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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Prayer Meeting Topic.<br />

FOR JANUARY 21, 1914.<br />

E)- the Rev. W. M. Robb.<br />

Subject—^Christ; His Love. Gal.<br />

2 :20, (last clause).<br />

Psalms: 36, No. 97. 51, No. 144.<br />

63, No. 168. 91, No. 250. 103, No.<br />

he was crucified. The old man was himself. It is characteristic of<br />

dying. The new man was gaining love to give. If it did not give,<br />

the ascendency. Ever since he it would not be love. Love gives<br />

bad met the Lord Jesus face to the best. The best Christ could<br />

face on the Damascus road, he give was Himself. It cost Hini<br />

had been learning more of the his heart's blood, but it brought to<br />

love of Christ for him. He loved us life everlasting.<br />

Him because first loved by Him.<br />

Ever after he was constrained by<br />

that love. This was what furnished<br />

the motive power for his marvellous<br />

activity. This was what<br />

kindled the flame of his holy enthusiasm.<br />

The love of Christ is:<br />

I. Divine Love.<br />

"The Son of God." This is the<br />

template that "this man receiveth<br />

sinners;" but to know experimentally<br />

that the "Son of God loved<br />

ME,'' even the "chief of sinners,''<br />

—this is overwhelming.<br />

3. Sacrificing Love.<br />

"Gave himself for me.'' The<br />

same word is used in the passive<br />

in Romans 4:25. It means the<br />

sacrifice upon the tree. God gave<br />

-275- 145. >^'o. 391.<br />

The secret of Paul's life as a<br />

Christian was Christ. With Him his Son, and the Son of God gave<br />


had a remarkable grasp of the doctrines<br />

of grace, and kept herself posted<br />

on all the important Issues of the<br />

day. She fllled a large place in her<br />

home and church, and her labors will<br />

continue to follow. To her tbe promise<br />

was verified, "Thou shall come to<br />

thy grave in a full age, like as a<br />

shock of corn cometh in in his season."<br />

We miss Mrs. Ge<strong>org</strong>e very much. I<br />

had the privilege of stopping in her<br />

home the firstsix weelis I was here.<br />

We had many pleasant conversations<br />

on themes relative to the cause<br />

which the Covenanter Church holds<br />

dear. She delighted to tallt about<br />

great things and I shall never f<strong>org</strong>et<br />

her words of interest and counsel.<br />

J. BOYD TWEED.<br />


"For me." The sacrifice was vicarious.<br />

He need not have died vid McClelland, formerly of New Children 9 came North Moore to bless St., Ncw their York, home in<br />

The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Da­<br />

come jspoon. Address Dept. S.<br />

CORNFILLE meal. David & Co.,<br />

save for me, and to save me. He<br />

was my substitute. He took my<br />

place. He died for me. His love<br />

for me drove Him to tbe Cross<br />

Castle, Pa,, but recently members of<br />

the Greeley, Colo., congregation, celebrated<br />

the sixtieth wedding anniversary<br />

of this worthy pair, witb a shower<br />

of letters and post cards, 134 in all.<br />

They are spending the winter in Chicago<br />

with a son. Friends from nine<br />

that Pie might deliver me. No<br />

wonder Paul wrote Galatians 6:14.<br />

different states joined in wishing<br />

What manner of love! Truly, the<br />

them joy and happiness during their<br />

love of Christ constraineth us.<br />

remaining years. They wish to pub­<br />

How do you answer His question<br />

licly thank all the kind friends who<br />

remembered them on this occasion.<br />

Aniong the letters received was a<br />

bit of verse written by a daughterin-law,<br />

which gives a short sketch of<br />

this worthy couple, and has been<br />

asked for publication.<br />

Once on a time, some sixty years ago.<br />

One late November day, a youth and<br />

distinguishing title to denote His<br />

divine character. "His Son—the in lohn 21 :i6?<br />

brightness of his glory and the exjiress<br />

image of his person." Before<br />

Young People s Topic<br />

all worlds He loved his people, to<br />

al! eternity He loves them. (Jer,<br />


MEETING.<br />

31:3) tjohn 13:1). None but a<br />

TOPIC FOR JAN. 18, 1914.<br />

Divine person can so do.<br />

"Ambitious Endeavorers." 2<br />

Divine love transcends the hu­<br />

maid<br />

Tim. 2:1-15.<br />

Following the way the human race<br />

man as far as heaven is above the<br />

has ever trod,<br />

earth. There is no mathematical<br />


'Neath Pennsylvania's skies of hazy<br />

formula for computing its unknown<br />

quantity. Our feeble emo­<br />

were strangers and pilgrims on the 'Did pledge their troth, as youth and<br />

"These all died in faith * * they blue,—<br />

tions may illustrate but can never<br />

explain the love of Christ, nor<br />

Thro' all the years to come.<br />

Earth * •* but now they desire a maid will do.<br />

Wab theirs, and shall be theirs<br />

better country, that is, an heavenly; He, David by name, was dark of eye<br />

v/heretore God is not ashamed to tie and stern,<br />

fathom its measureless depths. called their God; for He has prepared<br />

for them a city."<br />

slew in days long gone.<br />

As namesake of the one whom giant<br />

Earthly ties are very strong, (Isa,<br />

49:15) but they are not imperishable.<br />

There is one bond that can<br />

Mrs. Christiana Ge<strong>org</strong>e, wife ol She, Mary by name, had sunny hair<br />

