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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 17, 1913.<br />


N o t es<br />

***Tlie Londonderry, Ireland, R, p.<br />

Congregation has given a unanimous<br />

call to the Rev. A. Holmes,<br />

***Mrs. Christianna Ge<strong>org</strong>e, wile ol<br />

Mr. Samuel Ge<strong>org</strong>e, ol Beaver Falls,<br />

Pa., died on Monday, December 8,<br />

1913. ,<br />

***The Y. P. S. C. E. ol Second<br />

Kew York, have booked the Geneva<br />

College Glee Club lor Friday evening,<br />

December 26. Fuller particulars will<br />

be given later.<br />

»**No Covenanter pastor should<br />

permit the year 1913 to close without<br />

adding to his library, a copy of The<br />

Covenanter Pastor, by Dr, R. J.<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e. Price ;postpaid, $1.35.<br />

***0n December Srd, I moderated<br />

ia a call at Olathe, Kansas, which resulted<br />

in the election of Rev. J. G.<br />

McElhinney as pastor. He was elected<br />

on firstballot,—J, M. Wylie.<br />

***The Johnstons are to have a<br />

family reunion at Hopkinton, Iowa,<br />

this month, and Rev, S, J. Johnston<br />

of New Castle, Pa., and Rev. J. M.<br />

Johnston, of Youngstown, Ohio, will<br />

attend.<br />

***The auditorium of our new<br />

church is nearing completion. We<br />

hope to announce the date of opening<br />

soon. The church is located at 4400<br />

Wyoming St., Kansas City, Mo.—J.<br />

M, Wyhe.<br />

''**There is a splendid opening lor<br />

a good Covenanter dentist in Coulterville,<br />

Illinois. We would be glad to<br />

correspond with any one who is looking<br />

lor a good location.—Rev. Walter<br />

C. McClurkin.<br />

***In renewing your subscription to<br />

tte Christian Nation, do not neglect<br />

tl add $1.35 lor a copy ol Dr. R. J.<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e's book, "The Covenanter Pas­<br />

