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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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8 THEI CHAISTIAN NAf ION. Vol. 5D.<br />

Praver Meeting" TTooic* P^^' °^ ^^^^ SLibject of which we and couW render more efficient LIGHT BREAKS IN,<br />

' ^ ^ * do not care to speak. We have services if we could co-operate Thoughtful Farmer Learns About<br />

PRAYER AIEETING TOPIC failed in many respects. We have with him as we should. Coffee.<br />

SEPlEMhEk 17IH, 1913. failed to render personal service<br />

By Rev. S. J. Johnston. ^^hgn such was needed and we V^.Yf-.r,r P^rvt->1o^c Tr»nfr ^^"y People exist in a<br />

Young People^s Topic more<br />

Suitable psalms. 66:1-4; 67:1-3, ^ould have given it. This we all ^ ^'^'^^^S "^ ^^t^ ir or less hazy condition andit often<br />

7^;i3-i7. 145:1-3- know to be true of work about VOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPIC ^akes years before they realize<br />

In our desire to further For- q^^ own Church. How often we FOR SEPT. 14. that tea and coffee are often the<br />

eign :\Iissions, we should not over- i^^^^.g ^^^^^ asked and urged and By Rev. Ge<strong>org</strong>e S. Coleman. cause of the cloudiness, and that<br />

look Home ^ilissions. Instead of i,^^,^ failed. '^ Favorite verses in the Gospels, there is a simple way to let the<br />

being opposed to each other, they Wg have also failed in our giv- John i :i-i2. I'ght break in.<br />

are complimentary. All our money i^g, None of us will contend Psalms. 4:5-8; 16:4-7; 36:6- A worthy farmer had such an<br />

and prayers should not be spent that we have contributed to this g- 45:1-4; 61:2 (2nd meter.); experience and tells about it, in<br />

in either cause. An exemplary ^gj-y important work all that we 63:3-6; 89:13-16; 117:1-2; 118: a letter. He says: ' ,<br />

Christian will give full attention could. We have robbed God in 16-18. ' ' "For about forty years, I have'<br />

to both. What we want and what withholding from our Home Mis- Bible References. Let members had indigestion and stomach<br />

the text under consideration calls sion Fund money that we ought give only verses which they have trouble in various forms. During<br />

for is "that there may be an equal- to have given. During the last hi their memory. ' the last 25 years I would not,<br />

ity-" )'ear this fund was greatly over- HINTS FOR TALKS. more than get over one spell of<br />

Speaking of Home Missions, drawn and the Board sent out a vVhy call the story of Christ bilious colic until another would<br />

let us note:— personal appeal. We all hearo "the"' gospel? There have been be upon me. -tl<br />

I. Tht field. Surely we have -but only a few responded as wt other good tidings. "The best doctors I could get<br />

a very wide field. Let us note all should have done. Discuss the importance of and all the medicines I CDuld buy,,<br />

the field about each congregation. Speaking of Home Missions let ^yords and lights for men. Christ only gave me temporary relief. ,;<br />

Around each church there us note:— was thus important. "Change of climate was tried<br />

live people who are not members 3. The future. Much depends -^^yhat makes verses favorites? without results. I could not sleeps<br />

of any church. They are as yet upon this department of our fj^^^^ can we get more? nights, had rheumatism and my"<br />

outsiide of the fold of Christ, church's work. Let 'us all rec- -^yj^j^t jg needed beyond a mere- heart would palpitate at times si.,<br />

This is a part of our field for ognize that. Foreign iMissions can sentimental liking for some beau- that it seemed it would jump oui<br />

Home Missions. Begin here by not well get along if Home Mis- tiful verse? of my body.<br />

making a note of the homes in sions are allowed to sufifer. The ^^i^^ ^^^ ^^^^. favorite verses "I came to the conclusion that;<br />

which people live who are not same might be said of all other promises? Do we not need others? there was no relief for me and-<br />

Christians and attempt to lead lines of work. Their future de- -phe gospel is for many. Matt, that I was about wound up, when,<br />

them to Christ. This will be a pends largely upon the future of ^6:28. Estimate the Christians of I saw a Postum advertisement. L<br />

good way to quicken an interest our Home Mission work. ^Y^^ ^^^^ had always been a coffee drinker,<br />

in Home ^slissions. Today we hear much about our i.jgj.e is the story of a meeting and got an idea from the ad. that.<br />

