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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Mfe. To our mind this was the severest test<br />

cut off or the crop isl becoming a failure<br />

of his courage. Failing in all otber means, ^=°L*^ Sabbath School they should remember that they are prest)mingIio<br />

complain against'the wisdom and plan<br />

at last tbese enemies resorted to conspiracy. Lesson VIII. Aug. 24,1913.<br />

Pretending to have 'had a revelation from tbe<br />

By the Rev. W. A. Aikin.<br />

of the God of providence. 3rd. Because oi<br />

Lord, Shemaiah came to Nehemiah with the<br />

tbeir lack of faith. As jLuther has said, when<br />


suggestion that tbey seek refugie in the temple.<br />

Going into the temple would of course<br />

come to an end. God's children so often<br />

our provision ceases, our faith is wont to<br />

16-.2 36.<br />

Golden Text.—^Jesus said unto them I am<br />

be a violation of itbe ceremonial law, but<br />

live by bread alone and not by every word<br />

the bread of life.—^Jno. 6:35.<br />

when in the interest of life, Shemaiiah felt<br />

that proceedeth out of the mouth of God<br />

Psalms.—105:23-26. C. M.; 36:6-8. C.<br />

that it would be justifiable.<br />

The cure for s,uch a lack of faitb is to take<br />

M.; 104:22-24 C. M.<br />

God soon opened the eyes of his servant.<br />

Christ as the example of life amd the surety<br />

Time.—Six weeks after tbe depanture from<br />

It was not long until Nehemiah saw through<br />

for all needed blessings. "He that spared<br />

Egypt.<br />

thie entire plot. Had he gone into the temple<br />

he would bave offended the more influ­<br />

us all, how shall be not with him also freely<br />

not his own Son, but delivered him up for<br />

Place.—The Wlilderness of Sin, lying between<br />

EHm and Sinai.<br />

ential Jews as well as displayed the spirit<br />

give us all things?"<br />


of cowardice. Instead of wishing to preserve<br />

his life, Shemaiah sought tbe very op­<br />

This lesson sbould be studied in the light II. GOD HARKENS. (v. 4-12.) "^<br />

of Israel's experience at Marah, the place of "Behold, I will rain bread from heaven<br />

posite.<br />

bitter waters. After traveling for three days for you."—"I have! heard the murmurings<br />

How often today, brethren, our courage<br />

without water, Israel came upon this pool of of tbe children of Israel." The injury<br />

is put to the same test. As members of tbe<br />

water, which was bitter and undrinkable because<br />

of the nitre in .the soil at that place. against the providences of God, may be seen<br />

which those often suffer who compbim<br />

Covenanter Church, we are frequently urged<br />

to set aside our position as to purity of<br />

Israel murmured. And Gbd stilled their in the outcome of Israel's murmuring, God<br />

worship,ini order to unlite withi some other<br />

murmuringsl by directing Moses to a tree, granted their request. But they were greatly<br />

damaged thereby. "He gave them their<br />

churcb in a mass meeting of some kind.<br />

wbicb when cast into the waters made then.<br />

Equally the same lis true with our position<br />

sweet. It was a miraculous work. The help request; but sent leanness into their soul."<br />

on Voting. Occasionally we are urged to<br />

had come directly from heaven. Therefore, It should be a cause for gratitude that God<br />

set it aside ithat a bad man mght be kept<br />

wben it was, done it was understood as said, doesi not always grant our requests for the<br />

out of office. When we object saying tbat<br />

"there he made for them a statute and an ordinance,<br />

and there he proved them." By flesh. "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye<br />

things which we desire to_ minister to the<br />

such would be a violatiom of our profession,<br />

the assertion is made En reply that the end<br />

these words it is declared that God had by ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon<br />