as a prize in the Portland Sabbath<br />

School. It is hoped that it will point<br />

many to the source ot strength of the<br />

tor," which will be mailed the day "unconquerable Covenanters." Dr.<br />

your order is received, postage paid. McFeeters' liberal offer of ten or<br />

more copies of this book at 50 cents<br />

'''**01 all the holiday Issues ol the per copy makes this possible lor us.<br />

denominational -papers published in<br />

the East this month, those of the ***This is the opportune time to<br />

(Christian Nation were easily in the<br />

'cad, both artistically and in the<br />

R e d<br />

Blood<br />

Js good blood—blood that nourishes<br />

the whcia body, and enables<br />

every <strong>org</strong>an to perform its functions<br />

naturally. Many people ow©<br />


which relieves scrofula, eczema,<br />

psoriasis, and all blood humors.<br />

amount of special advertising business<br />

carried.<br />

***Mrs. Samuel Ge<strong>org</strong>e died at her<br />

home in Beaver Palls, Pa,, on Monday<br />

niorning, December 8, about 1<br />

o'clock. The children were all at her<br />

bedside when she .passed away. The<br />

funeral was on Wednesday afternoon,<br />

December 10, at 1.30,<br />

***W'e should receive several hundred<br />

orders lor copies ol The Coven­<br />

other schools. Try to provoke one<br />

ing others. Please let us hear Irom<br />

***The Sacrament of the Lord's<br />

Supper will be observed in First Newburgh<br />

congregation the second Sablore<br />

the end of this month. It is the —R, J. Dodds (Clerk of Presbytery),<br />

anter Pastor, by Dr, R, J, Ge<strong>org</strong>e, be­<br />

another to love and to good works.<br />

bath ol January, lollowing the week most appropriate and valuable gilt<br />

of prayer.<br />

obtainable lor the money, either lor<br />

yourself or some Covenanter Iriend,<br />

***K[e-5v York City Covenanters<br />

should bear in mind the Geneva Collefe<br />

Glee Club in the Second Church,<br />

at 308 W. 122nd street. New York, on<br />

Friday evening, December 26. They<br />

give a delightful entertainment of<br />

vocal and instrumental music.<br />

***The First Church of Newburgh,<br />

John Fenton Carlisle, pastor, sent its<br />

annual offering of thirty-two dollars to<br />

the American Bible Society and made<br />

Mr. Samuel Glenn a life member of<br />

the Society. The congregation has<br />

during the last three years made<br />

three ot its members life members of<br />

the Society.<br />

'•***Dr. McFeeters' book, "Sketches<br />

ol the Covenanters," is being offered<br />

smith, and Mr, Huffsmith introduced<br />

Mr, Kerr, and Mr, Kerr introduced<br />

more good things, till then kept hidden.<br />

Foremost was a snowy linen<br />

tablecloth of a beautiful pattern direct<br />

from- the looms of Carrickma-<br />

strengthen your church paper. The<br />

Christian Nation. You can get new cross, and specially embroidered for<br />

subscribers more easily now than at the pastor's wile. Then the ladies<br />

any other time of the year. We will brought lorth good things to eat—<br />

make a gilt of a copy ol Dr. R. J. things that were tempting and deli-<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e's "The Covenanter Pastor,"<br />

postage prepaid, to any one who will<br />

send us three new yearly subscribers<br />

and six dollars.<br />

***The article on "China and the<br />

Churches," found in this issue, is from<br />

"China's Millions," the <strong>org</strong>an of the<br />

China Inland Mission. Dr. S. A. S.<br />

Metheny, who sent the article to us,<br />

writes concerning it; "It seems to me<br />

to be a conservative article and more<br />

likely to be true than some of the<br />

more roseate opinions which have<br />

been written."<br />

***'Dear jMr. Pritchard;—Please<br />

oblige the New York Presbytery by<br />

publishing that Cambridge Sabbath<br />

School is the firstto report for the<br />

Banner Contest. Their gain lor November<br />

was 8 7-10 per cent. This is<br />

very creditable. Jt indicates work.<br />

May it have an influence in stimulat­<br />

-'"•••"Dr. and Mrs. E. J. M. Dickson<br />

wrote from Victoria, B, C„ December<br />

5th, 1913, as lollows: We sailed Irom<br />

Vancouver this morning on the Empress<br />

of Russia, after a pleasant visit<br />

at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Josiah<br />

Gibson, in Edmonton, Alberta, Our<br />

boat was delayed in sailing on schedule,<br />

and Mrs. Lloyd Dunham, formerly<br />

ot E)r- iMcFeeters' church, very<br />

kindly entertained us in Vancouver,<br />

*''*A few orders have been received<br />

for a picture of Mrs. Ella Ge<strong>org</strong>e Iruit for our trip. We also received<br />

and presented us with a bundle ol<br />

Carithers, suitable for Iraming. If a over CO letters, cards and telegrams<br />

sufficient number of requests come in Vancouver, with congratulations<br />

to hand, an order will be placed lor lor the firstanniversary ol our wedding,<br />

