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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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its shiinmering )ireadth. It is warn,, but<br />

as they gaze a shudder runs through her<br />

form and she stands closer to him as though<br />

afraid. "It is a cruel river. It feeds on the<br />

children—the children of our people! They<br />

are its food! I am afraid lest it reach out<br />

its cruel, damp hands and take''—"No, be<br />

not afraid. Our child shall live. His name<br />

shall be Joshua, for he shall be a Savior to<br />

our people."<br />

They speak no m-ore but their hearts are<br />

full, for the angel of His presence has spoken<br />

within them and tbey believe that it shall<br />

be ever so.<br />

Slowly -they turn upon -the path and pass<br />

within the hut. The pallet calls them now<br />

and the tired limbs will hardly bear them.<br />

They close their eyes.—"He shall live and<br />

our people shall follow him -into the promise."<br />

It is the last word between them. They sleep<br />

to dream of the land of milk and honey.<br />

Without the stars shine on. God has made<br />


the people into the promise. Nun, my hus«<br />

band, I go to be with Him which, is far better.<br />

It is not for long. You will not be<br />

long in coming. You are near the hght. It<br />

is the path that shineth more and more. Can<br />

you not see the light ahead?<br />

"Fear not, my husband, to be left alone.<br />

See, I give you good tidings of great joy<br />

which shall be to all our people, for to us<br />

is born this day a Savior. We shall call<br />

his name Joshua, for he shall lead his<br />

people into the promise. And this shall be the<br />

sign unto you. See!"—and drawing back the<br />

cloth she showed him the babe. And when<br />

she had done that she departed from him<br />

and went to be with God.<br />

And the man took the babe in his arms<br />

and stood again in the doorway looking up<br />

at the stars. And the stars were bright tohim,<br />

for he loved God for the babe that<br />

nestled against his breast. But the babe was<br />

brighter than theni all, for he was a day<br />

star from o-n high.<br />

them so. T'hey must shine even as the man<br />

and the woman must hope.<br />

So the child grew and they all loved him,<br />

Months pass. The time draws near. It is for he was strong and good. And he was<br />

night. The stars shine as they had shone a slave, as his father was, but his soul was<br />

before. Again the man is in the doorway free. He built cities for Pharaoh and planned<br />

with his eyes toward God. The woman is a kingdom for his people. He spent his<br />

within, behind him; not at the mill, now, days at the brick kiln and his nights with<br />

but on her pallet moaning. It is the hour God. In serving others he learned to command.<br />

of -the promise. But to the man in the doorway<br />

with his white drawn face turned toward<br />

Thus did Joshua, the son of Nun, spend<br />

the stars, the .promise is dimmed by his years in Egypt until Moses had delivered<br />

the shadow of death.<br />

the people from bondage- After that he became<br />

the leader of -his people and led them<br />

"O, my God! it must not be! Is this the<br />

price of life? Does the coming of the Savior to victory against their enemies, and at last<br />

mean suffering a.nd death? O, my Father, brought them safely into the promised land.<br />

