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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 31, 1913. FAMILY PAPER. It<br />

ST. LOUIS, MO.<br />

wagons and moved bim out to bis<br />

Miss Maggie Edgar, missionary to new home on Tuesday afternoon and<br />

Latakia, Syria, is sojourning at the Wednesday forenoon. Mrs. Hagadorn<br />

home of her brother, Rev. Geo. A. later visited a lew days with Mr.<br />

Edgar.<br />

Our communion was held tbe third<br />

Sabbath of October and we enjoyed<br />

the services of Rev. J. M. Wylie of<br />

Kansas City, who assisted the pastor.<br />

We have had visiting in our midst<br />

recently. Miss Rebecca Middleton of<br />

Kansas City, Mrs. M. I. Dripps of<br />

Parsons, Kansas, Mr. Robert Wylie,<br />

formerly of Chicago congregation,<br />

Mrs. J. C. French from Denver, and<br />

Mrs. iMargaret T. Smith of Belle<br />

Centre, Obio.<br />

The younger members of tbe Sabbath<br />

Scbool assembled for fun on<br />

Hallowe'en. Many ol tbe old games<br />

were used in rather new ways and<br />

the walls resounded with merry,<br />

childish voices as from the witches<br />

caldron they drew tall pointed hats.<br />

The refreshments consisted of apples,<br />

pop-corn and bags of candy dressed<br />

in up-to-date costumes of crepe paper.<br />

Invitations were sent out for a<br />

Syrian Tea at tbe cburch on November<br />

14. Miss Edgar gave an interesting<br />

afternoon, having many curios<br />

and pictures to exhibit, also many<br />

beautiful pieces of Irish crochet made<br />

by the girls in tbe Mission School.<br />

Coffee and sweets were served in<br />

Syrian style by young ladies attired<br />

in native dress.<br />

Miss Jessie Patterson entertained<br />

in honor of Miss Edgar Friday evening,<br />

November 28. A Thanksgiving<br />

indoor football game caused much<br />

excitement and merriment. Refreshments<br />

were served at a late hour,<br />

the tables being artistically arranged<br />

with autumn leaves and baskets of<br />

fruit.<br />

The Sabbath School scholars are<br />

practising for the Christmas entertainment<br />

which will be given a lew<br />

evenings before Cbristmas.<br />


The young ipeople held a business<br />

meeting and social at Mr. Geo. Grey's<br />

some time ago. Then on November<br />

18th they met at Mr. A. A. Logan's<br />

and had a corn husking and so3lal<br />

time afterward. The weather was i-'<br />

pleasant that they enjoyed games in<br />

the open air. Still more recently<br />

they met at the home ol Mrs. M. L.<br />

Roby for a pleasant evening's enjoyment.<br />

Flora Mathews, who has had a very<br />

severe attack of tonsilitis, is some<br />

better at present writing.<br />

Loren Campbell, youngest son of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. R. c. Campbell, is very<br />

