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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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August 20, 1913.<br />


F D I T O R I A T ^^s°"^y would convince that the basis of<br />

*^ *^ v^ X X Z^ I_^ Masonry is not Revealed Religion, thatit is<br />

NEW YORK, AUG. 20, 1913. common to all lands, and to men of every<br />

religion, that the setting of the Lodge Room<br />

indicates heathen affinities. Why connect<br />

The issue of the Christian Nation for August<br />

27tb will complete its twenty-ninth year.<br />

I<br />

France on August li gave back to Russia<br />

the great bronze bell taken from the Cathedral<br />

at Seibastopol and brought to France<br />

as part of the spoils of the Crimean war.<br />

It was forimally presented to the Russian<br />

Ambassador.<br />

(]ov. McGovern, of Wisconsin, on Aug.<br />

I signed the Richards 'bill, requiring every<br />

man applying for a marriage license to hold<br />

a certificate of good health from a licensed<br />

physician, and the Chinnock bill, prohibiting<br />

the marriage of second cousins. The Richards<br />

bill, as introduced, required both parties<br />

to a proposed marriage to present certificates<br />

of good health, but it -was amended<br />

'so as to require the certificate only from<br />

(the mail. Persons avL^^ aittern|pt to evade<br />

the law by going outside the State and marrying<br />

are subject to imprisonment of from<br />

thirty days to one year.<br />

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen of China is a fugitive,<br />

