S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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W^^^^ -<br />

August 6, 1913.<br />


9<br />

other, tho Rev. Dr. C. D. Trumhull '***Dr S. A. S. Metheny and fampreached<br />


in the morning in Morning ily are stopping for the summer at Mrs. Mary (Trimble) Edgar, widow<br />

S T A R ( N O T E S .<br />

Sun, Iowa, and in the afternoon in Peermont, N. J.<br />

of Joseph Edgar, died June 19, 1913.<br />

\ ***Bev. Elmer Russell's present ad-<br />

Sharon, Iowa, during the month's<br />

Mrs. Edgar was born in County Down<br />

' dr3SS is now BiUings, Oklahoma. vacation of the Rev. E. L. McKnight, ***Rev. and Mis. Robert Park and Ireland, July 9, 1824; came to America,<br />

July 9, 1842, was married Septem­<br />

and then Mr. McKnight is preaching children will reside in Rev. A. A.<br />

Ijj^^^ ***Dr. and Mrs. K. M. Summerville<br />

in the morning in Sharon and in the Samson's home, 'New York, during ber 15, 1847. She united, April 21,<br />

•Stf'iiBtarted for Nova fecotia, Wednesday, lafternoon in Morning Sun during the August, and Mr. Park will supply 1845, with York Covenanter congregation,<br />

of which she was a member<br />

Eiam';, July ^''*-<br />

month that Dr. Trumbull is resting. l»is pulpit in the Second Church.<br />

at her death. Of a family of seven<br />

*'»!t(,h «**Rev. M. A. Gault is spending the ***The tract—"The Church of '***t° August there will be only<br />

children, two daughters remain to<br />

^\i summer at Bay View, Mich., and is Rome, Idolatrous," etc., a sermon by one service<br />

•s'.owly recovering his health.<br />

each Sabbath in the mourn the loss. Mrs. Edgar was a<br />

""''^4 •**The Old Bethel pastor gave a published by the young people of his charge of both churches August 3, of the 'Heavenly Father. Her death<br />

*^' U: report of the Portland Conference to congregation, is exhausted, all but a 10 and 17, and Dr. McFeeters, who, was a departure VERNON, to WIS. the heavenly<br />

J'tllitli his congregation the Sahbath after few copies. Twenty-six thousand "^^ith his family, is now at Parnassus, home.—J. B. G.<br />

Mr. William iMcNeilsen, a member<br />

$i ij;, h;s return.<br />

have been issued. Recently some Pa., will do so on August 24 and 31.<br />

firm in Ireland ordered 100 copies. Thus the work will go on and both of our congregation, who has been<br />

irtitj| »**prof. H. Lester Smith, Superin- Anyone wishing to publish the tract Pastors will have a rest.<br />

gradually failing in health this past<br />

3(l?'o; J tendent of Public Schools, Bloomingis<br />

at liberty to do so; and the more „,*Her many friends will be year, is growing v. eaker.<br />

Mjjt,. ton, Indiana, is at Columbia Univerlelt.,^'^^<br />

sity for * ^^"^ '^^^^®-<br />

aggressiveness is increasing.<br />

^j^^^^^ ^j^„ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ;„_ j^ ^^^^ a party in their home the other<br />

the bette., as the danger from Rome's ^^^^^^^ ^o learn that Mrs. Ella Car-<br />

Rev. H. G. Patterson and wife gave<br />

even­<br />

***Any one of our readers desiring<br />

VCIfij either a Hammond, Victor, Oliver or<br />

f.<br />

any other typewriter, can save<br />

money by purchasing through this<br />

the Rev. F. M. Foster, Ph. D., pastor First and Second Churches of Philaof<br />

Third, New York, and which was delphia. Rev. M. M. Pearce will take<br />

***We are in receilpt of a tentative hotter. She has been staying since<br />

progiram of the Covenanter Young Synod at the home of her daughter.<br />

People's Convention of Illinois Pres- Mrs. Cargill Ward, in Bast End,<br />

bytery to be held in our church at Pittsburg. Her husband, the Rev. W.<br />

devout Christian, with a deep and<br />

delightful experience of the nearness<br />

Coulterville, IU., Wednesday, August W. Carithers, who has been with her the church passed away Friday, of<br />

