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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 24. 1913.<br />

Lesson I. January 4, 1914,<br />


By Anna Pritchard Ge<strong>org</strong>e.<br />

First Quarter.<br />


Mark 9:30-41; 10:13-16.<br />

Jack, do you love your niother? "More than<br />

anyone else." Does your mother love you,<br />

Jeanne? "Yes, and she cries when I'm sick." Do<br />

you know that Jesus loves you children lar more<br />

than you love your mothers—even far more than<br />

your mothers love you.<br />

One day Jesus and his disciples Avalk along a<br />

country road toAvard Capernaum-, On the table<br />

sink this pan of water in the sand for the Sea of<br />

Galilee which Jesus loves so Avell. Pile up the<br />

sand for the hills around. These boxes are lor<br />

the flat-roofedhouses of 'Capernaum by the Sea<br />

of Galilee. Score the course of the Jordan River<br />

in the sand. These clothespins are for Jesus and<br />

his disciples. The disciples are arguing among<br />

themselves. They do not know that Jesus can<br />

hear. Can he May? "He hears everything." Yes,<br />

he knows all they say, but waits till he can have<br />

them by themselves before he corrects them.<br />

They enter this house in Capernaum, Jesus says,<br />

"I overheard you talking. What were you disagreeing<br />

about?" He wants the men to tell him<br />

themselves. But they are ashamed, and hang,<br />

their heads. They had been arguing as to which<br />

of them would be greatest among Christ's followers.<br />

Jesus sits down and calls his disciples<br />

around him. Is he cross. Bud? No, Jesus knows<br />

the disciples do not know any better, so he<br />

teaches them. He says, "If any man desire to be<br />

first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of<br />

all." The best man is not the one who wears<br />

fine clothes and can boss everyone else; the best<br />

boy and the best girl are not those who live in<br />

big houses and have servants to wait on him.<br />

The man who is firstwith God is the one Avho<br />


waits on other people and puts himself last every<br />

time. The boy and girl who are firstwith Jesus<br />

are those who give up to others—who give the<br />

best seat to the timid little girl, who get father's<br />

slippers and do all they can for mother without<br />

being.told, who praise everyone else instead of<br />

themselves, and who love everyone. These are<br />

the first with Jesus, the ones Avho put themselves<br />

last.<br />

As Jesus is talking with his disciples, a little<br />

lioy stands quietly by. This stick is he. Jesus'<br />

face is so beautiful and kind, and his voice so<br />

sweet and loving—altogether more Avonderlul is<br />

he than any other man—the child cannot take<br />

his eyes off Jesus. Jesus looks up and smiles at<br />

the boy, then he calls him. Does the boy run<br />

away, Rosanna? "I guess he runs right up to<br />

Jesus just as fast as he can." Jesus reaches<br />

down and gathers the little boy up in his arms,<br />

for Jesus loves children so much. As he sits<br />

holding this little boy close, he says to the<br />

disciples, "Whosoever shall receive one of such<br />

children in my name, receiveth me." Don't you<br />

think that boy was happy, James? Do you think<br />

he would grow up to be a bad man? No, I think<br />

every time he would be tempted to do wrong,<br />

Le Avould think of Jesus smiling at him and<br />

reaching out his arms. Then instead of doing<br />

wrong, he would say, "No," and feel Jesus' arms<br />

about him again, as he did -when a little boy.<br />

Jesus and his disciples leave his house, and<br />

one day they come to a place here on the eastern<br />

shore of the Jordan. This box is for the house<br />

Avhere they are stopping. Leave off the top. A<br />

crowd of people came to hear Jesus. These sticks<br />

are they. While Jesus is talking with these grown<br />

up folk, there come a lot of children trying to<br />

get through the crowd to Jesus. Some may have<br />

seen him before and have brought others to<br />

.Jesus. These small sticks are the children. Then<br />

here come the mothers carrying tiny babies. They<br />

wish to bring them to Jesus too. But there<br />

