Literature review: Impact of Chilean needle grass ... - Weeds Australia

Literature review: Impact of Chilean needle grass ... - Weeds Australia

Literature review: Impact of Chilean needle grass ... - Weeds Australia


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In comparison to annual <strong>grass</strong>es, perennial <strong>grass</strong>es have relatively low seedling vigour and slow early growth (Evans and Young<br />

1972). The outcome <strong>of</strong> competition between perennial <strong>grass</strong> species is therefore highly dependent on the timing <strong>of</strong> germination<br />

and differential rates <strong>of</strong> early growth.<br />

<strong>Impact</strong>s on animals<br />

Invasive <strong>grass</strong>es may provide or fail to provide resources for a wide range <strong>of</strong> other organisms. They are used by birds in nest<br />

construction e.g. Nassella trichotoma by Yellow-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (Quoy and Gaimard) (Peters 2000).<br />

Naturalised <strong>grass</strong>es provide food for various animals. Many birds eat the seeds <strong>of</strong> exotic <strong>grass</strong>es in <strong>Australia</strong>, including the<br />

Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis Gould and Plains Wanderer Pedionomus torquatus Gould in native <strong>grass</strong>lands (Loyn and<br />

French 1991). Most cockatoos and parrots consume exotic <strong>grass</strong> seeds and some species have become largely dependent on the<br />

resource, paticularly in cereal growing areas (Cole 1975, Loyn and French 1991, Barker and Vestjens 1989). In Victoria<br />

kangaroos eat and disperse the seed <strong>of</strong> Aira elegantissima Schur, Briza minor L., Hordeum marinum Huds., Lolium rigidum<br />

Gaudin and Vulpia bromoides, while feral horses and sambar eat and disperse the seed <strong>of</strong> Anthoxanthum odoratum and Holcus<br />

lanatus L. (Carr 1993).<br />

Significant negative impacts on native fauna appear to be commonplace where extensive, dense infestations <strong>of</strong> exotic <strong>grass</strong>es<br />

occur, but have rarely been investigated in any detail in <strong>Australia</strong>. Compared to habitats dominated by native <strong>grass</strong>es,<br />

monocultures <strong>of</strong> invasive Bothriochloa species in central Texas have been found to have reduced rodent species richness and in<br />

Kansas had significantly reduced bird species richness, and reduced abundance and biomass <strong>of</strong> arthropods (Schmidt et al. 2008).<br />

The suppression <strong>of</strong> native psammophilous <strong>grass</strong>es by invasive Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. in Germany has impacted on the<br />

native leafhopper fauna <strong>of</strong> these <strong>grass</strong>es, and two exotic leafhoppers associated with C. dactylon now occur (Biedermann et al.<br />

2005). The advent <strong>of</strong> New World-Old World hybrid Spartina in Europe appears to have resulted in the establishment <strong>of</strong> an<br />

American planthopper that attacks the European native Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fern. (Biedermann et al. 2005).<br />

Some recorded negative impacts on fauna in <strong>Australia</strong> include those <strong>of</strong> Aleman Grass Echinocloa polystachya (Kunth) A.S.<br />

Hitchc., and Olive Hymenachne Hymenachne amplexicaulis (Rudge) Nees, which “can choke out waterways used by ... pygmy<br />

geese” (Vidler 2004, citing Garnett 2003). In Queensland, Brachiaria mutica Para <strong>grass</strong> and H.amplexicaulis are a threat to the<br />

Jabiru Ephippiorhynchus asiasticus Latham (Vidler 2004 citing Williams pers. comm.). Briza maxima L., is considered a threat<br />

to the Eltham Copper butterfly Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida Crosby (Vidler 2004 citing DPI/DSE 2003b).<br />

Hydrology<br />

Invasive <strong>grass</strong>es can modify hydrological cycles in a range <strong>of</strong> simple and complex ways. They can modify the rate and timing <strong>of</strong><br />

evapotranspiration, infiltration and overland flow <strong>of</strong> water, and <strong>of</strong> the nutrients, minerals and soil particles in the water (Levine<br />

et al. 2003, Grice 2004).<br />

Alterations <strong>of</strong> soil water usage, in total, seasonally and at different levels in the soil may occur. Replacement <strong>of</strong> native summergrowing<br />

