S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Thefil si number of the CHRISTIAN NATION was issued Sept 3,1854.<br />

Our Banner was merged in the CHRISTIAN NATION in June, 1894,<br />

Reformed Pres. Standard merged in the CHRISTIAN NATION April, 1909<br />

THE CHRISTIAN NATION made an International Weekly, Oct, 4, 1911.<br />


To persuade for Christ the supreme place in every<br />

Life, Civil Constitution, Law and Legislature,<br />

Volume 59. Whole Number 1506. N E W YORK, A U G U S T 13, 1913. 1.105 Tribune Building, New York.<br />

Published Weekly $2.00 Per Year Single Copy 10 Cents<br />



The Lord Jesus Christ has once more revealed His love to the<br />

Jewish Mission by calling laborers to take the place of those who<br />

have been disabled by reason of sickness. Gospel work among<br />

the Israelites will be resumed at this station, the Lord willing, on the<br />

first of October, under the care oi Rev. R. A. Blair and Miss Annie<br />

Forsyth, We lay before the Church the claims of the Mission,<br />

and, with confidence in God and His people, ask from every one tender<br />

sympathy, earnest intercession, and financial support, that there<br />

may, through our Lord Jesus Christ, be abundant success, to the<br />

glory of God the Father.<br />

We earnestly urge upon all, much prayer for the Holy Spirit to<br />

endue these missionaries with wisdom and power, to remove the veil<br />

from Tewish hearts, and to make them susceptible tO' the Gospel of<br />

Jesus Christ; and to grant the Church ability and willingness to sustain<br />

the work.<br />

Prayer! Prayer!! Prayer!!! is the urgent request.<br />

Synod has called for $2,500.00 for the Jewish Mission.<br />

The last dollar of the $2,500.00 will be needed.<br />

On belutlf of the Board.<br />

Youn g People's Topic—August 24, 1913.<br />

Prayer Meeting Topic—August 20-27. Sabbath Scbool iLesson—August 31.

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