seems to be no way to reach the :Master, the<br />

crOAvd of grown folk is so great. Then to make<br />

things worse, the disciples try to send them<br />

away, "This is no place for you children. The<br />

Master is busy." They think the children will<br />

be in Jesus' way. Does Jesus think so too, John?<br />

"Xo, he loves the children." Jesus is never too<br />

busy for even the tiniest child to come to him.<br />

As the children and mothers sadly turn away,<br />

Jesus calls out, and oh, how wondrously SAveet<br />

his voice rings in their ears, "Suffer the little<br />

children to come unto me; and forbid them not;<br />

for of such is the kingdom ol God." He turns from<br />

the wise rulers of the JeAvs to the children. They<br />

almost flyto him, they are so glad. Here comes a<br />

boy like Alvin. Jesus places his arm about him.<br />

A mother brings her tiny baby, Russell's size. As<br />

Jesus slas'Ps the baby in his arms, the little one<br />

cuddles up close, A little girl like Ruth comes<br />

shyly forward. Jesus draAvs her up, too. The children,<br />

big and little, crowd around Jesus, and he<br />

blesses them all, taking each one in turn in his<br />

arms. Oh, how they all love Jesus, and the love<br />

of Jesus for them is so great that it shines right<br />

out in his face till even the most timid child goes<br />

to him eagerly. Will any of them ever f<strong>org</strong>et<br />

that Jesus loves them, Ellis? "I don't think so."<br />

Jesus turns to the crowd around and says, "Whosoever<br />

shall not receive the kingdom of God as<br />

a little child, he shall not enter therein."<br />

Can you boys and girls see Jesus iiow, Ge<strong>org</strong>e?<br />

No, you cannot see his face. But Jesus can see<br />

you, and can draw you close to him as he did<br />

those other children. Just remember that Jesus<br />

will never turn you away. Some grown people<br />

may say, "There is no room for children here."<br />

But Jesus never does. He makes room for children<br />

first. There is always room for you in<br />

Jesus' house and in Jesus' arms. Do not be afraid<br />

to come to him. He loves you and he wants you.<br />

He says for you to "Suffer the little children to<br />

come unto me, and forbid them not."<br />

Lesson II. January 11, 1914 and Bethsaida on the northern shore<br />

of the Sea of Galilee, and for Chorazin,<br />

a little north ol Capernaum. Do<br />

the people in these cities know Jesus,<br />


By Anna Pritchard Ge<strong>org</strong>e.<br />


Luke 10:1-24,<br />

How many of you children love<br />

Jesus? It is good to see so many<br />

hands and happy faces. Do you know<br />

tliere are millions of boys and girls<br />

in this world who do not even know<br />

who Jesus is? What good does it<br />

do you to know and love Jesus, Ruth?<br />

"He makes us good and happy," "And<br />

he'll take us home to heaven, too.''<br />

Then we would like all these other<br />

children to know about Jesus too,<br />

would we not? But how can they<br />

ever know him, Ge<strong>org</strong>e? "We'll have<br />

to tell them." Yes, and some people<br />

who do not know him, live in far, far<br />

away lands. So some men and women<br />

spend their lives as missionaries<br />

among these heathen people, telling<br />

them all about Jesus and his love, so<br />

they can be good and happy too. Today's<br />

lesson is about some of the<br />

first missionaries—those whom Jesus<br />

sent himself.<br />

On the table lay out Palestine with<br />

this pan of water for the Sea of<br />

(lalilee. Bud, you score the 'course of<br />

the Jordan River in the sand. Let us<br />

place these tiny boxes for Capernaum<br />

Ruth? Yes, Jesus has had his home<br />

here in Capernaum every time he has<br />

been preaching and helping the people<br />

in Galilee. In these cities he has<br />

healed so many sick iPeople—made<br />

the lame to walk, the blind to see, the<br />

deaf to hear—he had done such Avonderful<br />

things. But over here on this<br />

other side of the Jordan live a great<br />

many people who do not know Jesus.<br />

Jesus has not been over here very<br />

often, and the people have not had a<br />

chance to hear all the good things<br />

Jesus has to tell, nor see the wonderful<br />

things he does. These other boxes<br />

