30 May 2013 - ICTY

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30 May 2013 - ICTY


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49263<br />

arranging weapons and overseeing the delivery of arms and ammunition to Martić. Between<br />

December 1990 and September 1991, the Accused further directed and organized the SAO<br />

Krajina Police’s financing. Although the Trial Chamber noted that others, including the<br />

JNA/VJ, further assisted in the arming and financing of the SAO Krajina Police, I believe that<br />

these observations do not negate the role of the Accused in arming Milan Martić and his<br />

forces. On this last point I refer to a report signed by Franko Simatović issued around the 28<br />

July 1991 where he complains about a delivery of weapons by the JNA to Babić. He stated:<br />

“we think that such uncoordinated distribution can lead to a split in the so far compact<br />

defence of Krajina and that the actions of the party police would disturb the fragile balance<br />

[…] If such situation causes disorder in the defence, we will react and stop such activities on<br />

time” 5055 This report demonstrates that the Accused not only assisted in the arming of the<br />

SAO Krajina but also exercised control over it.<br />

2376. In addition to these findings I rely on Babić’s evidence as reviewed in 6.6.2 that in<br />

<strong>May</strong> 1991, Stanišić advised Martić to remain with the MUP so as to retain control over the<br />

Krajina police and that, by appointing Martić both as Minister of the MUP and of the MoD,<br />

the Krajina Assembly informally accepted the authority of the Serbian DB. Witness C-015<br />

testified that Martić had said that Stanišić – “the icy one” – was “his only and first<br />

commander”. 5056 The influence of Stanišić on Martić was such that he placed Serbian DB<br />

operatives in key roles in the SAO Krajina, such as Dušan Orlović, who became head of the<br />

SAO Krajina DB in January 1991 (and a member of the Unit later on), who reported to<br />

Stanišić. 5057 As a result, Martić could only partially exercise control over persons appointed<br />

by the DB in the Krajina mid-1991 5058 Milan Babić testified that, after August 1991, there<br />

were effectively two chains of command with regard to the armed groups on the territory of<br />

Krajina. 5059 One went through the Presidency of Yugoslavia, and the JNA, down to the<br />

5054 In this respect, I refer to the Trial Chamber findings in 6.3.2.<br />

5055 P2577 (Report in relation to events in SAO Krajina around 28 July 1991), p. 1.<br />

5056 Witness C-015, T. 1623-1624, 1684, 1721.<br />

5057 JF 31 p01000 pa. 11<br />

5058 P1000 (Witness JF-031, Slobodan Milošević transcript, 14-15 April 2003), p. 19179.<br />

5059 P1877 (Milan Babić, Martić transcript, 15-17, 20-21 February, and 2-3, and 6 March 2006), p. 1567; P1878<br />

(Milan Babić, Slobodan Milošević transcript, 18-22, 25-26 November, and 2-4, 6, and 9 December 2002), p.<br />

13129.<br />

Case No. IT-03-69-T 855<br />

<strong>30</strong> <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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