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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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July 23, 1913. A FAMILY PAPER. 9<br />

S T A R N O T E S .<br />

»**Miss F. May Elsey has resigned<br />

JS bead nurse in the Latakia, Syria,<br />

Hospital.<br />

»*«Rev. M. M. Pearce's address is<br />

temporarily 720 Central avenue, Ocean<br />

City, N. J.<br />

•••Rev. R. A. Blair has accepted<br />

tie responsibility ol superintending<br />

the Philadelphia Jewish Mission.<br />

•••Dr. Ellsworth J. M. Dickson,<br />

who has been appointed medical missionary<br />

to China, will sail in Autumn.<br />

Letters F r o m ^<br />

^ The Churches<br />

The Editor of the Christian Nation<br />

will be glad to receive news letters<br />

regularly and promptly from every<br />

Covenanter congregation, both in this<br />

•^nuntrv and Great Britain.<br />


Joan, wile ol Rev. Elmer RusseU,<br />

lelt the scenes of her earthly pilgrimage<br />

on Saturday, July Bth, after<br />

a lingering illness. A short service<br />

was held at the home in Greeley,<br />

Colo., where she died, alter which<br />

the Syrian field.Dr. John M. Peoples Washington, sight seeing. Our other<br />

of Mersina was with us on a Wednesday<br />

veteran, Mr. William Pattison, was<br />

evening. Practically the en­not able to go, much as he would<br />

tire congregation were in attendance<br />

and listened with marked interest to<br />

liked to have heen there.<br />

Mrs. Sophia Johnston, of our Hopkinton,<br />

la., congregation, mother of<br />

his description of the work in the<br />

particular fleld where he is laboring. our pastor, returned home after<br />

A substantial contribution was made spending nearly two months here and<br />

on the lollowing Sabbath for the at Youngstown. We were glad to have<br />

Mersina Hospital.<br />

her with us and hope 'she will return<br />

again.<br />

Rev. and Mrs. -Samuel Edgar ol<br />

Latakia spent the 4th ol July with While our pastor was at Youngstown<br />

assisting his brother in com­<br />

their lormer parishioners and Iriends<br />

of La Junta. Brother Edgar assisted munion, the Rev. J. M. Coleman occupied<br />

our pulpit. He gave us two<br />

the pastor at the communion last<br />

October when he and his lamily made very helpful and inspiring sermons.<br />

a more extended visit. The occasion<br />

ol which we are speaking now<br />

was a brief farewell call. The day<br />

was spent with the members of the<br />

congregation and a few other friends<br />

at D. A. Bole's ranch. The fineshade<br />

ol Mr. Bole's ample lawn afforded a<br />

***Rev. Samuel Edgar and lamily<br />

will return to the Mission field late the remains were taken to La Junta<br />

for burial. Here the bodies ol<br />

The Refonned Presbyterian* Church<br />

-hn September, probably sailing from<br />

.,. Boston.<br />

lather and daughter now rest in their<br />

having no publishing houee of its own, ita<br />

members are advised to send their orders for<br />

••*Dwight L. Conner, son of Rev. graves, awaiting the time when the<br />

Catechisms, Lesson Helps, Church and Sabbath<br />

School Supplies of every description to<br />

S. G. Conner, has been appointed trumpet shall sound and the dead<br />

teacher of the Boys' School at Larnaca,<br />

'Cyprus.<br />

addition to the social fellowship and<br />

most pleasant place of meeting. In<br />

shall be raised Incorruptible. To depart<br />

and be with Christ is very far<br />

BMs.. Philadelphia<br />

Depositories<br />

Witherspoon Cbe presbpterian PUDIlCattOtl Boara or any of iU<br />

the dinner there was a short program<br />

the chief feature ol which waa<br />

•**Miss Irene Faris, born Sept. 19, better.<br />

1887, died June 4, 1913, at the home Mrs. Russell was the daughter ot a talk by Rev. Edgar. The ties •yOV CAN WKIOII EXACTtY wliat you<br />

of lier parents. Rev. D. C. and Mary the late Rev. D. G. Thompson and that bind the La Junta people to * Mlionlll -\veis:li, "Write Jor my tree<br />

