Table 4.1. 4.2 Environmental Complaints WCPL received a total of 82 community complaints, an overall increase of 47 community complaints from the previous reporting period. A total of 68 complaints were recorded by WCMP in relation to noise (Figure 4.1). A review of the noise complaints identified approximately 71% of all the 68 noise complaints were from two community members, residing south of the WCPL operation. A majority of these complaints were in response to WCPL completing mining activities in the Homestead Pit and Rug Dump areas, which are no longer occurring. A total of 27 complaints were registered through the OEH Hotline. A number of the community complaints related to noise and lighting enquiries. All community complaints were managed in accordance with WCPL’s Community Complaints Procedure. A comparison between the numbers of complaints received this year with those received in previous years is presented in Table 4.2. The number of complaints received increased from the previous reporting period by approximately 45%. A register of complaints and the company’s response to resolve any issues are presented in Appendix 4. Page 80

2011-2012 AEMR Table 4.1 – WCPL Employment Status (end of June 2012) Admin Open Cut CH&PP Underground WCPL Staff/Supervisors 35 2 11 65 Production/Mineworkers 8 85 Fitters 4 34 Electricians 7 27 Contractors - Other 5 30 191 Total WCPL 40 2 60 402 Downer EDI Employees 54 377 Contractors 3 35 Total Downer EDI 57 412 Total (All) 871 Table 4.2 – WCPL Historical Complaints Reporting Period Complaints Received 2011 - 2012 82 2010 - 2011 35 2009 - 2010 18 2008 - 2009 3 2007 - 2008 26 2006 - 2007 29 2005 - 2006 32 2004 - 2005 12 2003 - 2004 28 2002 - 2003 20 2001 - 2002 4 Page 81

<strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong> <strong>AEMR</strong><br />

Table 4.1 – WCPL Employment Status (end of June <strong>2012</strong>)<br />

Admin<br />

Open<br />

Cut<br />

CH&PP<br />

Underground<br />

WCPL<br />

Staff/Supervisors 35 2 11 65<br />

Production/Mineworkers 8 85<br />

Fitters 4 34<br />

Electricians 7 27<br />

Contractors - Other 5 30 191<br />

Total WCPL 40 2 60 402<br />

Downer EDI<br />

Employees 54 377<br />

Contractors 3 35<br />

Total Downer EDI 57 412<br />

Total (All) 871<br />

Table 4.2 – WCPL Historical Complaints<br />

Reporting Period<br />

Complaints Received<br />

<strong>2011</strong> - <strong>2012</strong> 82<br />

2010 - <strong>2011</strong> 35<br />

2009 - 2010 18<br />

2008 - 2009 3<br />

2007 - 2008 26<br />

2006 - 2007 29<br />

2005 - 2006 32<br />

2004 - 2005 12<br />

2003 - 2004 28<br />

2002 - 2003 20<br />

2001 - 2002 4<br />

Page 81

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