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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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fHfe CHRlSflAi^ j4Afi6N.<br />

Vol. 59;<br />

Prayer Meeting Topic.<br />


FOR SEPT. 10, 1913.<br />

Rev. J. G. -McElhinney.<br />

Subject: Schools, Acts 7:22.<br />

Psalms 1911<br />

pjroblems of life and meet its point now that the same mUght<br />

close competition, realize their mis- almost be said of High School. In<br />

take in not getting more educa- the matter of higher education the<br />

tion, should be a warning to those young people must in some cases<br />

who think it is no use to go to<br />

school.<br />

lay aside their desire for it in order<br />

to care for or provide for<br />

Education does, or should result aged or invalid parents. Physical<br />

V^ersion vv<br />

No. in the development of the soul. weakness may also deter some<br />

25 7-12<br />

62 Through education, man's sympathies<br />

are enlarged, his ideals But in most cases where there is<br />

from completing their education.<br />

43 3<br />

116<br />

45 15<br />

122 raised, has usefulness increased, a desire for learning, with a few<br />

49<br />

I<br />

132 and when united with religion, exceptions such as the above, the<br />

78<br />

I<br />

205 his happiness and his capacity for effort should be made to secure it.<br />

119<br />

Part 2 310 good, greatly multipHed.<br />

Parents should encourage their<br />

COM^IENT.<br />

II. AVHERE GO?<br />

young .people to take as much<br />

This is the time of year In deciding this question two schooling as poss'ible, for the competition<br />

is so keen in every vo­<br />

that parents and children all over others often arise: Where shall<br />

the country are beginning to think we make our home, and shall our cation that it requires a more<br />

about the opening of the schools, children be sent away from home through educational foundation<br />

The decisions which will be made to attend school?<br />

than it used to, in order to hold<br />

this Fall in connection with the In selecting a location for a one's own.<br />

scbool question, may be the turning home after considering the ques- •<br />

point in the lives of many of our tions of health, religious environ- ^QfjlJ^a PeOOlc^S ToOiC<br />

boys and girls and may determine ment, and! church privileges, the o r ' r'<br />

the destiny of many souls. one of most importance is that of<br />

I. W H Y GO? educational facilities. While there<br />

This is a question which parents are some who leave the opportunity<br />

and children need to study. Often for education; out of account in<br />

there is so much work to do on<br />

the farm, or the expense of living<br />

in the city is so high that it<br />

seems to require the combined effort<br />

of the entire family to meet expenses,<br />

and the parents are strongly<br />

tempted to keep their children<br />

out of school for at least part<br />

their desire to make money, there<br />

are a .great many who are not as<br />

careful as they ought to be, to<br />

locate within the bounds of the<br />

church. There are people of Covenanter<br />

.parentage, and many who<br />

have been members of our Church<br />

who have allowed the desire for<br />

of the year. Some children would money or educatation, or the<br />

rather play and some would rather matter of clima'^'e to take precework,<br />

some get a dislike for school dence over loyalty to the prinor<br />

for teacher, and some find it ciples of the church.<br />

20:1; 31:8; 2 Chron. 16:9; 20:20.<br />

hard to get the lessons and pass The same drain upon our Church HINTS FOR TALKS.<br />

the examinations, and finally say comes from sending our young Is faith an emotion? What<br />

"what is the use of going to school people to schools which are out of then do we expect when we pray<br />

inyv^'ay?"<br />

the bounds of Covenanter congre- for faith?<br />

When we study the lives of the gations. Parents make the mistake What means .besides prayer can<br />

educated men of the Bible, of of thinking that their careful inwhom<br />

Moses and Paul are the struction in the principles of the What is the difference between<br />

we use to strengthen faith?<br />

chief representatives, we can eas- Church will outweigh, in all cases, dead and living faith?<br />

ily see that if they had not ac- the influence of teachers, and felcepted<br />

the opportunity which (jod low students, "and pastors of the faith on those ;who see it?<br />