13. The address of welcome by Miss in her illness, has gone to visit his last week, being over three score and<br />

"jartT" ***The Rev. James McCune, who was<br />

Catherine Morton will be followed by mother, Mrs. Carithers of iSharon ten.<br />

•-• :, chosen by the Central Board at Sythe<br />

address of the President, Prof, congregation, who is said to be in Our picnic following the Young Peopie's<br />

Convention of July 4 at E. I.<br />

•) nod to take up the work m Winni-<br />

H. Lester Smith, of Bloomington, failing health.<br />

*. ^^ peg, has finally decided to remain<br />

Dewey's flne home was an ideal'one.<br />

-^'^~: with the work in McKeesport and Indiana. Miss May Elsey, recently ***Advertising receiipts drop off alreturned<br />

from Latakia, will speak. ^^^^ ^g ^^^ ^^^^_ j^ the summer, and<br />

The farmers are busy haying and<br />

amsi. ConnellsviUe.<br />

the yield in this county is generally<br />

Rev. Ge<strong>org</strong>e A. Edgar will speak on ^he burden of providing for daily obiTtpJfs<br />

T'i<br />

immense. The good housewife is also<br />

'***The following Covenanters from "Our Young People." An open par- ligations is a perpetual and wearliament<br />

will be led hy the Rev. H. ing grind. For the balance of the<br />

at duty canning the plentiful crop<br />

a distance are attending the summer<br />

'session at Columbia University, this G. Foster, subject, "The Reflex Influence<br />

of a Life of Service," and<br />

of fruit that the Giver of all has sent<br />

present summer, in our case, the<br />

city: Miss Miller, Olathe, Kansas;<br />

us.<br />

writbi' can be saved the lonely carirying<br />

of this load if subscriherc who<br />

Miss Mary Moffitt, Wilkinsburg; W. Rev. D. C. Matthews will lead in an<br />

The Young People's Convention held<br />

C. Coleman, Pittsburgh, and Prof. open parliament on "Our Distinctive<br />

here a few weeks ago was a pleasant<br />

are in arrears will respond to the<br />

tea: H. L. Smith, Bloomington, Indiana. Principles—How to Uphold Them." ^.^^^ ^^jj^^ ^hem. The total sum of one and the attractive program was<br />

Delegates from Oakdale, Coulter- ^^^^ remittance will carry us over the<br />

well carried out. Although the heat<br />

***Mrs. John A. Lyon, aged 67, a<br />

•a^/h§<br />

ville, St. Louis, iSelma, Sparta, Bloom- drying summer months. Some who was depressing, each one did his and<br />

lite-long member of Old Bethel congregation,<br />

fell asleep in Jesus July<br />

ington. Old Bethel and Princeton will g^w this notice last week, have heen her part well. We loved to see<br />

,1'<br />

take part.<br />

go thoughtful as to anticipate the<br />

so many delegates with us from different<br />

states and was only sorry to<br />

Wth. Meekness, gentleness, faithfulness,<br />

Hi 'i generosity, charity, love,<br />

'. 9<br />

***The following is taken from the coming due of their subsci-iiptlons by<br />

bid them good bye when the time<br />

Pittsburgh Dispatch of Thursday, ^ remittance that has proved very<br />

characterized her life. She' will be<br />

came to part.<br />

greatly missed, but those who love<br />

July 10. Mr. William Wills, the hus- welcome. Subscribers are almost<br />

band of Mrs. Wills, waa( an elder ^mv sole dependence at this season.<br />

her most sorrow not without hope<br />

and comfort.<br />

in the Wilkinsburg church, and for The writer is counting on you. Please The Refonned Presbyterian Church<br />

some years was treasurer of the P^^ ^° ^^•<br />

having no publishing house of its own, its<br />

!•' ***J. R. Dill on July 6 spoke in the<br />

Seminary Fund _ WHITE LAKE. N. Y.<br />

members are advised to send their orders for<br />

First Presbyterian Church cf Chester,<br />

Pa. Dr. Mowry, the pastor, is<br />

.Mrs. Anne Maria Wills, aged 90, ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^y summer, but Catechisms, Lesson Helps, Church and Sabbath<br />

