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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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10 THE CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. 89.<br />




True<br />

ERFORD.<br />

Many are having their homes and MRS. MARIA GAMBLE.<br />

Values B 6 B Valui "«<br />

A sad death occurred in the Walton buildings rodded because of severe<br />

Mrs. Maria Gamble "fell aslee-p"<br />

congregation, August 10th. Licentiate<br />

June 19th, 1913, at her home in Con- free bUS ServiCe for<br />

electrical storms.<br />

John M. iRutherford landed at 'Boston<br />

nersviile, Ind.<br />

after his winter's study in Glasgow The U. P. pastor's wife, Mrs. Mc­ Maria Ge<strong>org</strong>e was her maiden name, our patrons.<br />

and a trip over the Continent only to Bride, who has been ill, is convalescentvania,<br />

Ohio. She was born in Adams<br />

daughter of Henry Ge<strong>org</strong>e, of Rushsyl­<br />

leam that his mother had died four<br />

For the convenience of o<br />

days before. Mrs. Rutherford is survived<br />

by a husband and six 'children,<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e, D.D., of Pittsburgh, is the .<br />

Our pastor, by a few weeks' rest Co., Ohio. One brother. Dr. H. H. patrons, wt -have a free bus<br />

from duties, has regained his health<br />

all but one of whom are members of<br />

only surviving member who was at ^''^^- -musses run at frequenti:<br />

the Walton congregation. Typhoid<br />

and is again occupying his pulpit.<br />

her bedside when the end came. In i.„„,„i„ ,„ .„„, r ,<br />

fever was the cause of her death. The congregation is grateful for his 1859, Miss Ge<strong>org</strong>e became the wife of '•^rvd.ii, w ana trom the centr<br />

She was faithful to home and children<br />

and church and she has gone be­<br />

Mattie and Robert, both are living, intersections ot principal stree<br />

quick recovery.<br />

Robert J. Gamble. Two children, ;ritprqpr-tmn= r,f ^.- • r<br />

fore to her reward.<br />

More than forty years ago, the hus- convenient to all Depots—andtl<br />

ornr^r^s-r, ^t,ttti^tt titttt it^t^ttittta baud aud fathcT was called by death,<br />

PHILADELPHIA COVENANTERS. SECO.ND CHURCH, PHILADELPHIA, ^j^^^ j^^^j^^ ^j^^ widowed mother to ^.^^^ ..^<br />

Preparations for the Second Annual ters The of Second Philadelphia Church has of the ceased Covenan- evening<br />

services during the summer plified a type of temperament not often _._„„, , , .<br />

face the problems of life. She exem- ^^'^rt, sropping- on request at an<br />

Picnic of the three Philadelphia<br />

Covenanter churches and Sabbath months. O'ur pastor. Dr. J. C. McFeet- seen. As a mother, friend and neigh- ^'^'^^« ^° 'et passengers, on or of<br />

schools are now being made. The<br />

bor, in cheer, as a woman sunshine, whose and life surmounting did honor -rt.j. T-rr -l<br />

ers, has been spending the last three and to womanhood. crowning all A a manner deeply abounding religious -'^"^otorousses an extension of ot<br />

