crime stoppers - Deputy Sheriffs' Association of San Diego County

crime stoppers - Deputy Sheriffs' Association of San Diego County

crime stoppers - Deputy Sheriffs' Association of San Diego County


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<strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’ <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />


NOVEMBER 2011<br />


Light the Night Against Crime brings<br />

focus on an important tool in solving<br />

<strong>crime</strong>s in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

HALLOWEEN Winners<br />

<strong>of</strong> the DSA’s Annual<br />

Costume Contest

We know what<br />

Law Enforcement<br />

Officers Need.<br />

Automobile & Motorcycle Accidents<br />

Bodily Injury • Worker’s Compensation • Death Claims<br />

Retirement Law • On & Off Duty<br />

Our Outstanding History <strong>of</strong> Success for Our Clients Includes:<br />

$63,000,000 verdict for medical malpractice<br />

$6,000,000 recovery for a workplace injury involving negligent<br />

operation <strong>of</strong> a forklift<br />

$3,700,000 verdict for a propane explosion<br />

$3,500,000 recovery for a motor vehicle accident<br />

$3,250,000 recovery for a fire aboard a ship<br />

$3,200,000 recovery for a motor vehicle accident<br />

$2,800,000 recovery for a fall from a skylight in an unsafe work environment<br />

$2,750,000 recovery for a motor vehicle accident<br />

$1,000,000 recovery for medical malpractice<br />

We also have been successful in litigation regarding a police <strong>of</strong>ficer’s<br />

right to have uninsured/underinsured coverage extended to his work<br />

as a motor <strong>of</strong>ficer.<br />

www.LAW1199.com<br />

1-800-LAW-1199 or 1-800-CHP-1222<br />

The Law Offices <strong>of</strong><br />

Scott A. O’Mara<br />

O’Mara & Padilla<br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> • Del Mar • Riverside & Orange Counties<br />

Making a false or fraudulent workers’ compensation claim is a felony subject to up to 5 years in prison or a fine<br />

<strong>of</strong> up to $50,000 or double the value <strong>of</strong> the fraud, whichever is greater, or by both imprisonment and fine.

Silver Star<br />

VOL. 27 NO 11 November 2011<br />


Dave Schaller<br />


Matt Clay<br />


Steve Purvis<br />


Tammy Bennetts, Dave DiCarlo,<br />

Mark Elvin, Marco Garmo,<br />

Tim Petrachek, and Hank Turner<br />


Cindy Olson - Office Manager<br />

Adah Mathias -Executive Assistant<br />

Louisa Hicks - Bookkeeper<br />

Daphne Williams - Administrative Assistant<br />


Cory Crowell<br />

www.dsastore.com<br />


Kristie Macris<br />

kmacris@dsasd.org<br />

Deadline for submitting an article is the 15th<br />

<strong>of</strong> the month prior to publication. All copy must<br />

be submitted with the name <strong>of</strong> author, work<br />

location, and phone number. Please e-mail<br />

submissions to kmacris@dsasd.org.<br />


The promotion <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism in law<br />

enforcement by providing service to the<br />

community, working with the Department and<br />

<strong>County</strong> to represent deputy sheriffs <strong>of</strong> all ranks<br />

in negotiating and protection <strong>of</strong> their rights.<br />

VALUES<br />

Honesty, Integrity, Dedication,<br />

Accountability, Respect, Compassion,<br />

Courage and Trust.<br />

Silver Star is the <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

monthly publication <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’ <strong>Association</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

13881 Danielson Street<br />

Poway, CA 92064-6891<br />

Mailstop N241<br />

(858) 486-9009 or<br />

(800) 266-5950<br />

Fax (858)486-8318<br />

www.dsasd.org<br />

features<br />

2<br />

13<br />

14<br />

18<br />

38<br />

Light the Night<br />

Photo from the Crime Stoppers 5k<br />

DSA Deployed <strong>Deputy</strong> Program<br />

New program supports deployed deputies and their families<br />

Halloween Contest<br />

From the Members<br />

Deputies in the Spotlight<br />

Recent sworn and reserve award recipients<br />

Run for the DSA Board<br />

Petition to run for the DSA Board<br />

station reports<br />

26 SDSO Kennels<br />

K9 by Tony Bailey and Gunner<br />

28 Station No. 1<br />

<strong>San</strong>tee Station by Jeremy Sheppard<br />

29 Cajon Zone<br />

El Cajon Courts by Cydney King<br />

30 The Snake Pit<br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Central Jail by Mirelle Chateigne<br />

32 Who Are Those Guys?<br />

Rural Enforcement by Matt McClendon<br />

33 10-4 Station M<br />

Comm Center by Shannon O’Neil-Huntoon<br />

26<br />

ON THE COVER: From Canine Crime Fghters<br />

to Crime Stoppers, this issue looks at some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

“strength behind the badge.” <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Sheriff’s<br />

Department Canine Star by <strong>Deputy</strong> Dane<br />

Wiesner. Page 26 for more from the kennels.<br />

columns<br />

22 Chaplain’s Corner<br />

by Department Chaplain Herb Smith<br />

25 <strong>County</strong> Line Transmissions<br />

by Robbie Bethea<br />

departments<br />

DSA in Pictures 2<br />

President’s Report 3<br />

Vice President’s Report 4<br />

Sheriff’s Report - Crime Stoppers 5<br />

Minutes 6<br />

DSA News 9<br />

DSA Dates 11<br />

Contest: Spot the Star 12<br />

Thanksgiving Word Search 34<br />

Find the Differences 34<br />

Classified Ads 35<br />

Birthdays 36<br />

Announcements 37<br />

Services Classified Ads 37<br />

10-7 EOS 40<br />

32<br />

28<br />

Silver Star (ISSN 1539-9982) is published monthly by the <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’ <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> at their headquarters, 13881 Danielson Street, Poway,<br />

California 92064-6891. No portion <strong>of</strong> this publication may be reprinted without the written permission <strong>of</strong> the editor. © Copyright - <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’ <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong>. All rights reserved. The views, expressions or opinions <strong>of</strong> those writing for the Silver Star do not necessarily express the opinions or views <strong>of</strong> the<br />

DSA, the Publications Staff, or any person or agency <strong>of</strong> the <strong>County</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>. The Silver Star’s editorial policy is to allow members to express their individual<br />

opinions and concerns within the necessary considerations <strong>of</strong> legality and space. Submissions that are racist, sexist, and/ or unnecessarily inflammatory or<br />

<strong>of</strong>fensive will not be published. The Silver Star will not publish any article which contains <strong>of</strong>fensive language, suggestiveness, hostility, or ridicule towards an<br />

individual or any other inappropriate content as deemed by the editor, staff <strong>of</strong> the DSA, and/or the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors. The Silver Star may not be used to air<br />

personal grievances or engage in a debate with an individual, unless it directly relates to the DSA membership as a whole. Periodicals Postage Paid at <strong>San</strong><br />

<strong>Diego</strong>, CA. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Silver Star, 13881 Danielson Street, Poway, CA 92064-6891.<br />

Silver Star November 2011 1

Deputies Troche, Edlin & Montgomery<br />


Deputies Montgomery, Bunk & Troche<br />

Commander Mike & Anita Barletta<br />

Light The Night On Oct. 22, DSA President<br />

Hank Turner joined <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Deputies<br />

in Balboa Park for the 25th Annual Light the Night<br />

Against Crime 5k held by <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Crime<strong>stoppers</strong>.<br />

This nighttime run/walk and the after party is a favorite<br />

among runners, families and law enforcement. Each<br />

year over 1,400 law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers and their<br />

families run or walk to support Crime Stoppers and<br />

its felony award program. Light the Night 2011 was<br />

dedicated to solving the murder case <strong>of</strong> Sonny Carrillo.<br />

A reward <strong>of</strong> up to $1,000 has been <strong>of</strong>fered to find his<br />

murderer. To date, Crime Stoppers has helped to solve<br />

4,150 felony <strong>crime</strong>s in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong>, including 114<br />

murders and the safe removal <strong>of</strong> 13 guns from local<br />

school campuses.<br />

HDSA Visits ASTREA Bill and Vira Lane<br />

attended the HDSA Lunch held at Gillispie Field in<br />

October. Lunch was served in the ASTREA hanger<br />

amidst the sheriff’s fleet. Sheriff’s bomb and arson<br />

unit spoke about burning the infamous bomb<br />

house.<br />

2 Silver Star November 2011<br />




Daughter <strong>of</strong> Lt. Flo Helms<br />

Deputies Gavin & Fletcher with A/S Prendergast<br />

CLOSED<br />

SUN & MON<br />



Kang’s <strong>of</strong>fers a<br />

discount to Law<br />

Enforcement<br />

Officers on martial<br />

arts supplies. Stop<br />

by and say you saw<br />

their ad in the Silver<br />

Star.<br />

PRESident<br />

DAVE<br />


the October 27<br />

board meeting,<br />

President Hank<br />

Turner stepped down<br />

and Dave Schaller<br />

was appointed by<br />

the board as his<br />

replacement. Hank<br />

will remain on<br />

as a director. Dave is a graduate <strong>of</strong> the <strong>San</strong><br />

<strong>Diego</strong> State University’s School <strong>of</strong> Public<br />

Administration, where he completed his<br />

bachelor’s degree with an emphasis in labor<br />

relations. He is currently assigned to the<br />

<strong>San</strong> Marcos Patrol Station’s<br />

Community Policing Unit.<br />

More<br />

News on<br />

Page 9

PRESIDENT’S REPORT hank turner<br />

By now, most <strong>of</strong> you have heard that I have<br />

resigned as the president <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’<br />

<strong>Association</strong>. At the board<br />

meeting on October 27,<br />

the directors voted in Dave<br />

Schaller as the new president.<br />

The DSA has dealt with a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> issues over the last<br />

couple <strong>of</strong> years. We made it<br />

through a highly contentious<br />

election for Sheriff, which<br />

led to a recall petition and<br />

investigation <strong>of</strong> the board. My<br />

goal as president was to get us<br />

through the rough spots and<br />

back to normal. Now that<br />

we have made it through, I<br />

thought it was time for a new voice at the top. I<br />

also believe the position is not about one person<br />

and a different point <strong>of</strong> view is a good thing.<br />

I plan to continue to serve on the board <strong>of</strong><br />

directors (as long as the members vote me in).<br />

As president, it has been a pleasure to work with<br />

our current board <strong>of</strong> directors. We <strong>of</strong>ten have<br />

very different points <strong>of</strong> view about the issues<br />

that face us, but realize we are in this together.<br />

We have worked with the department as a<br />

united board on behalf <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> our membership<br />

on a number <strong>of</strong> issues. We are unable to please<br />

everyone, but always try to support the majority<br />

opinion on an issue without sticking it to the<br />

minority.<br />

While everyone remembers the Sheriff’s<br />

election, we also supported Supervisor Bill Horn<br />

and Supervisor Ron Roberts. While many are<br />

critical <strong>of</strong> our elected <strong>of</strong>ficials, the supervisors,<br />

along with Walt Eckard, have kept the county<br />

in a strong financial position. We worked on<br />

these campaigns cooperatively with a number <strong>of</strong><br />

people and groups, strengthening our position<br />

in the political community. Our primary goal<br />

was to create a better understanding <strong>of</strong> the pay<br />

and benefits <strong>of</strong> a deputy and the influence it has<br />

on the hiring and retention <strong>of</strong> a deputy.<br />

We were able to negotiate a three-year contract,<br />

getting us <strong>of</strong>f cycle from the other groups in the<br />

county. Deputies and Sergeants received a small<br />

increase in compensation (that does not keep up<br />

with inflation) over the next three years, while<br />

lieutenants and above took a small cut in their<br />

compensation. This was the best we could hope<br />

for, but we also know that we head into our next<br />

contract in 2014 taking home less money than<br />

we did in 2008.<br />

Through my term as president, I went on a<br />

“world tour” by attending a briefing at every jail,<br />

court, and patrol station in the department at<br />

least once. I attended about half <strong>of</strong> the briefings<br />

more than once for a total <strong>of</strong> 143 briefings over<br />

the last 18 months. I did<br />

this because I thought it<br />

was important to hear what<br />

deputies want <strong>of</strong> the DSA,<br />

directly from them.<br />

The board planned and<br />

fundraised for trips to the<br />

state and national peace<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer memorial to honor<br />

Dep. Ken Collier. We raised<br />

almost $23,000, sending<br />

Ken’s family and 80 deputies<br />

to the 2 events. We could not<br />

have done this without the<br />

support <strong>of</strong> Sheriff Gore and<br />

Undersheriff Jim Cooke. We are now committed<br />

to sending deputies to future memorials.<br />

The DSA plans to send at least 20 members<br />

to the state memorial and 4 members to the<br />

national memorial each year. We believe it is an<br />

important event to honor our own.<br />

We also accomplished something that most<br />

people said would never happen; we contracted<br />

with Elbeco to sell authorized Sheriff’s Uniforms<br />

at the DSA Store. You can buy wool pants and<br />

uniform shirts directly from the DSA at a<br />

substantial member discount. You won’t need<br />

to worry about overpaying for a uniform shirt<br />

or pant or buying an item you are not allowed<br />

to wear. No one will beat the DSA’s prices<br />

on uniforms. In order to accommodate the<br />

uniforms, we also remodeled the store and<br />

modernized the front entrance <strong>of</strong> the DSA. We<br />

believe this will save members a great deal <strong>of</strong><br />

money.<br />

I want to mention one last thing in my final<br />

President’s Report. The “on going pension crisis”<br />

is still being stoked by the local media and Carl<br />

DeMaio’s <strong>of</strong> the world. A detentions deputy<br />

makes about $69,000 a year to spend a year in<br />

the jail. After 20 years, they retire with a pension<br />

<strong>of</strong> about $41,000. A full service deputy makes<br />

about $80,000 a year and retires after 20 years<br />

with about $48,000 a year. That is 20 years <strong>of</strong><br />

shift work, fights, getting sued, spat on, having<br />

your name and salary posted online, cursed at,<br />

and second guessed every day.<br />

As for the public, if you aren’t willing to work<br />

the job we are paid to do, then stop complaining.<br />

If you want the job, then log on to joinsdsheriff.<br />

net and apply, because we have almost 100<br />

openings and can’t fill them fast enough.<br />

While there are three million residents in<br />

the <strong>County</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>, only 2,200 can call<br />

themselves a deputy! <br />



You may use the numbers below<br />

to speak with a board member<br />

about an issue you may have.<br />

President Dave Schaller<br />

(760) 504-8185<br />

DSchaller@dsasd.org<br />

◄►<br />

Vice President Matt Clay<br />

(949) 246-1385<br />

MClay@dsasd.org<br />

◄►<br />

Secretary/Treasurer Steve Purvis<br />

(760) 484-0115<br />

SPurvis@dsasd.org<br />

◄►<br />

Director Tammy Bennetts<br />

(760) 390-6665<br />

TBennetts@dsasd.org<br />

◄►<br />

Director Dave DiCarlo<br />

(760) 271-3210<br />

DDicarlo@dsasd.org<br />

◄►<br />

Director Mark Elvin<br />

(619) 884-1007<br />

MElvin@dsasd.org<br />

◄►<br />

Director Marco Garmo<br />

(619) 212-0719<br />

MGarmo@dsasd.org<br />

◄►<br />

Director Tim Petrachek<br />

(760) 315-6465<br />

TPetrachek@dsasd.org<br />

◄►<br />

Director Hank Turner<br />

(619) 322-1132<br />

HTurner@dsasd.org<br />

Silver Star November 2011 3


November has begun with some changes<br />

already taking place at the DSA. First <strong>of</strong>f, you<br />

probably heard that President Hank Turner<br />

resigned mid-term from the<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> president. The board<br />

then voted Dave Schaller in<br />

to take his place through the<br />

remainder <strong>of</strong> Hank’s term<br />

as president, which ends<br />

December 2012.<br />

I would like to thank Hank for<br />

his service and dedication to<br />

the board and the association<br />

during his term. Most<br />

members have no idea <strong>of</strong> the<br />

demands placed on whoever<br />

takes on that position. The<br />

meetings, political events,<br />

not to mention the countless<br />

phone calls and visits from members and others,<br />

essentially seven days a week, can take its toll on<br />

a person and their family life. It is not a “kickback”<br />

job—that’s for sure.<br />

Steve Purvis and I are still your Secretary and<br />

Vice President respectively. We look forward to<br />

working with Dave over the next year. As it is<br />

an election year, we expect to be busy working<br />

to protect our benefits.<br />

Hank will stay on as director as well, continuing<br />

to work on behalf <strong>of</strong> members, at least through<br />

the next board election when he will be running<br />

for reelection. If you are interested in running<br />

for the DSA Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, the petitions are<br />

printed in the back <strong>of</strong> this issue.<br />


Our DSA store has undergone a facelift. It has<br />

more space, a new point <strong>of</strong> sale system, and is<br />

better organized to serve you. Better yet, we<br />

now have complete uniforms at the best price<br />

anywhere in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>! Stop by during the<br />

month <strong>of</strong> November for even greater savings<br />

on all Elbeco uniform apparel. We have always<br />

tried to provide the best prices on uniforms and<br />

duty gear, and the addition <strong>of</strong> the new uniform<br />

pants and shirts rounds out our <strong>of</strong>ferings. The<br />

DSA Store has also teamed with a local tailor to<br />

provide alterations at a great price.<br />

Elbeco is hosting a BBQ on<br />

November 14. in honor <strong>of</strong><br />

the grand reopening <strong>of</strong> the<br />

store. Manufacturer reps<br />

will be on hand, as will<br />

some members <strong>of</strong> the board.<br />

There will also be a raffle<br />

with some great prizes. I<br />

encourage you to stop by<br />

and take a look at our new<br />

digs.<br />

AB109<br />

Did you notice that the<br />

crook you just hooked, who<br />

violated his probation for the<br />

fourth time and was getting<br />

sent up the chain for a two-year stint in state<br />

prison, didn’t? Welcome to AB109. It has already<br />

begun.<br />

While Sheriffs throughout the state have been<br />

working hard to get ready for the party to begin<br />

on a huge scale, we are already feeling the effects<br />

on the street. Bad guys are just not getting any<br />

time.<br />

Tip the Scales, Allied Shield, and other effective<br />

operations have been in place to help keep the<br />

pressure on these folks. To that end, I think our<br />

county has been working with allied agencies in<br />

the most comprehensive and cooperative way <strong>of</strong><br />

any jurisdiction out there.<br />

The time has come to remain more vigilant and<br />

more proactive than ever with an influx <strong>of</strong> new<br />

customers returning to the neighborhood, and<br />

our current customers getting “time served”<br />

before being released right back to us. The<br />

hiring demands the department has to face are<br />

real, as is the financial burden on our county’s<br />

resources to address this one issue. You add to<br />

this equation, the “Occupy” movement and the<br />

unknown as to where that will take us, and one<br />

can see that the demands on peace <strong>of</strong>ficers are<br />

prodigious. <br />




www.DSASD.org/Christmas<br />

(858) 486-9009 x 100<br />


The members listed below have<br />

volunteered to be DSA liaisons.<br />

Chula Vista Court - Don West<br />

El Cajon Court - Cydney King,<br />

Elizabeth Madrid<br />

Encinitas Station - Dawn Patterson,<br />

Glenn Giannantonio<br />

Fallbrook Station - Gary Crowley<br />

George Bailey - Brian Baker,<br />

Shane Bartlett, Robert Pierson<br />

Imperial Beach - Luis Chavez,<br />

Julian - Fred Duey<br />

Las Colinas - Amy Thomas,<br />

Scott Johnson<br />

Lemon Grove Station - Michael Arroyo,<br />

Jerry Jimenez, Shannon Justice<br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Court - Patty Britcher,<br />

