S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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August 6, 1913.<br />

A FAMILY<br />


Beautifully dawned the summer<br />

morn of the holy Sabbath, on July<br />

20th, 1913. In the Frst -Church of<br />

?• Philadelphia, the day was to be more<br />

thaa usually eventful, an epochal occasion,<br />

"the beginning of months"<br />

tous,'" tor our new -pastor. Rev. Mc­<br />

Leod M. Pierce, was to be with us<br />

[or the firsttime and to inaugurate<br />

his ministry. With intensest interest,<br />

we had anticipated the services, and<br />

planned for them-, every member of<br />

the congregation desiring to be present<br />

Where it was possible, vacation<br />

trips had been deferred until the day<br />

should be over; some, who were necessarily<br />

out of the city, had returned<br />

for a season, to participate. A goodly<br />

throng assembled, including some<br />

friends from other communions. The<br />

audience room, attractively decorated<br />

with palms and ferns, was cool and<br />

comfortable; and the solemn and reverent<br />

bush before the worship seem-<br />

^ ed to say: "The Lord is in His holy<br />

! temple."<br />

The services opened with the singing<br />

of Psalm 10. Dear old psalm, it<br />

' stands the strain of every exigency,<br />

joyous and sad! A short prayer of<br />

iiiYOoation, and then Mr. Pierce explained<br />

the opening verses of the<br />

27th Psalm, words equally grand and<br />

familiar. Rev. John Coleman, of New<br />

'Concord, offered prayer, and the text<br />

"f the morning was announced hy Mr.<br />

Pierce, from Rev. 1:3—"In the midst<br />

"f the seven golden candlesticks, one<br />

it please God, may future years he<br />

"as the past, and more abundant."<br />

The afternoon service was equally<br />

impressive and valuable. Rev. AV. J.<br />

Sanderson, of Selma, Alabama, was<br />

present, and assisted the pastor, in<br />

the reading of the Scripture and prayer.<br />

After the prayer, formal words of<br />

welcome were spoken by Mr. Willia'ih<br />

G. Carson, Cierlt of Session, on behalf<br />

Mte unto the -Son of man." Both realized the expctations of the morn­<br />

Oh, yes; yea, verily! God had<br />

I psalm and sermon depicted the in-ingf^omparable<br />

dignity of the Church of more than answered our prayers.<br />

'^od, communicated from her majes- "He was better to us than all our<br />

'ic and immutable head, Jesus Christ,<br />

whose presence adorns her perpatualhopes,<br />

He was better than all our fears:<br />

!'. constituting her glory, and beauty,<br />

PAPER.<br />

useless is nr.nv worth millions of<br />

JAMES S. TIBBY, 411 Penn. Bldg.,<br />

dollars. Portland ^ began to- be<br />

of the congregation; not only formal,<br />

Pittsburg. Pa.<br />

but cordial, jearnest, affectionate<br />

used in 1876, look what its value<br />

words, assuring him of sympathetic is now. Think of the coal and oil<br />

co-operation, as we should endeavor that have come from under some<br />

Broadway Central<br />

to work together, like "a company of vtxy discouraging looking- farms.<br />

horses in Pharaoh's chariots." Mr.<br />

God makes useful things. He<br />

Pierce responded in fittingly memorable<br />

words. His afternoon discourse probably meant each of us to be<br />

Hotel<br />

v/as from the text: "Where there is useful.<br />


no vision, the -people perish." We God believes in -the ornamental. IN THE HEART OF NEW YORK<br />

were reminded in another form of the I am not sure that Pie is in favor<br />

unspeakable value of church ordinances;<br />

of the unspeakable pathos and<br />

Only Medium Price Hotel Left la New Yorts<br />

of art for art's sake, for most ot<br />

peril of failing to "hear the joyful His beautiful things have usefulness<br />

as well as beauty: but at any<br />

Spmelal attonttom given to<br />

iatlies unescorted ' «<br />

sound," or being "disobedient to the<br />

Special Ratts for Summer<br />

heavenly vision." After the service, rate He is very careful about the<br />

the Young People's Prayer Meeting<br />

OUR TABLH C ^ th« foundation of our enormoui<br />

looks of things. He even tourbed up<br />

busiaess.<br />

was held, and largely attended by<br />

the common things. Xo place caii American Plan. ^2.50 upT^ards<br />

young and old. The topic, "Favorite<br />

Verses from the Prophets," was in­e-xhausspiring and fascinating, giving scope put edelweiss up on the Alpine Se»d for Urge colored M«p of New Vork, Free<br />

