S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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10 THE CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. 59.<br />

REG. U. 1. PAT OFF,"<br />

W h y N o t C h o o s e<br />

Gifts of Shoes?<br />

E'.'eryone—from grandma to grandson, appreciates<br />

an extra or wanted pair of shoes or slippers.<br />

Also Everything to Keep Footwear in Condition.<br />

The COWARD<br />

name insures the wearer comfort,<br />

satisfaction and service.<br />

Coward Christmas Shoe Orders<br />

issued on receipt of cash, money order or died-:.<br />

Order now and avoid the htirry<br />

of last minute buying-.<br />

JAMES S. COWARD ^"^^Zt^tZZ'stf- NEW YORK<br />

Mall Orders Filled Sold NOWhCrC EISC Send for Catalogue<br />

Job Printing of all Kinds<br />

Letter Heads, Memos, State=<br />

ments. Cards, etc.<br />

A Specialty of Church Reports,<br />

Prayer Meeting 'I'opics, Tracts,<br />

Pamphlets, Folders, Posters, anything<br />

you want in the printing line.<br />

Why Not patronize a Covenanter?<br />

Get Our Prices.<br />

events showed, had been sent to the<br />

pastors of the other congregations of<br />

Hemet and vicinity, and to a number<br />

of the friends of the congregation,<br />

also to Rev, McDonald and family of<br />

Los Angeles and Rev, Greer and lamily<br />

ol Santa Ana, a longer time in advance<br />

of the event. The ladies of the<br />

congregation had transformed the<br />

hall into a beautiful reception room,<br />

by a generous supply ol rugs for the<br />

floor, and by a liberal use ol the flowers<br />

and other decorative plants which<br />

are so abundant the year round in<br />

this land ol sunshine. Not only were<br />

the members of the congregation<br />

present in lull force, but the invitations<br />

sent to other friends had met<br />

with a generous response. The program<br />

was in charge ol Mr. Martin<br />

Woodside, the chairman of the congregation,<br />

and the superintendent ol<br />

the Sabbath school, whose smiling<br />

face was itself a most hearty welcome<br />

to all. After brief devotional exercises<br />

he stated the object ol tne<br />

gathering, to give lormal welcome to<br />

the pastor and his lamily. The address<br />

of welcome was made on behalf of<br />

True Values D Cl D True Values<br />

a t h R o b e<br />

making<br />

Jacket<br />

^WOexcellentClirist-<br />

•*• mas gift suggestions<br />

for men — gifts<br />

wholly acceptable because<br />

they embody<br />

practicability, a feature<br />

considered first by the<br />

average man. Their<br />

quality insures their<br />

welcome in any home.<br />

Two of the best values<br />

in their line to be found<br />

in<br />

0-16-75~Men'B<br />

our entire Christmas<br />

Bath Robea,<br />

line.<br />

made of<br />

Please<br />

fineheavy<br />

order<br />

wsigrht<br />

promptly<br />

blanket: one<br />

to<br />

button<br />

avoid<br />

at<br />

any<br />

neck<br />

possible<br />

and girdle;<br />

delays<br />

neat attemsin<br />

in delivery.<br />

grey, blue, tan and red;<br />

ordered patterns; come in<br />

amall, medium and lar^e<br />

Bizes, Bmall sizes fittinsr<br />

men from 100 to 130pounds;<br />

medium formen from 135 to<br />

175 pounds: large size for<br />

men from 180 to 235 pounda<br />

—an excellent Xmaa gift at<br />

a low price; each prepaid to<br />

'New York Styles<br />

the congregation by Mr. J, W,<br />

•eareBt express at Less or postoffice,<br />

only— Prices"<br />

AVylie, the oldest member of the<br />

Than New York<br />

session, and of the congregation,<br />

"We'll send you F R E$3.00<br />

E our beautiful illustrated<br />

style book for Women, 0-16-76>—Men's Men, Misses Smoking and<br />

bpt whose vigor and activity<br />

give promise ol many years of<br />

Children—filled with those J acketa, unusual made of valuessuch<br />

as have so pleased faced our material, patrons silk for braid 44<br />

finedouble<br />

service yet. When one is told that<br />

he is the oldest member ol the congregation<br />

he is ready for the further BOGGS & bluej grey, BUHL tan and brov^n;<br />

years. Write for it. and loops ; come in navy<br />

bringing new souls to Christ, in vis­statemeniting the sick, and also in sewing feeble one among all their number," Federal Street r: prepaid PiTTSBilRGH, PA.<br />

that "there is not one<br />

ESTABLISHED all sizes 1869 from 36 to 46; each<br />

for the needy.<br />

The pastors ol other congregations<br />

$5.00<br />

About the last halt of January we present, four in number, were also Roche's Herbal Embrocation<br />

expect to hold dedicatory services followed<br />

by a series' of evangelistic suitable remarks, expressing their<br />

called upon, and all responded with The Celebrated Effectual Remedy<br />

without Internal Medicines, for<br />

rreetlngs.<br />

good will towards both people and<br />

Mrs. :\Iar}- A. Ball, one of our aged pastor, and their welcome to the congregation<br />

as a new center of moral H i p i N G - C o m<br />

and \eiy faithful members, has been<br />

lying on a bed of Aveakness for some and religious influence and power in<br />

time. S'.ie is loved by all who know the community. To all ol these the<br />

AD PCimiD for 120years has met with conher<br />

and is missed from our number pastor responded brielly. At the close<br />

who worship together.<br />

of the program the ladies served<br />

We are glad to know of a call most generous and tempting refreshments<br />

of ice-cream and cake, to their<br />

being made out for Rev, McElhinney<br />

at Sterling and hope to have a neighbor<br />

pastor soon.<br />

ajppreclation of which all gave such<br />

ocular demonstrat'on as made words<br />

unnecessary. During the course of the<br />

Un WnUUr tinued and growiuu popularity<br />



Editor •'Advocate."<br />

are also Quickly Relieved hy a Few Applications.<br />

()uinter<br />

Kansas<br />

ProprietOiS, W. Kdwards «fc Son,<br />


Queen Victoria bt., London, England. Wholesale of<br />

E. FOUGERA ^ CO., Im., yo Bcekmfin St^ K. T.<br />

Our annual thank offering meeting<br />

Sensible Christinas Gifts<br />

was held on Friday after Thanksgiving,<br />

We had a short but interestins RECEPTION AT HEMET.<br />

Both Useful and Handsome<br />

State of Ohio, city of Toledo, I<br />

They're Enjoyed by Critical Womeo<br />

program followed by a good social "The Reformed Presbyterian Confregatlon<br />

cordially invite you to he Frank J. Chenev makes oath th.nt he is<br />

Postpaid Choice of Felt black, Juliets wine, red,<br />

Lt-—: Lucas County, )'ss.<br />

$ I 50 All Ribbon Trimmed<br />

time and refreshments. The thank<br />

offering amounted to ItS.-iiO, present at a reception, given in senior partner of the firm of F. I. Cheney &<br />

brown and dark grey. Made<br />

AVe are using the basement of our Brown's Hall, Friday evening, .November<br />

14th, at 8 o'clock, in honor of the<br />

nbbon trimmed, medium<br />

Co., doing business in the Citv of Toledo,<br />

of all wool felt, satin<br />

County and .Stale aforesaid, and'that said firm<br />

new church for Sabbath school and<br />

7'JIP/iythe sum ot ONE HUNDRED DOL- Uo ra c

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