S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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sented 1-] different denominations, 37 States<br />

and 23 foreign countries. 142 were graduated,<br />

of A\hom a large proportion had foreign<br />

missionary Avork in view, although the<br />

Institute is proving to be a great help to<br />

Home ?\Iissionar_A' Boards in supplying men<br />

for frontier fields in our OAvn land. It also<br />

docs a great Avork for Chicago itself, Avhere<br />

the larger part of the students obtain their<br />

training in practical Christian Avork. ILast<br />

year they conducted or rendered other ser-<br />

A'ice in 16,033 religious meetings in the city,<br />

taught 13,161 Bible and mission study classes,<br />

made 21,2.4.4 personal calls, conversed Avith<br />

35,722 persons on the subject of salvation,<br />

and reported 4.721 souls Avho had professed<br />

conversion to Jesus Christ,<br />

the exception of a small deficit at the lime<br />

of closing the books, of $813.00.<br />

The Institute expects tjo erect another new<br />

(building next year, which has become absolutely<br />

necessary, for the accommodation of<br />

class rooms, music studios, business offices,<br />

library, etc., and which wdll cost not far from<br />

$300,000; there is also necessity for another<br />

diormitory to cost $200,000; for these an appeal<br />

is made to Godly men and women of<br />

Avealth, as well as those of smaller means,<br />

Avho believe in that for Avhich the Institute<br />

stands<br />

eousness. Yea, Aca, and naA, nay, are the<br />

rules of life, xV man is saved, or he is damned,<br />

in the Cumberland creed. The lake of fire<br />

and brimstone still seeths for sinners^ literally.<br />

You hear singing in a little log church<br />

on Saturday 'Or Sunday—for it takes two da)'s<br />

of preaching to appease a Cumberland Covenantei"—and<br />

you stop your boat to go ashore<br />

into a scene Avith a century-oM setting. A<br />

preacher illiterate as any Ge<strong>org</strong>e Washington's<br />

backwoods days hands out to his congregation<br />

the terror of the Avrath to come; and<br />

they, as in the times of Peter Cartwright or<br />

his predecessors, groAV "happy," groAV hysterical,<br />

sometimes even yet fall in the cataleptic<br />

fits of religious frenzy; later to arise and sally<br />

forth faithfully, rifle in hand, to plug some<br />

fellow citizen Avhose grandmother may er-<br />


The following resolution was passed by Kansas<br />

Presbytery at the meeting in Blanchard, Iowa,<br />

The Institute, as hitherto, holds itself to<br />

November 5, 1913:<br />

ringly have married across the feudal line. its three cardinal subjects: the Bible, Gospel<br />

In the removal of Mrs. W. W. Carithers from<br />

Life thereabout is upright and doAvnrigbt, inexorable,<br />

Music and Personal W^ork, but is adding the scene of her earthly labors, this Presbytery<br />

unchanged. Lovable as they are, others for the broadening of its Avork, to recognizes that there has been taken from our<br />

splendid as they are, none the less Ave must<br />

almost be obliged to call them heathen. For<br />

meet the demands of the churches such as<br />

Pedagogy, Public Speaking, and the English<br />

human vision and fellowship, a noble, competent,<br />

and consecrated servant of Jesus Christ, and a<br />

a century they have practised many of the and Italian languages. It is also introducing most helpful and devoted wife, friend, and sister.<br />

Avays of barbarism, have held to the old creed a strong Sabbath School department to equip<br />

To those who knew her most intimately<br />

of the early frontier. About a hundred years Christian young men and Avomen who desire<br />

she Avas a constant Inspiration to fidelity,to<br />

or so ago some Craig or some Tolliver was<br />

to make that v>ork their life calling, and duty, to faith in Jesus Christ, and to unwearied<br />

picking the flintof his squirrel-rifle and getting<br />

ready for the first of the feudal manhunts<br />

for Avhom there is a growing demand. The<br />

special training for vA'omen for Avork among<br />

devotion to those whose souls needed the help<br />

of a sympathizing friend. -She gave her life to<br />

of the Appalachians. It Avas then that women and children in churches, missions her Savior and to those whom she so devotedly<br />

there broke out one phase of the old Covenanter,<br />

and Gospel settlements also, is receiving served.<br />

the old Highland spirit. Today no one more thought than before, so that noAv the Her influence extended not only over the entire<br />