His infinite variety. He Europesa Plan, $1.00 upwards<br />

for thought, and many soul-stirring height and He put the roses in<br />

heart-to-heart talks, which will not<br />

the valleys. Do you notice thai DAN. C. WEBB, Proprietor<br />

soon be f<strong>org</strong>otten. Once again, there<br />

was a little season of hand-shaking, He puts the most and best where<br />

that the young people might all get men live. He perhaps allows us The only New York HoUl Featurlno Americzin Plan<br />

acquainted with Mrs. Pierce, and the to spend part of our time and Moderate Prices. Excellent Food. Good Service.<br />

presentation of some roses as a token<br />

of their love; and then, we uttered<br />

onr Mizpah prayer, until we should<br />

meet again in autumn days. The glad<br />

Sabbath services were ended. Had we<br />

He made a bridge of our buried joys,<br />

and power. This was the message And a rainbow of our tears."<br />

">"' pastor brought to us in his first The day had been a good day, sr;eit<br />

sermon. Fitting theme, was it not. in "the heavenlv places with Christ<br />

lieai<br />

-• to the Redeemer's heart? "The Jesus.'' "One like the Son of man"<br />

ramental service the study was along Church of God, which He had purchased<br />

with his own blood,"—of this, Mr. tuary, had irradiated it with His<br />

had -walked with us in our little sanc­<br />

money in making ourselves look<br />

the line °^ ^^^ sacraments of the<br />

church. These meetings were under<br />

well, but He wants us to put our<br />

Pierce desired to speali, and of the beautiful presence, giving ' the oil ot<br />

the direction of the supply in charge, dear Master, "whose he is, and whom joy for mourn.ng, and garments of<br />

efforts for beauty where it '\\ill<br />

were weU attended and were full ol he serves." "In all things, He must praise for the spirit of heaviness.' count most, in the spirit of our<br />

interest. The congregation hopes have the pre-eminence." Loving loyalty,<br />

which the Saviour will not for­<br />

whose "chariots twenty tliousand are" elatiun of the roundeclness there<br />

Xor, had He walked unattenderl. Ons heart. Xature is a ^'onderful rev-<br />

soon to be thoroughly <strong>org</strong>anized in<br />

all the departments of church work. get! "Them that honor me, 1 will need not. All day long. Jacob's ladder<br />

had been in use, as of yore. An­<br />

Among those ^\ho attended the communion<br />

services were Mrs. Dr. R. J. At the conclusion of the service, an gels of God "ascending and descend­<br />

which He is ready and eager to<br />

honor."<br />

must be in God's character, and<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e and daughter, Mrs. Last of informal reception was held, that all ing upon the Son of man," had beei see in ours.<br />

Scottsdale, Ariz., Elder Owen Samson present might have an opportunity busy, carrying tidings up to the Hopkinton, loica.<br />

and wife of Washington, Iowa, Elder to meet and greet Mr. and Mrs. "Church of the First Born," where a<br />

J. B. Dodds of Rehoboth, Iowa, and Pierce and the children. We were "great cloud of witnesses" waited to REDEE.\nx.G SINNERS IN THB<br />

Mrs. Rev. W. C. Allen of Oakland eager to see the little family, of whom hear the joyous news. One dear one, JXDERV/ORLD OF NEW YORK.<br />

, IChinese Mission. The presence of we had heard so much, who had left standing on the sea of glass, very near (Continued from page two.)<br />

these friends cheered and encouraged kind friends behind, to come to us. to the throne, was, I am sure, the recipient<br />

of many of these telephonic<br />

and the Russian work the largest<br />

the little band of people who are Some cheery words were spoken, and<br />

inaugurating the work in this new cordial hand-grasps given, and the ice<br />

Protestant work in the city among<br />

messages; and I am sure, there was an<br />

fleld. ' . .j was broken—no more formality. It Increase of "joy in the presence of the the 'Russians. It is quite common<br />

Mr. John W. Keys, one of the newly they had left friends, they have come angels" as he learned that his pulpit in the baptist Church for services<br />

ordained deacons, brought his bride, to friends. We will do our utmost —the pulpit he occupied for forty-nine in five tongues to be .going on- at<br />

formerly Miss Mary E. Boyd, of Los to make them happy. Already, we earthly years was fllled, filledacceptably;<br />

that his mantle had fallen on an­<br />

the same -time. It means much to<br />

Angeles, to help him set up a new have learned to love Mrs. Pierce and<br />

home among the people here. Mr. little Margaret, and John, and Melville.<br />

They are ours; we have taken with "a double portion of the Spirit," and lonely, to drift into a church<br />

the foreigner when he is liomesick<br />

other, efficient, consecrated, endued<br />

Keys was here at the time the work<br />

was first started, and -already his them into our hearts; and we hope to who would preach "the same old Gospel<br />

on the same old terms," and magsage<br />

in his own mother tongue.<br />

M'here he can hear the sweet mes­<br />

bride has become an active part of have good times working together; if<br />

the worli.<br />

nify Jesus Christ, "the same yester­<br />

(To be concluded ne.vt week.)<br />

day and today and forever."<br />


Philadelphia, July 23, 1913.<br />


(Concluded from page 8.)<br />

Covenanter Books; old<br />

FOR SALE Books of Testimony, Discifline.<br />

Confession of Faith. Tales of<br />

Covenanters, Poets and Poetry. Homes<br />

and Haunts. Romanism Analysed.<br />

Chatechism, Minutes' of Synod.<br />


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