Wambo Coal AEMR 2011-2012 - Peabody Energy

Wambo Coal AEMR 2011-2012 - Peabody Energy

Wambo Coal AEMR 2011-2012 - Peabody Energy


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Plot: V6-A1c<br />

Flora Species<br />

Braun Blanquet<br />

Cover ('11)<br />

Dodonaea viscosa subsp. cuneata -<br />

Eucalyptus crebra 4<br />

Melaleuca decora -<br />

Notelaea microcarpa var. microcarpa 3<br />

Aristida vagans -<br />

Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata 3<br />

Brachycome multifida -<br />

Cheilanthes distans 3<br />

Cymbopogon refractus 1<br />

Desmodium brachypodum 2<br />

Eucalyptus moluccana 2<br />

Lomandra confertifolia subsp. pallida -<br />

Opuntia stricta var. stricta* 1<br />

Spartothamnella juncea 2<br />

Vittadinia sulcata 2<br />

Amyema congener subsp. congener -<br />

Amyema pendulum -<br />

Breynia oblongifolia -<br />

Calotis lappulacea -<br />

Choretrum candollei 1<br />

Desmodium varians 2<br />

Dichondra repens 2<br />

Einadia hastata 1<br />

Einadia nutans -<br />

Eragrostis leptostachya -<br />

Eremophila debilis -<br />

Glycine tabacina 1<br />

Lomandra multiflora subsp. multiflora -<br />

Olearia elliptica 4<br />

Pavonia hastata* -<br />

Petrorhagia nanteuilii* -<br />

Senecio madagascariensis* -<br />

Sida corrugata -<br />

Solanum stelligerum -<br />

Eucalyptus dawsonii 1<br />

Austrodanthonia fulva 2<br />

Bursaria spinosa 2<br />

Cheilanthes sieberi 1<br />

Calotis lappulacea 1<br />

Austrostipa verticillata 2<br />

Commelina cyanea 1<br />

Glycine clandestina 1<br />

Allocasuarina luehmannii 1<br />

Plantago debilis 1<br />

Gahnia aspera 1<br />

Oxalis radicata 1<br />

Poa sieberiana 2<br />

Scutellaria humilis 1<br />

Brunoniella pumilio 2<br />

<strong>2011</strong> Annual Ecological Monitoring Report, Final Report, May <strong>2012</strong> Page 58

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