School Supplies of every description to<br />

one of the oldest women in Wilkms- ^^^^^^ j^j^ 28, we had a flne rain.<br />

an earnest friend of National Reform,<br />

burg, widow of a former business y^^ ^^.^^ ^^^^ holding services in Wilierspoon tu presbpterian PUbHCatlOll Boara or wy of it.<br />

and this is the fourteefnth yeair in which<br />

man of this city, died yesterday at ^.^Q basement of our church in July, Bldg., Philadelphia<br />

Depositories<br />

he has opened his ipulpit to Mr. Dill. her home.! 519 South avenue, Wil- .^^^jjjjg ^he church was being renovakinsburg,<br />

in the house in which she tgj_ j^ ^^^ ^ g^^^ ^^^^ ^j^^g during Y'OU CAN YVBIOH EXACTI.Y wliat yon<br />

On Sabbath, July 13, Mr. Dill spoke<br />

in the Paschal avenue U. P. church, had lived for more than 50 years. ^^^ jj^^. ^^ys.<br />

* slioulil weiffii. \%'ri(e ior my tree<br />

Philadelphia, to a good audience, on She was born in Lancaster, a daugh- -white Lake is, get)tlin|g to be a t>or>Ulet. J!$U8aiin4 Coci'ol't. liept- 73, 624<br />

"The Larger Mission of the Church." ter of the late Daniel Harmon and was gj-g^t summer resort, but the ma-SElclilg^an. fii>nleA'ar(l,CliLcago.lll.<br />

in a private school at Lan- jority of the people are Israelities. I ^ terers rom JOeafiies**. AsK about our<br />

Etle» ***As an illustra,tio.n of what neigh-educateboring<br />

pastors can do for one an-caster. She came to Pittsburgh more (-i^j^jj. jt ,5,rould be fine if some good Ten DayM Vvee Trial Oft'er. JUEAICI^ XLAIC<br />

than 70 years ago on a boat|in the old Covenanters would come and settle PHONIG CO., Senile A105 W 34:tk S^trcOL<br />

Pennsylvania canal and had made here. It is a very beautiful and New Yorl'<br />

her home in this vicinity since. She healthy place.<br />

was married 58 years ago to Wiliam j^^s. Margaret A. Tacey died June<br />

Wills who was for years a partner 20th, after a lingering illness, in the GHffiaMii<br />

H o o d ' s<br />

with ' Christian Yeager in the dry- 76th year of her age. She was the<br />

" " ^ = o m, «,. •^i^c of .Mr. John Tacey, and daughgoods<br />

and toy business. The hrm ^^j. ^^ -^^^^^ ^^^^ Harriet Fraser, all<br />

'KifHiiM<br />

S a r s a p a r i l l a was a pioneer of its kind in this city, members of White Lake congrega-<br />

Mr Wills died thirty years ago. tion.<br />

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup<br />

Cures all humors, catarrh and Mrs Wills had been a member of the Dearest sister, how we miss thee,<br />

rheumatism, relieves that tired<br />

IBut our loss is thy great gain;<br />

feeling, restores the appetite, Calvary Lutheran Church for years, g^^f^jy ^^ ^^e arms of Jesus,<br />

cu^es paleness, nervousness, One daughter, Mrs. J. A. Newell of no more siclcness, no more pa'n.<br />

builds up the whole system. Wilkinsburg- two sons, W. H. Wills O, what joy would be in meeting<br />

GetIt today in usual liquid form or and S R Wills; one sister, Mrs. R. All the loved ones gone before,<br />

Chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.<br />

dua k3. XV. VV i =, . _ ^j^ij to hear the joyful greeting<br />

A. Baer of Lancaster, and eight fjome, sweet home, forevermore.<br />

grandchildren, survive. —J. F. |<br />

ing in honor of Mrs. Patterson's sister.<br />

Miss Alma, of Pittsburg, who has<br />

been their guest.<br />

Two of our old settlers living near<br />

has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MIL­<br />


DREN WHILB TEETHING with perfect SUC­<br />



WIND COLIC, and i'l the BEST REMEDY<br />

FOR DIARRHCEA. Sold by druggists iu every<br />

oart of the world.<br />

Twenty-five Cents a Bottl«

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