.will do for the cities along this eastern<br />

short of the Jordan, and these<br />

sticks the people in them. These<br />

clothespins are Jesus and his disciples<br />

and many of Jesus' friends who<br />

follow him. They are gathered here<br />

on the shore of the Jordan.<br />

Jesus wants the people in these<br />

cities on this side ol the Jordan to<br />

them as missionaries to people who<br />

do not knoAV Him.<br />

Buster, when you go on a journey,<br />

do you take any extra clothing with<br />

you? "About a trunkful." Jesus tells<br />

these missionaries to carry nothing—<br />

no ipocketbook even, nor food, nor<br />

extra shoes, nor clothes. They are to<br />

go just as they are, and God will<br />

provide the rest. He will open the<br />

hearts of the people to take care of<br />

his missionaries. "Carry neither purse,<br />

nor scrip, nor shoes."<br />

Then Jesus divides them- into<br />

groups. They go two by two and each<br />

couple go to a city by themselves.<br />

Jesus is going later to these same<br />

cities, but he sends, these missionaries<br />

first to , prepare the way and<br />

tell the people about him. "The harvest<br />

truly is great," says Jesus, "but<br />

the laborers are few." When the<br />

ranchers have a big harvest, Alvin,<br />

does it take many hands in the field?<br />

"It is hard to get enough." Jesus<br />

says there are so many people who<br />

need to be told about God and his<br />

love, but there are not enough who<br />

are willin,o; to be sent.<br />

Is it always an easy thing to tell<br />

about Jesus, Grace? No, not always.<br />

.Jesus says, "I send you forth as<br />

lambs among wolves." We know how<br />

Here they start out, two by tAvo.<br />

These two go to this city, these two<br />

to the next. They tell the people<br />

about Jesus and heal the sick people.<br />

Here comes a father with his boy,<br />

who is possessed with an evil spirit<br />

—a devil. The missionaries cast out<br />

even this devil in Jesus' name. God<br />

gives them power to do such wonderiul<br />

things just as Jesus does. The<br />

people flock around to hear the story<br />

of Jesus, and see the miracles his<br />

missionaries perform. So these faithful<br />

friends of Jesus • go around from<br />

city to city, never once thinking<br />

about clothes or food, for they trust<br />

only in God. They are preparing the<br />

way for Jesus.<br />

After a time they return to Jesus,<br />

delighted with their success. "The<br />

seventy returned again with joy, saying.<br />

Lord, even the devils are subject<br />

unto us through thy name."<br />

Can children go away to other<br />

cities and far away lands to tell about<br />

Jesus, Jack? "No, we must stay at<br />

home till we're big." But, Elmer, don't<br />

you know some little boy who does<br />

not know Jesus? "The little Mexican<br />

boy. He swears." Cannot you tell him<br />

about Jesus and bring him to Sabbath<br />

School? If each boy and each girl<br />

tell about Jesus wherever they go,<br />

have a chance to believe in him and<br />

love him and to go home to heaven<br />

v.'hen they die. There are so many<br />

people to reach, that he asks others<br />

to help him. So he 'calls them out<br />

from this crowd of his friends. He<br />

chooses seventy of them, calling each<br />

man by his own name. Jesus's twelve<br />

disciples are not among these seven­<br />

wolves treat little lambs, just as the that is being a missionary for Jesus<br />

coyottes kill the chickens. And some just as truly as going to China or<br />

bad people are very cruel to God'^ Turkey. God can work through you<br />

missionaries, sometimes even killing boys and girls to bring many to him<br />

ty, place these clothespins for the<br />

among seventy wishes them to one to tell side. do. them He Jesus is what sending stands he<br />

them.<br />

hearts same, story to they<br />

But<br />

and the<br />

these<br />

love want whole Jesus<br />

seventy<br />

to world. tell with<br />

go<br />

the all<br />

just<br />

sweet their<br />

the as today's week and He do and did for lesson. see through Jesus, how Let much these us all we seventy try can this say in

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