S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 31, 1913.<br />



Protestants have been aroused by the attendance<br />

of the President and of the Secretary<br />

of State on Thanksgiving Day, at the<br />


By the Rev. T. M. Slater.<br />

It will be recognized that the minister needs<br />

to use his Bible as an aid to personal devotion<br />

Roman Catholic services with the celebration<br />

the same as any other Christian, None of us<br />

of the Mass.<br />

can claim to be "aboriginal saints," and unless<br />

In the Fall of 1904 there was held in Edinkirgh<br />

we make a diligent use of the ordinary means of<br />

|a. National Ptotestant Congress, to grace we cannot long l^eep our standing as ordin­<br />

discuss Romanism and Ritualism in Great ary Christians. Of tbis no other evidence is needed<br />

than the difficulty ol which we are all conscious<br />

in the faithful performance of this duty.<br />

Britain and Ireland. The discussions were<br />

published in book form and make a valuable<br />

So great and good a man as old Thomas Fuller<br />

contribution to the cause of Pure Worship. makes this confession: "Lord, I discover an arrant<br />

W'e take from this book the following extract<br />

laziness in my soul. For wben I am to read<br />

from Rev. Ge<strong>org</strong>e lianson of Dublin:<br />

"What is the teaching ol Rome in regard to the<br />

a chapter in the Bible, before I begin it, I look<br />

where it endeth. And if it endeth not on the<br />

sacrifice of the Mass? The Maynooth Catechism same side, I cannot keep my hands from turning<br />

says: The blessed Eucharist is the sacrament ol<br />

the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus<br />

over the leaf to measure the length thereof on<br />

the other side; if it swells to many verses, I begin<br />

Christ, under the appearances of bread and<br />

to grudge. Surely my heart is not rightly<br />

wine. * * * -\Ve believe that Christ, true God<br />

and true man. Is wbole and entire under the appearance<br />

of either bread or wine. .^ 1. * "We<br />

believe that the God of all glory is under the<br />

affected." Nor is the author o£ these humble<br />

words alone in the infirmity of which he complains.<br />

But what Mr. Spurgeon said in regard to the<br />

appearance of our corporal food, just as we believe<br />

that the same God of all glory suffered<br />

minister's private prayers, may with egual truth,<br />

be applied to his private use of the Bible. Says<br />

under the appeara-nce of a criminal on the cross.'<br />

The decree of the Council of Trent is the most<br />

the London preacher; "He prays as an ordinary<br />

authoritative deliverance on tbe 'Worship ol the Christian, else he is a hypocrite. He prays more<br />

Host.' 'This Council teacheth that in the pure<br />

and holy sacrament of the Eucharist, alter the<br />

than ordinary Christians, else he is disqualified<br />

for the office which he has undertaken." He who<br />

consecration of the bread and wine, our Lord is called to preach the Word and to distribute<br />

Jesus Christ, true God and man, is truly, really,<br />

the Bread of Life to others, must himself taste<br />

substantially contained, under the appearance of<br />

these visible things. * " * There is, therefore, that which is upon his own lips and partake of<br />

no room to doubt but that the faithful of Christ that which passes through his hands. For, as<br />

should adore tbe Most Holy Sacrament with the<br />

highest worship due to the true God.' According<br />

to that, the sacrament is to be adored, and adored<br />

'with the highest worship due to the true God.'<br />

See, then, what happens according to the Roman<br />

Bernard says: "It would be wholly monstrous for<br />

a man to be highest in office and lowest in soul;<br />

first in station and last in life."<br />

But the very nature of the offlce which we<br />

fill and the exactions of the service which we<br />

•Catholic theory. The priest pronounces some render lays upon us a double necessity that we<br />