Matt Etchepare<br />

<strong>San</strong> Marcos - Robert Jennings,<br />

Scott Carter, Allan Paez<br />

<strong>San</strong>tee Station - Rob Bueno<br />

SDCJ - Steve Bulthuis,<br />

James Downhour<br />

Southbay Detentions - Steve Bowen<br />

Tim Stine<br />

Transportation - Jon Currie<br />

Valley Center Station - Jim Bennetts<br />

Vista Station - John Cannon<br />

Become a station rep!<br />

Contact Adah Mathias at amathias@<br />

dsasd.org for more information.<br />

We need one rep<br />

per team for each station or unit.<br />

4 Silver Star November 2011

Crime Stoppers<br />

Message from Sheriff Bill Gore<br />

Jeanine Hickey doesn’t know why anyone would<br />

kill her son. On a spring night earlier this year,<br />

Jordan was riding his bicycle a few blocks from<br />

home when someone shot and killed him. He<br />

wasn’t robbed and there was no obvious motive.<br />

Just 21 years old and developmentally disabled,<br />

Jordon had no enemies. In a news interview his<br />

mother described him as “a lamb…Somebody<br />

slayed a lamb…”<br />

The <strong>crime</strong> took place in the unincorporated part<br />

<strong>of</strong> National City and our Homicide Detail has<br />

been investigating. It’s a tough case. But our<br />

Homicide Investigators have help.<br />

Crime Stoppers has posted a financial reward<br />

for information leading to Jordan’s killer. Based<br />

upon past experience, this may be a <strong>crime</strong> that<br />

initially appears unsolvable but is ultimately<br />

solved because <strong>of</strong> the help <strong>of</strong> Crime Stoppers.<br />

Central Investigations Division Capt. Tim<br />

Curran describes Crime Stoppers as filling an<br />

important gap in difficult investigations.<br />

He describes a time when Sheriff’s Homicide<br />

Detail found out just how important Crime<br />

Stoppers could be in solving cases. The<br />

year was 1999 and Eric Harris, <strong>of</strong> Imperial<br />

Beach, was listed missing under suspicious<br />

circumstances. Investigators from our<br />

Imperial Beach Station and Homicide Detail<br />

contacted family members, associates, and<br />

members <strong>of</strong> the community for leads into Eric’s<br />

disappearance. After six months <strong>of</strong> investigation<br />

and over fifty interviews, investigators were no<br />

closer to solving the mystery.<br />

Then came the break they were looking for. A<br />

witness saw a missing person’s flyer posted by<br />

Crime Stoppers in a local 7-11 convenience store.<br />

The witness reported intimate details regarding<br />

Eric’s disappearance. In fact, when the witness<br />

met with investigators, he claimed that Eric had<br />

been murdered and was buried in a backyard in<br />

Imperial Beach. He even drew a map <strong>of</strong> the area,<br />

placing a “X” to pinpoint where Eric could be<br />

found. Investigators served a search warrant at<br />

the residence and found Eric’s body in a shallow<br />

grave in the backyard. Ultimately, two suspects<br />

were arrested, convicted <strong>of</strong> murder, and are in<br />

prison today.<br />

This kind <strong>of</strong> help has been delivered now for<br />

more than 25 years.<br />

Back in 1984 a tiny group <strong>of</strong> citizen volunteers<br />

got together to explore what they could do to<br />

help law enforcement. They wanted to use the<br />

media to focus on <strong>crime</strong>s in an effort to get<br />

citizens to come forward with investigative<br />

leads. The idea was simple: with many <strong>crime</strong>s<br />

there are people who have information but who<br />

do not come forward. <strong>Deputy</strong> Adriana Uribe,<br />

who is assigned to work with Crime Stoppers’<br />

volunteers, describes two major barriers to<br />

getting them to break their silence: fear <strong>of</strong><br />

retaliation and apathy.<br />

Crime Stoppers’ strategy takes aim at both <strong>of</strong><br />

those barriers. Its tip hotline (888-580-8477)<br />

allows a caller to remain anonymous. This<br />

directly addresses fears <strong>of</strong> retaliation. As for<br />

apathy, well, nothing talks like money. When<br />

information provided by the caller leads to an<br />

arrest, the tip could earn the caller as much as<br />

$1,000.<br />

Information found on in-custody playing cards<br />

distributed by Crime Stoppers help solve <strong>crime</strong>s<br />

In the past Crime Stoppers was <strong>of</strong>ten viewed<br />

as a last resort, a kind <strong>of</strong> investigative Hail<br />

Mary after all other leads were exhausted.<br />

However, experience has shown, that the best<br />

results are gained when detectives contact<br />

Crime Stoppers during the initial stages <strong>of</strong> an<br />

investigation, especially if there is a picture or<br />

surveillance video <strong>of</strong> a suspect. Crime Stoppers<br />

can release that information to the media to help<br />

identify the person in the video. This plays to<br />

the pr<strong>of</strong>essional preferences <strong>of</strong> television news<br />

reporting: the case is current and there is a<br />

photographic image to be broadcast on screen.<br />

Captain Curran notes that the working<br />

relationship between homicide investigators and<br />

Crime Stoppers is very close. In fact investigators<br />

receive assistance from Crime Stoppers in nearly<br />

every homicide case. In-custody playing cards<br />

(with the face <strong>of</strong> suspects on the cards), Crime<br />

Stoppers flyers, and media releases regularly<br />

result in critical tips. As evidenced by the Eric<br />

Harris case, the results can be dramatic, a real<br />

breakthrough in an investigation.<br />

I am a real believer in the work <strong>of</strong> Crime<br />

Stoppers. I encourage detectives to get them<br />

involved in their cases early on. To get the ball<br />

rolling, all <strong>Deputy</strong> Uribe needs is a copy <strong>of</strong> the<br />

initial <strong>crime</strong> report. As the Crime Stoppers<br />

deputy, she will write a press release and set up<br />

(or conduct, if the detective prefers) interviews<br />

with the media.<br />

There is another value to this Crime Stoppers<br />

connection that I’ve seen over the years. In<br />

the wake <strong>of</strong> a tragedy, the victim’s family and<br />

friends <strong>of</strong>ten feel helpless. They want to help,<br />

but don’t know what to do. When appropriate,<br />

Crime Stoppers will make flyers or posters about<br />

the <strong>crime</strong> and friends and family members <strong>of</strong><br />

the victim can post or distribute them. They<br />

spread the word—advertising the Crime<br />

Stoppers anonymous tip line and the reward<br />

for information that leads to the arrest <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>of</strong>fender.<br />

You may have seen on television the feature<br />

“Fugitive <strong>of</strong> the Week.” This is another Crime<br />

Stoppers effort. If detectives are having<br />

trouble finding a suspect Crime Stoppers will<br />

coordinate getting a photo to all <strong>of</strong> the news<br />

stations. Generally, it doesn’t take long for<br />

phone calls to come in reporting the suspect’s<br />

whereabouts. Indeed, the capture rate for<br />

featured fugitives is very high.<br />

A lot has happened since those folks in 1984<br />

created Crime Stoppers. These good citizens<br />

have helped law enforcement solve more than<br />

4,000 <strong>crime</strong>s, including 773 burglaries, 672<br />

robberies, and 110 homicides. Calls to the Crime<br />

Stoppers “tip line” have resulted in the arrest<br />

<strong>of</strong> over 450 fugitives and the seizure <strong>of</strong> nearly<br />

$17 million in illegal drugs and stolen property.<br />

To be at our best we count on the active<br />

partnership <strong>of</strong> community groups and citizens<br />

who view our mission as their own. Crime<br />

Stoppers is one such group <strong>of</strong> citizens; they<br />

make us a whole lot more effective in our jobs<br />

and, consequently, our communities a whole lot<br />

safer.<br />

Do well and stay safe. <br />

Silver Star November 2011 5

Minutes<br />

October 13, 2011<br />

President Hank Turner called the Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors to order on<br />

October 13, 2011 at 4:05 pm.<br />


Present: Turner, Clay, Purvis, Petrachek, Schaller, Elvin, DiCarlo, Bennetts, Garmo<br />

Upon motion by Purvis, Second by Clay and passed by unanimous vote, the<br />

October 13, 2011 meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors entered into closed session<br />

at 4:09 pm for confidential communications to include Fern Steiner, Cindy Olson<br />

and Adah Mathias.<br />

1) DISCUSSION:<br />

a) Legal, Closed session minutes from September 22, 2011<br />

MOTION/Garmo, SECOND/Schaller to come out <strong>of</strong> closed session at 4:32<br />

pm. Motion unanimously carries<br />

The Executive Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors was recessed at 4:35 pm and<br />

President Turner called the General Membership Meeting to order at 5:45 pm.<br />


GUESTS<br />













Inez Morales – California Casualty,<br />

Mike Nadeau – CLEA<br />

BCST David Ladieu<br />

Don West<br />

Glenn Giannantonio<br />

Gary Crowley<br />

obert Pierson<br />

Luis Chavez<br />

Scott Johnson<br />

Jerry Jimenez, Michael Arroyo<br />

Rob Bueno<br />

Scott Carter, Alan Paez,<br />

J D Downhour<br />

Jim Bennetts<br />


a) Inez Morales from California Casualty informed the members that<br />

California Casualty is holding a drawing for a motorcycle. You must<br />

sign up online and she will send the information to the DSA to send<br />

to the station reps.<br />

3) LEGAL REPORT: Steiner<br />

a) Article regarding use <strong>of</strong> force in detention facilities in Los Angeles area.<br />

b) Reminder about use <strong>of</strong> computers and posting information on any<br />

social media programs. It could lead to disciplinary action or could<br />

have an effect on future jobs.<br />

c) Issue with detention deputies that could be working outside course<br />

and scope <strong>of</strong> duties and if that could affect their safety retirements.<br />

Discussion. The DSA and department will be meeting to discuss the<br />

issue further.<br />


a) Minutes<br />

i) September 22, 2011<br />

b) Membership<br />

i) 2082 Class 1 Members, 151 Affiliate Membership, 57 Class III<br />

Reserve Members, 943 Retired Members for a total membership<br />

<strong>of</strong> 3,233<br />

c) Retirement<br />

i) Rene Camacho – 28 years membership - $5,600<br />

ii) Elaine Clark – 29 years combined membership - $3,200<br />

iii) Tanya Pierre-Creer – 15 years membership (10 as Class 1) - $2,000<br />

iv) James Piscitelli – 32 years membership - $6,800<br />

MOTION/Bennetts, SECOND/Clay to approve the consent calendar. Motion<br />

unanimously carries.<br />

5) PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Turner<br />

a) Anti-Terrorist Campaign Leave LOU renewal.<br />

i) Board direction to authorize President to sign LOU.<br />

b) Request for financial assistance to Fullerton Officer Manuel Ramos<br />

to assist his family.<br />

MOTION/Clay, SECOND/Garmo to approve $500 from undesignated funds<br />

for Fullerton Officer Manuel Ramos. Discussion<br />

AYES: Clay, Bennetts, Elvin, Garmo, DiCarlo, Petrachek, Purvis<br />

NOES: Schaller<br />

Motion carries.<br />

c) 5 th Annual DSB Holiday Party on December 2 nd at the Mission Valley<br />

Marriott. Cost is $30 per person.<br />

MOTION/Purvis, SECOND/Schaller to approve $120 from Public Relations<br />

Misc. fund to purchase 4 tickets. Motion unanimously carries.<br />

d) Department is making the Border Crime Task Force a permanent unit.<br />

The deputies would qualify for the 5% investigative premium. The<br />

department is asking for a one time waiver on the interview process<br />

for this unit so that the premium can be paid. Board direction to<br />

send letter to the department acknowledging the one time waiver<br />

for the BCTF unit.<br />

e) State Sheriff <strong>Association</strong> is going to be <strong>of</strong>fering a Ruger Vacaro<br />

commemorative weapon. There will be 2,000 guns available for<br />

purchase state wide. DSA members may purchase the gun on payroll<br />

deductions. More information will be available shortly.<br />

f) LAPPL request for a letter be sent to the Parole Board in opposition<br />

to the release <strong>of</strong> the Onion Field Killer. Board direction to send letter<br />

to parole board opposing the release.<br />


a) Elbeco uniform sale on November 14 th at the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice. Flyer will be<br />

sent to DSA members homes. Discussion regarding cost <strong>of</strong> mailing<br />

the flyer to members’ homes and who will pay for it. Direction to<br />

request Elbeco pay postage.<br />

MOTION/Bennetts SECOND/Purvis to approve payment <strong>of</strong> postage up to<br />

$1,000 for mail out if Elbeco does not agree to pay for the mailing.<br />

AYES: Bennetts, Schaller, Clay, Purvis, Elvin, Garmo, DiCarlo<br />

NOES: Petrachek<br />

Motion carries<br />

b) POS Computer upgrade for store<br />

MOTION/Garmo, SECOND/Purvis to approve up to $4,000 for POS Computer<br />

upgrade. Motion unanimously carries.<br />


a) Discussion regarding creating a line item in the budget for the Public<br />

Relations person. To be addressed in budget review.<br />


a) BUDGET: Purvis<br />

i) 2012 Budget is available for review by the directors.<br />

b) MEMBER EVENTS: Purvis<br />

i) Dinner Dance will be held on March 17, 2012 at the Hyatt<br />

Regency Mission Bay from 5:30 to 11:30 pm. Rooms available<br />

for $139 per night until February 24.<br />

MOTION/Purvis, SECOND/Clay to authorize the President to sign the<br />

contract and to approve $12,500 for the deposit to be mailed this calendar<br />

year. Motion unanimously carries.<br />

c) DONATIONS: Purvis<br />

i) Bennetts requested a donation for Pacific Safety Council. Council<br />

provides safety classes for child safety seats installation.<br />

MOTION/Bennetts, SECOND/DiCarlo to approve $200 from donation fund.<br />

Discussion. Motion withdrawn tabled until October 27, 2011 meeting for<br />

more information.<br />

d) NEGOTIATIONS: Clay<br />

6 Silver Star November 2011

i) The <strong>County</strong> changed the premiums for Bomb/Arson and<br />

ASTREA.<br />

ii) Wexler invoice<br />

MOTION/Clay SECOND/Garmo to approve payment <strong>of</strong> Wexler invoice in<br />

the amount <strong>of</strong> $300. Motion unanimously carries.<br />


(PORAC)-Petrachek<br />

i) PORAC chapter has endorsed Supervisor Dianne Jacob and<br />

Supervisor Greg Cox.<br />

f) LEGAL DEFENSE: Petrachek<br />

i) Reminder that if someone needs an employee rep please<br />

contact Bobbitt, Pinckard, & Fields <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

g) POLITICAL ACTION: Petrachek<br />

i) Review <strong>of</strong> PAC activity and meetings with county <strong>of</strong>ficials.<br />

ii) Endorsements<br />

(1) Judicial<br />

(a) Garland Peed<br />

(b) David Barry<br />

MOTION/Petrachek, SECOND/Schaller to endorse Garland Peed and David<br />

Barry for open judicial seats. Motion unanimously carries.<br />

(2) 74 th State Assembly District<br />

(a) Sherry Hodges<br />

MOTION/Petrachek, SECOND/Schaller to endorse Sherry Hodges for 74 th<br />

State Assembly District. Motion unanimously carries.<br />


i) Relief Case 2011-01 issue with date to return to work.<br />

MOTION/Schaller, SECOND/Purvis to approve payment for Relief Case<br />

2001-01. Motion unanimously carries.<br />

i) INSURANCE: Schaller<br />

i) Open Enrollment information has been mailed to members<br />

home. If someone does not receive their information please<br />

contact the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice. Open enrollment ends on November 1 st .<br />

ii) Researching MetLife Home and Auto Insurance as replacement<br />

for California Casualty and Liberty Mutual due to cost being<br />

significantly lower.<br />

iii) <strong>County</strong> Health Insurance update<br />

j) RETIREMENT: Schaller<br />

i) Tom Evans submitted his paperwork for DSA retirement.<br />

MOTION/Schaller, SECOND/Garmo to approve retirement benefits for Tom<br />

Evans. Motion unanimously carries.<br />


i) Discussion on proposed bylaw changes.<br />

(1) VP and President duties – transfer staff oversight to<br />

President.<br />

(2) Relief fund – to change length <strong>of</strong> time benefit can be paid<br />

and <strong>of</strong>fset premium for Long Term Disability Insurance for<br />

those members who are enrolled in the plan.<br />

(3) Retirement Benefit – to increase benefit paid to retiring<br />

members and change language to allow those members<br />

with prior membership time to be able to collect<br />

retirement benefit for each full continuous years<br />

membership. 7 years continuous membership at time <strong>of</strong><br />

retirement would be required.<br />

l) WORKERS COMP: Elvin<br />

i) Department open enrollment closes on October 23 rd .<br />


a) Discussion regarding Holiday gift for elected <strong>of</strong>ficials.<br />

MOTION/Schaller SECOND/Purvis to approve up to $3,000 from<br />

undesignated funds for wine as holiday gift. Motion unanimously carries.<br />


a) Hero’s on Scene Dinner<br />

MOTION/Petrachek, SECOND/Elvin to approve $520 from undesignated<br />

funds for table <strong>of</strong> 8.<br />

AYES: Petrachek, Elvin, Clay, Purvis, DiCarlo, Garmo<br />

NOES: Bennetts, Schaller<br />

Motion carries.<br />

b) The DSA purchased a table <strong>of</strong> 10 at the Sheriff Museum 10 th<br />

Anniversary Celebration, If anyone would like to attend please contact<br />

the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

c) Installation Luncheon on January 26, 2012. Board direction to sign<br />

the contract and pay the deposit.<br />

d) President Turner announced his resignation as the DSA President<br />

effective October 26, 2011. The president position will be filled at the<br />

next meeting on October 27, 2011. Turner thanked the membership<br />

for their support during his tenure as president.<br />

e) Station Rep raffle won by Scott Carter<br />

ADJOURNED 7:41 pm<br />

October 27, 2011 - This minutes have not been reviewed by the board and ar for<br />

informational purposes only.<br />

Vice President Matt Clay called the Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors to order<br />

on October 27, 2011 at 12:13 pm.<br />


Present: Schaller, Clay, Turner, Purvis, Petrachek, Elvin, DiCarlo, Garmo arrived<br />

at 12:25 pm Absent: Bennetts/vacation - unexcused<br />

Upon motion by Turner , Second by Clay and passed by unanimous vote, the<br />

October 27, 2011 meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors entered into closed session<br />

at 2:38 pm for confidential communications to include John Wainio, Cindy Olson<br />

and Adah Mathias.<br />

1) DISCUSSION:<br />

a) Closed session minutes, legal<br />

MOTION/Turner, SECOND/Petrachek to come out <strong>of</strong> closed session at 2:50<br />

pm. Motion unanimously carries<br />


a) Clay nominated Schaller for president. Schaller accepted. Unanimous<br />

vote for Schaller.<br />

3) LEGAL REPORT: Steiner<br />

a) Steiner contacted deputy involved in conflict <strong>of</strong> interest case. She has<br />

not heard back from deputy at this time.<br />

b) Department is still researching ramifications <strong>of</strong> having detention<br />

deputies working outside scope <strong>of</strong> job description.<br />


a) Minutes from October 13, 2011<br />

b) Retirements<br />

i) Vickie Armitage – 20 years (16 as Class 1)membership - $3,200<br />

ii) Patricia Britcher – 21 years combined membership - $3,200<br />

iii) Thomas Cooke – 31 years membership - $6,400<br />

iv) James Duffy – 25 years membership - $5,000<br />

v) Karen Ramelli – 22 years (10 as Class 1) membership - $2,000<br />

vi) Nancy Walker – 25 years combined membership - $3,200<br />

MOTION/Clay SECOND/Turner to approve the consent calendar. Motion<br />

unanimously carries.<br />


a) Schaller will be full release president starting on November 4 th . He<br />

thanked the directors for their support.<br />


a) Authorized signers for LPL Financial SAM account.<br />

Silver Star November 2011 7

Minutes<br />

i) Be it resolved that the <strong>of</strong>ficer(s) named in Section II or any<br />

one <strong>of</strong> them is (are) hereby authorized to buy, sell, assign and<br />

endorse for transfer, certificates representing stocks, bonds<br />

or other securities now registered or hereafter registered in<br />

the name <strong>of</strong> the Organization named in Section I. .<br />

MOTION/Purvis, SECOND/Turner to adopt the resolution for LPL<br />

Financial SAM accounts. Signers to be David Schaller and Steve Purvis.<br />

Motion unanimously carries. Elvin out <strong>of</strong> the room for the vote.<br />

b) Authorized signers for <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Credit Union accounts<br />

and safe deposit box,<br />

i) Be it resolved that<br />

(1) <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Credit Union is designated as a<br />

depository for the funds <strong>of</strong> this corporation.<br />

(2) This resolution shall continue to have effect until<br />

express written notice <strong>of</strong> its rescission or modification<br />

has been received and recorded by <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