fhe Northern forces having conquered the<br />

Rebel army. His ^ide was presented in this<br />

despatch at the first of the month.<br />

"Dr. Sun Yat-Sen will leave Shanghai tonight<br />

for Hongkong, where he personally<br />

will make an appeal for further support in<br />

his campaign to overthrow Provisional President<br />

Yuan Shi-Kai for crimes wbicb the<br />

Southern leader claims have been committed<br />

by the President, namely, the illegal execution<br />

of military officers, the assassination of the<br />

Nationalist leader, General Sung Chiao-Jen,<br />

the issuing of unconstitutional mandates and<br />

the enactment of lawsj \vithout consulting<br />

Parliament."<br />

it with the names of famous preachers of<br />

the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus<br />

Christ which warns against work-righteousness,<br />

and bids men to flee from the wrath<br />

to come?<br />


We find the following in The Presbyterian<br />

of August 6:<br />

"Tbe Y. M. C. A. Dance.—This is certainly<br />

a novel title, but it- is no more novel than<br />

the practice which calls for it. The Philadelphia<br />

North American of July 24 contains<br />

the following announcement:<br />

" 'The distance of four city blocks has at<br />

last been bridged by the Young Men's and<br />

the Young Women's Christian Associations. It<br />

may be that the recent campaign to raise<br />

funds for the Young Women's Christian Association<br />

did the trick. It may be simply<br />

that co-operation and cordiality are in tbe<br />

air, and have melted the frigidity of many<br />

years. At any rate, it is a fact that the boys<br />

have invited tbe girls tO' a dance, to be held<br />

on the roof of the central branch at Broad<br />

and Arch Streets, and that the girls have accepted<br />

the invitation with alacrity. The affair<br />

will have the sanction, of the house mother<br />

at Eighteenth and Arch Streets, who believes<br />

that her charges cannot attain a normal<br />

young womanhood without meeting and<br />

making men friends under proper circumstances.<br />

The dance will be chaperoned, and<br />

is expected to be one of the most attractive<br />

and jolliest affairs that has ever been held<br />

at the central branch.'<br />

"Upon inquiry at the Y. M. C. A. building,<br />

we are referred to the Philadelphia Record<br />

for a proper account of the affair. The Record's<br />

account is substantially in accord with<br />

C. A., is apparent, and it is dangerous to discard<br />

it."<br />

This may prove an additional attraction of<br />

the Y. M. C. A. to some young men while<br />

it may prove a drawback to some interested<br />

in Y. W. C. A. work.<br />

This social .service program needs watching.<br />

One of the leading educators of Pennsylvania,<br />

a Presbyterian clergyman, some<br />

time ago attended the re-opening evening of<br />

a local theatre, and being called on he spoke<br />

a few words on the refined theatre. The<br />

managers of theatres have taken hold, and by<br />

thQi iise of Bible subjects with plays and<br />

films, they are luring the church element.<br />

Messrs. Longmans are about to begin the<br />

publication in parts of a new Roman Catholic<br />

translation of the Bible, entitled "The Westminster<br />

Version of the Sacred Scriptures."<br />

It is not intended as a substitute for the<br />

familiar "Douay" version, which, being based<br />

upon the Vulgate, must still be used when<br />

the Epistles and Gospel are read in church,<br />

until the final revision of the Vulgate makes<br />

a new version imperative. The "Westminster<br />

Version" is undertaken, it is announced,<br />

in response to "a widespread feeling, itself<br />

due to increased interest in Biblical studies,<br />

that the great advances made in textual<br />

criticism, the light thrown upon New Testament<br />

Greek by Egyptian papyri, and the existence<br />

of many needless obscurities and<br />

faults in the current version, all demand a<br />

more accurate translation, if the exhortations<br />

of the Holy S'ee to a more frequent and fruitful<br />

perusal of the sacred Scriptures are to<br />

meet with general acceptance."<br />

The work) has the approval of Cardinal<br />

Bourne and the Roman Catholic Hierarchy,<br />

and will be under the general editorship of<br />

the Rev. Cuthbert Lattey, S. J., Professor of<br />

Sacred Scripture at St. Beuno's College,<br />

North Wales, and the 'Rev. Joseph Keating,<br />


The following strange item for the religious<br />

press we take from the Presbyterian that of itbe North American. This is one The fourth Duke of Sutherland died on June<br />

S. I.<br />

of August 6:<br />

of the first fruits of the Men and Rehgion 27, at Dunrobin Castle. He was born in<br />

"The Bible on the Wing."—Tbe Pittsiwgh<br />

Christian Advocate bas an interesting which, in its report on recreation, went far<br />

Movement, in its social service committee,<br />

1851. The Times says: "He devoted the<br />

news item. It says:<br />

in its endorsement of the better theatre and best part of his hfe to the management of<br />

"The latest sensation in Masonic circles just the properly conducted dance as suitable his vast estates, and, though a great deal<br />

now is the Irsveling- Bible, which was started<br />

on a trip around the world by Equity auspices.<br />

his father, the greatest English landowner.<br />

recreations for Christians, under Christian of land had been sold, he probably died, like<br />

Lodge at Chicago in 1909. It has journeyed<br />

through Illinois, Michigan, Ohio and New social service people to meet this early har­<br />

"While, therefore, it may be a joy to tbe Besides his English and Scottish estates, he<br />

had bought a great deal of land in Canada,<br />

York, as far as Utica. On April 29, Oriental vest of their sowing; yet there are '>nany<br />

iLodge No. 234. of Utica, started this Bible Christian people throughout the country who which he had visited several times. He owned<br />

in charge of its officers and a delegation of will be grieved to note this new departure. nearly 1,500,000 acres. He worked as hard<br />

four hundred jMasons, to Saint Ge<strong>org</strong>e's Some denominations bar out 'dancing from as any land agent in the management of his<br />

Lodge No. 6, in Schenectady. And later, their practices, and they-ivill seriously question<br />

the righ'lt of 'itbisT interdenomiinational<br />

estates, whch he brought into a businesslike<br />

from there it continued its journey to New<br />

York, where it will start its sea voyage for agency to so"openly tramp down,their convictions.<br />

Moreover, there are men who have<br />

condition."<br />

Europe. At each lodge where the Bible is<br />

received an elaborate banquet is usually held, given freely to the Y. M. C. A. as a religious The Religious IRambler, who so stirred<br />

sometimes the State Armory being used to and moral institution, who will not be disposed<br />

to see it become the fosterer of what byterian Church by his speech at the late<br />

the divided conservative forces of the Pres­<br />

accommodate the necessary hundreds, and<br />

beeches are made bv noted men on the Book they regard as questionable amusements. With Assembly, capturing the Moderatorship for<br />

of books. And so the Masons bave come to the modern trend of dancing, it seems at<br />

his candidate, writes up the Church Union<br />

put a new interpretation on the entry, frequently<br />

met with lin the journals of Wesley association has sowed seed which will prove subject in the North American for July 12:<br />

least an unwise procedure, and we fear this<br />

and Whitfield, 'The Word ran, and was glorified.'<br />

"<br />

some nature. The wisdom of the original for several years. It has been debated in<br />

tares in its field,of a hurtful and trouble­<br />

"This great Canadian union has been 'uo'<br />

A superficial study of the origin of Free plan, separating the Y. M. C. A. and Y, W. manv church gatherings. Recently' it was

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