S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 17, 1913.<br />


t<br />

JustdlittkbUKr<br />

than any of its for<br />

predecessors in i'<br />

fulness of explar<br />

tion, illustratic<br />

and anecdotes— t<br />

^s^ealth of materui<br />

and its practical<br />

helpfulness for<br />

teacher and pup l<br />

Price, $ 1,00 nei<br />

Postpaid, $1.15<br />


120 Boylston /treat. Bos<br />

"and-McNalJy<br />

bldg., Chicago<br />

"The Sketches ol the Covenanters its principles, and was for many<br />

is certainly a store-house ol ex­yearamples and incidents of true devotion Congregation, A life characterized by<br />

identified with the Northwood<br />

tlie frignds bade the pastor and his<br />

to the Master," (Rev.) W, A, Aikin,<br />

a love of God's service, Interested in<br />

family good night.<br />

all church work, a generous supporter<br />

of Missions, abounding in kind<br />

Eskridge, Kan.<br />

We take this opportunity of making<br />

"We are going to take up the ministrations to others. Her life was<br />

acknowledgment of not only this lormal<br />

welcome, but the very many<br />

Sketches ol the Covenanters in my highly valued by all Christian friends<br />

class ol Willing Workers, as a part<br />

and acquaintances,<br />

words and acts which had already<br />

Mrs. Reed was a noble Christian<br />

01 our lesson each Sabbath." (Mrs.)<br />

testified to the generosity of the good<br />

woman, a faithful, loving wife, a<br />

J, Beaton, Latonia, Ky.<br />

people among whom it has been our<br />

kind, affectionate niother. Cheerful<br />

good fortune to find our work, and of "1 hope the bool? may help to put in her intercourse, she exemplified the<br />