December 3rd, and good wishes<br />

the preparation of such a picture,<br />

which will be sold at 25c each, to lor a pleasant trip. We appreciate<br />

cover the cost.<br />

more fully than ever that we are leaving<br />

behind us many loyal friends<br />

***Dr. Ge<strong>org</strong>e T. Gregg died at whose prayers will be a tower ol<br />

his home near Savannah, Ohio, Nov, strength for work In China, and we<br />

11, 1913. At one time he was a student<br />

at Geneva. Always laithlul and umns for their thoughtfulness.—Dr,<br />

wish to thank them through your col­<br />

conscientious in his profession. Nov. and Mrs, E, J, M, Dickson.<br />

28, 1888, he married Miss Kate Paxton,<br />

who survives him. Their door<br />

was always open to the needy.<br />


It gives a new sense of how many<br />

are the blessin-gs one has to be<br />

thankful lor, when, as he stops to<br />

count them, they still keep coming<br />

and ipile up faster. Thanksgiving Day<br />

in Portland was not allowed to pass<br />

without the good things thus piling<br />

up lor the Frazers, The bairnie was<br />

already tucked in bed, but still they<br />

came. The good people and a few<br />

friends of the congregation came.<br />

They came to the back door<br />

and they came to the front door, and<br />

they all came in bringing their good<br />

cheer with them which shall long be<br />

remembered. In the midst ol it all,<br />

Mr. McBurney introduced Mr, Huff-<br />

Care and discrimination are exercised<br />

in managing the advertising department<br />

of the Christian Nation, and<br />

we must be first convinced that an<br />

advertiser is worthy of confidence<br />

and patronage before his order is accepted.<br />

We cannot agree to become<br />

guarantor, nor to adjust petty misunderstandings,<br />

but for any subscriber<br />

whose account is kept paid up we will<br />

gladly render any reasonable service<br />

in their dealings with advertisers in<br />

this paper. Since the spring of 1911,<br />

investment advertisements of every<br />

kind have been debarred.<br />

The Reformed Presbyterian Clmrcfa<br />

harins no publishing house of its own, its<br />

members are advised to send their orders for<br />

Catechisms, Lesson Helps, Church aod Sabbath<br />

School Supplies of every description to<br />

Cl)epresbpterian Boarder<br />

Withenpooo PUDllCatfOn or urofits<br />

Bldg., Philadelphia<br />

Depositories<br />

rtUUn JO LIGHTER<br />

NoTcl watch-shaped Lighter, Oper-<br />

^ ated with one hand; gives an instantaneous<br />

light every time. No electricity, ho<br />

battery, no wires, non-explosiTe; does<br />

away with matches. Lights<br />

A anything and eyerything.<br />

' gas jet, etc. Dandy thin r<br />

for the end o( your^cha n.<br />

BLENDED IN OUR OWN Tremendous WAKEHOUSE, seller. Writ _<br />

Belfast, Ireland, quick for wholfesale terms<br />

ABSOLUTELY qrp and A prices. DOUBLE<br />

PURE .BrandtMghterto-, I C /\ 5TRENGTH<br />

148Dnanf 6t,,N.\.<br />

1 lb., 60c. 1-3 Vb,, SOc.<br />

Also special 10c, packages.<br />

Sent postpaid on receipt of price.<br />

Ounrunteed better than any One Dollar Tea<br />

Barlow's One Price. Indigo One Quality. Blue Sample wili Free not<br />

Belfast Tea Co., 115 Franklin St., N.Y.<br />

Jn use for fifty years is proof that i*<br />

Spot or<br />

is the best. AU gi'ocers sell it.<br />

If ree Sanmoles Mailed Streak<br />

ADAH PFRonn & CO<br />

Wholatalm Druggltt* Clothes<br />

233 North Second St.,Phllidelphl(<br />


Complete Manual ot several hundred<br />

terse, pointed, appropriate Prayers for<br />

use In Church, Prayer Meetings, Young<br />

People's Society, Sunday Schools, Missionary,<br />

Grace and Sentence Prayers.<br />

Question of How and What to Pray In<br />

Public Inlly covered by model, sugf,<br />

gpsttve and devout Prayers. Vest Pkt.<br />

CHILDRElyj,<br />

' size, 128 page.s, Clotli 25c, Morocco S5c,<br />

^' postpaid; .stamps taken; Aets Wanted.<br />

' GEO. W. NOBLE, Ukeslde Bidq, Chicago<br />

'Teethinc:<br />

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup<br />

has been used forover FIFTY YEARS by MIL­<br />


DREN WHILB TEETHING with perfect SUC­<br />



WIND COLIC, and is the BEST REMEDY<br />

FOR DIARRHCEA. Sold by drtiggittts in everr<br />

^rt of the world.<br />

Twenty-five Cents a Bottl*'<br />

Covenanter Books for Sale<br />

COVENANTER Books, old Books<br />

of Testimony, Discipline, Confession<br />

ol Faith, "Poets and<br />

Poetry," "Homes and Haunts ol the<br />

Covenanters," Catechisms, "Reformed<br />

Presbyterian Manual," "Handbook lor<br />

Young Christians," Minutes ot Synod.<br />

Address:<br />

JAMES S. TIBBY, 408 Penn Building,<br />

Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />

BOOKS—Largest stock of Second Hand<br />

Theological Books in America. Over 50,OC0<br />

volutnes on hand. Catalogues free. Libraries<br />

and collections of Books bought or exohan.^ed<br />


132 E. aSd Street. New York.<br />

cious, even after Thanksgiving dinners.<br />

After this. Psalms were sung,<br />

and there was real thanksgiving for<br />

this expression of loyalty to the banner<br />

ol Christ's truth. We are lew in<br />

number, and we have big discouragements,<br />

but we stand, and work, and<br />

sing together.

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