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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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tilE CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. §§.<br />

Praver MeetinP'Tooic heavenly Father. By faith he PRAYER MEETING TOPIC pn-judxe will spread among peo.<br />

PRAYER MEETING TOPIC ^"^mits. By faith he waits. By FOR AUG 27, 1913. ple who heretofore were favor<br />

FOR AUG 20 iQi^ ^^'^^ ^^ receives what the Father By Rev. J. G. McElhdnney. ahle to the Negro. Its growth i;<br />

By Rev T G McElhinne ^^"^^ '^^^^ though contrary to his Subject: The Race Problem, noticeable among this generation,<br />

Subect- Praver' !\Iatt T^T^' °'"" P^""" °'' '^^^'''^- ^^ ^'''* ^^^ ^"^'^ ^7'^^- ^'^^'"^ ^""^ ''"^'''' ^'"""^ ^^ *a'<br />

salms VV. ^ No. ^^' Father's love is real, even when Psalms, 1911 that gave the Negro his liberty.<br />

there is the cloud instead of the version vv. VV.<br />

No. Any effort on the part of his-torsunshine,<br />

sorrow instead of joy, i ians or other writers, to make<br />

5 I<br />

7<br />

25 I<br />

60<br />

30 I<br />

74<br />

disappointment instead of petition li it appear that the abolition of<br />

39 S<br />

108<br />

72 3, 10, II 190<br />

granted. (Concluded on page 10.)<br />

63 I<br />

76 2-4 202<br />

168<br />

The Emotional Element is that 119 Part 20<br />

65 I<br />

171<br />

343<br />

which God seems to use to pro-<br />

IG2 12<br />

268<br />

THE "BLUES"<br />

51 I, 5 145<br />

rpi - - .1 1 r duce "reality" in prayer. You 67 1-3 176 17° at 1 -r-- . tt 1<br />

Phiis verse occurs m tbe closing j-c- , - . ,- A Lady Finds Help from SimDle<br />

part of the "Sermon on the '''°"^^ ^""''^ difficulty in finding a ^^^, ^i^ce the settlement of the p^^j P''<br />

Mount." The chapter in which it P^'^f.'" ^^/.^^^ ^'^^' ^^'^^'^J, J°^^"«^ coimtry the question of our re- civilization brings blessings and<br />

is found is taken up largely with '^o"*^'^ ^'^'^ element. Either joy,1^^^;^^^ ^^ .^^g jn^ian has been an aj^Q responsibilities.<br />

i i- - il jr r , or sorrow, or humility, or anxiety,o,.^.- .^.-^00,-,+r„-r,'^}arr, r,„ , . ,,<br />

instructions m the form of precepts . ', ,. ^ ^' ever present problem. T^e more highly oreanized wp<br />

„_--,• ^ i, i, or gratitude, or discouragement, or t„ i.^.r ^rporc tViP ranirl influx , 1 . . "^ "i^'<br />

or injunctions. Consequently the ^ , . *= , -^^ ^'^^^^ V^^^^ ^^^ '^^P''^ ^"""'^ become the more need therei=:for<br />

1 r ii • i some other circumstance connected „f fr,^..;n-r, npr,nlfl -Intr,r>iir l^nrl , - ,<br />

language of the verse is stronger . . -o± foreign people mto our land regularity and natural simoKcitv<br />

• u „ • -iJ.- it, with the experience of the one !,„„ ^niorffpri tliP onnnp nf th/> rare- • , /- , ^<br />

than a mere invitation, or the -^ . "^s enlarged tne scope ot tne race j^ the food we.eat.<br />

statement of a privilege which may 7'''*^ °"""' *^ P'^^^'' '' to ^e ^^^l^j^^ ^^^^.j .^ ^^^ assumed in- rpj^g ]^^.^,^ ^f ^^^^ nutrition<br />

be enjoyed. It is a divine com- ^°^ till T folbTs^'thaT'orlTr 'f'""'^""^ proportions. However, should-be carefully obeyed, andthe^^<br />

mand. It is an injunction to pray, ^^°"^ '"'', '°''°'l' t"^' ^/""y^^ the race problem as commonly re- fi^er more highly developed brain<br />

accompanied with promises and ^° "".^ ''""' "'"'^ ^^ '^'"''' ^"^ lerred to, has to do with the Ne- ^^d nervous system not hampered<br />

assurances that our prayers will •'-^^•^^- • gro, and his status in the society ^y a complicated, unwholesome<br />

be heard. ^I- The Neglect. and politics of the United S-tates. dietary<br />

I. The Reality. Prayer is neglected, by persons _ I. The Prejudices. _ ^ j^j^ of h;^!^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^.^^^<br />

In speaking of the "reality" of to whom it is not a real c.rperi- Prejudice is based upon ignor- gays:<br />

prayer we should not fail to dis- cn'-e. It is neglected because the ance, falsehood and selfishness. It "p^j. fif(-genyears I was a suftinguish<br />

between the ordinary humility and the sorrow for sin, doe's not want the light. Truth is ^^^^^ ^^^.^ dyspepsia. I confess<br />

communion of thie believer with and the anxiety for the soul and abhorrent to it. Self first,and ^j^^j. ^^ improperly regulateddial<br />

God in prayer and the extraordi- the joy of f<strong>org</strong>iveness and the grat- others afterwards, is the motto of^.^.^^ ^|^g^,j^jg£ ^^.^^^ ^^ ^^,^^^_<br />

nary manner in which many saints itude for divine favors, is 'lacking, prejudice. According to these {j.^^. Finally nothino- that I ate<br />

commune with God in dreams and Sinners who think they are "al- principles, the Negro was held in seemed to agree with^'my stomach,<br />

'sions and other supernatural right" in their present condition, slavery. And it would seem that ^.^^ j-£g_ ^^ ^j^^^g ^;^ ^^^ ^^^^<br />

ways. think they have no need of pray- the same principles are still in be worth living.<br />

There are two kinds- of pray- er, while those who do not pos- force in many quarters.<br />

uj_ ^^^^^^ ^^ '^^y.^ ^ pessimistic<br />

er: Superficial and Experimental, sess faith think it is no use. Others Prejudice shuts men's eyes to ^jg,^^^ of" everything and -see life<br />

Superficial prayer is the kind become discouraged because pray- responsibility. Prejudice requires th^ouo-h dark blue

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