S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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6 THE CHRISTIAN NATION. ^°^- ^^•<br />

_,.^^__, , , - r j r y ^ ^ i r ^ i - t d o good work for Christ today must<br />

N E W A N D D E S I R A B L E B O O K S , in the Sabbath Sdiooi . „ , „ ^<br />

Lesson II January li, lyi^. +T., t<br />

LITTLE, BROWN & COIVIPANY, BOS- GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, „„,,.,,,, should be for the good of the home<br />

TON, MASS.<br />

NEW YORK.<br />

THE MISSION OF THE SEVENTY. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^.jjg comfort of self. Their<br />

Golden Text.—It is not ye that benediction would be full of power.<br />

"The Adventures of Reddy Fox." "This Year's Book for Children."<br />

speak, but the Spirit of your Father if "a son of peace," one to whom<br />

Bed Room Story Book Series. Board covers. Forty-five subjects ^^^^ ^ j^^^j^ ^^ o^ Matt 10:20. Peace rightly belonged, was there,<br />

We can conceive of nothing in the tieated. Profusely illustrated. By six ' ' ' ,., their benediction would bring bless-<br />

Xime—A D '29. Place.—Galilee. ,j i u<br />

way cf books that will charm children authors. t r„u ,r- • r fhe ^^S to him. If not, it would not be<br />

more than this series of bed-time The illustrations are very fine, in Exposition^!. The Mission ol ^^^^^ ^^^ .^ ^^^,^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^,^<br />

,, , , Seventy, 1-11. Jesus' ministry was ^ ^^^^^ them. The true ambassastories.<br />

Reddy Fox is pictured as a tints of red, green, yellow, lavendar, ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ .^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^.^^ .^ ^ messenger, a bringmichievous<br />

iellow Avho, like some pink, and broAvn, brown and pmk pre- ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ p^^^^_ ^^ ^^^ ^^^.^ ^^^ p^^^^<br />

boys we know, cannot keep out of dominating. The poems and stories , ,, , ^ ^ , that the seventy were to impart. They<br />

. , ^ v.as plenteous and the laborers fCAV, j, ..• • • t<br />

trouble. He has a wise old grandmoth- are suited to boys and girls from to go ^ before Him and prepare the must ^^le first not house squander at time which in they going put from up.<br />

everything a little fox should know, birds, insects, plants, fairies and 1<br />

way.<br />

and Jesus<br />

We today<br />

commissioned<br />

have the<br />

the<br />

same<br />

seventy<br />

mis- The<br />

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might<br />

to<br />

be<br />

eat<br />

plain<br />

but<br />

but<br />

stav<br />

they<br />

at<br />

e; but who he is gives wilful him and careful not as training obedient in children. babyhood The up, and child's are mind ot animals, is con-<br />

^ house to house to eat out stay at<br />

sion, to go before Jesus into the were not to be looking for finefare.<br />

as he should be, and so he is not stantly journeying as the pictures . Thev need not feel that they were<br />

^ , ., t «, ,,• ,, 1 4- places Avhither He Himself is about ^ .,, ^i, ,<br />

only made to suffer himself, but ^j-e presented, from the land of sun, beggars; for they were worthy of<br />

forces his generous old grandmother ^^^^ ^^^ ^'^^.^ .^^^^ ^j^^ ^^pg ol *° °°''- " "'''^* ^^"^ ''^®'' ^ ^ their hire. They were to heal the<br />

to worry more than is good lor her, mountains and trees, through woods comfort to these men, if they had ^^^y. ^nd announce the kingdom of<br />

and he also comes to grief himself. ^^^ valleys over iplains and rivers, any just sense of their own limita- God (cf. ch. 9:1, 2). The representa-<br />

Llke all good grandmothers, she ^^^_^ .^^^ ' ^^^ ^^^^^ ^j rabbits, tions to think that Jesus Himself tive of Jesus Christ has a commlsthmks<br />

only about how much he needs ^^j^^ ^^^ badgers, and all through ,,.as coming after them. They went sion for the body as well as the<br />

her care and support. fairyland, teaching the nature habits .^ ^^ constant "°'''- ^^^ '^"'P^' °^ ^^"'' '' ^ ^°^'<br />

The action of Sammy Jay, Peter ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ thoughts of the various ' ° ^ ' constant ^^^ ^^^ ^.^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ „^^^ Kingdom<br />

Rabbit, Jimmy Skunk, the Parmer's creatures in the language familiar to

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