S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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August 20, 1913.<br />

A KA.MILV<br />

PAPER.<br />

word Jehovah was used. What is the explanation?<br />

The Bible student will remember that at the<br />

period in the history of the Israelites referred<br />

to in Ex. 6:3 a crisis bad arrived. Moses<br />

liad made his request of Pharaoh that the<br />

people be allowed to go into the Wilderness<br />

to sacrifice to (jod and Pharaoh's answer was<br />

to increase the tasks which the Israelites must<br />

perform. The people lay their complaint before<br />

Moses and he takes it to God.<br />

It will be remembered tbat when Moses had<br />

received his first commission to deliver his<br />

people he had asked what name he should<br />

present to show his authority and was told<br />

to say, "I am hath sent me unto you." Now<br />

when the greater need has come the larger<br />

powers must be granted, "I appeared unto<br />

Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the<br />

name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah<br />

was I not revealed to them." Note<br />

the change in translation which is borne out<br />

by the Hebrew and is significant. Long before<br />

this had he been known by tbe name of<br />

Jehovah, but had not revealed himself directly.<br />

The explanation here is simple when it is<br />

once suggested. Among primitive peoples<br />

names had a larger meaning than among<br />

more cultured races. "Barbaric man believes<br />

that his name is a vital part of himself, and<br />

therefore that the names of other men and<br />

of superhuman beings are also vital parts<br />

of themselves. He further beKeves that to<br />

know the name is to put the owner, whether<br />

'he be deity, ghost, or mortal, in the power of<br />

another, involving risk of harm or destruction<br />

to the named. He therefore takes all<br />

kinds of precautions to conceal bis name, often<br />

from his friend, always from his foe."<br />

"Na Warma will not tell his name, though<br />

lie dots not object to being addressed by it."<br />

Those who have been at our Indian Mission<br />

long enough to get acquainted with the<br />

people will have remarked, even among the<br />

children, a dislike to giving their own names,<br />

It is very common for visitors there to try<br />

to open up a talk wth the boys, or girls, by<br />

asking for their names and they may have<br />

noticed that the conversation stopped at that<br />

point. If another child was standing by he<br />

might bridge over this period by giving the<br />

mme asked for, otherwise the visitor was<br />

left to believe that the child did not understand,<br />

or was stubborn. Whether the Indians<br />

could give a reason for this refusal to tell<br />

in extent and in this confidence he went on<br />

'his desperate mission to the court of the<br />

greatest monarch of the world and as Jehovah's<br />

champion he humbled the gods of<br />

Egypt and the pride of Egypt's king. That<br />

seems to settle Ex. 6:3. From the time of<br />

Astruc, more than two centuries ago, the<br />

chief dependence of the critics for proof of<br />

the documentary theory has been the use of<br />

the names of God. As claimed by the critics,<br />

one document uses the name Elohim and<br />

anothei^ the name Jehovah and tbe Pentateuch<br />

is separated into different fragments<br />

according to the use of the names. Wiener<br />

has demolished this argument entirely by<br />

showing that there is no significance in the use<br />

of the divine names, that the terms are used<br />

interchangeably as a writer today would use<br />

"The President" and "Wilson." He set<br />

forth that while in tbe text which furnished<br />

the basis for our authorized version the name<br />

Jehovah occurs 148 times between Gen. 4:1<br />

and Ex. 3:7, other texts than the Massoretic<br />

use Elohim, or a combination of these<br />

terms, 118 times. In what is called the E<br />

document, taking in those sections of tbis<br />

portion of Scripture where Elohim occurs<br />

179 times, other texts bave Jehovah in 59<br />

instances and in 47 other places the combination<br />

Jehovah Elohim. The publishing of this<br />

proof, which is open to every student of the<br />

original texts, does not leave the critics of<br />

the Mosaic authorship a, leg on which to<br />

stan3.<br />

Why have the critics during the last two<br />

centuries ignored all texts except'the Massoretic<br />

in making their argument against Mosaic<br />

authorship? Either they were lacking in<br />

scholarship, which few would dare to suggest,<br />

or else they have been too careless of<br />

the facts to deserve consideration, How-<br />

Moses would enjoy the confusion of the critics,<br />

if they should ever meet him!<br />


By the Rev. S. J. Crowe, D. D.<br />

Writers and preachers and members of all<br />

churches ought without any hesitation to<br />

accept the infallible Scriptures of the Old and<br />

New Testament as the only rule of faith and<br />

practise Where else in all tbe worid can<br />

we go for a true portraiture of God? Not<br />

to any man or any angel, because it is forever<br />

true that only the infinite can portray<br />

the infinite. God must speak for himself.<br />

This divine portraiture of the infinite God<br />

is found only in the word of God revealed<br />

by Jesus Christ, who is the revelation of God<br />

to rnen in the Old and New Testament Scrip-<br />

their names I do not know.<br />

This idea was probaU;ly lal common one<br />

among the Israelites and will explain the 'Tost wondrous book; bright candle of the Lord:<br />