knows the cause of the original feud betAveen<br />

the Craig and the Tolliver families. It<br />

might have been property, it might have been<br />

Institute is prepared to give an "up-to-date"<br />

training in all the newer kinds of practical<br />

service, without Avhich Avomen are fruitless<br />

mission field where she served, but also throughout<br />

the Church and to the regions beyond. The<br />

Indian Mission, which she helped to found, is a<br />

women. But all the feuds date back to that servants in many fields of labor. Like all its monument to her memory. It is a testimony to<br />

ancestral warfare.''<br />

other training for both men and Avomen, in the value of prayer, on which she and her devoted<br />

Concerning this "cariacature" of Covenanterism<br />

husband constantly relied through the twenty-<br />

all its departments, this is provided for the<br />

Mrs. Boyd Avrites: "There is a com­<br />

students free of cost.<br />

five years of service which they were permitted<br />

munity in the southern part of this (Randolph)<br />

County, where the Catholic religion prevails,<br />

and the Bible has been excluded from the public<br />

The foregoing data refers only to the Educational<br />

Department, so-called, but in addrtion<br />

the Institute carries on both a Corres­<br />

to enjoy together.<br />

The power of such a life cannot be lost when<br />

the servant is transferred to another sphere of<br />

school, and Avife beating is tolerated acpondence<br />

and an Extension Department. labor. It will bear fruit in the renewed consecra­<br />

cording to current report, that can as consistently<br />

The progress of the former during the past tion of those with whom she was associated.<br />

be called a Christian community as those year is the most notable feature of the an­"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death<br />

people be called Covenanters, It may be true nual report, showing an increase in students of His saints.''<br />

enough that those people are fbc degenerate of 66 per cent. The Extension Department<br />

While we miss her voice and her presence, we<br />

ofl^spring of Covenanters ; yet than the Covenanters<br />

is a channel for sending out evangelistic are certain that He who guided her to such faith­<br />

there is no other Christian <strong>org</strong>anization preachers and singers, and Bible teachers, to ful ministry will endow with a double portion of<br />

that is more progressive in all moral reforms, every part of the country. These conducted His Spirit those who give themselves to the service<br />

and keeps any better abreast of the times as<br />

Avell as holds fast to attainments and proper<br />

1000 meetino's last year and, Avhile no special<br />

emphasis is laid on the number of persons<br />

of their Lord.<br />

To our beloved brother whose lile was one<br />

principles,"<br />

professing to accept Christ as the result, with hers in this consecration, we extend our<br />

yet J 235 of such cases Avere reported. The sincere sympathy, praying that "the God of all<br />


E:ctension Department also serves as a clearing<br />

comfort will comfort him in all his tribulation,<br />

house for ministers, evangelists, and oth­<br />

CHICAGO,<br />

that he may be able to comfort those who are<br />

ers,, fillinglast year 125 positions from which in trouble by the comfort wherewith he himself<br />

The character and extent of the work carried<br />

on bv the Moody Bible Institute of Chi­<br />

responsible as Avell for the Summer Bible<br />

calls Avere received for such workers. It is is comforted of God."<br />

The memory of her love and fellowship is a<br />

cago is revealed in the following summary School at Winona Lake, Ind., Avith an enrolment<br />

last year of about 600, and pub­<br />

solace, and the memory of the unfinished task<br />

of facts culled from the President's report<br />

which she left provides for us the occupation of<br />

for the year.<br />

lishes Aveekly sermons and Sabbath School<br />

mind and body which will keep us in fellowship<br />

lessons through a ncAvspaper syndicate, by<br />

T047 stnf:ent= passed through the hands of<br />

-s^ith the life she lived in the fellowship of Him<br />

which it is estimated that upwards of five<br />

the Institute during the year in the Day,<br />

whose companionship is delight and in whose<br />

million readers are reached everv week.<br />

prese-ice there are pleasures forevermore.<br />

l^\-cnii\c;' and G- rrf";pondencc Departments, :is The budget of the Institute for last year<br />

J. M. Wylie, W. A, Aikin, W. J. Elliott, Committee.<br />

.-eah'-t t'^50 the vear before. They repre­<br />

Avas *228,i78.76, all of which Avas met Avith

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