Credit Union.<br />

(3) All transactions, if any, with respect to any deposits,<br />

withdrawals, and borrowings by or on behalf <strong>of</strong> this<br />

corporation with <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Credit Union prior<br />

to the adoption <strong>of</strong> this resolution are hereby ratified,<br />

approved and confirmed.<br />

(4) An <strong>of</strong> the persons named below so long as they act in<br />

a representative capacity as agents <strong>of</strong> this corporation,<br />

are authorized to make any and all other contracts,<br />

agreements, stipulations, and orders which they may<br />

deem advisable for the effective exercise <strong>of</strong> their<br />

powers, from time to time with the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

Credit Union, concerning funds deposited in <strong>San</strong><br />

<strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Credit Union, moneys borrowed from<br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Credit Union or any other business<br />

transacted by and between this corporation and <strong>San</strong><br />

<strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Credit Union.<br />

(5) Any and all prior resolutions adopted by the Board<br />

<strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> this corporation and certified to<br />

the credit union as governing the operation <strong>of</strong><br />

this corporation’s account(s), are in full force and<br />

effect, unless supplemented or modified by this<br />

authorization.<br />

(6) This corporation agrees to the terms and conditions<br />

<strong>of</strong> any account agreement, properly opened by any<br />

authorized representative(s) <strong>of</strong> this corporation, and<br />

authorizes <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Credit Union, at any time,<br />

to charge this corporation for all checks, drafts, or other<br />

orders for the payment <strong>of</strong> money that are drawn on<br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Credit Union, regardless <strong>of</strong> by whom<br />

or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have<br />

been affixed so long as they resemble the signature<br />

specimens shown below, or facsimile signature<br />

specimens that this corporation files with the credit<br />

union from time to time.<br />

MOTION/Purvis, SECOND/Turner to adopt the above resolution and<br />

remove Hank Turner from SDCCU accounts. Add David Schaller, Matt<br />

Group Savings Plus ®<br />

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Clay, Steve Purvis and Cindy Olson to SDCCU accounts as signers. Motion<br />

unanimously carries. Elvin out <strong>of</strong> the room for the vote.<br />


a) BUDGET: Purvis<br />

i) Discussion regarding changing the dues allocation to the<br />

different funds.<br />

MOTION/ Purvis, SECOND/Turner to change allocation to 22%<br />

retirement and 13% to relief. Motion unanimously carries.<br />

ii) Discussion regarding 2012 budget review.<br />

b) MEMBER EVENTS: Purvis<br />

i) Children’s Christmas party on December 3 rd at the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.<br />

ii) Dinner Dance on March 17 th at the Hyatt Mission Bay.<br />

c) MEMBERSHIP: Purvis<br />

i) Next academy presentation on November 30 th .<br />

d) DONATIONS: Purvis<br />

i) Pacific Safety Council/Bennetts – no action taken.<br />


(PORAC)-Petrachek<br />

i) Next meeting is November 3 rd at 5:30 pm.<br />

f) LEGAL DEFENSE: Petrachek<br />

i) Meeting on November 3 rd at the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice starting at 2:30 pm.<br />

g) POLITICAL ACTION: Petrachek<br />

i) Update on activity.<br />

MOTION/Petrachek, SECOND/Clay to endorse Bob Amador for judicial race.<br />

Motion unanimously carries.<br />


i) Bylaws – tabled until 11/10/11<br />

(1) VP and President duties – transfer staff oversight to<br />

President.<br />

(2) Relief fund – to change length <strong>of</strong> time benefit can be paid<br />

and <strong>of</strong>fset premium for Long Term Disability Insurance for<br />

those members who are enrolled in the plan.<br />

(3) Retirement Benefit – to increase benefit paid to retiring<br />

members and change language to allow those members<br />

with prior membership time to be able to collect<br />

retirement benefit for each full continuous years<br />

membership. 7 years continuous membership at time <strong>of</strong><br />

retirement would be required.<br />

i) WORKERS COMP: Elvin<br />

i) CLEA has filed a formal complaint against PORAC hybrid LTD<br />

plans.<br />


a) Members have requested to use DSA building for parties. Discussion.<br />

Direction to contact SDPOA for information on their process.<br />

b) P&P 3.19 mandatory rotation committee meeting. Discussion<br />

regarding purpose <strong>of</strong> committee.<br />

c) Review <strong>of</strong> T-shirt design contest.<br />

ADJOURNED 4:26 pm<br />



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Rick Arias<br />

Sergeant, Narcotic Task Force North<br />

32 Years on Department & with the DSA<br />

Where did you grow up? National City<br />

What did you do before you joined the department? I worked as a plant security<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer at NASSCO ship building.<br />

What drew you to law enforcement? I was a Police Explorer in National City with Don<br />

Crist and Don Hokenson. Our advisor was Jerry Delucia. He showed us what a police<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer did on a daily basis as well as <strong>of</strong>f duty. A law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficer wears many hats.<br />

He did personal projects with us and took us camping. In National City, you were pretty<br />

much either a cop or a crook when you grew up. Very few landed in between. Additionally,<br />

I worked for an ambulance company in National City and got to know all the <strong>of</strong>ficers in<br />

town.<br />

What was your first day on the job like? I was nervous; here I was in jail and didn’t commit<br />

a <strong>crime</strong>. I worked the old downtown jail. My training <strong>of</strong>ficer was Bruce Fulton, and I<br />

remember asking him where I was allowed to go. He said, “This is our jail not theirs. You can<br />

go anywhere you want.”<br />

What is the one thing you are most proud <strong>of</strong>/remember most since joining the<br />

department? Creating the R.A.T.T. team. I worked at the <strong>San</strong>tee Sheriff’s Station as an auto<br />

theft investigator and kept getting bombarded with stolen vehicle reports. The timing was<br />

right and the funding was available to start an auto theft task force. We started in east county,<br />

then went county wide within a year after proving the task force worked and was needed.<br />

Where do you see yourself in five years? Retired. I’m counting the months.<br />

What is one thing you think the DSA should focus on in the upcoming year, and why?<br />

Even though we are not in a contract negotiating year, I believe it is necessary to keep our<br />

face up front. The DSA needs to continue to campaign the need for good benefits, especially<br />

the defined retirement benefit. We need to continue to show the public that not just<br />

anybody can do this job. Those that choose this pr<strong>of</strong>ession, should be recognized for their<br />

career contribution. We are losing too many <strong>of</strong>ficers to tragic deaths. A city councilman<br />

has said on many occasions that police <strong>of</strong>ficers are no different than a tree trimmer. Now,<br />

when was the last time you saw a tree attack a tree trimmer?<br />

What is your favorite place? The sierra mountains. I love to fish and explore historical<br />

sites.<br />

What is your dream vacation? Cruise and explore the Mediterranean sea and<br />

surrounding areas with my lovely wife.<br />

What are your plans for retirement? Get a part time (maybe full time ) job and<br />

travel. I would like something to keep me busy, but not tie me down if I want to<br />

travel.<br />

The member spotlight features one Active or Retired DSA Member each month.<br />

KNOTT’S<br />


The annual fire and police tribute at Knott’s Berry<br />

Farm runs from Thanksgiving day through Jan.<br />

31, 2012. With proper ID presented at Knott’s<br />

(employee ID card, paycheck, etc.) fire and<br />

police personnel plus one guest receive free<br />

admission. Purchase up to six additional<br />

tickets for just $17 each. Military personnel,<br />

past or present, receive the same deal now<br />

through Thanksgiving!<br />


DSA & SDCERA Open Enrollment<br />

Nov. 1–Nov. 21<br />

You should have received your<br />

Open Enrollment material at<br />

your home, please contact the<br />

DSA if you have not received<br />

it yet.<br />

Are you or someone you know in<br />

the market to Buy?<br />

Thinking <strong>of</strong> Selling?<br />

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bberlinsky@coldwellbanker.com<br />

Lic # 01416788 Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated.<br />

Follow the<br />

DSA online<br />

www.facebook.com/DSA<strong>San</strong><strong>Diego</strong><br />

www.facebook.com/DSAStore<br />

www.twitter.com/DSAStore<br />

www.twitter.com/DSA<strong>San</strong><strong>Diego</strong><br />

Silver Star November 2011 9




There will be no second board<br />

meeting in November due to<br />

Thanksgiving. This meeting<br />

will not be rescheduled.<br />

Members are encouraged to<br />

attend the General Meeting<br />

on Thursday, Nov. 10 at 5:30<br />

p.m. Dinner will be served.<br />

Happy<br />

Anniversary<br />

Sheriff’s<br />

Museum<br />

On Nov. 17, the William B. Kolender <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> Sheriff’s Museum will be celebrating<br />

its tenth year in operation. Join the museum on<br />

Thursday, Nov. 17, at the Hacienda Hotel “Old<br />

Town” <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> for a Wild West Night. Raffle<br />

tickets are being sold as a fundraiser for the museum. The prize is a<br />

commemorative revolver with custom display case. Tickets are $10 or three<br />

for $25. Additionally, this is a great opportunity to consider becoming a<br />

"Museum Star Donor."<br />


The DSA invites you to its annual children’s Christmas party on Saturday, Dec. 3 from<br />

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice in Poway. Admission this year is a donation in the<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> your choosing (we are asking for a $5 minimum per family) to help the<br />

DSA purchase necessary supplies for the Deployed <strong>Deputy</strong> Program.<br />

As always, <strong>San</strong>ta will be available for visiting and photos, and refreshments will be<br />

served. Please bring your own camera for <strong>San</strong>ta photos. Children can participate in<br />

crafts and there will be fun activities for people <strong>of</strong> all ages, including the popular laser<br />

tag and rock climbing wall.<br />

Be sure to RSVP for the Christmas party online at www.dsasd.<br />

org/christmas, calling the DSA at (858) 486-9009 x 100 or sending<br />

an e-mail to dwilliams@dsasd.org before Nov. 29. Please include<br />

how many adults and children will be attending and the age <strong>of</strong><br />

each child. It is important to RSVP, so that the DSA can provide<br />

enough presents for the children and food for the families. Please<br />

see page 13 for more information on the Deployed <strong>Deputy</strong><br />

program.<br />

21st Annual Teddy Bear Drive<br />

The <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Regional Law Enforcement Teddy Bear Drive is a year-long drive<br />

to collect brand new stuffed animals for children at Rady’s Children’s Hospital.<br />

Last year 60,000 bears were delivered to the hospital. Law Enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers<br />

throughout the county will deliver teddy bears collected to Children’s Hospital<br />

on December 13. This year’s goal is to collect 100,000 teddy bears and stuffed<br />

animals.<br />

Any type <strong>of</strong> NEW STUFFED ANIMAL is<br />

accepted for the 20th Annual Law Enforcement<br />

Teddy Bear Drive. Due to infection control among<br />

the recipients, donated items must be new and<br />

unused with the purchase tag still attached.<br />

Please keep in mind they are looking for<br />

stuffed animals between 12 inches and 36<br />

inches for the children. Something large<br />

enough for them to hold and hug and to keep<br />

in their beds. Visit sandiegoregionalteddybeardrive.<br />

com for more information. Now collecting at all<br />

Stations!<br />

Retiree Holiday Party<br />

Whether you’re retired, thinking<br />

about retiring or no where near<br />

retirement, you are invited to attend<br />

the Retired DSA Member Holiday<br />

Party on Saturday, Dec. 10 at the<br />

El Cajon Elk’s Lodge. All DSA<br />

Members are invited to attend for<br />

free, with guests (including spouses)<br />

just $15, which includes a full holiday<br />

meal. This year, donations are being<br />

collected for <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>’s Homeless<br />

Vets. Catch up with old friends and<br />

make new ones while helping out<br />

a great cause. Social hour starts at<br />

10:30 with lunch served at 11:30. A<br />

raffle follows lunch, so bring<br />

a door prize (give some, win<br />

some!). If you would like to<br />

attend the Retiree meeting<br />

and party, RSVP by calling<br />

Daphne Williams at (858)<br />

486-9009 x 100 or online at<br />

www.dsasd.org/xmas.<br />

10 Silver Star November 2011

Welcome new DSA members<br />

The DSA welcomed the following new<br />

member in the last month. Remember to<br />

get involved with the DSA by attending the<br />

monthly member meeting on the second<br />

Thursday <strong>of</strong> each month.<br />

ACTIVE<br />

John Balogh<br />

Felipe Cabral<br />

Eric Cottrell Jr<br />

Matthew Ellis<br />

Tevita Fifita<br />

Jeffrey Garrett<br />

Carlos Garro<br />

Martha Gonzalez<br />

Cassey Hawkins<br />

Jacob Hernandez<br />

Jose Madrid<br />

Andrew Phillips<br />

Tamani Pugh<br />

Joshua Ramirez<br />

Matthew Rendahl<br />

Stacey Rojas<br />

Run for the DSA Board<br />

It’s that time <strong>of</strong> year again, when the<br />

DSA asks you to step forward and<br />

get involved with your association.<br />

The DSA Board <strong>of</strong> Directors election<br />

petition is now available. There are three<br />

seats open, which are currently filled by<br />

David DiCarlo, Mark Elvin and Hank<br />

Turner. In order to be included on the<br />

ballot, you must gather 42 signatures<br />

<strong>of</strong> Active Class 1 Members and return<br />

the nomination petition to the DSA<br />

before December 6 at 4 p.m. Ballots will<br />

be mailed on December 12. Please see<br />

page 38 for more information and the<br />

nomination petition.<br />

David Rosenthal<br />

Douglas Roysdon<br />

Helen Slater<br />

Ronald Smithson<br />

Thomas Sutton<br />

Kelly Thompson<br />

Charles Thurston<br />

Ronald Wardrobe<br />

Anthony White<br />

Claudia Zapata<br />

Sean Zappia<br />


Joseph Coikon, Jr<br />

Candis Fear<br />

James Howard<br />

Charlotte Marshal<br />

Russell Martin<br />

Charles Sinclair<br />


Michael Checchi<br />





Rusty Burkett and the Retired Members<br />

<strong>of</strong> the DSA are once again collecting<br />

donations for <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>’s Homeless<br />

Veterans. The list <strong>of</strong> needed supplies<br />

include sweatshirts, sweatpants,<br />

undershirts, socks, men’s and women’s<br />

underwear, sleeping bags, jackets,<br />

toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and<br />

deodorant. All donations must be new—<br />

used clothing and sleeping bags will not<br />

be accepted. Cash donations are also<br />

appreciated. Donations will be accepted<br />

at the Retired Member Holiday Party on<br />

Dec. 10 (www.dsasd.org/xmas).<br />

Elbeco hosts BBQ at DSA Store<br />

on November 14<br />

Stop by the DSA Store on Nov. 14 from 10 to 2 for a BBQ and celebration<br />

hosted by Elbeco. Check out the newly renovated DSA Store and pick up<br />

P&P uniforms at the lowest price all year.<br />

Open Enrollment<br />

November 1-22<br />

The DSA Open Enrollment period<br />

takes place in November this<br />

year. You may enroll or change<br />

your Vision, Dental and MetLaw<br />

insurance during this period.<br />

Office & Store Closures<br />

November 11, 24, 25<br />

December 23, 26<br />

January 2<br />

Store Closure Only<br />

December 30<br />

The DSA <strong>of</strong>fice and store are closed<br />

on most holidays. The <strong>of</strong>fice and<br />

store will close on Friday, November<br />

11 to celebrate Veteran’s Day. The<br />

DSA is closed for Thanksgiving,<br />

Christmas, and New Years, but if<br />

you have an emergency, the after<br />

hours answering service will direct<br />

your call. The DSA store will be<br />

closed on Dec. 30 for inventory, but<br />

the <strong>of</strong>fice will remain open. Please<br />

plan accordingly, especially when<br />

purchasing discount tickets for use<br />

over holiday weekends.<br />

Holiday Meeting Schedule<br />

November and December<br />

The second board meeting in<br />

November has been cancelled due<br />

to Thanksgiving. The December<br />

meetings will occur on the second<br />

and fourth Thursdays as usual.<br />

Children’s Christmas Party<br />

December 3<br />

The Annual Children’s Christmas<br />

Party takes place on Saturday, Dec.<br />

3 at the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice. This year’s<br />

event benefits the Deployed <strong>Deputy</strong><br />

Program.<br />

Director Ballots Due<br />

December 6<br />

Run for the DSA Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Directors. Nomination petitions can<br />

be found on page 38 and must be<br />

returned before December 6.<br />

Retiree Luncheon<br />

December 10<br />

The Winter Retiree Luncheon takes<br />

place on Dec. 10 at the El Cajon<br />

Elk’s Lodge. Retired DSA members<br />

meet quarterly to discuss business<br />

and socialize. Both retired and not<br />

yet retired members are invited to<br />

attend.<br />

DSA (858) 486-9009<br />


Silver Star November 2011 11



Many forms and publications are available on the DSA<br />

website or by contacting the DSA.<br />

• Bylaws - On the DSA website, accessible via the link<br />

at the bottom <strong>of</strong> each page or from the “Member’s<br />

Only” menu after logging in. Certified copy available<br />

for viewing at the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

• MOA - Available online in the “Member’s Only”<br />

section or on the county’s website. Remember that the<br />

latest MOA is from 2000, with several extensions and<br />

LOUS, which modify it.<br />

• Year End Audits - Available online after logging in<br />

to the DSA “Member’s Only” section under financial<br />

statements.<br />

• DSA Budget and books <strong>of</strong> account - Available for<br />

viewing at the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice following a written request<br />

to the president or treasurer.<br />

• DSA Minutes - Available after being approved by the<br />

board online in the member’s only section.<br />

WINNING PHOTO: Bridget Cartier caught Phillip Maxey, General<br />

Sessions Court Judge <strong>of</strong> Cheatham <strong>County</strong>, located in Ashland City,<br />

Tennessee, reading the Silver Star during a court recess. Where have<br />

you taken your Silver Star? Whose been reading it and where? Send<br />

in your photos <strong>of</strong> the Silver Star around the world or in the hands <strong>of</strong><br />

someone famous (or infamous). The winning photo receives a $15 gift<br />

certificate to the DSA Store. Non-winning photos are printed as space<br />

allows. Send your photos to kmacris@dsasd.org.<br />


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12 Silver Star November 2011

DSA Deployed <strong>Deputy</strong> Program<br />

Christmas Party kicks <strong>of</strong>f new program to support<br />

our deployed deputies and their families<br />

The DSA Deployed <strong>Deputy</strong> Program and the Sheriff's Department will<br />

be working in conjunction to look after the welfare <strong>of</strong> any deployed<br />

deputy's families and support our deputies when they deploy anywhere<br />

in the world in support <strong>of</strong> Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring<br />