^^ ^ '^^"t you to consider thes<br />

weeks at his old home town, Parnassus,<br />

Pa. He was accompanied by his<br />

nature. She was a devoted member (. • ,<br />

of the Reformed Presbyterian Church ^"-"^^ service and to use them a(<br />

and remained true to its<br />

principles. j- i •<br />

wife, and they have been staying at<br />

Her favorite Psalm was the<br />

i<br />

46th.<br />

46th. A<br />

---'^"'S'J'<br />

cordmgly<br />

"^<br />

m<br />

y^myour<br />

trips<br />

trips to<br />

to an<br />

same committee which made last<br />

years' event such an excellent and successful<br />

one, is, with a few additional<br />

members, preparing for 1913's betterthan-ever.<br />

A number of meetings<br />

have been held and it has been decided<br />

to hold the event again at Belmont,<br />

in Fairmount Park, the largest Municipal<br />

Park in the world, on Saturday,<br />

September 13. All the athletic and<br />

other competitions of last year will,<br />

with the addition of many other<br />

events, be on the official program of<br />

the afternoon. The church, which totals<br />

the highest number of points<br />

from these various events will become<br />

owners for one year, of a large silver<br />

loving-cup, presented last year to the<br />

earthly life. Sabbath evening, July steam-heated in cold weather.<br />

are staying a few weeks at Ocean<br />

27th. Because of poor health. Miss<br />

Respectfully dedicated to ou<br />

committee by a few members of the City, N. J.<br />

McFarland had given up her position<br />

public.<br />

Second church. The church winning Miss Tillie C. Stewart and Miss as teacher in one of the public<br />

the trophy for three years, becomes Marry A. Sterrett, Sabbath School schools last February. On July 5th,<br />

permanent owner. At present the teachers, are spending the summer in ^j^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^.^^^^ Springs, hoping to 80GGS Sc 5Ufll<br />

First church is the proud owner of the mountains. Two more of our<br />

be benefitted by the change, but on PITTSBURCH, PA. ><br />

the cup, having been victorious in teachers, the Misses Jane and Mary<br />

last year's com'petitions, closely followed<br />

by the Third church, with the returned from their vacations. suddenly worse, and was brought<br />


Peoples, with their mother have just Thursday, July 24th, she was taken TIIE CHRISTIAN NATION PUB"<br />

Second tagging on somewhere in the The Misses Kathleen and Martha back to Syracuse by her hrother. Dr.<br />

Publication Office, 154 Nassau Strear.<br />

The Third congregation, however,<br />

insist that already they are vic­<br />

Jersey, and Miss Daisy M. Snyder is , , „<br />

MacElrevey have been resting in New ^y j ^ McFarland. Her parents,<br />

tors for 1913, the West Philadelphia<br />

, , , - , 1 4 who were then in Boston, where Mr.<br />

aggregation asserting the same for at present at her home in Mount<br />

themselves, while the Second church Union Pa. McFarland was preaching and her<br />

has been preparing itself for the last Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. MacLeod have sister Elizabeth, in Walton, were<br />

eleven months ("a word to the wise is been at Rockford, Delaware, while sent for. They arrived Friday evetheir<br />

son, Wm. C. MacLeod, Jr., is at ning in time to spend the last hours<br />

sufficient"). The chairman of this<br />

year's committee is Alex M. MacLeod Atlantic City, and their youngest son, with her, whom they loved so well.<br />

of the Second church; the secretary Norman, at Lenni, Pa.<br />

Miss McFarland was conscious nearly<br />

is Mr. John McClay of the Third; and Mt. Alexander Henry, .Ir., has re- to the last, but at 10; 30 Sabbath even- ^^^^ TEN copies In their club; am.<br />

the treasurer is Mr. Ralph Duncan of turned from . few weeks' tour of the ing departed to that land where "there regular correspondents are entitledt(<br />

the First. The chairman of the subcommittee<br />

on sports is Mr. Jacob T. Eastern States and Canada.<br />

shall he no more death, neither sorrow<br />

T_Tl 1 . * ircG copy.<br />

Schless, of the First church, while the Elder and Mrs. Ge<strong>org</strong>e A. Calder- nor crying, neither shall there be any ADVERTISING RATES. ^<br />

chairman of the sub-committee on entertainment<br />

is Mr. James McCandless, Calderwood is at Hemet, 'Cal., while passed away." Miss McFarland was p'^^if"' ]^®'",'*-^**p ^'»® V'tV" 2'<br />

wood recently bade us good-by. Mrs. more pain, for the former things are<br />

F'or Each Insertion.<br />

Jr., of the Third church.<br />

her husband is spending a few fare- born at Lisbon, N. Y., where her father MsXy^ Per Inch ^.^.^.. .."^^^^<br />

