S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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August 20, 1913.<br />

A FAMILY<br />

PAPER.<br />


**»Ohio Presbytery will meet In Cedarville,<br />

Ohio, September 18th, at 7.30<br />

m.—R- Hargrave, Clerk of Interim<br />

Commission.<br />

•**Mrs. Allie Royer and son, Curtis,<br />

of Houston, Illinois, recently spent a<br />

couple of weeks with relatives in<br />

St. Louis, Mo.<br />

'»*»The Congregations in and near<br />

Pittsburgh, held their annual out-ofdoors<br />

reunion in Highland Park on<br />

Saturday, August 9, in the afternoon.<br />

*'*Dr, John Peoples reached Hopkinton<br />

in his itinerary, Aug. 5. He<br />

.jiilly maintained the reputation o,f<br />

MiEsionaries there for being interesting.<br />

**«In "Hints for Talks'' on Young<br />

People's Topic for Aug. 17, read, "The<br />

variety -which only omniscience," etc.<br />

- Omniscience and science are unfortunately<br />

not the same yet.<br />

•••'Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Torrens and Shaw, Ph.D., of -West Hebron, New<br />

children spent a few days with Mrs. Y'ork. After his Sabbath at Loanhead,<br />

Torrens' mother, Mrs. Sarah Reid of Dr. Shaw sailed for the United States.<br />

Old Bethel congregation, before go­He has left behind him fragrant<br />

ing to their new home in Glenwood,<br />

Minnesota.<br />

•'*Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert A. Ramsay<br />

have endowed Geneva College in memory<br />

ot their daughter. Bertha, which<br />

. epdo-wment furnishes an annual schol­<br />

***We must appeal again to subscribers<br />

who are In arrears. On August<br />

one, about fifteen hundred dollars<br />

should have been received at this oflice<br />

ed to him by the congregation of<br />

Creevagh, Co. Monaghan.—R. P. Witness<br />

(Scotland) for August.<br />

"'**Illinois Presbytery stands adjourned<br />

to meet the second Tuesday for subscriptions, but up to this date 14th at the ripe age of 85. Had her<br />

of September at eight o'clock in the less than one hundred dollars of that life been spared a few months, she<br />

'Coulterville Church. Presbytery is to sum has come to hand. Almost every and her husband would have celebrated<br />

their sixtieth anniversary of wed­<br />

be opened with a sermon by the re­remittanctiring Moderator, Rev. M. S. McMillan, letter explaining that failure to pay<br />

is accompanied by a kind<br />

pastor of the Princeton congregation. sooner was just neglect. Every dollar ded life. Her husband and a family<br />

The Coulterville session is arranging<br />

a conference program for the meeting,<br />

still unpaid, and all that will be due of nine children remain to mourn<br />

and 'Mr. R. S. McElhinney,<br />

who<br />

September 1st as well, is sorely needed<br />

to meet bills now due and that will<br />

fall due early in September. MAY<br />

has flnishedhis flrstyear at the Theological<br />

Seminary, is to give part of WE DEPEND UPON RECEIVING IT?<br />

his trials for licensure.<br />

*-**The usual annual Martyr Memorial<br />

Surely you do not wish one person to<br />

struggle under a burden which is the<br />

Service was held at Cam'nethan result of a thousand others' neglect,<br />

Old Graveyard, on Sabbath, 15th June. when a little thoughtfulness on the<br />

Also, the usual open-air Service in part of each will remove the burden!<br />

commemoration of the Battle of Rullion<br />

Green was held in a field near<br />

***Llcentiate's Tweed and Rutherford<br />

were due to arrive in New York<br />

the scene of the fight, on iSabbath, last week,<br />

eth July. Both gatherings were exceptionally<br />

*«--*Dr. Calvin McCarroll's address Is<br />

large. The preacher at now Nicosia, Cyprus. They are well,<br />

both places was the Rev. Samuel G. but busy, as malaria is rampant.<br />

MYSTERIOUS ^^^^l^f^c^.<br />


The effect of this wonderful trick is to showthree<br />

cards, making any one disappear and re­<br />

I am back at the book business<br />

aga'n, during! the Seminary recess.<br />

appear at will. Anvbodv can do it. SEND<br />

memories, and those who met and The folowing duplicate books remain<br />

10c. for 1, or 25c. for 4 sets,'TODAY.<br />

heard him will not easily f<strong>org</strong>et his unsold, even at the low price, which WM. A. DROSTE CO., Suite318, Detroit,Mich<br />