What is the effect of hearty<br />

gave them, for receiving an edu- churches which are attended while Why do we not increase in<br />

cation, they could not have done absent from home. This school faith ?<br />

the great work which He want- problem is one which is most vited<br />

them to do. ally connected with the growth<br />

Victory! That is a Bible word,<br />

The fact that the great and good and usefulness of our "beloved<br />

men of the past have valued edu- Zion." Christ needs the strength<br />

cation so highly as to provide for and service of all the educated<br />

free education, in itself should and consecrated young men and<br />

lead us to appreciate the opportunities<br />

W'jmen the Covenanter Church<br />

which we enjoy. The val­<br />

ue of the schools in raising the<br />

can produce.<br />

III. HOW LONG?<br />

citizenship of our country to a<br />

higher degree of intelligence, is have a problem in answering this<br />

recognized in many of the States question. With some exceptions<br />

by the compulsory school laws on account of ill health, all chilwhich<br />

they have passed. The dren should get to complete the<br />

testimony of many persons who course provided by the common<br />

after they have come to face the schools. It is getting to the<br />



SEPT. 7, 1913-<br />


HIS FAITH. I John 5:1-5.<br />

By the Rev. Geo. S. Coleman.<br />

Psalms. 4:6-8; 18:1-2; 23:1-3<br />

(us); 27:9-10, 15-16; 31:18-23;<br />

34:1-4 (L. M.); 91:1-2, 13-15.<br />

Bible References. Prov. 14:26;<br />

29:25; Isa. 26:3; Jer. 17:7, 8;<br />

Nah. 1: 7; Mark 9:23 ; (Luke 17:<br />

5; Rom i; 16-17; 11:20; 2 Cor.<br />

1:24; Eph. 2:8; 6:i6;i Tim. i:<br />

5; 6:12; Heb. 4:2; 13:5-6; Deut.<br />

a Christian experience. Christians<br />

are to win, they are to overcome<br />

the world, the evil attractions of<br />

all things around us. The American<br />

athletes overcame the world<br />

in brain and muscle at the<br />

wt have entered as contestants<br />

and if we will take the troubh<br />

we can win.<br />

Covenanter young people, you<br />

Bible constantly speaks in the lan<br />

guage of struggles, of determina<br />

tion, of victory. Jesus Christ, wh(<br />

was not an admirer of things a:<br />

they are, but of things as the}<br />

ought to be, lived a hfe of ef<br />

fort; and in His efforts He was<br />

(Concluded on page eleven.)<br />


Taking Tonics, and Built up on<br />

Right Food.<br />

The mistake is frequently made<br />

of trying to build up a worn-out<br />

nervous system on so-called tonics—drugs.<br />

New material from which to rebuild<br />

wasted nerve cells, is what<br />

should be supplied, and this can<br />

he obtained only from proper food.<br />

"Two years ago I found myself<br />

(m the verge of la complete nervous<br />

collapse, due to overwork<br />

and study, and to illness in the<br />

family," writes a Wis. young<br />

mother.<br />

"My I friends became alarmed<br />

because I grew pale and thin and<br />

could not sleep nights. I took<br />

various tonics prescribed by physicians,<br />

but their effects wore off<br />

shortly after I stopped taking them.<br />

My food did not seem to nourish<br />

me and I gained no fleshnor blood.<br />

"Reading of Grape-Nuts, I determined<br />

to stop the tonics and see<br />

what a change of diet would do.<br />

1 ate Grape-Nuts four times a<br />

day with cream and drank milk<br />

also, went to |bed early after eating<br />

a dish of Grape-Nuts before<br />

retiring.<br />

"In a-bout two weeks I was<br />

sleeping soundly. In a short time<br />

gained 20 lbs. in weight and felt<br />

like a different woman. My little<br />

daughter whom I was obliged to<br />

keep out of school last spring on<br />

account of chronic catarrh, has<br />

changed from a thin, pale, nervous<br />

child to a rosy, healthy girl and<br />

has gone back to school this fall-<br />

"Grape-Nuts, and fresh air were<br />

the only agents used to accomplishi<br />

the happy results."<br />

Name given by Postum Co.,<br />

Olympic games, and our hearts<br />

swelled with pride. The Germans<br />

Both parents and young people long for such a triumph; and they Battle Creek, Mich. Read the<br />

have already built their stadium little booklet "The ~' Road to Well­<br />

for the next contest, ,they are ap­ville,pointing<br />

in pkgs. "There's a<br />

trainers, they are making Reason."<br />

athletics a public enterprise, for Ever read the above letter? A new<br />

one appears from time to time. They<br />

they are determined to win. In<br />

are genuine, true, and full of human<br />

a far harder and greater conflict,<br />


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