S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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BAST END. PITTSBURGH, PA. faith and the others on certificate True 'Tl ^TSv T% Xr<br />

Tuesday evening, July 22nd, in the Rev. M. M. Pearce preached his ^^.^^ various congregations of our Values -O CCt D vli„'<br />

farewell sermon to the East Bnd Con- „i.,„ij„„ „* „ffi«a*o , , . j<br />

Allegheny .Church ;three wedded<br />

gregation. Sabbath, July 13th. He took "^"^ ^^"'•^^- ^"^ ^'^""'"^ "' °^'''' kodak days are here nri<br />

his text from Hebrews, the last chap- ^^^ conducted which resulted in the .^.^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^.^^^ "^<br />

t«r. 20 and 21. choice of L. M. Samson, D. L. Three- ^..^tion-whether you need li<br />

His theme was "Spiritual Growth -^n John W. 'Wyiie and Ge<strong>org</strong>e Cal- „t-,. ^ c~ „ '•<br />

in Grace." He spoke of the Apostle's ^g/^^od as elders, and John W. Keys, ° ^''^''f ^ 'f ^""^ ""^ ^«5'«<br />

feeling for the people; his high ideal ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^, ^^^_ ^^^her ^^^ P'^^^ures that you may en.<br />

couples received showers of presents,<br />

being articles for the most part suited<br />

to the needs of those who were setting<br />

up house for themselves. Though<br />

it was the summer time, when many<br />

are out of the city, the friends were<br />

out in force and everybody had a<br />

good time. It is not often that three<br />

brides are got together in one circle,<br />

so the guests all felt it to be somewhat<br />

of an occasion. After a game<br />

of guess in flnishlng out omitted<br />

words in the sentences of a short love<br />

story in which each omitted word<br />

was suggested by a numbered illustration,<br />

ice cream and cake were served<br />

and "all went merry as a marriage<br />

bell" and the bells were not wanting,<br />

neither were the belles.<br />



The annual picnic of the Pittsburgh<br />

Congregations will be held on the<br />

afternoon of August 9, 1913, at the<br />

Farm House, Highland Park. They<br />

iave invited the neighboring congregations<br />

of Pine Creek, Mars, McKeesport,<br />

and Parnassus to join with them<br />

on this occasion in order that along<br />

with a good time we may make some<br />

new friends and renew the acquaintance<br />

of old ones. The welfare of<br />

those who assemble will be looked<br />

after by the women of the Pittsburgh<br />

Congregations in the matter of the<br />

various edibles that make such an affair<br />

a success, with the exception of<br />

the pies, on which the good housewives<br />

of the neighboring congregations<br />

will show their culinary skill.<br />

The young people can participate in<br />

races and games under the direction<br />

of Mr. Bruce Martin. And—listen—<br />

of vital importance to the men and<br />

boys—the ball game, under the direction<br />

of Mr. Ed. Barr and Mr. Sproul<br />

Trumbull, will begin at three o'clock<br />

sharp. The women will cheer the winners<br />

and sympathize with the losers.<br />

As the picnics of the last two years<br />

have been such sources of pleasure to<br />

all, it is hardly necessary to add that<br />

we anticipate a fine time.<br />

If any one wishes more information<br />

as to arrangements, the chairman of<br />

the picnic committee, Mr. M. C. Black<br />

of 5528 Walnut street, E. E. Pittsbuirg,<br />

will be glad to supply it.<br />


M. C. Black, Chairman.<br />


lI.UCAS OOCWTT. ( "'-<br />

^ lose ner. persons sat down to this firstsacra- gj^^j^ ^^py |2.00<br />

Frank J. Chonev mak'8 oath that hn Is senlar "'"<br />

mental feast held by the Covenanter in Clubs (Five"or more copies to<br />

rartner Of thfi flrmof F. .T. Cheney & Oo.. doing ORGANIZATION OF THE CONGRE- Church in this valley. The day was one name) ••••' J'^"<br />

business in thnOlty of T larto, Oonnty and Staie GATION OP HEMET CAL °^^ °^ rejoicing as well as of abund- ^^ foreign countries, 50 cents ad<br />

aforesalti. and that said firmwill ray the sum<br />

The commission of ihe Va^c ^'T'^^^' '}} ''^''- ^^^ '' ^''' '"''cl'Ze^tT^^^^^^^<br />

of ONB HUNDRED DOLLAKS for each and every<br />

r. . ^ . '^°* ^° ^^ f<strong>org</strong>otten. ^ „„?, j j ^^^^^ club; and<br />

ras"of Catarrh that cannot, be cnred bv the use<br />

coast Presbytery appomted to <strong>org</strong>an- The congregation already has a well S a T correSndints are entitled to<br />

of Hall'sCatirrh Cure FRANK J. OHBNEY.<br />

ize the Congregation of Hemet, Cal., <strong>org</strong>anized and exceedingly interest- a free copy.<br />

Sworn to hofnre me hdI subscribed In my<br />

presence, tbis 6th day u( December. A.D 1886.<br />

(SE.4L)<br />

A. W. GLEASON.<br />


HaU's Catarrh Oure li taken Internally, and<br />

acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces<br />

of the system. Send for testimonials free.<br />

Take Sold by HaU's all Druggists. Family F. .1. CHB'^Er Pills 76c. for & constipation.<br />

CO., Toledo, O.<br />

for the people and his assurance of<br />

joy your vacation all over ao-ain<br />

i.niimTteri ^nwo- in them Wpv Caldcrwood as dcacons. Thursday eve- . "S

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