S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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August 13, 1913.<br />

A FAMILY P.^PER.<br />

aim are poor., Unbeliievers renain<br />

in the bondage of sin. His<br />

iollowers are led forth into "the<br />

glorious liberty of the children of<br />

God." Qiristian education is the<br />

means to the correct solution of<br />

the problem. Our Mission at<br />

iSelma, Ala,, has this as its aim<br />

and every member of our church<br />

may nse bis infiuence, be it small<br />

or great, to further the same end,<br />

every time and in ever}- way in<br />

which the opportunity is presented<br />

HoGhe's Herbal Embrocation<br />

The Celebrated Effectual Remedy<br />

• without Internal Medicines, for<br />

nOOPING-COUGfl<br />

AD I^DAIID for la)years has met with con-<br />

Un vnUUr t^ued and gTO\rint; popularity<br />


aie also Qnickly ReUeved by a Few Applications.<br />

Y OUriP' PcOolc^S Tot^ic *'"• Everyone of us ought to have got the letters lyin there as his<br />

to the man, his<br />

YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPIC ^^°^''^^ "^"^^ ^^^^ *^^' ^"^ *^^ '"^' ^^"^"^ '^^^'^ ^°<br />

will certainly give us confidence father in Oirist. The memory to<br />

FOR AUG. 24.<br />

that there is a God, that His the disciples of what they bad acpromises<br />

are true, and that they tually seen in thelife of Jesus, as<br />

By Rev. Geo. S. Coleman.<br />

How I have proved Christianity<br />

are for us. ^Vnswer to prayer He proved on earth the reality of<br />

and seenit proved. John 3:25-36; ""Y<br />

es religion real. spititual things, was always a<br />

21:24, 25<br />

An act of self-sacrifice is a tremendous influence in their lives.<br />

Psalms 16:4-7; 18:25-28; 23:<br />

1-5; -27:1-3; 28:6-8; 30:1-2 (7s<br />

and 6s); 34:1-5 (L. M.) ; 40:1-4;<br />

66:12-14; 116:1-4; 145:1-3-<br />

Bible References, i Chron. 16<br />

8-9; Ps. 9:11; 26:6; 116:6; 145<br />

II, 12; Isa. 12:4; 45:24; Jer. 51<br />

10; Luke 8:39; Job 19:25; Ps. 71<br />

17; 73:23-26; 119:46; John 9<br />

17; 2 Tim. 1:12; I John 1:1-3.<br />


Where do we see the greatest<br />

changes made by conversion?<br />

Can a man be a Christian without<br />

praying?<br />

great means of proving Christian- (8 John i :i-3-.) We all have<br />

ity. Christ set forth self-sacrifice knov\n some one who made religas<br />

so fundamental a need in His ion seem a fact.<br />

followers that we may well expect Perhaps you have known some<br />

to iind an act of self-denial an per.-on who came into the church<br />

introduction to the experience ol from outside, a person who was<br />

many things hitherto lacking in not the sem or daughter of Covenour<br />

Christian life. A feeling of anters, but one who had no relig-<br />

L.ive and gTatefulness toward God ious connection to begin on at all.<br />

and satisiaction with ITis service Vou saw how earnestly they faced<br />

often comes in a flood-tide when questions of right and wrong, how<br />

we had supposed ourselves inc?.p- bravely they undertook work which<br />

able of religious emotion or en- those raised in the church put<br />

thusiasm. Think over your times aside, how they spoke in meetings<br />

of sacrifice. because they thought they should.<br />

Plow can we discover the truth<br />

We have many proofs through how they wielcome strangers and<br />

of • God's promises ? By reasoning:?<br />

FroprietOfB, nr. lOdwards «& Son,<br />

(jaeenVictoria St.,London,England. Wliolesale of<br />

other Christians. I suppose Joshua brought vis'itors. If you have not,<br />

K. F0C6EBA & CO., Inc., 90 Boekmao St., K. Y.<br />

FOR SALE uovenantsr<br />

never f<strong>org</strong>ot the patience and wis- I have.<br />

Books; old<br />

. . - y ' (Jqi-^1 aj-||-| power of Moses. Elisha If vou have no personal and dial<br />

Christians and honor Christ? 1 1 .1 ri.ii, t,* 4: ^.1 ^ i 1' 11 1 "ti - d<br />

>, Books of Testimony, Discirline.<br />

Confe'ssion of Faith. Tales of<br />

doubtless often thought of the great rect knowledge, read iwice Born<br />

Covenanters, Poets and Poetry. Homes A\e often hear the question ask- ^-jj-^,^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ considered so ATen," or "The Water Street<br />

and Haunts. Romanism Analysed.<br />

• Chatechism, Minutes of Synod. we<br />

ed as<br />

are<br />

to<br />

saved.<br />

whether<br />

Lt is<br />

we<br />

the<br />

know<br />

kind<br />

that<br />

of<br />

^^^^^^^ Timothy frequently got Mission," or some report from<br />

out the old letters, I warrant you, the mission fields.<br />

JAMES S. TIBET, 411 Penn. Bldg., question that worries a person because<br />

the finding an answer to it<br />

which Paul wrote, and then for- Hopkinton, Iowa.<br />

Pittsburg, Pa.<br />

seems so much a search after an<br />

intangible thing. First of all, of T o Christian Nation ^^ ^ ^ ^<br />

Broadway Central course, w-e trust to an aaceptance<br />

of the promises, a whole-hearted<br />

Hotel<br />

putting of our dependence in ^ ^ ^ ^ S v i b s c r i b e r s<br />

Christ; but we sometimes wonder<br />


if we are truly believing or .have<br />

INTHE HEART OF NEW YORK only deceived ourselves. Here it<br />

Only Medium Price Hotel Lett li New Yorfe is that Christian experience has its<br />

power.<br />

Special attention given to<br />

ladles unescorted « «<br />

The great testing instrument is<br />

Special Rates lor Summer prayer. If we turn to the Psalms,<br />

wUR TABLH L th« founcfatlon of our enormou*<br />

that record of what passed through<br />

business.<br />

the mind of a true believer, we<br />

American Plan, .«2.so upw«rd« will find that hte was always praying.<br />

There is a book which might<br />

Buropeaq Plan, Si.oo upward*<br />

Seid lor |irg«calored Mip oi New Vork, Free ibe entitled "Prayer Stories."<br />

Hardly a Psalm that is personal<br />

DAN. C. WEBB, Proprietor is without references to experience<br />

in prayer. For one example, turn<br />

IheonlyNew York Hotd Featuring American to Plan the ii6th Psalm as a clear account<br />

of a notable answer to Moderate Prices. Excellent Food. Good Service.<br />

pray-<br />

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