S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Vol. sg;<br />

a fact to which our nation should<br />

Prayer Meeting Topic,<br />

Young People's Topic -^-'^f-^l "-^s' ^; - tree?' No : ^;.-<br />

not shut 'her eyes. Tbey are not<br />

» •^ '^ scientist knows. That means that f |l*<br />


YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPIC these people who boldly take the/. tJl.<br />

using the power which they posess<br />

in furthering the interests of<br />

FOR AUG. 13, 1913.<br />

FOR AUG. 17, 1913- "=^^ °^ knowers, scientists, do not TvH,''<br />

By the Rev. J. G. McElhinney.<br />

By the Rev. Geo. S. Coleman. f^^^y know. Things are no,merer*<br />

tbe Bible and tbe Savior which<br />

Subject: The Jews, James 1:1.<br />

. „ . , unknown and unexplainable • in I<br />

they have given the world. Their Lessons from, the Forests and, grace _ than ^^ _ in . nature, ^ F "^'iaoie<br />

Psalms 1911<br />

In mic ,<br />

great influence; seems to be exerted<br />

in opposition to the Lord's,! Psalms. 1:1-3; 8:3-6; 19:1-4; and can test enough to direct<br />

Fields. Ps. 104:1-35.<br />

to both, 'however, we know enougli„|(W'**' ,<br />

?rsion VV.<br />

No.<br />

80 I<br />

220<br />

us<br />

24:1 (ii's;) 36:5-8; 65:4-6 (7's practically<br />

day and the use of the Bible in<br />

99<br />

2, 5-8 263<br />

and 6's;) 29; 104; 93; 148; 125: Nature makes many things clear L,iti»<br />

137<br />

122<br />

126<br />

124<br />

79<br />

1-7 374<br />

1-6 350<br />

1-4 355<br />

1-3 353<br />

I. 3> 5, 7> 13 211<br />

COMMENT.<br />

The Jews, ever since their advent<br />

as a nation, have been a great<br />

factor lin tbe civilization of tbe<br />

world.<br />

And While today there is<br />

no Hebrew nation, the Jews constitute<br />

an important element in<br />

ailmost every nation oni tbe faoe<br />

of the earth.<br />

I. Our heritage from them.<br />

The revelation which God made<br />

of himself, as the one only personal<br />

God, has been handed down<br />

to us by the Jews.<br />

Moses, the<br />

first great leader of tbe Hebrew<br />

nation, 'has given us a most sublime,<br />

yet simple acjcount of the<br />

beginning of all things in heaven<br />

and in earth, wbich is, at the same<br />

time, the most perfect account of<br />

these events wbicb is in the possession<br />

of the human race. It<br />

is through this same great Jewis'h<br />

writer that we have a code<br />

of morals which bas never yei<br />

been equalled by the wisest sages<br />

the world has been able to produce.<br />

The standard of moral and<br />

spiritual attainment of David and<br />

otber Jews of Bible times, while<br />

not without imperfection, has seldom<br />

been equalled and never surpassed.<br />

In fact the Jews have given<br />

the world all that is essential<br />

in religion: the Bible, the Savior<br />

and the church.<br />

II.<br />

One<br />

Their present power.<br />

does not need to be in a<br />

large city long to get an idea of<br />

the importance of the Jew as a<br />

factor in commercial life.<br />

Since<br />

many of the large daily papers<br />

are owned by the Jews, their power<br />

in moulding public opinion is<br />

the public schools, boith of which<br />

are essential in producing a desirable<br />

citizensh.ip, and to the prosperity<br />

and perpetuity of our nation.<br />

In considering tbeir present<br />

power, we must estimate the<br />

influence of the Jews in politics,<br />

in religion, in education, and in<br />

commerce in our own land, and<br />

then take into account that so<br />

far as tbey find it possible, the<br />

same power is exerted upon the<br />

otber nations of tbe world.<br />

III. Our debt to them.<br />

The word debt includes two<br />

ideas, of something- received, and<br />

of obligation to pay. The latter<br />

idea is the one to be discussed at<br />

this point.<br />

We owe the Jew our sympathy,<br />

for he is mow in the condition in<br />

which we would 'have been if we<br />

had not received through him the<br />

knowledge of the true God and<br />

Jesus Christ His Son "Whom to<br />

know is life eternal."<br />

As w'hen something is borrowed<br />

we should return the same article<br />

or one just as good or better, so<br />

help all the others. The Bible Jl ^ ^, r ^a t \,.a^^ ^-*<br />

^<br />

'Up to tbe age of 28 I had ..^,,,,1,, ^^<br />

we shouild pay the Jew in kind opens the things to nature to us ,been accustomed to drinW coffee m % ske<br />

for his great legacy tO' us. We by suggesting their cause and pur- as a routine habit and suffered |*l tal test<br />

should give him the Bible, the pose; nature helps Christ and tbe constantly from indigestion and •,• "mri<br />

