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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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September 10, 1913.<br />

A FAMILY PAPlsa,<br />

' J Aloses at school in the desert.<br />

2. Aloses instructed by a burning bush.<br />

Moses called to service.<br />

3<br />

[ 4. Aloses encouraged for his great work.<br />


Ex. 4:29-6:1-<br />

G. T.—Blessed are they that mourn: for<br />

they shall be comforted.—Alatt. 5 :4.<br />

I, Israel recogniizes Aloses as a God-sent<br />

deliverer.<br />


I 2. Moses makes his opening request of<br />

By Anna Pritchard Ge<strong>org</strong>e.<br />

Pharaoh, the king. (1) It was bold. (2) Lesson XIII. September 28, 1913.<br />

It vvas legitimate. (3 ) There are no grounds<br />

Review.<br />

for concluding it was deceptive.<br />

Neh. 9:9-21: Acts 7:30-44.<br />

f ' 3. Pharaoh brings base accusations<br />

Herbert, what are bridges good for? "So we<br />

against Aloses.<br />

can get across the water." Yes, they connect<br />

^ 4. Pharaoh adds to the burdens of Israel.<br />

the two shores. There are all sorts of bridges.<br />

5. The children of Israel remonstrate.<br />

The kind we are going to draw today is built<br />

6. Aloses becomes perplexed.<br />

on pillars. Our bridge will reach from Egypt<br />

7. God rises.<br />

to Mt. Sinai, with a number of pillars at each<br />

V. THE PLAGUES OF EGYPT. Ps. end and a couple in between.<br />

105:23-36. Read Ex. 7-11.<br />

Lay out Egypt and the Arabaian peninsula on<br />

G. T.—AA'hosoever shall exalt himself the sand table. Score the course of the Nile<br />

shall be humbled: and wdiosoever shall humble<br />

in the sand and hollow out the sand for the<br />

himself shall be exalted.—ATatt. 23:12. Red Sea forming the Arabian peninsula. Pile<br />

I. The occasion of the plagues.<br />

up the sand for Mt. Sinai.<br />

2. The medium of the plagues.<br />

Our first pillar is the lesson about a little<br />

3. The order of the plagues.<br />

baby whom a princess found in a basket in<br />

VI. THE PASSOA'ER.—Ex. 12:1-42. the river. Alvin knows the story. "The Child<br />

G. T.—The Son cf Alan came not to be Moses Saved Prom Death." We see how God protects<br />

even the tiniest child. Draw the first pil­<br />

r ministered unto, but to minister, and to give<br />

his Hfe a ransom for many.—Alatt. 20:28. lar on the board and write this title on it. On<br />

