Symplectic, Presymplectic, Poisson, Dirac, ...,

Symplectic, Presymplectic, Poisson, Dirac, ...,

Symplectic, Presymplectic, Poisson, Dirac, ...,


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<strong>Symplectic</strong>, <strong>Presymplectic</strong>, <strong>Poisson</strong>, <strong>Dirac</strong>, ...<br />

Eduardo Martínez<br />

University of Zaragoza<br />

emf@unizar.es<br />

Jaca (Spain), August 2003

<strong>Symplectic</strong> structures<br />

Hamiltonian mechanics<br />

ẋ = ∂H<br />

∂p<br />

ṗ = − ∂H<br />

∂x .<br />

Can be written in the form ż = JdH(z):<br />

[ẋ ] [ ] [ 0 ∂H<br />

]<br />

In<br />

=<br />

∂p<br />

ṗ −I n 0<br />

∂H<br />

∂x<br />

A symplectic structure on a manifold M is a 2-form ω on M<br />

such that it is<br />

□ Closed: dω = 0.<br />

□ Non degenerated: v ↦→ ω(v, ·) has inverse.<br />


Pre-<strong>Symplectic</strong> structures<br />

The nondegeneration condition fails:<br />

– Singular Lagrangians<br />

– Hamiltonian mechanics with constraints<br />

– Pullback of a symplectic form to a submanifold.<br />

A presymplectic structure on a manifold M is a 2-form ω on<br />

M such that it is<br />

□ Closed: dω = 0.<br />


<strong>Poisson</strong> bracket<br />

In both cases we can define a <strong>Poisson</strong> algebra<br />

□ f ∈ C ∞ (M) ↦→ X f ∈ X(M) Hamiltonian vectorfield.<br />

□ {f, g} = −ω(X f , X g ).<br />

□ Hamilton equations ˙ f = {f, H}.<br />

In the presymplectic case restrict to admissible functions.<br />

f admissible ⇐⇒ ∃X ∈ X(M) s.t. i X ω = df.<br />


<strong>Poisson</strong> structures<br />

The <strong>Poisson</strong> bracket on the dual of a Lie algebra is not defined<br />

by a presymplectic form.<br />

Contravariant point of view: consider the inverse Λ of the symplectic<br />

form<br />

{f, g} = Λ(df, dg)<br />

and ‘allow it to be degenerate’.<br />

A <strong>Poisson</strong> structure on a manifold M is a 2-vector Λ on M such<br />

that it is closed: [Λ, Λ] = 0.<br />

Constraints are still a problem.<br />


<strong>Dirac</strong> structures<br />

A <strong>Dirac</strong> structure on a manifold M is a subbundle<br />

such that it is<br />

D ⊂ T ∗ M × M T M<br />

□ Maximally isotropic for ( , ) +<br />

(<br />

(α, v), (β, w)<br />

)<br />

+<br />

= 〈v, β〉 + 〈w, α〉.<br />

□ Closed:<br />

〈X 1 , L X2 α 3 〉 + 〈X 2 , L X3 α 1 〉 + 〈X 3 , L X1 α 2 〉 = 0.<br />

for all (X i , α i ) sections of D.<br />


□ The graph of a presymplectic form is a <strong>Dirac</strong> structure.<br />

□ The graph of a <strong>Poisson</strong> tensor is a <strong>Dirac</strong> structure.<br />