Freedom, and other military conflicts or missions.<br />

Starting December 2011, the DSA will be supporting deployed deputies<br />

during their Pre-Deployment, Deployment, and Post Deployment/<br />

Reintegration phase. The DSA Deployed <strong>Deputy</strong> Program was created<br />

to directly support our deputies, boost their morale, motivate, and show<br />

that the DSA and the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Sheriff’s Department will be<br />

thinking about them when they deploy to fight terrorism anywhere in<br />

the world.<br />

During the deployed phase, the DSA will be mailing care packages<br />

to deputies, which will contain toiletry items, snacks, the Silver Star<br />

magazine, and other items that will remind them <strong>of</strong> home.<br />

In addition to looking after the deployed deputy's welfare, the DSA will<br />

be looking after the deployed deputy's family left in the home front. The<br />

DSA will be sending holiday cards and occasional gifts to the family<br />

until their loved one returns home from their deployment and are<br />

reunited with their families. Family members will be invited to DSA<br />

events and receive the Silver Star.<br />

While the program will be starting this holiday season, the DSA will<br />

send regular care packages every few months, so that our deployed<br />

deputies know that we are thinking about them throughout the year.<br />

The packages will be sent to all deployed deputies, regardless if they are<br />

a member <strong>of</strong> the DSA or not.<br />

donation towards the DSA Deployed<br />

<strong>Deputy</strong> Program. Please RSVP<br />

online at www.dsasd.org/christmas<br />

or by calling (858) 486-9009 x 100<br />

before Nov. 29. The children <strong>of</strong> any<br />

currently deployed deputy are<br />

also invited to attend as a<br />

guest <strong>of</strong> the DSA.<br />

If you will not be<br />

attending the<br />

Children’s Christmas<br />

Party and would<br />

like to donate to<br />

the new Deployed<br />

<strong>Deputy</strong> Program,<br />

please contact Cindy<br />

Olson at the DSA.<br />

The association will<br />

be collecting cash<br />

donations to purchase<br />

items for the deployed<br />

deputies and assisting<br />

their families. In order<br />

to cut down on duplicate<br />

donations and a surplus<br />

<strong>of</strong> supplies, please do not<br />

donate any material goods<br />

without first contacting the<br />

DSA.<br />

To kick start the program, the DSA’s annual Children’s Christmas Party<br />

will raise funds. Attendees are asked to donate a minimum <strong>of</strong> $5, which<br />

will be used to purchase items for a holiday care package. Remaining<br />

funds will be budgeted throughout the year to provide care packages to<br />

the deployed deputy and gifts to their family. The DSA hopes to keep<br />

this program running as long as it is needed.<br />

We hope to see you at the<br />

Children’s Christmas Party,<br />

and please remember to keep<br />

the deputies deployed over the<br />

holidays in your thoughts.<br />

- Frank Gallardo<br />

Remember that all retired and active<br />

DSA members and their families are<br />

invited to the Children’s Christmas<br />

Party on Saturday, Dec. 3. The cost<br />

<strong>of</strong> admission is a $5 minimum<br />

Admission to the Children’s Christmas<br />

Party is a $5 minimum donation towards<br />

the new DSA Deployed <strong>Deputy</strong> Program<br />

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Silver Star November 2011 13

2011 Costume Contest<br />

Every year the DSA opens its <strong>of</strong>fices for Trick or<br />

Treating with every costumed child receiving a treat<br />

bag filled with goodies. This year, ghouls, princesses<br />

and witches showed up in hordes with their eyes on<br />

the prize <strong>of</strong> 2 Disneyland tickets.<br />

14 Silver Star November 2011

This year's Halloween Trick or Treat bag was sponsored by: Crest Offset Printing<br />

Silver Star November 2011 15

And the winners are...<br />

Karli Fiocco<br />

0-3 Age Category<br />

Aiden Vega<br />

4-7 Age Category<br />

Allison Arend<br />

8-12 Age Category<br />

Rebecca Turner<br />

13-17 Age Category<br />

Patricia W. Elkerton<br />


Benjamin Klindt<br />

18+ Age Category<br />


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16 Silver Star November 2011

Silver Star November 2011 17

Deputies in<br />

the Spotlight<br />

This competition was only the fourth event <strong>Deputy</strong> Harris has ever<br />

entered. In 2008, he was awarded P.O.S.T. certificates as a Motor Officer<br />

from the state <strong>of</strong> Nevada for competitions in both Las Vegas and Carson<br />

City. At the Pasadena Motor Rodeo last May, he placed among the top<br />

ten in individual competition. This success gave him the confidence to<br />

test his skills at the regional level. The results speak for themselves.<br />

Motor <strong>Deputy</strong> Israel Harris<br />

Wins Three Trophies at Recent Regional Motor Competition<br />

Motor <strong>Deputy</strong> Israel Harris <strong>of</strong> the Encinitas Station won three trophies<br />

at the Terry Bennett Memorial Police Motor Training and Competition<br />

held Sept. 24, 2011 in Mission Bay. The event, sponsored by SDPD,<br />

featured competition among more than 50 motor <strong>of</strong>ficers from law<br />

enforcement agencies throughout Southern California.<br />

<strong>Deputy</strong> Harris won third place in the overall individual competition<br />

in the BMW 1200 class and teamed up with other <strong>of</strong>ficers to take<br />

first place trophies in both the two-person and four-person team<br />

competition. Dep. Tim Petrachek <strong>of</strong> Encinitas, Dep. Rob Siegfried <strong>of</strong><br />

Imperial Beach, and Ofcr. Robert Haefner <strong>of</strong> Brea PD completed the<br />

team.<br />

<strong>Deputy</strong> Harris has been with the Sheriff’s Department for 17 years.<br />

He is a former paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division in Fort<br />

Bragg, NC, and has earned a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts degree in sociology from<br />

CSUSM. - Randy Grimm<br />

<strong>Deputy</strong> Israel Harris<br />

competes in motor<br />

competition hosted by<br />

SDPD (above) Harris<br />

shows <strong>of</strong>f his three<br />

trophies.<br />

Fallen <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriff’s Memorial<br />

Honorary <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriff’s <strong>Association</strong><br />

PO Box 421260 <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>, CA 92142<br />

(858) 974-2296<br />

Donate $50 and receive a<br />

Memorial Coin<br />

Here’s my donation <strong>of</strong> _________ to support the Memorial!<br />

Your name will be placed on the Donor Wall for donations <strong>of</strong> $50 and more!<br />

Donate $125 or more and receive<br />

a Memorial Plaque<br />

Name: __________________________________________<br />

Phone: _____________________________<br />

Address: ________________________________________ City/State: _________________ Zip: _______<br />

Credit Card #:_______________________________ Exp: _______ ____Visa ____MC<br />

Paying by check? Make it payable to : HDSA<br />

***For donations <strong>of</strong> $50 and more...... print the name to be inscribed on the Memorial Wall below: ***<br />

Print Name: ___________________________________________________________________________<br />

18 Silver Star November 2011

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Deputies take home<br />

three awards at this year’s California<br />

Reserve Peace Officer Conference.<br />

2011 CRPOA Awards<br />

On August 26, 2011, awards were presented at the 34th Annual<br />

Reserve Peace Officer Conference. These are excerpts from the<br />

biographies read at the time the awards were presented.<br />

Meritorious Service Award: Ron Carper<br />

Reserve Sergeant Ron Carper has served the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

Sheriff’s Department for more than 20 years. In 1992, Sergeant<br />

Carper received the department’s Lifesaving Medal for his action<br />

in saving a suicide victim who survived and went on to address<br />

his problems. In 1994, he received the department’s Medal <strong>of</strong><br />

Valor for his handling <strong>of</strong> a suspect with a live hand grenade.<br />

Working a search and rescue mission in 1997, Carper found a<br />

lost hiker in heavy snow and successfully rescued him. He has<br />

participated in a number <strong>of</strong> other emergency situations, including forest<br />

fire and flood evacuations and received several honors for his service as<br />

a reserve deputy.<br />

Meritorious Service Award: Ray Tutera<br />

Senior Reserve <strong>Deputy</strong> Raymond Tutera has served the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> Sheriff’s Department for more than 16 years. He received the<br />

department’s Lifesaving Medal for his action in an attempted suicide.<br />

He also has shown his dedication in several forest fire evacuations. He<br />

has been recognized by Assemblymember Jay LaSuer for his exemplary<br />

performance. And, he has been nominated by the Vista Station Reserve<br />

Unit as their Reserve <strong>Deputy</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Year for 11 <strong>of</strong> the past 17 years.<br />

<strong>Deputy</strong> Tutera had previously served as a combat Marine in Vietnam.<br />

To that we say, “Semper Fi!”<br />

Reserve Peace Officer <strong>of</strong> the Year: Charlie Conklin<br />

Reserve Lieutenant Charlie Conklin has served with the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> Sheriff’s Department for more than 22 years. Prior to that, he<br />

served almost 11 years as a Reserve Officer with the SDPD. Lieutenant<br />

Conklin has led the Department’s Off Road Enforcement Team since<br />

2001. He is largely responsible for the acquisition <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> the team’s<br />

neat toys: dune buggies, quads, and other <strong>of</strong>f-road vehicles, having<br />

successfully written grants for nearly $200,000 for their purchase.<br />

When Lt. Conklin is not working with this Unit, he <strong>of</strong>ten works patrol<br />

assignments. Charlie couldn’t do all this without the support <strong>of</strong> his<br />

wife Pat, who runs the CRPOA store. Bottom line, Charlie Conklin is a<br />

leader, a true pr<strong>of</strong>essional dedicated to serving others.<br />

Anthony Calvert Wins Blue Knight Award<br />

The <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Crime Commission honored Det. Anthony Calvert with<br />

a Blue Knight Award in October. In his nomination, Sgt. Russ Moore<br />

described Calvert as a Law Enforcement Terminator to the criminal<br />

element <strong>of</strong> East <strong>County</strong>—he cannot be stopped!<br />


The latest round <strong>of</strong> promotions became effective<br />

Oct. 21, and the promotion ceremony will be held<br />

on Tuesday, Nov. 29. Congratulations to everyone<br />

who was selected.<br />

Law Enforcement Captain<br />

William Donahue<br />

Detentions Captain<br />

Billy Duke<br />

Law Enforcement<br />

Lieutenant<br />

Roy Frank<br />

John Maryon<br />

Maria Wood<br />

Detentions Lieutenant<br />

Robby Storton<br />

Law Enforcement Sergeant<br />

William Amavisca<br />

Mathew Blumenthal<br />

Scott Enyeart<br />

Mathew Glisson<br />

Anthony O’Boyle<br />

Victor Rivera<br />

Detentions Sergeant<br />

Roger Hurst<br />

Detective Calvert has been assigned to the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Fugitive Task Force<br />

since 2008. In that time, he has been directly responsible for the arrests<br />

<strong>of</strong> over 200 wanted violent <strong>of</strong>fenders. He continually demonstrates the<br />

highest work ethic and dedication to the citizens <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> by<br />

diligently going deep into the criminal world to locate those who do not<br />

want to be found.<br />

In covering the east county, Calvert networks with all police agencies to<br />

ensure any outstanding suspects are tracked down and placed in jail. He<br />

has worked many high pr<strong>of</strong>ile cases including locating and arresting John<br />

Gardner in the Chelsea King case. <br />

Mike Pratko<br />

Cell: (619) 726-3000<br />

Certified Arborist #WE-7165A<br />

(Reserve <strong>Deputy</strong>)<br />

Perpetual<br />

Tree Care, Inc.<br />

(619) 596-0990<br />

Cont. Lic. #428898<br />

Fax: (619) 334-4360<br />

Certified Tree Worker #1520<br />

Speaking For The Working<br />

Person, Speaking For You...<br />

Tosdal, Smith, Steiner & Wax<br />

Specializing in Labor and Employment Law, Personal Injury,<br />

Medical Malpractice, Sexual Harassment, Product Liability,<br />

and Workers’ Compensation<br />

401 West A St., Ste 320 • <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>, CA 92101-4506<br />

Telephone: (619) 239-7200 • Fax (619) 239-6048<br />

SINCE 1983<br />

Silver Star November 2011 19



Special Elbeco pricing the<br />

entire month <strong>of</strong> November!<br />

Wool Pants<br />

Elbeco 55 poly/45 wool<br />

uniform pants are now<br />

(finally!) being sold at<br />

the DSA Store. Men’s<br />

and women’s styles.<br />

Unhemmed. Only<br />

$63.99 each, before DSA<br />

Member’s discount.<br />

Elbeco<br />

Uniform<br />

Shirts<br />

Short and long sleeved uniform<br />

shirts. These are the ‘wash &<br />

wear’ West Coast Duty Maxx<br />

shirts. Two sheriff shoulder<br />

patches pre-sewn and other<br />

alteration services available to<br />

order through the store, or we<br />

can suggest a close-by shop.<br />

Men’s and women’s styles.<br />

Short sleeve: $39.99<br />

before Member’s discount.<br />

Long sleeve: $49.99<br />

before discount.<br />

DSA<br />


RECEIVE 10% OFF<br />



SHIRTS<br />

We have partnered with an<br />

alterations shop in Poway, who<br />

will hem pants for only $7.<br />

Details available in the store.<br />

Blauer 8980 optional<br />

patrol pant, with<br />

cargo pockets now just<br />

$68.99 before DSA<br />

Member discount.<br />


NEW: 5.11 Tactical<br />

UnderGear Shirts<br />

Pelican<br />

Rechargeable<br />

LED Flashlights<br />

Compact 7060 features dual switch, no-slip<br />

grip pattern, cooling fins on 160 lumen lamp<br />

module, AC charger. $137.70 member’s price.<br />

Full size 8060 also has cooling fins around the<br />

brighter 179 lumen LED module, AC charger,<br />

plus ability to use either rechargeable 4.8v.<br />

battery (included) or four “C” alkaline batteries.<br />

$142.45 member’s price.<br />

Loose Fit, White Crew Neck T-Shirt.<br />

100% polyester. Moisture wicking technology.<br />

Anti-microbial to reduce body odor. Quickdrying.<br />

Underarm mesh panel for greater range<br />

<strong>of</strong> motion. Flat-lock seams and printed label to<br />

prevent chafing.<br />

Sizes S-XXL. Starting at $23.70<br />

5.11 Tactical<br />

“Light For Life”<br />

Flashlight<br />

$161.45<br />

Replace Your<br />

Halogen Bulb<br />

with LED<br />

$45.50<br />

Accumold Elite P+P<br />

approved duty gear is<br />

now on the wall!<br />

A handy gadget. One-piece plastic clip slides<br />

through the vent on your locker door, and gives<br />

you a place to clip to or hang your duty belt—<br />

mates perfectly with your buckle. Other side<br />

sticks through and becomes a hanger point.<br />

Available in three different styles for most all<br />

belts: metal hook style, Bianchi, or Blackhawk.<br />

Made in U.S.A. with lifetime guarantee.<br />

DSA Member’s price: $11.35.<br />

A lot <strong>of</strong> deputies are already wearing this newest<br />

approved gear. Made by Bianchi, is has the same<br />

lightweight and comfort features <strong>of</strong> our nylon gear<br />

we’ve been selling, but is molded to look just like<br />

basket-weave leather. So, now you can get away with<br />

‘mixing’ a few pieces <strong>of</strong> Elite in with your current<br />

BW leather and still be ‘legal’. Look for the whole<br />

section <strong>of</strong> Accumold Elite on the wall.<br />

(Shown Smartphone case. Member price: $20.85)<br />

Open Mon–Fri 9–6 p.m. & first Sat 10–3<br />

Shop online at www.dsastore.com<br />

13881 Danielson Street in Poway<br />

(858) 486-7153

Chaplain’s Corner<br />

by Chaplain Herb Smith<br />

“When I think <strong>of</strong> the sacrifice yet to be <strong>of</strong>fered and the hearts and homes<br />

yet to be made desolate before this dreadful war is over, my heart is like<br />

lead within me, and I feel at times like hiding in a deep darkness” (A.<br />

Lincoln, Nov. 18, 1863, en route to give a brief address at Gettysburg…).<br />

Under the circumstances, the last thing on Mr. Lincoln’s mind might<br />

have been Thanksgiving. No president before him had ever been more<br />

hated and roundly criticized. He was attacked in every way both<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionally and personally with the visceral, invective and vindictive<br />

verbal venom reserved only for those most deeply reviled and repulsed.<br />

If it hadn’t been for his family and at least most <strong>of</strong> his cabinet and<br />

maybe a few congressmen, he would have had no friends at all, or so it<br />

seemed.<br />

Hundreds <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> lives had already been lost in this “mighty<br />

scourge <strong>of</strong> war,” and there was no end in sight. With antiwar feelings<br />

boiling over and Northern Democrats launching a peace movement<br />

to stop the war and bring Union troops home, Lincoln had no peace.<br />

Even within the Republican ranks, former allies were now beginning to<br />

jump his ship <strong>of</strong> state. His generals were failing at every turn, and what<br />

few victories they had garnered were not followed-up with any decisive<br />

blow. The mounting death toll, besides weighing on his own heart,<br />

was weakening the resolve <strong>of</strong> even his staunchest advocates. All were<br />

beginning to wonder if the cause <strong>of</strong> the union had already failed, and<br />

the continued sacrifice <strong>of</strong> more lives was both futile and fallacious; and<br />

yes, he was being indicted for that too.<br />

On top <strong>of</strong> all this, he and Mary were still bitterly mourning the death<br />

<strong>of</strong> their son Willie to scarlet fever, not a year and a half earlier. Now the<br />

weight <strong>of</strong> the war was bearing down hardest. Four months prior, one<br />

<strong>of</strong> its hardest and most heartbreaking battles had been fought at a little<br />

Pennsylvania country town called Gettysburg where over fifty thousand<br />

casualties were suffered on both sides. But General Meed had failed to<br />

pursue Lee who, though defeated, was allowed to escape and regroup<br />

his army.<br />

Now just two weeks ago, a solemn ceremony was held to dedicate a<br />

national cemetery for the soldiers who had died there. Lincoln had<br />

not been invited, but wanting to make a brief statement about the<br />

larger meaning <strong>of</strong> the war, was able to weasel a begrudging seat on<br />

the platform for “a few appropriate remarks” after the main speaker, a<br />

most celebrated orator <strong>of</strong> the day, had finished. The speaker, Edward<br />

Everett, spoke for two hours. Lincoln’s address, about 270 words, lasted<br />

two minutes. “Some <strong>of</strong> his listeners were disappointed. Opposition<br />

newspapers criticized the address as unworthy <strong>of</strong> the occasion, and<br />

some papers didn’t mention it at all.” Lincoln himself thought the<br />

speech was a failure. The first words he muttered when he sat down were<br />

“That didn’t scour;” a phrase used back then for failing to accomplish<br />

the task (yet in retrospect, Everett later acknowledged that Lincoln had<br />

said more in his two minutes <strong>of</strong> remarks than he had tried to express in<br />

two hours).<br />

Now back in Washington, candidates were lining up to displace him in<br />

the next election, both Republican and Democrat, and all were favoring<br />

a truce, ending the war, rescinding the emancipation proclamation and<br />

putting things back as they were before the war started. The dead <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Union would truly have “died in vain.”<br />

With his heart in his hands and his hope all but lost, Lincoln’s thoughts<br />

turned toward reminding the nation <strong>of</strong> what was “proven by all history,<br />

that those nations are blessed whose God is the Lord.” As its President,<br />

while he was still its President, and for all he could do to preserve the<br />

moral ground that had been gained, if not literal ground, he sought to<br />

turn its head and heart to the God Who had established her privilege<br />

as a nation. America, for all <strong>of</strong> its prosperity and success, was still<br />

accountable before the Almighty, and its help and healing could only<br />

come from Him. The devastation <strong>of</strong> the war was God’s sovereign right<br />

to inflict, and it had come not without good cause. America’s good<br />

fortune had been forged through the arrogant exploitation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

powerless in her midst, and such vanity had to be broken. As a nation,<br />

we needed a reality check, and a restored reverence for the God Who<br />

made us, and had made us, each one, free. And God is reverenced in<br />

thanksgiving and praise.<br />

And so in what was perhaps the darkest, most lonely, most rejected and<br />

seemingly hopeless time <strong>of</strong> his life, an all but beaten backwoods country<br />

lawyer, reviled by most, pitied by the rest, took pen in hand and issued<br />

a proclamation that the nation, now broken and battle worn, should<br />

humble its heart before the beneficent Father and solemnly, reverently,<br />

gratefully acknowledged. He signed this proclamation with his full<br />

name, which was uncharacteristic. Usually it was merely “A. Lincoln.”<br />

But, as he had done with another proclamation just fourteen months<br />

22 Silver Star November 2011

earlier, one entitled “Emancipation,” he inscribed his whole identity,<br />

and heart. When he had done so with the former declaration, he noted<br />

“If my name ever goes into history, it will be for this act.”<br />

In the months which followed, the armies <strong>of</strong> a scruffy, cigar smoking,<br />

very un-genteel and somewhat lacquered subordinate general by the<br />

name <strong>of</strong> Grant were fighting their way through Tennessee and heading<br />

for Georgia and the heart <strong>of</strong> the Confederacy. Lincoln finally had a<br />

general he could trust. Later, as the new General-In-Chief <strong>of</strong> all Union<br />

armies, Grant directed a new drive against Lee’s troops in Virginia, and<br />

was gaining ground toward the Confederate capital <strong>of</strong> Richmond. On<br />

the Western front, a trusted fellow general <strong>of</strong> Grant’s by the name <strong>of</strong><br />