low with pneumonia.<br />

Rev. J. M. Faris preached -very acceptably<br />

to us for three Sabbaths,<br />

also on Thanksgiving Day, and<br />

though in very poor health, preached<br />

each Sabbatb, both morning and<br />

evening.<br />

Mr. Samuel Hagadorn arrived with<br />

a ear of stock and household goods<br />

from Eskridge, Kansas, on Tuesday,<br />

December 2, he previously- ha;ving<br />

bought a fine piece of land among<br />

115. The friends met him with their<br />

Hagadorn's parents at Sturgis, Mich.,<br />

till her husband got settled on the<br />

farm. She, with their son Edward,<br />

arrived on Thursday, the llth, and<br />

are now at home to their friends.<br />

We are glad to welcome them to our<br />

midst. Later iMr. Stewart, formerly<br />

of Billings, Okla., arrived, and is now<br />

at Mr. Hagadorn's.<br />

Mr. Calvin Jameson, formerly ol<br />

New Concord, Ohio, has bought a<br />

farm near the church and has returned<br />

to his old home to bring his household<br />

goods and take up his abode<br />

among us. We are certainly glad to<br />

welcome these new arrivals, which is<br />

adding to our numbers.<br />

have room for many more.<br />

We still<br />


Each college is likely to p-it foremost<br />

for its chief end, either the making<br />

of scholars, or the making of<br />

m.en. It seems to commend itself to<br />

the public either by tbe scholarship,<br />

or the 'Christian 'character, of its<br />

graduates. Our larger schools are<br />

aiming specially at scholarship, the<br />

smaller schools at character, though<br />

ir each case both factors are included.<br />

Northwestern College, at Naperville,<br />

Illinois, is one place where the<br />

administration makes much of character<br />

while holding a fair place<br />

among other colleges of its class in<br />

the work of the classroom, I had been<br />

somewhat impressed with the conduct<br />

of the students as I met them on the<br />

campus and sa-vf them about the town<br />

a.nd I began to look for reasons. One<br />

thing [ had marked among the two<br />

hundred boys was the absence of<br />

smoking as far as could be seen or<br />

smelt, another, the earnestness which<br />

seemed to prevail. I asked President<br />

Seager about the rules and he said<br />

that they had no special rules made<br />

by tbe Faculty. The students themselves<br />

had flxedthe standard and they<br />

brought the pressure on the new student<br />

to conform to tbe standard or<br />

find a more congenial piace elsewhere.<br />

President Seager said in the<br />

three years during which he had been<br />

President of Northwestern l-e had not<br />

seen a student smoking about the<br />

college premises, tho-ugh a High<br />

School beside the can.pus, appeared<br />

to be a smoker's club. I asked him<br />

a.bout dancing and was told that he<br />

had not known of any student of the<br />

college taking part in this kind of<br />

amusement since he came to Naperville.<br />

This seemed a little remarkable<br />

tu me since I had just come from<br />

Northwest University where the<br />

President was at issue with some of<br />

tbe students because of tbe kind of<br />

dancing tbat he bad seen at a college<br />

reception.<br />

But I understood the reason why<br />

they could be clear of tbe dancing<br />

habit, wben President Seager told<br />

Light Biscuit<br />

DeliciotisCake<br />

Dainty PastlfieS<br />

Fine Ptiddings<br />

Flaky Cftists<br />

M A K E S<br />

The "Royal Baker and Pastry Cook," a complete cook<br />

book containing; over 500 valuable cooking receipts sent<br />

free on request.<br />


ent year seems to be an exception as<br />

there are two Seniors who have not<br />

been converted. Students say that<br />

there is so much pressure to take up<br />

with the Christian life that one is not<br />

comfortable who refuses. Northwestern<br />

does not stand alone in this respect<br />

among the colleges which 1<br />

have visited, but its class is not so<br />

large as we could wish. At Naperville<br />

I lectured in the College and also<br />

in the Seminary of the same churcb,<br />

tiie Evangelical, and found the religious<br />

influences working to my ends.<br />

In the Seminary I had the hours of<br />

an absent professor and in the Coliege,<br />

all the classes were excused i<br />

certain hours so that all could t<br />

present. To the Christian Amend<br />

ment and the argument leading up t<br />

it, no important objection was offe<br />

ed. In fact there is no place shoi<br />

of that for a Christian to stop an<br />

if he is a thorough Christian he doe<br />

not stop short of tbe demand for th<br />

social regeneration which must pn<br />

cede tbe Christian Amendment.<br />

J. -M. COLEMAN.<br />


On Dec. 14 we observed the Lord'<br />

Supper, Evangelistic services wer<br />

held on each evening of the previou<br />

week. The pastor was assisted b<br />

Rev. John Yates, of Pittsburgh, whos<br />

services were highly appreciated b<br />

tte members of the congregation.<br />

Our congregation has adopted th<br />

individual cup, and everyone seem<br />

well satisfied with the change.<br />

Our church music has been great)<br />

improved of late under the ellicier<br />

leadership of Miss Ruth McNaughtoi<br />

a musical graduate of Geneva.<br />

The Missionary .Society held it<br />

annual business meeting in th<br />

me tbat scarcely a student passed<br />

through the college years without churcb, not without refreshment<br />

professing belief in Christ. The pres- •which are always served at tb<br />

monthly meetings. The treasurer reported<br />

$1C5 raised during the year.<br />

Money on hand was divided between<br />

the Chinese and Syrian missions.<br />

The W. C. T. U. of Ray now numbers<br />

sixty members. Mrs. Edith Mc­<br />

Naughton and daughter Miriam, and<br />

Mrs, Lida Duguid, and daughter,<br />

Beulah, attended the world's convention<br />

at New York, and took in Washington<br />

and other cities on theit return.<br />

Their reports of the ccffivention<br />

and their travels were ve,^ flne and<br />

were received by a well-filled house.<br />

-4- {<br />

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J"STalittle bctit<br />

ian any of its fort^<br />

1 'edecessors in '±<br />

jiness of explana<br />

inn,<br />

illustratior<br />

id anecdotes—ii:<br />

ealth of<br />

materia<br />

nd its practica<br />

' slpfulness<br />

foi<br />

acher and pupil<br />

Price, $ LOO net<br />

Postpaid, $1.15<br />


o Boylston Jtreet, Boslor<br />

-JVlcNally _^^ For s<br />

, Chicago

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