□ Restricts easily to submanifolds.<br />

□ Implicit Hamilton equations:<br />

(ẋ(t), dH(x(t))) ∈ D x(t) .<br />

□ Defines a <strong>Poisson</strong> bracket of admissible functions.<br />

f admissible ⇐⇒ ∃X ∈ X(M) s.t. (df, X) ∈ D.<br />


□ The manifold M is foliated by presymplectic leaves.<br />

□ The closure condition is equivalent to closure of the Courant<br />

bracket<br />

[(α, X), (β, Y )] = ( L X β − i Y dα, [X, Y ] )<br />

i.e. (D, [ , ], ρ = pr 2<br />

∣ ∣∣D<br />

) is a Lie algebroid.<br />


Lie Algebroids<br />

A Lie algebroid structure on the vector bundle τ : E → M is given<br />

by<br />

□ a Lie algebra structure (Sec(E), [ , ]) on the set of sections<br />

of E, and<br />

□ a morphism of vector bundles ρ: E → T M over the identity,<br />

such that<br />

[σ, fη] = f[σ, η] + (ρ(σ)f) η,<br />

where ρ(σ)(m) = ρ(σ(m)).<br />


Examples<br />

Tangent bundle<br />

E = T M,<br />

ρ = id,<br />

[ , ] = bracket of vector fields.<br />

Integrable subbundle<br />

E ⊂ T M, integrable distribution<br />

ρ = i, canonical inclusion<br />

[ , ] = restriction of the bracket to vector fields in E.<br />


Lie algebra<br />

E = g → M = {e}, Lie algebra (fiber bundle over a point)<br />

ρ = 0, trivial map (since T M = {0 e })<br />

[ , ] = the bracket in the Lie algebra.<br />

Atiyah algebroid<br />

Let π : Q → M a principal G-bundle.<br />

E = T Q/G → M, (Sections are equivariant vector fields)<br />

ρ([v]) = T π(v) induced projection map<br />

[ , ] = bracket of equivariant vectorfields (is equivariant).<br />


Action algebroid<br />

Let Φ: g → X(M) be an action of a Lie algebra g on M.<br />

E = M × g → M,<br />

ρ(m, ξ) = Φ(ξ)(m) value of the fundamental vectorfield<br />

[ , ] = induced by the bracket on g.<br />


Exterior differential<br />

On 0-forms<br />

df(σ) = ρ(σ)f<br />

On p-forms (p > 0)<br />

dω(σ 1 , . . . , σ p+1 ) =<br />

∑p+1<br />

= (−1) i+1 ρ(σ i )ω(σ 1 , . . . , ̂σ i , . . . , σ p+1 )<br />

i=1<br />

+ ∑ i

Morphism of a Lie algebroid<br />

A linear bundle map Φ: E → E ′ over ϕ: M → M ′ is a Lie<br />

algebroid morphism if pull-back commutes with d, i.e.<br />

where<br />

and<br />

Φ ∗ ◦ d = d ◦ Φ ∗ ,<br />

(Φ ∗ ω) m (a 1 , . . . , a p ) = ω ϕ(m) (Φ(a 1 ), . . . , Φ(a p )),<br />

In particular, it follows that<br />

Φ ∗ f = f ◦ ϕ.<br />

ρ ◦ Φ = T ϕ ◦ ρ.<br />


Hamiltonian Mechanics<br />

Prolong the dual π : E ∗ → M to a Lie algebroid π 1 : T E ∗ → E ∗<br />

T µ E ∗ = { (b, V ) ∈ E m × T µ E ∗ | T π(V ) = ρ(b) }.<br />

and anchor is ρ 1 (b, V ) = V , and the bracket makes T π : (b, V ) ↦→<br />

b a morphism.<br />

There exists a canonical 1-form<br />

θ 0 (b, V µ ) = 〈µ, b〉.<br />

The 2-form ω 0 = −dθ 0 is regular and obviously closed.<br />

Given a Hamiltonian H ∈ C ∞ (E ∗ ), the dynamical vector field is<br />

