S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Vol. 59.<br />

Prayer Meeting Topic.<br />

? Are there morc<br />

than a year ago<br />

passages fastened like nails upon<br />

FOR JANUARY 14, 1914. Avhich AA'e can hang tour faith?<br />

By the Rev. W. M. Robb. Have we the Bible-reading and<br />

verse-memorizing habit ?<br />

HoAv to use God's Word in the<br />

2. By communicating it to our<br />

Mainjtenance of Religion. Deut.<br />

households; "Teachr—diligently<br />

6 :4-6.<br />

unto thy cliildren." "Chddren are<br />

Suitable Psalms: 1, No. 2; 19, ^^.^ heritage of the Lord." They<br />

No. 43; 119. Nos. 3x9, 327, 332, have a right to religious instruc-<br />

,,7 tion. Parents are God-appointed<br />

"''Religion needs cultivation. God teachers. The Bible is the text-<br />

. , , , , - fU .„,! book. It should be taught "dihprovides<br />

the elements m earth and ,<br />

1 gently. Faithful parents know<br />

air for the plant. It groweth up, ^^^^^^ necessary such diligence is,<br />

we knoAV niot hoAV, blade, ear, full ^^.^^ .^^itir chUdren have vivid reccorn<br />

in the ear. The same God ollections of their dihgence. Later<br />

supplies the elements for the de- in life they thank God for it. The<br />

Avord used here means to "sharpen<br />

in," or to ''whet diligently."<br />

velopment of the life within the<br />

soul, enables the nCAV creature to<br />

(Work out the figureof sharpening<br />

a tool).<br />

feed thereon, until he arrives at<br />

the perfect stature of manhood in Parents hold the key to the wehbeing<br />

of their children. They<br />

Christ Jesus.<br />

:\Ioses taught the Israelites hoAV ought not to h'and it over to the<br />

Sabbath Scbool teacher. Are<br />

to cultivate the new life. His<br />

Covenanter homes being jeopardized<br />

by the non-use of God's<br />

method is very simple. Use the<br />

AVord. Religion is no ncAV thing.<br />

Word? How about your family<br />

lespite the ncAV fangled luodes of ajtarr<br />

3;. By conversing- often about<br />

ioned enough to believe that it. "Talk—when thou sittest,—<br />

:\Ioses' prescription for developing<br />

walkest—liest dowh—^risest up,"<br />

The occasions mentioned here are<br />

godliness cannot be improved upon.<br />

God's Word is the soul's na­<br />

the most ciommonplace. They are<br />

the ordinary events in the lives of<br />

tive food. Without it men starve. us all. In a workaday world we<br />

Matt. 4:4.<br />

may have a more sublime topic of<br />

HoAv can Ave employ God's conversation than the weather,<br />

Word for the promotion<br />

q{ re- crops, social functions, or political<br />

, , ^5 issues. God's Word is a fit stiblig-ion<br />

m our hearts and homes.'' .<br />

&<br />

ject for common discourse. It is<br />

I. By committing it to mem- ^^^^ debarred from the use of 'Comory.<br />

mon<br />

people. Nothing will develop<br />

heart." We must know His Word true religion like pious discourse<br />

propagating it. We are old-fash^<br />

before Ave can do His Avill, lay il amid the common tasks of life.<br />

Seek to have a conversation becoming<br />

the gospel, and "talk of<br />

up in our hearts before we can<br />

practice it in our lives. His Word<br />

all His wondrous works."<br />

hidden in the heart is a good<br />

4. By giving it great prominence.<br />

"Bind—upon thine hand."<br />

thing in a good place, and yet the<br />

strange thing about it is that it p^itit where you can see it. "As<br />

cannot be concealed any more than frontlets." Put it where othei<br />

fragrant flowers out of sight in a people can see it. "Write—on the<br />

room can be hid.<br />

posts of thy house." Giveit prom-<br />

Store the Word in the heart, inence every Avay. In days when<br />

As the bee explores the depths of the copies of the Word were few,<br />

the floAvers,draAvs forth the SAveet ihey had these methods of keepnectar,<br />

sings aAvay to the hive and ing it before their minds. Give<br />

stores the precious treasure there, the Word of God prominence evso<br />

delve into the hidden recesses ery possible way. Translateit inof<br />

the \A'ord, draAV forth its sweet- io every langage. Interpret it in<br />

ness, and treasure in the heart terms of your own experience, Re-<br />

Ihat which is "sweeter than honey llect it in your walk and converand<br />

the honeycomb," Jer. 15:16. sation. Advertise the AVord of<br />

Ezek, 3:1-3. God by Avord and work. Rom.<br />

Do we know our Bibles belter 1:16.<br />


Tbis week I Avas in an attorney's<br />

ofiice in Chicago and after we had<br />

discussed the delays in law and the<br />

possibilities of changing the judicial<br />

process so that speedier remedies<br />

might be had in the courts, he startled<br />

me with the question, "AVhy don't<br />

you Covenanters vote? You are good<br />

people and Avould be found on the<br />

right side of things. Why not put<br />

yourselves into the campaign lor<br />

letter men and measures?"<br />

This is a kind ol direct challenge<br />

which one cannot refuse even 11 he<br />

were so inclined, and I am- not so inclined,<br />

therefore 1 said to him: "Jesus<br />