Bible with arguments and illustra- a" ^ts relative disorders. Since ."<br />

Bible he gave us, with the New<br />

,• -ri 1 r • using Postum all the old com- Poiliiytspi<br />

Testament, and lits interpretation tions. ihe revelations are one in , ."^ . , , ,r,. 4y,j, 1<br />

of the Old added. We sbould<br />

plaints have completely left me 'Wmciurch<br />

give the Jew our Savior who was their teachmgs and the more we ^^^ j s,onietimes wonder if I ever T; ""rj, f<br />

a Jew and whom the Jews unconsciousJy<br />

gave to the world.<br />

know about one the more we ihad them." ^.?,'"**'"'*<br />

know about all; but we need to Na.me given by Postum Co.,<br />

study them together and give each Battle Creek, Mich. Write for<br />

We owe it to those w'ho were<br />

its place.<br />

booklet, "Tbe Road to Wellville."<br />

once so highly favored by Jehovah<br />

to pray and strive to bring Mature proves to us in a visi- „ 1 / . i, t, -uj ^<br />

T.T , , . . . Postum comes in two forms.<br />

them again into the blessedness<br />

Regular (must be boiled.)<br />

of divine favor through Jesus<br />

bile kind of way what faitb asserts i^^iJi^p^stum doesn't require<br />

about the invisible things of God's j>oili^.b^ds"Trepared bstantly<br />

Chris/t.<br />

grace. For example, if we are by sitirring a level teaspoonful in<br />

In disicharging our obligations troubled by the doctrines of grace an ordinary cup of hot water,<br />

to the Jews we -have the encouragement<br />

of the promises of God<br />

that He will eventually save<br />

them. "And so all Israel shall be<br />

saved: as it is written. There<br />

shall come out of Zion the deliverer,<br />

and s^haill turn av/ay ungodliness<br />

from Jacob: for this is my<br />

covenant unto them, when I shall<br />

take away their sins.'' Rom. 11:<br />

26-27.<br />

Quinter, Kansas.<br />

1-2; 147:3-6. ^'^°"t its Maker. It shows thatUi*<br />

SaW<br />

t!m 1 r,J- T u ^ « ^^. He makes things chiefly to be use-1<br />

Bible References. Job 12:7-10; ful. Tbe things . ^ for ^ which ••" "c we use-^ 1<br />

^';:io-i2; X7:^-7\ Matt. 7:16-20; , ,.,,, , , . ,.-<br />

ii->^^ , i,/ i / , / .have httle use are few; those for L*!<br />

24:32, 33; 26:28, 29; John 15:5; ,yhicb we already know a use are Li''<br />

.Acts 14:17; I 'Cor. 15:36-38; 2 numberless. Many a thing once V"*'<br />

Cor. 9:6; Gal. 6:7; Rom. 11:24;<br />

(Concluded on page 11.)<br />

Isa. 42:3-4.<br />


HINTS FOR TALKS. A Way Some People Have.'<br />

The foresight shown in nature's A doctor said:<br />

preparation for another year.<br />

"Before marriage my wife ob-J<br />

sMcCnne,<br />

„ ,, . , , , served in summer and countrv , ».i«i<br />

God's attitude toward regard , • • . , ."'""'•'J' (te»W»<br />

homes, coming m touch with fam- J|j,„tii(work<br />

for tbe beautiful. ^ j^gg q£ .^^^^ied means, culture, ,* tfei t<br />

Tbe variety which, only science, tastes andl discriminating tenden- «"<br />

and not chance, could have cies, that tbe families using Postum ^<br />

planned. seemed to average better than J^j^,^enaii<br />

How food is provided for every- ^h^^e using coffee.<br />

'Liftgte<br />

, . ... "When we were married two IsiiiisUiiTe<br />

thing havmg life.<br />

-• ^^<br />

° ° years ago, Postum was among our ilt Wiffinsl<br />

The patience of growth in na- .first order of groceries. We also in ftsbirgli, I<br />

ture. put in some tea and coiJ.ee for<br />

God's revelation in nature is ex- guests, but after both had stood<br />

celled only by His revelation in Je- around thei pantry about a year l*^''?' ><br />

A \\ B-K1 All ./ untouched, they were thrown r,"^^<br />

sus and .m tbe Bible. All these ' ^ ^ , , jiislepin<br />

„ , . ^. .^... away, and Postum used only. au_ ,^.,<br />

because we cannot fully explain which makes it right for most<br />

them, shall we refuse .to live by persons.<br />

them ? Do you refuse to use elec- A big cup requires more and<br />

tricity because you do not under- some people who like strong<br />

stand it? Tbe answer is that we things put in a heaping spoonful .'%<br />

know enough about both and can and temper it with a large supply ^<br />

prove enough about both to war- of cream. "5^<br />

rant us in using them practically Experiment until you know the ii^<br />

in our hves. How does God re- amount that pleases your palate ft<br />

generate a soul? I do not know and have it served that way in -5|<br />

just how. How does a seed grow the future.<br />

*'^<br />

in the ground and become such a "There's a Reason" for Postum.

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