S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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July 2S, 1913,<br />

oicd institucions whose very existence is now<br />

uircMcacu must be maintameu ana ueienaed<br />

at ml ;aazarQs. in'Cs.e,^are: the Lord s L»ay, tne<br />

Lnnstian nome, tne Church as a Uivme institution,<br />

the Hiblc as the only rule ot F'aitn<br />

'ana Lite, it has been made apparent ttiat<br />

mtn are seenng the practical bearing ot their<br />

Illations as never -betore, and are i>eginnmg<br />

to apP^y it in the solution of industrial, social<br />

and pohtical problems. W e rejoice in<br />

'fhis and call upon all good<br />

citizens to help<br />

'inject a strong solution of Christianity into<br />

rar"; public, education, our social order, and THE SABBATH.<br />

.political life.<br />

Have not our hearts burned<br />

within us as<br />

Ibrothers from over tbe seas have told us in<br />

eloquent and glowing terms of the progress<br />

in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany,<br />

Scandinavia, Switzerland, Italy, the<br />

fvant, India, China and Japan, This splen-'<br />

1 vision has given us new courage and en-<br />

. er0 in the service of our Blessed Master.<br />

iThe Conference closed on July 6th, and after<br />

ja growing attendance day by day it culmina-<br />

, ted on Sabbath evening with a conservatively<br />

Jegimated audience of 15,000, over which<br />

The spirit withers without it; it thrives in<br />

floated an illuminated American flag of our<br />

proportion to tlie fidehty of its observance.<br />

"stars and Stripes. Dr. R. C. Wylie, of Pittsjtmrgh<br />

made the following motion: "The<br />

The enemies of Christianity understand this<br />

subject. They know that to make the Gospel<br />

/coming of the kingdom of Jesus Christ in-<br />

Jvoilves the Christianizing both of laws and of Christ of none effect and to under­<br />

mine the Christian Church, they must blot<br />

j^the^yery frame-work of civil government. out the Sabbath as a religious day. Therefore<br />

'.This is done not by the union of church and<br />

their jnost violent attacks are against this<br />

^istate but by tbe state recognizing and dis- stronghold of the Christian religion. It is<br />