Christ came into this world to be a<br />

King. He declared to Pilate that this<br />

was the cause for his coming into<br />

this world. As a king he must have<br />

men as his subjects who will be loyal<br />

to him and obey his law. Keeping<br />

this law is his test of loyalty. In his<br />

demands there is no sphere of human<br />

life exempt. Everywhere and at all<br />

times the loyal subject will lollow<br />

him. The test of conduct is, 'What<br />

would Jesus do?'<br />

"When our fathers framed the Federal<br />

Constitution, which contains the<br />

rules by which we have chosen to be<br />

governed, they relused to take his<br />

law as the rule of political action.<br />

Instead, they substituted theAvill of<br />

the people. Each voter accepts that<br />

standard ol political conduct, which<br />

Jesus Christ could not do without<br />

denying his claim to be king of men.''<br />

The attorney is a lawyer and he<br />

came back at me in this fashion:<br />

"You are idealizing the Federal Constitution<br />

too much. It neveiA was<br />

meant to have such prominence as a<br />

rule of political action as you give to<br />

it. The government is simply a legal<br />

corporation set up to do -certain specified<br />

things. It is a legal person, but<br />

not a real person. The Federal Constitution<br />

serves no other purpose than<br />

the charter of a railroad. It specifies<br />

what the corporation is authorized to<br />

do. Being such a corporation there<br />

is no more reason why you should<br />

refuse to take part in general elections<br />

be'cause Christ is not recognized<br />

than you would have lor staying out<br />

of a corporation for the same reasons.<br />

If you can be a stockholder in a bank<br />

which does not recognize Christ in Us<br />

charter you can as well act A\ith the<br />

government which does not recognize<br />

Christ in its charter,"<br />

I had put a lawyer's argument at<br />

him and he had given me a laAvyer's<br />

answer, and while I did not think his<br />

answer conclusive, I recognized that<br />

since he was the one that needed to<br />

be convinced that there was no use<br />

arguing that -point lurther, nor of appealing<br />

the case. My business was to<br />

win him and I made the point that<br />

I should have made in the firstplace.<br />

I said to him, "I gave you an answer<br />

Avhich lies on the surface and you<br />

Vi'ant to go to the bottom of the question.<br />

As a matter of fact our protest<br />

is not against the government. Granting,<br />

as you claim, that the Federal<br />

Constltiltion is only a corporation<br />

charter, the government did not make<br />

the charter. Rather, the government<br />

was made by the charter. Whatever<br />

fault there may be, therefore, in the<br />

Federal Constitution is not to be<br />

charged up to the government, but to<br />

the nation that made it. It is against<br />

the nation, the social mind, which set<br />

up this Christless rule ol action that<br />

the Covenanter protest lies. We object,<br />

not simply to the charter as you<br />

call it, but to the national policy<br />

which the charter embodies. We can<br />

not accept the policy, as I believe<br />

Christ could not accept it, nor act<br />

with other citizens in carryingit out.<br />

What we are trying to do is to change<br />

the mind of the nation, the social<br />

mind, so that it will adopt another<br />

policy. I am trying to bring to the<br />

attention of the students of the country<br />

the need Ior a change of the social<br />

mind, through education and regeneration,<br />

so that it will adopt another<br />

policy, that of loyalty to Christ,<br />

so that Christ can accept it and I<br />

can accept it in loyalty to him,"<br />

The attorney said, "That is quite<br />

another view than I had held of your<br />

position, I have nothing more to<br />

say."<br />

I am offering this incident Irom a<br />

day's work because it seems to me<br />

to show where the strength of our<br />

argument lies. We have often talked<br />

asifit was the Constitution instead<br />

ol the people that is at fault and have<br />

neglected the real, and the stronger<br />

argument, AVe do not dissent from<br />

the government. As a matter of fact,<br />

we cannot, since we never were members<br />

of it. Only members of a body<br />

can dissent. We make our protest<br />

against the disloyal act of the nation.<br />

What we are trying to change is not<br />

simply a law, which is only the expression<br />

of a national life disloyal<br />

to Christ, but the social mind of<br />

the nation whicii definitely chose to<br />

be disloyal and still chooses that<br />

course. In an experience of many<br />

years I have not talked with any<br />

man who claimed that our nation is<br />

Christian, in the Bible use of that<br />

term. When the national will submits<br />

to the Christ, then we shall have<br />

that new mind expressed in our laws<br />

and institutions and the Christian can<br />

cast a ballot for his candidate and<br />

for his Christ,<br />


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