language at this point. In the days of Abraham<br />

and before, God had been known by his -i:;7appolntm.nt of ^he Newc-tle, Ja.,^ Mlni-<br />

Star of eternity: the only star<br />

name Jehovah, but he had not so directly revealed<br />

himself to any as he did to Moses 'rttatcftfTK church edifice had been se-<br />

•sterial Association Dr^ ^^^^^ g^ptt^t Church<br />

in his supreme contest with Pharaoh. ^ Moses of that city, i ^.^ members of the<br />

imderstood wben God gave him this new riously f^7^J^^,f/tion purchased a magnificent<br />

name that it was a grant of power unlimited<br />

"''''' of the Tme ^an revised version and deslgcopy<br />

of the Ame<br />

resent it to the pastor<br />

^n?'pe°ople expres^^ng sympathy on account of<br />

their loss by fire.<br />

By which the bark of man could navigate<br />

The Sea of life; and gain the coast of bliss<br />

securely."<br />

—Pollock, Course of Time.<br />

"Within that awful volume lies<br />

The mystery of mysteries:<br />

Happiest they of human race,<br />

To whom God has granted grace<br />

To read, to fear, to hope, to pray,<br />

To lift the latch, and force the way:<br />

And better had they ne'er been born,<br />

Who read to doubt, or read to scorn."<br />

—Scott.<br />

"Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor<br />

of your liberties; write its precepts in<br />

your hearts, and practise them in your lives:<br />

to the influence of this book we are indebted<br />

for all the progress made in true civilization,<br />

and to this book we must look as our guide<br />

in the future. Righteousness exalteth a nation;<br />

but sin is a reproach to any people."<br />

—U. S. Grant.<br />

"The Bible is a book of faith, and a book<br />

of doctrine, and a book of religion, of especial<br />

revelation from God."—Daniel Webster.<br />

Holy men of God, spake as they were<br />

moved by the Holy Ghost. God after having<br />

communicated the law to Moses on<br />

Mount Sinai and in the Tabernacle communes<br />

with him as a friend with friend, and<br />

Moses writes all tbe words of this law in<br />

a book—Deut. 25:58; 31:24. Then Moses<br />

really became the pen of God. When God<br />

speaks to the" prophets, "Behold I put my<br />

words in thy mouth, and all the words that<br />

thou hearest thou shalt say to the people," then<br />

these prophets become the very mouth of<br />

God. When Christ appears to John on Patmos,<br />

and says to the angel of the church<br />

write tbese things, this is an instance of verbal<br />

dictation. It is a book of infinite recording<br />

infinite power, wisdom, holiness, justice,<br />

goodness, love, and truth, and removes men's<br />

guilt by the revelation of an infinite atonement.<br />

Just before his martyrdom, Paul said<br />

to Timothy: "Preach the word." Paul also<br />

said to the CoUossians: "Beware lest any<br />

man spoil you through philosophy and vain<br />

deceit, after the tradition of men, after the<br />

rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.''<br />

One of the saddest sights in the Church of<br />

Christ is tbe yielding to this spirit of pride<br />

on the part of the ordained preachers of the<br />

word. Many modern Timothys use the pulpit<br />

for discourses on art and literature; others<br />

take the opportunity for the display of<br />

rhetoric and oratory, others preach a small<br />

part of the Bible and condemn all the rest.<br />

Others proclaim an ethics of expediency;<br />

while still others seek only to tickle the ears<br />

of an audience that desires to be amused. In<br />

all this you look in vain for the (Gospel. Such<br />

churches will decline into the form of Godliness<br />

and deny its power. The Lord Jesus<br />

stands by His Cross on which He offered up<br />

a perfect sacrifice for sin, and points backward<br />

to the Old Testament and says search<br />

the scriptures of the New Testament. He

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