I. The passover instituted.<br />

the table stand this small white flag marked 1<br />

2. The paschal lamb.<br />

in the River Nile.<br />

3. The sprinkling of the blood of the Ge<strong>org</strong>e, how many years was Moses iri God's<br />

lamib on the lintels and door-posts.<br />

training school? "Eighty." Where was ie the<br />

4. The eating of the paschal lamb.<br />

first forty years. May? "In the palace." ,Where<br />

the next forty, Helen? "Caring for sheep near<br />

5. The passing over of the death angel.<br />

Mt. Sinai." So this next lesson, "Moses Prepared<br />

For His Work," has two pillars. One we<br />


13:17-14:31.<br />

will draw close to the first. Then Moses runs<br />

G. T. Before they call I will answ^er.—Is. away to Mt. Sinai. He carries the flrstplank<br />

65:24.<br />

of the bridge with him, and sets up the second<br />

pillar of this lesson close to Mt. Sinai. Stand<br />


Ex. 16:2-36.<br />

G. T. Jesus said unto them, I am the<br />

bread of life.—Jno. 6.:35.<br />

6. The miracle of manna commemorated.<br />


19:1-6; 16-21.<br />

G. T.—Let us have grace, whereby we<br />

may offer service well pleasing to God with<br />

reverence and awe. R. V. Heb. 12:28.<br />


^ Part I. Ex. 20:1-11.<br />

G. T. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God<br />

with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and<br />

with all thy strength, and with all thy mind.<br />

—Luke 10:27.<br />

I !• The author of the commandments.<br />

,' 2. The obligations to keep the commandments.<br />

3- The import of the commandments, (i)<br />

The object of worship. (2) The manner of<br />

Worship. (3) The spirit of worship. (4)<br />

Tile time of worship.<br />


'^art II. Ex. 20:12-17.<br />

I<br />

0. T. Same as in lesson X.<br />

This study includes the second table of<br />

the law.<br />

XII. THE GuLDEX CALF.—Ex. 32:<br />

Lv-^o. 30-35-<br />

G. T.—Little children, keep yourselves<br />

fr.:m idols.—John 5:21.<br />

Eskridge, Kansas.<br />

these little flags marked 2 on the table, one<br />

near the Nile and the other close to Mt. Sinai.<br />

What was the choice Moses made in this lesson<br />

when he slew the Egyptian for beating the Hebrew?<br />

"I-Ie chose God rather than the riches of<br />

Egypt."<br />

Who spoke to Moses from the burning bush<br />

on Mt. Sinai? "God." What did He tell Moses<br />

to do, EUis? "To go baok and lead the Jews<br />

out of Egypt." This pillar we will draw on Mt.<br />

Sinai. What name will we write on it, Mary?<br />

"Moses Called to Deliver Israel." This is Moses'<br />

graduation day. He is through school now, and<br />

God sends him to work. Place the flag marked<br />

3 on the side of Sinai. Moses returns to Egypt<br />

laying the second plank of the bridge as he<br />

goes.<br />

When Moses and Aaron give God's message to<br />

the king, does the king agree to let the people<br />

go, Bennie? "No, he refuses and makes the<br />

Jews work harder than ever." Yes, this is the<br />

darkest hour for the Jewish people, but God will<br />

soon give them joy. What name will we write<br />

on this pillar? "Moses' Request Refused." Draw<br />

it beside the others in Egypt. Stand the little<br />

flag marked 4 where the palace would be in<br />

Egypt.<br />

If a child refuses to obey, does a kind father<br />

let him have his own way, Ruth? "He makes the<br />

boy obey." So in this lesson God is forcing<br />

Pharaoh into line with His wishes. How does<br />

God do it? "He sends the plagues." On this<br />

next pillar which we will draw with the others in<br />

Egypt, we will write, "The Plagues of Egypt," and<br />

stand the flag marked 5 beside tbe other flagsin<br />

Egypt. But the plagues do not bring Pharaoh<br />

completely around. He must have his own heart<br />

touched.<br />

In the next lesson we see Pharaoh bowing to<br />

the will of God. What makes him give in, Grace?<br />

"The oldest child in every Egyptian family dies,<br />

Pharaoh's son too." Do the Jews die? "God<br />

passes over all the homes with blood on the<br />

door posts." What will we write on this pillar?<br />

"The Passover." So Pharaoh finally obeys God<br />

and sends the Jews away. God turns the sorrow<br />

of His people into joy and gladness. Stand the<br />

flag numbered 6 in the sand at the right end of<br />

this group of flags in Egypt. Now this end of<br />

the bridge is finished,and all the Jews start<br />

to leave Egypt, laying the third and last plank<br />

of the bridge as they go.<br />

The next pillar we will stand right in the<br />

Red Sea. What is the name, iBuster? "Crossing<br />

the Red Sea." Stand flag number 7 on the Red<br />

Sea on the table. Who finds a way of escape<br />

for the Jews when they can no longer help themselves?<br />

"God makes them a path right through<br />

the Sea." And God will always step in and save<br />

us when we are in danger, if we ask His help.<br />

A little farther southeast we will stand the<br />

next pillar in the wilderness in the Arabian peninsula.<br />

The Jews are hungry 'and f<strong>org</strong>et to depend<br />

upon God who has done so much for them.<br />

They complain instead of asking His help. But<br />

does God f<strong>org</strong>et them. Bud? "No, he sends them<br />

manna from heaven." What is the name of<br />

this pillar, Elmer? "The Bread From Heaven."<br />

Stand the flag 'marked 8 in the sand east of the<br />

Red Sea. Who really provides us with food<br />

just as He did the Jews? Yes, God makes the<br />

fruit and grain to grow and gives life to the<br />

cattle, so His people will not go hungry.<br />

Now the Jews reach 'Mt. Sinai and lay the<br />

rest of the pillars at this end of the bridge. In<br />

lesson number 9 God makes the Jews a nation<br />

by themselves. Whose people do they decide<br />

to be, Ethel? "God's people." And God promises<br />

to make them His "peculiar treasure." Just<br />

so if Vtfe give ourselves to God, and obey Him,<br />

He will make us His "peculiar treasure" too.<br />

What is the name of this pillar, Hugh? "Israel<br />

at Mt. Sinai."<br />

The next two pillars are up on the mount. God<br />

is placing sign^posts along His road to guide<br />

His children straight to Him and heaven. What<br />

are these sign-posts called? "The Ten Commandments."<br />

The flrst pillar gives the flrst<br />

four, which tell us how to act toward God, and<br />

the second pillar contains the six telling us how<br />

to treat each other. 'Stand flags 10 and 11 on<br />

Mt. Sinai on the table. If we keep these commandments<br />

will we be sorry, Mildred? Nc, we<br />

will be perfectly happy and sure to reach our<br />

home in heaven.<br />

Now comes a sad pillar beside Mt. Sinai,<br />

which is the last of our bridge. The Jews do<br />

such a very wicked thing. Yes, Ellsworth, they<br />

disobey God's seoond 'commandment and make<br />

a graven image—a golden calf. What will v/e<br />

call this pillar? "The Golden Calf" Stand flag<br />

number 12 at the foot of Mt. Sinai. What is<br />

the fine thing Moses offers to do for the Jews?<br />

"To have hi's name blotted out of God's book<br />

of remembrance if God will only f<strong>org</strong>ive thn<br />

Jews." Can any of us pay for another's sin? No,<br />

Jesus is the only one. If we accept of Him,<br />

our sins will be f<strong>org</strong>iven.<br />

Montclair, N. J.

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