^TOrging its own functions as a part of the<br />

'^kingdom. The formal <strong>org</strong>anization of civil<br />

Igovernment will differ in different countries<br />

'• I<br />

; but they all sustain the same relation to God<br />

^ as the source of all authority, to Jesus Christ<br />

_;ias the Ruler of nations, and to His revealed<br />

Iwill as of supreme authority in the realm<br />

,_lof national life. These truths should enter in<br />

^|some definite form into the <strong>org</strong>anic law of<br />

jwery nation." After unanimously adopting<br />

^ttiis, it was moved that the same be sent to<br />

"ifc proper officials in China, for their con-<br />

'laderation in the forming of tbeir new con-<br />

;|iution.<br />

J. The final note of th-e Conference was<br />

Jtrifck by Dr. 5^. A. MacDonald of Toronto<br />

^j|On the United Brotherhood of Nations, a<br />

^^^i^all to stand shoulder to shoulder, and let<br />

•^.Chnst as King reign over all. One of the<br />

Jttosti.delightful things about the Conference<br />

l^was the optimistic note while fully conscious<br />

J ot the great problems before us, the injustice<br />

of the present social order, and the prevalent<br />

,,V-standards of Christian Citizenship. W e<br />

[1 see rapid progress being made, and con-<br />

'Pifeitly await the dawning of a better day.<br />

yiie kingdom of God is coming here on earth<br />

1^ each day brings it nearer. W e have an<br />

UjJ^l'^''^^Ie conviction that the old Gospel of<br />

J ^'"•ist rigihtly interpreted and applied is the<br />

^lanacea for all our woes—apolitical, economic,<br />

T°«al, morail and domestic maladies are all<br />

A t'AMlLY PAPER.<br />

susceptible to the Christ-icure. Jesus is God's<br />

provision for man's need, sufficient and invincible,<br />

for the day is coming when "from<br />

the rising of the sun even to the going<br />

down of the same. His name shall be great<br />

among the Gentiles."<br />

"Tbe world sits at the feet of Christ,<br />

Unknowing, blind and uncontrolled.<br />

Yet it shall touch His garments' fold.<br />

And feel the heavenly Alchemist,<br />

Transform its very name to gold."<br />

By the Rev. H. G. Patterson.<br />

The question of Sabbath observance is one<br />

of great importance to all men, but it is of<br />

vital importance to the Christian. Without<br />

the Christian Sabbath it would be impossible<br />

long to perpetuate the Christian religion, or<br />

to maintain public morality. The setting<br />

apart by the whole community of one day in<br />

seven, \yherein the thoughts of men and their<br />

physical activities shall -be turned into another<br />

than their accustomed channel, is the<br />

greatest safeguard of national and spiritual<br />

hfe.<br />

a fact many times proven that the loosening<br />

of public conviction on this subject and the<br />

allowed desecration of the Christian Sabbath<br />

is followed by a corruption of the Church<br />

and a decline in morality. On the contrary<br />

it is equally true, that the strict observance<br />

of the Sabbath, results in well kept laws, a<br />

purified church and higher morality. Sir<br />

William Blackstone says: "A corruption of<br />

morals usually follows a profanation of the<br />

Sabbath." Who are the criminals who are<br />

executed by the state? With few exceptions<br />

they are Sabbbath breakers. Who are<br />

the law breakers who fill our penitentiaries?<br />

A large percentage of them are Sabbath<br />

breakers. Who become maniacs and aresent<br />

to the insane asylums, or commit<br />

suicide? The great majority of them are<br />

desecrators of the Sabbath.<br />

Go through all the byways and highways<br />

of society from the lowest and] most degraded<br />

of mankind to the most wealthy and<br />

proud and ask, who are the vicious, who are<br />

the swearers, the thieves, the gamblers, murderers<br />

and adulterers? Who are sowing the<br />

seeds of death and the fire-brands of hell?<br />

The most comprehensive answer to these<br />

questions is. Sabbath breakers.<br />

In speaking of Sabbath breakers, we are<br />

accustomed to point to the railroads, the mail<br />

service, the newspapers, the building contractors,<br />

saloons, theatres, .baseball and auto<br />

riding for pleasure. We are constantly endeavoring<br />

to have laws passed and enforced<br />

which will prohibit the operation of all these<br />

on the Sabbath day. Every Cbristian ought<br />

to labor for and rejoice in the prohibition of<br />

all such forms of Sabbath desecration, for<br />

they molest the devotions of those who would<br />

observe the Sabbath and have a tendency to<br />

destroy their feelings that the day is sacred.<br />

But let us not f<strong>org</strong>et that the passing and enforcing<br />

of such laws do not insure the<br />

proper observance of the Sabbath. The fact<br />

that many postal clerks were relieved froth<br />

service on the Sabbath day when the order<br />

was given that all first and second class<br />

post-offices should not be opened on Sabbath<br />

for the purpose of delivering mail to the general<br />

pubhc, and -the fact that many holding<br />

government positions at Washington were<br />

relieved fro-m service on the Sabbath when<br />

President Wilson ordered the executive offices<br />

to be closed on the Sabbath,, does not<br />

guarantee that these men will "spend the<br />

whole day in public and private exercise of<br />

God's worship."<br />

The man who has no more regard for the<br />

Sabbath than to accept a position which requires<br />

him to Continue his regular worldly<br />

employment on that day, will not be very<br />

likely to observe the Sabbath properly when<br />

free from labor on that day. Some may<br />

plead that it is an absolute necessity for them<br />

to accept positions and follow occupations<br />

which compel them to labor seven days in the<br />

week, in order to provide fo-r themselves and<br />

those depending on them. But it never is.<br />

When a man gives up the effort to provide<br />

food and raiment for himself and those depending<br />

on him without breaking God's command<br />

it is a lamentable evidence of his laC^<br />

of faith in God. Those who have faith<br />

enough to trust in God and keep his commands<br />

will never lack anything that-is for<br />

their good.<br />

Making. and enforcing laws to prevent<br />

Sabbath desecration is much like trying to<br />

stop the Mississippi (River by damming it<br />

near its mouth instead of stopping its source;<br />

or trying to prevent drunkenness -by persuading<br />

drunkards to take the Keeley cune in- .<br />

stead of prohibiting the manufacture of intoxicating<br />

liquor. The fbod of Sabbath<br />

desecration can -be checked most effectively<br />

by dealing with it in the heart; for that is<br />

where it has its source. In our own hearts<br />

first, then in the hearts of those in our own<br />

homes and our own congregations and our<br />

own denomination; by convincing the heart<br />

that the Sabbath is an original, a permanent,<br />

and a Divine institution; that it is a<br />

sacred day, set apart for the worship of<br />

God, as were the sacred vessels bf the Temple,<br />

and to be used for nothing else; that<br />

to desecrate it is a sin which provokes the<br />

anger of our Creator.<br />

Earl Cairns, of Great Britain, says: "The<br />

institution of the Sabbath is only maintained

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