Speaking of the field again let churcb failing to grow in num- ,,,here they gave favorite verses, maybe coffee was the cause of my<br />

us widen our scope so as to in- bers. This is all true. If any- ]t is a Reformation occurrence, trouble.<br />

elude all those congregations too thing we are not as strong num- -pj^g licentiate Jean de Caturce, "I began to use Postum instead:<br />

weak to be self-sustaining. This erically as we were a few years ^ professor of laws in the univer- of coffee and in less than threeis<br />

another part of the field. In ago. A glance at the minutes of sity, having learnt Greek, pro- weeks I felt like a new man. The<br />

the West we have newly formed Synod will reveal that. Now the cured a New Testament and rheumatism left me, and I have<br />

congregations needing some finan- question is, how can we change studied it. He found Christ the never had a spell of bilious colic<br />

cial support. Let us bear these this small decrease into an in- Saviour, and adored Him ' Ere since.<br />

out stations m mind. Wt have crease. The only way to do it j^^g Christ transformed him and "^Iv appetite is good, my di-,<br />

a certain responsibility for their is to give more attention to the ,,g ^^g^^^^g ^ ,^g^^, ^^^^ j^^^ ^^^ ggstion never was better and I can<br />

growth. Lnable to render them matter of Home Missions. There ,^,^ ^j^g^.^^ j^^^ ^^,^.^. ^^^^^ ^^^^ .i^ ^^^^ ^^.^^k than before for 40'<br />

any personal service, let us help is no other way. AVhy pump ,,g discovered in the holy Scrip- vears.<br />

them by prayer and offerings. water mto the bucket when at the tures a divine light and life which "I haven't tasted coffee since<br />

Another part of our field for l^ottom there is a hole emitting enraptured him. He was consum- I began with Postum. My wife<br />

Home Missr.ns is the perman- a stream equally as large as the g^ by an ardent desire to visit makes it according to directions<br />

ently established missions. We one you are pumping in? Why j^j^ birthplace, Limoux and preach and I relish it as well as I ever<br />

have one among the Jews in the not give some attention to that j^g Saviour. did coffee, and I was certainly a<br />

city of Philadelphia. This is hole? Let us stop it if possible, .Qn the eve of the Epiphany slave to coffee."<br />

a; part of our field. The _ same then we will fill the bucket that ^^ere was usually a grand sup- Name given by Postum Co.,<br />

might be said of our Mission at much quicker. p^^^ ^,^ ^j^.^^^ according to cus- Battle Creek, Mich. Write for^<br />

Selma, Apache and Oakland. In In dosing let us suggest a way ,^^^ ^^^ j^j ^^ ^,^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ „f the little book, "The<br />

addition to^ these we wish to call in which we can all help stop this proclaimed after which there was Road to Wellville,"<br />

y^our attention to the new mission leakage. So many of our people shouting and joking singing and Postum comes in two forms:<br />

amnng tne Syrians in Pittsburg, go West or Northwest in search of dancing. The company sat down Regular Postum-must be well<br />

opened up and carried forward by land or health and become fost to table, they drank the wine of boiled. "<br />

the Pittsburg Presbytery. A ter to the church. Our Church has the south and'at last the crkTwas Instant Postum is a soluable<br />

reviewing these various field.s, a Home Missionary Secretary, brought in. The gayety increas- powder. A teaspoonful dissolves<br />

what an opening for our church T e Rev J. S. Thompson, D. D., g^ ,^nd they were about to cele- quickly in a cup of hot water and,<br />

along these various lines who will be glad to receive all -brate the new royalty by the -ith the addition of cream and<br />

Speaking of Home Missions, .such names. He has rendered ordinary toast, the king drinks sugar, makes a delicious beverage<br />

^''"'".f7-, Tl,- • .1 the Covenanter Church m the West ,,hen Caturce stood up There instantly. I<br />

2. The failures. This is that valuable services along this hne (Concluded on page 12) "There's a reason" for rostmii.

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