<strong>grass</strong>es with annual spring-growing <strong>grass</strong>es results in wetter autumn soils, higher water tables and increased drainage<br />

flows (Sinclair 2002). Replacement <strong>of</strong> deep-rooted perennials by shallow rooted annuals may reduce water use and concentrate<br />

water use to a particular season (Levine et al. 2003). In Californian native <strong>grass</strong>land, annual <strong>grass</strong>es reduced the reproduction<br />

and seedling growth <strong>of</strong> native perennial Poaceae through competition for soil moisture (Lenz et al. 2003). Absence <strong>of</strong> summer<br />

growth due to prior depletion <strong>of</strong> soil water may also result in higher erosion during intense summer rainfall events (Sinclair<br />

2002). Markedly increased rates <strong>of</strong> soil drying by high densities <strong>of</strong> the annual invasive Bromus tectorum adversely affect<br />

seedlings <strong>of</strong> a native perennial <strong>grass</strong> when the two were germinated simultaneously (Evans and Young 1972).<br />

Disturbance regimes<br />

Exotic <strong>grass</strong>es can change the nature and timing <strong>of</strong> disturbances through feedback effects (Woods 1997). Alterations to fire<br />

regimes and the frequency and intensity <strong>of</strong> flooding, erosion or herbivory may occur.<br />

The most dramatic and best documented <strong>of</strong> feedback disturbance effects involve increases in fire (D’Antonio and Vitousek 1992,<br />

Woods 1997, Mack and D’Antonio 1998, Levine et al. 2003, Vidler 2004). Changes to evapotranspiration may lead to altered<br />

soil and vegetation dryness patterns, while changes in timing and density <strong>of</strong> biomass production can alter the fuel load and its<br />

temporal and spatial (vertical and areal) distribution (including continuity and curing rates), leading to changes in the the<br />

frequency, severity and timing <strong>of</strong> fires. Grass invasions commonly result in increased <strong>grass</strong> biomass production (Rossiter et al.<br />

2006). Grass leaves have a high surface area: volume ratio and <strong>grass</strong>es commonly accumulate large amounts <strong>of</strong> dead biomass<br />

(Mack and D’Antonio 1998) with some species producing much more poorly biodegradable, inflammable bulk than others. But<br />

in most cases where increased biomass production occurs, the specific reasons are unknown (Levine et al. 2003). More frequent<br />

and hotter fires result in higher rates <strong>of</strong> nutrient loss and alterations in microclimate, and may stymie succession processes; thus<br />

altered fire regimes can result in major shifts in the composition and functioning <strong>of</strong> ecosystems, including dramatic alterations to<br />

biodiversity. In northern <strong>Australia</strong>, Gamba <strong>grass</strong>, Andropogon gayanus (Kunth), a South African species, produces up to seven<br />

times as much fuel as native <strong>grass</strong>es, resulting in a fire regime that is more frequent and much more intense (Rossiter et al. 2003,<br />

Ferdinands et al. 2006). If the changed fire regime leads to greater abundance <strong>of</strong> the responsible <strong>grass</strong> a ‘<strong>grass</strong>-fire cycle’ is<br />

initiated that reinforces the impact <strong>of</strong> the invasion (D’Antonio and Vitousek 1992, Hobbs and Heunneke 1992). Invasion by A.<br />

gayanus has led to reduced tree cover in open woodlands by this mechanism (Ferdinands et al. 2006).<br />

Mission <strong>grass</strong> Pennisetum polystachion (L.) Schultes and buffel <strong>grass</strong> Cenchrus ciliaris L., two other high biomass invasive<br />

species in northern <strong>Australia</strong> also effect fire regimes (Rossiter et al. 2003, Grice 2004). Fire enhances growth <strong>of</strong> C. ciliaris which<br />

in turn enables more intense fires (Puckey and Albrecht 2004). A large range <strong>of</strong> short lived native <strong>grass</strong>es and forbs disappear<br />

when the density <strong>of</strong> C. ciliaris reaches a certain threshold. The number <strong>of</strong> native ground cover species declines significantly,<br />

there is very little germination <strong>of</strong> native seed and total invertebrate diversity and abundance <strong>of</strong> most inverterate groups is reduced<br />

(Puckey and Albrecht 2004). It is a specifically identified as a threat to the skipper butterfly Croitana aestiva E.D.Edwards<br />

(Vidler 2004 citing Wilson and Pavey 2002). Increased cover <strong>of</strong> C. ciliaris has been correlated with a decline in the numbers <strong>of</strong><br />

Carnaby’s skink Cryptoblephrus carnabyi and delicate mouse Pseuodmys delicatulus in central Queensland (Puckey and<br />

Albrecht 2004 - see their references). C. ciliaris cultivar populations have low genetic diversity because <strong>of</strong> the dominance <strong>of</strong><br />


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