\\-ell weeks among his friends in the was formerly pastor, she was a grad- Display', Page Rate<br />

6*-'"<br />

Catarrh Cannot Be Cured<br />

Boston congregations. They intend to uate at Ogdensburg Academy and Osmake<br />

their home in California, and wego Normal School. After gradua- • ' ;!l-^ • " —^'<br />

with LOCAL APF'LICATioXrt. as they can<br />

not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh we must congratulate the Hemet tion she taught at Rome, N. Y., Walt- ^nd burial was made at Lisbon oi<br />

IS a blood or constitutional disease, and m Covenanter congregation in securing ^lam, Mass., and for the last three "Wednesday.<br />

order to cureit you must take internal remedies.<br />

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, Both Mr. and Mrs. Calderwood were Funeral services were held at the one untiring of its efforts most brought useful members in many an(<br />

two teachers such in earnest our Sabbath Christian School. workers, home years of in her Syracuse. brother, Tuesday evening the rj,^^ Sabbath Syracuse School congregation a teacher has whosf Ios'<br />

chil<br />

and acts directly upon the bU.od and mucous<br />

surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quacl<<br />

medicine. It was prescribed by one ofj the<br />

best physicians in this country for years and<br />

is a re.e^ular prescription. It is composed of<br />

tbe best tonics known, combined with the best<br />

blood purifiers, acting: directly cm the mucous<br />

surfaces. The perfect combination of the two<br />

inicredients is what produces such wonderful<br />

results in curing catarrh. Send for testimf.inials,<br />

free.<br />

•"sold Take F, T. bv Hall's CHEXEY Drug-Rists, Family & price.75c. |C0., Pills.forlconstipation,<br />

Props., '"^ Toledo,',0.<br />

..-.«, .^u,^ ~..^j ^.»,^ „^^.i „„„j.i.o favorite Bible passage, "I shall be i:__„ it, ,. \.-i •<br />

the home of their daughter. His place satisfied when I awake in His like- ^^^^ "^ ^'^^^'e while m Pitt;<br />

in the pulpit has been taken by the uess. burp"h i<br />

Rev. anter M. Church, M. Pearce, this city. of the First Coven­<br />

Dr. S. A. S. Metheny, M.D., our Precentor,<br />

with his family, is spending<br />

the summer months at Piermont, N. J.<br />

James Renwick Dill and his family<br />

are spending their summer at Sea Haven,<br />

New Jersey.<br />

Our Sabbath School Superintendent,<br />

Mr. Thos. H. Walker, and his family,<br />

A A precious voice we one loved from is us still, is gone.<br />

A place is vacant in our home<br />

Which none can ever fill.<br />

—H. G.<br />

No<br />

* '<br />

fare, check, transfer c^<br />

ticket of any kind required.<br />

Cars are provided<br />

with electri<br />

Miss Luella W. McFarland, daughter lights and electric self-starter<br />

of Rev. and Mrs. William McFarland,<br />

departed from the scenes of 'her ^^^ ventilated, and will b<br />

I A ^ V I l\/FR Stir up your liver a little, just<br />

•-^^^^ • •-• 'V Li-v enough to start the bile nicely.<br />

One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime is all you need. These pills act directly<br />

on the liver. Made for the treatment of constipation, biliousness,<br />

dyspepsia, sick-headache. Ask your doctor if he knows a<br />

better pill for a sluggish liver. Then follow his advice. LoSeu^Jui:<br />

New York City, N. Y., U. S. A. '<br />

JOHN W. PRITCHARD, President, i<br />


Single Copy $2.01<br />

In Clubs (Five or more copies to<br />

one name) 1.5i<br />

In foreign countries, 50 cents addi<br />

tional for postage, per year.<br />

Club Agents receive a free copy fo;;<br />

dren from outside the congregation.<br />

Sometimes we may think it strang«<br />

when God takes away one apparentlj<br />

in the prime of their usefulness, but<br />

"He knoweth best,." who "doeth<br />

all things well," and we can commit<br />

all things to His oare.

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