presence and his messages.—R. P. hardly pays for the forwarding. There<br />

-Witness (Scotland) for August. Dr.<br />

W H a t ISc Will D o<br />

are several sets of Turretin, put at<br />

Shaw's fraternal address to the Scotcb<br />

two dollars, a fraction of their early<br />

price. Time given to this work<br />

Synod Is printed in the same number.<br />

***'Phe congregations of Pittsburgh<br />

weekly, published atthe Nation's Capital, fortlie Nation; no-Hinits<br />

21st year ofi ncreasing success. The paper fillsthebill<br />

would be a change of occupation, and<br />

arship for one student from the Staf- and vicinity held a reception on -Wednesday<br />

evening, August Oth, in the<br />

good and helpful exercise, even in<br />

- ford, Kansas, congregation.<br />

withoutemptying the purse ;it costs but Si a year. Ifyou want<br />

warm weather. Address D. B. Willson,<br />

Buena "Vista street, N. S., Pitts­<br />

***Treasurer James S. Tibby arriv- Eighth street church for our beloved<br />

to keep posted on whatis going: onin the world, attheleastexpense<br />

of time or money, thisis j'Our means. Ifyou wanta pa­<br />

- ed home August 1st after a six weeks' Missionaries, Rev. and Mrs. Samuel burgh, Pa.<br />

trip on the Paciflc 'Coast. He had the Edgar, Dr. and Mrs. IBalph, of the<br />

per in your home whichis sincere, reliable, entertaining-, wholesome,<br />

the Pathfinderis yours. Ifyou would appreciate a pa­<br />

Letters of the late Rev. John Love,<br />

pleasure of 'meeting the brethren in Syrian Mission, and Miss Mary "Wilson<br />

and Miss Ella Frazier, of the<br />

per which puts everything- clearly, fairly, briefly—hereitis at<br />

D. D., minister of Andenton, Glasgow,<br />

1838 25<br />

Portland, Oregon, Los Angeles, California,<br />

and Denver, 'Colorado, congregations.<br />

the chairman. Dr. T. H. Acheson,<br />

Southern Mission. By the time that<br />

last. Send<br />

The Divine Right of Church Government,<br />

by the London Divines .25<br />

iiWlRlfc<br />

only l5c to show thatyou migh Hike such a paper,<br />

and we will send the Pathflnderon probation 13 weeks. The<br />

arose to open the meeting, the Sabbath<br />

School room was fllled. Ad­<br />

IScdoes notrenavu';. but we are glad to investin New Friends.<br />

"*Miss Bess:e Lathom, of Princeton,<br />

Indiana, has been visiting her<br />

uel Edgar 25<br />

The Variations of Popery, by Sam­<br />

Or send $1 for full year 'BfililHNE<br />

; money back anv time if not<br />

dresses were made by Rev. Edgar and<br />

satisfied. AHHrp*;.; Pa*h«nd«>r. RxT, WssHinerton. r»^<br />

aunt, Mrs, R. R. Lynn, and other friends<br />

iRidgeley's Divinity, the 1st volume .30<br />

Dr. Balph. The former, in his usual<br />

in Old Bethel Congregation, for a few<br />

Dr. Thomas Browne's Philosophy of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup<br />

graphic and vigorous style, spoke of<br />

weeljs, prior to attending the Young<br />

the Human Mind 50 bas been used for over FIFTY YEARS hy MILthe<br />

conditions and needs of the Syrian<br />

People's Presbyterial at Coulterville,<br />

Princeton Review, 1859, bound.. .25 LIONS of MOTHERS FOE THEIR CHIL­<br />

Mission fleld. Not a few of the audi­<br />

DREN -WHILE TBETmNG with perfect SUC­<br />

- to which she was a delegate.<br />

Hume's History of England, small<br />

ence were of the mind that It was 13 vol. London edition, 1793. Volume<br />

one missing 50 THE GUMS, ALLAYS ALL PAIN, CUREa<br />


***Rev. Gawn Douglas' congrega- the duty of the Foreign Mission Board<br />

• tion at, Loughbrickland, Ireland, cele­tbrated his ministerial jubilee on July anter congregation in the land to<br />