Sherman began advancing from Tennessee into Georgia to strike at the<br />

center <strong>of</strong> Atlanta. Then driving north into Virginia, he began to press<br />

the life out <strong>of</strong> rebel forces. Stubborn fighting continued and more than<br />

a hundred thousand more lives were lost, but by Election Day a year<br />

hence, the Union was gaining overwhelming momentum, and Lincoln’s<br />

policies were vindicated. After his re-election, he was then able to<br />

press for the 13th amendment to our Constitution, outlawing slavery<br />

permanently.<br />

At his inaugural, he spoke healing words to a war-torn nation. “With<br />

malice toward none, with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as<br />

God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are<br />

in; to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne<br />

the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may<br />

achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with<br />

all nations…;” fitting words for any nation to pray and strive for.<br />

A month after this speech, Lee surrendered to Grant. Five days later,<br />

on April 14, 1865, it was Good Friday, the celebrated day <strong>of</strong> Jesus’ death<br />

on a Roman crucifix that broke the bondage <strong>of</strong> sin and death over<br />

those who would trust in Him. “Lincoln arose early as usual, so he<br />

could work at his desk before breakfast. He was looking forward to the<br />

day’s schedule. That afternoon he would tell his wife, ‘I’ve never felt so<br />

happy in my life’.” That night, at Ford’s Theater, as he, Mary and guests<br />

attended a comedy play which he was uproariously enjoying, he was<br />

dispatched to the ages.”<br />

A Thanksgiving Proclamation was made by most <strong>of</strong> our first Presidents<br />

for the first thirty years <strong>of</strong> our history as a nation. No more were made<br />

after 1815 until President Lincoln reinstituted the tradition during<br />

his tenure in <strong>of</strong>fice, declaring Thanksgiving a Federal holiday as a<br />

“prayerful day <strong>of</strong> thanksgiving” on the last Thursday in November.<br />

Since then, every U.S. President has issued one on behalf the nation.<br />

The permanent date <strong>of</strong> the fourth Thursday in November was set by<br />

Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939 and approved by Congress in 1941. Here<br />

then is the proclamation revitalized by President Lincoln, in the midst<br />

<strong>of</strong> what was one <strong>of</strong> the darkest times <strong>of</strong> our nation’s history, and <strong>of</strong><br />

the President himself. God’s hand moved to preserve the Union and<br />

remove the terrible blight <strong>of</strong> human slavery across the land. We do well<br />

to acknowledge that Power, and the gracious blessings <strong>of</strong> healing and<br />

prosperity that can only come from Him. How blessed indeed is the<br />

nation whose God is the Lord.<br />

Thanksgiving Proclamation 1863<br />

It is the duty <strong>of</strong> nations as well as <strong>of</strong> men to own their dependence upon<br />

the overruling power <strong>of</strong> God; to confess their sins and transgressions in<br />

humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead<br />

to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced<br />

in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations are<br />

blessed whose God is the Lord.<br />

We know that by His divine law, nations, like individuals, are subjected<br />

to punishments and chastisements in this world. May we not justly fear<br />

that the awful calamity <strong>of</strong> civil war which now desolates the land may be<br />

a punishment inflicted upon us for presumptuous sins, to the needful end<br />

<strong>of</strong> our national reformation as a whole people?<br />

We have been the recipients <strong>of</strong> the choicest bounties <strong>of</strong> heaven; we have<br />

been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown<br />

in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown.<br />

But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which<br />

preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us,<br />

and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness <strong>of</strong> our hearts, that these<br />

blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue <strong>of</strong> our own.<br />

Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to<br />

feel the necessity <strong>of</strong> redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to<br />

the God that made us.<br />

It has seemed to me fit and proper that God should be solemnly,<br />

reverently, and gratefully acknowledged, as with one heart and one voice,<br />

by the whole American people. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens<br />

in every part <strong>of</strong> the United States, and also those who are at sea and<br />

those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the<br />

last Thursday <strong>of</strong> November as a day <strong>of</strong> thanksgiving and praise to our<br />

beneficent Father Who dwelleth in the heavens.<br />

- Abraham Lincoln <br />

Silver Star November 2011 23






11 A.M. - 2 P.M.<br />





Styles Include: DutyMaxx Short and Long Sleeve<br />

Shirts (592 and 5592) and Prestige Trousers (E8149)<br />

*<br />

<strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’ <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Store<br />

13881 Danielson Street<br />

Poway, CA 92064<br />

Phone: 858-486-9009<br />

*Valid November 1-30, 2011

<strong>County</strong> Line<br />

Transmissions<br />

by Robbie Bethea<br />

Valerie Bickel<br />

Valerie Bickel retired in 2009 and so far is enjoying retirement,<br />

traveling to visit relatives and her three sons who are living in different<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> the country. She has taken some fun classes and may pursue her<br />

real estate license. Her husband Brad is a former National City sergeant,<br />

who now works part-time as a security <strong>of</strong>ficer at the federal court house,<br />

in addition to operating his real estate business.<br />

Their oldest son Mark, 26, has served eight years in the U.S. Army<br />

with three tours in Iraq, and is currently assigned to 3rd Special Forces<br />

Group, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Andrew, 23, is a 2010 graduate <strong>of</strong><br />

the University <strong>of</strong> Wyoming, where he received a football scholarship,<br />

and a degree in Criminal Justice. He is currently attending the U.S.<br />

Border Patrol Academy at Artesia, New Mexico, and will be assigned to<br />

the Laredo Texas Sector upon graduation in November. The youngest<br />

Rob, 19, is a 2011 graduate <strong>of</strong> the U.S. Military Academy Prep School<br />

in Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. He is currently in his “Plebe” year at<br />

the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, where he is a member <strong>of</strong> the<br />

football team. Valerie and Brad are very proud <strong>of</strong> their sons’ decision to<br />

serve our country.<br />

Larry Dill<br />

Larry Dill retired in 2002 after 30 years and one day. He still resides in<br />

<strong>San</strong>tee and enjoys babysitting his two grandsons, ages 6 and 7. (Another<br />

grandson is due in November.) Larry has beaten the odds and is going<br />

on three and a half years after being diagnosed with kidney cancer and<br />

initially given six months to live. He is grateful for the daily medication<br />

which allows him to enjoy his retirement and his grandchildren.<br />

Janet Houts<br />

Janet Houts worked for Sheriff John Duffy as the Special Assistant for<br />

Legal Affairs. Nancee (Maes) Hanson, Ray Cummings, and Jim Wilkins<br />

were also special assistants to the Sheriff during that time. In 1991, Janet<br />

joined her husband in their personal injury law <strong>of</strong>fice in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>. She<br />

and her husband John have enjoyed several six month cruises to Mexico<br />

on their 50-foot<br />

Mikelson power<br />

boat, named the<br />

Dos Abogados<br />

IV. Their son,<br />

Fred, is the Chief<br />

Psychiatrist<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Alaska<br />

Psychiatric<br />

Institute and is<br />

also a forensic<br />

psychiatrist.<br />

Their daughter,<br />

Katie, is a<br />

director at<br />

Charles Schwab<br />

in Denver and<br />

has two children.<br />

Janet has many<br />

fond memories <strong>of</strong><br />

Janet and John Houts on vacation in Mexico.<br />

the department<br />

The Bickels - Mark, Valerie, Brad, Andrew, and Rob at the West<br />

Point Prep School graduation in Ft. Monmouth, NJ.<br />

and treasures a framed Silver Star cover <strong>of</strong> her daughter posing with<br />

McGruff, which also happens to be the first time the Silver Star cover<br />

was printed in color.<br />

Doug Gaddis<br />

Doug Gaddis medically retired in 1998. After discovering he was not<br />

cut out to be a salesman, he worked for Rady’s Children’s Hospital in<br />

charge <strong>of</strong> security. He remarried, moved to La Mirada and worked for<br />

ten years as a code enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficer for the City <strong>of</strong> Stanton in Orange<br />

<strong>County</strong>. After the passing <strong>of</strong> his wife several years ago, he started<br />

traveling in his motor home and recently returned from a three week<br />

cross-country trek visiting his son in Wisconsin.<br />

Lew Jones<br />

Lew Jones, 75, retired as a Captain in 1993 after 35 years with the SDSO.<br />

He took another retirement from Viejas Casino after being the head <strong>of</strong><br />

security for seven years. On a daily basis, Lew visits the local market<br />

and restaurant in Descanso to meet with the locals. He returns home to<br />

walk five to six miles. His home sits on one-half acre, which keeps him<br />

busy with cutting wood and abating weeds. Lew enjoys attending the<br />

Padres day games at Petco Park. He and Cookie, his wife <strong>of</strong> 21 years,<br />

have enjoyed cruising to Tahiti, Europe, Alaska, and Hawaii although<br />

travel has been placed on the back burner lately, so she can care for her<br />

terminally ill mother in Ohio.<br />

Jerry Lipscomb<br />

Jerry Lipscomb retired in 1999 as a lieutenant, and his wife Marilyn<br />

retired shortly after from Union Bank as a vice president. He and<br />

Marilyn met at Helix High School as students and have been together<br />

ever since, recently celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary with<br />

a trip to New York. Their travels include yearly trips to Mazatlan and<br />

their mountain get-away in Idyllwild. They bought a home on 2.5 acres<br />

in Alpine and have remodeled it extensively. Lori, their daughter, who<br />

also worked for the Sheriff’s Department at one time, lives in Lake<br />

Stevens, Washington, with her husband Mark, who retired from the<br />

U.S. Navy and manages a restaurant. They have three sons, a daughter<br />

and two adopted “special needs” children. Lori is employed as a teacher<br />

for the State <strong>of</strong> Washington, preparing other families for caring for<br />

their special needs children. Jerry’s son, Ron, is a mortgage broker in<br />

Alpine and has three daughters. In addition to nine grandchildren, they<br />

have one great grandchild. Jerry and Marilyn work out at the gym three<br />

times a week and Jerry plays golf. <br />

Silver Star November 2011 25

SDSO Kennels<br />

K9 by Tony Bailey and Gunner<br />

Hello again from the climate controlled comfort<br />

<strong>of</strong> sheriff's patrol car 20271. The air conditioning<br />

knob on the dash is still on full blast, which<br />

in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> means it's mid-October and its<br />

not getting any cooler yet. The dogs should be<br />

happier about the temperature by the time you<br />

read this article. Let’s get in the car and go!<br />

Did You Know?<br />

Did you know, all <strong>of</strong> our sheriff's canine cars are<br />

outfitted with the latest technology for keeping<br />

our dogs cool and comfortable? When I came<br />

into the canine unit three years ago, climate<br />

control warning systems were somewhat <strong>of</strong><br />

a luxury for most law enforcement agencies.<br />

After some unfortunate incidents involving dogs<br />

dying in law enforcement vehicles throughout<br />

the nation, our department made climate control<br />

warning systems in our canine patrol vehicles a<br />

top priority. Thankfully, our department prides<br />

itself in having quality equipment to be used by<br />

quality deputies.<br />

Within a few weeks, every K-9 patrol vehicle<br />

either had a new system installed, or had the old<br />

system repaired or upgraded. Today, as canine<br />

cars get replaced, each vehicle is equipped<br />

with about $3,000 in additional electronic<br />

equipment to keep our dogs cool, keep the<br />

handlers informed, and keep our cars from<br />

getting stolen while the engine is running! Every<br />

handler is equipped with a digital pager on his<br />

belt. Each K-9 patrol car has a digital display,<br />

two thermometers, two fans, a few buttons,<br />

and a vacuum hose. When a skilled craftsman<br />

connects all this stuff together with a few yards<br />

<strong>of</strong> wires, you get a system that works like this:<br />

The K-9 patrol car keeps real time measurement<br />

<strong>of</strong> the interior temperature using two sensors<br />

located above the driver and passenger doors.<br />

This information is visible on a digital display<br />

mounted to the left <strong>of</strong> the steering wheel. The<br />

pager on the handler's belt also displays these<br />

two interior temperatures. With this pager,<br />

the handler can be away from his car for an<br />

extended period <strong>of</strong> time and have peace <strong>of</strong> mind,<br />

knowing the inside <strong>of</strong> the car is cool enough for<br />

his dog.<br />

If the air conditioning system fails or the<br />

temperature inside the vehicle exceeds a<br />

predetermined level, the system warns the<br />

handler via the pager. The pager beeps and<br />

vibrates until the handler acknowledges the<br />

warning. If the handler does not reset the<br />

warning or correct the high temperature<br />

inside the car, the patrol vehicle sets <strong>of</strong>f its own<br />

warnings. The horn honks, the lights flash, the<br />

back windows roll down, and the fans mounted<br />

on the kennel blow air onto the dog.<br />

If these warnings don't get the attention <strong>of</strong><br />

someone, or the car fails completely, the last<br />

fail-safe occurs. The rear door pops open,<br />

allowing the canine to escape the overheated or<br />

malfunctioning patrol vehicle. Dogs are more<br />

susceptible to heat than humans because a dog's<br />

cooling mechanism is not as efficient. Dogs<br />

weren't gifted with the ability to adjust the air<br />

conditioning using just a paw. These systems<br />

ensure the dogs stay comfortable. Remember<br />

that vacuum hose I talked about? The new<br />

vehicles come with a vacuum hose accessory<br />

specifically designed to hook to a dashboard<br />

vent, providing more direct airflow into the<br />

kennel.<br />

In addition to having this climate control<br />

warning system, our K-9’ers have the ability to<br />

leave the patrol vehicle running and keep them<br />

from being stolen or driven away. Each canine<br />

car has a system installed, that when activated,<br />

turns the car <strong>of</strong>f immediately when someone<br />

(not schooled in the art <strong>of</strong> buttons and switches)<br />

steps on the brake to put the car in gear. All in<br />

all, this almost deputy-pro<strong>of</strong> system is worth its<br />

cost and has saved many a dog from human and<br />

mechanical error.<br />

Going North<br />

It's time to say farewell to another handler who<br />

has decided to expand their law enforcement<br />

career. Richard North will be leaving the unit<br />

for a job with our Weapons Training Unit. His<br />

canine Archi retired after a great career. Archi<br />

has taken a liking to roaming the inside <strong>of</strong> the<br />

house and caring for a pet chinchilla! <strong>Deputy</strong><br />

North and his canine partners—past and<br />

present—were assigned to the detention facilities<br />

in the southern portion <strong>of</strong> the county. Together,<br />

they kept deputies safe around the jails and<br />

maintained order during inmate movement and<br />

housing searches. Rich and his canine partners<br />

were frequently utilized for drug sniffs inside<br />

and outside <strong>of</strong> the jails, and they confiscated<br />

quite a lot <strong>of</strong> contraband intended for inmate<br />

“recreation.”<br />

Back in the day, the detention canine handlers<br />

had to transport their canine partners to and<br />

from work in their personal vehicles. There are<br />

many former detentions canine handlers that<br />

had to do this, who all accepted it just to have a<br />

faithful partner. I still remember the day Rich<br />

and Rod Cruz each got the keys to their new-tothem<br />

unmarked canine vehicles. I didn't think<br />

Rich would ever want to leave the unit! He had<br />

too many personal vehicular miles to make up<br />

for in this county ride. Rich’s appreciation for<br />

this vehicle is displayed in the cleanliness and<br />

the many coats <strong>of</strong> wax he applied to it over the<br />

years.<br />

While on break, <strong>Deputy</strong> Vail and Hank bring in 1,400 pounds <strong>of</strong> marijuana from a van parked at a home<br />

improvement store<br />

Rich has been a great contributor and asset.<br />

During my short time with the unit, I've seen<br />

Rich put in quite a few hours. He’s helped<br />

with various causes immediately and without<br />

complaint. All because it needed to get done or<br />

had to be done. Lately, when a demo or special<br />

event had to be staffed, the request was <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

prefaced with, “Can anyone besides Rich take<br />

26 Silver Star November 2011

station reports<br />

care <strong>of</strong> this demo?” Rich is always willing to<br />

volunteer, and even the boss knew he could<br />

count on him to raise his hand and do a great<br />

job. He will also be missed for his knack to<br />

coordinate and cook one heck <strong>of</strong> a barbecue. I'm<br />

sure Steve Winchell will benefit calorically from<br />

his new range partner. Rich, we all say thank<br />

you for your contributions and making our K-9<br />

Unit one <strong>of</strong> the best.<br />

Pot-tee Break<br />

<strong>Deputy</strong> Vail and his K-9 Hank recently helped<br />

bring in quite a (U)Haul <strong>of</strong> marijuana surely<br />

destined for the streets <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> and<br />

beyond. A local task force requested <strong>Deputy</strong><br />

Vail’s assistance with the possibility <strong>of</strong> a rental<br />

van carrying an international drug shipment.<br />

Seems the van had been loaded south <strong>of</strong> the<br />

border and driven to the South Bay. But which<br />

van crossing the border had the goods? Turns<br />

out, the van was parked and left for pickup at a<br />

busy home improvement store. The pickup crew<br />

must have been looking for a different brand <strong>of</strong><br />

rental van, because they failed to show up on<br />

time to pick up their delivery.<br />

<strong>Deputy</strong> Vail and Hank were asked to “take a<br />

break” in the general area <strong>of</strong> the parking lot<br />

where the van was parked. I don’t know if Hank<br />

ever got to take that potty break because once<br />

he got out to smell the roses, the only “buds” he<br />

could smell were downwind! Hank immediately<br />

went into work mode and led <strong>Deputy</strong> Vail to<br />

the van, alerting and indicating the presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> drugs in “that thar” van. <strong>Deputy</strong> Vail simply<br />

looked in the window and discovered a few<br />

bundles wrapped in plastic. When Vail says “a<br />

few” bundles, we’re talking about 1,400 pounds<br />

<strong>of</strong> marijuana! Next month, I will have another<br />

Vail story, and I’ve heard that narcotics find was<br />

even bigger. Nicely done team!<br />

K-9 Christmas<br />

Are you looking for a Christmas gift for a<br />

friend <strong>of</strong> law enforcement or a dog lover? Our<br />

very popular K-9 t-shirts are back in stock<br />

and available for purchase at the Sheriff’s<br />

Museum and DSA Store. Please call first to<br />

ensure size availability. Sorry, we don’t have kid<br />

sizes currently. The adult shirts are black and<br />

feature a paw on the front. The back graphic is a<br />

silhouette <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> our K-9’s lying in front <strong>of</strong> a<br />

code-3 patrol car. You may have seen the photo<br />

used to create this graphic in the DSA’s photo<br />

contest a few months back.<br />

Until next month, I will leave you with a phrase<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten uttered by dog handlers, just never out<br />

loud: “If you expect to score points by whining,<br />

join a European soccer team.”<br />

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! <br />

Richard North creating a<br />

new Sea World show with<br />

K-9 Gunner<br />

Silver Star November 2011 27

station reports<br />

STATION No. 1<br />

<strong>San</strong>tee Station by Jeremy Sheppard<br />

Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People<br />

travel thousands <strong>of</strong> miles to be with people<br />

they only see once a year, only to discover once<br />

a year is way too <strong>of</strong>ten. So this year my family<br />

and I thought we would do something a little<br />

different; instead <strong>of</strong> a turkey, we’re having a<br />

swan. You get more stuffing.<br />

We are glad to have Det. Dan Massey join our<br />

station as our newest Area Detective. Welcome<br />

to our piece <strong>of</strong> paradise Dan! We also want to<br />

congratulate Sgt. Craig Johnson. He has stepped<br />

into the COPPS spot to continue where Sergeant<br />

May left <strong>of</strong>f. We know the unit is in good hands<br />

as Sergeant Johnson brings a lot <strong>of</strong> experience<br />

and knowledge with him.<br />

Bring it? It got brought!!<br />

Deputies Colin Hebeler, John Maisonave, Dave<br />

Williams, Lorenzo Ortiz, and Philpot put<br />

together an Explorer competition in August.<br />

Approximately two months ago, they challenged<br />

the Lemon Grove station to a friendly duel.<br />

They chose the Grove as competitors because<br />

we know they have a large, well trained group<br />

<strong>of</strong> top notch Explorers and motivated advisors.<br />

The Explorers were challenged in three areas<br />

during the competition. The first event was<br />

a Jeopardy-style challenge pitting the teams<br />

against one another. Explorers were tested on<br />

their knowledge <strong>of</strong> 10 and 11 codes, penal codes,<br />

scenario trivia, and use <strong>of</strong> force questions.<br />

The second event was a role-play where<br />

Explorers had to handle a domestic violence<br />

situation. They were evaluated on numerous<br />

anchors including <strong>of</strong>ficer safety, radio traffic,<br />

Explorers compete in the SED course<br />

utilization <strong>of</strong> resources, and correct forms <strong>of</strong><br />

documentation as they handled the call from<br />

start to finish. Lastly, each individual Explorer<br />

ran the S.E.D. obstacle course for their best<br />

time. The times from each team were averaged<br />

and compared.<br />

We are happy to announce, not only did the<br />

<strong>San</strong>tee station win the overall competition, but<br />

also won in every event! The hard work and<br />

dedication <strong>of</strong> the <strong>San</strong>tee Explorers and advisors<br />

is second to none; they worked hard preparing<br />

for the competition and it showed. They were<br />

rewarded with a trophy, which is proudly<br />

displayed in the Sergeant’s <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

