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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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10 THE CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. 59.<br />

C o w a r d<br />

Men's<br />

Russei<br />

A<br />

neo. IJ. s PAT OFF,'<br />

Mahogany<br />

Shoe<br />

new, high grade<br />

walking model, with<br />

double sole and flange<br />

heel, at the moderate<br />

price of Six Dollars.<br />

ill for a few months, we are glad to<br />

report, is improving,<br />

ilr, Thomas McFarland leaves the<br />

firstj of the year for Williamsport<br />

Business College,<br />

Mrs, Martha Crawford, of Philadelphia,<br />

who has been visiting her<br />

daughter, Mrs, James Graham, has returned<br />

home accompanied by Mrs,<br />

Graham and daughter, who expect to<br />

remain until the firstof the year.<br />

Our pastor, who has been visiting<br />

his father. Rev, E, G. Elsey of Glenwood,<br />

Minn., has returned home.<br />

The Woman's ilissionary Society<br />

met with Mrs, Rebecca -McKee, on<br />

December 4th. The ladies met early<br />

and spent part of the day quilting.<br />

Tbe society has the record of quilting<br />

seven quilts in a few months. The<br />

dinner prepared by Mrs, Wineman,<br />

was delicious and greatly enjoyed by<br />

all. These ladies are earnest and<br />

faithful worlsers and are to be comiT-ended<br />

for the worlc done each year.<br />

members than were reported last year, themselves in Pirst Boston in a man-<br />


ilrs, S, R. Davis went to Oakdale, Mr. McKnight, though he has been ner that is giving the congregation<br />

JAMES S. COWARD Pi., last week to be present at the out of Boston twenty-six days during ,?ood grounds, in its own judgment,<br />

264-274 Greenwich St., N. Y. reception given in honor of Rev, R. the past three months on Witness for exercising the kind of faith which<br />


W, Piper and wife, at the home of his Bearing work, has made upward of is the substance of things hoped lor,<br />

Mail Orders Filled | Send for Catalogue parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Piper, one hundred and fiftyvisits and calls the evidence of things not seen. With<br />

BEAR RUN. PA,<br />

Our pastor has been giving us a in tis efforts to locate members who renewed purpose and redoubled enerseries<br />

of sermons on our distinctive for one reason or another have drop- gy, the congregation proposes, under<br />

Our Autumn Communion was held<br />

at Steffy Chapel in November, Evangelistic<br />

services were neld each even­<br />

principles, which are interesting and Ped out of sight, though not out of the blessing of God, to do its part in<br />

lull of logic. Arrangements are made mind, in so far as attendance on wor- helping to maintain the cause of<br />

ing; of the preceding weelfs. The sermons<br />

preached and work done by the<br />

to have the sermon on political dis- ship is concerned. He has found twen- Christ in the vicinity of Boston,<br />

sent published in our city paper, ty that had been given up as gone v.'here the cause of Christ is all but<br />

Rev. R. H. Martin were greatly enjoyed<br />

by all who heard him. The<br />

who still wish to retain their mem- f<strong>org</strong>otten.<br />

FIRST BOSTON, bership. Their answers have not in<br />

alter meetings held by Mr. Martin<br />

The outlook in Pirst Boston a few every instance been final, and it is iro-<br />

THE SIN OP ACHAN. JOSH, 7; 6-15.<br />

were very helpful. A large part of months ago was not the most encour- possible at this writing to say just We are told that Israel hath sinned.<br />

the audience remained each evening. aging. The prospects, to put it mildly, ^i^at the enrollment of the congregawere<br />

unpromising. The people to tion will be by the time of Synod, but yet his sin involved the whole nation<br />

It was only Achan who had sinned,<br />

Twelve made a 'profession of their<br />

faith. Ten uiTited with our church. sonip extent had even become care- it hids fair to be in the neighborhood in punishment. What a terrible mistake<br />

it would have been for Joshua<br />

The Rossiter Branch of this congregation<br />

feel greatly encouraged and But fortunately, things are changing ^vas reported—and necessarily report-<br />

to have kept quiet about the matter<br />

k,ss in attending the public worship, of ninety, instead of seventy-five, as<br />

are planning the erection ol a church lor the better. The people are be- od according to the information availginning<br />

to take a new hold. They ^tile at the time—at last Synod, one else. Are we not as a nation,<br />

for fear of offending Achan or some­<br />

building. There is an opportunity in<br />

this fieldfor good mission work and are taking heart again. The com- Then, too, the sun seems to be m.ore guilty and of a much greater<br />

we feel that any one who desires to munion, which was held on the third breaking through the financialcloud sin. And i am sorry to say that I<br />

help a willing and devoted people, Sabbath of November, was well at-<br />

never hear it mentioned in pulpit or<br />

will receive a blessing by contributing<br />

to the erection of this church their strength. And while it would ^,,,^tT'aZf7'n..^.es oaTh that he is Thanksgiving Proclamation has no<br />

tended. The people seemed to renew state of Ohio, city of Toledo,"/ our church papers, 1st the President's<br />

home. They are few in number, but hardly, as yet, be true to say that ^^^."'"S^V^^t"^,'^;^;'^^^,^*'!/^,^-J-Cheney & room in it for Christ's name, Christ<br />

faithful in the Lord's work,<br />

they are mounting up ou wings as Connty and State al^oresaid, and Ih.atJdflrm sits on the throne as king the holy<br />

Mrs. Rebecca McKee, who has been eagles, or that they have had much iff'^V^" '''T'' "S ONE HUNDRED DOL- spirit is his agent, we must acknowledge<br />

Him as king. If we do not. He<br />

J<br />

I,AR& for each and every ca.tsp of Catarrh<br />

yet occasion they do to seem, be weary for the from time running, being, tliat cannot he cnred FRANK by the nse I. CHENEY. of HALrv^ cannot and will not send the holy<br />

to be ahle to Avalk without fainting, CATARRH Sworn to before CURE. me and subscribed rii^i.L, in my s spirit. 2nd, President Wilson and almost<br />

the entire Cabinet attended the<br />

Job Printing of all Kinds ,\nd that, when considered in connection<br />

with the untoward conditions un (Seal) !A. W GLEASON.<br />

presence, this Cth day of December, A.D. 1886<br />

Letter Heads, Memos, State=<br />

ments, Cards, etc,<br />

Tj.ii'.f- fir, • , Notary Public. at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Washington<br />

City, last Thanksgiving Day. The<br />

A Specialty of Church Reports,<br />

strii,t:gling for so long a time for its actsdnecH,.'Ti\„ II'"'k/'*^''" '>'"'*"yan

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