Samuel Ge<strong>org</strong>e, died at her home in and eye of blue,<br />

lEeaver Falls, on Monday morning, Gentle in speech, humble in mien.<br />

never be broken. It is the handclasp<br />

of the Eternal Son of God, born in Mt. Pleasant township, Wash­<br />

and heard his word.<br />

December Sth, 1913. Mrs, Ge<strong>org</strong>e was As she of old, who sat at Jesus' feet<br />

John 10:28.<br />

ington County, Pa., February 11, 1843, O'er the youth's head, a score of<br />

2. Personal Love.<br />

She was married to Samuel Ge<strong>org</strong>e, years had passed.<br />

December 24, 1863, and had she lived<br />

until that date this month, they summers,—<br />

"Who loved ME." Paul was<br />

While o'er the maid's, but fourteen<br />

conscious of a personal interest in -ftould have celebrated their golden 0 so young was she, yet skilled in<br />

Christ. There was no question wedding anniversary.<br />

wifely art<br />

about the intimacy of the relationship.<br />

Jesus was Master, Paul was<br />

had made at age of nine.<br />

Besides her husband, fivechildren, A.s "sampler" sheweth yet, her hand<br />

Mrs, J, B. Dodds, Harry J. Ge<strong>org</strong>e,<br />

Emma Ge<strong>org</strong>e, Margaret Ge<strong>org</strong>e, and<br />

servant. He owned no allegiance<br />

William L. Ge<strong>org</strong>e, all of Beaver 'Mid "Scotland's Hills" they wed.<br />

to any other. Loyalty rooted itself<br />

in the assurance of Christ's three sisters and one brother, Mrs. With brave hearts thus they start<br />

Ealls, survive. She leaves behind her And in the house where she was born.<br />

love for him personally. (Song of<br />

W. J. Coleman of AJlegheny, and Mrs, To tread the 'path of married life.<br />

Martha Taggart, Mrs. Margaret Slater<br />

Sol. 2:16).<br />

And early set up family altar.<br />

and 'Mr, William Ge<strong>org</strong>e of Beaver<br />

Where, each morn and eve tbey call<br />

The sense of this personal love Palls. A brother and a sister, Dr. R.<br />

Upon Jehovah's name, and ask<br />

should awaken quick response. It J. Ge<strong>org</strong>e and Mrs. Ella Carithers,<br />

His guidance for their daily need.<br />

is splendid to reflect that "God so<br />

pieceded her into tbe heavenly country.<br />

ioved the world;" it is grand to<br />

Friends gathered round<br />

Mrs. Ge<strong>org</strong>e was a member of the<br />

consider that "Christ loves the<br />

Where'er they chanced to live.<br />

Beaver Palls Reformed Presbyterian<br />

And ever at tbeir bumble board<br />

Church;" it is magnificent to con­<br />

church, Sbe believed in tbe future<br />

Did friend or stranger share a weltrium'ph<br />

of a Covenanted Cause, She<br />

• I<br />

Add a Little Uebig<br />

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It makes the milk palatable, perfectly digestible<br />

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Children like it and Doctors recommend<br />

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milk. Get<br />

LIEBIG<br />


with bluo signature across the label<br />

Beautiful Spoons Practically Free<br />

S Send ua the metal cap from<br />

3Liebiff .jar aad 10 cts.for a bouUiJon<br />

spoon or a tea spoon. Send<br />

lone cap with 30 cts- for a table<br />

plenty.<br />

Seven sons and daughters still survive<br />

To comfort their declining years.<br />

Four have passed beyond, and now<br />

await<br />

In heavenly home, to greet their parents.<br />

When they pass tbe pearly gates.<br />

All gave proof of proverb old.<br />

Given by man of wisdom great.<br />

That youth, who trained aright<br />

In way of good, when old.<br />

From it will not depart.<br />

Faithful in all their house.<br />

Their lives were blessed;<br />

And blessing all received<br />

Who came in touch and knew them<br />

well.<br />

Peace they have known,<br />

Tho' sorrow olt, and trials in their<br />

lives did come.<br />

Yet peace of God, surpassing worldly<br />

peace<br />

".'itler and Moth u', greetings Ave<br />

send<br />

On this glad day, from children far<br />

and near.<br />

All honor to your lives, lived in the<br />

fear of God.<br />

Your sixty years of constancy.<br />

In days when vows are lightly held.<br />

Are lessons to the present age.<br />

Your sons and daughters,<br />

Grandchildren, and great grandchildren<br />

too.<br />

Rise up and call you blest.<br />

May every joy be yours.<br />

And as you this day look<br />

Adown the halls of memory.<br />

May not one act of ours past<br />

Cause you to shed one tear,<br />

Ol feel one sad regret.<br />

We pledge you here our love<br />

And friendship till the last.<br />

Still may you be beside the quiet<br />

waters led.<br />

And in the paths of righteou,3ness<br />

for His name's sake.<br />

And when you come to even time of<br />

life,<br />

God grant it may be light.<br />

—Matilda Stewart McClelland.

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