The <strong>San</strong>tee station Explorers are looking for<br />

another station to pony up and take a shot<br />

at the title. Our team is hungry, and we're<br />

throwing down the gauntlet and calling every<br />

station out. A challenging station will need to<br />

come up with a location and three events in the<br />

three following areas: Academic, Physical, and<br />

Scenario. One month <strong>of</strong> preparation time will<br />

be given to each team. However, just a word <strong>of</strong><br />

advice for anyone wishing to enter the lion's den<br />

and challenge <strong>San</strong>tee, bring your "A-Game" and<br />

train hard because we're hungry, relentless, and<br />

aren't going down without a fight!<br />

Let's hear it for <strong>San</strong>tee's Champs: Lt. Cody<br />

Green, Sgt. Eric Garcia, Jordan Arnold, Aaron<br />

Linville, Christina Duenas, Damian Wilde-<br />

Mitchell, Chris Lawrence, and John Girard.<br />

With one trophy already under their belts, the <strong>San</strong>tee Explorers are ready to take on any Explorer team in<br />

the county.<br />

Until next time, remember to be safe. There’s<br />

bad people and stuff out there. <br />

28 Silver Star November 2011

Cajon Zone<br />

El Cajon Courts by Cydney King and the gang<br />

I want to begin this station report by<br />

commenting on the September issue <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Silver Star. We will never forget; we will always<br />

remember. The words honor, respect, tragedy,<br />

humbling, and pride all come to mind when I<br />

first saw the cover. Kristie Macris is the Editor<br />

in Chief <strong>of</strong> our DSA magazine. I wanted to give<br />

a special thank you and acknowledge the time<br />

and heart Kristie puts into this publication;<br />

especially for the September issue, with the<br />

sincere tribute to the events and people <strong>of</strong> “9/11.”<br />

I’m sure I am not alone when I say, “Your work is<br />

appreciated and not taken for granted.”<br />

By the time this is put into your mailbox, you<br />

will have carved pumpkins, scared boogie<br />

men, and eaten an array <strong>of</strong> bite size goodies. If<br />

Halloween was in the beginning <strong>of</strong> the month,<br />

I would be able to show you photos <strong>of</strong> this year’s<br />

pumpkin carving contest. You’ll have to wait<br />

until next month to see the most imaginative,<br />

cutest/funniest, and scariest winners. The<br />

customers that come to the counter to submit<br />

their votes seem to enjoy it. I don’t think we are<br />

an overly competitive group, but the phrase “It’s<br />

on like Donkey Kong” has already been blurted<br />

out.<br />

It was with a true understanding <strong>of</strong> bitter<br />

sweet when we said happy retirement to not<br />

just one, but two members <strong>of</strong> our Cajon Zone<br />

team. Captain Crist and Lieutenant Astuto<br />

have added the coveted “retired” rocker to their<br />

badges. Of course, we wish you both the very<br />

best next chapter life can provide, but we will<br />

miss you very much. Please remember to drop<br />

us a line from time to time and know you are<br />

always welcome to pull up a chair and pour a<br />

cup, especially if there are baked goods involved<br />

(wink wink).<br />

We love to celebrate. We recently had the<br />

opportunity to share a special date with two <strong>of</strong><br />

our deputies; Roy Hartnett and Will Poe. They<br />

both joined the 50’s club. I remember when they<br />

got pushed in wheel chairs into their surprise<br />

30th birthday party. That seems like yesterday,<br />

don’t it boys? You don’t look a day over 29 Roy.<br />

Ha Ha, just kidding Will, you too.<br />

We have added deputies to our deployments.<br />

A familiar family member <strong>of</strong> the Zone is Matt<br />

Ellis. It’s good to have him back. A new hire,<br />

Ron Smithson joined us after a career with<br />

ECPD. I won’t tell you specifically how long <strong>of</strong><br />

a career, but some <strong>of</strong> our tenured judges were<br />

very familiar with <strong>Deputy</strong> Smithson’s days in<br />

a blue uniform.<br />

The Cajon Zone gang doing what it does best: celebrating!<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the new deputies will be “just visiting”<br />

from Kearny Mesa: Monica Palmerin, Tyler<br />

Norby, and Eric Cottrell. Last time I checked,<br />

there were not many jury trials or inmates to<br />

handle up at KM, so they will get this exposure<br />

here. Besides, it’s always good to be familiar with<br />

more than one facility. Welcome and enjoy your<br />

stay.<br />

Before I leave the topic <strong>of</strong> personnel, I want to<br />

send out congratulations to Hilda H<strong>of</strong>fstadt who<br />

was recently selected for promotion to LSAIII.<br />

Good job Hildie! Also, congratulations to Linda<br />

Graves who was selected to replace Amanda as<br />

our payroll person. And finally, welcome back<br />


Attorney at Law • (Retired SDPD)<br />


Personal Injury • Discipline Appeals<br />

Civil Service & Skelly Hearings<br />

If you have any legal questions,<br />

feel free to call:<br />

(619) 445-8650<br />

(619) 466-2335 (FAX)<br />

DonovanJJ@yahoo.com<br />

to Aileen from maternity leave. We are glad to<br />

have you back.<br />

Get ready to save the date. I cannot believe<br />

I am about to say this, but “Nancy Walker’s<br />

retirement is drawing near.” There will be a<br />

breakfast affair, tentatively set for December 1.<br />

Look for more information in an e-mail later<br />

in the month.<br />

Guess that about does it for now. Now that<br />

October has come and gone, the rest <strong>of</strong> the year<br />

is now put into warp speed and will flash by<br />

before your very eyes, so don’t blink. Stay safe<br />

and healthy and never stop caring. <br />

Silver Star November 2011 29

station<br />

The<br />

reports<br />

Snake Pit<br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Central Jail by Mirelle Chateigne<br />

Everyone is more than familiar<br />

with our department-approved<br />

self-contained breathing apparatus<br />

(SCBA) we affectionately refer to as<br />

the Survivair. Every quarter, we're<br />

forced to don and pressurize the<br />

"mighty light", contoured, polymer<br />

frame backpack in a timely manner<br />

for pr<strong>of</strong>iciency.<br />

Even the savviest <strong>of</strong> SCBA donners<br />

have been known to get a few<br />

butterflies after tightening the<br />

face piece around their head. I've<br />

probably done this more than<br />

a thousand times and I still get<br />

nervous each time I insert the second<br />

stage regulator into the facemask. I<br />

always expect it not to work, and, for<br />

a brief moment, I visualize myself<br />

dying <strong>of</strong> suffocation. The panic is<br />

brief and quickly shifts to relief<br />

once I take the deep breath in, activating the<br />

regulator, but those few, compressed moments<br />

<strong>of</strong> panic are quite stressful—and I have to go<br />

through it every quarter!<br />

Then there’s those mandatory quarterly fire<br />

drills. Changing into sweaty turnout gear, fire<br />

helmet (that never seems to fit me, by the way)<br />

and its accompanied Nomex hood or head<br />

sweater, fire gloves (which don't fit either), and<br />

rubber boots (these really never fit, and then<br />

there's the worry about absorbing someone else's<br />

foot fungus) has never been one <strong>of</strong> my favorite<br />

things to do.<br />

My least favorite <strong>of</strong> all the fire training drills<br />

was probably when I was assigned to GBDF and<br />

the fire department showed up with their Search<br />

A small fraction <strong>of</strong> the Team 4 crew that attended the Fall Beach and BBQ Day with their families in the group photo.<br />

and Rescue trailer. We had to don full turnout<br />

gear, including survivair and facemask, while<br />

making our way through a dark, smoky, tight<br />

maze. It's a miracle I didn't die <strong>of</strong> suffocation<br />

on that day.<br />

Each time there's suvivair testing or the<br />

mandatory drill to complete, I roll my eyes,<br />

take a deep breath in, and begin to sulk as this<br />

voice inside my head yells, "I never signed up to<br />

be a firefighter! I don't even like fire!" Let's not<br />

forget there's a fire station right across the street,<br />

staffed with career firefighters who relish the<br />

task <strong>of</strong> eliminating fires!<br />

So, when I heard Team One here at SDCJ found<br />

themselves confronted with a cell that was on<br />

fire, I couldn't help but think, in my almost ten<br />




Attorney at Law<br />

(619) 206-3811<br />

(619) 741-3961<br />

National City ♦ <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> ♦ La Mesa<br />

years on the department, after countless drills<br />

and monotonous testing, it's about freakin' time!<br />

The moments <strong>of</strong> panic, having to wear sweaty,<br />

ill-fitting gear, the risk <strong>of</strong> suffocation was not<br />

all for nothing!<br />

Here's the story: A Greenbanded, Level 6, Ad-<br />

Seg inmate got upset at deputies for moving him<br />

into another housing module. He was moved as<br />

a result <strong>of</strong> a written rule violation he received<br />

from his inability to conform to minimal jail<br />

standards, but that is neither here nor there.<br />

We are deputies, and as such, we can move<br />

inmates based on the operational needs <strong>of</strong> our<br />

housing area. The agitated inmate decided to<br />

take vengeance out on the deputies for moving<br />

him, so he used a lighter, which he had stashed<br />

away in his jailhouse wallet, to set the bedding<br />

in his cell on fire.<br />

There were flames. There was a thick cloud <strong>of</strong><br />

smoke. And, my guess is that the inmate, and<br />

sole occupant <strong>of</strong> the cell, quickly realized his<br />

brilliant idea for revenge was actually pretty<br />

stupid. He was nothing but compliant when<br />

deputies arrived to save his foolish butt, and put<br />

out the fire he had started. Everyone on Team<br />

One, and those working Support Services (Team<br />

5), received an Exemplary Performance Award<br />

for their pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism, teamwork, operation<br />

<strong>of</strong> fire equipment, and ability to evacuate,<br />

control, and contain some <strong>of</strong> our most violent<br />

and non-compliant inmates. As a result <strong>of</strong> this<br />

event, I will no longer take fire training lightly.<br />

I may still complain a little bit about the sweaty,<br />

ill-fitting gear, but I'll get over it!<br />


But wait—my lifesaving tales at SDCJ do not end<br />

30 Silver Star November 2011

station reports<br />

The SDCJ Sea Donkeys<br />

there! While working the Medical Observation<br />

Unit on the third Floor, <strong>Deputy</strong> Cea came across<br />

an inmate who was hanging from the TV in his<br />

cell with a jail-issued bed sheet tied around his<br />

neck. <strong>Deputy</strong> Cea discovered the inmate was<br />

unresponsive and had no pulse. As soon as<br />

Corporal Kocur and <strong>Deputy</strong> Krieg arrived on<br />

scene to assist, they all sprang into action!<br />

Chest compressions and rescue breathing<br />

commenced, and with the help <strong>of</strong> Nurse<br />

Ugaban, who applied the Automatic External<br />

Defibrillator (AED), and Nurse Arroyo, who<br />

attached an Ambu bag to Corporal Kocur's<br />

Protective Airway Mask, the inmate did not<br />

get the opportunity to meet the Grim Reaper<br />

that day. This incident is just one <strong>of</strong> the reason's<br />

Nurse Ugaban was recently awarded employee<br />

<strong>of</strong> the quarter, but you'll hear more about that<br />

in my next article.<br />

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I consider<br />

myself honored to get to come to work every day<br />

with this amazing group <strong>of</strong> deputies! Every day I<br />

get to see real life superheroes in action!<br />

Fall is finally here and that brings me to the<br />

second annual Team 4 Fall Beach and BBQ Day<br />

in Mission Bay! It was a day filled with family<br />

fun hosted by <strong>Deputy</strong> Stevens and his wife<br />

Kaprice. There were hamburgers, hot dogs,<br />

brats, potato salad, and pretty much all <strong>of</strong> my<br />

favorite picnic/BBQ culinary treats. There was<br />

football, volleyball, and bocce ball. <strong>Deputy</strong><br />

Grinceri came with his boat, and <strong>Deputy</strong> Fuller<br />

brought his kayaks. They both took the grownups<br />

and kids out for rides along the bay. The<br />

party wrapped up with a late night bonfire,<br />

which <strong>of</strong> course included s'mores—no beach<br />

party could be complete without s'mores! We're<br />

looking forward to next year's event!<br />

Did you know that SDCJ has their very own<br />

soccer team called The Sea Donkeys. The team<br />

was started by <strong>Deputy</strong> Campos from Team 2 and<br />

<strong>Deputy</strong> L. Rodriguez (currently at VDF) back in<br />

September 2008. Legend has it, while <strong>Deputy</strong><br />

Rodriguez was training <strong>Deputy</strong> Campos in the<br />

Central Command Center position, the two<br />

randomly began talking about soccer. Shortly<br />

afterwards The Sea Donkeys were formed! The<br />

current team consists <strong>of</strong> Deputies Rodriguez,<br />

Campos, O. <strong>San</strong>chez, Jessop, LaLanne, Brigham,<br />

Talamantez, Boatwright, and Pike. Deputies<br />

from other facilities, friends, and family have<br />

also played on the team. <strong>Deputy</strong> Campos says<br />

the team continues to play strong, and while<br />

they have made it to the play<strong>of</strong>fs several times,<br />

they have yet to win a championship.<br />

If you are interested in joining The Sea Donkeys,<br />

contact <strong>Deputy</strong> Campos or <strong>Deputy</strong> Rodriguez.<br />

Or, if you'd like to come play with us full-time,<br />

as far as I know, Career Path only has two active<br />

transfer requests in for folks wishing to work<br />

here with us in the hub <strong>of</strong> the county.<br />

‘Til next time, stay hungry! <br />




$10 for nonmembers<br />

Please call (858) 486-9009<br />

to schedule an appointment.<br />

Immediate or Walk-in appointments will be accommodated if a<br />

notary is present in the <strong>of</strong>fice and does not have prior appointments.<br />

Silver Star November 2011 31

station reports<br />

Who Are Those Guys?<br />

(Rural Enforcement never sleeps!) by Matt McClendon<br />

Though you thought it would never happen, it<br />

did. Ron Hobson finally retired—41 1/2 years in<br />

this business. Time to call it a career.<br />

We had a really terrific send <strong>of</strong>f for Ron at the<br />

Pine Valley Club House. You'd be surprised at<br />

how many people showed up for this gig. I think<br />

the final tally was 130. I view Ron's career as a<br />

two-part affair. There were the first 30 years or<br />

so. Then there were the last 11. The last 11 were<br />

pretty smooth by comparison.<br />

Our goals as his partners were basically to keep<br />

him out <strong>of</strong> the emergency room and to remind<br />

him <strong>of</strong> the name <strong>of</strong> the mope he just talked<br />

to. The first 30, well...let's just say that Ron<br />

Hobson went through more critical incidents<br />

than most <strong>of</strong> us can even remember. That's no<br />

joke. Hobson's finally just a regular bloke in the<br />

neighborhood now.<br />

Still, I have this bad dream that he will get<br />

on as a 120-Day re-hire and work the Comm<br />

Center. Can you imagine how he would relish<br />

the chance to call one <strong>of</strong> us at 3 a.m. just for<br />

the pleasure <strong>of</strong> sending his former colleague<br />

out on one <strong>of</strong> those O'Dark-Thirty boondoggle<br />

call-outs? I know this man. He'd laugh through<br />

his entire shift just thinking about it. On behalf<br />

<strong>of</strong> the entire division, we wish Ron and Denise<br />

a long and wonderful time together in his<br />

retirement.<br />

And speaking <strong>of</strong> the entire division, there have<br />

been a few other changes. Our fearless leader<br />

Dave Moss has gone <strong>of</strong>f to Quantico, Virginia, to<br />

attend the FBI Academy.<br />

In his absence, Lt. Rose<br />

Kurupas will assume the<br />

82L post.<br />

Really, who wouldn't<br />

want to be 82L. Have<br />

you people ever seen the<br />

Julian Office? Could you<br />

suffer having your desk<br />

in that facility, with only<br />

a two block walk for an<br />

emergency slice <strong>of</strong> pie and<br />

a scoop <strong>of</strong> Bon Suisse? Are<br />

you kidding me?<br />

We also welcome two<br />

new sergeants to our realm. Brian Hout is set<br />

to replace Tom Evans up north. Brian comes to<br />

us from some place down the hill called Lemon<br />

Grove. I've heard <strong>of</strong> it, but can't remember<br />

how to get there. Brian will be in charge <strong>of</strong><br />

the Borrego Springs, Ranchita, and Warner<br />

Springs beats. Loe Leos will soon replace Jim<br />

Piscitelli as 86RS. This includes Campo, Lake<br />

Morena, Potrero, Dulzura, and the legendary<br />

"Arnoldland."<br />

Joel Couch did something that rarely happens<br />

out here. He voluntarily transferred out <strong>of</strong><br />

Rural in favor <strong>of</strong> an assignment at the Encinitas<br />

Station. Joel has good reasons for making the<br />

move: educational advancement type stuff. We<br />

don't have a university campus in Campo yet.<br />

We do have a juvenile probation camp though.<br />

The <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’ <strong>Association</strong> invites you to its annual retiree<br />

Christmas Luncheon<br />

Saturday, December 10, 2011<br />

Social Hour begins at 10:30 a.m.<br />

Donations requested for<br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>’s Homeless Vets<br />

El Cajon Elks Lodge<br />

1400 E. Washington Ave<br />

RSVP before December 8<br />

www.dsasd.org/xmas<br />

(858) 486-9009 x 100<br />

We welcome Hector Fuentes as Joel's<br />

replacement. Hector comes to us from Alpine.<br />

I think the plan is to bounce Hector around<br />

like we did to Ken Edwards. Something tells<br />

me Hector will wind up in Boulevard in the not<br />

too distant future.<br />

Then there's the new guy out in Boulevard who's<br />

jumped on board as Hobson's replacement.<br />

Jason Titus and his beloved partner Goran are<br />

10-8 as <strong>of</strong> Sept. 24. <strong>Deputy</strong> Titus, like Hector<br />

