30 May 2013 - ICTY

30 May 2013 - ICTY

30 May 2013 - ICTY


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49370<br />

2093. According to the Indictment, the Accused directed and organized the financing,<br />

training, logistical support, and other substantial assistance or support for the Skorpions. 4387<br />

Having already considered, in chapter 6.5.3, the Prosecution’s allegations with regard to the<br />

assistance rendered by the Accused to the Skorpions in Operation Pauk, and in the 1995<br />

Trnovo/Treskavica and SAO SBWS operations, in the present section the Trial Chamber will<br />

consider whether the Accused directed and organized the financing, logistical support, and<br />

other substantial assistance or support for the Skorpions outside the time-period of these<br />

operations, and whether they directed and organized the Skorpions’ training.<br />

2094. In this respect, the Trial Chamber has received evidence from Witness JF-024, Goran<br />

Stoparić, Witness JF-029, Petar Djukić, and Gvozden Gagić. The Trial Chamber will now<br />

deal with the evidence concerning the financing and logistical support for the Skorpions.<br />

2095. Witness JF-024, a Serb from Croatia, 4388 testified that in 1994, Skorpion members had<br />

unlimited access to fuel and were paid 750 DEM a month, and he believed that the payments<br />

were made by the oil industry of Krajina. 4389 Before an operation, the Skorpions received<br />

weapons from Milanović who would inform Medić where to pick up trucks with ammunition,<br />

weapons, and other equipment required for the operation. The witness believed that most of<br />

the weapons came from the Vukovar barracks. The witness testified that the Skorpions<br />

received vehicles with civilian RSK and SVK license plates, from Srdjan Manojlović, and that<br />

Medić’s vehicle had a blue license plate, identical to that of the Serbian police and other<br />

government agencies, with the letter M which, according to the witness, indicated Milicija. 4390<br />

2096. Goran Stoparić, a former member of the Skorpions, 4391 testified that at Đeletovci, the<br />

Skorpions were regularly visited by persons, who some soldiers referred to as Serbian DB,<br />

who brought them “whatever equipment they needed”, and salaries in envelopes. 4392 The<br />

4387 Indictment, paras 3, 5, 15(c). In its Final Trial Brief, the Prosecution further alleges that the Accused trained,<br />

financed, and provided logistical support to the Skorpions, which the Trial Chamber understand to be reflecting<br />

the aforementioned wording of the Indictment. See Prosecution Final Trial Brief, 14 December 2012, paras 187,<br />

192, 194, 610, 641,755.<br />

4388 P2146 (Witness JF-024, witness statement, 17 February 2005), p. 1, paras 4-6; P2147 (Witness JF-024,<br />

witness statement, 25 <strong>May</strong> 2005), pp. 1-2; P2148 (Witness JF-024, witness statement, 31 <strong>May</strong> 2005), p. 1; P2149<br />

(Witness JF-024, witness statement, 7 October 2010), p. 1.<br />

4389 P2146 (Witness JF-024, witness statement, 17 February 2005), paras 41, 44; Witness JF-024, T. 11108-<br />

11110.<br />

4390 P2146 (Witness JF-024, witness statement, 17 February 2005), paras 45, 88; Witness JF-024, T. 11014-<br />

11015, 11099, 11112-11113, 11168, 11181-11184; P2153 (Witness JF-024 comments on Pauk Video and<br />

Scorpion Video), p. 5; P2154 (Witness JF-024 comments on stills from Scorpion Video); P2161 (Video of<br />

Trnovo Skorpion Operation); D225 (Video still from Skorpion Video).<br />

4391 P1702 (Goran Stoparić, witness statement, 24 November 2003), paras 68, 77; Goran Stoparić, T. 10327.<br />

4392 P1702 (Goran Stoparić, witness statement, 24 November 2003), paras 73-74; Goran Stoparić, T. 10432-<br />

10437.<br />

Case No. IT-03-69-T 748<br />

<strong>30</strong> <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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