S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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wc solicited from ^Ir. Delavan L. Pierson,<br />

Editor of the Missionar\ Rcz'iezv of the<br />

IVorld, (with whom Air. ]\Ieyer was associated),<br />

the "Appreciation" which we are<br />

glad to be able to lay before our readers.<br />

For the same reason we are publishing, almost<br />

entire, the funeral sermon by the Rev.<br />

A. Theodore Smith, and extensive extracts<br />

from the article which appeared in TJie Missionary<br />

Rez'iezv of tire World, written by<br />

Mrs. T. C. Rounds, Superintendent of the<br />

Chicago Hebrew Mission.<br />

As he had time and opportunity ]\Ir. ^^leyer<br />

rendered serviceable aid of many kinds to<br />

this paper. For several years and until some<br />

time after his pastorate at Hopkinton, Iowa,<br />

he contributed "Geographical Notes and Oriental<br />

Illustrations" in connection with the<br />

Sabbath School Lesson, and his work was of<br />

a very high order; during the past ten years<br />

he has published in our columns scores of articles<br />

on subjects of great interest; and his<br />

•'Brief Sketches from Abroad," pubhshed in<br />

the summer and autumn of 1911, including<br />

his illustrated account of the "One Hundredth<br />

Anniversary of the Irish Synod," evidenced<br />

his rare power as a descriptive writer.<br />

What we are publishing suggests the manysidedness<br />

of the man. He was not only that<br />

which we understand by the word "scholar,"<br />

for he was also a surgeon, a sea-faring man<br />

and world-wide traveler, a linguist, a statistician,<br />

an <strong>org</strong>anizer, a missionary, an author,<br />

an editor, and a preacher, and above all, as<br />

the records and his private letter now disclose,<br />

he had his Master's hunger for souls.<br />

His love for statistics was a passion; that<br />

which with other men is hard and tiresome<br />

labor, was with Mr. Meyer recreation. During<br />

his frequent visits tO' New York, he was<br />

in the habit of making this office his personal<br />

headquarters, and we have a little book in<br />

which he had recorded by post offices and indexed<br />

all the names of subscribers to the<br />

Christian Nation who get their paper in<br />

packages and from a chairman, and whose<br />

names are not printed on our mailing list.<br />

These names he gathered by much letter<br />

writing. Of course, constant revision was<br />

necessary, and this he attended to from ti'ne<br />

to time, when in the city, because of a genuine<br />

love for such work.<br />

His associates in Mission and Educational<br />

work speak of his ability in his chosen lines<br />

as incomparable, and of his international eminence<br />

as an editor, a convention and pulpit<br />

orator, and in his knowledge of doctrine; and<br />

in telling of his honors he was puffed up in<br />

about the same way that a little boy is who<br />

has a new pair of boots. To his intimates<br />

he was always the same joyou

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