Fuentes, has lived out on the Boulevard beat for<br />

several years already. It's one thing to live out<br />

there. It's another to actually work the beat. He’s<br />

already jumped right in from the fire into the<br />

frying pan.<br />

And speaking <strong>of</strong> the frying pan, <strong>Deputy</strong><br />

Titus already handled his first large scale 245<br />

with multiple victims, lots <strong>of</strong> vodka thinned<br />

blood everywhere, no accurate statements<br />

from anybody, and one cast iron frying pan<br />

as a possible bash-everybody-over-the-dome<br />

weapon. It was a bad scene, but now <strong>Deputy</strong><br />

Titus knows a few <strong>of</strong> the frequent The <strong>Deputy</strong> flyers, Sheriffs’ and I Associati<br />

do believe he's found himself<br />

Christmas<br />

an assignment he's<br />

really going to thrive in.<br />

As for <strong>crime</strong> and punishment, it's actually been<br />

pretty routine lately. I noticed that fraud Saturday, cases Dec<br />

are on the rise though. Also I find<br />

Social<br />

that we're<br />

Hour beg<br />

writing more and more cases that take up lots<br />

<strong>of</strong> time and paper, but really don't amount to<br />

anything more than third degree 415s. Most El <strong>of</strong> Cajon E<br />

these seem to be within the family too, 1400 which E. Wa<br />

must be a sign <strong>of</strong> these times we're all struggling<br />

through.<br />

Donations requested for<br />

There is a move afoot to <strong>San</strong> build <strong>Diego</strong>’s us a new Homeless facility Vets<br />

for Pine Valley, and I mean pretty soon. We'll be<br />

keeping you posted as the project moves along.<br />

Until next time, we're Rural Enforcement,<br />

fightin' <strong>crime</strong> elsewhere!<br />

32 Silver Star November 2011

10-4 Station M<br />

Comm Center by Shannon O’Neil-Huntoon<br />

November is upon us! That means it’s time to<br />

start “hunting” for things: plane reservations,<br />

hotel deals, new things for family to do while<br />

in town to keep them out <strong>of</strong> your hair (Sea<br />

World again), and, <strong>of</strong> course, new places in the<br />

house to hide from your mother-in-law. Most<br />

importantly it is time to hunt for that perfect<br />

big beautiful bird to grace the center <strong>of</strong> your<br />

table. I bring to you an article dedicated to our<br />

feathered friends. Pull out your cell phones<br />

people and play along. It’s time for Angry Birds.<br />

I Don’t Want to Be Pie<br />

If you haven’t seen Chicken Run, you should.<br />

Mel Gibson as a claymation rooster shouldn’t<br />

be missed. And it’s also what sprang to mind<br />

when I read this next story. So if you are not<br />

familiar, go check out the trailer on YouTube.<br />

A woman in Ramona called the Comm<br />

Center to ask us to “preserve the peace” at her<br />

neighbor’s residence. Nothing too unusual;<br />

deputies <strong>of</strong>ten are asked to be present while<br />

two feuding parties deal with an issue. And<br />

today’s issue? Well according to our caller, her<br />

chickens had “broke out” <strong>of</strong> her yard and were<br />

now hiding from her in her neighbor’s house.<br />

Broke out? What the flock? I can see it now.<br />

Late one night, shell shocked from a dreary life<br />

<strong>of</strong> egg laying, desperate for a more meaningful<br />

life (and the neighbor’s obviously superior<br />

scratching grounds), the chickens hatched a<br />

plan. One by one, they climbed the coop’s fence<br />

with ninja like grace. Next thing you know, it’s<br />

raining hen, hallelujah! Each feathered felon<br />

dive bombed <strong>of</strong>f the prison wall and shook a tail<br />

feather for the neighbor’s yard. Pure poultry in<br />

motion!<br />

Needless to say, the deputy put an egg in<br />

her shoe and beat it on over there. Peace was<br />

preserved and all the escapee hens were pecked<br />

into submission, this cock-a-doodle caper was<br />

over. This just goes to show, no plucky call <strong>of</strong><br />

duty is too big or too small for our fine flock <strong>of</strong><br />

deputies standing happily by to serve.<br />

Turkey Shoot<br />

Wildlife adventures are not exclusive to the rural<br />

areas <strong>of</strong> our county. In fact, it’s the urbanites<br />

who most <strong>of</strong>ten call 911 for a confrontation <strong>of</strong><br />

a feathered kind. The rural community is more<br />

adept with human-to-feather communications.<br />

Bottom line, move along or be dinner.<br />

Apparently, this line <strong>of</strong> thought has yet to<br />

matriculate into the bustling depths <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong>tee.<br />

It was a harsh and frosty morning when a<br />

storage facility employee called 911 to report<br />

a suspicious character hanging around the<br />

front gate. Description? Oh just one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

usual suspects: average height, average weight,<br />

feathers. Yes, our suspicious character was<br />

in fact a wild turkey. The clerk was in a tizzy,<br />

unaware <strong>of</strong> how to deal with such a creature.<br />

Understandable as most <strong>of</strong> the Wild Turkey in<br />

<strong>San</strong>tee tends to be served in a glass.<br />

The dispatcher calmed the caller while<br />

trying to locate someone to go and nab the bird.<br />

Not as easy a job as one might think. Animal<br />

Control turned the dispatcher down flat;<br />

domestic critters only for them. The Wildlife<br />

Center advised SDSO that the turkey wasn’t<br />

quite wild enough, and Project Wildlife, well,<br />

they just were not picking up the phone.<br />

A call was created for a deputy to respond<br />

and either contain, corral, or arrest the<br />

trespassing tom until someone could whisk it<br />

back to the wild. The call went out, as did the<br />

deputy, and the wait was on for an update.<br />

Fifteen minutes later, this disp popped<br />

up: “Successfully chased the turkey to top <strong>of</strong><br />

[neighboring] vet’s <strong>of</strong>fice, who volunteered to<br />

contact Project Wildlife to take said turkey back<br />

to “the woods” as prescribed by the vet. Turkey<br />

appears fine as he eluded three able bodied<br />

deputies minus their shot guns.”<br />

Unable to resist, the dispatch <strong>of</strong>fered to<br />

contact someone to talk Old Tom <strong>of</strong>f the ledge.<br />

The reply?<br />

“Only if they gobble or speak Turkish. We<br />

thought about shooting it, but decided that<br />

would ruffle more than the turkey’s feathers.”<br />

I’m gonna go out on a perch and say good<br />

call guys!<br />

Velociraptor or Emu?<br />

Now this story is somewhat legendary here at<br />

the Communications Center. When I came into<br />

work the night after it happened, no fewer than<br />

six dispatchers had sent me emails saying, “You<br />

have got to see this event for your article!”<br />

They were right, so I interviewed one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

deputies who responded to get all the amazing<br />

details that didn’t make it into the original<br />

call. In exchange for anonymity and a batch<br />

<strong>of</strong> chocolate chip cookies, I was able to obtain<br />

exclusive rights to the following tale.<br />

A radio call went out requesting a unit to<br />

assist an ARO (animal resource <strong>of</strong>ficers) with<br />

a loose emu. Seems the large bird had escaped<br />

from an unknown location and made its way<br />

into downtown traffic. I don’t want to give the<br />

city away, but suffice it to say, this was a major<br />

intersection in a very urban area. Here are some<br />

excerpts from my interview with the responding<br />

unit (names have been changed to protect the<br />

innocent):<br />

I was actually the third deputy to arrive.<br />

When I got there, Mike and Steve were already<br />

in foot pursuit <strong>of</strong> the emu. I don’t know if you’ve<br />

ever seen an emu, but this thing was huge! I tried<br />

to help corral it, but it kept charging at us. It got<br />

past us and went into traffic. Cars were swerving;<br />

honestly I thought there was going to be a [traffic<br />

collision].<br />

I called the sergeant and told him, ‘I have a<br />

station reports<br />

freaking eight foot tall bird playing in traffic and<br />

the [darn] thing is uncatchable!’<br />

I asked the sergeant if I could tazer the emu<br />

to incapacitate it. I didn’t want to shoot it, but if<br />

a car hit it, [it was going to be bad]. The sergeant<br />

gave me the high sign and the chase was on!<br />

Funny thing about tazers and emus. The<br />

barbs on a tazer need to attach themselves to<br />

its target to be effective and emus, well emus are<br />

covered with feathers. So needless to say, a tazer<br />

was fired, there was a “puff” <strong>of</strong> feathers and the<br />

emu was still on the go.<br />

Mike was back with me and he fired his tazer.<br />

Still nothing. Now half the team was en route the<br />

call. Jeff got there and actually cornered the emu.<br />

It gets tazered a third time. Jeff reloads and we<br />

still have it cornered, but now it was jumping<br />

and clawing at us with its feet like a Velociraptor.<br />

Fourth taze, still nothing.<br />

So now the topic <strong>of</strong> deadly force was being<br />

discussed. The emu was going nuts! Laura got on<br />

scene and the emu charged her vehicle. I yelled,<br />

“Get back in your vehicle!” and she dove back in<br />

with Steve getting in the passenger side.<br />

Now it was a traffic pursuit. When they got<br />

close, Steve jumped out and ran after it. The emu<br />

then turned and charged Steve. Steve gave his<br />

tazer one last chance. It landed! The bird went<br />

down and actually skidded to a halt. By this time<br />

the ARO has caught up, so Steve took the guy’s<br />

catch pole, looped it over the emu’s head, and<br />

handed it to ARO saying, “All yours, dude!” and<br />

walked away.<br />

We were all totally over it. I mean, we’d been<br />

chasing a giant bird for like thirty minutes! But<br />

that’s when the emu regains consciousness and<br />

starts beating the hell out <strong>of</strong> ARO. At this point<br />

some random citizen came running over and<br />

puts a sock over the emu’s head. “Saw it on the<br />

Discovery Channel,” he said.<br />

Wouldn’t you know it, the darn thing goes<br />

still. The deputies all look at each other thinking,<br />

“That worked?”<br />

One ARO guy kept it pinned while the other<br />

went for the van. When the ARO got back, they<br />

nudged the bird to make it stand. And they<br />

nudged and nudged. Uh oh.<br />

“I was the one who put out on the air that<br />

the emu was 1144 (deceased) and now everyone<br />

thinks I killed it. But seriously, there were like<br />

seven tazer deployments total on that thing!”<br />

Yet despite his emphatic denial <strong>of</strong> being the<br />

emu’s final undoing, the rumor persisted. So<br />

much that when our disclosing deputy called in<br />

a strange keening and crying sound being heard<br />

outside his home three days later, the answering<br />

dispatcher didn’t miss a beat in telling him, “It’s<br />

probably just the spirit <strong>of</strong> the emu coming back<br />

to haunt you.”<br />

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! <br />

* * * * *<br />

Hope you all enjoyed this installment. I encourage<br />

anyone who has questions about the Communications<br />

Center and/or its policies to please drop me a line. I will<br />

do my best to answer any and all questions! Shannon.<br />

ONeilHuntoon@sdsheriff.org<br />

Silver Star November 2011 33


2. HOLIDAY<br />

3. FAMILY<br />

4. FRIENDS<br />

5. THANKFUL<br />

6. FOOD<br />

7. TURKEY<br />

8. POTATOES<br />

9. STUFFING<br />

10. SALAD<br />

11. BREAD<br />

12. YAM<br />

13. PUMPKIN<br />

14. PIE<br />

15. VEGETABLES<br />

16. HAM<br />


Tugg shows <strong>of</strong>f a bust! (Hint: there are 10 differences)<br />

34 Silver Star November 2011


Big Bear Rental: 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, perfect for<br />

large group or family gatherings. Minutes to slopes,<br />

call for availability & prices. Sarah (909) 866-2846.<br />

Big Bear City Rental: Fully Furnished Cabin, 2<br />

Bedroom, 1 Bath, Sleeps 8 Comfortably. Close to the<br />

Lake, Slopes and Shopping. Call Bob at 760.231.7117<br />

for Additional Information.<br />

Big Bear Lake Log Cabin Rental: Newer cabin<br />

for rent in Big Bear Lake, 3 Br/2 Ba, sleeps 8-10.<br />

Walk to the lake, and couple minutes to slopes and<br />

Village. Perfect for family. Go to http://www.vrbo.<br />

com/377748 for pricing, pictures, and contact.<br />

Mammoth Rental: Mammoth Mtn. Condo. 1<br />

bedroom w/large l<strong>of</strong>t—sleeps 7, 2 Baths. Pool, Spa,<br />

Sauna, Wood (provided) Burning Stove, Fully Stocked<br />

Kitchen, Washer/Dryer in Unit, Cable, Restaurants/<br />

Bars/Shops, Unit #216. Mention Ad and get 10% <strong>of</strong>f<br />

total stay. 760-934-2669.<br />

Panama: 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath, 2000 sq ft ,10th floor,<br />

Luxury Condo facing the Pacific in Rio Mar, Panama.<br />

Located approx. 60 min. north <strong>of</strong> Panama City ,<br />

Panama. There are a number <strong>of</strong> one-stop flights from<br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> to Panama City. For more info and pictures<br />

look at www.riomarpanama.shutterfly.com and the<br />

developments web site www.riomarpanama.com<br />

no passwords required. Can also be viewed on www.<br />

vrbo.com listing #360391 or www.homeaway.com<br />

listing #902304. Law Enforcement Rates Myron<br />

Klippert 512-965-4994<br />

Wyoming: Thinking about your summer vacation?<br />

RV lot for rent in beautiful Star Valley, Wyoming.<br />

55 miles South <strong>of</strong> Jackson. Lot is available weekly<br />

or monthly. If you have a group additional lots are<br />

available($105 dollars a week, $375 a month). Park<br />

opens mid May and closes in October. Fishing,<br />

hiking, <strong>of</strong>f road trails, river rafting, and plenty <strong>of</strong> golf.<br />

Contact Valinda Sutton (619) 980-7474<br />

Vacation Rental: 7 nights, 1 bdrm, sleeps 4, $800.<br />

U.S. and International resort destinations available.<br />

For details call Lisa 951-526-6669<br />

2003 Winnebago: Journey 36’ class A motorhome<br />

available for rent. Delivery included for local trips<br />

only. Email Mary.Baier@gmail.com for information.<br />


For Rent: Vista. 1322 sq. ft., Tri-level, 3 bdrm, 2<br />

bath Town Home w/2-car garage. Living room has<br />

laminate wood flooring and fireplace. Kitchen has<br />

new counter tops. Master suite is located on the<br />

private third floor and has a large walk-in closet, A/C,<br />

private bath and glass slider leading to enclosed<br />

patio. Covered patio <strong>of</strong>f dining room has pet friendly<br />

“EZ-Turf” and low maintenance shrubbery. Washer/<br />

dryer and storage. Complex features pool, hot tub<br />

and sport court. Pet friendly (dogs under 25 lbs.)<br />

$1600/mo includes water and trash collection. First<br />

Months rent + deposit. Ret. SDSO. Contact by email;<br />

dhpalmer1@yahoo.com.<br />




Boat for Sale: 2000 Maxum 2100 SC with a 5.0L<br />

Mercruiser 220 Horsepower engine. The total<br />

weight <strong>of</strong> the boat is 3990lbs. It is 21’ in length with<br />

an enclosed Cuddy Cabin (sleeping area) It comes<br />

with a porta-potti, am/fm, CD player stereo with 4<br />

speakers, Uniden VHF Marine Radio, Live Bait Tank,<br />

Depth finder, Enclosed Canvas Cover for sleeping<br />

on the boat or if it rains while on the boat. The<br />

color is white with dark green accents. It has a 50<br />

Gal gas tank. It has seating for 6. The interior seats<br />

and carpet are in excellent shape, No cracks or tears.<br />

The boat had very little use, with maybe 50 hours or<br />

less on the motor. The trailer is included. Call Paul @<br />

(619)390-9838. Low Blue Book $11,000.<br />

1946 Willys Jeep: CJ *civilian model* 2-A Restored<br />

and in excellent shape. Asking $4750 or best <strong>of</strong>fer.<br />

Located in Escondido, Calif. Phone 760-445-2017<br />

1966 Ford Mustang: V-8, 289, Power Front Disk<br />

Brake Conversion, new suspension, new Pony<br />

Upholstery, other goodies. Clean California car.<br />

$15,000. Contact Stephanie at s.guerra10@cox.net<br />

and provide a phone number.<br />

2006 Harley Davidson S<strong>of</strong>tail Deluxe: Deluxe,<br />

black cherry pearl. Just under 8000mi. Bike is almost<br />

new. Lots <strong>of</strong> extras including helmets, luggage,<br />

leathers, cover, dyna tune kit and Samson fish tail<br />

duel exhaust pipes. Asking 13.5K. Call Janine, 619-<br />

403-1853.<br />

2008 H-D S<strong>of</strong>tail Rocker: Just over 5K miles and<br />

always garaged when not ridden. Bike has new<br />

exhaust sleeves that are California legal for the<br />

2012 restrictions and dealer installed Stage-One<br />

download. $10K Call or text Ed @ 951.237.1369<br />


Rifle: Cabela’s traditional Hawken percussion .50 cal<br />

hunting rifle. New condition, never fired. Asking<br />

$350.00. Also for sale, Pietta model 1851 .44 cal<br />

Navy civilian model black powder pistol. Excellent<br />

condition, only fired once. Asking $200.00. Save<br />

money and buy them both for $500. Photos are<br />

available for email. Call or leave message for Stefan<br />

at 619-212-5158.<br />

Commemorative Ruger: Ruger Vaquero Stainless<br />

Steel 40 Cal S&W <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Sheriff “Engraved”<br />

Commemorative Handgun. Brand New in Original<br />

Box with Custom Case. Only 800 made and never<br />

been fired! Own a Part <strong>of</strong> Sheriff’s History! $1000<br />

Firm. Please E-mail me at retiredsdso@gmail.com<br />

or Call Franco (619) 829-1319.<br />

TRAILER FOR SALE: 2006, 40 ft, 5th wheel<br />

Cargomate by Garrett. Full living quarters in front,<br />

midsection bathroom, & garage or toy hauler in<br />

rear, with ramp. Smooth sides, awning, generator,<br />

outside work lights, large holding tanks, completely<br />

self-contained, & in great condition. Only used 5 or<br />

6 times. Asking $17,500. Call 619-985-2203 or 619-<br />

504-1185.<br />

Placing a classified ad: Free for DSA members. $20 per month for non-members. Email ads to kmacris@<br />

dsasd.org Include name, phone number and work station, info does not need to appear in the ad. Ads<br />

are considered public and appear in the magazine posted on the DSA website. Deadline is the 20th<br />