X H = ρ 1 (σ H ), where σ H is the solution of<br />

i σH ω 0 = dH.<br />


Lagrangian Mechanics<br />

Prolong τ : E → M to a Lie algebroid τ 1 : T E → E<br />

T a E = { (b, V ) ∈ E m × T a E | T τ(V ) = ρ(b) }.<br />

and anchor is ρ 1 (b, V ) = V , and the bracket makes T τ : (b, V ) ↦→<br />

b a morphism.<br />

Given a Lagrangian L ∈ C ∞ (E), there exists a 1-form<br />

θ L (b, V a ) = ξ V a (b)L.<br />

The 2-form ω L = −dθ L is obviously closed and it is regular iff<br />

∂ 2 L/∂y∂y is regular.<br />

The dynamical vector field is ρ 1 (Γ), where Γ is the solution of<br />

i Γ ω L = dE L .<br />


<strong>Symplectic</strong> Lie algebroids<br />

A presymplectic form on a Lie algebroid E is a 2-form on E,<br />

Ω: E ∧ E → R, which is closed with respect to the differential in<br />

the Lie algebroid: dω = 0 .<br />

A symplectic form on a Lie algebroid is a nondegenerated<br />

presymplectic form on E.<br />

(M, Ω) presymplectic manifold<br />

↕<br />

(T M, Ω) presymplectic Lie algebroid<br />


Hamiltonian sections<br />

Hamiltonian section σ f<br />

C ∞ (M)<br />

defined by an admissible function f ∈<br />

i σf Ω = df.<br />

Hamiltonian vectorfield X f = ρ(σ f ).<br />

<strong>Poisson</strong> bracket of two admissible functions<br />

{f, g} = −Ω(σ f , σ g ).<br />

In particular<br />

If Ω is symplectic, the base M is <strong>Poisson</strong><br />


Compatibility<br />

A 2-form Ω is compatible with the Lie algebroid structure if<br />

ker ρ ⊂ ker Ω.<br />

Theorem 1 If a presymplectic form Ω is compatible, then the<br />

leaves of the Lie algebroid are presymplectic manifolds. In that<br />

case, the leaves are symplectic if and only if ker ρ = ker Ω.<br />

Proof: ω L (v, w) = Ω(a, b) for ρ(a) = v and ρ(b) = w. Thus<br />

Ω| EL = ρ ∗ ω L .<br />


Theorem 2 If Ω is a compatible presymplectic form on E and<br />

Φ: Ē → E is a morphism, then ¯Ω = Φ ∗ Ω is a compatible presymplectic<br />

form on Ē.<br />

Proof: If a ∈ ker ¯ρ then Φ(a) ∈ ker ρ because ρ(Φ(a)) =<br />

T ϕ(¯ρ(a)).<br />

Therefore Φ(a) ∈ ker Ω.<br />

Thus ¯Ω(a, b) = Ω(Φ(a), Φ(b)) = 0 for all b, i.e. b ∈ ker ¯Ω.<br />


Quotient by the kernel<br />

<br />

<br />

The kernel of Ω is a Lie subalgebroid:<br />

i [σ1,σ 2]Ω = d σ1 i σ2 Ω = 0.<br />

We can quotient by ker Ω<br />

ker Ω <br />

E <br />

p<br />

E/ ker Ω<br />

τ<br />

M M/ρ(ker Ω)<br />

provided that some regularity properties are asumed.<br />


The form Ω defines a form ¯Ω in the quotient<br />

¯Ω [m] ([a], [b]) = Ω m (a, b)<br />

Since p is a morphism, then ¯Ω is closed and by construction is<br />

regular, therefore it is symplectic.<br />

It follows that<br />

M/ρ(ker Ω) is a <strong>Poisson</strong> manifold<br />


Canonical form on a <strong>Dirac</strong> structure<br />

Let D be an almost-<strong>Dirac</strong> structure on a manifold M. The canonical<br />