is this dark path the way of the just that<br />

shineth more and more unto, the perfect day?<br />

Vol. 69.<br />

1<br />

ro, in which is to be found some of the fur<br />

damental principles of civil government ,an<br />

sage advice to the Lord's workers, who ar<br />

dissipating their enemies over too wide i<br />

area, and are attempting to attend to m^r<br />

things in the civil sphere or matters of i<br />

secular nature, which others could do a<br />

well as themselves, and which should b'<br />

left to them to do in order that they may givi<br />

themselves more to .prayer and the spiritua<br />

side of life.<br />


(v. I, 2.)<br />

"And there Israel encamped before thf<br />

mount." About seven weeks had been speni<br />

On the march through the desert since the^<br />

had left Egypt. Tbey had been brought into<br />

a desolation which stood out in bold contrast<br />

with the green valley of the Nile. Ai<br />

last they reached Sinai, where they were tc'<br />

remain about eleven months. As they drew<br />

near to the mount tbey were closed 'in or<br />

either hand by precipitous mountain's- of rec<br />

sandstone and variegated granite, withou"<br />

verdure or trace of life. They were now<br />

enclosed within a sanctuary of temples nc?<br />

made with hands. Their surroundingsweri-^<br />

totally different from anything which thei:"<br />

fathers had ever realized in Egypt or Pal:<br />

estine. They were wrapt in a silence thagave<br />

full effect to the thunderings and thfvoice<br />

that spake to them out of the mount'*<br />

Israel was now shut off from the world ani'<br />

shut in- with God.<br />

i#i<br />

II. MOSES IN THE MOUNT, (v. 3.);'<br />

"And Moses went up unto- God—." Mose'-<br />

seemed at home at Sinai. Here he had me-'<br />

with God when he kept the sheep of Jethrohis<br />

father-in-law. And the fact that Goi'<br />

Why do the stars shine if she must die?<br />

^S^^^ Sabbath School<br />

had fulfilled His promise to bring bim-intithis<br />

moimt as he led Israel out of bondage'<br />

The light of my Hfe! Must it go out! O, Lesson IX. Aug. 31, 1913.<br />

my Father, the night presses down upon<br />

By the Rev. W. A. Aikin.<br />

gave him encouragement and freedom, in ap<br />

me ! I am in darkness !"<br />

ISRAEL AT MOUNT SINAI.—Ex. 19: proaching God at this time. No doubt, hh<br />

His head bows down. His knees bend. 1-6, 16-21.<br />

was also encouraged to draw nigh to- Goi"<br />

FaUing prostrate upon the hot earth he hes Golden Text.—Let us have grace, wherehy<br />

by a voice from the mount. Encourageraen i<br />

motionless upon his face. The s-tars shine<br />

we may offer service well pleasing to God and strength were needed by Moses at thi;<br />

down upon him. The night breeze blows with reverence and awe. Heb. 12:28. (R. time. Israel was about to be "incorporatei.:<br />

over him. It is the Father's caress—the<br />

touch of the comforter. He loves the man.<br />

V.)<br />

Psalms.;—24:1-5. IIS.; 93:1-5. S. M. 139:<br />

as a church and nation, under the govern;<br />

ment of God, and in covenant with him; having<br />

hitherto been, first a single family, ani;<br />

The hours pass. Still he moves not. The I, 2, 13. L. M.<br />

woman within moans gently in her pain. It Time.—ln\ the third mo-nth of the year. then a muhitude of slaves," and Moses wato<br />

be God's agent in <strong>org</strong>anizing this natioi-:<br />

is not dark to her. The promise makes all This would be about the firstof June.<br />

bright. Again and ajg-ain she repeats thes Place.—In the valley of Er-Rahah at the and establishing in their midst the institit;|<br />

words "He shall lead the people into the foot of Mt. Sinai.<br />

tions of church and state. ;<br />

promise." There.is peace within. The price ANALYSIS AND COMMENT.<br />


is nothing. She is satisfied.<br />

The three notable incidents occurring between<br />

last lesson and the one before u's, may In the words of these verses we have th<br />

RAEL. (V. 4-6.)<br />

ill<br />

At last she calls. It is only a whisper,<br />

for she is weak., but the man hears. Plis be briefly noted, (i) The bringing of watter<br />

from the rock, which foretold the opening gave to- Israel to- govern them in church ani-<br />

preamble to th© body of laws which Got.<br />

mind was still awake to her while his body<br />

slept. "Nun, my husband !"—"Yes, I come!" of -a fountain of life in Christ Jesus; and state. ITere we -have the bond which unitet,<br />

Rising quickly from the ground he passes which was also used by God as an occasion God and his people Israel in that intimat;<br />

within. There on the pallet she lies. He for humbling the self-confidence of Moses and holy relationship which was a means 0,^<br />

kneels by her side. He looks into her face. to the dust . (2) The overcoming of revealing the holy (character of God am^<br />

"You shall live. You must live for me—for Amalek, with its lesson to believers as to bringing untold blessings upon Israel. It ma;<br />

the child!"<br />

how the victories of the church are to be<br />

be divided into three parts:— ;<br />

"Yes, I shall live, but not here. I go to won by the giving of their moral support<br />

1st. Its incentives. "Ye have seen wha,<br />

live with Him who gives us the child. My to their spiritual leaders in upholding the<br />

I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bar,<br />

work is done. I am satisfied. He shall lead banner of truth. (3) The counsel of Jethyou<br />

on eagles' wings, and brought you unt(

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