<strong>of</strong> the month.<br />


INDEX<br />

CAHP Credit Union 39<br />

Children’s Christmas Party 41<br />

Diamonds Ltd.<br />

Back Cover<br />

Discount Tickets 37<br />

DJ Services - Franco 33<br />

East <strong>County</strong> Transmission 9<br />

Evergreen Tree Specialist 13<br />

Fallen <strong>Deputy</strong> Memorial 18<br />

Holmerud Studios 33<br />

ID Removal 21<br />

Kang’s Martial Arts Supply 3<br />

Liberty Mutual 9<br />

Notary Service at DSA 32<br />

The Pampered Chef 33<br />

Parties With A Purpose 33<br />

Perpetual Tree Care 19<br />

Retiree Christmas Lunch 32<br />

Uniforms & Duty Gear<br />

DSA Store 20<br />

DSAStore.com 17<br />

Elbeco Uniforms at DSA Store 24<br />

Real Estate and Mortgages<br />

Becca Berlinsky - Coldwell Banker 10<br />

Lydia Seeley - Century 21 Award 33<br />

Steven Darling - Realty Executives 12<br />

Versa Team - Keller Williams 13<br />

Law Offices<br />

Patricia Elkerton, Attorney 17<br />

Faunce, Singer & Oatman, APC 12<br />

Ron Hauser, Attorney 31<br />

Donovan Jacobs, Attorney 29<br />

John Madigan - Schroth & Schroth 17<br />

Scott O’Mara, Attorney Inside Front<br />

Tosdal, Smith, Steiner & Wax 19<br />


INDEX<br />

Silver Star November 2011 35

december member birthdays<br />

1 Kenneth Dalton<br />

Edward Erbe<br />

David Hale<br />

Matthew Jensen<br />

Jerry Jimenez<br />

Thomas Marshall<br />

Andrew Peterson<br />

Tom Prendergast<br />

Gerald Rabidou Jr<br />

Anthony Torres<br />

Nancy Walker<br />

2 George Garcia<br />

Rodger Griessel<br />

Jaime Guzman<br />

Tessa Knight<br />

Kevin Ogle<br />

Timothy Riley<br />

Lyman Waddell<br />

Juan Young<br />

3 Damon Chandler<br />

John Cherry<br />

Devell Kay Jr<br />

William Latimer<br />

Elizabeth Madrid<br />

Mark Paquette<br />

4 Gerald Bentley<br />

Gregory Biggs<br />

Anita Butler<br />

Frank Clamser<br />

Richard George<br />

Ralph Goodrich<br />

Ritchey Hann<br />

David Jamison<br />

Virgil Lewis<br />

Wesley Luhr<br />

Ashley Marcoux<br />

Carlos Medina<br />

Mikel Shirley<br />

Shayla Vega<br />

Betty Williams<br />

Charles Wood<br />

5 Jon Currie<br />

Rolando Granados<br />

Carl Gregory Jr<br />

Jerry Snow<br />

Arthur Wager<br />

6 Christina Bavenc<strong>of</strong>f<br />

Janice Lawson<br />

Lisa Pero<br />

Jacqueline Riley<br />

7 James Blanton<br />

Karla Bryan<br />

Christopher Bunt<br />

Kyle Floquet<br />

Linda Fulton<br />

Russell Johnson<br />

James Keenan III<br />

Henry Miller<br />

David Oeser<br />

Crystal Rojas<br />

36 Silver Star November 2011<br />

8 John Dozier II<br />

Daniel Nunez<br />

Charles Sinclair<br />

9 Kevin Carson<br />

Blair Gillette<br />

John Gr<strong>of</strong>f<br />

Cheryle Kimble<br />

Paul La Chappell<br />

Francisco Rosillo<br />

John Rutledge<br />

Sherry Williams<br />

10 Ernesto Carrillo<br />

Ronnie Hudson<br />

Jerry McCawley<br />

Ricky Milton<br />

Homer Tondo<br />

Chris Van Gorder<br />

Penny Willis<br />

11 Ricky Arias<br />

David Cebreros Jr<br />

Matthew Ellis<br />

Roy Heringer<br />

Christopher Hidden<br />

Lisa Jones<br />

Leland Landrum<br />

John Malo<br />

Allan Paez<br />

Tyrrell Perley<br />

Jason Titus<br />

12 Steven Andert<br />

Mario Delosreyes<br />

Pearl Fimbres<br />

Thomas Fitzgerald<br />

Jeffrey Garrett<br />

Matthew Hemphill<br />

Daniel McClendon<br />

Hugh Morgan<br />

Jose Nieves<br />

Sheila Porter<br />

Andrew Ramirez<br />

Michael Rand<br />

Brian Roberts<br />

Charles Russell<br />

Joshua Stone<br />

Omar Vega-Armenta<br />

13 Cesar Castillo<br />

William Drake<br />

Lisa Jenkins<br />

Mark Jenkins<br />

James Joyce<br />

Peter Meza III<br />

Shannon O’Neil-Huntoon<br />

Brian Patterson<br />

Richard Poulin<br />

14 John Domen<br />

Richard Madden<br />

Gary O’Brien<br />

Zheath <strong>San</strong>chez<br />

Garth Schick<br />

Joseph Tedpaogo<br />

15 Larry Baxter<br />

Allan Deleon<br />

John Douthitt<br />

Shirley Layman<br />

Peter Myers<br />

Timothy Nickerson<br />

Jonathan Panganiban<br />

James Stathes<br />

Dwain Washington<br />

James Wilterdink<br />

16 Richard Bolter<br />

Arturo Elizalde<br />

Travis Greene<br />

Martha Hernandez<br />

Kenneth Miles<br />

James Palmer<br />

William Price<br />

William <strong>San</strong>dfer<br />

17 Joshua Arend<br />

Richard Basaldu<br />

Paul Benfante<br />

Pamela Catlin<br />

Steven Cerda<br />

Justin Gullett<br />

Deyondralyn Johnson<br />

Russell Martin<br />

Carol Nordeman<br />

Damian Valencia<br />

18 Monica Bagaso<br />

Hector Castro<br />

Clayton Dujenski<br />

Craig Liddic<br />

Clifton Logan<br />

Edward Macken<br />

Melissa Mackenzie<br />

Rodney Richter<br />

Samuel Sheppard<br />

Michael Taylor<br />

19 William Clem<br />

Kevin Coughlin<br />

Fredrick Freiberg<br />

Timothy Matzkiw<br />

Chad Miskulin<br />

Edmund Pollock<br />

Cecile Walters<br />

20 Fredie Church<br />

Robert Day<br />

Aldo Hernandez<br />

Justin Lawton<br />

Jeremias Mallari<br />

Nancy Ryan<br />

21 Reishone Foster<br />

Francisco Gallardo<br />

Tim Gamble<br />

Clayton Lisk Sr<br />

John Lorenz Jr<br />

Faneice O’Neal<br />

Matthew Tsunoda<br />

James Walker<br />

Kevin Westbrook<br />

James Williams<br />

Scott Woodring<br />

22 Marion Baird<br />

Victor Caloca<br />

Aaron Hoxie<br />

Nikholas Johnson<br />

Silvia Pabon<br />

Roy Williams<br />

23 Beverly Cullen<br />

Terry Durham<br />

Gary Floyd<br />

Charles Larson<br />

Marcus Levine<br />

Jonathan McIntyre<br />

24 Hakan Axelsson<br />

Charles Browning<br />

Marilyn Delava<br />

Jesus Gutierrez<br />

Scott Kleinhesselink<br />

Richard Meharg<br />

Myron Porter<br />

Julio <strong>San</strong>doval Jr<br />

James Sexton<br />

John Swink<br />

25 Christopher Andrews<br />

James Beaty<br />

James Gibson<br />

Michael Hoss<br />

Andrew Kincaid<br />

Jeanne Marion<br />

Harold Mower<br />

Marshal Nickey<br />

Alma Poirier<br />

William <strong>San</strong>tiago<br />

Richard Simica<br />

Receive an additional 5% <strong>of</strong>f<br />

in the Poway DSA Store<br />

during the month <strong>of</strong> your birthday!<br />

26 Isaac Alvarado<br />

Dawn Anderson<br />

Paul Bledsoe<br />

Michael Casey<br />

Rafael Delira II<br />

Jerry Gallion<br />

Adam Truitt<br />

Roman Ybarra<br />

Mario Zermeno<br />

27 Albert Bates<br />

Lori Bird<br />

David Brown<br />

Benny Cruz<br />

Luisito Delos Reyes<br />

Mareta Martin<br />

Ivan Ortiz<br />

Michael Pata<br />

Ali Perez<br />

Rachel Pierce<br />

Priscilla Reid<br />

Gerry <strong>San</strong>dford<br />

28 Mark Alvarado<br />

Elden Carl Jr<br />

Daniel Chase<br />

Michael Checchi<br />

Michael Crews<br />

Eli Curran<br />

Dennis Edgecomb<br />

Brandon Gregg<br />

Georgette McCalla<br />

29 Ruby Banks<br />

James Chandler<br />

William Fewell Jr<br />

Shannon Justice<br />

James Ladner<br />

Brian McCauley<br />

David Miller<br />

Alan Noble<br />

Larry Rodriguez<br />

Jack Shawcr<strong>of</strong>t<br />

Julie Sobecki<br />

30 Michael Glick<br />

Christopher Marshall<br />

Michael Neumann<br />

Kevin Randall<br />

Michael Shelby<br />

Michael Strong<br />

Robert Walker<br />

Corrie Watson<br />

31 Anthony Guerra<br />

Elena Hall<br />

Denise McGehee<br />

Zeid Rayyan<br />

Mark Robinson<br />

John Rohring<br />

James Tyberg


Congratulations!<br />

Congratulations to Luke and Shawna Cully on the birth <strong>of</strong><br />

their daughter Kaitlyn Rae born September 30, 2011 at 1:41<br />

p.m. The newborn weighed 6 lbs 2 ounces and measured 19<br />

1/2 inches tall. Luke works at the Lemon Grove Patrol Station.<br />

Congratulations to Patrick and Rebecca Farber on the birth<br />

<strong>of</strong> their daughter Lillian Claire born September 14, 2011 at<br />

9:17 p.m. The newborn weighed 7 lbs 14 ounces and measured<br />

20 1/4 inches. Patrick works at the Alpine Patrol Station.<br />

For birth announcements, please contact Daphne Williams<br />

at dwilliams@dsasd.org or (858) 486-9009 x 100. For<br />

wedding, birthday, anniversary, graduation, retirement, and<br />

other announcements, please email kmacris@dsasd.org for<br />

publication in the announcements section. You may also send<br />

photos to accompany any announcement.<br />


Discover the chef in you!<br />

Take 20% <strong>of</strong>f select unglazed<br />

Stoneware Oct. 1-31. And, there’s<br />

no limit to the number you can<br />

purchase. Pr<strong>of</strong>essional-quality tools<br />

for cooking and entertaining. More<br />

than 300 items are carried at any<br />

one time, with many exclusive to<br />

The Pampered Chef®. Visit www.<br />

pamperedchef.biz/cking10 to check<br />

out the latest products. Contact<br />

Cydney King at (619) 507-1490 or<br />

nanacyd@gmail.com.<br />

Short Sale or<br />

Foreclosure?<br />

A Short Sale may be a good option<br />

for those in specific situations.<br />

Market values on the majority <strong>of</strong><br />

homes has dropped quite significantly. If you want out <strong>of</strong> your<br />

current situation then a short sale might be a good option<br />

for you. Call me for a FREE No-Obligation Consultation: Lydia<br />

Seeley, Century 21 Award, DRE Lic #01861649, 619-922-<br />

4609, LydiaSeeley@Century21Award.com<br />



Disneyland Resort $80 $76<br />

(Child) $74 $66<br />

1-Day Park Hopper $105 $92<br />

(Child) $99 $84<br />

2-Day Park Hopper $173 $155<br />

(Child) $161 $145<br />

PassPorts:<br />

SoCal Select $184 $179<br />

SoCal Annual $239 $235<br />

*Please visit the DSA website or call the DSA Store for complete price list<br />

and availability. Visit www.Disneyland.com for blackout dates.<br />

LegoLand $69 $54<br />

Triple Play $89 $64<br />

SeaWorld $74.99 $46<br />

(Child) $66.99 $46<br />

Zoo or Wild Animal Park $40 $34.50<br />

(Child) $30 $26<br />

Universal Studios 3-day $74 $65<br />


Edwards, Regal $ 6.50<br />

Reading $ 6.75<br />

AMC, UltraStar $ 6<br />

Krikorian $ 7.50<br />

These tickets are available in the DSA store, by calling the DSA Store or sending an email to<br />

ccrowell@dsasd.org. A $5 fee is added to all mail orders. A service fee is added to all non-member<br />

purchases. DSA not responsible for tickets lost in mail. Tickets cannot be purchased for these<br />

prices at the admissions gate at any <strong>of</strong> the parks. Tickets are Non-Refundable. Ticket prices<br />

are subject to change without notice. Please call ahead to see if tickets are available. DSA<br />

Store (858) 486-7153.<br />


Digital Video Editing<br />

Now with High-Definition movie film<br />

capture and Blu-ray Disc production. Your<br />

old movies and videos should be converted<br />

to digital video. Using the latest technology,<br />

standard definition DVD-Video or highdefinition<br />

Blu-ray Disc can be produced<br />

for you. Your family’s precious memories<br />

make wonderful and thoughtful gifts for any<br />

occasion. Call Jon Holmerud (619)370-8569<br />

or holmerud@cox.net.<br />

DJ Services<br />

Weddings, Formal Events, and Parties.<br />

Dance Music & Light Show for all occasions<br />

at a 70’s Price. Call DJ “Franco” at (619)<br />

829-1319 or email at deejayfdr@gmail.com.<br />


If you have a charity you are trying to earn money<br />

for, why not try an Arbonne party with a purpose?<br />

You can earn 25% <strong>of</strong> retail sales for your charity<br />

and at the same time earn products for yourself<br />

at an 80% discount. Call me! Monica Swannie<br />

Independent Arbonne Consultant #15911906<br />

(951) 551-0989, toocleangirl@hotmail.com.<br />

To place a classified ad for a service or business, please contact Kristie<br />

Macris at (858) 486-9009 or kmacris@dsasd.org.<br />

Silver Star November 2011 37

Nomination Petition for <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’ <strong>Association</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors<br />

We, the following forty-two (42) members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’ <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong>, propose that member _______________________________________________________<br />

be listed on the ballot as a candidate for the DSA Board <strong>of</strong> Directors.<br />

Only Class 1 Active DSA Members in good standing may sign the petition.<br />


1. 22.<br />

2. 23.<br />

3. 24.<br />

4. 25.<br />

5. 26.<br />

6. 27.<br />

7. 28.<br />

8. 29.<br />

9. 30.<br />

10. 31.<br />

11. 32.<br />

12. 33.<br />

13. 34.<br />

14. 35.<br />

15. 36.<br />

16. 37.<br />

17. 38.<br />

18. 39.<br />

19. 40.<br />

20. 41.<br />

21. 42.<br />

Candidate Signature: __________________________________ Work Assignment: ________________________ Work Phone Number : ___________________<br />

All petitions must be received at the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice no later than 4 p.m. on December 6, 2011<br />

38 Silver Star November 2011


Due December 6<br />

Get involved in your association! Run for the DSA board <strong>of</strong> directors!<br />

There are three seats open; directors who currently hold these seats are David DiCarlo, Mark Elvin and Hank Turner.<br />

To qualify, you must be a member in good standing. Submit a nomination<br />

petition signed by forty-two (42) Active DSA Class 1 members in good<br />

standing, along with a photo and brief written statement.<br />

The statement should be less than 400 words and include your goals,<br />

purpose for running, and career background. Anything over 400 words<br />

will be deleted from the printed statement. This information will be<br />

included on the mail-out ballot and on the DSA website. We encourage<br />

you to e-mail your photo and statement to amathias@dsasd.org; however,<br />

the original petition must be turned in at the DSA. Scanned or faxed<br />

copies will not be accepted.<br />

Petitions must be returned before 4 p.m. on Tuesday, December 6, 2011.<br />

Candidates will be announced at the December 8 meeting. Ballots will be<br />

mailed out Monday, December 12.<br />

The Board <strong>of</strong> Directors has a responsibility for the organization’s<br />

operation, stability and continuity, along with a fiduciary responsibility to<br />

the association and its members. Individuals who indicate a willingness to<br />

serve as a director should have full awareness <strong>of</strong> the obligations required.<br />

All directors must:<br />

• Attend board and committee meetings on a regular basis. Three<br />

consecutive absences (unless due to department or association<br />

business, illness or unavoidable absence from the county) from<br />

more than one-half <strong>of</strong> a board meeting in any four-month<br />

period is cause for removal.<br />

• Participate in the community to develop and maintain a<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional image for this association. You will be asked to<br />

attend community events on behalf <strong>of</strong> the association and<br />

should actively seek and build community relationships.<br />

• Actively guide and contribute to assigned committees.<br />

• Know your MOA and bylaws.<br />

• Serve the full length <strong>of</strong> the three-year term.<br />

• Commit to the association’s strategic plan, including the Mission<br />

and Value Statements.<br />

• Avoid self-serving agendas.<br />

• Keep aware <strong>of</strong> political issues affecting DSA members and public<br />

safety.<br />

• Be attentive to the E-board’s activities to ensure there is no<br />

overstepping <strong>of</strong> authority.<br />


Submit nomination petition signed by forty-two (42) active DSA members<br />

in good standing with a photo and statement <strong>of</strong> candidacy before 4 p.m.<br />

on Tuesday, December 6, 2011. <br />

SignS, SignS, EvErywhErE ThErE’S<br />

SignS ThE Economy iS…<br />

…Well, who really knows? Lots <strong>of</strong> indicators and at least two opinions on each. But we’re<br />

sure it’s been a long time since auto rates were this low and the competition between auto<br />

dealers this high. Those signs are telling us it’s great time to invest in that new set <strong>of</strong> wheels<br />

you deserve.<br />

Plus as a kick-start, we’re including a free Golden Getaways vacation voucher 1 with all<br />

vehicle loans funded for $10,000 or more and you get the same low rate whether it’s got<br />

two wheels or four. Now that’s a real deal these days!<br />

• Rates as low as 2.49% APR2<br />

North Office<br />

2843 Manlove Rd., Sacramento<br />

916.362.4191 • 800.542.2247<br />

South Office<br />

402 W Arrow Hwy #7, <strong>San</strong> Dimas<br />

909.599.9329 • 800.451.2247<br />

• No payments for 90 days 3<br />

• Terms up to 84 months<br />

• Fast and easy application process<br />

• Refinance loans from other lenders and save 4<br />

Compare and save with CAHPCU. You’ll be hard-pressed to find rates as low as ours—especially<br />

for motorcycles! Call us or apply online anytime at: www.cahpcu.org<br />

www.cahpcu.org<br />

1<br />

Vacation packages are 3 days/2 nights to 7 days/6 nights, taxes are not included. Some terms and conditions may apply. Free travel<br />

certificate will be mailed upon funding. Vacation packages include hotel accommodations only. Limited <strong>of</strong>fer, good while supply lasts.<br />

2<br />

APR = Annual Percentage Rate accurate as <strong>of</strong> 6/11/2010 and available to well-qualified members. Payment on a $10,000 loan at<br />

4.59% APR for 60 months is $186.87. All loans subject to credit approval and membership eligibility. Rates may vary and are based<br />

on credit history, term and amount financed. Rates, terms, and conditions subject to change. See CAHPCU for terms and conditions.<br />

Some restrictions apply.<br />

3<br />

Interest begins accruing upon loan disbursal. Some restrictions apply. 90-day deferral is optional.<br />

4<br />

$75 fee for internal refinances.<br />

Silver Star November 2011 39

10-7 EOS<br />

This month’s EOS was submitted by Dep. Michael Moeller. View more <strong>of</strong> his prints at www.agentmoeller.com. If you have lighthearted humor or interesting<br />

photos to share, please email all submissions to kmacris@dsasd.org or mail artwork to the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice, ATTN: Kristie Macris.<br />

40 Silver Star November 2011



Saturday<br />

December 3<br />

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.<br />

DSA Members and their immediate<br />

families are invited to celebrate the<br />

holidays in Candyland with <strong>San</strong>ta,<br />

crafts, and activities for all ages.<br />

Admission is $5 Min. donation to<br />

benefit the Deployed <strong>Deputy</strong> Program<br />

RSVP<br />

by November 29<br />

Online at<br />

www.dsasd.org/christmas<br />

or (858) 486-9009 x 100<br />

Candyland<br />


Dates to Remember:<br />

November 10 General Member Board Meeting<br />

11 DSA Office & Store Closed<br />

24–25 DSA Office & Store Closed<br />

December 8 General Member Board Meeting<br />

11 DSA Office & Store Closed<br />

22 Board Meeting<br />

23-26 DSA Office & Store Closed<br />

30 Store Closed<br />

The Silver Star <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’ <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> 13881 Danielson Street Poway, CA 92064-6891 www.dsasd.org<br />

Specializing in:<br />

Diamonds<br />

Gemstones<br />

Manufacturing<br />

Custom Design<br />

Gold & Platinum<br />

Appraisals by GIA graduates<br />

Diamonds Ltd.<br />

FINE JEWELERS and a name you can trust<br />

Gold, Jewelry, & Estate Buyers<br />

Cash paid on the spot<br />

Any quantity, any condition, in strict confidence<br />

(Bonus paid for larger diamonds)<br />

Don’t forget to ask for<br />

your DSA discount!<br />

Work Done on Premises!<br />

Repairs<br />

Redesign<br />

Restoration<br />

Stone Setting<br />

Laser Repair/Weld<br />

Inside Ring Engraving<br />

The Zwibel family has provided<br />

over 30 years <strong>of</strong> exceptional<br />

service in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong><br />

With three generations in both<br />

Jewelry and Law Enforcement<br />

(Not pictured: Ed Zwibel<br />

SDPD #5475-Eastern Division)<br />

We are located across from Parkway Plaza mall at the intersection <strong>of</strong> Fletcher Parkway and Pioneer Way<br />

450 Fletcher Parkway, Suite 104 • El Cajon, CA 92020 • (619) 442-0671 • www.diamondsltd.com

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