S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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10 THE CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. 59.<br />

of Romish poetasters. We welcome guests of the Downie family to Cata- Colwell playing the accompaniment, -p^^^g WJ **- »J<br />

amongst us, Mr. J. Black, his wife li^a Island. At the conclusion of the service Miss Values MJ \lif AJ y^^^^^<br />

and two children from Soo Ontario. ^^.^^ Holmes of Topeka has been Edna Ballengee played the Mendels- bovs' Wash SUits<br />

On Wednesday evening, Gth August, ""J= wciaij suns<br />

a meeting was held in the home of *^^ ^^^^^^ °^^^^'- ^^^^ '^^'•^' ^- ^- ^ar- sohn Wedding March as the guests p^^^^^. ^^^^ ^^^ ^g^^<br />

Mr. T. Dickey On the motion of S •^'in during and since the International went to the dining room, where a . i tt c • i , ,,,<br />

•'^ muuuii Ui o. Cheviot and Unfinished Worsterl<br />

K. McKelvey, seconded by T. Dickey, C. E. Convention. very dainty four course dinner was _ ^'^'J<br />

the chair was taken by S. Clydesdale. ^he Young People's Society gave a served. There were about twenty Suits, $5.50.<br />

The meeting having been opened with ^^^.^^ .^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ p^^j^^^^ j^j^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^.^^^^^ ^^^ ceremony in- Boys' $5.00 Blue Suits, $4.00.<br />

praise and prayer, S. K. McKelvey tt >d- j *<br />

(Who has acted as secretary and ^* ^^^'^^ * ^^^^^ 'P^^* °^ ^^^ ^'' ^^® cludmg only the immediate relatives Loys $12.50 and $13.50 Ullfintreasurer<br />

since the commencement of given to hearing echoes from the and a few close friends. Those pres- jghed AA'orsted and Serge Suits<br />

the work) stated that meetings for Portland Conference and C. E. Con- ent from a distance were: Mrs. P. &-q -„<br />

worship had been held regularly ev- vention. Our two delegates to the m Carnahan and daughter. Miss p , ct<br />

ery Sabbath for about 14 months, p^,.^i,„, Conference gave enthusias- Evangeline, of Monmouth, IU., aunt ^^"^^ ^'^-OO Llue Suits,<br />

that the attendance was five time as , , SfiTo 00<br />

many as when the meetings flrst be- ^'^ ^^^ excellent reports, as were and cousin of the bride; Mr. and • - ' '<br />

gan, that the contributions were nearly ^Iso those from the C. E. Convention, Mrs. W. H. Morrow, parents of the -L'Oys $IO.OO berge and Unfinfive<br />

times as great, and that he is in which nearly all the young people at- ^^^^^^ ^j Blanchard, la.; Mr. and ished AA-'orsted Suits, $7.50.<br />

communication with some Covenanter '^®^^®'^- , jii-g. will Morrow, Miss Effie Morfamilies<br />

who intend coming to settle ^^

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