A. Faris, West Barnet, Vt.<br />

Adda F. Thompson. She leaves a brother Edgar and his worthy wife t>onKlet. Susaiint Cocroft. Uept. 7S, 624<br />

«**Rev. Wm. McFarland is preaching<br />

in First Boston this month, and<br />

by this visit.<br />

pERFBOT HUARlSrO brought to Suflittle<br />

son three years of age. have been renewed and strengthened AXiolilgaii Boulevard, C]itcaj>o. 111.<br />


will be at Fairgrove, Mich., in August<br />

We are indebted to him for sev­<br />

with the burial of Joan Thompson, Ten l>ays Free Trial Otter. MEAKSEAR<br />

The funeral services in connection ^ ferers .rom Deafnes**. Ask a1>out our<br />

The Board of the Jewish Mission<br />

is Indeed thankful to the Lord,<br />

eral ne-w subscriptions.<br />

wife of Rev. Elmer Russell, who VHUJiK CO., I>«uile 6105 W 34th iitri et<br />

to be able to announce th^b (prospect<br />

of a speedy revival ol the Mis­<br />

Training at home. Write fer " Ho-iv I Be­<br />

passed away at Greeley on the 5th, BTe-w Yorl'<br />


***Miss Florence iB. O'Neill, who<br />

attended the world's conference, sion among the Israelites ol Philadelphia.<br />

Rev. R, A. Blair, well known as<br />

free ^V S. Bailey, 561 31 ain Street, Jamescame<br />

a ."^urse." 48 .specimenle.sson paees sent<br />

- and has kindly supplied us with an<br />

article concerning it, writes that a minister on fire with the missionary<br />

spirit, and Miss Annie Forsyth.<br />

town,. Jf. Y.<br />

slie is having a delightful trip through<br />

• the west.<br />

an experienced worker in the city mis­<br />

CHIUDRE^J^<br />

were conducted at the church by the<br />

pastor. Rev. E. A. Crooks, on Tuesday,<br />

the 7th, Mrs. Russell's childhood<br />

home was here. In later years she<br />

had made visits of some considerable<br />

length among the La Junta people.<br />

Her father, the late D. G. Thompson,<br />

was the firstpastor of this congre­<br />

sion of the Third Church, have accepted<br />

the appointment, and are expected<br />

•*'B. A. M. Schapiro, 425 E. 9th<br />

Btreet, New York, formerly editor<br />

to enter upon the work soon alter gation. Her mother, Mrs. Adda F.<br />

'TEETHIMc<br />

"The People, The Land and the Book,"<br />

the summer days are over. We regard<br />

this as the doing of the Lord, us and her sister, Mrs\ J. Addison<br />

Thompson, Is highly esteemed among<br />

is conducting a Bureau for the publi-<br />

. cation and free distribution ol Hebrew-Ghristian<br />

literature. Tract No. 1<br />

has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MIL­<br />

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup<br />

in answer to prayers; and we confidently<br />

expect His blessing in co­ties brought her death home to the<br />

Eodds, is one ol our number. These<br />

is entitled "Without Him We Can Do<br />


showers. We believe the Church people with a strong sense ol personal<br />

loss.<br />

Nothing," and is published lor distrlhution<br />

among English-speaking Jews.<br />


DREN WHILB TEETHING with perlect SUCwill<br />

rejoice with the Board in this new<br />

evidence of the Synodic outpouring (Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCullough<br />

