Literature review: Impact of Chilean needle grass ... - Weeds Australia

Literature review: Impact of Chilean needle grass ... - Weeds Australia

Literature review: Impact of Chilean needle grass ... - Weeds Australia


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Nematodes <strong>of</strong> <strong>grass</strong>es and <strong>grass</strong>lands<br />

Nematodes (Phylum Nematoda) constitute a vast, poorly explored taxon and are “the most abundant multicellular animals on<br />

earth” (Baldwin et al. 2004 p. 84). As many as 500,000 species have been predicted to exist, <strong>of</strong> which only 10,000 were known<br />

in 1951 (Meglitsch 1972). Most are entirely free-living in soil, water, etc. and a comparitively small proportion are plant<br />

parasites (Baldwin et al. 2004). Many <strong>of</strong> the parasitic groups have free-living stages and there is a full suite <strong>of</strong> intermediate<br />

lifestyles from fully sedentary ecto- or endoparasitism to migratory endoparasitism (Siddiqi 1986, Baldwin et al. 2004). Many <strong>of</strong><br />

the plant parasitic nematodes are ecto- or endo-parastites <strong>of</strong> <strong>grass</strong>es. Secretion products from plant parasistic species promote<br />

plant pathologies including nurse cells, root-knots and cysts specific to particular taxa, while some groups transmit viruses to<br />

their hosts (Baldwin et al. 2004). The order Tylenchida, commonly called plant nematodes, is the largest and most economically<br />

important group <strong>of</strong> plant parasites, and its members damage all plant organs including seeds, flowers and especially roots<br />

(Siddiqi 1986). However the orders Dorylaimida and Triplonchida also include plant parasites (Baldwin et al. 2004).<br />

Johnston (1938) recorded numerous species from unidentified <strong>grass</strong>es in <strong>Australia</strong>, along with species that attack sugar cane and<br />

cereals, but no records from native <strong>grass</strong>es. McLeod et al. (1994) recorded 42 taxa from unspecified <strong>grass</strong> or <strong>grass</strong>es in <strong>Australia</strong><br />

and listed the nematode species found on a wide range <strong>of</strong> other <strong>grass</strong>es in <strong>Australia</strong>.<br />

In the Stipeae, Anguina sp. is recorded from Austrostipa drummondii (Steud.) Jacobs & Everett and A. nitida (Summerh. & C.E.<br />

Hubb.) Jacobs & Everett in Victoria, A. trichophylla (Benth.) Jacobs & Everett in Western <strong>Australia</strong> and from “Stipa” sp. in<br />

NSW, Neodolichodorus adelaidensis and Xiphinema monhystereum are recorded from “Stipa” sp. in South <strong>Australia</strong>, and<br />

Pratylenchus neglectus is recorded from Austrostipa trichophylla (Benth.) Jacobs & Everett in Queensland (McLeod et al.<br />

1994).<br />

No species were known from Themeda triandra in south-eastern <strong>Australia</strong>, but 19 species have been found associated with the<br />

plant in Queensland (McLeod et al. 1994). Radopholus intermedius Colbran was described from material taken from around the<br />

roots <strong>of</strong> Allocasuarina torulosa (Aiton) L. Johnson and T. triandra, and R. laevis Colbran has also been found in this situation<br />

(Colbran 1971). The genus Radopholus Thorne contains 22 root endoparasitic species all but one <strong>of</strong> which are indigenous to<br />

<strong>Australia</strong> (Siddiqi 1986).<br />

Table A2.2. <strong>Literature</strong> records <strong>of</strong> the hosts <strong>of</strong> <strong>grass</strong>-inhabiting Nematoda recorded in south-eastern <strong>Australia</strong>. Grasses included<br />

are inhabitants or probably occur in temperate south eastern <strong>Australia</strong>n <strong>grass</strong>lands. South-eastern <strong>Australia</strong> excludes Queensland.<br />

Nematodes recorded from unspecified <strong>grass</strong> or <strong>grass</strong>es are not included. The list is indicative only, since a large proportion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

distribution records are not from <strong>grass</strong>lands. All data from McLeod et al. (1994). Nematode family assignment from Siddiqi<br />

(1986).<br />

Grass Nematode Family Distribution<br />

*Agrostis capillaris Belonolaimus sp. Dolichodoridae NSW<br />

Helicotylenchus dihystera Tylenchidae NSW<br />

*Agrostis stoloniferea Paratrichodorus lobatus ? NSW<br />

Paratylenchus nanus Paratylenchidae NSW<br />

*Avena fatua Paratylenchus sp. Paratylenchidae Vic<br />

*Avena sativa Ditylenchus dipsaci Anguinidae SA<br />

Heterodera avenae Heteroderidae NSW, SA, Vic<br />

Meloidogyne javanica Meloidogynidae NSW<br />

Paratylenchus neglectus Paratylenchidae SA, Vic<br />

Pratylenchus thornei Pratylenchidae SA<br />

Pratylenchus sp. Pratylenchidae Vic<br />

Scutellonema brachyurum Hoplolaimidae NSW<br />

Austrodanthonia caespitosa Paralongidorus sacchari ? SA<br />

Xiphinema monohysterum Neotylenchidae SA<br />

Austrodanthonia setacea Paratylenchus sp. Paratylenchidae SA<br />

Austrostipa nitida Anguina sp. Anguinidae Vic<br />

*Bromus catharticus Ditylenchus dipsaci Anguinidae NSW<br />

*Bromus sp. Meloidogyne sp. Meloidogynidae SA<br />

*Chloris gayana Meloidogyne incognita Meloidogynidae NSW<br />

*Cynodon dactylon Belonolaimus lolii Dolichodoridae NSW<br />

Criconema mutabilie Criconematidae SA<br />

Ditylenchus intermedius Anguinidae NSW<br />

Helicotylenchus dihystera Tylenchidae NSW<br />

Hemicriconemoides minor Criconematidae Vic<br />

Hemicycliophora labiata Hemicycliophoridae NSW, SA<br />

Hemicycliophora saueri Hemicycliophoridae Vic<br />

Hemicyliophora truncata Hemicycliophoridae NSW<br />

Heterodera graminis Heteroderidae NSW<br />

Heterodera sp. Heteroderidae NSW<br />

Macroposthonis sp. Criocnematidae Vic<br />

Morulaimus whitei Dolichodoridae Vic<br />

Paralongidorus eucalypti ? Vic<br />

Paratrichodorus lobatus ? NSW, SA<br />

Paratrichodorus minor ? NSW<br />

Rotylenchus brevicaudatus Hoplolaimidae NSW<br />

Scutellonema brachyurum Hoplolaimidae NSW, SA<br />


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