send Rev. Edgar to every Coven­<br />

Sandemanianism-, Andrew Fuller's WIND COLIC.and is the BEST REMEDY<br />

Strictures on 20 FOR DIARKHCE A. Sold by druggists in every<br />

!• He -was ordained to the ministry awaken Interest in our foreign mission<br />

work.<br />

Lorimer's Protestant Church of Twentv-five Cents a F?ntti'»<br />

Rev. John 'McLaurin's Esi^ays 25 oart of tbe world.<br />

on Ma;rch 3, 1863. He was at the<br />

jnbi.ee presented with a cheque for *'**The following articles are needed<br />

in the Hospital in Mersine: Sheets<br />

France 25 Help Us Save the Tene=<br />

one hundred and sixty-one pounds.<br />

Asa Cummins' Memoir of Edward<br />

ment Babies.<br />

for beds, 3 and 31/2 feet wide, usual<br />

***Mr. R. Nevin Lyons has accept-<br />

Payson 25 You have read much ahout the successful<br />

length; pillow cases, 19 Inches wide,<br />

64 the call addressed to him by the<br />

The Collateral Bible, 3 vols. Gen. efforts to reduce infant mortality in New<br />

about a yard long; nightgowns, both<br />

JO'ht congregations of Ballenon and<br />

To Malachi, will be sent for forwarding<br />

charges.<br />

Has it ever occurred to you that you can<br />

York,<br />

muslin and flannelette,of all sizes, of<br />

Ballylane, Co. Armagh. Mr, J. M'llthese<br />

there can not be too many. So<br />

"loyle has accepted the call address-<br />

Charles F. Palmer on Inebriety.. .10 and should share the burden of this campaign<br />

that societies may know what is best<br />

Dr. James McCosh, Divine Government<br />

50 piness and health to the people in general ?<br />

that is reaping an abundant harvest of hap'<br />

to send, I give a list of some societies<br />

are preparing, and would suggest<br />

that all who are sending do the<br />

Home's Introduction, 4th edition $24,000 Spent Last Year by Us<br />

in 3 vo-s 50 for Pure Milk for Sick Babies<br />

Blood H u m o r s same as a guide to others. New Alexandria,<br />

I believe, six operating gowns.<br />

Commonly cause pimples, bolls, hives,<br />

American Protestant Magazine, odd Every cent of this went for milk—none<br />

jczema or salt rheum, or some other<br />

Geneva "Women's Society and Y. L.<br />

Nos. vols I—V bound 15 for investigation or administrative expense.<br />

lorm of eruption; but sometimes they M. S., 20 sheets and 20 pillow cases and<br />

Waddington's Church History 40 It purchased 266,666 quarts, which were<br />

«lst in the system, indicated by feeliit,?t<br />

°^ ^sakness,, languor, loss of ap­<br />

change for ten beds, but of course<br />

one night dress. We have made a Jlosheim's Ecclesiastical History, given the famiUes that the Board of Health<br />

second volume of a 2 vol. edition, and other investigators found were unable<br />

petite, or general debility, without more sheets and pillow cases will be 1 Gth century down 30 to purchase the pure product and the neces--<br />

causing any brsakinr out.<br />

needed. Towels are also needed, but Cremer's N. T. Greek Lexicon, early sary quantity.<br />

They are expelled and the whole syston<br />

d'h ''^'^^•^^ted, strengthened and in Mersine, if the money needed for Fairbairn's Typology of the Sacred<br />

perhaps those can be bought as easily edition 30 How Many Babies' Bottles Will<br />

You Help l's to Fill<br />

Hood's Sarsaparilla them is given to Dr. Peoples. I have Scripture, 1852, Phila. edition. .. 30 This Summer?<br />

not yet learned when or where the Hervey's Letters, Vol. II. (right lid Send contributions to Bohprt Shaw Minturn,<br />

chnn^M^\ today In usual liquid form or<br />

goods are to be sent.—M. B. Metheny. off) 10<br />

Tr»R«urpr. Ennm 210. IOS Ei.'t 22d Street.<br />

fiocolated tablets called Sarsatabs,<br />

Mrs.<br />

JX<br />


Daniel McNeil, of Northwoo''<br />

Congregation, entered into rest July<br />

their loss. No death had occurred in<br />

this family during these sixty years.<br />

She died as she lived, trusting her<br />

Savior.—R, H.<br />

The Refonned Presbyterian Charch<br />

having no publishing house of its o-wn, ita<br />

members are advised to send their orders for<br />

Catechisms, Lesson Helps, Church and Sabbath<br />

School SuppUes of every description to<br />

Witherspooi Cbe presbpterian Board or an7 of its<br />

Bldg., Philadelphia rublication Depositories<br />

Thelittle matter of 15c in stamps will bring- you the Pathfflnderfor<br />

13 weeks ontrial. The Pathfinderisanillustrated<br />




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