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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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2 THB CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol, 59.<br />

Around the Old Arm Chair. V^^::!, Cl-^Z:'^- YoZ7 Fe^^"'^'^<br />

TRIE-TABLE BY CONVICTS. At the outset of the article the regarding, to the injury of out ' TOPIC<br />

The following time-table ap- author tells he following story: youth.'' • 3L<br />

,." • OC4- X XJ .. 1 "One dav thirteen vears a-^o Tliis is a timely warning, and By Rev. Geo. S. Coleman.<br />

pears m Star of Hope, a week- ^ ^'^^ Luuiceu years d-^o, l u - j ^^.. ^<br />

,,.,,, . . when the late CaaToll D. Wright one which parents should heed. Missionary Essentials; Home<br />

ly paper pubhshed by convicts in ^^,^^ Commissioner of Labor! a Parents may well guard with ^^^ Abroad. Prayer. Eph. 6.o-<br />

Smg Smg: 1^^^ walked into his office and more care the tasks and habits ^^^<br />

BLACK VALLEY R. R. held with him a short conversation of their children in the choice of p^^j^^^^ cr-j 2- 6 •<br />

Standard Guage. Internation- of considerable import to you and books and periodicals, and why ^ ^' ^' ' ' ^'^'^ ^^^ ^"'^<br />

al Lines. Chartered under Laws nie today. She had noticed a cer- should they not teach the young 6s); 119, part 22:1-4; 86:6-7; 96:<br />

of all States. No stop-over ^^in menacing evil which flour- people to love and read their own 1-5; 90:16-17; 6y.<br />

" ' ished and grew apace, unchecked church papers?—The Presbytenan. Bible References. Rom. 15:30-<br />

checks. i\o return, trains. bv law, in her native city of Bos- We would add to the period- 2 Cor. i:ii;i Thess. 5:25;?<br />

STATIONS ON THE AIAIN ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^j^^^. j^^^^ ^-^-^^^ 51^^ j^^als, the Woman's Columns oi Thess. 3:1; Heb. 13:18; Ps. 145:<br />

LINE.<br />

had thought out a remedy, and she many ofl the daily papers- which jg- Matt, y.'/; Luke 18:1; Ron,,'<br />

A. M. had come to Washington to con- seem to aim in some contributions 8:26; Phil. 4:6; Col. 4:2;<br />

Arr. Cigaretteville 7:30 suit the Commissioner. to foster the evil.—Ed. 3; i Thess. 5:17; Matt. 21.22:<br />

Leave GgaretteviUe 7^35 "^^'''^" ^*' ''^^ ^''''^^'^ ^'^ "^mmer WORk:" John 14:13; 15.7; Acts 4:31; i<br />

:ilild Drink Station 7-4^ '^°°'' ^'" ^'^''^- Summer work is somewhat difficult-Jo^n 5:14; Acts 4:31; Matt. 9:<br />

.' "I'My dear madam,' he remon- to get, but in one way and another I 38; Eph. 3:14-16.<br />

Moderation i-alls «:oo strated, 'that is a splendid idea, have found as much as I could do. I HINTS FOR TALKS. •<br />

Tipplersville 9:00 of course; but do you realize that preached in Bovina five times, and in Qq^.^ ^^,jij ^^ our desires—which-<br />

Topersvale 10:00 to accomplish anything ,by that ^'^'1"^°^ 1^*=*"®^^ T"'''^ T.^"' makes our prayers limited?<br />

. , ^ ,, ^ / ^'=, \ Vina and one m Delhi. I preached m ,,,, ^ ,.• ,<br />

•' Drunkard's Curve 11:00 method would ^take at leas^ one Lisbon also, and made partial arrange- What relation has prayer to m-,<br />

Rowdys Wood j^ ._^q himdred years?' ments for further work in that neigh- formation ? ,;<br />

\ . Q M o - No n "'One hundred years!' she ech- borhood during August. From Lisbon For which did Paul ask prayer,'<br />

' ^^- ~ ^' b - Qg^^ jumping to her feet. 'Then I went over to Toronto and delivered for the work or for the worker^'<br />

(Remains one hour to abuse wife ^^^-^^^^ ^5^,^^^ -^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^-^^^^^^ three lectures in the Reformed Pres- ^j^^p • ,;,<br />

and children.) to lose'' byterian Church of which the Rev. fellow-feelins" is the basi^ nf'<br />

t> AT

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