fully justifies ithe means. What is all this,<br />

this aot at Marah and former acts of divine<br />

interposition, established in Israel the III. MANNA FALLS, (v. 13-15.)<br />

your lusts." James 4:3.<br />

brethren, but a repetition of Nehemiah's sore<br />

temptation ? Isit not a fledinginto the temple<br />

to save life? To flee abng such lines<br />

He "rained down manna upon them to<br />

principle that im all "seasons of need and<br />

'seeming impossibilty the Lord would send<br />

as we have indicated would be a dishonor<br />

eat." A certain shrub of the desertj the<br />

deliverance straight from above, and that<br />

done to Christ, the Head of the Church, and<br />

tamarisk, is said to exude drops of white,<br />

Israel might expect this during their wilderness<br />

journey." But that the enjoyment of<br />

also a display of a cowardice of wblich no<br />

sweet, honey-Hike substance whenit is pricked<br />

disciple ever should be guilty.<br />

by a small insect. Tbis substance melts in<br />

this right and privilege would depend upon<br />

In closing, let us seek and pray that we<br />

the sun. lit is known as the natural manna.<br />

the constanit exerdise of their faith. In the<br />

may have a courage like that possessed by<br />

It is nothing like the manna which the children<br />

of Israel received however. This natural<br />

lesson before us, Israel is being tested according<br />

to this principle.<br />

Nehemiah. Although engaged in a difficult<br />

work, and alone 5n the task, surrounded by<br />

manna can be found only a few months in<br />

I. ISRAEL MURMURS, (v. 2, 3.)<br />

enemies, he refused to flee -Whtn even bis<br />

the year and is not capable of being baked or<br />

"And the whole congregation of the<br />

own life was at stake. Let us be of the same<br />

seethed. The supply of it is very small.<br />

children of Israel murmured ." The<br />

mind. "Tlierefore, my beloved brethren, be<br />

Enough of it could never have been found<br />

fault of murmuring was just as common<br />

ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding<br />

in a whole season to have supplied Israel for<br />

among the congregation of Israel as it is<br />

in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye<br />

one day. The manna of our lessoni "was indeed<br />

a miraculous provision, given immedi­<br />

among God's children today. And the<br />

know that your labour is not in vain in the<br />

grounds of their murmurings were the ately from God; and not the production of<br />

Lord."<br />

same as those of God's people in our day. second causes." The manner of its coming<br />

THE BIBLE.<br />

The causes of it were:— ist. Because of was to teach Isfael that "every good gift, and<br />

"Give the Bible to them unadulterated, pure, their f<strong>org</strong>etfulness of past favors and deliverances.<br />

Beginning witb the breaking of down from the Father of lights, with, whom<br />

every perfect gift is from above, and cometh<br />

unaltered, unexplained, uncheapened and then see<br />

it work its wholesome work through the whole the bonds of their servitude in Egypt, God is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."<br />

,,<br />

nature. It is very difficult, indeed, for a man or<br />

had wrought out for them a succession of<br />

a boy, who knows the Scripture, ever to get away<br />

from it. It haunts him like an old song. It<br />

wonderful deliverances within the weeks This bread also in its origin, adaptability<br />

follows him like the memory of his mother. It that had just past. And yet when their provisions<br />

began to get a little low, they could other features, served as a .type of Christ,<br />

to Israel's need, its sweetness and many<br />

reminds him like the word of an old and revered<br />

teacher. It forms a part of the warp and woof see nothing but starvation and death, ahead "the bread of life."<br />

of his life."—President Woodrow Wilson.<br />

of them. How short the memory of God's IV. ORDER OBSERVED. (16-21.)<br />

people often is! 2nd. Because of their "Gather it to every man according to his<br />

shortsigbtediness tbey failed to see hjebind eating." This food is given out to Israel<br />

this shortage of bread the presence and providence<br />

of God. Moses told them that wben each day, and that early in the morning.<br />

under wise regulations. It must be gathered<br />

H<br />


In the warld there's tribulation<br />

In the warld there's wae;<br />

But the warldit is bonnie,<br />

For our Father made it sae;<br />

Then brichten up your armor,<br />

An' be happy as ye gang,<br />

Though your sky be often clouded.<br />

It winna be for lang. —Ex.<br />

tbey commplained that it was not against<br />

him but against the Lord that they murmured.<br />

When God's children murmur because<br />

the opportunity to bring in wages is<br />

was to be taken in according to the need of<br />

each bousehold. If one family found thai<br />

it had in store more than was need,it wai<br />

to be given to a family that did not hav(

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