three words over the bread and wine and instantly<br />

they become 'the body and blood, soul<br />

aad divinity of Christ.' He lifts up the supposed<br />

incarnation of Jesus, and cries, 'Ecce Agnus Dei<br />

indeed live by every Word that proceedeth out<br />

of the mouth of God, Neglecting the devotional<br />

use of the Scriptures, failing to apply them faithfully<br />

in our private reading to our own heart<br />

qui toUit mundi peccata.' The whole congregation<br />

fall on their faces and worship, smiting<br />

upon their breasts and saying, 'Mea culpa! Mea<br />

culpa!' What does this mean? As Abbe Gamme<br />

boastfully puts it: 'Docile at the voice of the<br />

priest, the Word of God descends from the seat<br />

of his glory and incarnates himself in his hands.'<br />

Christ re-incarnating himself at the beck of a<br />

man! Could profanity go further? If this is not<br />

idolatry, in what sense or under what form is<br />

such enormity possible?"—(Pages 214, 215.)<br />


The Mexican correspondence of the London<br />

Times continues to be so strongly pro-Huerta<br />

and so hysterically anti-Wilson that a motive<br />

must exist for the propaganda. The correspondent<br />

ol the London Times, writing from Saltillo,<br />

a Federal garrison town, 40 miles southwest of<br />

Monterey, quotes -wth approval the opinion ol an<br />

unnamed "prominent Englishman," that while<br />

General Huerta has been accused, perhaps unjustly,<br />

of the death of one roan. President Wilson<br />

and Secretary Bryan are responsible for the<br />

loss of thousands of lives, because if they bad<br />

Mt failed to recognize President Huerta tbe civil<br />

war would have ended long ago. Tbis is pure<br />

and rabid assumption.—N. lY. Sun, December 9,<br />

1913.<br />


and life, we are disqualified for the position of<br />

a public minister of the Gospel, Wherever failure<br />

marks our work either in public or in private,<br />

the cause may invariably be found here.<br />

No minister ever bandied the Word of God deceitfully<br />

in the pulpit who was not firstguilty of<br />

that same offense in the study; and whatever<br />

measure of success the Master has been pleased<br />

to grant any of us in his service has been in<br />

direct proportion to the fulness and richness with<br />

wh'ch we have allowed his own Word to dwell<br />

in our hearts.<br />

The very lowest ground upon which such use of<br />

the Bible by the minister is needful, is the antidote<br />

which the Scriptures afford to tbe physical<br />

exhaustion, the mental depression and the nervous<br />

strain incident to our work. "Let us rejoice<br />

with one another," said P. Burks, "tbat in a world<br />

where there are a great many good and happy<br />

things tor men to do, God has given us tbe best<br />

and happiest, and made us preachers ol his<br />

Truth."—To this every true minister of Jesus<br />

Christ will say. Amen! Witb John Bunyan we<br />

will also agree when be says: "My beart has<br />

been so wrapped up in this excellent work that I<br />

accounted myself more honored ol God than if be<br />

•Paper read before the Presbyterian Ministers'<br />

Association cf Seattle, Nov. llth, 1913.<br />

had made me emperor ol all the world, or the<br />

lord of all the glory of the earth without it." We<br />

approve of Theodore Cuyler, when he declares:<br />

"I tell you that obscure, toiling man of God has<br />

a joy vouchsafed to him that a Frederick or a<br />

Marlborough never knew on the fieldof bloody<br />

triumph, or that a Rothschild never dreams of<br />

in his mansions of splendor, or an Astor, with his<br />

stores of gold." With Paul, we indeed thank<br />

Christ Jesus, our Lord, for that he counted us<br />

faithful, putting us into the ministry. .But all<br />

this cannot make us oblivious to the fact that<br />

the cares and burdens of the ministry are In<br />

proportion to its privileges, and that so much<br />

greater as are our trials than those of other<br />

men, so much greater must be our diligence to<br />

wait daily upon the Word for the strength without<br />

which no minister can do his work successfully.<br />

Physiologically ours has been described as<br />

an age of hysteria, and we ministers in some<br />

measure share the spirit of the age. We have to<br />

live in a rush. Our weeks are a continual round<br />

Of day and night activities that tax our mental<br />

and phyical powers to their utmost endurance.<br />

As a consequence of this, cases of physical breakdown<br />

or of nervous prostration are more common<br />

among the ministry than almost any other class<br />

of workers. This may in some cases be due to<br />

inexcusable ignorance or neglect in matters of<br />

diet and exercise. But no rule ot living or form<br />

of reacreation can bring to us all that<br />

we need as a help in the bearing cf<br />

our burdens. Nothing but tbe Word ol<br />

God can support us in the work of God. David<br />

prayed: "Remember thy Word unto thy servant<br />

upon which thou hast caused me to hope. This<br />

is my comfort in my affliction; for thy word hath<br />

quickened me." None but those in the ministry<br />

know how easily Satan may use a thousand and<br />

one things to distract us during the hours of<br />

work, or keep us awake when we should sleep.<br />

This means loss of efficiency and possible failure.<br />

We can flghtSatan only with the sword of<br />

the spirit, and we need to know how to use it<br />

in self-defense. The man of God can be delivered<br />

from all anxious care and thoroughly furnished<br />

unto every good work only through reliance<br />

upon the divine iprom-ises. While I am not<br />

prepared to accept all the positions of those<br />

who advocate "Faith Healing," nor do I hold that<br />

all cases of bodily weakness either in the Ministry<br />

or elsewhere are the result of neglecting<br />

the Bible; yet I do believe that the Christian<br />

church has yet to receive the lull teaching of the<br />

Bible as _ to tbe relation between religion and<br />

health. He has little experience of the Word of<br />

God who does not know something ol its soothing,<br />

quieting, restful and peace-giving influence<br />

upon both body and mind when weary and heavyladen.<br />

Had the church been more diligent both<br />

in the teaching and practice of this part of<br />

Christ's Gospel, this field might not have been<br />

given over as it now is to errorists. We have<br />

gone a long way towards the secret of a strong,<br />

tranquil life when after a day of tears and<br />

troubles we can always find refreshing in "One<br />

of the sweet old chapters," or pillow our heads<br />

for rest upon a single text. The minister, above<br />

every one else, should know and understand<br />

this. His work demands of him the strength<br />

of a giant, and only he who waits upon the Lord<br />

in the devotional study of his W^ord has the promise<br />

that his strength shall be renewed and increased,<br />

and be fltted either for service or for<br />

sacrifice.<br />

Much might be said of the intellectual value<br />

to the preacher of Bible study. The Scriptures<br />

are not only able to make wise unto salvation,<br />

but to give wisdom concerning every subject of<br />

human interest. It was said of a certain man<br />

that you could not stop with him for flve min-

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