testifying to the devotion with which<br />

they are sustaining all the work of<br />

the congregation, and the unsparing<br />

efforts that they are putting forth to<br />

make the work ol the congregation<br />

worth while. Our prayer is that the now passing it along. Please send<br />

best blessing^ ol God may rest upon me ten more copies; one of them<br />

all our work, to the spiritual enrichment<br />

of the lives ot all the members, Anna JI, Richards, Carlisle, Pa,<br />

for a present to our pastor," (MIes)<br />

and to the profit ol the community in "Inclosed find $27.00 for 27 books<br />

Which our work is located. We also leceivel, and I want ten more. Some<br />

ask that this youngest born child of of these have been sold outside the<br />

the Covenanter Church may have a Covenanter Church." (Miss) Tillie<br />

flace in the intercessions of the Schramm, New York.<br />

church,<br />



ANTERS,<br />

What Others Say,<br />

"i appreciate the Sketches of the<br />

Covenanters very much. May God<br />

•'e'p us to let the light shine," W. H.<br />

•^aiJey, D.D., Philadelphia.<br />

"I am delighted with the Sketches<br />

of the Covenanters, and find pleasure<br />

in presenting the book to others,"<br />

(.Mrs.) Era \V, Spear, Kansas City,<br />

"It is certainly a book worthy ol a<br />

lace in every family," J, R. Thompon,<br />

D.D., Newburgh, N. Y.<br />

"If there be any way in which I can<br />

loniote this rich-blooded book, I<br />

ball be happy to do so." A. L. Phil-<br />

1 ips, D,D,, Richmond, Va.<br />

"The Sketches of the Covenanters<br />

onstitute a valuable contribution to<br />

he literature ol the Covenanter Adds Healthful Qualitiestoihelbofl<br />

:hurch," (Rev,) D, C. Mathews,<br />

louston, 111.<br />

"I am glad of the publication ol the<br />


well stored with the doctrines ol the<br />


Gospel. We may be assured that to<br />

ook, I want one for each of my t-hilren.<br />

Send me six," A, J. Russell, at the home ol her devoted daughter,<br />

Departed this lile June IStb, 1911!,<br />

her was granted an abundant entrance<br />

into the everlasting kingdom.<br />

'neonta, N Y.<br />

Mrs, David C, Patterson, Mrs. Maty<br />

May we, in this dispensation, hear<br />

"As lar as I am acquainted with Jane Reed, in the S2nd year of her<br />

the voice of God, saying to us, "Be<br />

ye also ready for in such an hour<br />

age. She was the wile of the late<br />

be Covenanter Cliurch, I think the<br />

as ye think not, the Son of Man<br />

Elder William Reed of the Northketches<br />

of the Covenanters meets a<br />

cometh."—Mr. Geo, Allien, Mrs Elizaeal<br />

need," (Rev,) W, S, McMillan,<br />

"Not since niy boyhood days, when<br />

eading Fox's Book ol Martyrs, have<br />

1 read anything which so well decribes<br />

the persecutions through<br />

hich the early church passed," Robrt<br />

B, Adams, tMansfield, 0.<br />

some ol the true spirit of Covenanters<br />

into many ol our people," (Rev.)<br />

S, M. Ramsay, Los Angeles, Cal,<br />

"I have read the Sketches ol tlie<br />

Covenanters with interest, and am<br />

"Shall be glad to have this valuable<br />

bock in my library; will also<br />

recommend it to my congregation."<br />

(Rev,) B, L. McKnight, Morning Sun,<br />

la.<br />

"I aro anxious to see our young<br />

people keep the spirit of the dear<br />

irartyr ever before them; and I know<br />

of no better way than to peruse the<br />

Sketches of the Covenanters. The<br />

book has been God's blessing to me."<br />

,L R. Day, Rushylvania, O.<br />

"ivood Congregation, and mother of the<br />

Rev, J, G, Reed, pastor of the Regina<br />

Congregation, Canada, 01 a family<br />

onoe consisting of nine children, lour<br />

now remain—two sons and two<br />

daughters, to cherish in loving remembrance,<br />

the Christian character<br />

of a devoted mother. A life-long Covenanter,<br />

Uniting with the church in<br />

early lile, she was deeply attached to<br />

truth that Christ within, maketh the<br />

soul glad. Making the Scriptures her<br />

guide, feeling in her own soul the<br />

preciousness of God's Word, she<br />

walked in its light, possessing a mind<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

H o w<br />

J u d g e<br />

a<br />

to<br />

Piano<br />

Booklet Free<br />

Patterson, Mrs. B. Milroy, Committee.<br />



The L, M, S. of the New Castle,<br />

Pa,, R, p. Congregation wish to bear<br />

testimony of love and esteem, to the<br />

beautiful and useful life of our de-<br />

])arted sister, Mrs, Margaret McC,<br />

Pattison, whom God called home Oct,<br />

2{i, 1913, She was a charter member<br />

of our L, M. S,, and was always punctual<br />

in attendance, unless providentially<br />

detained, was seldom absent<br />

from the Sanctuary, although somewhat<br />

distant from the church,<br />

AVith gladness would she go up to<br />

the house of the Lord, showing the<br />

highest regard for the holy ordinances.<br />

We will greatly miss her cheerful<br />

face, and kind word, but rejoice in<br />

her upright life, and triumphant<br />

death. She has entered into the hapliiness<br />

of those of whom it is written,<br />

"Blessed are they that die in<br />

the Lord,"<br />

We commend her loving sons and<br />

daughter into the care of Him who<br />

has said; "I will not leave you comfortless,<br />

I will come unto you,"—Mrs,<br />

John Eliott, Mrs. O, C, Orr, Jemima<br />

B, Poster, Committee,<br />

There are two ways to choose a piano and be<br />

certain of getting value received, C, This first<br />

is to go to an old established concern which is<br />

willing to stand back of its product with the<br />

strongest guarantee it knows how to make (the<br />

Sohmer is known as "The Piano with the<br />

Life' Time Guarantee.'') C, The second way<br />

to fortify yourself agaiust disappointment is<br />

to apply a few simple tests which we have<br />

outlined in our new booklet "The Pith of the<br />

Piano Problem." By following the instructions<br />

set forth in this book, any one can quickly<br />

distinguish the good from bad in pianos.<br />

*I liemember, the case o£ a piano is the least important<br />

part—the inside IS what really counts. "The Pith o£<br />

the Piano Problem" goes beneath the surface to the<br />

very heart of the question, yet it is written in such an<br />

easy, chatty style that you cannot lielp finding it<br />

intere.sting. Send for your free copy today—a postal<br />

wil] do.<br />

SOHMER & CO., 317 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK<br />

•<br />

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