- In writing ol another tract about to<br />


of the Holy Spirit as It is increasing have gone lor a visit ol a few weeks<br />

he published, Dr. David Gregg says:<br />

WIND COLIC, and is the BEST REMEDY<br />

and extending both in power and in Ohio and other iplaces in the central<br />

states.<br />

"It is a flne appeal. May the Spirit<br />

FOR DIARRHCEA. Sold by druggists in every<br />

results. We plead for much prayer<br />

of Pentecost bring Irom it a great<br />

Dart of the world.<br />

and strong faith, by all our people, Miss Clara Hill Is spending the<br />

harvest." Mr. Schapiro's work is a<br />

Twenty-five Cents a Bottl''<br />

and likewise by our missionaries in summer in Chicago.<br />

ffluch needed one, and we commend<br />

the Foreign and Home fields, who Mrs. Reed, daughter of Mr. A. M.<br />

It to the generosity ol our readers.<br />

Broadway Ceniral<br />

know the need of intercession. Will Hill, with her little daughter Margarite<br />

is spending the summer with<br />

Contributions should be sent to the<br />

we not strive to honor the Lord Jesus<br />

Treasurer, Frederick L. Dochtermann,<br />

Christ, by looking to Him, for great her father and sisters.<br />

Hotel<br />

«5 E. 10th street. New York. Any<br />

things for His people of the ancient<br />

reader wishing copies ol Tract Xo. 1<br />

covenant? We desire to lay this mission,<br />

like a resuscitated child, on the Our Annual Sabbath School Outing<br />


•ROADWAY, Corner third street<br />

for reading and distribution can have<br />

ttem free by applying to either iMr.<br />


bosom of the church, for kindliest<br />

ro or the Treasurer.<br />

and Picnic was held this last week<br />

Only Medium Price Hotel Left li New York<br />

care, and generous support. We trust in -Cascade Park. Instead of going<br />

that every one will regard it a privilege<br />

to speak compassionately of<br />

ladlea unmscort^d » «<br />

out for dinner as heretofore, we<br />

Special attantloit given to<br />

Utterly Wretched the mission to Israel and keep it before<br />

the Lord in earnest prayers. rangement, enabled more to attend<br />

went out for supper. This new ar­<br />

Special Rat s for Summer<br />

Nervous Prostration Long Endured<br />

OUR TABL3 w, the foundation of our enorm<br />

Before Remedy was Found. The old promise never fails: "Them than en former occasions. The<br />

b..isi..e5i.<br />

p^iiss Minerva Remingor, Upper Bern, that bless thee I will bless." May sports for th? children were held in<br />

American Plan, ^Z.st upnards<br />

J^a.. writes: "For several years I had our Lord Jesus Christ nurture this mission<br />

that, like His own glorious self, older people Just after supper. Ev­<br />

the afternoon and those for the<br />

European Plan, $(.oo upward*<br />

"ervoua prostration, and was utterly<br />

Jed. I lived on bread and beef it may "grow up as a root out of dry erybody seemed to enjoy themselves<br />

Seid tor Urge colored M ip ot New Y ork, Pree<br />

wauecavise my stomach -would not ro- ground."<br />

«m anything- else. I took many rem-<br />

J. C McFeeters Wm. Allen, a veteran of our Civil<br />

DAN. C. WEBB, Proprietor<br />

I„^'' but obtained no relief until I<br />

War, returned recently from Gettysburg.<br />

He reports a good time and<br />

"OK Hood's Sarsaparilla, when I began LA JUNTA, COLO.<br />

sam at once. Am now cured." We have recently enjoyed visits the best of treatment, After Gettysburg<br />

be Bpent a few days in Moderate Prices, £xc«)lei)t Food. Good Servka.<br />

The only New York Hot«l Featurlns Amerlctn Plan<br />

tor,, ' ^'^'^^ blood makes good, strong from two of our missionaries from<br />

S f • and this Is why Hood's SarsablM<br />

' '"^^^''^ purifies and epriches the<br />

S u"""^^ ^° many nervous diseases.<br />

."^Mcolatea<br />

r\,^ ,"• today<br />

tablets<br />

in usual<br />

called<br />

liquid<br />

Sarsatabs.<br />

form or

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