2-form on D is the 2-form Ω defined by<br />

Ω((α, v), (β, w)) = 〈v, β〉 = −〈w, α〉.<br />

Proposition 1 The kernel of Ω is ker Ω = ker ρ ⊕ ker λ, where<br />

λ: D → T ∗ M is the projection onto the first factor. In particular,<br />

Ω is compatible with the Lie algebroid structure.<br />

Proof:<br />

a = (α, v) ∈ ker ρ iff v = 0. Thus<br />

Ω(a, b) = 〈0, β〉 = 0<br />

for all b = (w, β) ∈ D<br />


Closed iff Closed<br />

Theorem 3 An almost-<strong>Dirac</strong> structure D on a manifold M is<br />

closed (i.e. it is a <strong>Dirac</strong> structure) if and only if<br />

∑ (<br />

)<br />

ρ(σ i )Ω(σ j , σ k ) − Ω([σ i , σ j ], σ k ) = 0<br />

ciclic(i,j,k)<br />

for all σ i , σ j , σ k sections of D.<br />


Proof:<br />

∑<br />

ciclic(i,j,k)<br />

(<br />

)<br />

ρ(σ i )Ω(σ j , σ k ) − Ω([σ i , σ j ], σ k ) =<br />

∑<br />

ciclic(i,j,k)<br />

∑<br />

ciclic(i,j,k)<br />

∑<br />

ciclic(i,j,k)<br />

(<br />

)<br />

ρ(σ i )〈ρ(σ j ), λ(σ k )〉 − 〈ρ([σ i , σ j ]), λ(σ k )〉 =<br />

(<br />

)<br />

X i 〈X j , α k 〉 − 〈[X i , X j ], α k 〉<br />

〈X j , L Xi α k 〉.<br />

=<br />


<strong>Dirac</strong> structures<br />

are particular cases of<br />

compatible presymplectic Lie<br />

algebroids.<br />


Gauged<br />

Given a closed 2-form ω on the manifold M we can define the Lie<br />

algebroid<br />

E = { (α + ω(v), v) | (α, v) ∈ D }<br />

with the Courant bracket. Notice that E is a Lie algebroid but<br />

it is not a <strong>Dirac</strong> structure. It is said to be obtained by a gauge<br />

transformation from D.<br />

Nevertheless, there also exists a 2-form<br />

which is closed.<br />

¯Ω(a, b) = 〈ρ(a), λ(b)〉<br />


The map Φ: D → E given by Φ(α, v) = (α + B(v), v) is an<br />

isomorphism of Lie algebroids and we have Φ ∗ ¯Ω = Ω − ρ ∗ ω.<br />

Therefore gauge equivalent <strong>Dirac</strong> structures have the same leaves<br />

but the presymplectic structure on every leaf is different.<br />


Twisted<br />

Given a closed 3-form φ on the manifold M we can modify the<br />

Courant bracket<br />

[(α, X), (β, Y )] = (L X β − i Y dα + φ(X, Y, ·), [X, Y ]).<br />

A φ-twisted <strong>Dirac</strong> structure is an almost <strong>Dirac</strong> structure which is<br />

closed under the above bracket.<br />

An almost <strong>Dirac</strong> structure D is a φ-twisted <strong>Dirac</strong> structure if and<br />

only if<br />

dΩ + ρ ∗ φ = 0.<br />


Conclusions and open problems<br />

□ <strong>Symplectic</strong> and presymplectic forms on Lie algebroids appears<br />

naturally in the study of some dynamical systems, and<br />

are as easy to use as ordinary presymplectic forms.<br />

□ Most (all?) geometric constructions on <strong>Dirac</strong> structures<br />

are but a consequence of the existence of the presymplectic<br />

structure.<br />

□ There is a well known constraint algorithm for presymplectic<br />

forms.<br />

□ The theory of symmetries for presymplectic forms leads to<br />

the results by Blankenstein and Van der Schaft about symmetries<br />

of <strong>Dirac</strong> structures.<br />


□ A <strong>Dirac</strong> structure integrates to a presymplectic groupoid.<br />

What is the integration of a compatible presymplectic Lie<br />

algebroid?<br />

□ Non-compatible symplectic forms are also of interest. What<br />

is the integration of a non-compatible presymplectic Lie algebroid?<br />

□ Jacobi versions?<br />


In collaboration with Jesús Clemente-Gallardo, University of Coimbra.<br />

The end<br />


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